MIG :: Volume #10

#959: Flame

Chapter 959 flame 第959章火焰 Which shoes when Han Fei also in intertwining to carry off, in the air burns the trash the smell suddenly becomes strong, had the smog to flutter following the crack in a door. 韩非还在纠结该带走哪双鞋子时,空气中焚烧垃圾的气味忽然变得浓重,有烟雾顺着门缝飘了进来。 „Did outside catch fire?” “外面失火了?” Carries off for the shoes that the environmental protection worker manufactures the adopted daughter, Han Fei hurries to run the secret room. 将养女为环卫工人制作的鞋子带走,韩非赶紧跑出密室。 In the darkness the flame sparkle, the smog gushes out from the stairway, fills the air in the middle of the castle. 黑暗中火光闪耀,烟雾从楼梯口涌出,在城堡当中弥漫。 Rapid footsteps sound, the two male and one female three players went into the hall, their full head is the perspiration, the expression is very flurried. 急促的脚步声响起,两男一女三位玩家跑到了大厅,他们满头是汗,表情很是慌乱。 „Did you set on fire in the castle?” Han Fei goes out of the oil studio, the eyes is fixing the eyes on three players. “你们在城堡里纵火了?”韩非走出油画室,双眼紧盯着三位玩家。 His sudden presents these players has a scare, after they see clearly the face of Han Fei, in the eye full is surprised: Han Fei?! Wasn't your Xingfu Community captures the sixth nightmare? Why will you appear in the third nightmare?” 他的突然出现把那些玩家吓了一跳,当他们看清楚韩非的脸后,眼中满是惊讶:“韩非?!你们幸福社区不是攻略到第六层噩梦了吗?你为什么会在第三层噩梦里出现?” This is the sixth nightmare!” Han Fei wrinkles the frown. “这就是第六层噩梦!”韩非皱起双眉。 His words make three players panic-stricken, that female player thought of anything probably, looks deathly pale: „The friend who I listen to the business pledge has said that each nightmare will at least even up five players, what you captures is the sixth nightmare, if the population is unable to sufficiently collect, the shrine from the same building will choose the player randomly, will enter nightmare players to supplement to five people!” 他的话让三位玩家心慌意乱,其中那名女玩家好像想到了什么,脸色惨白:“我听商盟的朋友说过,每一个噩梦都会至少找齐五位玩家,伱攻略的是第六层噩梦,如果人数无法凑够,神龛就会随机从同一栋建筑里挑选玩家,将进入噩梦的玩家人数补充至五人!” This rule?” In the nightmare at least needs five players to enter will start, regarding very difficult nightmare, top player not only need face frightened, but must be implicated by the rookie carefully, but also the Han Fei suspicion nightmare arranges, for the opportunity of player performance to give these choices turning to the nightmare. “还有这个规则?”噩梦里至少要有五个玩家进入才会启动,对于高难度噩梦来说,顶级玩家不仅要面对恐惧,还要小心被新人拖累,而且韩非怀疑噩梦这么安排,是为了给那些选择投靠噩梦的玩家一个表现的机会。 Like player who Han Fei this preparation fast passes alone, before did not know about these community rules: Which association are you?” 韩非这种准备单独速通的玩家,以前对这些群体规则并不了解:“你们是哪个公会的?” We come from a very small casual association, everyone is the friend in reality, likes taking risk to decipher.” These players' speech voice in front of Han Fei became low. “我们来自一个很小的休闲公会,大家都是现实里的朋友,喜欢冒险解密。”那些玩家在韩非面前说话声音都变低了。 „Is fire you puts?” “大火是不是你们放的?” Not! We need to find princess's crystal shoes in the middle of the castle, now the shoes had not found, how possibly to set on fire?” Three players jumped sixth from the third nightmare directly, knows after this news, the person were silly, is scared completely. “不是啊!