MIG :: Volume #5

#422: Satisfies the shrine promotion condition

The tonight's bitter experience as if gave white prominent to bring the little traumas, he did not touch oneself cell phone, after feeling , for did not make Han Fei contact with him, may also replace the telephone number directly. 今晚的遭遇似乎给白显带来了少许心理阴影,他根本不去碰自己的手机,感觉以后为了不让韩非联系到他,可能还会直接更换电话号码。 Your this seems like the Deep Space Tech definition cell phone, lost was a pity, it has patted the murder video, didn't you recall on the line?” Han Fei does not understand white prominent very much, if oneself have the Deep Space Tech latest cell phone, let alone has patted the murder video, was stolen away by the ghost, if he wants the means to snatch again. “你这好像是深空科技的限定手机,丢了多可惜,它不过是拍过凶杀视频而已,你不去回想不就行了?”韩非不是很理解白显,如果自己有个深空科技最新款的手机,别说拍过凶杀视频,就是被鬼偷走了,他都要想办法再抢回来。 Really does not use.” White obvious Han Fei takes the cell phone to approach, will draw back in the future one step, then he saw anything probably, the complexion becomes paler: How did you also come out that white cloth shoes innertube?” “真不用。”白显见韩非拿着自己手机靠近,又往后退了一步,接着他好像看见了什么东西,脸色变得更加惨白:“你怎么还把那双白鞋子带出来了?” You say this?” Han Fei is raising killer coat, inside is wrapping white shoes: This thing I want to take to study.” “你是说这个吗?”韩非提着“杀人魔”的外衣,里面包裹着一双白色的鞋子:“这东西我想拿回去研究一下。” Research? My God, I see have taken away the actor of item from the dramatic team, I have not really seen from the scene of murder along walking the actor of exhibit! You give the police to take care!” Reveals scalp tingles white/in vain, he thought that oneself as the senior and big brother, has the reason to prevent Han Fei from continue do. “研究?我的天,我见过从剧组带走道具的演员,我还真没见过从凶杀现场顺走证物的演员!你还是交给警方来保管吧!”白显头皮发麻,他觉得自己作为前辈和大哥,有理由去阻止韩非继续作死。 Eventually the police walk the white cloth shoes innertube, takes care as one of the exhibits. 最终还是警方将白鞋子带走,作为证物之一进行保管。 Arrives here, Han Fei and matter obviously had ended white/in vain, when they across by the police with the corridor that the major light illuminates, saw that security. 到这里,韩非和白显的事情就已经结束了,他们穿过被警用强光灯照亮的走廊时,又看到了那位保安。 He still squatted in the corner, wears not the good-fitting uniform/subdue, no use of whole face. 他仍旧蹲在墙角,穿着不合身的制服,满脸的无助。 This fellow by own blood brother pit, is unlucky.” Han Fei is wanting to take a contact method of security, he worried that the white shoes will also find the security, wants to exchange in secret. “这家伙被自己亲哥坑了,也是倒霉。”韩非正想要过去要一下保安的联系方式,他担心白鞋子也会找到保安,想要私下里多交流一下。 But he has not passed, the security stupidly stood, intently looks at Han Fei behind white prominent, points at the opposite party saying: You grow with a male star who I like very much seem like, his name was white Xian 。 可他还没过去,保安就傻傻的站了起来,直愣愣的看着韩非身后的白显,指着对方说道:“你跟我很喜欢的一个男明星长得好像,他叫白显。” The original corridor is very dim, in that situation the security does not have the thoughts to look at white prominent the face, now he does not realize right. 原本的走廊十分昏暗,那种情况下保安也没心思去看白显的脸,现在他才意识到不对。 Your admitting mistakes person.” Steps out white/in vain obviously, flew also to resemble to clash: I called black hidden.” “你认错人了。”白显加快脚步,飞也似的冲了出去:“我叫黑隐。” Left the sanatorium, two people returned to the vehicle. 