MIG :: Volume #10

#952: The player of cure nightmare

The cell phone bell sound in living room, then to the couple no longer dashing burglar-proof door of body distortion, in the corridor suddenly became peaceful. 客厅内的手机铃声响了一下,那对身体畸变的夫妻不再冲撞防盗门,楼道内突然变得安静了下来。 The player of full cold sweat retrocedes again and again, stature most grandiose likes me such as the smoke even frightening the leg that to become tender, almost tumbles in the staircase. 满头冷汗的玩家连连后退,身材最壮硕的爱我如烟甚至吓的腿发软,差点在楼梯上跌倒。 Finally can catch one's breath.” Three players ran following the staircase downward, were far away from the door. “终于能缓口气了。”三名玩家顺着楼梯往下跑,远离了房门。 „Do you prepare?” Han Fei held shoulder that loves me such as the smoke: Upstairs and downstairs is a blind alley, wants to leave can only walk from here.” “你们准备去哪?”韩非抓住了爱我如烟的肩膀:“楼上楼下都是死路,想要离开只能从这里走。” Walks from here?” Liked me such as about the smoke looking, finally looked to the corridor window. “从这里走?”爱我如烟左右看了看,最后望向了楼道窗户。 Ok, we went home together.” The Han Fei speech sound and tone are changing slowly, as gradually immerses into the identity of dead, on Han Fei callous and silent completely vanishes, his facial expression becomes gentle, in the eye brings the joy of going home, that is expectation to reunion. “好了,我们一起回家吧。”韩非的说话声音和语气在慢慢发生改变,随着逐渐沉浸入死者的身份,韩非身上的冷酷和沉默完全消失,他的面部表情变得柔和,眼中带着回家的喜悦,那是一种对重逢的憧憬。 Positive optimistic, will not complain to the person who most loves outside again painstakingly again tired, was looked after by the parents was so long, now their child has grown up, becomes a person who has the sense of responsibility, diligently, to be depended upon. 积极乐观,在外面再苦再累也不会向最爱的人抱怨,被父母照顾了那么久,现在他们的孩子已经长大,成为了一个有责任心、努力、可以被依靠的人。 Several minutes time, Han Fei takes to the feeling of others to be completely different, he arrived at third floor, looks at the rusty burglar-proof door. 短短几分钟的时间,韩非带给旁人的感觉完全不同,他重新走到了三楼,看着生锈的防盗门。 The blood stain that seeps out from the crack in a door place are getting more and more, spreads toward the entire corridor, does not go to the words of manages, these blood stains will pollute the entire apartment, let enter the player of nightmare to have no place to go. 从门缝处渗出的血污越来越多,朝着整个楼道扩散,不去管的话,那些血污会将整栋公寓污染,让进入噩梦的玩家无处可逃。 However at this time Han Fei has not cared about these blood stains and curses, he cannot see these dirty things probably completely, in the double pupil only then goes home finally happily. 不过此时韩非并没有在意那些血污和诅咒,他就好像完全看不到那些脏东西,双眸之中只有终于回家开心。 Taps the door, Han Fei still remembers when the middle-aged man runs to open the door for the first time scene to him, that hope is wholehearted, but now he does not want to disappoint that hope. 轻敲房门,韩非还记得中年男人第一次跑来给他开门时的场景,那种期盼是真心实意的,而现在他不想要辜负那份期盼。 Father and mother, I came back.” “爸、妈,我回来了。” Han Fei does not have the use word spirit ability, but he had been kissed by the devil the throat, enabling his sound to be able forever perfect fitting own role. 韩非没有使用言灵能力,不过他被魔鬼亲吻过的嗓子,让他的声音永远可以完美贴合自己的角色。 to terrify person the voice of skeleton friction ground resounds, even if loses the sane disassimilation to become the monster, the middle-aged man first runs over to open the door as before, he has waited for was too long. 