MIG :: Volume #5

#421: Perfect personality

Tidying up hospital has the ability that gives the child various happy personalities, can change child's personality, now this place presents and happy orphanage similar amusement room, the personality reshaping the happy orphanage is related with I had stayed?” “整容医院拥有赋予孩子各种美好人格的能力,可以改变孩子的性格,现在这地方又出现了和幸福孤儿院类似的娱乐室,难道说人格整形和我曾经呆过的幸福孤儿院有关?” The memory of Han Fei about happy orphanage mostly positive/direct, although that place is worn-out and crude, but is actually the entirety of his childhood. 韩非关于幸福孤儿院的记忆大多都是正面的,那个地方虽然破旧、简陋,但却是他童年的全部。 When ignorant ignorant, has no cognition to the world, was the volunteers and staff tells him the world to be happy, the good intentions of human had greatly how. 在懵懂无知、对世界没有任何认知的时候,是志愿者和工作人员告诉了他世界有多么美好,人类的善意有多么的伟大。 After he grows up, first recollection in the past, in the mind appeared was also these. 他长大之后,第一时间回想过去,脑海中浮现出的也是这些。 A long time, he thought that this is the entirety of childhood, after losing three spirits. 在很长一段时间里,他都觉得这就是自己童年的全部,直到丢了三魂之后。 Without the childhood and good and evil, the blood-color orphanage in his mind deep place exposes in the memory, at that moment Han Fei discovered in own mind all things incarnadine, all happy put on the red coat. 没有了童年和善恶,他脑海深处的血色孤儿院暴露在记忆当中,那一刻韩非发现自己脑海中所有的东西都被染红,一切的美好都披上了红色的外衣。 As the torn to pieces memory starts to reorganize, he saw the truth indistinctly. 随着支离破碎的记忆开始重组,他隐约看到了真相。 Laughs wildly in the blood-color orphanage that is, only then he alone, like the present entertainment indoor only then I looking at the window on bed, I know the world of out of the window very beautifully, but I actually cannot go out forever, because all windows draw the picture on wall.” “狂笑所在的血色孤儿院里只有他一个人,就像现在的娱乐室内只有我在看着床上的窗户一样,我知道窗外的世界非常的美丽,但是我却永远也出不去,因为所有的窗户都只是画在墙壁上的画。” My childhood has not encountered any unfortunately, the partner, teacher and volunteer, they took to my forward guidance, composed my memory world together, but when I truly wants to recall carefully, actually the faces of their anyone.” “我的童年并未遭遇任何不幸,伙伴、老师、志愿者,他们都带给了我正向的引导,共同组成了我的记忆世界,可当我真正想要仔细回想的时候,却记不起来他们任何一个人的脸。” „Have they really appeared? Do they really exist?” “他们真的出现过吗?他们真的存在吗?” „Can cure personality really cure all grief? If possible, how it cures a person?” “治愈型人格真的能够治愈所有的伤痛吗?如果可以的话,它又是如何去治愈一个人的呢?” Han Fei closed the eye, an ache as if unceasing thorough mind sharp nail, passed through all, enabling him to see laughing wildly of mind deep place. 韩非闭上了眼睛,疼痛仿佛一根不断深入脑海的尖钉,贯穿了一切,让他可以看到脑海深处的狂笑。 That is the lunatic who exudes the hysteric laughter unceasingly, all in his eye were coagulated by the blood-color, his world is the red. 那是一个不断发出歇斯底里笑声的疯子,他眼中的一切都被血色凝固,他的世界都是红色的。 Han Fei does not know that the cure personality is close to the perfect personality, but it knows that laughs wildly has certainly the world's most imperfect personality. 韩非不知道治愈型人格算不算接近完美的人格,但它知道狂笑一定拥有世界上最不完美的人格。 Han Fei?” white prominent body stiff in door, he looks at Han Fei in children's amusement room, the innermost feelings besides the fear and fear, a worry. 韩非?”白显身体僵在房门口,他看着儿童娱乐室里的韩非,内心除了害怕和恐惧外,还有一丝担心。 This time Han Fei stands before drawing the wall of window, he is backing on the ice-cold wall, probably was stranded in a close nightmare. 此时的韩非站立在画着窗户的墙壁前,他背靠着冰冷的墙,好像被困在了一个封闭的噩梦当中。 Had the courage, white prominent moves in the room slowly: Han Fei!” 鼓起勇气,白显慢慢挪到了屋子里:“韩非!” He steels one's heart, more runs is quicker, rushed to by Han Fei directly, caught the arm of Han Fei: Cannot stay in this place!” 他把心一横,越跑越快,直接冲到了韩非旁边,拽住了韩非的胳膊:“不能在这地方呆了!” white prominent the voice made Han Fei lift the head, his back of the head was still very sore, present he has started to find out the ache reason, so long as he did not question that the childhood memory did not have the matter. 