离开了疗养院,两人回到了车上。 white prominent looks that naturally sits in Han Fei of copilot station very much, on the face brings to wipe the forced smile: Hero is really no one can do, I am an actor honestly. Now I understand why probably you could not have a liking for these people in golden hall, you at all were not a passer-by, they cannot enter your eye.” 白显看着很自然坐在副驾驶位置的韩非,脸上带着一抹苦笑:“英雄真不是谁都能做的,我还是老老实实当个演员吧。现在我大概明白你为什么看不上金色大厅里的那些人了,你们根本不是一路人,他们也入不了你的眼。” Mingles among on the vanity fair, person as if by bubble packages, although flutters in in the air, brilliant, but this is not the thing that a person should pursue truly. 混迹在名利场上,身边的人仿佛都被一个个泡沫包裹,虽然飘在空中,光彩夺目,但这并不是一个人真正该去追逐的东西。 In white Xianxin incomparable feeling generally, this as if also made him understand late some truth, when he was just about to pull out again the pit of the stomach spoke some words, Han Fei suddenly his cell phone placed by him. 白显心中无比感概,这一晚似乎也让他明白了一些道理,他正要再掏心窝子的说一些话时,韩非突然把他的手机放在了他旁边。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” stretch/open Dao called 20 telephones you, how did two how say?” “张导给你打了二十个电话,咋俩怎么说?” Was bad! I gave to forget him!” “坏了!我把他给忘了!” Two people hurried to give stretch/open Dao to make the video phone in the past, they want to pat the police vehicle after lower part of the body, proved oneself have not lain, but after the opposite party put through, they saw stretch/open Daotie the azure face directly. 两人赶紧给张导打了个视频电话过去,他们本想拍下身后的警车,证明自己没有撒谎,可对方接通后,他们直接看到了张导铁青色的脸。 I was such a long time director, the first stand-in mounts the stage to accept the nomination, you now to which?” “我当了这么长时间导演,还是第一次代替演员上台接受提名,你俩现在到哪了?” We still in the suburb, the police just walked.” “我们还在郊区,警方刚走。” You two also left anxiously, the activity is about to end, attention security, on road careful.” Although stretch/open Dao heavy of air/Qi, but also showed the understanding, what in the words were more was the care. “那你们两个也别急着回来了,活动都快结束了,注意安全,路上小心。”张导虽然气的不轻,但也表示理解,话语中更多的是关心。 Actually his now evening leaves office that the time, is the pain is at heart joyful, the nomination that the actor who oneself lead finished were more, on own face also more had up. With parents' meeting, as guardian continuously by praise. 其实他今晚上下台那么多次,心里也是痛苦并快乐的,自己带出来的演员获得的提名越多,自己的脸上也就越有光。就跟开家长会,作为家长一直被表扬似的。 Hung up the telephone, white prominent drove to deliver to main house gate Han Fei directly, when he saw Han Fei still to live in that old community, was startled directly. 挂断了电话,白显直接开车将韩非送到了家门口,当他看见韩非仍旧住在那么旧的小区里时,直接都惊了。 Han Fei, you make so much money, how also to live in this place? I suggested that you buy one to wrap/sets of your house in the intelligent new town earlier, no matter to live is more comfortable, to invest appreciation, is very necessary.” white prominent said also very in principle: Moreover you became the star, but also lived in the security nearly without community, this is unsafe.” 韩非,你挣那么多钱,怎么还住在这地方?我建议你早点在智慧新城买一套自己的房子,不管是为了住着更加舒适,还是为了投资升值,都很有必要的。”