瘆人的骨骼摩擦地面的声音响起,就算是丧失理智异化成为了怪物,中年男人依旧第一时间跑过来开门,他已经等待了太久。 Outside the raised eyeball is flooding the bloody water, on swelling face bruised and lacerated, the whole body skeleton like the sharp thorn, he from falls probably highly has fallen, the five main internal organs (entrails) received the serious lesion, every moves one time, will leave behind the jet black bloodstain in the room. 外凸的眼珠充斥着血水,肿胀的脸上皮开肉绽,浑身骨骼如同尖刺,他好像从高度摔落过,五脏六腑都受到了严重损伤,每一次挪动,都会在屋内留下漆黑的血迹。 The middle-aged woman in kitchen also walked, her body also fallen distortion, in the hand also grabs a sharp kitchen knife, the mouth opens and closes unceasingly, unconsciousness is talking over anything. 厨房里的中年女人也走了出来,她的身体也被摔的扭曲,手中还抓着一把锋利的菜刀,嘴巴不断开合,无意识的在念叨着什么。 In the hut the complete disassimilation, on all goods has also sent out the odor, in the darkness is not knowing that has many dirty thing. 小屋内也已经完全异化,所有物品上都散发着恶臭,黑暗里不知道藏有多少肮脏的东西。 Followed to cover the mouth and nose in the Han Fei following player subconsciously, they are only see that to middle-aged couple's present appearance, shaking all over of fear. Without the means that the fear from heart, did not overcome. 跟在韩非后面的玩家下意识的捂住了口鼻,他们光是看见那对中年夫妻现在的样子,就害怕的全身发抖。没办法,来自心底的恐惧,根本克服不了。 Walks toward the room, Han Fei cannot see the unusuality in room probably completely, as if now the family/home of disassimilation compares that normal family/home to be warm before! 朝着屋内走去,韩非就好像完全看不到屋内的异常,仿佛现在异化的家比之前那个正常的家还要温馨! Enters third floor for the first time, Han Fei is filled with the alert, second enters this room, Han Fei actually like getting oneself home was the same, that is two completely different conditions. 第一次进入三楼,韩非满心戒备,第二进入这个房间,韩非却如同回到了自己家一样,那是两种完全不同的状态。 white prominent resembles is also trying the performance is slightly more normal, but he is unable to achieve such as the Han Fei like that nature. 白显也像试着表现的稍微正常一些,可他根本无法做到如韩非那般自然。 Looks parents who have not been seeing for a long time, Han Fei incomparable happiness, he and middle-aged man discussed to work on all sorts of things, hugged the middle-aged woman gently. Before he was not good at expressing the mood very much, after losing one time, he wanted is not any regret. 望着许久未见的父母,韩非无比的开心,他和中年男人谈论着自己工作上遇到的种种事情,又轻轻拥抱了中年女人。以前他很不擅长表达自己情绪,在失去过一次后,他想要不留下任何的遗憾。 Lost the sane middle-aged couple to remember something probably, they have not attacked close Han Fei. The mother who the body twists raised the kitchen knife to enter the kitchen, the skeleton appeared externally the father, face disfigured one's face to limp the footsteps, brought one to live the insect rottenly the fruit. 丧失理智的中年夫妻好像想起了一些事情,他们没有攻击近在咫尺的韩非。身体扭曲的妈妈提着菜刀又进入了厨房,骨骼外露、脸部毁容的爸爸蹒跚着脚步,取来了一盘腐烂生虫的水果。 My several colleague new year's celebrations do not have the place, therefore I invited them to come to our home, is thinking the person just right was livelier.” Han Fei received the fruit tray to place on the tea table, several players walked with trepidation, they sit on the sofa abreast in row, the whole body muscle ties tight, the breath somewhat is rapid. “我的几个同事过年没地方去,所以我邀请他们来咱们家,想着人多正好热闹些。”