MIG :: Volume #10

#954: Emergency meeting

Chapter 954 emergency meeting 第954章紧急会议 When sees Han Fei has no hesitation direct thorn to the red clothes boy chest, the players of three inevitable truth are frightened ignorant, they have never seen the so cruel person, but next quarter they change the view immediately, because they also discover the body in red clothes boy chest. 当看见韩非没有任何迟疑直接刺向红衣男孩胸口时,三名必然真理的玩家被吓懵了,他们从未见过如此残暴的人,但下一刻他们就又立刻改变了看法,因为他们也发现红衣男孩胸膛里的躯体。 „The evil intentions in your heart are fermenting, compelled the hopeless situation that child.” The hand of Han Fei puts in the red clothes boy chest directly, in his pitiful yell sound, takes out the head of strange child. “你们心中的恶意在发酵,把那个孩子逼到了绝境。”韩非的手直接伸进红衣男孩胸口,在他的惨叫声中,将陌生小孩的头颅取出。 You give him to have the nickname to call alien, treats as to while away the time the object of oneself bored time him , compared with him, you are more like the monster.” “你们给他起绰号叫‘外星人’,把他当做消遣自己无聊时间的对象,跟他比起来,你们才更像是怪物。” The remaining several children were afraid, they ran away crazily, but how possibly to run Han Fei of Lord additional physical strength. 剩下几个小孩害怕极了,他们疯狂逃窜,但又怎么可能跑的过主加体力的韩非 Grasps the dagger, has the hide-and-seek talent, on the Han Fei face has the brutal smile, the final villain in probably horror film, in abandoning the work site is pursuing these children. 手持尖刀,拥有捉迷藏天赋,韩非脸上带着残酷的笑容,好像恐怖片里的最终反派,在废弃工地里追逐着那些孩子。 This cast the deep trauma to the player on the scene directly, the net addiction patient even a little regretted oneself were from the beginning loud with Han Fei speaks. 这一幕直接给在场玩家留下了深深的心理阴影,网瘾患者甚至有点后悔自己一开始大声跟韩非说话了。 Only used for five minutes, all children's chests were opened by the sharp blade, each article joined together by the stump residual limb of malicious package together, the disassimilation became a body abnormal thin and small boy. 仅用了五分钟的时间,所有孩子的胸膛都被利刃打开,一件件被恶意包裹的残肢重新拼合在一起,异化成了一个身体畸形的瘦小男孩。 Stays in the night and nightmare, on the boy face always brings laughing foolishly, because he likes looking at the star since childhood, eyah eyah is saying anything to the starry sky, therefore his parents give a name to call Li Xing for him, hopes that he can like the stars that oneself like dazzling. 呆坐在黑夜和噩梦当中,男孩脸上总是带着傻笑,因为他从小就喜欢看星星,对着星空咿呀咿呀的说着什么,所以他的父母为他起名叫李星,希望他能像自己喜欢的星辰一样耀眼。 After the boy appears, two messy buildings stopped swaying, the child probably is the core of this nightmare. 在男孩出现之后,两栋烂尾楼停止了摇晃,那孩子好像就是这个噩梦的核心。 Discards the dagger, Han Fei takes off own coat to throw over on the boy, then sat in his side: What is you looking at?” 扔掉尖刀,韩非脱下自己的外衣披在男孩身上,然后坐在了他的旁边:“伱在看什么?” Bullies Li Xing children to fall down, but Li Xing does not have to pay attention to these, he has been raising head. 欺负过李星的小孩们瘫倒在地,可是李星却没有去关注那些,他一直仰着头。 I...... am looking for the star, why in this piece of nighttime sky doesn't have the star?” “我……在找星星,为什么这片夜空里没有星星?” This by the young boy of children malicious package, had been as if never thought the retaliation, does not have any hate, he has not looked at these abuser one eyes, even if sits by Lannikeng, he looks up to the nighttime sky as before, anticipated that the stars appear. 这个被孩子们恶意包裹的小男孩,似乎从未想过报复,也没有任何怨恨,他没看那些施暴者一眼,哪怕是坐在烂泥坑旁边,他依旧仰望夜空,期待星辰出现。 