白显说的也很在理:“另外你都成明星了,还住在安保近乎于无的小区,这太不安全了。” You may look down on the place that I live.” Han Fei gets out: „The community that you live is the security and wisdom brain guard, around my may have the police to bring under control layer upon layer, a butterfly day had not been caught, the community that I live is the entire Xinhu safest community.” “那你可小瞧我住的这地方了。”韩非下了车:“你们住的小区都是保安和智脑把守,我这周围可有警方层层布控,蝴蝶一天没有被抓到,我住的小区就是整个新沪最安全的小区。” On the face has the smile of professionalism, Han Fei to enter the community that oneself rented. 脸上带着职业化的笑容,韩非进入了自己租住的小区。 Gazes after Han Fei to leave, white conspicuous has envying that he himself has not detected: This fellow really lives purely, before I should also very pure has pursued something.” 目送韩非离开,白显眼中有一丝他自己都没有察觉的羡慕:“这家伙活得真纯粹,以前我应该也很单纯的去追求过一些东西吧。” Opened the door, Han Fei catches up before 12 : 00 got oneself home, he looks at the watch on wall, long relaxing. 打开房门,韩非赶在十二点前回到了自己家,他看着墙上的表,长长的松了口气。 Washes and eats meal, the reorganization clue, soon arrives when until 0 : 00 o'clock at night, he climbed the game warehouse. 洗漱、吃饭、整理线索,直到午夜零点快要到来时,他爬进了游戏仓。 Tidying up hospital is also seeking for the traces of butterfly, I must before they determine the butterfly is frightened out of one's wits, completes own plan.” “整容医院也在寻找蝴蝶的蛛丝马迹,我必须要在它们确定蝴蝶魂飞魄散之前,完成自己的计划。” Put on the game helmet, Han Fei started the game. 戴上游戏头盔,韩非启动了游戏。 The wet feeling transmits from various whole body places, probably soaked the soul, when city incarnadine, in the consciousness of Han Fei is also flowing the blood. 湿漉漉的感觉从全身各处传来,好像浸透到了灵魂当中,在城市被染红的时候,韩非的意识上也在流淌着鲜血。 These blood are not his, all flows behind from him. 那些血不是他的,全部都是从他身后流出来的。 Opened the eyes, Han Fei appears in the place of oneself winding. 睁开双眼,韩非出现在了自己下线的地方。 He looks to oneself both hands, on the pale skin has not contaminated the blood stain. 他看向自己的双手,惨白的皮肤上并没有沾染血污。 Actually that is registering the blood-color world that the game can see instantaneously is what situation? Probably only then inexpressible existence can see there......” “那个在登录游戏瞬间才能看到的血色世界究竟是什么情况?好像只有不可言说的存在才能看见那里……” Hears in the room whispering of Han Fei, the living room door is opened directly, should the moon/month and firefly dragon walked. 听到屋内韩非的低语,客厅房门直接被打开,应月和萤龙走了进来。 Shopkeeper, nearby the dead building starts to appeared assigned/life the rope winding massively the ghost, they seemed to have detected that the butterfly was frightened out of one's wits.” On the face of firefly dragon worried completely, he had a stable environment with great difficulty, but some outside actually people want to destroy all these unceasingly. “店长,死楼附近开始出现大量被命绳缠绕的鬼怪,它们似乎已经察觉到蝴蝶魂飞魄散了。”萤龙的脸上满是担忧,他好不容易拥有了一个安定的环境,但外面却不断有人想要破坏这一切。 „The monster of tidying up hospital region as if has own life rope, it seems like they could not have waited.” Han Fei swept an own volume of blood, the calm that only then he of drop of blood can also display, depends entirely on the Grandmaster Level performing skill. “整容医院区域的怪物似乎都拥有自己的命绳,看来它们已经等不及了。”韩非扫了一眼自己的血量,只有一滴血的他还能够表现的波澜不惊,全靠大师级的演技。 You wait a bit.” Han Fei turns on the property panel, swept an own negative condition, after he discovered the curse that oneself withstand were also many, in his heart started to present an anticipation. “你们稍等一下。”