MLSIAI :: Volume #1

#31 Part 2: Meets the trap colorfully

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journey Xiaoyu said that „the practice uses to the child, is the vertical piano is quite appropriate. The concert wants at home to be luxurious the words to consider the grand piano. The main difference has several places: First, unison even/including Dan time, the triangle string board sensitivity is high, is more suitable to play some speed quick songs, for example everyone quite familiar piano song «Wild Bee Dancing in the air». Second, various grand piano registers are each level clearly demarcated, the timbre is different, but the volume is balanced. The vertical zither | Jean bass is heavy, the tenor next best, the treble volume is lightest. Third, the supple sound footboard of grand piano changes the timbre volume to guarantee that touches the consistency of key. The footboard use of vertical zither | Jean will have the influence on the touch. Most importantly, but must consider that in family/home living room or zither | Jean room area size is whether appropriate. The grand piano sound is sometimes loud and clear, puts in the spacious living room again, if zither | Jean Gai the opening and closing angle is oversized, resonance too loud, will practice badly the ear. The room is too small, must pay attention to adjust zither | Jean Gai the angle to be smaller, making the volume moderate, and reduces the sound the reverberation. Moreover many that the grand piano is on the other hand difficult to serve, if not determined to on the specialized path walk, buys vertical is quite good.” journey Xiaoyu said also used the piano to demonstrate, explanation was also specialized exhaustively. 程晓羽道“给孩子练习使用,还是立式钢琴比较合适。音乐会或者想在家里奢侈一下的话可以考虑三角琴。主要区别有几个地方:第一,同音连弹的时候,三角琴弦板灵敏度高,更适合弹一些速度较快的曲子,比如大家比较熟悉的钢琴小曲《野蜂飞舞》。第二,三角琴各音区层次分明,音色不同但音量均衡。立式琴则低音重,中音次之,高音音量最轻。第三,三角琴的柔音踏板改变音色音量而保证触键的一致。立式琴的踏板使用对触感会产生影响。最重要的,还要考虑家里客厅或者琴房面积大小是否合适。有时候三角琴声音洪亮,再放入空旷的客厅里,如果琴盖的开合角度过大,共鸣太响,甚至会把耳朵练坏。房间过小,要注意调节琴盖的角度偏小一些,使得音量适中,并且减少声音的混响。而且相对来说三角琴难伺候的多,如果不是下定决心要在专业的道路上走下去的话,还是买立式比较好。”程晓羽说的时候还用了钢琴做示范,解释的也非常专业详尽。 That female guardian also asked that according to your view, should that be the grand piano is better?” 那女家长又问“按你的说法,那应该是三角钢琴更好啊?” journey Xiaoyu shook the head saying that cannot look like this, below 100,000 same prices vertical compared with triangle. Moreover the inferior brand grand piano does not have vertical zither | Jean good of big brand.” 程晓羽摇摇头说“不能这样看,10万以下的同价格的立式还是要比三角强的。而且杂牌三角琴没有大品牌的立式琴好。” Several guardians looked the suitable specialty that journey Xiaoyu replied, wanted journey Xiaoyu to help select the zither | Jean, journey Xiaoyu asked their budget, helped select two good domestic-made Pearl River. And shot «Wild Bee Dancing in the air» also says fiercely, seeing on the ponytail miss face that two 6 or 7-year-old children shake also to show the appreciation expression, journey Xiaoyu had sense of achievement that for the first time met the piano. 几位家长看程晓羽回答的相当专业,就要程晓羽帮忙挑琴,程晓羽问了他们的预算,帮忙挑了两台不错的国产珠江。并弹了次《野蜂飞舞》又把两个六七岁的孩子震的直呼厉害,看见马尾姑娘脸上也露出了欣赏的表情,程晓羽第一次有会钢琴的成就感。 Waits for the ponytail girls to complete these two business, journey Xiaoyu selected the guitar, journey Xiaoyu name was king Ouna, oneself took one then to ask the ponytail miss two guitar how much money.” 