白显的声音让韩非抬起了头,他后脑依旧很疼,不过现在的他已经开始摸清楚了疼痛的原因,只要他不去质疑童年记忆就没有事。 „Did you come in?” Han Fei looks immediately toward the entrance, he feared the security leads killer to run away. “你怎么也进来了?”韩非立刻朝着门口看去,他怕保安带着“杀人魔”逃走。 Facts showed that was he wants to be many, the whole body of that security fear trembled, did not dare a person to stay on the corridor, he saw ran in the room white/in vain after obviously, towed the Elder Brother to enter in the room unexpectedly. 事实证明是他想多了,那保安害怕的浑身打颤,不敢一个人呆在走廊上,他看到白显跑进屋里后,竟然也拖着自己哥哥进入了屋子里。 In the security elder brother's cell phone full is the video of maltreating the child, if the spoken lines shoes is a child, he also had definitely been maltreated, in the heart has resentfully is very normal, but the resentment can gather hatred rank very is not normal.” “保安哥哥的手机里满是虐待孩子的视频,如果说白鞋子是一个小孩,那他肯定也被虐待过,心中有怨很正常,但是怨气能聚集到恨意这一等级就很不正常了。” The orthopaedic hospital and white shoes in Han Fei not clear deep layer world have what relations, he and butterfly fights the experience of accumulation to infer according to himself. 韩非不清楚深层世界的整形医院和白鞋子有什么关系,他只是根据自己和蝴蝶交手积累的经验去推断。 Arrives at hatred rank at least in the deep layer world, may through certain extremely special methods, affects the reality, moreover indirectly affects. 至少在深层世界到达恨意这一等级,才有可能通过某些极为特殊的手段,影响到现实,而且还是间接影响。 White shoes, painter, but also influential Boss Acheng the thought that becomes the neuter monster him in the restroom, in this tidying up hospital is very likely to have three hatreds.” Han Fei attaches great importance to the orthopaedic hospital now, because this place is also as if related with he himself. “白鞋子,油漆工,还有影响阿城老板思维,在厕所里把他变得不男不女的怪物,这整容医院里极有可能拥有三个恨意。”韩非现在对整形医院非常重视,因为这地方似乎也跟他自己有关。 Turns everywhere looks, Han Fei wants to get so far as some more direct-viewing clue and document, what a pity the construction internal all materials vanish to disappear, processed cleanness. 到处翻找,韩非想要弄到一些更加直观的线索和文件,可惜建筑内部的所有资料都消失不见了,被处理的干干净净。 If were not Han Fei had once stayed in the happy orphanage, he is not even able to discover the trick of children's amusement room. 如果不是韩非自己曾在幸福孤儿院呆过,他甚至都无法发现儿童娱乐室的猫腻。 Unusual that this orthopaedic hospital hidden is good, let alone bystander, it is estimated that the details of their some peripheral staff not clear hospital. 这家整形医院隐藏的非常好,别说外人,估计就连他们自己的一些外围工作人员都不清楚医院的底细。 Chairman Yongsheng Pharmaceuticals had not passed away, once went to this orthopaedic hospital repeatedly, the hospital and happy orphanage that he constructs have some relation, but the black box in my mind is his Elder Brother gives to me, this brothers two are one light and one dark, what planning?” 永生制药董事长还未去世的时候,曾多次来到这家整形医院,他修建的这家医院和幸福孤儿院存在某种联系,而我脑海里的黑盒则是他哥哥送给我的,这兄弟两个一明一暗,到底在谋划什么?” Ten years passed by, Chairman Yongsheng Pharmaceuticals had passed away, his Elder Brother also hit is only left over the memory fragment, but this, in this world preserves their trace even as before everywhere. 十年时间过去了,永生制药董事长已经去世,他的哥哥也被打的只剩下记忆碎片,可就算这样,这世界上依旧处处留存着他们的痕迹。 Han Fei is unwilling departs, but when he prepares to continue to search for the clue, third floor transmitted a pitiful yell. 韩非不甘心就此离去,可就在他准备继续搜寻线索的时候,三楼传来了一声惨叫。 Probably boss in Acheng!” “好像是阿城的老板!” Three people run together toward the building, they just arrived at third floor to be frightened by the present scene. 三人一起朝楼上跑去,他们刚到三楼就被眼前的场景吓到了。 On the ground, wall and ceiling were pasted completely the white paper everywhere, above writes a few words to give back to me my face completely! 地面、墙壁和天花板上到处都被贴满了白纸,上面全部都写着一句话把我的脸还给我! Is towing the stupor killer, Han Fei walks fast in the corridor, he remembers the general direction that the pitiful yell sound transmits, pursued third floor most deep place. 拖着昏迷的“杀人魔”,韩非快速走在长廊当中,他记得惨叫声传来的大概方向,一口气追到了三楼最深处。 „The dust on door knob was deleted, this door had been opened.” Han Fei is staring at the present door, he lets reveal the entire journey video recording white/in vain, then a foot door tramples. “门把手上的灰尘被擦去了,这扇门被打开过。”韩非盯着眼前的房门,他让白显全程录像,接着一脚将门踹开。 The window in room is starting, the window curtains was moved by the wind, probably there is hiding the ghost. 屋内的窗户是开着的,窗帘被风吹动,好像那里隐藏着鬼魂。 First do not come in! Brother Bai you pays attention to record!” Han Fei yells suddenly loudly. “先别进来!白哥你注意录像!”韩非突然高声叫喊。 What's wrong?” white prominent and security were tense simultaneously. “怎么了?”白显和保安同时紧张了起来。 In room has the smell of blood.” The Han Fei pupil reduces slightly, he is staring at a room corner brand-new big leather suitcase, on that box does not have a dust, probably Boss Acheng brings from own vehicle. “屋子里有血腥味。”韩非瞳孔微微缩小,他盯着房间角落一个崭新的大皮箱,那箱子上没有一点灰尘,好像是阿城老板从自己车子里带出来的。 Now box also, but others are actually missing. 现在箱子还在,但是他人却不见了踪影。 The entire journey video recording, Han Fei is fronting killer the clothes, open the suitcase, a wisp of black hair slides following the zipper slit, bottom of the box also starts the oozing of blood. 全程录像,韩非垫着“杀人魔”的衣服,将行李箱打开,一缕黑色的头发顺着拉链缝隙滑出,箱子底部也开始渗血。 Corpse?” “尸体?” Strange taste scatters in the air, white prominent and security of video recording cannot bear start to retch, does not have the too intense response from box recent Han Fei, he feels nearby this box cold biting cold! 一股怪味在空气中飘散,录像的白显和保安忍不住开始干呕,距离箱子最近的韩非倒没有太强烈的反应,他只是感觉这箱子附近冷的彻骨! The heart has a feeling, he looks up slowly to the mirror of embed in wall, on box that he turns on, sits a woman who does not have the face. 心有所感,他缓缓抬头看向镶嵌在墙壁里的镜子,在他打开的箱子上面,坐着一个没有脸的女人。 The suddenly time, that woman has disappeared, Han Fei also opens the zipper completely. 眨眼的时间,那个女人就已经消失,韩非也将拉链完全拉开。 In the middle of the suitcase is putting white shoes, a latest cell phone and a disfigured one's face female corpse. 行李箱当中放着一只白鞋子、一部最新款的手机和一具被毁了容的女尸。 „!” “啪!” The cell phone fell on the ground, white prominent stupidly looks at that suitcase, the whole person after stopping for several seconds, started to retrocede crazily, hit the wall until the back. 手机掉落在了地上,白显傻傻的看着那行李箱,整个人在停顿了几秒之后,开始疯狂后退,直到后背撞到了墙壁。 That security also shrank in the corner, distant avoidance. 那个保安也缩在了角落里,远远的避开。 Han Fei also wants to continue to explore, but after discovering corpse, he does not dare to change in the room casually randomly 韩非本来还想继续探索,但在发现尸体之后,他也不敢随便乱翻动屋内的 The thing, the nature of case had changed, now he can do is protects the good scene, the waiting police. 东西了,案件的性质已经发生了变化,现在他能做的就是保护好现场,等待警方。 When leaves the film festival conference site, Han Fei had had the contact with the police. 早在离开电影节会场的时候,韩非就已经跟警方取得了联系。 After waited probably for dozen minutes, the siren resounds outside the room, Li Xue and several criminal investigation group members enter in the room. 大概又等了十几分钟后,警笛声在屋外响起,厉雪和数位刑侦组成员进入屋内。 Killer was taken to the hospital to administer first aid, Han Fei and white prominent and security sit near the wall abreast in row, accepts inquiring of police one by one. “杀人魔”被送往医院急救,韩非、白显和保安并排坐在墙边,挨个接受警方的问询。 Such scene white prominent and security are first meeting, they are flurried, speaking incoherently, white Xiangeng was even/including Weili the acid water spits. 这样的场景白显和保安都是第一次遇到,俩人非常慌乱,语无伦次,白显更是连胃里的酸水都吐出来了。 Compared words, Han Fei appears calm, he when the police inquired, tried to exchange with the police. 相比较的话,韩非显得淡定很多,他在警察询问的时候,也试着跟警方去交流。 The status information of dead checked quickly, is called Zhou beautiful, is the sweetheart of Boss Acheng, her appearance is attractive, the ability is also very strong, is responsible for helping the bosses in Acheng process must not exposed to the light the matter. 死者的身份信息很快就查了出来,叫做周丽,正是阿城老板的情人,她长相好看,能力也很强,负责帮阿城的老板处理一些见不得光的事情。 