MIG :: Volume #10

#958: I will give your complete happiness

Chapter 958 I will give your complete happiness 第958章我会给你全部的幸福 „After 0 : 00 o'clock at night, the knight will protect the princess to patrol the streets together. Environmental protection worker who this adopts the abandoned baby, he every day probably is after business street all merchants close, goes out to clean up.” “午夜零点之后,骑士会保护公主一起巡街。这位收养弃婴的环卫工人,他每天好像就是等到商业街所有商户关门后才出去打扫卫生的。” The matter 11 comparisons in incredible nightmare fairy tale and reality, Han Fei continues to read the photo album backward. 荒诞的噩梦童话和现实中的事情一一对照,韩非继续向后翻看相册。 The girl grows up slowly, the congenital mental illness even more is also serious, sometimes she is unable to control itself, will handle some average man unreadable things, the merchants on street incomparably dislikes her, thinks that this lunatic delayed own business. 女孩慢慢长大,先天性的精神疾病也愈发严重,她有时候无法去控制住自己,会做一些常人难以理解的事情,街道上的商户都无比讨厌她,认为这个疯子耽误了自己的生意。 To live, others do not need to pay what price for a unrelated person, environmental protection worker also very clear this point, to prevent the daughter annoys troublesome, he has accompanied in the girl about, when like just adopted the baby girl such, using the not strong body to protect own child. 都是为了生活,别人没必要为一个不相干的人付出什么代价,环卫工人也很明白这一点,为防止女儿惹麻烦,他一直陪伴在女孩左右,就像刚收养女婴时那样,用自己并不强壮的身体保护自己的孩子。 The girl is growing, dustbinman is also getting older and older, the picture in photo album becomes clear, but the person in picture actually becomes old exhausted. 女孩在成长,环卫工的年龄也越来越大,相册中的照片变得清晰,但照片里的人却变得苍老疲惫。 But even again painstakingly again tired, the father and daughter in the photograph, will still show the smile, this is they leaves the gift of oneself world. 可就算再苦再累,他们父女两人在拍照的时候,也会露出笑脸,这是他们留给自己世界的礼物。 When the adopted daughter when the dustbinman side, is always docilely peaceful „”, but once was closed alone at home, or leaves the dustbinman is too long, she manic anxious, becoming is offensive. 养女在环卫工身边时,总是安静“温顺”,可一旦被独自关在家里,或者离开环卫工太久,她就会狂躁不安,变得极具攻击性。 In box some debt bills as if can also be telling, the adopted daughter is not willing to be closed at home, she runs to look for the dustbinman, will be bullied and drive off by the merchant, every so often needs to report to the police, making the police carry off her. 箱子里面的一些欠款账单似乎也能说明问题,养女不愿意被关在家里,她自己跑出去找环卫工,又会被商户欺负、追打,很多时候都需要报警,让警察把她带走。 „On February 19, frightened the customer who the tea with milk shop lined up, seriously affected the tea with milk shop business, the debt 300 Yuan.” “二月19日,吓到了奶茶店排队的顾客,严重影响奶茶店生意,欠款三百元。” „On February 25, looked at the clothes outside the clothing store display window, was driven away has not left, wrestled with the service person, digs injured the face of service person, the debt 800 Yuan, already 315 Yuan.” “二月25日,在服装店橱窗外看衣服,被驱赶还不离开,与服务员扭打,挖伤了服务员的脸,欠款八百元,已还三百一十五元。” „On March 16, stole with the guest leftover dish, after being grasped, wanted to escape, seriously affected the guest to dine, owes the hotel 300 Yuan.” “三月16日,偷拿客人剩菜,被抓后还想要逃跑,严重影响客人就餐,欠饭店三百元。” „On April 1, rushed to the street suddenly, frightens to wait for the guest, owes the inn, fruit shop and tea with milk shop respectively 50 Yuan.” “四月 1 日,突然冲上街道,吓到等候客人,欠旅店、水果铺、奶茶店各五十元。” „On April 29......” “四月29日……” In the family/home simply does not have how much money, dustbinman's savings is used to purchase the medicine for the adopted daughter, he cannot compensate the cost of the loss that others proposed, can only give the IOU. 