我们需要在城堡当中找到公主的水晶鞋,现在鞋子都还没找到,怎么可能放火?”三名玩家从第三层噩梦直接跳到了第六层,知道这个消息后,人都傻了,全部慌了神。 „It is not the fire that you put, in the middle of that castle also has the fifth outcomer in other words, the player who fifth enters the nightmare should also here!” The smog fluttered the castle, on the street resounded the heavy hoofbeat, Han Fei knows that Duke mainly came back! “不是你们放的火,那也就是说城堡当中还有第五个外来者,第五位进入噩梦的玩家应该也在这里!”烟雾飘出了城堡,街道上响起了沉重的马蹄声,韩非知道公主要回来了! Walks quickly!” Han Fei gets three players to jump the window to leave, they felt that the ground is vibrating now, on the entire street overspread the jet black curse, a Ping'an Street probably flowing black river. “快走!”韩非领着三位玩家跳窗离开,他们感觉地面现在都在震动,整条街上都铺满了漆黑的诅咒,平安街好像一条流淌的黑河。 The big dark horse drags to entrain the pumpkin carriage to drive into the castle, the fire is uncontrolled at this time, the snow white wall was scorched, the flaming flame spreads rapidly. 高大的黑马拖拽着南瓜马车驶入城堡,大火此时已经不受控制,雪白的墙壁被烧焦,熊熊火焰飞速蔓延。 The surrounding merchant no one comes out to help, they hide cheerfully at home looks to reflect red the nighttime sky flame. 周围的商户没有一人出来帮忙,他们躲在家里乐呵呵的看着映红了夜空的火焰。 The fire swallowed the entire castle quickly, in the air burnt down the sharp aroma that the trash produced becomes stronger. 大火很快吞噬了整座城堡,空气中焚烧垃圾产生的刺鼻气味变得更加浓重了。 The castle that most likes was burnt down, a scream broke the night tranquility, the hoofbeat resounded, the princess went out from the pumpkin carriage, the flame dragged on her silver mask. 最喜欢的城堡被烧毁,一声尖叫打破了黑夜的平静,马蹄声响起,公主从南瓜马车里走出,火光在她的银色面具上摇曳。 Hachez crashed in the sea of fire, finally only held several burnt down manual shoes. 黑骑士冲进了火海,最后只抱出了几个被烧毁的手工鞋子。 Castle top collapsing, the flame twisted the construction, twisted the princess. 城堡顶部坍塌,火焰扭曲了建筑,也扭曲了公主。 The princess of going crazy orders Hachez to discover the incendiary, they break open leaves of doors crudely, towed inside merchant. 发狂的公主命令黑骑士找出纵火者,他们粗暴的砸开一扇扇房门,将里面的商户拖了出来。 The extreme innocent person that these merchants display, they have reached an agreement, no one acknowledged. 那些商户一个个都表现的极为无辜,他们早已商量好了,谁也不承认。 The family/home was burnt down by the fire, the most precious thing committed to flames, could not find the princess look of murderer becomes even more ice-cold, she went out from Hachez behind, stands before that group of merchants. 家被大火焚烧,最珍贵的东西付之一炬,找不到凶手的公主眼神变得愈发冰冷,她从黑骑士身后走出,站在那群商户面前。 Is who burnt down my family/home?” “是谁烧掉了我的家?” Princess's voice is very clear, is very moving, but she does not seem to be able to be stimulated intensely, her body some distortions. 公主的声音很清脆,很动人,但她似乎不能受到强烈的刺激,她的身体有些扭曲。 The merchants tremble, but the age very big old person as if received enough the princess, he is looking straight ahead princess's eyes, lifted the walking stick to point at the princess: Fire and we have nothing to do, yourself all unfortunately blames to others on!” 商户们瑟瑟发抖,但有一位年龄很大的老人似乎受够了公主,他直视着公主的眼睛,抬起拐杖指着公主:“大火和我们无关,你不要把自己所有的不幸都怪到别人身上!” „Does my misfortune have nothing to do with you?” As if falls with the skirt swayed that the crystal and silver thread weave on the ground, the princess took down the pure white glove, revealed a hand of burned black distortion. “我的不幸和你们无关?”