In the middle of nightmare each resembles people like you are the star, you illuminated this night, are to travel by night the passengers directed the direction.” Han Fei touches Li Xing head, he wants to use the cure personality to Li Xing, but does not have that necessity probably. “噩梦当中每一个像你这样的人都是星星,你们照亮了这片黑夜,为夜行的旅客们指引了方向。”韩非摸了摸李星的头,他本想对李星使用治愈人格,但好像没有那个必要。 I and I cannot understand.” Li Xing grabs Han Fei to throw over in his coat, curious looked to Han Fei: „Can I be the friend with you? I know many and star related knowledge, my parents also promise me, after I grow up, delivers me a genuine tracking telescope, when the time comes I can ask you to look at the star together.” “我、我听不懂。”李星抓着韩非披在他身上的外衣,略带好奇的看向了韩非:“我可以和你做朋友吗?我知道好多和星星有关的知识,我爸妈还答应我,等我长大后,送我一台真正的天文望远镜,到时候我可以请你一起看星星。” Naturally.” “当然。” We are the friends!” “那我们是朋友喽!” Un.” “恩。” Sits by abandoning Lannikeng of work site, Li Xing handed over the first friend in life, perhaps is also last. 坐在废弃工地的烂泥坑旁边,李星交到了人生中的第一位朋友,或许也是最后一位。 The edge of nightmare starts to dissipate, the body of Li Xing disassimilation becomes fuzzy, he does not have to harm anybody from beginning to end: Time, I should not walk early probably.” 噩梦的边缘开始消散,李星异化的身体变得模糊,他自始至终都没有去伤害任何人:“时间不早了,我好像该走了。” Bye, friend of mine.” “再见,我的朋友。” Saying goodbye...... was right, right! I have not known that you name!” “再见……对了,对了!我还不知道你叫什么名字啊!” I called Han Fei.” “我叫韩非。” The last few words did not seem saying that the dreamland then swamped into the body of Han Fei, when he opened the eyes, has returned the Lord city hospital, the three players of white prominent and inevitable truth are standing in the nearby. 最后一句话好像没有说完,梦境便涌入了韩非的身体,当他睁开双眼时,已经重新回到了主城区医院,白显和必然真理的三位玩家都在附近站着。 Made a connection? Did we make a connection with the fourth nightmare?!” The players of three inevitable truth are excited, before the inevitable truth went through customs the teams of four nightmares, the dying in battle rate/lead over 50%, their time achieved no wound entry unexpectedly! “打通了?我们打通了第四层噩梦?!”三位必然真理的玩家非常激动,之前必然真理通关四层噩梦的队伍,阵亡率都在百分之五十以上,他们这次居然做到了无伤通关! Can the so simple entry, completely because of that special player.” The players of three inevitable truth treated the Han Fei attitude to have 180 degrees transition, three people expressed gratitude to Han Fei together seriously: Is we do not realize somebody's highposition or merits, thank two to lead us to go through customs! The convenience asked that...... two do have the processing meeting?” “能如此简单的通关,完全是因为那位特别的玩家。”三位必然真理的玩家对待韩非的态度发生了一百八十度的转折,三人一起郑重向韩非道谢:“是我们有眼不识泰山,感谢两位带我们通关!方便问下……两位有加工会吗?” Han Fei nods, speaks thoughtlessly saying: Xingfu Community, Han Fei.” 韩非点了点头,随口说道:“幸福社区,韩非。” Xingfu Community, white prominent.” What busy although Brother Bai has not added on, but does not hinder him to stick out chest at this time, enjoys vision that others envy, his proud expression seemed like saying- what kind of? Are both of us very strong? “幸福社区,白显。”虽然白哥没有帮上什么忙,但并不妨碍他此时挺起胸膛,享受别人羡慕的目光,他一脸骄傲的表情就好像是在说-怎么样?我们俩很强吧? Xingfu Community? Yellow wins the first association that establishes?!” The net addiction patient stared in a big way the eye, he wishes one could now to himself a palm of the hand, a moment ago in nightmare he worried unexpectedly others will implicate him. “幸福社区?