MIG :: Volume #5

#423: Cannot speak the ability of rank

Sits when the black inner and outer coffin that the singing sound leaves behind, in the Han Fei hand holds that musical box that is carving the curse, he seems like the average man leisure relaxes listens indistinctly such, snort/hum the song of calling back from the dead, the finger is rapping the coffin lid gently. 坐在歌声留下的黑色棺椁上,韩非手中托着那个刻着诅咒的音乐盒,他就好像常人闲暇时放松听隐约那样,哼着招魂的歌谣,手指轻轻敲击着棺材盖。 The prestigious value is still increasing unceasingly, Han Fei turned on the Pandora's Box to be the same probably, and hates to release the desire that the neighbors piled up completely. 声望数值还在不断增加,韩非好像打开了潘多拉魔盒一般,将邻居们积压的欲望和仇恨全部释放了出来。 Time one minute/share one second passes by, the property panel in Han Fei eye changed again. 时间一分一秒过去,韩非眼中的属性面板再次发生了变化。 When the prestige also achieves 100, Han Fei put down the musical box, arrives in front of own shrine slowly. 当声望也达到一百的时候,韩非放下了音乐盒,缓缓走到自己的神龛面前。 Lifts the thick black cloth, in the shrine is hiding his idol, who that is laughing wildly hysteric, making him feel not only strange, and familiar. 掀开厚厚的黑布,神龛中隐藏着他的神像,那个正在歇斯底里狂笑的自己,让他感觉既陌生,又熟悉。 Endured most difficult Stage 1 finally.” “总算是熬过了最难的第一阶段。” Han Fei, only then in a situation of drop of blood, survived for several days in the deep layer world, this before radically was not the unimaginable matter, no one can achieve, taking office building Changfu lived is not good. 韩非在只有一滴血的情况下,在深层世界里存活了几天,这在以前根本是无法想象的事情,没有人能够做到,就连上任楼长傅生也不行。 Actually from very early time, Han Fei has achieved Fu health/life has not achieved the matter, but he himself had not realized. 其实从很早的时候起,韩非就已经做到了很多傅生不曾做到过的事情,只是他自己还没意识到。 The arm put in the shrine, the finger of Han Fei falls above own idol, touched the idol in him the instance, all memory fragments in mind starts to vibrate, the memory sea deep place heard the terrifying laughing wildly sound, that stood the form in blood-color orphanage to lift the head, as if wanted to walk from the orphanage. 手臂伸进神龛,韩非的手指落在了自己的神像之上,在他触碰到神像的瞬间,脑海之中的所有记忆碎片开始震动,记忆海洋深处传来了恐怖的狂笑声,那站立在血色孤儿院里的身影抬起了头,似乎想要从孤儿院里走出来。 Serial number 0000 players please note! You have satisfied the shrine promotion condition, whether promotes?” “编号0000玩家请注意!你已满足神龛升级条件,是否进行升级?” Yes!” “是!” Pressed down the confirmation key, the finger of Han Fei probably by a strength absorption on the shrine, he can obviously feel oneself and relation between shrine is deepening, both were similar to by an invisible rope winding bundle in one. 按下确认键,韩非的手指好像被一股力量吸附在了神龛上,他能明显感觉到自己和神龛之间的联系在加深,两者如同被一根无形的绳索缠绕捆绑在了一起。 Also in this moment, Han Fei discovered in the shrine the idol had the life probably, the injury idol, seems harming he himself. 也是在这一刻,韩非发现神龛中神像好像拥有了生命,伤害神像,似乎就是在伤害他自己。 In the middle of the property panel good deeds done in secret value is reducing rapidly, as the Han Fei good deeds done in secret vanish, above the idol starts to send out a vigor beyond description. 属性面板当中的阴德数值在飞速减少,而随着韩非的阴德消失,神像之上开始散发出一种难以形容的活力。 After swallowing the Han Fei 100 good deeds done in secret, in the middle of the shrine idol opened the eye! 在吞食掉韩非的一百阴德后,神龛当中的神像睁开了眼睛! In that pair of pupil actually contains the crazy and desperate flame, looks that he as if saw laughs wildly to be the same! 