韩非接过果盘放在茶几上,门外的几个玩家提心吊胆的走了进来,他们并排坐在沙发上,全身肌肉紧绷,呼吸都有些急促。 Has money not to have money, goes home to celebrate the new year, past all was unhappy keeps last year, in the new year arrived, must welcome the new life.” Han Fei holds father's hand , helping suspend the plate, then to rub has the sleeve, walks toward the kitchen. “有钱没钱,回家过年,过去发生的所有不开心都留在去年,新年到来,要迎来新的生活。”韩非扶着爸爸的手,帮忙摆盘,然后又撸起袖子,朝厨房走去。 He wants to help mother work, cleans vegetables to prepare food, but was actually rejected by the middle-aged woman, the woman seems like shuts out Han Fei to work to do things recklessly, hints him to leave unceasingly. 他想要帮妈妈干活,洗菜做饭,但却被中年女人拒绝,女人似乎是嫌弃韩非干活毛手毛脚,不断示意他离开。 The mother has not stated clearly, she is actually wants Han Fei to rest, Han Fei also understands, he in the kitchen, is telling last year experience. 妈妈没有明说,她其实是想要韩非去休息,韩非也明白,他就在厨房里,讲述着自己去年的经历。 For the new year, must speak with the parents, because they possibly waited to be very long. 过年了,要和父母多说说话,因为他们可能等了很久。 In the kitchen a harmony, in the living room was actually covered drearily, the remaining four player bodies next to the same place, move do not dare to move, lowers the head completely, does not dare to look at each other with the middle-aged man of disassimilation, the cold sweat flows following the cheeks downward. 厨房里一片和谐,客厅里却被阴郁笼罩,剩下的四名玩家身体紧挨在一起,动都不敢动,全部低着头,也不敢跟异化的中年男人对视,冷汗顺着脸颊往下流。 Stains the blood stain the sofa, sits the probably rotten corpse, on the tea table is suspending various types of snacks and candies, but these thing are combining the flesh, doesn't this have the appetite issue, they must suppress to be able not to vomit. 沾满血污的沙发,坐着好像腐烂的尸体,茶几上摆着各种小吃和糖果,但那些东西里混杂着血肉,这都不是有没有食欲的问题,他们要强忍着才能不呕吐出来。 „Was the fellow insane?” Likes me such as the smoke casting a sidelong glance toward the kitchen secretly, Han Fei compares probably luminously, likes being dark and gloomy: How I felt that he does live here is very long?” “那家伙疯了吗?”爱我如烟偷偷朝厨房瞟了一眼,韩非好像比起光亮,更喜欢黑暗和阴森:“我怎么感觉他在这里住过很久?” The incomparable suffering, as if passed every minute every seconds a century, Han Fei was carrying the last dish and middle-aged woman goes out of the kitchen together. 每一分每一秒都无比的煎熬,仿佛过去了一个世纪,韩非才端着最后一盘菜和中年女人一起走出厨房。 Ate meal, ate meal.” “吃饭了,吃饭了。” The people sit in a circle around the table, no one moves the chopsticks as before, but this Han Fei had unable to say words that probably, he has been exchanging with the middle-aged couple, the atmosphere was not but actually awkward. 众人围坐在餐桌四周,依旧没人动筷,不过这次韩非好像有说不完的话,他一直在和中年夫妻交流,气氛倒也不算尴尬。 Most makes other players feel what is shocking, then as if likes listening to Han Fei to speak about the terrifying couple of disassimilation very much, they do not have to reveal again any aggressivity, silently is listening attentively, looks to the Han Fei look full is the affection. 最让其余玩家感到震惊的是,那对异化的恐怖夫妻似乎很喜欢听韩非说话,他们没有再表露出任何攻击性,默默的倾听着,看向韩非的眼神中满是慈爱。 Even if awakes unconscious, they remember as before oneself are waiting for someone to come back. 就算神智不清醒,他们依旧记得自己在等待某一个人回来。 The body of distortion, the facial features of disassimilation, the fearful aura, these cannot change a fact, they really love oneself child very much. 