黄赢建立的第一公会?!”网瘾患者瞪大了眼睛,他现在恨不得给自己一巴掌,刚才在噩梦里他居然担心人家会拖累他。 Other things? We must continue to go through customs.” After Han Fei spoke these words, the three players and white conspicuous corners/horns of inevitable truth all twitched. “还有其他事情吗?我们要继续通关了。”韩非说完这句话后,必然真理的三位玩家和白显眼角全部抽搐了一下。 Doesn't rest?” The net addiction patient understands now oneself and disparity of first association player, he fears Han Fei to leave, makes the best use of the time to ask: Big brother, actually I felt that your entry approach and we are not quite same, can divulge all sorts of judgments how under you make? For example, how you guessed correctly that Li Xing can hide in six child bodies? I felt that the psychological normal person, does not think toward that aspect generally.” “不歇一歇吗?”网瘾患者现在才明白自己和第一公会玩家的差距,他怕韩非离开,抓紧时间问道:“大哥,其实我感觉你的通关思路和我们不太一样,能透漏下你是怎么做出的种种判断吗?就比如,你是怎么猜到李星会藏在六个小孩身体里?我感觉心理正常的人,一般都不会往那方面想。” After the net addiction patient said that oneself felt oneself are not a little concerned about face, this type tried to find out with the life the know-how that how possibly did tell the players of other associations casually? 网瘾患者说完后,自己都觉得自己有点不要脸了,这种用生命摸索出来的窍门,怎么可能随便告诉其他公会的玩家? Actually is very simple.” Han Fei has not concealed, more people can the entry nightmare, the difficulty in nightmare whole drop: All in nightmare over time gradually disassimilation, but all in this nightmare are very normal, this explained that the disassimilation happened in the place that we see very much difficultly directly, for example that several children at heart.” “其实很简单。”韩非并没有隐瞒,越多人能够通关噩梦,噩梦整体上的难度就会下降:“噩梦内的一切会随着时间推移逐渐异化,但这个噩梦里的一切都很正常,这说明异化发生在我们很难直接看到的地方,例如那几个小孩的心里。” The net addiction patient they also went through customs the first three nightmares, one understood: Reasonable.” 网瘾患者他们也通关了前三层噩梦,一下就明白了过来:“有道理。” You must understand a matter, no matter these nightmares have how incredible strange, they are some lingering spirit twist, all terrifying fearful things have own reason in the nightmare.” Han Fei sincere saying: Is the frightened time, is you are away from truth nearer time, hopes that you can remember these words, wished you to be able in the nightmare to arrive at a farther place.” “你们要明白一件事情,这些噩梦不管有多么荒诞诡异,它们都是某种执念扭曲成的,所有恐怖可怕的事物在噩梦中都有自己存在的理由。”韩非语重心长的说道:“越是恐惧的时候,也就是你们距离真相越近的时候,希望你们能记住这句话,也祝你们能在噩梦里走到更远的地方。” Hears the Han Fei sincere blessing, the net silver patient even more felt oneself are not a thing, others pass on the experience selflessly, but also leads itself to go through customs, oneself use such attitude unexpectedly from the beginning, his heart is very uncomfortable. 听到韩非真诚的祝福,网银患者愈发觉得自己不是个东西,人家无私传授经验,还带自己通关,自己竟然一开始用那样的态度,他内心很不舒服。 Without the words of other things, we went to next, had the opportunity to say goodbye.” Han Fei held white prominent the arm, white prominent also knows that inevitable truth that three players are looking, he escaped embarrassed directly, braces oneself forwards with Han Fei together. “没有其他事情的话,我们就去下一层了,有机会再见。”韩非抓住了白显的手臂,白显也知道必然真理那三个玩家正在看着,他不好意思直接逃跑,硬着头皮跟韩非一起向前。 