MIG :: Volume #5

#424: Most beautiful bridal clothes

In the middle of the taking office building Chang map only then few constructions mark the question mark, Han Fei the meaning of not clear question mark, he had not entered similar construction temporarily before. 上任楼长的地图当中只有很少一部分建筑标记着问号,韩非暂时还不清楚问号的含义,他之前并没有进入过类似的建筑。 That market that he said I know.” Lies the mirror god in mirror surface opens the mouth suddenly, the dense fog was too big, making him somewhat not see clearly the Han Fei position: Long before the owner in that market was a special ghost, he is maintaining the sane and before death all memories, gave shelter to the ghost that had no way out in the middle of the deep layer world, provided the asylum for the wandering soul of communication.” “他说的那个商场我知道。”趴在镜面上的镜神突然开口,迷雾太大,让他有些看不清楚韩非的位置了:“很早以前那家商场的主人是一个特殊的鬼,他保持着理智和生前的一切记忆,在深层世界当中收留走投无路的鬼怪,为来往的游魂提供庇护。” Provides the asylum for the ghost?” “为鬼怪提供庇护?” Yes, before running into you, I thought that he is this piece nighttime the biggest fool, making one is impossible to have the matter of dying a natural death.” The words of mirror god are not quite right, has probably a self-ridiculing feeling: Fushou Road and Xingfu Street road intersection is the points of intersection of several special regions, belongs to under nobody's jurisdiction region, escapes the ghost that to gather from other regions mostly there, gave shelter by the market owner. Before other regions have not appeared cannot speak, nearby the market compares the security, because of no hatred can without alarming other region hatreds, slaughter market.” “是的,在遇到你之前,我觉得他是这片黑夜里最大的傻子,做着一件根本不可能有善终的事情。”镜神的话语不太对劲,好像有种自嘲的感觉:“福寿路和幸福街交叉口是几个特殊区域的交点,属于三不管地带,从其他区域逃出来的鬼怪大都汇聚在那里,被商场主人收留。在其他区域没有出现不可言说之前,商场附近算是比较安全的,因为没有哪个恨意能够在不惊动其他区域恨意的情况下,屠杀商场。” From the beginning the market owner truly thinks that but he discovered afterward oneself underestimated in the middle of the humane evil intention, he biggest enemy is not the ghosts of other regions, these ghosts but who gave shelter to by him.” “一开始商场主人确实是这么认为的,但后来他发现自己低估了人性当中的恶意,他最大的敌人不是其他区域的鬼怪,而是被他收留的那些鬼。” Person has advantages and disadvantages, after the person dies, similarly, some souls had been so soaked evilly, from head to foot, hair is even hiding the evil intention.” “人有好有坏,人死后同样如此,有些灵魂已经被邪恶浸透,从头到脚,连头发丝里都隐藏着恶意。” In the words of mirror god brings an nuisance, his eyeground has the black fire to burn indistinctly, what no matter what a pity he turns into, is unable to leave the mirror. 镜神的话语中带着一丝懊恼,他眼底隐约有黑色的火在燃烧,可惜不管他变成什么样,都无法离开镜子。 Market owner is besieged by the ghost that oneself give shelter, that he discarded oneself all cargos at night, was almost frightened out of one's wits thoroughly.” “商场主人被自己收留的鬼怪围攻,那个夜晚他丢掉了自己所有的货物,差一点就彻底魂飞魄散了。” No one disturbs the mirror god, everyone is waiting for him to continue downward, but he actually realized anything probably, has not continued this topic again. 没有人打扰镜神,大家都在等待他继续往下说,可他却好像意识到了什么,没有再继续这个话题。 If you must go to there, I can guide, but I thought that you should better enter that market, the cargo that now that market trades no longer is the normal thing, the soul and flesh with honest price tag displayed, display the cabinet the memory and internal organs, you will see this piece there at night the cruelest truth.” “如果你们要去那里的话,我可以带路,但我觉得你们最好不好进入那家商场,现在那家商场贩卖的货物已经不再是正常的东西了,它们把灵魂、血肉明码标价,把记忆、脏器摆上货柜,你们会在那里看到这片黑夜最残忍的真相。” The dead building region is " Perfect Life » novice area, going outside the dead building region sees the true in-depth world. 