家里根本没有多少钱,环卫工的积蓄都用来为养女购买药物,他赔偿不起别人提出的损失费,只能打下欠条。 Even in the nightmare, these bills signed in acknowledgment of debt is still who clear, the person writes the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt does not prepare to repudiate a debt, he is thinking frequently must render back the money. 就算是在噩梦里,那些欠条依旧清清楚楚,写下欠条的人并不准备赖账,他时时刻刻想着要还钱。 Initial bill signed in acknowledgment of debt is normal, but the following some bills signed in acknowledgment of debt, seemingly are more like the merchants to their father and daughter expel jointly. So long as almost the environmental protection worker is not at home, the insane daughter will leave the home, this is not very normal. The feeling seemed like some people to tempt her to come out intentionally, helping her open the lock in gate, then the ignores she disturbed on the street, finally imposed all mistakes on her body.” “起初的欠条还算正常,但后面的一些欠条,看起来更像是商户们联手要把他们父女赶走。几乎只要环卫工人不在家,疯女儿都会离开家,这很不正常。感觉就好像是有人故意在引诱她出来,帮她打开了门上的锁,然后放任她在街道上捣乱,最后再把所有过错都强加在她的身上。” Unknowingly, Han Fei turned the photo album final, the fire burnt down many pictures, the last picture that Han Fei can see photographed in the wooden shed. 不知不觉,韩非翻到了相册最后,大火烧毁了很多照片,韩非能看到的最后一张照片是在木棚里拍摄的。 The shed of that wooden shed and western Ping'an Street is completely consistent, the rickets emaciated old person stands in the bedside, writes the braid for the grown up daughter. 那木棚和平安街西边的棚子完全一致,佝偻瘦弱的老人站在床边,为已经长大的女儿编着辫子。 Carefully observed the picture, Han Fei paid attention to a window and door lock: In picture also has the third person probably?” 仔细观察照片,韩非留意了一下窗户和门锁:“照片里好像还有第三个人?” In wooden shed window there, revealed the head of half male student, the opposite party grew the young boy is like Han Fei had seen a moment ago. 在木棚窗台那里,露出了半个男生的脑袋,对方长得和韩非刚才见过的小男孩一样。 But the boy in picture fair and clear, on the face does not have the stain tenderly, the skin can probably pinch the water leakage, Han Fei in the small boy skin that west side the street sees withered wax yellow, on face also dirty. 只不过照片里的男孩白白净净,脸上没有污迹,皮肤嫩的好像可以掐出水来,韩非在街道西边看见的小男孩则皮肤干枯蜡黄,脸上也脏兮兮的。 Two status differed the disparate family to appear in a picture, what did the young boy lie on the girl family/home window is peeping? Each time isn't the environmental protection worker at home, is their brothers two contracting the mental illness girl emits the main house gate?” “两个身份相差悬殊的家庭出现在了一张照片上,小男孩趴在女孩家窗台上在偷看什么?每次环卫工人不在家的时候,是不是都是他们兄弟两个把患有精神疾病的女孩放出家门的?” „The girl spirit that environmental protection worker adopts has the issue, she is unable normal and environmental protection worker exchanges, therefore she was actually unjust each time?” “环卫工人收养的女孩精神有问题,她无法正常和环卫工人交流,所以其实她每次都是被冤枉的?” „The two brothers have said that their family/home is the manager of this street, they want to select such method, this to father and daughter expelling? Also or is this only that brothers two pure practical joke?” “那兄弟俩说过,他们家原本是这条街的管理者,他们是不是想要采用这样的方式,把这对父女给赶走?