Looks at Han Fei and white prominent the fearless appearance, that three players cannot help but sigh with emotion: „The Xingfu Community casual two players come out so to be fierce, association president yellow Ying fearful? Does not dare to imagine!” 看着韩非和白显无所畏惧的样子,那三位玩家不由得感慨:“幸福社区随便两个玩家出来都这么厉害,那会长黄赢到底有多可怕?不敢想象啊!” How haven't they walked?” white prominent after the preparation and other three players leave travels, but the opposite party is actually salute to him: Is sick? Do they have the issue?” “他们仨怎么还不走?”白显就准备等那仨玩家离开后跑路的,但对方却在给他行注目礼:“有病吧?他们是不是有问题?” Han Fei, you walk the slow point to be good, we do not need to worry.” 韩非,你走慢点行不行,我们没必要着急。” Lying trough! I remembered the association warehouse front door to forget to close suddenly!” “卧槽!我突然想起了公会仓库大门忘记关了!” How many physical strengths you added that can this how hand drag me to walk?” “你到底加了多少体力,这怎么一只手就能拖着我走?” I am also the senior of your show business, do you drag me is not quite polite like this? Has the skill you to let go, we conduct the contest in speed.” “我好歹也是你演艺界的前辈,你这样拖着我是不是不太礼貌?有本事你松手,我们进行速度上的较量。” The weightlessness feeling transmits suddenly, after the gray fog diverges, Han Fei and appeared now in the middle of the fifth nightmare white/in vain. 失重感忽然传来,灰雾散去后,韩非和白显出现在了第五层噩梦当中。 This is a jet black room, without the window and gate, the room center is putting two beds. 这是一个漆黑的房间,没有窗户和门,屋子中央摆着两张床。 Ordinary, a strangeness. 一张普通,一张诡异。 „Isn't nightmare bigger and bigger? Did this nightmare change is how small?” Moves toward the bed white/in vain obviously, he discovered that on the bed sheet has some strange things: Han Fei, you come to see quickly!” “噩梦不是越来越大吗?怎么这个噩梦变小了?”白显走向床铺,他发现床单上有一些奇怪的东西:“韩非,你快来看!” Just entered the fifth nightmare, Han Fei discovered that own body had the change, laughs wildly the ghost mark that gave after swallowed two nightmares continuously, becomes even more clear, the fetter of nightmare to Han Fei gradually is also weakening. 刚进入第五层噩梦,韩非就发现自己的身体出现了变化,狂笑赋予的鬼纹在连续吞掉两个噩梦之后,变得愈发清晰,噩梦对韩非的束缚也在逐渐减弱。 Nightmare will be more terrifying in the future, but I jump over become more terrifying...... will also hear white prominent shouting in the future, Han Fei arrives at the bedside. “噩梦越往后越恐怖,但我越往后也会变得越恐怖……”听到白显的呼喊,韩非来到床边。 The left bed is very ordinary, is in a real life very common single bed, above is placing an invitation of one bunch of other shore flower and writing by hand. 左边的床铺很普通,就是一张现实生活里很常见的单人床,上面摆放着一束彼岸花和一张手写的邀请函。 Opens the invitation, inside content lets the Han Fei frown tight wrinkle. 打开邀请函,里面的内容让韩非双眉紧皱。 All in the person who in the middle of the despair struggles, congratulated you to pass the most primary dreamland, now I will give you an opportunity of choice.” “所有在绝望当中挣扎的人,恭喜你们度过了最初级的梦境,现在我会给你们一个选择的机会。” Is placed in front of you have two beds, lies down falls asleep after left this ordinary bed, you with the dreamland will reconcile. After the dream covers the entire city, you then can return to the middle of the reality safely. Your anything does not need to do, only needs here relieved sleeping.” “摆在你面前的有两张床,躺在左边这张普通的床铺上睡着后,你将与梦境和解。等梦笼罩全城后,你便可以安全回到现实当中。