死楼区域是《完美人生》的新手区,走出死楼区域才算是看到真正的深层世界。 Doesn't matter, I also open the convenience store, this time considered with the experience that under the peer learn/study is bigger and stronger in the past, looks to enter a large stock of goods while convenient.” Han Fei contacts with the neighbor who on does not go out now, he has reason that must go. “没关系,我好歹也是开便利店的,这次过去就当是跟同行学习下做大做强的经验,顺便看能不能进一批货。”韩非现在联系不上外出的邻居,他有必须要去的理由。 I know that cannot block you.” The finger of mirror god outlined a symbol in the mirror surface, probably by the head/number of people that the hand holds: You, so long as visible picture has the person of similar design, hurries to be far away, initially lunatic who they besieged the market owner. In the souls of these fellows is flooding the evil intention, they to slaughter seek pleasure, every time kills a complaint to engrave the next head in own soul, imprisons the memory of that complaint in own body. Most of them do not have the reason, does not understand the ponder, only knew that to slaughter seeks pleasure, but ten people are the exceptions, that ten fellows are sinister, hide in the middle of the market, they said that oneself are ten fingers.” “我知道拦不住你。”镜神的手指在镜面上勾画了一个符号,好像是一个被手抓住的人头:“你们只要看见身上画有类似图案的人,就赶紧远离,它们就是当初围攻商场主人的疯子。那些家伙的灵魂中充斥着恶意,它们以杀戮取乐,每杀死一个怨念就在自己的灵魂上刻印下一个头颅,将那怨念的记忆囚禁在自己的身体里。它们大多没有理智,不懂得思考,只晓得以杀戮取乐,但其中有十个人是例外,那十个家伙阴险狡诈,藏匿在商场当中,它们称自己为十指。” In the middle of these ten fingers has the hatred to exist?” What Han Fei is more curious is this point. “这十根手指当中有恨意存在吗?”韩非更好奇的是这一点。 I only know for more than ten years ago time, in them did not have the hatred, but I suspect that now their at least exuviate turned into the hatred.” The mirror god is discrete: Complaint wants to become the hatred to be difficult, needs to light the hatred the black fire, lets flame incinerator all, rebirth in memory ashes. But their ten chose a more extreme path probably, replaces the hatred by the pure evil intention, they transform innermost feelings all hatreds to the wickedness of the world and nearby person, satisfies itself through the unceasing injury and manufacture desperately.” “我只知道十几年前的时候,它们之中还没有恨意,但现在我怀疑它们至少有一个蜕变成了恨意。”镜神非常谨慎:“怨念想要成为恨意非常困难,需要点燃恨意的黑火,让火焰焚烧一切,在记忆的灰烬里重生。但它们十个好像选择了更加极端的道路,以纯粹的恶意去取代恨意,它们把内心所有的仇恨都转化为了对世界和身边人的恶,通过不断的伤害和制造绝望来满足自己。” In market, only then do ten fingers need to pay attention? That market in the hand-off points of several regions, actually no region is happen to willing to begin to it, this is very strange.” Although ten fingers of strengths are also terrifying, but Han Fei thought that can make Fu health/life mark in the construction of question mark, should not only then the hatred is right, he felt that with the Fu fresh personality, in that market definitely also hidden has other secrets. “商场里只有十指需要注意吗?那商场正好在几个区域的交接点上,却没有一个区域愿意对它动手,这真的很奇怪。”虽然十指的实力也非常恐怖,但韩非觉得能够让傅生标记问号的建筑里,应该不仅仅只有恨意才对,他感觉以傅生的性格,那商场里肯定还隐藏有其他的秘密。 Did not have.” The mirror god shakes the head: I know, only then these.” “没有了。”镜神摇了摇头:“我知道的只有这些。” Has after the market roughly understood, Han Fei no longer loses the time, the preparation begins. 对商场有了一个大致了解后,韩非不再耽误时间,准备动手。 He takes jumping from an upper story ghost manor Wen to go through in the middle of the dense fog, then goes out from the peripheral block of orthopaedic hospital, in alleys along several regions goes forward rapidly. 