MIG :: Volume #10

#953: The fourth nightmare alien

The Chapter 953's fourth nightmare alien 第953章第四层噩梦外星人 This messy building a lamp does not have, the staircase also without the installment arm rest, makes a false step, possibly the life would have no.” white prominent is following close on Han Fei, he entered the second nightmare to feel to have enough to do before, he is somewhat flustered facing the fourth nightmare: „The nightmare most fearful place is, you never know oneself will encounter what danger, when the ghost and will appear in what way.” “这烂尾楼内部连个灯都没有,楼梯也没安装扶手,一脚踩空,可能命就没了。”白显紧跟着韩非,他之前进入第二层噩梦就感觉很吃力了,面对第四层噩梦他有些心慌:“噩梦最可怕的地方就在于,你永远不知道自己会遇到什么危险,鬼怪会以什么方式、在什么时候出现。” Does not need to confuse own situations, all around the multi- observations, all lingering spirit have the reason, found the illness to be, acts appropriately to the situation is OK.” Han Fei and white prominent entered the left that messy building, in the building piled up with various construction waste, but also some steel bars expose directly on the cement base, if some people do not throw down carefully, the body may be penetrated by the steel bar before directly. “没必要自乱阵脚,多观察四周,所有执念都有产生的原因,找到病症所在,对症下药就可以了。”韩非和白显进入了左边的那栋烂尾楼,大楼内堆满了各种建筑废料,还有些钢筋直接裸露在水泥墩上面,如若有人不小心摔倒,身体可能会直接被钢筋前端穿透。 Slowly moves the footsteps, Han Fei after a building sauntering moment, suddenly stopped the footsteps: What is this?” 慢慢挪动脚步,韩非在一楼转悠片刻后,忽然停下了脚步:“这是什么?” In window outside open area left side of a building, Han Fei saw was almost fallen the telescope that breaks. 在一楼左侧窗户外面的空地上,韩非看到了一个几乎完全被摔散架的望远镜。 Raises head to look upwardly, the altitude of Han Fei range estimate messy building: Telescope falls from the high place, will therefore fall this appearance, why can its master bring the telescope to come to the messy building? What here can see?” 仰头向上看去,韩非目测烂尾楼的高度:“望远镜是从高处落下,所以才会摔成这个样子,它的主人为什么会带望远镜来烂尾楼?在这里能看到什么?” From telescope very near earth pit in the middle , but also is throwing a worn-out baby shoe, what is strange the shoe heel attrition rate is not quite same. 距离望远镜很近的土坑当中,还扔着一双破旧的童鞋,奇怪的是鞋跟磨损程度不太一样。 After receiving this two kinds thing, Han Fei hints white Xiangen in oneself behind. 收好这两样东西后,韩非示意白显跟在自己身后。 Walks, we go upstairs.” “走,我们上楼。” The messy building altogether only has seven, is not high, because the staircase has not installed the arm rest, some places have the serious damage, therefore on wish is not easy to the attic. 烂尾楼一共只有七层,不算高,但因为楼梯没有安装扶手,有些地方还有严重缺损,所以想要上到顶楼并不容易。 Arrives at two buildings cautiously, Han Fei detected that periphery seemed like the tarnish, the atmosphere somewhat was also strange. 小心翼翼来到二楼,韩非发觉周围好像变暗了一些,气氛也有些诡异。 Over time, this nightmare will be probably getting more and more terrorist. 随着时间推移,这个噩梦好像会越来越恐怖。 „The ground has the foot wear impression of child, they hide on this probably.” The passive talent of hide-and-seek was triggered, Han Fei follows the foot wear impression to walk in some direction. “地上有小孩子的鞋印,他们好像就躲在这一层。”捉迷藏的被动天赋被触发,韩非跟随着鞋印朝某个方向走去。 In building pitch-dark, foot wear impression how you discover?” white prominent stared to look to notice carefully good long while. “楼内黑漆漆的,你是怎么发现的鞋印?”白显仔细盯着看了好半天才注意到。 