那双眸子中竟然蕴含着疯狂、绝望的火焰,看着他仿佛就看到了狂笑一样! Looked like......” “太像了……” The fetters between idol and Han Fei also swallow them like the flame, are burning their memory. 神像和韩非之间的羁绊如同火焰般将他们同时吞掉,烧灼着他们的记忆。 The invisible flame spreads on the Han Fei body, the combustion to his mind deep place, when has soon touched the position that the black box to vanish to disappear suddenly. 无形的火焰在韩非身体上蔓延,一直燃烧到他脑海深处,在快要触碰到黑盒所在的位置时才突然消失不见了。 Serial number 0000 players please note! Your shrine has risen for successfully first-level! The shrine cannot speak the ability of rank according to the body tolerance range and soul characteristics of random generation player!” “编号0000玩家请注意!你的神龛已经成功升为一级!神龛将根据玩家的身体承受范围和灵魂特性随机生成一项不可言说级别的能力!” Serial number 0000 players please note! Your shrine success unlocking's first ability- soul fog.” “编号0000玩家请注意!你的神龛成功解锁第一能力-魂雾。” Soul fog( shrine exclusive by dynamic energy): Your soul by the eternal dense fog package, no one can see clearly true you, including yourself.” “魂雾(神龛专属被动能力):你的灵魂被永恒的迷雾包裹,没有人能够看清真正的你,包括你自己在内。” „After this/should ability activates, the shrine nearby area will be covered by the dense fog, the deathly stillness, despairs and bleak, even inexpressible existence is unable to see through the dense fog.” “该能力激活后,神龛附近区将被迷雾笼罩,死寂、绝望、荒凉,就算是不可言说的存在也无法看穿迷雾。” „After having this by the dynamic energy, all your attributes, the physical conditions and soul will be covered by the soul fog, no one can completely understand you.” “拥有此被动能力之后,你的一切属性、身体状况和灵魂将被魂雾掩盖,没有人能够看透你。” Serial number 0000 players please note! The shrine's second promotion needs the prestige 500, the good deeds done in secret 500, please raise the rank as soon as possible! The dense fog that otherwise spreads unceasingly might bring to the attention that in-depth world these will have terrifyingly, perhaps you will be regarded as the enemy by everyone!” “编号0000玩家请注意!神龛第二次升级需要声望五百,阴德五百,请尽快提升等级!否则不断扩散的迷雾有可能会引起深层世界那些最恐怖存在的注意,也许你会被所有人视为敌人!” The light mist flutters from the shrine, was hidden the idol, covered the ancestral temple, then spreads toward the distant place. 淡淡的雾气从神龛之中飘出,隐没了神像,笼罩了祠堂,接着朝着更远处扩散。 Places in the bad fog, Han Fei has not felt slightly exceptionally, he as if stays in the arms of mother, the dense fog instead makes him feel to feel at ease. 身处大雾之中,韩非却没有感到丝毫异常,他就仿佛呆在母亲的怀抱里,迷雾反而让他感到心安。 The shrine successfully rose first-level, Han Fei also obtained first is not possible to speak the ability of rank, but this ability was one by the dynamic energy. 神龛成功升到了一级,韩非也获得了第一个不可言说级别的能力,只是这能力又是一个被动能力。 Soul fog can affect to be inexpressible, even/including Buke speaks now does not see clearly my details, but...... is this also useful? I am who cannot be victorious!” “魂雾能够影响到不可言说,现在连不可言说都看不清楚我的底细了,不过……这又有什么用呢?我还是谁都打不过啊!” The ability that the shrine has so long as looks at two parts, first is the player own bearing capacity, Han Fei now only then 16 levels , he although the physical strength has reached as high as 26 points, but wants to withstand cannot speak the offensive curse of rank to be difficult. 神龛所拥有的能力只要看两部分,首先是玩家自身的承受能力,韩非现在只有十六级,他虽然体力已经高达26点,但想要承受不可言说级别的攻击性诅咒还非常困难。 The ability of next shrine is also related with player own soul characteristics, Han Fei does not know that own characteristics are anything, felt that the system has not seen anything probably. 其次神龛的能力也和玩家自己的灵魂特性有关,韩非不知道自己的特性是什么,感觉系统好像也没看出什么。 