MIG :: Volume #10

#955: Is familiar with my person to know, I am reasonable

Chapter 955 is familiar with my person to know, I am reasonable 第955章熟悉我的人都知道,我是讲道理的 The Han Fei greed personality and variable between has the special relation, even the shrine and nightmare are unable to shut off, he attempts to summon using the greed personality, soon then got the variable response. 韩非的贪欲人格和无常之间存在特殊的联系,就算神龛和噩梦也无法切断,他尝试着利用贪欲人格去呼唤,很快便得到了无常的回应。 Is started to make the sound of to terrify person by the construction that during the gray fog covers, butterfly pattern bewildered dissipation of part of brand marks in construction, the gray fog also no longer continue toward the directional divergence that Han Fei is. 被灰雾笼罩的建筑当中开始发出瘆人的声响,一部分烙印在建筑上的蝴蝶花纹莫名其妙消散,灰雾也不再继续朝韩非所在的方向扩散。 Variable is top Pure Hatred, is twin spends the ghost who Gao Cheng most regards as important, it can be said that Gao Cheng of evil spirit edition, but such powerful doesn't Pure Hatred have the means to withdraw from the nightmare immediately?” Han Fei suspected the nightmare that the nightmare and player who enters variably enter is different, the variable big probability was delivered to other places by the strength of dream use shrine directly. “无常是顶级恨意,也是双生花高诚最看重的鬼,可以说是厉鬼版本的高诚,但这么强悍的恨意都没办法立刻从噩梦当中脱身?”韩非怀疑无常进入的噩梦和玩家进入的噩梦不同,无常大概率是被梦动用神龛的力量直接送到其他地方。 Han Fei can feel variable is approaching, the speed of but coming is very slow. 韩非能感受到无常在靠近,可是过来的速度很慢。 Out of security concerns, Han Fei has not urged variably, making him first pay attention to own security. 出于安全考虑,韩非也没有催促无常,让他先注意自己的安全。 Defends near the hospital exit|to speak, Han Fei puts out the written records, oneself all discoveries and entry experiences in nightmare, as well as all sorts guessed that summarized completely. 守在医院出口附近,韩非拿出纸笔,把自己在噩梦中的所有发现和通关经验、以及种种猜测全部总结了下来。 Other passed by players saw Han Fei and white prominent are not willing to leave for a very long time, whisper, discuss spiritedly. 路过的其他玩家见韩非和白显久久不愿意离开,交头接耳,议论纷纷。 I saw three players in Xingfu Community to enter the nightmare in the morning, finally now comes out two people, was better than the first association, they when the exploration nightmare also met the personnel losses, this place was too fearful.” “我早上看见幸福社区的三位玩家进入了噩梦,结果现在就出来了两个人,强如第一公会,他们在探索噩梦的时候也会减员,这地方太可怕了。” Yeah, their rank is so high is unable to move out, my small trash enters is dies!” “哎,他们等级那么高都无法全身而退,我这个小渣渣进入就是死啊!” „The Xingfu Community personnel losses, I must report to the association, re-evaluated the nightmare difficulty.” “幸福社区减员,我要向公会汇报一下,重新评估噩梦难度了。” „Were you a little myth Xingfu Community? I acknowledged that yellow Ying is divine existence, but this does not represent their association everyone is very fierce, exploring some nightmare people died is very normal.” “你们是不是有点过于神话幸福社区了?我承认黄赢是神一样的存在,但这并不代表他们公会每个人都很厉害,探索噩梦有人死亡很正常。” „The needing myth they, perhaps Xingfu Community like not truly strong, moreover yellow Ying who we think does not seem stranded in the game, lost the first association of first player, is that the first association?” “确实没必要神话他们,或许幸福社区也并不像我们认为的那么强,另外黄赢好像没有被困在游戏里,失去了第一玩家的第一公会,那还是第一公会吗?” Han Fei had not argued, mouth long on others, if cared about view of everyone to live is too being tired. 韩非并没有去辩解,嘴巴长在别人身上,若在意每个人的看法那活着就太累了。 