You should not have to study the police to enter 21 items that the crime scene needs to pay attention.” “你应该没有学习过警方进入案发现场需要注意的二十一个事项。” Big brother, not every actor will study these!” white prominent detected that Han Fei has to plant nearly talent terrifying intuition to the crime. “大哥,并不是每个演员都会去学习这些的啊!”白显发觉韩非对犯罪有种近乎天赋般的恐怖直觉。 Moves things out of the way the abandonment the metallic pipe, Han Fei pulls the waterproof plastic sheeting one side, three diminutive forms call out in alarm are rolling up in the same place. 搬开报废的金属管,韩非将防水塑料布扯到一边,三个矮小的身影惊叫着蜷缩在一起。 Do not be afraid, we are not the unprincipled people.” Han Fei is staring at front three children, they at the back of book bag, young, is much longer cute, white and tender, should be at home the little princess and princekin. “别害怕,我们不是坏人。”韩非盯着面前的三个孩子,他们背着书包,年龄都不大,长得清秀可爱,白白嫩嫩,在家里应该都是小公主和小王子。 In messy building is very dangerous, do your three little fellows do here?” white prominent discovered that is three children, relaxes slightly. “烂尾楼内很危险,你们三个小家伙在这里干什么?”白显发现是三个孩子,稍微松了口气。 We and we are looking for the alien.” And a child timid opens the mouth of wear white clothes, he has not said, the child of side another wear red clothes added: Alien hides in this building, if did not find him as soon as possible, he will destroy Earth.” “我们、我们在找外星人。”其中一个穿着白衣服的孩子怯生生开口,他还没说完,旁边另外一个穿着红衣服的孩子就补充道:“外星人藏在这栋大楼里,如果不尽快找到他,他就会毁灭地球。” Alien?” white prominent did not think that in the middle of the nightmare will present what alien, he felt that these three children are playing some game, oneself childhood once like this is also naive. “外星人?”白显并不觉得噩梦当中会出现什么外星人,他感觉这三个小孩就是在玩某种游戏,自己小时候也曾这样天真过。 „Have you seen the alien? What appearance is he long?” With white/in vain obviously opposite, Han Fei performance has the interest very much, he squats before three children, the vision is staring at three children's faces firmly. “那你们见过外星人吗?他长什么样子?”与白显相反,韩非表现的很有兴致,他蹲在三个孩子面前,目光牢牢盯着三个孩子的脸。 „The head of alien is so big, his body high, while low, the walking posture is different from us, the speech is not smooth, the response is quite slow. This is because the alien just arrived at Earth, he needs a process of learn/study, we are unable to drive away him, he will be getting more and more powerful.” The expression of white clothing child is very earnest, he really sees the alien to be the same probably. “外星人的头有这么大,他身体一边高,一边低,走路姿势跟我们不一样,说话也不流畅,反应比较慢。这是因为外星人刚到地球,他需要一个学习的过程,我们无法赶走他,他就会越来越强大。”白衣小孩的表情无比认真,他好像真的见过外星人一样。 In other words, you hide in this building, to hold alien?” Han Fei guessed correctly probably this is some child's nightmare, which child but concrete is, but also is unascertainable. “也就是说,你们躲藏在这栋建筑当中,就是为了抓住外星人?”韩非大概猜到了这是某个孩子的噩梦,但具体是哪个孩子的,还不能确定。 Yes, must find it!” Three children with one voice. “是的,一定要找到它!”三个小孩异口同声。 „After finding it, how do you prepare to do?” The Han Fei eye narrows the eyes slightly: Massacres him?” “找到它之后你们准备怎么做?”韩非眼睛微微眯起:“杀掉他吗?” Was three children, even/including Baixian is incessantly silent. 不止是三个小孩,连白显都沉默了。 How to speak? The aliens must destroy Earth, what do you prevent his method are?” Han Fei looks at three appearance cute children, the smile on face is a little fearful, he put out that from the pocket by the telescope of being injured by falling down: Whose thing is this?” “怎么不说话了?