MIG :: Volume #10

#957: Knight and princess

Chapter 957 knight and princess 第957章骑士和公主 Ping'an Street is a west east business street, on the street has all kinds of merchants, stall keepers and good food shop, the pedestrian comes and goes, even still will be very lively in the night. 平安街是一条东西走向的商业街,街道上有各种各样的商户、摊贩、美食铺子,行人来来往往,就算在深夜也会很热闹。 The entire street is dimmer toward the west side, the environment is worse, Han Fei stands west the street at this time. 整条街道越往西边越昏暗,环境越差,韩非此时就站在街道最西边。 He looks to lead to the unknown dark alley, the lunatic of hitch in alley entrance, felt that this nightmare is not simple. 他看着通向未知黑暗的小巷,还有栓在巷子口的疯子,感觉这个噩梦并不简单。 „Do you name? Your family member? Was who locks you here?” “你叫什么名字?你的家人呢?是谁把你锁在了这里?” The lunatics cannot understand the Han Fei issue probably, opens mouth is various vulgar language, scolded the agitated time, will also throw toward Han Fei, on the nape of the neck the chains stretched straight, made crash-bang crash-bang the sound. 疯子好像听不懂韩非的问题,一张嘴就是各种污言秽语,骂到情绪激动的时候,还会朝着韩非扑来,脖颈上锁链绷直,发出哗啦哗啦的声响。 This street jumps over toward east probably is livelier, is dirtier toward the west, the trash of ground starts to increase, what is strange is in the air that smell that burns the trash actually weakened.” Han Fei a little does not think clearly, the trash piles up completely west side the street, but that sharp aroma source that burns the trash seems like in the east side. “这条街道好像越往东越繁华,越往西就越脏,地上的垃圾开始增多,不过奇怪的是空气中那股焚烧垃圾的气味却减弱了。”韩非有点想不明白,垃圾全部堆放在街道西边,但是那股焚烧垃圾的刺鼻气味源头好像是在东边。 When Han Fei ponders, two boys carry the broken bowl to run over, they seem like brothers two, older that looks 12 and three years old, the appearance somewhat is slightly cut-throat ; The younger that possibility just went to the elementary school, the following Elder Brother, the look is evasive, always a very suffering appearance. 韩非思考的时候,两个男孩端着破碗跑了过来,他们好像是兄弟两个,其中年龄较大的那个看着十二、三岁,面相略微有些凶狠;年龄较小的那个可能刚上小学,屁颠屁颠的跟着哥哥,眼神躲躲闪闪,总是一副很委屈的样子。 These two children seem to have experienced many misery, wants to be maturer than the contemporaries, they packing the broken bowl of leftover dish food left over place by the lunatic. 这两个孩子似乎经历过很多苦难,比同龄人要成熟一些,他们把装满剩菜剩饭的破碗放在疯子旁边。 Smelled the lunatic of fragrance, like the wild dog, lies on the ground, grabs the meal with the hand in the stopper toward the mouth. He seems like can only have food every day, no matter also the meal does have rancid falling, eaten quick. 闻到了香味的疯子,如同野狗般,趴在地上,用手抓着饭菜就往嘴里面塞。他似乎每天就只能吃一顿饭,也不管饭菜有没有馊掉,吃的很快。 Two children also noticed Han Fei, they at first some fears, but saw that Han Fei had not harmed the lunatic, was long also gently, then put down the alert. 两个孩子也注意到了韩非,他们起初有些害怕,但是看到韩非一直没有伤害疯子,长得也文文静静的,便放下了戒备。 After the lunatic finished eating, the younger brother receives the broken bowl, the Elder Brother walks on own initiative toward Han Fei: „Doesn't you seem like the person on this street?” 等疯子吃完后,弟弟去收破碗,哥哥则主动朝韩非走来:“伱好像不是这条街上的人?” „Can you recognize completely the person on this street?” Han Fei asked. “你能把这条街上的人全部认完吗?”韩非反问道。 The Elder Brother shakes the head: I want to remind you, finds a place to stay as soon as possible, after 0 : 00 o'clock at night, if you still take a stroll on the street, will be burnt by the princess.” 