韩非打开属性面板,扫了一眼自己的负面状态,当他发现自己承受的诅咒又多了一个后,他心中开始出现了一丝期待。 Continues to look downward, as in the reality the police capture with the dead building homicide concerned murderer unceasingly, the Han Fei good deeds done in secret have been growing slowly, now has achieved 101. 继续往下看,随着现实里警方不断抓获和死楼凶杀案有关的凶手,韩非的阴德一直在缓缓增长,现在已经达到了一百零一。 Shrine promotes also has the minimum requirement to the prestige.” The Han Fei glide attribute page, he discovered that oneself prestige rose suddenly 97. “神龛升级还对声望有最低要求。”韩非滑动属性页,他发现自己的声望足足暴涨到了九十七。 He does not know how the neighbors use Han Fei this name, felt that everyone released thoroughly crazy that constrains in the innermost feelings, this made him have not a very wonderful feeling. 他不知道邻居们是怎么使用韩非这个名字的,感觉大家都彻底释放了压抑在内心的疯狂,这让他产生了一种很不妙的感觉。 „After can me , outside , so long as said oneself called Han Fei, will have one crowd of evil spirits to be red the eye to instantaneously kill me?” “会不会我以后在外面只要说自己叫韩非,瞬间就会有一群厉鬼红着眼睛要弄死我?” Fame portends trouble, but Han Fei does not have the means that wants the promotion shrine, must have the prestige, this becomes may not speak one step of most foundation. 人怕出名猪怕壮,但韩非也没办法,想要升级神龛,必须要拥有声望,这也是成为不可言说最基础的一步。 Other cannot speak is everyone knows its name, but does not dare saying that...... I understand why probably the system did not suggest the player constructed own shrine before 30 levels.” “别的不可言说都是人人知道其名字,但是不敢说……我好像明白系统为什么不建议玩家在三十级之前修建自己的神龛了。” The player who 20 levels do not arrive, his name was known by the innumerable complaints. 一个二十级都不到的玩家,他的名字被无数怨念知晓。 Han Fei is only thinks that one crowd of evil spirits are talking over and cursing oneself name in the evening, has an absolutely terrified feeling. 韩非光是想想一群厉鬼晚上在念叨、诅咒着自己的名字,就有种毛骨悚然的感觉。 Cannot think that I will also become famous in the netherworld quickly, I must hurry to summon the neighbors, they made in a big way! According to this speed develops, my prestige must toward 200 rise dramatically, particularly the big evil, wants looking!” “想不到我在阴间也会这么快出名,我要赶紧把邻居们召回来,他们闹得太大了!照这个速度发展下去,我这声望都要朝着二百飙升了,尤其是大孽,一定要要把找回来!” Brings should the moon/month and firefly dragon goes out of the room, the Han Fei preparation goes to Citang Street to wait tonight, when the prestige achieves 100, direct promotion shrine. 带着应月和萤龙走出房间,韩非准备今晚就去祠堂街等着,在声望达到一百的时候,直接升级神龛。 Calls the owner in dead building, Han Fei meets personally the jumping from an upper story ghost, while she sobers slightly a point time, inviting her to go to Citang Street together. 召集死楼里的业主,韩非亲自见了一面跳楼鬼,趁着她稍微清醒一点的时候,邀请她一起去祠堂街。 Has the woman of this transformation hatred failure, Han Fei is not at heart flurried. 有这位蜕变恨意失败的女人在,韩非心里没有那么慌乱了。 On the road found time to complete a G level task, now the duty of dead building region has basically completed by a Han Fei person, but he linked 20 levels not to rise unexpectedly. 路上抽空完成了一个g级任务,现在死楼区域的任务已经基本被韩非一个人做完,但他竟然连二十级都没有升到。 Rushes to Citang Street, Han Fei enters central alone that ancestral temple, the dead building owners defend in out of the door, everyone is waiting for Han Fei to lighten the shrine. 赶到祠堂街,韩非独自进入最中心的那座祠堂,死楼业主们则守在门外,大家都在等待韩非将神龛点亮。
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