外星人都要毁灭地球了,你们阻止他的方法是什么?”韩非看着三个长相可爱的小孩,脸上的笑容却有点可怕,他从口袋里拿出了那个被摔坏的望远镜:“这是谁的东西?” After three children see the telescope, the expression on face had the changes in varying degrees, is a little flustered, a little fear, was oldest, the stature highest red clothes child stood finally: Is my, before did not fall down carefully.” 三个小孩看见望远镜后,脸上的表情都出现了不同程度的变化,有点慌张,又有点害怕,最后是年纪最大、个子最高的红衣服小孩站了出来:“是我的,之前不小心掉了下去。” You are lying.” Han Fei saying without hesitation: I asked again, whose this telescope was?” “你在撒谎。”韩非毫不犹豫的说道:“我再问一遍,这个望远镜是谁的?” Nightmare will constantly deteriorate over time, or we hurry to look for the alien, although I did not determine that in the world has the alien, but this nightmare obviously is very related with the alien.” Three children have not opened the mouth again, comes out to mediate white/in vain obviously: Where do you see the alien for the last time are?” “噩梦会随着时间推移不断恶化,要不我们还是赶紧去找外星人吧,虽然我也不确定世界上到底有没有外星人,但这个噩梦很显然和外星人有关。”三个小孩没有再开口,还是白显出来打圆场:“你们最后一次看见外星人是在什么地方?” rooftop of seven buildings, the alien in the summon companion, they want to attack Earth.” The white clothing child is somewhat afraid, after he spoke these words, the building obviously swayed, the building body started to incline probably slightly: Did not find him as soon as possible, we will be led by him to other stars!” “七楼的天台,外星人在呼唤同伴,他们想要进攻地球。”白衣小孩有些害怕,在他说完这句话后,大楼明显摇晃了一下,楼体好像开始微微倾斜:“不尽快找到他,我们就会被他带到其他星球去!” Time limit duty?” white prominent remembered in the third nightmare the middle-aged woman to prompt the food to complete in ten minutes, this nightmare was probably more brutal, non- found the alien within the given time, the messy building will collapse probably, buried alive everyone. “限时任务吗?”白显想起了第三层噩梦里中年女人提示饭会在十分钟内做好,这个噩梦好像更加残酷,不在规定时间内找到外星人,烂尾楼好像就会坍塌,把所有人活埋。 Perhaps the death in the children eyes to another star, could not see own parental friend again. 死亡或许在孩子们眼中就是去往另外一个星球,再也见不到自己的父母朋友。 Let three children show the way in front, Han Fei they spent for dozen minutes to arrive at seven. 让三个孩子在前面领路,韩非他们花费了十几分钟才来到七层。 Left side of the messy building extended a six square meters big rooftop, trilateral has not covered, did not have the railing, that rooftop was almost the midair condition. 烂尾楼左侧延伸出了一个六平米大的天台,三边都没有遮挡,也没有围栏,那天台几乎是半悬空的状态。 Alien summoned the companion there before.” The red clothes child hand is pointing at rooftop, oneself actually do not dare to approach. “外星人以前就在那里呼唤同伴。”红衣服小孩手指着天台,自己却不敢靠近。 Han Fei stepped over the junks that is in the way, he tries to step on the left leg in the platform, the ground is not too solid, felt that can only support the body weights of two adults reluctantly. 韩非迈过挡路的杂物,他试着将左脚踩在平台上,地面不是太结实,感觉只能勉强支撑两位成年人的体重。 The vision sweeps to all around, rooftop extends the messy building, stands stands above probably in the night, here is in the middle of the nightmare the distance nighttime sky recent place, what a pity the space does not have the star, thick darkness. 目光扫向四周,天台延伸出烂尾楼,站在上面就好像站在黑夜当中,这里是噩梦当中距离夜空最近的地方,可惜天上没有星星,只有浓稠的黑暗。 