你什么都不需要做,只需要在这里安心的睡一觉。” If you chose right that ghost bed, you will continue to sink to the deep layer, in a more terrifying nightmare, you will meet many ghosts, undergoes crazier mental torture.” “若你选择了右边那张鬼床,你将继续沉入更深层、更恐怖的噩梦里,你会遇到更多的鬼怪,经受更加疯狂的精神折磨。” Ok, you can make your choice now, do not have any burden, each five have had has come one time the opportunity.” “好了,现在你可以做出自己的选择了,不要有任何的负担,每过五层都有一次重新来过的机会。” The left ordinary bed represents the fond dream, the right ghost bed represents the nightmare, chose the fond dream to stand on being equivalent in the side of dream, only then the dream achieved the final success, these players can wake up ; The choice nightmare will continue to undergo desperately, ruins the shrine until the players finally, can be separated. 左边普通的床代表美梦,右边的鬼床代表噩梦,选择美梦就相当于站在了梦的一方,只有梦获得最终的胜利,这些玩家才能醒来;选择噩梦会继续经受绝望,直到玩家们最终毁掉神龛,才能脱离。 The fifth dreamland is very simple, very virulent, the invitation of dream is seemingly simple, in fact is the language trap. 第五层梦境很简单,也非常的恶毒,梦的邀请函看似简单,实际上全都是语言陷阱。 First, in the invitation only said after the dream reconciles, what does not need to do then can go through customs, but after has not told specifically the player chooses the reconciliation, will oneself have what to change? Can lose the reason, does the self-awareness fall into the deep sleep, the body is controlled to occupy by the puppet of dream? 首先,邀请函上只说了与梦和解后,什么都不需要做便可以通关,但是却没具体告诉玩家选择和解后,自身会发生什么变化?有没有可能会丧失理智,自我意识陷入沉睡,躯体被梦的傀儡操控占据? Every time goes through customs the opportunity that five nightmares will have to choose one time, but if the player chose the ordinary bed, that is not likely able to wake up again, therefore the opportunity of this choice is actually unilaterally, but is used to seduce these to insist the entry player. 每通关五层噩梦会有一次重新选择的机会,但如果玩家选择了普通床,那很可能就再也无法醒来,所以这个选择的机会其实是单方面的,只是用来诱惑那些坚持通关玩家的。 In the future the nightmare becomes more and more brutal, if unable to go through customs for a long time, the players in Lord city also become desperate, once the negativity starts to proliferate, people who lose the hope will then possibly make not the sane attempt, but this attempt is irreversible, chooses after the dreamland reconciles, will then become the enemy of player, victory condition of both sides becomes different. 往后噩梦会变得越来越残酷,若长时间无法通关,主城区的玩家们也会变得绝望,一旦负面情绪开始扩散,丧失希望的人们便很可能会做出不理智的尝试,而这种尝试是不可逆的,选择与梦境和解后,便会成为玩家的敌人,双方的胜利条件将变得不同。 The fifth dreamland seems like that is the dream is giving the player to choose, is actually wants to split up the player, lets the player civil strife. 第五层梦境看似是梦在给玩家选择,其实是想要分化玩家,让玩家内乱。 In this world most people basic goodness, in front of the life and death important matter, who their usual choices is wins to help anyone. 这个世界上绝大多数人都只有基本的善良,在生死大事面前,他们通常的选择是谁赢帮谁。 If Han Fei and other top players are unable to bring the hope to everyone, that some people may hug hope that” the dreamland gives. 如果韩非等顶级玩家也无法给大家带来希望,那有些人可能就会去拥抱梦境给的“希望”。 The first several nightmares have not taken to the Han Fei frightened feeling, but this nightmare made him feel a chill in the air. 前几个噩梦都没有带给韩非恐惧的感觉,但这个噩梦却让他感到了一阵寒意。 Put down the invitation, Han Fei arrived by the ghost bed with white prominent, under this bed had the weeping sound to spread indistinctly, the shadow is creeping along, on the bed sheet full was the bloodstain, probably just towed from homicide was the same. 