At noon 12 o'clock, were away from Han Fei to be very near variably, but are unable to break through the final level hindrance, variable also worried very much. 中午十二点钟,无常距离韩非已经很近了,但就是无法突破最后一层阻碍,无常自己也很着急。 Through the greed personality, Han Fei comforted variable simply, then leads white Xianchao to advocate city central square to walk. 通过贪欲人格,韩非简单安抚了一下无常,然后带着白显朝主城区中央广场走去。 The major associations had received the Han Fei mail, the forthcoming the emergency meeting is important to the been stranded all players. 各大公会都已经收到了韩非的邮件,即将举行的这场紧急会议对被困的所有玩家来说都非常重要。 The top hundred associations first enter the stadium, strength weak association very aware standing in behind, they emptied the central region, there is the first ten associations. 排名前百的公会最先入场,实力弱的公会很自觉的站在后面,他们将中央区域空了出来,那里是属于前十公会的。 No matter subjugated the paradise channel before, this time is unable to withdraw from the game, the entire city turmoil, times the performance in disaster hardship, established the position of first ten big association. 不管之前征讨乐园通道,还有这次无法退出游戏,全城动乱,一次次在“灾厄”中的表现,奠定了前十大公会的地位。 At noon today the first hundred associations must hold the matter of emergency meeting to spread in the player hall, the entire city 4 million survivors are paying close attention to this special conference, business the pledge also bought the retransmission equipment in city very much intimately, entire city public live broadcast conference process. 今天中午前百公会要举行紧急会议的事情已经在玩家大厅传开,全城四百万幸存者都密切关注着这场特殊的会议,商盟还很贴心的买下了城内的转播设备,全城公开直播会议过程。 However even this, some lots of players gather near central square, wants to look with own eyes. 不过就算这样,还是有大量玩家聚集在中央广场附近,想要亲眼看一看。 12 : 00 pm have arrived, in the first hundred associations there are 99 representatives to arrive, but most central area also vacated a bulk, there leaves the first trade union. 正午十二点已到,前百公会中有九十九个的代表都已经到场,但最中心区域还空出了一大块,那里是留给第一工会的。 This emergency meeting is Han Fei proposed that the first association no one appears now, the conference does not have the means to start. 这场紧急会议是韩非提出的,现在第一公会没人出现,会议也就没办法开始。 Heard that some Xingfu Community also people died in the nightmare, this was not a good sign.” “听说幸福社区也有人死在了噩梦里,这可不是个好兆头。” They are also the players, will be the player will die, will be very normal.” “他们也是玩家,是玩家就会死,很正常。” Xingfu Community membership condition is quite harsh, each member is yellow Ying is selective, it is said that must have the A level talent, " Perfect Life » three lists first hundred are simultaneously good, such person places other associations to be treated as existence of card in a hand, needs to use coming out that the strength of association can train.” “幸福社区入会条件极为苛刻,每位成员都是黄赢精挑细选的,据说必须要有A级天赋,《完美人生》三项榜单同时前百才行,这样的人放在其他公会都是被当做底牌的存在,需要倾尽公会之力才能培养的出来。” Was stranded in the game is unable to withdraw, everyone is very anxious, the issue will then be a little discussed slightly. 被困在游戏里无法退出,大家都很焦虑,稍微有点问题便会被议论。 Person is a much less, how do we go in?” white Xianzhan in the central square surrounding, taking a quick look around is completely a player. “人有点多,我们怎么进去?”白显站在中央广场外围,一眼看去全部都是玩家。 Doesn't matter, they can make way.” Han Fei touches the ghost mark, a disaster hardship and ominous aura gush out from him like the storm, the jet black arm that are engraving the shrine brand mark stretches out from the ghost mark, the big evil raises head to exude one to shout! “没关系,他们会自己让开的。”