扭曲的身体,异化的面容,可怕的气息,这些都不能改变一个事实,他们真的很爱自己的孩子。 The Eve, the family member reunites, what a pity the clock and watch indicator on wall is keeping taking a walk, immediately took zero point. 除夕夜,家人团聚,可惜墙上的钟表指针在不停走动,马上就要零点了。 On the atmosphere completely moderate table, the Han Fei words actually tail off slowly, have the reunion, naturally leaves, he can feel that the disassimilation degree of room is weaken. 在气氛完全缓和的餐桌上,韩非的话却慢慢变少,有重逢,自然就有离别,他能感觉到房间的异化程度在减弱。 By the last minute, Han Fei carried the liquor water in cup, he looks to the middle-aged couple: Father and mother, I have a very silly issue to ask you.” 到了最后一刻,韩非端起了杯子里的酒水,他看向中年夫妻:“爸、妈,我有个很傻的问题想要问你们。” Sees the middle-aged couples looks like toward him, the Han Fei look is somewhat complex: If one day, I became the ghost, you will also love me?” 见中年夫妻都朝他看来,韩非的眼神有些复杂:“如果说有一天,我变成了鬼,你们还会爱我吗?” Hears the Han Fei issue, then has not responded to the couple, the players were first shaken. 听到韩非的问题,那对夫妻还没反应过来,玩家们先被震住了。 In the nightmare, the person asked the ghost, did oneself become the ghost, the ghost can also love itself? 在噩梦里,人问鬼,自己变成鬼,鬼会不会还爱自己? What situation is this? Has the rich experience, can ask such question? 这是什么情况?拥有怎样丰富的经历,才能问出这样的问题? The time minutes and seconds pass, then remembered something to the middle-aged couple of incomparable terrifying probably, the metal spoon screens according to their faces. 时间分秒流逝,那对无比恐怖的中年夫妻好像想起了一些东西,金属餐勺上映照着他们的脸。 For a long time later, then to middle-aged couple slight nod, what no matter own child turns into, they will love him. 许久之后,那对中年夫妻微微点头,不管自己的孩子变成什么样,他们都会爱他。 To me, the answer of this issue is also like you.” Han Fei stands up, put out that newspaper that from the tea table recorded the child dead, the yellowing newspaper was wrinkled, above also had the big piece blood stain. “对我来说,这个问题的答案也和你们一样。”韩非站起身,从茶几下面拿出了那份记录了孩子死亡的报纸,泛黄的报纸皱皱巴巴,上面还有大片的血污。 He will place in front of the middle-aged couple about the report that the child died: Thank you have waited for me to go home, but I should walk. You later must take care, takes care of itself good.” 他将关于孩子死亡的报导放在了中年夫妻面前:“谢谢你们一直等我回家,但我该走了。你们以后一定要注意身体,照顾好自己。” The middle-aged man got hold of the newspaper, the spur drilled the skin ; The middle-aged woman grabbed the hand of Han Fei, unceasing shaking the head, seems like hopes that Han Fei do not walk. 中年男人握紧报纸,骨刺钻出了皮肤;中年女人抓住了韩非的手,不断的摇着头,似乎是希望韩非不要走。 Their are even more excited, the will in the nightmare and self- between unceasing struggling, in the room extinguished very long light to flash suddenly. 他们的情绪愈发激动,意志在噩梦和自我之间不断的挣扎,屋内熄灭很久的灯光忽然又闪动了一下。 In the nightmare the light has the special meaning probably, the disassimilation starts, the light goes out ; When the couple want to retrieve the self- will, the light starts to flash. 噩梦里灯光好像有特殊的含义,异化开始,灯光熄灭;夫妻两人想要找回自我意志时,灯光又开始闪动。 Then incomparable the pain to the couple, their grief continually is deepening now, the nightmare is destroying their soul crazily, the Han Fei use cure personality, closely grasps to the old couple that. 那对夫妻现在无比的痛苦,他们身上伤痛在不断加深,噩梦疯狂摧残着他们的灵魂,韩非使用治愈人格,紧紧将那对老夫妻抱住。 