In addition the shrine was placed in the black fog to provide for by the butterfly was very long, all sorts of accidents/surprises link, therefore had the emergence of soul fog passive permanent hidden technique. 再加上神龛本身被蝴蝶放在黑雾中供养了很久,种种意外结合在一起,所以才有了魂雾这个被动永久性隐藏技的出现。 The bad fog scatters, the owners in dead building run in the ancestral temple in abundance, they worried that Han Fei has what accident/surprise. 大雾飘散,死楼的业主们纷纷跑进祠堂,他们担心韩非出现什么意外。 Shopkeeper, this mist is you make?” The firefly dragon stands at the back of the mirror god in the fog, they discovered with amazement, although the soul fog looks that is like the ordinary mist, but can actually shield the complaint the sensation: Is a little strange! You stand before me obviously, I can see you, actually the sensation does not arrive at your existence, can this dense fog affect the complaint?” “店长,这雾气是你弄出来的吗?”萤龙背着镜神站在雾中,他们非常惊讶的发现,魂雾虽然看着和普通雾气一样,但是却可以屏蔽怨念的感知:“有点奇怪啊!你明明就站在我面前,我能够看见你,却感知不到你的存在,这迷雾可以影响到怨念?” Let alone the complaint, even/including Buke spoke is unable to see through the dense fog.” After the shrine promotes is successful, Han Fei puts out the food big mouth that in the goods column slow zither | Jean leaves behind to chew, returns fully until the volume of blood. “别说怨念了,连不可言说都无法看穿迷雾。”神龛升级成功后,韩非拿出物品栏里徐琴留下的食物大口嘴嚼,直到血量回满。 The five fingers get hold, look oneself restored the normal volume of blood, Han Fei does not use with trepidation. 五指握紧,看着自己恢复正常的血量,韩非再也不用提心吊胆了。 „The most difficult stage has passed, now was one's turn us to counter-attack!” In the Han Fei eye passes the cold light, the corners of the mouth is hanging the gloomy smile. “最困难的阶段已经过去,现在轮到我们来反击了!”韩非眼中透着冷光,嘴角挂着阴森的笑容。 But...... these days also does no one bully us probably?” The firefly dragon winked the winking one-eyed, somewhat puzzled asking. “可是……这段时间好像也没有人来欺负我们啊?”萤龙眨了眨独眼,有些不解的问道。 Dead building region is belongs our, the ghosts of other regions dare to come, that is to our provocation.” The Han Fei five fingers draw , a blade of no blade appears in his palm: Soul fog spreads, outside person does not know our situations, while this opportunity we all the ghost gets rid of completely, such outside person will dread, does not dare to act rashly.” “死楼区域是属于我们的,其他区域的鬼怪敢进来,那就是对我们的挑衅。”韩非五指收拢,一把无刃的刀出现在他的掌心:“魂雾扩散,外面的人不知道我们的情况,趁着这个机会我们把所有进来的鬼怪全部干掉,这样外面的人会更加忌惮,更加不敢轻举妄动。” Han Fei had a general understanding in the reality to the tidying up hospital, that region at least has three hatreds, but it is noteworthy that even if they have three hatreds, does not dare to visit the dead building region as before, this explained that their single strength is inferior to the butterfly. 韩非在现实里对整容医院有了一个大概的了解,那片区域至少存在三个恨意,但值得注意的是就算他们有三个恨意,依旧不敢踏足死楼区域,这说明他们单个实力是不如蝴蝶的。 Butterfly prepared so many years, seems like, for the exuviate turn cannot speak prepare, but on the day of returning to soul night, we while it weakest time gets rid of it. If we were defeated on that day, has two shrines, inherited the dead building Jujian butterfly to have the big probability to have a new lease of life, became more terrifying.” “蝴蝶准备了那么多年,似乎是为了蜕变成不可言说做准备,但就在回魂夜那天,我们趁着它最虚弱的时候将它干掉。