放下邀请函,韩非和白显来到了鬼床旁边,这张床下面隐约有哭声传出,还有阴影在爬动,床单上满是血迹,好像刚从凶杀案现场拖出来的一样。 Lies on this bed rests, will definitely have the nightmare.” Although on the mouth said that but white prominent chose the ghost bed. “躺在这床上睡,肯定会做噩梦。”虽然嘴上这么说,但白显还是选择了鬼床。 Different choices are representing the completely opposite destiny, after going through customs fifth, we need to be public this news, to all players explained that the gravity of matter, told them the conspiracy of dream, the flare that hope grasped firmly in own hand.” Han Fei does not prepare to conceal in the middle of nightmare any secret, he and white prominent lay on the ghost bed together. “不同的选择代表着完全相反的命运,通关第五层后,我们需要把这个消息公开,向所有玩家说明事情的严重性,告诉他们梦的阴谋,将希望的火把牢牢抓在自己手中。”韩非不准备隐瞒噩梦当中的任何秘密,他和白显一起躺在了鬼床上。 Two people made the choice, in the jet black room starts to present various ghosts and fearful illusions, the bed disassimilation is a mouth of unknown giant beast, swallows two people together. 两人做出了选择,漆黑的房间里开始出现各种鬼影和可怕的幻象,床铺异化为一张未知巨兽的嘴巴,将两人一起吞下。 The spirit and will started in -depth submergence, entered a more desperate region. 精神和意志开始了更深层的下潜,进入了更绝望的区域。 Opens the eyes, returns to the Lord city hospital, Han Fei this time not to continue to proceed again, he was recalling in all that in the fifth nightmare sees: All players should choose the ghost bed, but some people will definitely choose the ordinary bed to be able what happened curiously.” 睁开双眼,再次回到主城区医院,韩非这次没有继续往前走,他回想着自己在第五层噩梦里看到的一切:“所有玩家都应该选择鬼床,但肯定会有人好奇选择普通床会发生什么事情。” I felt that the dream is impossible to fulfill the commitment, fellow who can create so many nightmares, is disappears the humane anomaly absolutely, therefore easily do not attempt quite well.” white prominent relaxes, the fifth nightmare is only the choice, is not difficult to his determined person. “我感觉梦根本不可能兑现承诺,能创造出这么多噩梦的家伙,绝对是个泯灭人性的变态,所以还是不要轻易尝试比较好。”白显松了口气,第五层噩梦只是选择,对他这种意志坚定的人来说并不困难。 My wish makes some player try the ordinary bed actually, making him choose the hug dream.” Han Fei felt oneself were the time contacts with Shen Luo: „Should back of the head not affect to play the game by a hit/prick blade? Also Shen Luo was almost killed by the subordinate of dream, he should also want to take revenge.” “我倒是想要让某个玩家去尝试普通床,让他选择拥抱梦。”韩非觉得自己是时候联系沈洛了:“后脑被扎一刀应该不影响玩游戏吧?再说沈洛差点被梦的手下杀死,他应该也很想复仇。” „Can this be too dangerous to that player?” white Xianren is very good, the essence is good. “这对那个玩家来说会不会太危险了?”白显人很好,本质是善良的。 Doesn't matter, the fellow can always unexpectedly find a way out.” Han Fei and starts to retrocede white/in vain obviously, two people withdrew from the Lord city hospital together. “没关系,那家伙总能绝处逢生。”韩非和白显开始后退,两人一起退出了主城区医院。 They open the player chat hall, looked at data statistics, now four top associations made a connection with fifth, but everyone has the tacit understanding very much has not continued again downward, seemed pondering choice that the fifth nightmare gives. 他们打开玩家聊天大厅,看了一眼数据统计,现在共有四家顶级公会打通了第五层,但大家都很有默契的没有再继续向下,似乎都在思考第五层噩梦给的选择。 „The inevitable truth, Xingfu Community, business the pledge, Deep Space Tech, makes a connection with the fifth nightmare is the top ten top associations!” white Xiandian chat hall: Must contact with them, what to do has a look their next step to prepare?” “必然真理,幸福社区,商盟,深空科技,打通第五层噩梦的全是排名前十的顶级公会啊!”