The adjustment body, Han Fei is just about to step another leg, suddenly heard very slight sound of footsteps, he turns head immediately, discovered that hid in the following three children proceeds several steps. 调整身体,韩非正要把另外一条腿迈过去,忽然听见了很轻微的脚步声,他立刻回头,发现原本躲在后面的三个小孩往前走了几步。 Your three should...... not be the preparation will push me?” Han Fei with the tone of cracking a joke, said very terrifying words. “你们三个……该不会是准备把我推下去吧?”韩非用开玩笑的语气,说出了很恐怖的话。 Three children shake the head again and again, took advantage of opportunity to block white/in vain obviously between the child and Han Fei. 三个小孩连连摇头,白显顺势拦在了小孩和韩非中间。 Moves in rooftop, Han Fei in the steel bar of rooftop edge some new discovery, that above was hanging the rope belt of telescope. 在天台上挪动,韩非在天台边缘的一根钢筋上又有了新的发现,那上面挂着望远镜的绳带。 Scallop hangs here, did the telescope actually fall downstairs, the owner of telescope had once come to this dangerous platform?” Stands looks in seven building platforms downward, surroundings does not have any protection, so long as were pushed gently, will then fall directly: Children said that the alien once summoned the companion here, this alien likely is the owner of telescope, even alien it is estimated that had been killed by these children!” “带子挂在这里,望远镜却摔到了楼下,望远镜的主人曾来过这个危险的平台?”站在七楼平台向下看,周围没有任何防护,只要被轻轻一推,便会直接摔下去:“孩子们说外星人曾在这里呼唤同伴,这个外星人很可能就是望远镜的主人,甚至‘外星人’估计已经被这几个小孩杀死了!” The messy building rocked very suddenly, Han Fei also frightened unbearable, he turns back immediately: Walks, we go to another building to have a look.” 烂尾楼又十分突然的晃动了一下,韩非也被吓的够呛,他立刻折返:“走吧,我们去另外一栋楼看看。” But this building has not looked, alien perhaps on conceals in some place.” The red clothes boy said low voice, his look and normal child are not quite same, without that pure. “可是这栋楼还没找完,外星人说不定就藏在某个地方。”红衣男孩小声说道,他的眼神和正常的孩子不太一样,没有那种单纯。 Going upstairs time, I had swept probably, in the building, only then several of us living person.” The Han Fei light opens the mouth, these children do not know, what at this time stands before them is Xingfu Subdistrict plays hide-and-seek the first person, the system recognized king of the children, below ten children radically no one is his opponent. “上楼的时候,我已经大概扫了一遍,楼内只有我们几个活人。”韩非淡淡的开口,这些孩子并不知道,此时站在他们面前的是幸福小区捉迷藏第一人,系统公认的孩子王,十岁以下的孩子根本没有谁是他的对手。 Han Fei and maintains the distance with three children white/in vain obviously all the way, they arrive at third floor time, suddenly hears in the right that building to spread a pitiful yell, some player of inevitable truth as if injured. 韩非和白显一路上都与三个孩子保持距离,他们走到三楼的时候,忽然听见右边那栋楼内传出一声惨叫,必然真理的某位玩家似乎受伤了。 Keeps calm, does not need to worry, according to our rhythms traces.” Han Fei is drawing white prominent, they spent for dozen minutes to return to the work site entrance. “保持镇定,没必要着急,按照我们自己的节奏去追查。”韩非拉着白显,他们又花费了十几分钟才回到工地门口。 Two messy buildings rock in the night wind probably, has the risk of collapse anytime, this nightmare is not big, if the messy building collapses, the players have nothing place that can hide. 两栋烂尾楼好像在夜风中晃动,随时都有倒塌的风险,这个噩梦不算大,如果烂尾楼倒塌,玩家们没有任何能够躲藏的地方。 Arrives in front of the right that messy building, the player who Han Fei sees two inevitable truth goes out from the building at the back of an injured player, they also follow behind three children. 