如果那天我们失败了,拥有两座神龛,继承了死楼巨茧的蝴蝶有大概率重获新生,变得更加恐怖。” „The ghosts of other regions only know that the dead building region changed, fills the black fog of dead intent to dissipate, but whether they are unable to determine the butterfly soul flying broken powder. Now my soul fog will cover here, more domineering that we display, they more will be afraid. The innermost feelings will also vacillate unceasingly, thought that the butterfly has not only died, but also became more powerful.” “其他区域的鬼怪只知道死楼区域发生了巨变,充满死意的黑雾已经消散,但他们一直无法确定蝴蝶是否魂飞破散。现在我的魂雾将重新笼罩这里,我们表现的越强势,他们就会越害怕。内心也会不断动摇,觉得蝴蝶不仅没死,还变得更加强大了。” Han Fei said own idea completely, before they had true exceeded the strength of butterfly, must thing that used to be able to use. 韩非将自己的想法全部说出,在他们拥有真正超越蝴蝶的实力之前,必须要用好一切能够利用的东西。 Your this mist I have not seen, it seems like your shrine also very special.” The mirror god lies on the mirror, stared in a big way the eye to look outside, the mist attaches in the mirror surface, making him somewhat fuzzy: Has not seen, has not really seen this ability.” “你这雾气我从来没见过,看来你的神龛也非常的特殊。”镜神趴在镜子上,瞪大了眼睛看着外面,雾气附着在镜面上,让他都变得有些模糊了:“没见过,真没见过这种能力。” Soul fog will also proliferate unceasingly, we must build a false appearance now, where the soul fog spread, where we kill, does not keep any living witness, these ghosts of such other regions will be afraid, scared, wins more time for us.” Han Fei does not know where the dense fog will proliferate, he wants to be muddy the atmospheric conditions just before a rain, making the ghosts of other regions be late the relation between discovery shrines and soul fog. “魂雾还会不断扩散,我们现在就要营造出一种假象,魂雾扩散到哪里,我们就杀到哪里,不留任何活口,这样其他区域的那些鬼怪才会害怕、恐慌,为我们争取到更多的时间。”韩非也不知道迷雾到底会扩散到什么地方,他只是想要把水搅浑,让其他区域的鬼怪晚点发现神龛和魂雾之间的联系。 Actually he was also forced, other shrine average man does not dare to touch, moves that to prepare for by that cannot speak puts to death. But him was different, if really had to come his shrine to pound gruffly, he estimated the people who pounded the shrine continually must look for a long time. 其实他也是被逼无奈,别的神龛常人根本不敢触碰,动一下那就要做好被不可言说诛杀的准备。但他这边就不一样了,如果真有个憨憨过来把他神龛砸了,他估计连砸神龛的人都要找好久。 However is now good, all were covered by the dense fog in any case, the bystander could not look that the soul fog dissipates from the shrine. 不过现在还好,反正一切都被迷雾遮盖,外人也看不出来魂雾是从神龛当中逸散出来的。 Leaves with the dead building owners, Han Fei started the second time of dead building region clean. 和死楼业主们一起动身,韩非开始了死楼区域的第二次“清洗”。 The soul fog is the Han Fei shrine ability, has not only affected on him, all sorts of recessive additions, he can the positions of sensation in some complaints to the soul fog, his volume of blood in the mist restore the speed, the traveling speed and strength to have the obvious promotion for example. 魂雾是韩非神龛的能力,对他不仅没有影响,还有种种隐性的加成,比如说他能够感知到魂雾中部分怨念的位置,在雾气中他血量恢复速度、移动速度、力量都有明显的提升。 Moreover Han Fei also discovered that these and his friendly higher complaint, comes under the influence of soul fog to be smaller, perhaps is because they are willing to consecrate the Han Fei shrine. 另外韩非还发现那些和他友善度越高的怨念,受到魂雾的影响就越小,或许是因为他们愿意供奉韩非的神龛。 The soul fog has no injury, the outcomer but who all was swallowed into the soul fog is actually no exception. 魂雾本身没有什么伤害,可所有被吞入魂雾的外来者却无一幸免。 Life rope collapse broken, hid in the hatreds of other regions somewhat could not sit still, but when they looked when to soul fog actually discovered, could not completely understand the soul fog by the hatred ability completely, entered rashly, will have the risk of losing. 