哥哥摇了摇头:“我只是想要提醒你,尽快找个地方住下,午夜零点过后,如果你还在街道上溜达,会被公主烧死的。” Princess?” “公主?” She is the owner of this street, vains and insane woman who likes specially competing, she saw the thing that anything likes must take, all merchants from the heart loathe her, but no one dares to express.” The Elder Brother does not dare too to speak loudly, seems like afraid is heard by the princess. “她是这条街的主人,一个特别爱慕虚荣、喜欢攀比的疯女人,她看到什么喜欢的东西就一定要拿到手,所有商户都发自内心的厌恶她,但没人敢表达出来。”哥哥不敢太大声说话,似乎是害怕被公主听到。 Such ordinary business streets and princess two characters always felt that some do not build.” “这样一条普通的商业街和公主两个字总感觉有些不搭。” I have not deceived you, my father is because offended the princess, therefore by her hitch here.” The Elder Brother look is gloomy, is discontented and helpless: Before the father was one of the street managers, after the princess came, compelled insanely my father, she wanted to tell all merchants, did not listen to her words, that becomes will be the same with my father.” “我没有骗你,我父亲就是因为得罪了公主,所以才被她栓在这里。”哥哥神色暗淡,不满又无奈:“以前父亲是这条街道的管理者之一,公主来了之后,把我父亲逼疯,她想要告诉所有商户,不听她的话,那就会变得和我父亲一样。” Elder Brother, we should walk, soon to time.” The younger brother entrained elder brother's lower hem corner, they have other things to do tonight probably. “哥哥,我们该走了,快要到时间了。”弟弟拽了拽哥哥的衣角,他们今晚好像还有其他的事情要做。 Already 11 points?” The Elder Brother nods, after turning around to go out of several steps, probably did not feel relieved, turns head to say toward Han Fei: If you really do not have the place, can first hide from my family, is west lane that wooden shed, although is messy and dirty, but at least can guarantee you to be safe tonight.” “已经十一点了吗?”哥哥点了点头,转身走出几步后,好像不太放心,又扭头朝韩非说道:“如果你实在没地方去,可以先躲到我家里,就是巷子最西边的那个木棚,虽然脏乱,但至少可以保你今夜平安。” Brothers two slightly are running departure, probably entered some store of eastern Ping'an Street. 兄弟两个小跑着离开,好像是进入了平安街东边的某个商店。 Two brothers are very warm-hearted, look at likely the good person, but the Elder Brother is obviously acting in a play, the words that he spoke are actual and fictitious, as if concealed the most essential thing.” Han Fei is the Grandmaster Level actor, then completely understood the Elder Brother performs shoddily. “兄弟两人很热心,看着像好人,可是哥哥明显在演戏,他说的话有真有假,似乎隐瞒了最关键的东西。”韩非是大师级演员,一眼便看透了哥哥拙劣的表演。 In order to find the truth, Han Fei avoided the lunatic who what clothes have not put on, entered that wooden shed. 为了找到真相,韩非避开什么衣服都没穿的疯子,进入了那个木棚。 The shed is crude, the wall leaks out, the master in shed as if the trash that likes collecting to sell for money everywhere, regarded the treasure them, complete village puts at home. 棚子非常简陋,墙壁漏风,棚子的主人似乎喜欢到处收集能够卖钱的垃圾,把它们当成了宝贝,全部屯放在家里。 But the time was long, in the room will send out the stink how cannot clean. 只不过时间久了,屋子里会散发出一股怎么都清洗不掉的臭味。 „Do the two brothers and their lunatic fathers live here? But how I thought that this doesn't seem like their houses?” “那兄弟俩和他们的疯子父亲就住在这里?可我怎么觉得这不像是他们的房子?” In the room the women old slipper, various types of old clothes are also primarily the pink color and white, the desk above pastes the cartoon role that the girl is quite liking, uses the small toy of scrap hand-planted. 屋子里只有女式的旧拖鞋,各种旧衣服也都以粉色和白色为主,书桌上方贴着女孩子比较喜欢的卡通角色,还有许多用废品手工制作的小玩具。 This person is very poor, but can see that the homeowner person loves own child very much, he cannot afford himself toy to do, in the room almost all things prepare to the girl, homeowner probably only then the most basic tableware, as if wants his child to be happy, he will be very satisfied. 这家人很穷,但可以看出屋主人很爱自己的孩子,他买不起玩具就自己去做,屋内几乎所有东西都是给女孩准备的,屋主本人好像只有最基本的碗筷,似乎只要他的孩子开心,他就会无比满足。 „The small thing in this trash room prepares to the girl, why that two boys said that here is their families/home? Is seeing through the appearance, they also probably truly are the life here.” “这垃圾屋里的小玩意都是给女孩准备的,为什么那两个男孩说这里是他们的家?看穿着打扮,他们也好像确实是生活在这里的。” Now in the Han Fei brain has two doubts, the first trash piles up completely west side the street, but burns the trash the smell actually to spread from the street ; In the second western wooden shed trash room is the clothes and toy of female student, but is actually occupied by two boy and a male lunatic. 现在韩非脑中有两个疑惑,第一垃圾全部堆放在街道西边,可是焚烧垃圾的气味却从街道东边传出;第二西边的木棚垃圾屋里全是女生的衣服和玩具,但却住着两个男孩和一个男疯子。 By this thing of Ping'an Street was exchanged?” The Han Fei eye narrows the eyes, he has not stayed in the room is too long, after searching, immediately toward the street east runs. “这平安街的东西两边是不是被互换了?”韩非眼睛眯起,他没有在屋子里停留太久,搜查完毕后,就立刻朝着街道东边跑去。 Over time, the pedestrian on street starts to tail off, about legend that zero point the princess can kill people from now on probably real. 随着时间推移,街道上的行人开始变少,关于零点过后公主会杀人的传说好像是真的。 Stopped in that to the shop entrance that the brothers entered, Han Fei pretended unknowingly toward inside swept one, this was on the street an only inn, altogether three, had more than ten rooms probably. 停在那对兄弟进入的店铺门口,韩非装做不经意的朝里面扫了一眼,这是街道上唯一的一家旅店,一共三层,大概有十几个房间。 Lowers the head the busy time while the onstage sales clerk, Han Fei mixes in quietly, he walks does not have any sound, like only with the cat that the dim light of night fuses together. 趁着前台店员低头忙碌的时候,韩非悄悄混入,他走路没有任何声音,像只和夜色融为一体的猫。 This , is not only your nightmares, is our nightmares, only then massacres the princess, everyone can escape.” The familiar sound spreads from the room, the two children of lunatic probably in this room. “这不仅是你们的噩梦,也是我们的噩梦,只有杀掉公主,大家才可以逃出去。”熟悉的声音从房间内传出,疯子的两个孩子好像就在这屋里。 How should we do?” “我们应该怎么做?” You arrive at Ping'an Street for the first time, the princess does not know your existences, when the princess leaves after 0 : 00 oneself castle, you can sneak secretly, reduce fever crystal shoes that she most likes ‚’.” Elder brother's voice is very low, if not the Han Fei five feeling far supernormal people, is quite keen, does not listen clearly. “你们第一次来到平安街,公主不知道你们的存在,等公主在零点离开自己的‘城堡’后,你们可以偷偷潜入,去烧掉她最喜欢的‘水晶鞋’。”哥哥的声音很低,如果不是韩非五感远超常人,极为敏锐,根本听不清楚。 Is a princess, is the crystal shoes, this nightmare probably fairy tale.” A female player whispered low voice. “又是公主,又是水晶鞋,这噩梦好像一个童话。”一位女玩家小声嘀咕了一句。 „Does castle refer to east the street the highest that building? What appearance are the crystal shoes long? Where will the princess hide it?” Another player is quite discrete, asks is very detailed. “城堡就是指街道东边最高的那栋建筑吧?水晶鞋长什么样子?公主会把它藏在哪里?”另一位玩家比较谨慎,问的很详细。 Crystal shoes in the room in castle most deep place, there also hid have the princess shameful past, she was far from the surface so being sharp attractive, she was ugly, the vanity abnormal monster.” Elder brother's voice is very serious: You must remember ten million/countless, princess's only weakness is to fear the fire, only then the flame can burn down her beloved all, kills her thoroughly.” “水晶鞋在城堡最深处的房间,那里还隐藏有公主见不得人的过去,她远没有表面上那样光鲜亮丽,她是个非常丑陋、虚荣变态的怪物。”哥哥的声音很严肃:“你们千万要记住,公主唯一的弱点是怕火,只有火焰才能烧掉她心爱的一切,彻底杀死她。” In castle won't have the ghost to exist?” The players did not feel relieved. “城堡里不会有鬼怪存在吧?”玩家们还是不太放心。 