来到右边那栋烂尾楼前面,韩非看见两位必然真理的玩家背着一个受伤的玩家从楼内走出,他们身后也跟着三个小孩。 I heard the pitiful yell, were you attacked?” white prominent hopes everyone can unite, he discovered on the player who three inevitable truth is injured, some people of arms were cut, went into the splinter ; Some person of soles were penetrated by the sharp nail ; The most serious that player seemed like from the high place drops, injures the spinal column, the lower part did not have the consciousness. “我听见了惨叫,你们被袭击了吗?”白显还是希望大家能够联合,他发现三名必然真理的玩家身上都受了伤,有人手臂被划破,扎进了木刺;有人脚掌被尖钉穿透;最严重的那个玩家好像是从高处跌落,伤到了脊柱,下半身没有知觉了。 „A your matter?” The net addiction patient is very surprised: In messy building is hiding the murderous intention everywhere, does not have any light, haven't you gone in?” “你们俩一点事都没有?”网瘾患者很是惊讶:“烂尾楼内处处隐藏着杀机,没有任何灯光,你们是不是还没进去?” We have come from seven downstairs.” white prominent sees the pitiful conditions of three inevitable truth players, he also finds it strange, oneself follow Han Fei, simply has not encountered any danger, so long as looked carefully the road was good. “我们已经从七楼下来了。”白显看到三名必然真理玩家的惨状,他也觉得奇怪,自己跟着韩非,根本没遇到任何危险,只要小心看路就好了。 My eyes were used to the darkness, on the road these may injure to our traps, was avoided completely.” Han Fei stares at the left hand of net addiction patient, the opposite party is taking a tattered book bag: Was inferior that we do exchange the clue?” “我的双眼习惯了黑暗,路上那些有可能会伤害到我们的陷阱,全部被避开了。”韩非盯着网瘾患者的左手,对方提有一个破破烂烂的书包:“不如我们来交换一下线索?” Good.” The net addiction patient places the ground the book bag, takes a dagger in the hand: We met these three children in the building, they said that has the alien to hide in the work site, only then found the alien to leave, otherwise the alien will destroy Earth. Then they gave me this blade, said that can kill the alien with it, but we looked everywhere the messy building not to see the alien, therefore I did suspect the alien in your buildings?” “好吧。”网瘾患者将书包放在地上,又将一把尖刀拿在手中:“我们在楼内遇见了这三个小孩,他们说有外星人躲藏在工地里,只有找到外星人才能离开,否则外星人就会毁灭地球。然后他们就给了我这把刀,说用它就可以杀死外星人,不过我们找遍了烂尾楼也没有看到外星人,所以我怀疑外星人是不是在你们那栋楼里?” Han Fei shakes the head, he takes up the ground the book bag. 韩非摇了摇头,他拿起地上的书包。 By the book bag of hit/prick full mud the stopper by the inferior plastic drinking glass of being injured by falling down, in the middle of the book bag textbook damage was been also serious, probably was ripped in the process of wrestling badly. 扎满泥泞的书包旁边塞着一个被摔坏的劣质塑料水杯,书包当中的课本也缺损严重,好像是在扭打的过程中被撕坏了。 The owner of book bag is young, the work writes neatly, is a very earnest person, but the learning capability is very bad, ten problems can wrong half. 书包的主人年纪不大,作业写得工工整整,是个很认真的人,不过学习能力很差,十道题能错一半。 Puts away the exercise book, Han Fei puts out by the plastic bottle of being injured by falling down: In his family/home should be not wealthy, what used is in the market the cheapest plastic cup, the stationery is few, the book bag also has the trace of sewing.” 将习题册放好,韩非又拿出被摔坏的塑料瓶:“他家里应该不怎么富裕,用的是市面上最便宜的塑料杯子,文具很少,书包也有缝补的痕迹。” Opened the zipper, Han Fei looked for two small bottle medicines in the band of book bag, because the packing was torn up, his not clear this was what medicine, but he can determine a matter, the master body of book bag contracts the disease, needed momentarily the medicine belt/bring in the side. 