一根根命绳崩断,隐藏在其他区域的恨意有些坐不住了,但当他们看向魂雾时却发现,以恨意的能力也完全看不透魂雾,冒然进入其中,甚至还会有迷失的风险。 Evening's time, when the hatred intertwines hesitant, the soul fog had covered the dead building region thoroughly, and also that side an orthopaedic hospital street swallowing. 一个晚上的时间,在恨意纠结犹豫的时候,魂雾已经彻底笼罩了死楼区域,并且还把整形医院那边的一条街给吞掉了。 The speed that until this time, the soul fog proliferated started to slow down. 直到这时候,魂雾扩散的速度才开始变慢。 „The covering range and propagation rate of this soul fog as if with laughing wildly the soul and consciousness intensity are related.” “这魂雾的笼罩范围和扩散速度似乎跟狂笑的灵魂和意识强度有关。” Han Fei and jumping from an upper story ghost manor Wen stands, has manor Wen to act, the outcomer in dead building region will be cleaned up quickly cleanly, but this has not calculated, they arrive at the tidying up hospital edge now. 韩非和跳楼鬼庄雯站在一起,有庄雯出手,死楼区域的外来者很快就会被清理干净,但这还不算完,他们现在又来到了整容医院边缘。 According to the character of butterfly, it is will definitely retaliate.” “按照蝴蝶的性格,它是肯定会去报复的。” Under the hidden of soul fog, Han Fei and dead building owner entered the tidying up hospital region for the first time. 在魂雾的隐藏下,韩非和死楼业主第一次进入了整容医院区域。 Before Han Fei does not dare to allow the jumping from an upper story ghost to enter the tidying up hospital is because her past will be discovered, close to hatred desperate is unable to hide perfectly, but is now different, had the soul fog to prevent, no one can see clearly in the bad fog what happened. 以前韩非不敢让跳楼鬼进入整容医院是因为她一过去就会被发现,接近恨意的绝望根本无法完美隐藏,但现在不同了,有魂雾阻挡,没有人能看清楚大雾里发生了什么事情。 Picks up the speed, to the time that they responded!” The Han Fei soul fog only has the ability of hidden, but his wish let people are equal the soul fog and death. “加快速度,不要给他们反应过来的时间!”韩非的魂雾只拥有隐藏的能力,但他想要让人们把魂雾和死亡等同。 The tidying up hospital region and dead building region are completely different, here as if there is earthquake frequently with various disasters, the building is crooked, the twist deformation, looks like the will of the people in that hospital to be the same. 整容医院区域和死楼区域完全不同,这里似乎经常发生地震和各种灾祸,建筑歪歪斜斜,扭曲变形,就像是那医院里的人心一样。 More walks toward inside, the incredible strange feeling is more intense. 越是往里面走,荒诞诡异的感觉就越强烈。 Almost cannot see the normal human form soul in the orthopaedic hospital region, all regretting and hold to read are changed artificially, in them has part of souls not to have the facial features, few parts have the facial features, face also delimited at sixes and sevens. 在整形医院区域几乎看不到正常的人形灵魂,所有的遗憾和执念都被人为改变,他们之中有一部分灵魂没有五官,少部分拥有五官的,脸部还被划的乱七八糟。 The reshaping obviously to become by oneself more beautiful, but the regret and soul of orthopaedic hospital region actually compared with dead building also wants ugly innumerable times. 整形明明是为了让自己变得更美,但整形医院区域的遗憾和灵魂却比死楼的还要丑陋无数倍。 They are incomplete, strange, in the soul the most beautiful that part seemed seized by other evil spirits. 它们残缺,怪异,灵魂中最美的那一部分仿佛被其他的厉鬼夺走。 If the appearance of saying definitely building region also a little normal community, that orthopaedic hospital region looks like a nightmare that indistinctly completely twists the patient. 如果说死楼区域还隐约有一点正常社区的样子,那整形医院区域则完全就像是一个扭曲病人的噩梦。 What Han Fei they enter is only the street in orthopaedic hospital region most surrounding, but this still saw the innumerable cruel fearful pictures even, in this region, the person had discarded the most basic personality, was treated like the goods generally at will. 