他带上跳楼鬼庄雯穿行在迷雾当中,然后从整形医院的外围街区走出,沿着几个区域中间的小路飞速前进。 Left the dense fog, manor Wen's hatred is unable to cover up, made manor Wen from the tidying up hospital in the past, definitely cause in the tidying up hospital directly the attention of hatred. 离开了迷雾,庄雯身上的恨意就无法遮掩,直接让庄雯从整容医院过去,肯定会引起整容医院里恨意的注意。 The main reason is manor Wen sobers and is crazy from time to time from time to time, once she begins with other ghosts, the words that does not care about others, Han Fei is unable to make it calm down. 更主要的原因是庄雯时而清醒、时而疯狂,她一旦和其他鬼怪动手,根本不在意旁人的话语,韩非也无法让其冷静下来。 In order to the insurance, Han Fei chose the safest means. 保险起见,韩非选择了最稳妥的办法。 The group fast vanguards, Han Fei also takes out from the goods column the blood chromo paper person, comes to the sensation slow zither | Jean position by it. 一行人快速前行,韩非也将血色纸人从物品栏中取出,靠它来感知徐琴的位置。 Do not have what accident/surprise!” “千万不要出什么意外啊!” ...... …… Death!” “死!” All dies!” “全都去死!” Where hid? Do not come out the hand reveal, I saw! I saw your eye! You are staring at me there, how your pupil has been shivering!” “躲到什么地方了?不要把手露出来,我看见了!我看见你的眼睛了!你在那里盯着我,你的瞳孔怎么一直在颤抖!” Bang!” “嘭!” The shelf was overthrown, bottles of cans of throw down and break in the place, had been soaked flesh lump combination in the middle of glass sediment, quickly turns into the bloody water that a beach braved to soak. 货架被推翻,瓶瓶罐罐摔碎在地,其中被浸泡过的肉块混杂在玻璃渣子当中,很快变成了一滩冒着泡的血水。 The stink greets the nostrils, the arm that carved completely the head took back from the shelf crevice, it grasped a blood red thing to force in the mouth while convenient. 臭味扑鼻,一条刻满了头颅的手臂从货架空隙中收回,它顺便抓了一把血红色的东西塞进自己嘴里。 Also wants to run? Han Fei?” “还想跑吗?韩非?” The arm lets fall, the meat on shelf stuck moistens completely on the head/number of people tattoo, its five fingers twisted in together, the entire arm changed unusual huge, started like the rhizome of old tree in a market spread. 手臂垂落,货架上的肉糊全部沾在了人头纹身上,它的五根手指扭曲在一起,整条手臂变的异常巨大,如同老树的根茎般开始在商场一层蔓延。 Struggles! You can exhaust continue to struggle full power!” “挣扎!你们可以用尽全力继续挣扎!” Black long-tongue licks to eat the new bloodstain on shelf, a whole body is carving the human form monster of head, is digging up the shelf peak, looks toward the market. 黑色的长舌舔食着货架上的新鲜血迹,一个浑身刻着头颅的人形怪物,扒着货架顶端,朝商场内部看去。 Its height about three meters, in the eye pupil are sending out the evil intention, the body like the blood that a beach soon solidifies, can only see a shape of person reluctantly. 它身高将近三米,眼眸之中散发着恶意,身体如同一滩快要凝固的血,只能勉强看出一个人的形状。 Found!” “找到了!” The shelf of not far away blasts open suddenly, several blood red forms run in the different directions, part charges into the market entrance, window that part charges into a market building. 不远处的货架突然炸裂开,几道血红色的身影朝着不同的方向跑去,一部分冲向商场入口,一部分冲向商场一楼的窗户。 Came not to think, such rare cargo, should be placed on the shelf is right. Even if no one is willing to exchange with the soul, every day looks, should still feel pleasant.” “来了就别想着走,这么稀有的货物,应该被摆在货架上才对。就算没有人愿意拿灵魂来交换,每天只是看一看,也会觉得赏心悦目。” The human form monster drags to entrain the mutation arm, does not have any hesitant pursues toward the market entrance. 人形怪物拖拽着自己异变的手臂,没有任何犹豫朝着商场入口处追去。 The old style roll-up door of market falls little downward, completely roll-up door that is woven by the flesh like red waterfall. 商场的老式卷帘门一点点往下掉落,完全由血肉编织成的卷帘门如同红色的瀑布。 When the front door will soon be closed thoroughly, the weeping sound resounds, in market all cargo desperate was inspired at the same time! 