仿佛用水晶和银丝编织成的裙摆落在地上,公主取下了自己纯白色的手套,露出了一只焦黑变形的手。 Hides Han Fei that watches in the distant place, stared at princess's hand, in the heart was having very not good premonition: Dustbinman in others has the fire time, his daughter also in home?” 躲在远处观看的韩非,盯着公主的手,心中产生了很不好的预感:“环卫工人家里发生火灾的时候,他的女儿还在家中?” The glove falls, the black flame burns on the skin, the princess extended the ugly hand: „Isn't this your masterpieces?” 手套掉落,黑色的火焰在皮肤上燃烧,公主伸出了自己丑陋的手:“这不是你们的杰作吗?” I do not know that what you are saying? Your this lunatic, do not gain others' sympathy in your crazy talks again!” The old person forwarded several steps: Ping'an Street is everyone, here does not welcome you, hopes that do not refuse to own up again here......” “我不知道你在说什么?你这个疯子,不要再用你的疯言疯语去博取别人的同情了!”老人向前走了几步:“平安街是大家的,这里不欢迎你们,希望你们也别再死赖在这里……” The old person is agitated, he possibly also really with fire irrelevant, but his words told only half, followed among his behind several merchants, some people were not careful pushed his. 老人情绪激动,他可能也真的跟火灾无关,但他话说到一半的时候,跟在他身后的几位商户当中,有人“不小心”推了他一把。 Old body forward tipping, stained the palm of flame to hold old person's shoulder. 苍老的身躯向前倾倒,沾满火焰的手掌抓住了老人的肩膀。 The black flame burns instantaneously on the old person, is burning his soul, making the pain that he shouts oneself hoarse yell. 黑色火焰瞬间在老人身上燃烧起来,烧灼着他的灵魂,让他声嘶力竭的痛苦叫喊。 Murder! The princess killed people!” The merchants scatter in all directions to escape, in Ping'an Street a confusion, probably all unfortunate and disaster is the princess brings completely. “杀人了!公主又杀人了!”商户们四散而逃,平安街上一片混乱,好像所有不幸和灾祸全部都是公主带来的。 The flame is burning the body, the old person pain tumbles on the street, but no one comes out to help him, no one spoke for him. 火焰烧灼着身体,老人痛苦的在街道上翻滚,但是没有一个人出来帮他,更没有一个人为他说话。 Yes, I so long as probably touches you, you will blame all mistakes to me! Probably was touched by me will die to be the same!” Princess looks own scorched hand: Since you have felt like this, I became such person to be good simply, after you did not say me to suffer a relapse everywhere, will kill people? Tonight I massacre you completely!” “是啊,我好像只要触碰一下你们,你们就会把所有过错怪罪给我!好像被我触碰就会死一样!”公主看着自己被烧焦的手:“既然你们一直这样觉得,那我干脆就成为这样的人好了,你们不是到处说我犯病后会杀人吗?今夜我就把你们全部杀掉!” Took down another glove, the flame burnt on the princess skirt following princess's both arms, the bright gem and crystal turned into the plastic residual in the black fire, the princess revealed the original appearance, that was a whole body burnt down monster! 取下了另一只手套,火焰顺着公主的双臂在公主裙上燃烧,明亮的宝石和水晶在黑火中变成了塑料残渣,公主露出了自己本来的样子,那是一个全身被烧毁的怪物! Burns you! Burns you!” “烧死你们!烧死你们!” In the flame spreads the sound that the chains made noise unexpectedly, princess when using black fire, oneself are also bearing the enormous pain. 火焰中竟然传出了锁链哗哗作响的声音,公主在使用黑火时,自己也忍受着极大的痛苦。 Hachez following princess, was burnt by the flame silently even, is not willing to retrocede, but the mask covered his face, Han Fei of distant place is unable to see Hachez this time expression. 