韩非他们进入的只是整形医院区域最外围的街道,可就算这样也看到了无数残忍可怕的画面,在这个区域里,人已经丢掉了最基本的人格,如同物品一般被随意对待。 Dead building Quyu is hiding the taking office building Chang memory fragment, several shrines shelter, therefore retained the fine thing reluctantly. The tidying up hospital region should be the deep layer world true appearance, Fu health/life will choose no wonder destroys this road thoroughly.” “死楼区域隐藏着上任楼长的记忆碎片,还有几座神龛庇护,所以才勉强保留了一点美好的东西。整容医院区域应该才是深层世界真正的样子,也难怪傅生会选择彻底毁灭这一条路。” Saw various terrifying cruel things, but Han Fei has not changed own idea, this should be he and Fu health/life biggest difference. 看到了各种恐怖残忍的事情,但韩非并没有改变自己的想法,这应该算是他和傅生最大的区别。 Does not have the thorough orthopaedic hospital area search, Han Fei with being reborn in paradise the blade as the standard of test bloody degree, cleaned up by the street that the soul fog covers. 没有深入整形医院区域探索,韩非用往生刀作为测试血腥程度的标准,清理了被魂雾笼罩的街道。 Under the hidden of mist, he and dead building owner kept in the mark of butterfly the street. 在雾气的隐藏下,他和死楼业主将蝴蝶的印记留在了街道里。 „The hatred of tidying up hospital can definitely come nosing, if wants means to disrupt their lines of sight.” The spider disappears without a trace, the old ghost gave up all entering was reborn in paradise the blade, the entire dead building region only had jumping from an upper story ghost manor Wen to have strength that was close to the hatred, but she at all was not the opponent in tidying up hospital. “整容医院的恨意肯定会过来查探,要想个办法扰乱他们的视线。”蜘蛛不知去向,老鬼放弃一切进入了往生刀,整个死楼区域只剩下跳楼鬼庄雯拥有接近恨意的实力,可她一个人根本不是整容医院的对手。 Orthopaedic hospital clamps between the paradises and dead buildings, I need to let between the paradises and orthopaedic hospitals have the conflict to be good as soon as possible.” Han Fei has closed right up against the neighbors to pass on own name, then he must start to act by the tidying up hospital hatred status truly, happen to he has the soul fog protection now, no one can see his details. “整形医院夹在乐园和死楼中间,我需要让乐园和整形医院之间尽快发生冲突才行。”韩非已经靠着邻居们将自己的名字传了出去,接下来他就要真正开始以整容医院恨意的身份去行动了,正好他现在拥有了魂雾保护,也没有人能够看出他的底细。 First they converges with slow zither | Jean, looked to say the big evil again.” The Han Fei prestige is still rising, he was really afraid. “先和徐琴他们汇合,把大孽找回来再说。”韩非的声望还在涨,他是真害怕了。 The use death group chatted, Han Fei wants to have the contact with haha them, but quite a while has not responded, his brow wrinkled slowly. 使用死亡群聊,韩非想和哈哈他们取得联系,可半天都没有回应,他的眉头慢慢皱了起来。 Also waited for dozen minutes, in the dead building another leaving owner sent in reply- we were chased by a thing, everyone dispersed!” 又等了十几分钟,死楼内另外一位离开的业主发来了回信-“我们被一个东西追赶,大家都走散了!” Now where are you at?” “你们现在在哪?” Fushou Road and in the market in Xingfu Street road intersection! You should better not, that thing was being wrapped by the hatred!” “福寿路和幸福街交叉口的商场里!你们最好不要过来,那个东西被恨意包裹着!” In the group chatted does not have the reply of dead building owner, Han Fei to recall again the market that a taking office building Chang map, the dead building owner said was located in the paradise and between the orthopaedic hospital regions, that place was marked a question mark by taking office building Chang. 群聊里再也没有了死楼业主的回信,韩非回想了一下上任楼长的地图,死楼业主所说的商场位于乐园和整形医院区域中间,那个地方被上任楼长标记了一个问号。
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