又或者这只是那兄弟两个单纯的恶作剧?” What the merchants rent is the shop in Ping'an Street, dustbinman who no matter lames, the spirit has the girl of issue, may affect their business, therefore they and street managers are the same battlelines. 商户租赁的是平安街的店铺,不管是跛脚的环卫工,还是精神有问题的女孩,都可能会影响他们的生意,所以他们和街道管理者是同一阵线的。 „To have the method that the person expels, but why will the final wooden shed be burnt? The accident/surprise catches fire, do some people set on fire maliciously?” “想要把人赶走的方法有很多,可为什么最后木棚会被烧?意外失火,还是有人恶意纵火?” This nightmare most desperate place is, the fire burnt down the reality, the death spread new Ping'an Street. 这噩梦最绝望的地方就在于,大火焚烧了现实,死亡铺成了新的平安街。 Outside the secret room heard the sound of footsteps, that several players also came. 密室外面传来了脚步声,那几个玩家也进来了。 Come is very quick.” Han Fei receives the photo album, entered this to be burnt down the most deep place of room, wanted to find the princess crystal shoes. “来的挺快。”韩非将相册收起,进入了这个被焚烧房间的最深处,想要找到公主的“水晶鞋”。 Cleaned up the ashes on wall, Han Fei discovered behind a scorched bedboard small compartmented, inside is piling up all kinds of girl shoes and girl clothing. 清理掉墙壁上的灰烬,韩非在一块被烧焦的床板后面发现了一个小小的隔间,里面堆放着各种各样的女孩鞋子和女孩衣物。 These as if are the environmental protection worker manufacture for oneself daughter personally, some shoes are sparkling, but also on some shoes is sewing the cute baby head picture, each shoes are full of the father love. 这些似乎都是环卫工人亲手为自己女儿制作的,有些鞋子亮晶晶的,还有些鞋子上缝着可爱的娃娃头像,每一双鞋子都饱含着父爱。 „Does princess's clothes brave?” “公主的衣冒间?” On the compartmented wall writes several characters crookedly, the hat character also made a mistake in writing. 隔间墙壁上歪歪斜斜写着几个字,其中帽字还写错了。 Only sees these, Han Fei has been able to imagine has the scene on picture, the person who two fear outside world, hides in this crude wooden shed, the daughter lies on the bed, looks the father excitedly makes the pretty clothes and shoes for oneself personally, then impatient attempts, on the face has the pure smile. 光是看到这些,韩非已经能够想象出照片上的场景,两个惧怕外面世界的人,躲在这简陋的木棚里,女儿趴在床上,兴奋的看着爸爸亲手为自己制作漂亮的衣服和鞋子,然后迫不及待的去尝试,脸上带着纯粹的笑容。 The soul of existing defect snuggles in the same place, the pale yellow light according to them, making them splendid. 存在缺陷的灵魂依偎在一起,昏黄的灯光照在他们身上,让他们熠熠生辉。 Princess's crystal shoes should here.” “公主的水晶鞋应该就在这里。” The compartmented in shoes have, from the baby girl to the little girl, to the female student, the every large or small shoes piles again in the same place, that is the father to the daughter complete love. 隔间内鞋子有很多,从女婴到小女孩,再到女生,大大小小的鞋子摞在一起,那是父亲对女儿全部的爱。 Crystal shoes are the Cinderella turn into princess's key, the environmental protection worker adopted daughter's crystal shoes definitely are she most important shoes, changed her lifetime shoes.” “水晶鞋是灰姑娘变成公主的关键,环卫工人养女的水晶鞋肯定是她最重要的一双鞋子,也是改变了她一生的鞋子。” Squats in front of compartmented, Han Fei turned looked for a long time, discovered unusual shoes. 蹲在隔间前面,韩非翻找了好久,发现了一双与众不同的鞋子。 Any shoes of this shoes in compared with compartmented is big, above stained the bright fragment, various types of well-preserved cartoon labels. 