In the entire castle lives in the princess and her Hachez, two people are always together, after zero point, will patrol the streets together. When the time comes in Ping'an Street has the merchant of opinion also to start to revolt to her, wins the time for you!” In elder brother's voice has the hatred to princess, he as if could not have waited to ruin the princess. “整座城堡里就住着公主和她的黑骑士,两人形影不离,零点后会一起巡街。到时候平安街上对她有意见的商户也会开始反抗,为你们争取时间的!”哥哥的声音里带着对公主的仇恨,他仿佛已经等不及要毁掉公主了。 Good, after zero point, we!” “好,零点之后,我们就出发!” The sound of footsteps resounds in the room, the Han Fei half step leaves, the entire process had not been discovered by anybody. 脚步声在屋内响起,韩非快步离开,整个过程都没有被任何人发现。 The passers- by Ping'an Street are getting fewer and fewer, many merchants also start to close the door, the neon extinguishes, only used for 30 minutes to lonely from the liveliness. 平安街上的路人越来越少,很多商户也都开始关门,霓虹熄灭,从繁华到冷清只用了三十分钟。 Han Fei arrived at east the street ahead of time, saw the princess castle, that is a decoration luxurious western-style construction, the overall tone is the white, the pungent odor that the burning down trash produces spreads from here! 韩非提前来到了街道最东边,看到了公主的“城堡”,那是一座装潢豪华的西式建筑,整体色调为白色,焚烧垃圾产生的刺鼻臭味就是从这里传出的! Looks on the expensive castle, how to have smell that burns the trash?” “一看就价格不菲的城堡里,怎么会有焚烧垃圾的气味?” Han Fei has not submerged the castle immediately, he to hold under duress the boss in way and grocery store of hostage reaches the agreement, boss also very straightforward gave shelter to him, added that here how long he wants to stay. The charm value high advantage fully manifested, the merchants in nightmare are not willing to catch up with him to walk. 韩非没有立刻潜入城堡,他以挟持人质的方式和一家杂货店的老板达成共识,老板也非常豪爽的收留了他,还说他想在这里呆多久都可以。魅力值高的好处完全体现了出来,连噩梦里的商户都不愿意赶他走。 Stayed the night in the grocery store, when zero arrival, Han Fei saw the front door of that luxurious construction to open slowly, the entire Ping'an Street changed in this moment probably, all as if became the dream. 在杂货店呆到了深夜,当零点到来时,韩非看见那栋豪华建筑的大门缓缓打开,整条平安街好像在这一刻发生了变化,一切都似乎变得梦幻了起来。 The hoofbeat resounds, several dark horses drag a pure golden giant pumpkin carriage to drive out of the construction, sits a whole body in biggest that immediately by the knight who the black armor packages. 马蹄声响起,几匹黑马拖着一辆纯金色的巨型南瓜马车从建筑内驶出,在最高大的那匹马上还坐着一位全身被黑色盔甲包裹的骑士。 His military might is grandiose, seems omnipotent, can block all dangers for the princess. 他威武壮硕,仿佛无所不能,可以为公主挡住所有危险。 The horse's hoof falls, the curse is contaminated in the ground, Hachez and his princess start to patrol the streets. 马蹄落下,诅咒浸染在地面上,黑骑士和他的公主开始巡街。 „Is this nightmare a child? Is this fairy tale that she conjectures?” “这噩梦属于一个孩子?这是她臆想出的童话?” Laughter that on the lonely street only then they, in the golden compartment spread the princess, she can obtain wish all probably here. 冷清的街道上只有他们,金色车厢里传出公主的笑声,她好像可以在这里得到想要的一切。 After the carriage leaves, Han Fei goes out of the grocery store immediately, he used the quickest speed to steal into princess's castle. 等马车离开后,韩非立刻走出杂货店,他用最快的速度溜进了公主的城堡。 The castle interior trim is luxurious, is placing all kinds of rare treasures, a large number of gems. 城堡内部装修奢华,摆放着各种各样的奇珍异宝,还有数量众多的宝石。 Han Fei has not cared about these external objects, the passive talent that he plays hide-and-seek was triggered, full speed runs in the building porch: That flavor that burns the trash was getting stronger and stronger, the sources of all smells, probably behind this picture!” 