韩非触碰鬼纹,一股灾厄和不祥的气息如同风暴从他身上涌出,一条条镌刻着神龛烙印的漆黑手臂从鬼纹里伸出,大孽仰头发出一声嘶吼! The sunlight of shallow layer world makes the big evil somewhat uncomfortable, the soul drops poisonously, on it the sharp thorn stretches toward the surroundings. 浅层世界的阳光让大孽有些不爽,魂毒滴落,它身上的尖刺朝周围舒展。 The crowd flees immediately crazily, Han Fei and white prominent sit on the big evil shoulder, walks toward the square center. 人群立刻疯狂逃离,韩非和白显坐在大孽肩膀上,朝着广场中央走去。 The dense and numerous huge crowds make concessions to the two sides, automatic was Han Fei give away a path. 密密麻麻的人海向两边退让,自动为韩非让出了一条道路。 That and that are what things! Looks in the ghost compared with nightmare to be scary! How in the cure game to have such ugly monster!” “那、那是什么东西!看着比噩梦里的鬼还要吓人!治愈游戏里怎么会有这样丑陋的怪物啊!” „Isn't system able to distinguish?” “系统无法识别?” I am not very definite, can have a possibility, is that monster the pet that Xingfu Community somebody raises?” The female player who is holding the small rabbit paper is looking up at the huge body of big evil, the person and rabbit are trembling. “我不是很确定,会不会有一种可能,那怪物是幸福社区某个人养的宠物?”一个抱着小兔纸的女玩家仰视着大孽的庞大身躯,人和兔子都在发抖。 The ground is vibrating, the place that the big evil passes through will leave behind a cursed path, even if it has left does not have the player to dare to stand above. 地面在震动,大孽走过的地方会留下一条被诅咒的道路,就算它已经离开也没有玩家敢站在上面。 white prominent also the first time is saw such scene, luckily he is a professional actor, this has not exposed nice-looking the shock. 白显也是第一次见到这样的场景,也幸好他是一个职业演员,这才没有暴露出眼中的震惊。 Passed through the huge crowd, Han Fei arrived open area that was Xingfu Community. 走过人海,韩非来到了属于幸福社区的空地。 „The top 100 associations arrive in full completely, do we formally start the discussion about nightmare now?” Business the pledge association president waves, Lord city all retransmission equipment were opened completely, in the city all players can see this conference. “排名前100的公会全部到齐,那我们现在就正式开始关于噩梦的讨论吧?”商盟会长挥了挥手,主城区所有转播设备全部被打开,城内所有玩家都能看到这场会议。 Our Deep Space Tech begins.” As „the game official the person, the Deep Space Tech association heads stood, first does not have the apology of nutrition, then also does not have the promise of nutrition, said that Deep Space Tech this is finding the way to rescue everyone full power, fleeing is only a time issue, hopes that everyone is surely calm. “我们深空科技来开个头吧。”作为“游戏官方”的人,深空科技公会负责人站了出来,先是没有营养的道歉,然后又是没有营养的许诺,说深空科技本部正在全力想办法救援大家,逃离只是一个时间问题,希望大家千万要冷静。 Similar polite talk players had heard enough, what they need is can solve the problem the person, truly means that can solve the problem. 类似的套话玩家们已经听够了,他们需要的是可以解决问题的人,还有能够真正解决问题的办法。 After Deep Space Tech representative speaks, not only lots of free players are unsatisfied, the representatives of live first hundred association raised the question. 深空科技代表讲完话后,不仅大量自由玩家不满意,就连现场前百公会的代表都提出了质疑。 Actually this cannot blame the Deep Space Tech person, the game unable suddenly the winding, the Lord city was blocked, can enter cannot leave, these keep the staff in game is a face are also ignorant. 其实这也不能怪深空科技的人,游戏突然无法下线,主城被封锁,能进不能出,这些留在游戏里的工作人员也是一脸懵。 In is unable to obtain in the situation of relation with the outside world, they do not know that outside what happened, only knows the cocoon room hackers of three big criminal organizations recently continuously the crazy attack company wisdom brain, they are unable to determine that had what problem, has first to promise the blank to pledge, lives in the aspect temporarily stable. 