这双鞋子比隔间内的任何一双鞋子都要大,上面沾满了明亮的碎片,还有各种保存完好的卡通贴纸。 The environmental protection worker rarely buys the label, they mostly are pick others to play remaining, the label that therefore the adopted daughter collects is basically tattered, these well-preserved was treated as the most precious treasure by her, does not hate to use. May on this shoes, actually paste completely the complete cartoon label. 环卫工人很少花钱去购买贴纸,他们大多都是捡别人玩剩下的,所以养女收集的贴纸基本上都是破破烂烂的,那些保存完好的都被她当做最珍贵的宝物,不舍得使用。可在这双鞋子上,却贴满了完整的卡通贴纸。 Environmental protection worker is unlikely to take daughter's treasure to make the shoes, said again this shoes are very big......” Han Fei to take up that big shoes: „Can this shoes be the adopted daughter manufacture for the environmental protection worker? The crystal shoes made the Cinderella turn into the princess ; Was adopted by the environmental protection worker, lets the abandoned baby who contracts the mental illness, becomes the princess in Ping'an Street.” “环卫工人不太可能拿女儿的宝贝去做鞋子,再说这双鞋子很大……”韩非将那双大鞋子拿起:“这双鞋子会不会是养女为环卫工人制作的?水晶鞋让灰姑娘变成了公主;被环卫工人收养,让患有精神疾病的弃婴,成为了平安街的公主。” The abandoned baby is a princess, proximal Hachez is the environmental protection worker, that golden pumpkin carriage is the environmental sanitation garbage truck, the big majestic dark horse was they once has fed in the corner the black stray cat. 弃婴是公主,寸步不离的黑骑士是环卫工人,那金色的南瓜马车是环卫垃圾车,高大雄壮的黑马是他们曾在街角喂过的黑色流浪猫。 The foster father of having a thing in the world, does utmost wish to make daughter's world be full of the color. 一无所有的养父,竭尽全力想要让女儿的世界充满色彩。 Because the destiny of abandoned baby the environmental protection worker changes, her crystal shoes are the love of foster father. 弃婴的命运因为环卫工人改变,她的水晶鞋就是养父的爱。 In this had been burnt down by the fire in trash room, that small princess cloak room takes to Han Fei some had never had the feelings. 在这被大火焚烧过的垃圾屋里,那个小小的公主衣帽间带给了韩非一些从未有过的感触。 «My Cure Was Plays the One Xingfu Subdistrict» entity book's first volume of preheating information can meet with everyone the year ago finally! 《我的治愈系游戏壹幸福小区》实体书第一册的预热信息终于能在年前和大家见面了! The first volume of books peripheral designs include: 第一册图书周边设计有: 1 «I Have Risky Room» 2023 latest outside booklets, 一《我有一座冒险屋》2023最新番外小册子、 2nd, cure is the game outside and inside world diffraction grating card, 二、治愈系游戏表里世界光栅卡、 3rd, the Han Fei metal imitates the enamel puzzle badge( all badges may put together black box finally), 三、韩非金属仿珐琅拼图徽章(最终所有徽章可拼成黑盒)、 4 th, character card that three have the voice( paper character card purchasing books deliver, pvc updated version character card can add buys) 四、三张配有语音的人物卡(其中纸质人物卡购书即送,pvc升级版人物卡可以自行加购) The 500 air conditioning sign this waits for everyone! 更有五百空调亲签本等待大家! Year later «My Cure Is Plays One Xingfu Subdistrict» will sell in advance to sell in Taobao Dimension Book Hall Official Self-management Shop officially. Now the preheating link, everyone has been able on demand to add the shopping cart ahead of time, this sells in advance, does not want not to pat. 年后《我的治愈系游戏壹幸福小区》将在淘宝次元书馆官方自营店正式预售开卖。现在预热链接已出,大家可以按需提前加购物车,这个是预售,不要勿拍。 Shows the way: 指路: Wishes everyone Happy New Year, the good luck in everything! 预祝大家新年快乐,万事如意!
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