在大门即将被彻底关死时,哭声响起,商场内所有“货物”身上的绝望在同一时间被引动! In the innumerable airtight jars emits a fissure, the weeping sound the desperate mood will gather the strength that one type can control, stubbornly card under red waterfall, to bloody water washout. 无数密闭的罐子上冒出条条裂痕,哭声将绝望的情绪汇聚成了一种可以支配的力量,死死卡在了红色瀑布下面,任由血水冲刷。 Forms flee fast, in the middle of the weeping sound person's shadow also revealed that own appearance/portrait, he is only an incomparably emaciated child, but in his body contains the strength that is inconceivable. 一道道身影快速逃离,哭声当中的人影也显露出了自己的真容,他只是一个无比瘦弱的孩子,但他的身体里却蕴含着难以想象的力量。 After everyone escapes, the weeping sound child withdraws rapidly, at this time the monster of whole body head/number of people mark is away from him also to have a distance. 在所有人逃出之后,哭声里的孩子迅速后撤,此时满身人头印记的怪物距离他还有一段距离。 Others have not been far away, but aids in out of the door, they unusual tacit understanding. 其他人也并未远离,而是就在门外接应,他们已经非常的默契。 Desperate is dissipated slowly, the child who the weeping sound gathers turns around to leave, but when he soon goes out of the market, the skinny form jumped down from the market signboard together, falls before the roll-up door. 被哭声汇聚起来的绝望慢慢消散,那孩子转身离开,可就在他快要走出商场时,一道干瘦的身影从商场招牌上跳下,落在了卷帘门前。 He looks that is similar to the average person, but ten fingers were interrupted completely, the body burns the black flame that the evil intention and hatred promiscuously are becoming. 他看着和普通人差不多,只是十根手指全部被截断,身上燃烧着恶意和恨意混杂而成的黑色火焰。 Can run?” “跑得掉吗?” The head of hanging down lifts slowly, the corners of the mouth of man were torn, above has obviously with trace that the needlework sutures. 低垂的头慢慢抬起,男人的嘴角被撕裂,上面有明显的用针线缝合的痕迹。 He smilingly stands between the boys and that several blood-color person's shadows, the eye is staring at person, what is strange is in his eye reflects the person's shadow that to be dismembered completely. 他笑眯眯的站在男孩和那几道血色人影中间,眼睛盯着身边的人,诡异的是他眼睛中倒映出的人影全部是被肢解过的。 Anything that this man sees was cut open and torn, in the world in his eye as if no symmetrical and harmonious goods. 这个男人看到的任何东西都被切开、撕裂,他眼中的世界里似乎就没有对称、和谐的物品。 Really beautiful.” “真美。” The nape of the neck twists an angle of to terrify person, the eyes of man are staring at the woman of a wear red coat and hand-held table knife: Each curse seems like one to bloom the flower in soul, you had most beautiful bridal clothes.” 脖颈扭曲成一个瘆人的角度,男人的眼睛盯着一个穿着红色外衣、手持餐刀的女人:“每一个诅咒都像是一朵开在灵魂上的花,你拥有了一件最美的嫁衣。” Takes a step forward, when the man proceeds, the boy in market tied down by a shadow instantaneously, without a trace of disappearance. 向前迈步,在男人往前走的时候,商场里的男孩瞬间被一道黑影缠住,消失的无影无踪。 You should be able to become the best cargo, but it is estimated that no one can pay your price. Ok, you were collected by me, make an items not for sale.” “你应该能成为最好的货物,可是估计没有人能出得起你的价格。算了,你还是被我珍藏,做一件非卖品吧。” The men point at the interrupted place have anything to wriggle, he is just about to continue to proceed, suddenly probably detected anything. 男人手指被截断的地方有什么东西在蠕动,他正要继续往前,忽然好像察觉到了什么。 The alley of strange eye pupil nearby toward market looks, in darkness most deep place, the woman is visiting him. 诡异的眼眸朝着商场附近的一条小巷看去,在黑暗最深处,有一个女人正看着他。 By eye pupil that in the blood threads fills, has the black flame to beat indistinctly, her lip moves slightly, a few words were being bumped into you dead by me unceasingly repeatedly! 被血丝充满的眼眸里,隐约有黑色的火苗在跳动,她嘴唇微动,不断反复着一句话被我碰到你就会死!
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