黑骑士默默跟着公主,就算被火焰烧灼,也不愿意后退,只不过面具遮住了他的脸,远处的韩非也无法看到黑骑士此时的表情。 The fire spread the street from the castle, weeps and wails the sound everywhere, brothers two also from hiding the place ran, they mixed rear the crowd: Why were the crystal shoes burnt down her also to use the flame? Did these outcomers deceive us?” 大火从城堡蔓延到了街道,到处都是哭喊声,那兄弟两个也从躲藏的地方跑出,他们混在人群最后面:“为什么水晶鞋被烧掉了她还可以使用火焰?那些外来者欺骗了我们?” According to the plan of two brothers, the death of watch and clock shop boss can make the princess arouse the popular anger, with the crystal shoes was burnt down, princess's ability will be weakened fast, at this time all merchants collaborated, everyone the princess will kill together, recaptures Ping'an Street. 按照兄弟两人的计划,钟表店老板的死亡会让公主激起众怒,随着水晶鞋被烧毁,公主的能力将被快速削弱,这时候所有商户联手,大家一起将公主杀死,夺回平安街。 Why hasn't flame subsided?” “火焰为何没有平息?” Princess who falls into the violent anger like a mental aberration lunatic, she slaughters on Ping'an Street, as if must burn down the entire street completely! 陷入暴怒的公主就像一个精神失常的疯子,她在平安街上大开杀戒,似乎要将整条街道完全烧毁! Han Fei, can we prevent her?” That high player somewhat hesitates, he trusts Han Fei very much, but at present this situation, if not prevent the princess, the players will also be burnt by the princess, the nightmare is so big, simply does not have the place to hide: We if before burnt down the crystal shoes, collaborated with these merchants, can the result be good?” 韩非,我们是不是要阻止她?”那位高个玩家有些犹豫,他很信任韩非,但眼前这种情况,如果不阻止公主,玩家们也会被公主烧死,噩梦就这么大,根本没地方躲:“我们之前要是烧掉水晶鞋,和那些商户联手,会不会结局会好一点?” You, if really does, can die is very miserable.” Han Fei put out that photo album: „The master of nightmare between Hachez and princess, I thought before this is princess's nightmare, after all here just like an incredible fairy tale. But now I change the mind, I favor this am the dream of Hachez.” “你们要是真那么做,一定会死的很惨。”韩非拿出了那本相册:“噩梦的主人在黑骑士和公主之间,以前我觉得这是公主的噩梦,毕竟这里宛如一个荒诞的童话。但现在我改变了主意,我更倾向于这是黑骑士的梦。” Looks at the princess of control flame slaughter street, Han Fei was recalling that the princess these had the words of logic a moment ago very much, these probably are not true matter that adopted daughter will handle, after possibly is loses the adopted daughter, daughter who the foster father fantasizes. 望着操控火焰屠街的公主,韩非回想公主刚才那些很有逻辑的话语,这些好像都不是真正的“养女”会去做的事情,很可能是失去养女后,养父幻想出来的女儿。 No longer bullied, lets the princess who everyone awes! 一个不再被欺负,让所有人敬畏的公主! Adopted daughter contracts the mental illness, whenever the foster father at home, the child of her metropolis/can supervisee does not let out secretly, causes the confusion, making all merchants dislike. The foster father of going out does not know that the adopted daughter let out by others, therefore he submissive losing money apology, will wait for the foster father to know the truth each time afterward, his heart certainly feels guilty. However simple guilty was unable to multiply the so powerful resentment, is far from wanting the situation of slaughter street, among this also happened certainly to have other matter!” “养女患有精神疾病,每当养父不在家的时候,她都会被管理者的孩子偷偷放出去,引起混乱,让所有商户讨厌。