Finally the light of living room shines, the blood stain dissipates when the light, all returned to the players first passing through the gate scene probably. 最终客厅的灯光重新亮起,血污在灯光下消散,一切好像又回到了玩家们第一次进门时的场景。 Warm and bright, no matter where, the lamp remains for you finally. 温馨、明亮,不管在哪里,终有一盏灯为你而留。 The disassimilation was broken, the couple retrieved the self-awareness, with them remembers the nightmare that weaves starts to dissipate slowly. 异化被打断,夫妻两人找回了自我意识,用他们记忆编织成的噩梦开始缓缓消散。 The couple are looking at door, their forms dark between become in the light fuzzy. 夫妻两人望着房门口,他们的身影在光暗之间变得模糊。 All wishes changed into the dreamland, swamped into the body of Han Fei quietly, all finished, all will have a new start. 所有的心愿化为了梦境,悄然涌入了韩非的身体,一切结束,一切又都会有一个新的开始。 Zero point ding sounds, the new year arrived. 零点的钟声敲响,新的一年到来了。 ...... …… Opens the eyes, Han Fei and other four players reappears in the middle of hospital that in the Lord city was covered by the gray fog. 睁开双眼,韩非和其余四名玩家重新出现在主城区被灰雾笼罩的医院当中。 Same nightmare that they leave simultaneously, before moving body, probably can still see mutually each other. 他们是同时离开的同一个噩梦,在挪动身体之前,好像仍可以相互看到彼此。 After making a connection with the third nightmare, the butterfly pattern laughed wildly ghost mark that the Han Fei body contaminates eats. 打通第三层噩梦之后,韩非身上沾染的蝴蝶花纹被狂笑的鬼纹吃掉。 Possibly is because the entry way is quite unique, others have gone through customs the nightmare can also repeat to challenge, the nightmare that but Han Fei makes a connection with did not have directly. 可能是因为通关方式比较独特,别人通关过的噩梦还可以重复挑战,但韩非打通的噩梦就直接没有了。 Looks even more bloody the ghost mark in the gray fog, Han Fei was feeling that the body had the slight change: „After these nightmares I cure, probably becomes my strength, laughs wildly as if also wants to uncover the weakness and loophole of dream management through these nightmares.” 望着在灰雾里愈发血腥的鬼纹,韩非感觉身体出现了轻微的变化:“这些噩梦被我治愈后,好像成为了我的力量,狂笑似乎也想要通过这些噩梦找出梦管理的弱点和漏洞。” Big shot! Many thanks your help!” Not far away likes me such as the smoke cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward Han Fei: „The life-saving efforts not thinks the report, or makes me join your association, for you, when the cow makes the horse!” “大佬!多谢你的帮助!”不远处的爱我如烟朝着韩非拱手:“救命之恩无以为报,要不就让我加入你们公会,为你当牛做马吧!” Your this abacus hits, the abacus bead collapsed on my face.” Hao study shakes the head, he also expressed gratitude to Han Fei, the first association really lives up to reputation, casual comes out a person to hang to hit them directly, both sides the understanding and all sorts of operations to the game are completely not in a level, Hao study feeling oneself learned. “你这算盘打的,算盘珠子都崩我脸上了。”浩学摇了摇头,他也向韩非表示了感谢,第一公会果然是名不虚传,“随便”出来一个人就能直接把他们吊打,双方对游戏的理解和种种操作完全不是一个层面上的,浩学感觉自己学到了很多。 „Is Han Fei, interested in forming a team? Business the pledge is willing to pay your satisfactory price!” Compares goods, after Qi sees Han Fei, discovered in market some plays high simply is a joke. 韩非,有没有兴趣组队?商盟愿意付出你满意的价格!”货比三家,阿琪看到韩非之后,才发现市面上的部分高玩简直就是个笑话。 After dealing with several simply, Han Fei held white prominent the arm: „Did Brother Bai, rest?” 简单应付了几句后,韩非抓住了白显的手臂:“白哥,休息好了吗?” „?” “啊?” white prominent has not responded, Han Fei has entrained him to forward several steps. 