在无法和外界取得联系的情况下,他们根本不知道外面发生了什么事情,只知道三大犯罪组织的茧房黑客最近一直疯狂进攻公司智脑,他们无法确定到底出现了什么问题,只好先许下空白承诺,暂时稳定住局面。 Sees the discontented sound to be getting bigger and bigger, the Deep Space Tech representative has the meaning of several points of seeking help to look to Han Fei, after all is Han Fei wants to hold this conference. 见不满的声音越来越大,深空科技的代表带着几分求助的意思看向韩非,毕竟是韩非想要召开这次会议的。 I gave everyone to say some actual things.” Steps on the shoulder of big evil, Han Fei is stepping onto the square center the stage: Believes that many players saw, I and friends of mine enter the city from outside this morning. Most players in our Xingfu Community had not been stranded in the game, but we entered in the middle of the Lord city resolutely.” “我来给大家说些实际的东西吧。”踩着大孽的肩膀,韩非走上广场中心的高台:“相信很多玩家都看到了,我和我的朋友们是今天早上从外面入城的。我们幸福社区的大部分玩家并没有被困在游戏里,但我们还是毅然决然的进入了主城区当中。” In the morning when Han Fei enters the city, caused the stir in the player hall, after the game is unable to withdraw, they are the only reversion enter the player in city. 早上韩非入城时,在玩家大厅里引起了轰动,游戏无法退出后,他们是唯一逆向入城的玩家。 These words, made Han Fei obtain the favorable impression of many been stranded player merely, Han Fei lead the player in Xingfu Community to enter a city to support, this made everyone feel oneself had not been abandoned. 仅仅这几句话,就让韩非获得了众多被困玩家的好感,韩非带领幸福社区的玩家进城支援,这让大家感觉自己并未被抛弃。 Then I with you will share all that oneself know.” The material that Han Fei will reorganize places above the stage: First I want to tell you a matter, in the reality, Deep Space Tech and Xinhu police are rescuing us full power, but in was actually played some strength to interfere.” “接下来我会把自己知道的一切都和你们分享。”韩非将自己整理的资料放在高台之上:“首先我想要告诉你们一件事,现实里,深空科技新沪警方在全力营救我们,但是却被游戏内的某种力量干涉。” Han Fei put out a hand to aim at these nightmare shrines in city: «Perfect Life» that you play cures, warmly, was full of various being positive and progressive mood, you can absorb the forward energy here forever. However the gloomy and negativities in your heart stayed here, they precipitated to ferment unceasingly, formed one with the Perfect Life completely opposite fearful world, there was full of the terrifying nightmare and cruel evil spirit. These shrines are that world take to your evil intention, is this pure evil intention is preventing you from leaving, wants to draw in desperately you middle. We cannot rely on others now, must help oneself, only then makes a connection with all nightmares, ruining the shrine can finish all these!” 韩非伸手指向了城市内的那些梦魇神龛:“伱们所玩的《完美人生》治愈、温馨,充满了各种积极向上的情绪,你们在这里永远都能汲取到正向的能量。但是你们自己心中的阴暗和负面情绪却被留在了这里,它们不断沉淀发酵,形成了一个与完美人生完全相反的可怕世界,那里充满了恐怖的噩梦和残暴的厉鬼。这些神龛就是那个世界带给你们的恶意,也是这股纯粹的恶意在阻止你们离开,想要把你们拖入绝望当中。我们现在不能去依赖别人,必须要自救,只有打通所有噩梦,毁掉神龛才能结束这一切!” Many players cannot understand that the meaning of Han Fei, some players of first ten association also expressed the doubts: Before really had a view, the player is stored in the middle of the hidden map in the negativity in the energetic paradise having, these hidden maps were quite gloomy, it is reported that was the masterpiece of Chairman Yongsheng Pharmaceuticals, as he passed away, the hidden map that all he designed was obliterated!” 