外出的养父并不知道养女是被别人放出去的,所以他才会每次低声下气的赔钱道歉,后来等养父知道真相,他内心一定感到愧疚。但是简简单单的愧疚还无法滋生出如此强大的怨气,也远没有到要屠街的地步,这中间一定还发生有其他的事情!” Han Fei looks at the princess burnt down body, when he sweeps to the princess wrist/skill, suddenly saw the obvious mark, before her the wrist/skill had tied up by anything probably. In the brain flashed through a fearful thought that Han Fei thinks a possibility, he received the photo album, ran with quickest speed western Ping'an Street , North Korea! 韩非看着公主被烧毁的身躯,当他扫到公主手腕时,忽然看见了明显的勒痕,以前她的手腕好像被什么东西捆住过。脑中闪过一个可怕的念头,韩非想到了一个可能,他收起相册,用最快的速度朝平安街西边跑去! Is passed through by the lunatic who side the iron chain locks from naked, the nape of the neck, Han Fei entered nearby wooden shed, he is by child's that powder bed in the room, discovered the rope. 从全身赤裸、脖颈被铁链锁住的疯子身边走过,韩非进入了旁边的木棚,他在屋内属于孩子的那张粉床旁边,发现了绳索。 Perhaps is because adopted daughter each time after the foster father leaves, will run to annoy troublesome, therefore the foster father did tie up her hand afterward in the bedside? Also or is the merchants on street requests the foster father to during the daytime the adopted daughter sleepily at home, cannot affect their business, only then and other allows the adopted daughter to go out in the evening. Actually no matter the fact is anything, when the final result is the fire happened, the insane girl is unable to leave the home.” “也许是因为养女每次在养父离开后,都会跑出去惹麻烦,所以后来养父将她的手绑在了床边?又或者是街道上的商户们要求养父必须白天把养女困在家里,不能影响他们的生意,只有等晚上才允许养女外出。不管事实究竟是什么,最终的结果是火灾发生时,疯女孩无法离开家。” Han Fei looks toward outside following the window, the princess and Hachez hate the street manager, but this, has not locked in him the room even as before. 韩非顺着窗口朝外面看去,公主和黑骑士都十分痛恨街道管理者,可就算这样,依旧没有把他锁进屋里。 Han Fei thinks this is intentionally in the shame manager, now he is clear, originally this is princess's final good intentions. 原本韩非以为这是故意在羞辱管理者,现在他才明白,原来这是公主最后的善意。 They to the matter that the manager handles, once happened in the reality on the insane girl?” “他们对管理者做的事情,是不是在现实里也曾发生在疯女孩身上?” That bundles the chains, whole body clothes does not have, like the dog living lunatic, some probably special suggestion. 那捆着锁链,全身一件衣服都没有,像狗一样活着的疯子,好像是某种特别的暗示。 This house we have also come, listening to nearby merchant to say before , was the princess lives, the two children of manager were very at that time mischievous, frequently made fun of the fool princess, tempted her to go out with various ways. How the once two brothers see the princess not to take the hook, the cigarette butt that but also with has not extinguished threw her......” three players to regard the only hope Han Fei now, pursued Han Fei not to put tightly. “这房子我们也来过,听附近的商户说以前是公主住的,当时管理者的两个孩子很调皮,经常捉弄傻子公主,用各种方式引诱她出去。有一次他们兄弟俩见公主怎么都不上勾,还用没熄灭的烟头扔她……”三名玩家现在是把韩非当成了唯一的希望,紧追着韩非不放。 Cigarette butt that has not extinguished?” All clues connected, Han Fei knows the cause of nightmare. “没熄灭的烟头?”所有线索串联了起来,韩非知道噩梦的起因。 The flame rocks in out of the window, the pitiful yell sound is lingering on faintly, alley entrance that the lunatic goes all out to struggle by the chains is bundling, on his face full is the pain and fear. 