白显还没反应过来,韩非已经拽着他又向前走了几步。 The familiar weightlessness transmission, the gray fog diverges, the pure darkness covers two people, they appear in the middle of a stretch of construction site. 熟悉的失重感传来,灰雾散去,纯粹的黑暗将两人笼罩,他们出现在一片建筑工地当中。 The messy building that two have not completed was sphered by the iron sheet, the ground is bumpy, dug out many big holes, in the air was fluttering stink that spreads from the sewer. 两座未建成的烂尾楼被铁皮围住,地面坑坑洼洼,被挖出了很多大坑,空气中飘着一股从下水道里传出的臭味。 „The third nightmare is a block of flats, the fourth nightmare is two has not constructed the good messy building, the area of nightmare was bigger and bigger.” Han Fei starts all around the discrete observation, nearby white prominent did not have slow the god. “第三层噩梦是一栋公寓楼,第四层噩梦是两栋未修建好的烂尾楼,噩梦的面积是越来越大了。”韩非开始谨慎的观察四周,旁边的白显则还没缓过神来。 Before two minutes, he just now comes out from a nightmare, now enters in the middle of a new nightmare unexpectedly! 两分钟前他才刚从一个噩梦里出来,现在竟然又进入了一个新的噩梦当中! And The fourth nightmare?” white prominent the corners of the mouth twitch: „Was your too also rapid?” “第、第四层噩梦?”白显嘴角抽搐:“你这也太迅速了吧?” I did not ask that you did rest?” “我不是问你休息好了吗?” That two minutes! The elementary students finish class have ten minutes of going to bathroom time!” white prominent wants to bring Han Fei to come to here to have a look at the situation, but Han Fei actually seems like really planned that fast passes. “那就两分钟啊!小学生下课还有十分钟上厕所的时间啊!”白显只是想带韩非来这里看看情况,但韩非却好像是真打算速通。 Two seem like the relations to be very good, is the free player?” The gloomy and cold sound conveys, the player who three wear the same dark-colored coat looked to Han Fei and white prominent: Our three are the members of inevitable truth association, the fourth nightmare is dangerous, if possible, I hope that everyone can maintain the distance, do not implicate mutually.” “两位看起来关系很不错,是自由玩家吗?”阴冷的声音传来,三位穿着同样深色外衣的玩家看向了韩非和白显:“我们三个是必然真理公会的成员,第四层噩梦非常危险,如果可以的话,我希望大家能够保持距离,不要相互拖累。” Man that starts talking is quite tall, on his clothes writes own name- net addiction patient. This person spoke is polite, but the meaning was very obvious, hopes that Han Fei and white prominent do not implicate them. 开口说话的男人个子比较高,他的衣服上写有自己的名字-网瘾患者。这人说话还算客气,但意思十分明显,希望韩非和白显不要去拖累他们。 The inevitable truth hits through four nightmares, left behind some experiences, in addition the inevitable truth high-grade player number is big, some core members have also undergone „the deep layer world baptism, therefore they organized several powerful to capture/raid the group in a short time. 必然真理打通过四层噩梦,留下了一些经验,再加上必然真理高等级玩家数量众多,有些核心成员还经受过“深层世界”的洗礼,所以他们短时间内就组织起了好几支强力攻略组。 Actually Han Fei can also understand them, this death game, if runs into the pit goods teammate, that will truly kill one team of people. 其实韩非也能理解他们,这种死亡游戏,如果遇到坑货队友,那确实会害死一队人。 Good, I am also having this idea.” Han Fei is with smile on the face, bringing white Xianchao the left messy building to walk, the member of that three inevitable truth entered the right messy building. “好啊,我也正有这个想法。”韩非面带微笑,带着白显朝左边的烂尾楼走去,那三位必然真理的成员则进入了右边的烂尾楼。
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