韩非并没有在意这些外物,他捉迷藏的被动天赋被触发,全速在楼廊内奔跑:“那股焚烧垃圾的味道越来越浓了,所有气味的源头,好像就在这一幅画后面!” Stopped the footsteps, Han Fei entered the studio in castle, in front of him was a giant oil painting, what picture was the Cinderella wore the crystal shoes, brought to anticipate that kept an appointment. 停下脚步,韩非进入了城堡的画室,他面前是一幅巨型油画,画的是灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,带着所有期待去赴约。 Han Fei takes off the painting, the stink of irritating the nose heads on, behind that picture is a scorched doorframe. 韩非将画作摘下,刺鼻的臭味扑面而来,那幅画后面是一个被烧焦的门框。 Burns the trash the smell?” “焚烧垃圾的气味?” Slowly forwards, after Han Fei enters the doorframe, the look changed, he can determine that this was burnt down the architectural composition of room, is exactly the same as the trash room that the street west lunatic family of three lives in! 慢慢向前,韩非进入门框后,眼神发生了变化,他可以确定这个被烧毁房间的建筑布局,和街道最西边疯子一家三口居住的垃圾屋一模一样! All the trash of storing up were burnt down, is only left over some residuals of becoming stale, walks in the middle of the ruins, Han Fei also saw was burnt half of pink women slippers. 所有囤积的垃圾被烧毁,只剩下一些发臭的残渣,走在废墟当中,韩非还看到了一个被烧了一半的粉色女式拖鞋。 In Ping'an Street Subdistrict the pedestrians and various merchants who lively, come and go, the princess and her castle, these things give me not a real illusory feeling, only has this burnt down room makes me feel incomparably.” Han Fei thinks that all on Ping'an Street are the nightmare master conjecture, this castle most deep place burnt down room, is representing the nightmare master real living conditions. “平安街街道上的繁华、来来往往的行人、各色各样的商户,还有公主和她的城堡,这些东西都给我一种不真实的虚幻感,唯有这个被烧毁的房间让我觉得无比真实。”韩非认为平安街上的一切都是噩梦主人臆想出来的,这个城堡最深处被烧毁的房间,才代表着噩梦主人真实的生活环境。 Recovers the oil painting, Han Fei closes oneself in the room, he explores on the ruins, finally dug out a rusty iron tank under the ashes. 将油画复原,韩非把自己关在房间里,他在废墟上探索,最终在灰烬之下挖出了一个生锈的铁箱。 In the box is putting one almost by the adoption proof of complete overburning, a worn-out photo album, in that photo album yellowing pictures, recorded process that a baby girl who contracts the mental defective, grows step by step. 箱中放着一个几乎被完全烧毁的领养证明,还有一本破旧的相册,那相册里一张张泛黄的照片,记录了一个患有精神缺陷的女婴,一步步成长的过程。 Adopts the baby girl father is thin and short cripple, he is an environmental protection worker, responsible probably is Ping'an Street. 收养女婴的“父亲”是个又瘦又矮的瘸子,他是一位环卫工人,负责的好像就是平安街。 He who had not married, will some day pick an abandoned baby, supports him who oneself use energy to decide to leave behind this cute girl. 一直没有结婚的他,某天捡到了一个弃婴,养活自己都费劲的他决定留下这个可爱的女孩。 He does not dare the baby girl alone personally used at home, to carry her to work together. When the baby girl is older, he will then place top the girl oneself orange garbage truck, there has him for the exclusive seat of own daughter personally manufacture. 他不敢把女婴独自留在家里,就背着她一起工作。在女婴年龄稍大一些时,他便会把女孩放在自己的橘黄色垃圾车顶部,那里有他为自己女儿亲手制作的专属座位。 They feed the black stray cat of corner together, makes the ring with the can ring, grinds to the gem the beverage bottle fragment, cuts the compact disc to manufacture the sparkling princess skirt. 他们一起喂街角的黑色流浪猫,用易拉罐指环做戒指,把酒瓶碎片磨成宝石,剪开光盘制作亮晶晶的公主裙。 Once they were very joyful, mutually was each other entirety 曾经的他们很快乐,相互便是彼此的全部 Whenever after vividly falls completely, the man likely famous knight will be then common, leads own little princess since the night, here does not have the idle talk of discrimination and others, here belongs to their world. 每当繁华落尽之后,男人便会像名骑士一般,带着自己的小公主进入黑夜,这里没有歧视和旁人的闲言碎语,这里是属于他们的世界。
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