等马尾姑娘做完这两笔生意,程晓羽又挑了把吉他,程晓羽叫王鸥拿了一把,自己拿了一把便问马尾姑娘“两把吉他多少钱。” The ponytail girls looked under the guitar, turned around to dial the telephone. Waited a while saying that two guitars you gave under 200 meanings on the line. Was thank you helps.” 马尾姑娘看了下吉他,就转身去拨了电话。等一会过来就说“两把吉他你给200块意思下就行。算是谢谢你帮忙了。” journey Xiaoyu found the clue make saying that how that felt all right.” 程晓羽摸摸头说“那怎么好意思。” The ponytail girls said that you, it is estimated that a big business do not run, nothing embarrassed. I must thank you.” 马尾姑娘笑着说“没有你在,估计一大桩生意要跑,没什么不好意思的。我还得谢谢你呢。” journey Xiaoyu looked that this guitar is not expensive/noble guitar access road/simply said „I have not truly helped busy, performed to tell some truth, your was really polite.” Prepares to take out money, king Ou actually prepared 200 in side early. 程晓羽看这吉他确实也不是多贵的吉他便道“我也没帮多大忙,尽说些实话,您这真是太客气了。”就准备掏钱,王鸥在旁边却早准备好了200块。 journey Xiaoyu and king Ouna the zither | Jean packed in bags good zither | Jean, to prepare to walk. 程晓羽和王鸥拿了琴袋装好琴,就准备走。 The ponytail girls walk to keep a name card with the name card, this is in the shop with my father's telephone, has what need to telephone. My name was Fu Xiyue, generally in the weekend here, welcome your often/common to come to play.” 马尾姑娘拿张名片走过来“留张名片吧,这是店里和我爸的电话,有什么需要可以打电话。我叫傅惜月,一般周末都会在这里,也欢迎你们常来玩。” journey Xiaoyu pauses to receive name card say/way my to name be journey Xiaoyu, the Fudan Attached middle school high three students.” 程晓羽停步收起名片道“我叫程晓羽,复旦附中高三的学生。” That ponytail miss is startled aiya at just the right moment, I am the new student/life of Fudan University big business management department. Shanghai High school graduates.” 那马尾姑娘吃了一惊“哎呀真巧,我是复旦大学大一工商管理系的新生。上海高中毕业的。” journey Xiaoyu said that that is truly skillful, I daily in the afternoon also in Fudan music department zither | Jean room/house Lianqin.” 程晓羽笑着说“那确实挺巧的,我天天下午还在复旦音乐系琴房练琴呢。” Fu Xiyue showed the smile saying that I had a schoolmate am the Fudan music department, your guitar ball was so good, the piano definitely also shot well.” 傅惜月露出微笑说“我有个同学就是复旦音乐系的,你吉他弹这么好,钢琴肯定也弹得不错。” journey Xiao the feather somewhat blushes with shame to think that recently had no time to practice zither | Jean Mang to say general general.” 程晓羽有些汗颜想到最近都没有什么时间练琴忙道“一般一般。” I also want to study study the guitar, facilitates to give a telephone, has can consult you who what does not understand?” Fu Xiyue opens the big eye of shining to ask journey Xiaoyu “我也想学学吉他,方便留个电话,有什么不懂的能请教你吗?”傅惜月睁着忽闪忽闪的大眼睛问程晓羽 Such younger sister is always journey Xiaoyu not say/way that is cruel enough to reject line.” Child in pulls out the cell phone from the pants pocket, gives Fu Xiyue. 这样的妹子一向都是程晓羽不忍心拒绝的道“行。”从裤袋子里掏出手机,递给傅惜月。 Saved the telephone, Fu Xiyue delivered journey Xiaoyu and king Ou arrives at the entrance. 存了电话,傅惜月送程晓羽和王鸥到门口。 Waves after Fu Xiyue said goodbye, king Ou studies the enthusiasm of guitar not to be possible to prevent. Holds journey Xiaoyu to yell master, the latter half of one's life of disciple depended on you happily.” 挥手跟傅惜月告别以后,王鸥学吉他的热情已经无可阻挡了。抱着程晓羽大叫“师傅,徒儿的后半生幸福就靠你了。” journey Xiao feather „.” Villainous smile two said that must look that you will display in the future.” 程晓羽“嘿嘿。”奸笑两声道“那得看你日后表现了。” king Ou pulled out the lung saying that immediately from the heart tomorrow moves the hard disk to come to acknowledge as teacher on the belt/bring, inside all was the personal collection.” 王鸥立马掏心掏肺的说“明天就带移动硬盘上门拜师,里面全是私人珍藏。”
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