火光在窗外晃动,惨叫声不绝于耳,巷子口那个被锁链捆着的疯子拼命挣扎,他脸上满是痛苦和恐惧。 „Can we also be burnt? The princess whole body is the black fire, is unable to approach, is this difficulty of sixth nightmare? The murderer player of first nightmare can defeat jointly, the little rascal who the second nightmare can also use the spell seal, but this princess ghost simply strong oddness!” The players very despair: Should think the means overburning crystal shoes, that is our only opportunities.” “我们也要被烧死了吗?那公主全身都是黑火,根本无法靠近,这就是第六层噩梦的难度吗?第一层噩梦的杀人犯玩家可以联手击败,第二层噩梦的小鬼还可以利用符咒封印,但这个公主鬼简直强的离谱!”玩家们很是绝望:“应该想办法烧毁水晶鞋的,那才是我们唯一的机会。” I reiterated again, here was not the nightmares of these merchants, worked to only have the dead end with them. Even if can successfully kill the princess finally, we do not have the means to leave, these merchants will turn into the new ghost, making us also part of nightmare.” Han Fei has been very sober: „To collapse, only then revolves the master of nightmare to be good, perhaps we should the crystal shoes of princess manufacture, give personally most love her knight, helping the knight should not be hated to embezzle.” “我再重申一遍,这里不是那些商户的噩梦,跟他们合作只有死路一条。就算最后能够成功杀死公主,我们也没有办法离开,那些商户会变成新的鬼怪,让我们也成为噩梦的一部分。”韩非一直都很清醒:“想要破局只有围绕噩梦的主人才行,或许我们应该把公主亲手制作的水晶鞋,送给最爱她的骑士,帮助骑士不要被怨恨吞没。” What are you saying? How amn't I definitely able to understand?” Three players are very vacant, this and they have listened to the Cinderella fairy tale is not quite same. “你在说什么?我怎么完全无法理解?”三名玩家都很茫然,这和他们听过的灰姑娘童话不太一样。 Crystal shoes are representing the foster father complete love , is also representative the insane girl to the foster father complete love, that pair of post completely the shoes of her beloved label, are the fetters between that two incomplete souls.” Han Fei starts to stretch a little bit: Your three physical strengths how?” “水晶鞋代表着养父全部的爱,也代表着疯女孩对养父全部的爱,那双贴满了她心爱贴纸的鞋子,是那两个残缺灵魂之间的羁绊。”韩非开始活动身体:“你们三个体力怎么样?” We are average in addition, possibly be stronger than the average person.” The temperature is rising, is billowing smoky, the fire soon will spread here. “我们都是平均加点,可能要比普通人强一些。”温度在上升,浓烟滚滚,大火即将蔓延到这里。 If possible, you and others in guaranteeing under own safe premise, helping me attract princess's attention, I come to retrieve the reason for them.” Han Fei opened the door of wooden shed, Ping'an Street had changed into a sea of fire, was the whole body burns everywhere the merchant of flame, the princess has been killing to get angry, all active things were the objects who she burnt down. “如果可以的话,你们等会在保证自己安全的前提下,帮我吸引一下公主的注意力,我来为他们找回理智。”韩非打开了木棚的门,平安街已经化为一片火海,到处都是浑身燃烧着火焰的商户,公主已经杀红了眼,所有能动的东西都是她焚烧的对象。 The jet black thick smoke gathers the huge malicious ghost form, the hate and virulent curse must swallow the soul of princess and knight. 漆黑的浓烟汇聚成巨大的恶鬼身影,怨恨和恶毒的诅咒要吞噬掉公主与骑士的灵魂。 Deeply inspires, Han Fei dashes about wildly in the fire and dim light of night, in the middle of vision that in three players shock, he charged into the roaring flame! 深吸一口气,韩非在大火和夜色中狂奔,在三位玩家震撼的目光当中,他冲向了烈焰!
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