拉开拉链,韩非又在书包的夹层里找了两小瓶药,因为包装被撕掉,他也不清楚这是什么药物,但他能够确定一件事,书包的主人身体患有疾病,需要随时把药带在身边。 Opened the textbook, Han Fei saw the name of book bag owner- Li Xing. 翻开课本,韩非看到了书包主人的名字-李星。 „Is anyone of you name called Li Xing?” Han Fei looks to six children. “你们谁的名字叫做李星?”韩非看向六位小孩。 Should be that side you, the three children in right building I have asked that no one is called Li Xing.” The net addiction patient aimed at white prominent behind three children. “应该是你们那边的,右边这栋楼的三个孩子我都问过了,没人叫做李星。”网瘾患者指向了白显身后的三个小孩。 Your three who name was Li Xing ? Han Fei sound with usually almost, but after even/including Baixian hears, can feel a chill in the air. “你们三个谁叫李星?”韩非的声音跟平时差不多,但连白显听到后都能感到一丝寒意。 If you no one acknowledged that explained on this work site also to have the seventh child, in his book bag full was the mud, the textbook is torn to pieces, his disappearance should be related with you.” Han Fei saying every single word or phrase. “如果你们没人承认,那说明这工地上还有第七个孩子,他书包上满是泥泞,课本被撕破,他的消失应该和你们有关。”韩非一字一句的说道。 I am called Li Xing.” The red clothes boy stood again, he is oldest, when other children are tense, most normalcy that he displays. “我叫做李星。”红衣男孩再次站了出来,他年纪最大,在其他孩子紧张的时候,他表现的最正常。 Real?” Han Fei puts out in the middle of the book bag textbook, asked casually several issues, the red clothes answered, this child is very intelligent, quick that the brain transfers, but through the simple several issues, Han Fei can also judge, the red clothes boy at all is not Li Xing: In exercise book a checking calculation step big pile, final ten topic wrong five, you actually not can say the right key hesitant, Li Xing must have you is so intelligent, it is estimated that will not be bullied.” “真的吗?”韩非拿出书包当中的课本,随便问了几个问题,红衣都答了出来,这孩子很聪明,脑子转的很快,但通过简简单单的几个问题,韩非也能够判断,红衣男孩根本不是李星:“习题册上验算步骤一大堆,最后十道题错五道,你却不怎么犹豫就能说出正确答案,李星要有你这么聪明,估计就不会被欺负了。” Clothes that seizes the red clothes boy, Han Fei single-handed lifted it. 一把揪住红衣男孩的衣服,韩非单手将其举了起来。 You are calm! These children were we found the key clue of alien!” Some player of inevitable truth wants to stop Han Fei: Did not find the alien, the messy building will collapse, everyone all could not live.” “你冷静!这些孩子是我们找到外星人的关键线索!”必然真理的某位玩家想要阻拦韩非:“不找到外星人,烂尾楼就会坍塌,大家全都活不了。” „Do you really think on this work site to have the alien?” Han Fei seized the nape of the neck of red clothes child: I have listened to the children to alien's description, that alien body is abnormal, the shoulder height is different, walks to lame, the response is slow, is a little silly, are these characteristics and actual master Li Xing of book bag look like very much? Bold guess, Li Xing because of some disease, causing the body to be incomplete, the intelligence quotient is quite low, therefore the surrounding little friends thought that he is not a normal person, regarding the fool plays tricks on, called him alien.” “你们真以为这工地上有外星人吗?”韩非掐住了红衣小孩的脖颈:“我听过孩子们对外星人的描述,那个外星人身体畸形,肩膀高低不同,走路跛脚,反应慢,有点傻,这些特征是不是和书包的真正主人李星很像?