很多玩家并不能理解韩非的意思,前十公会的一些玩家也表示疑惑:“以前确实有个说法,玩家在精神乐园里产生的负面情绪都被存放进了隐藏地图当中,那些隐藏地图极为阴暗,据传是永生制药董事长的杰作,不过随着他去世,所有他设计的隐藏地图都被删去了啊!” Also can understand like this, but you need to pay attention to a point, the Perfect Life map that you live only accounts for total map about 5%, remaining 95% abandoned, deeply buries in the darkness hidden map.” Han Fei opened black box both sides simultaneously, he does not prepare to destroy in -depth world thoroughly, therefore needs to make the players know that sooner or later existence in -depth world, he also needs to cure the despair in -depth world with the aid of the shallow layer world. “也可以这样去理解,但你们需要注意一点,你们生活的完美人生地图只占总地图的百分之五左右,剩下百分之九十五都是被遗弃的、深埋在黑暗当中的‘隐藏地图’。”韩非同时打开了黑盒两面,他并不准备彻底毁灭深层世界,所以迟早需要让玩家们知道深层世界的存在,他还需要借助浅层世界来治愈深层世界的绝望。 How you know is so clear?” The representative of inevitable truth is very keen, he remembers in oneself association these had entered hidden map the player: „Do you come from there?” “你怎么知道的这么清楚?”必然真理的代表很敏锐,他想起了自己公会里那些进入过“隐藏地图”的玩家:“难道你来自那里?” Be with smile on the face, Han Fei swept inevitable truth several representative one eyes lightly. 面带微笑,韩非淡淡的扫了必然真理几位代表一眼。 At the same time, the Lord city hospital spreads a loud sound! 同一时间,主城区医院内部传出一声巨响! Covers the gray fog of hospital to be opened, the hospital north wall collapses, a man whole body of wear black robe was teared and bited by the innumerable nightmares, but his goes out from the hospital step by step. 笼罩医院的灰雾被撑开,医院北面墙壁倒塌,一个穿着黑袍的男人全身被无数梦魇撕咬,但他就这样一步步从医院当中走出。 His whole body is the wound, has not actually bled, in the eye the black fire combustion, sending out Pure Hatred can freeze the entire street probably. 他浑身是伤,却没有流血,眼中黑火燃烧,散发的恨意好像可以冻结整条街道。 The nightmare wants to entrain into the hospital the man, but they cannot achieve, after leaving gray fog, was instead swallowed by man one one completely. 梦魇想要将男人重新拽入医院,但它们根本做不到,在离开灰雾之后,反被男人一口一个全部吞掉。 That scene is bloody and cruel, not only strange, and overbearing. 那场面血腥、残忍,既诡异,又霸道。 The players call out in alarm with high voice, scatter in all directions to escape, they think that in the nightmare the most fearful ghost ran! 玩家们尖声惊叫,四散逃跑,他们以为噩梦里最可怕的鬼跑了出来! Pure Hatred gradually draws , after the black robe man eats all nightmares, keeps silent walks toward central square, he along the curse path that the big evil leaves behind, finally stops in the place that Han Fei once stood. 恨意逐渐收拢,黑袍男人吃掉所有梦魇后,默不作声朝着中央广场走去,他沿着大孽留下的诅咒道路,最终停在了韩非曾站立的地方。 The gray fog of Lord city hospital gathers, the wall that but collapses can show that a moment ago what happened is not an illusion, this Xingfu Community player punctured by the construction that the gray fog covers! 主城区医院的灰雾重新聚集,但倒塌的墙壁可以证明刚才发生的并非幻觉,这位幸福社区的“玩家”打穿了被灰雾笼罩的建筑! Hospital exceptionally was retransmitted on the square large screen by business the pledge, at this time in central square gathered the innumerable players, actually no one dares to say anything again loudly. 医院的异常被商盟转播到了广场大屏幕上,此时中央广场上聚集了无数玩家,却没有一个人再敢大声说什么。 Even the representatives of first ten association, now still very tactful closed the mouth, they start to listen attentively to the speech of Han Fei patiently. 就算是前十公会的代表们,现在也很识趣的闭上了嘴巴,他们开始耐心倾听韩非的讲话。 Has not related , although you have the opens the mouth that anything wants to ask, should not be anxious.” Han Fei is staring at the representatives of inevitable truth: Is familiar with my person to know, I am reasonable.” “没关系的,你们有什么想问的尽管开口,不要紧张。”韩非盯着必然真理的代表们:“熟悉我的人都知道,我是讲道理的。”
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