白显点进了聊天大厅:“要不要跟他们接触一下,看看他们下一步准备怎么办?” Un.” After going out by the hospital that the gray fog covers, in the Han Fei mailbox had received business the information of pledge association president personally transmission, should be Qi told the opposite party all things: „The sense of smell of merchant is keen.” “恩。”走出被灰雾笼罩的医院后,韩非的信箱里已经收到了商盟会长亲自发送的信息,应该是阿琪把所有事情告诉了对方:“商人的嗅觉就是灵敏。” Business the pledge ample funds, have various relations and channels ; The inevitable truth top player is numerous, knows about the game extremely profoundly ; Finally before that Deep Space Tech association actually, is other names, was stranded after the city downcast and player, the associations of several no fame unite immediately, and announced in high profile that they will be Deep Space Tech send in the game the staff of maintaining social stability, Deep Space Tech will not give up everyone absolutely, can lead everyone to leave. These associations usually do not show one's self, after the union, exposed the astonishing strength, was the entire clothing/taking first ten. 商盟资金雄厚,拥有各种关系和渠道;必然真理顶级玩家众多,对游戏了解极为深刻;最后那个深空科技公会其实之前是其他名字,在城市陷落、玩家被困之后,好几个没什么名气的公会立刻联合,并且高调宣布他们就是深空科技派驻进游戏内维稳的工作人员,深空科技绝对不会放弃大家,一定会带大家离开。这几个公会平时不显山不露水的,联合后展露出了惊人的实力,稳居全服前十。 yellow Ying does not have the means to come in temporarily, I first replace him to exchange with other associations.” Han Fei as first association vice-president, sent the invitation mail to the top hundred associations, shared itself free of charge to the views and some entry experiences of nightmare, and with the head agreements of all associations, meets in Lord city central square of 12 : 00 pm, all been stranded player explanation present situations to city. “黄赢暂时没办法进来,我就先代替他跟其他公会交流。”韩非以第一公会副社长的身份,向排名前百的公会发送了邀请邮件,无偿分享了自己对噩梦的看法和部分通关经验,并和所有公会的负责人约定,在中午12点的主城区中央广场碰面,向城内所有被困的玩家说明现在的情况。 After receiving the mail, the Deep Space Tech association first complies, they are equivalent to the officer request, so long as helps the aspect be stable, they can handle anything, therefore full power supports Han Fei. 收到邮件后,深空科技公会第一时间答应下来,他们就相当于官托,只要有利于局面稳定,他们可以去做任何事情,所以全力支持韩非 The goods, information and currency circulate to have the value mutually, business the pledge compared with the importance that anybody unites clearly, therefore they also comply unusual is decisive. 物品、信息、货币相互流通才能产生价值,商盟比任何人都清楚联合的重要性,所以他们也答应的非常果断。 The top 100 associations were stranded the head in game gave the Han Fei response one after another, for middle convenes in «Perfect Life» in view of the emergency meeting of nightmare, this is also the first time that Han Fei before moved toward stage secretly. 百强公会被困在游戏里的负责人陆陆续续给了韩非回应,一场为了针对噩梦的紧急会议将在《完美人生》当中召开,这也是韩非第一次从幕后走向台前。 „Did Han Fei, ask other friends to keep up appearances with me?” white prominent is very clear, in Xingfu Community the ghost are more than person, player radically few. 韩非,用我叫其他朋友撑场面吗?”白显很清楚,幸福社区里鬼比人都要多,玩家根本没几个。 We were enough in the past.” Han Fei switched off the chat hall, turn head looked that to by the hospital that the gray fog covers: How is variable not to come out?” “我们过去就足够了。”韩非关掉了聊天大厅,回头看向被灰雾笼罩的医院:“无常怎么还没出来?”
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