再大胆的猜测一下,李星因为某种疾病,导致身体残缺,智商比较低,所以周围的小伙伴们觉得他不是正常人,把当成傻子戏弄,称他为‘外星人’。” Han Fei places by that shoe heel attrition rate different baby shoes the book bag: „The master both legs of baby shoe make an effort non-uniform, seems familiar with the left leg, if the baby shoe and telescope are Li Xing, that all can talk clearly.” 韩非将那双鞋跟磨损程度不同的童鞋放在书包旁边:“童鞋的主人双腿用力不均匀,似乎更习惯用左腿,如果童鞋和望远镜都是李星的,那一切都能说清楚了。” His look becomes ice-cold fearful: Li Xing is that was compelled seven building rooftop alien, because these six children killed Li Xing fun. I have had that picture conceivably, body abnormal Li Xing am taken into the right messy building to bully by them, Li Xing wants the escaping result to be caught up. Then they arrived at seven building rooftop Li Xingbi, looked performance that alien trembles summoned companion, finally Li Xing dropped from the seventh floors. In their mouth alien, returned own star.” 他眼神变得冰冷可怕:“李星就是那个被逼上七楼天台的‘外星人’,这六个孩子因为好玩杀死了李星。我已经可以想象出那个画面,身体畸形的李星被他们带进右边的烂尾楼内欺负,李星想要逃跑结果被追上。然后他们将李星逼到了七楼天台,看‘外星人’瑟瑟发抖的表演‘呼唤同伴’,最终李星从七楼跌落。他们口中的‘外星人’,回到了自己的‘星球’。” The hand of Han Fei makes an effort more and more, the red clothes child has not gasped for breath: When enters the left messy building I do not feel right, in the building many traps deliberately arrange, these children are actually not naive, they have wanted to kill us.” 韩非的手越来越用力,红衣小孩已经喘不过气了:“早在进入左边烂尾楼的时候我就感觉不对,楼内很多陷阱都是刻意布置出来的,这些小孩其实并不天真,他们一直想要杀死我们。” To urge Han Fei calm white prominent, stopped in same place, he thinks that in the building was very safe, has not thought that was because Han Fei discovered all traps ahead of time. 本想劝韩非冷静的白显,停在了原地,他本以为楼内很安全,没想到是因为韩非提前发现了所有陷阱。 This group of child mouth evil aliens are an innocent victim, they are using the shoddiest excuse, gets free for own crime.” The Han Fei look is fixing the eyes on the red clothes young boy: Unprincipled person is whether old or young.” “这群孩子嘴里邪恶的外星人是个无辜的受害者,他们在用最拙劣的借口,为自己的罪行开脱。”韩非的眼神紧盯着红衣小男孩:“坏人是不分年龄的。” The high towers of seven story-high rock even more fierce, the ground is also shivering slightly, now the situation is very critical. 七层高的危楼晃动的愈发剧烈,地面也在微微颤抖,现在情况十分危急。 How can we find Li Xing?” The net addiction patient looks to the work site earth pit: Your baby shoe in the earth pit discovered, these children did get buried into Li Xing the earth pit?” “那我们怎么才能找到李星?”网瘾患者看向工地左边的土坑:“你的童鞋是在土坑里发现的,这些小孩是不是把李星埋进了土坑里?” The players and white of prominent three inevitable truth run together toward the earth pit, they go all out to dig downward, but only dug out the bloodstained children's clothing. 三位必然真理的玩家和白显一起朝土坑跑去,他们拼命向下挖,但只挖出了染血的童装。 Entry nightmare needs to find the alien, but alien has the malicious nickname is being the children imposes on Li star, therefore the true alien from these six children, true evil should hide in their at heart.” Han Fei attained that the dagger, his without hesitation thorn to red clothes child chest. “通关噩梦需要找到外星人,而外星人这个带着恶意的绰号是孩子们强加给李星的,所以真正的外星人源自这六个孩子,真正的邪恶应该藏在他们的心里。”韩非拿到了那把尖刀,他毫不犹豫刺向红衣小孩心口。 The knife point cut the skin, but the wound place does not have the blood to flow out, the chest cavity of red clothes child rotten disassimilation is hiding another child's some bodies. 刀尖划破了皮肤,但是伤口处却没有血液流出,红衣小孩腐烂异化的胸腔内部藏着另外一个孩子的部分躯体。
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