After the police determined deceased, in the Han Fei heart had doubts. 在警方确定了死者身份后,韩非心中却更加的疑惑了。 He hears to be very clear in the film festival conference site, at that time the bosses in Acheng made several phone calls continuously, listens to the speech tone, the opposite party as if the sweetheart hits to oneself. 他在电影节会场里听得很清楚,当时阿城的老板连续打了好几个电话,听说话语气,对方似乎就是给自己情人打的。 Police's also discovered in suitcase cell phone the telephone conversation record of that man, he has been truly calling the deceased person, but he himself has not detected probably completely. 警方在行李箱当中的手机里也发现了那个男人的通话记录,他确实一直在跟死人打电话,不过他自己好像完全没有察觉到。 „The bosses in Acheng the condition was not very right at that time, he should be affected completely by certain things.” Han Fei also inhaled cold air: White shoes, did painter and no face woman, what their three make to that man?” “阿城的老板那个时候状态很不对,他应该完全被某些东西影响到了。”韩非也吸了一口凉气:“白鞋子、油漆工、无脸女人,它们三个到底对那男人做了什么?” Now what met with a disaster is the boss in Acheng, next meeting with a disaster possibly is Han Fei, therefore he must prepare to be good early. 现在遭殃的是阿城的老板,下一个遭殃的可能就是韩非,所以他也要早做准备才行。 Considered as finished next time, Han Fei found Li Xue directly, he had delayed outside too for a long time, must hurry back as soon as possible is good. 算了一下时间,韩非直接找到了厉雪,他已经在外面耽误了太长时间,必须要尽快赶回去才行。 I remember that what you aren't participating to move?” Li Xue knows that the Han Fei new movie soon opens, when she receives the Han Fei call in the evening thinks that the Han Fei preparation invited her to watch the promotional film together, the instance that the telephone resounded, she even also pondered a next tonight is to wear quite attractive clothes. But only crossed merely for one second, she discovered that Han Fei never will be really disappointing, opens the mouth to discover the suspect, seeks the police to support urgently. “我记得你不是在参加什么活动吗?”厉雪知道韩非的新电影快要上映,她晚上接到韩非电话时以为韩非准备邀请她一起去观看宣传片,电话响起的瞬间,她甚至还思考了一下今晚是不是要穿一身比较好看的衣服。但仅仅只过了一秒钟,她就发现韩非果然从来不会让人失望,开口就是发现了嫌疑人,紧急寻求警方支援。 Originally is participating in the activity, but had/left some accidents/surprises afterward, I ran over with the friend.” Han Fei has not claimed credit, he found time to praise white/in vain obviously several. “本来是在参加活动,但后来出了些意外,我就和朋友一起跑过来了。”韩非没有居功,他抽空夸了白显好几句。 Before you behaved righteously provide the clue to the police, this chapter of booing, you went into the scene directly, becomes the first eyewitness. Develops again, were you must arrest the murderer personally?” Li Xue said that does not have other meaning, she hopes Han Fei should not be impulsive, attention security. “以前你见义勇为都是给警方提供线索,这回倒好,你直接跑到了现场,成为了第一目击者。再这么发展下去,你是不是都要亲自去抓捕凶手了?”厉雪这么说也没别的意思,她只是希望韩非别太冲动,注意安全。 Relax, I have the discretion.” “放心,我有分寸的。” „Do you have the discretion? Led second-tier stars to run up to abandons in ten years of construction to search for the card? You think that you are patting the opening a box video?” Before Li Xue, felt oneself were punctures in the police authorities, now after meeting Han Fei, she discovered oneself simply were five good pivot men. “你有分寸?带着一个二线明星跑到废弃了十年的建筑里搜证?你以为你们是在拍开箱视频吗?”厉雪以前觉得自己在警局算是刺头了,现在遇见韩非后她才发现自己简直是五好标兵。 Next time I will pay attention.” Han Fei leads a group to meet with them with the help of Li Xue, searches for is very smooth, the suspect who the card work proceeds dumps the corpse time simply has not thought, as if also has nothing meaning that must conceal. “下次我会注意的。”韩非厉雪的帮助下和他们领队见了一面,搜证工作进行的很顺利,嫌疑人抛尸的时候根本没有多想,似乎也没有任何要隐瞒的意思。 After everyone inquired, Han Fei also brought back white prominent the cell phone, naturally recorded and video is treated as the evidence to preserve by the police. 在所有人问询完毕后,韩非也拿回了白显的手机,当然录音和视频已经被警方当作证据保存了下来。 Brother Bai, was healthy to select?” Han Fei found white prominent and security in the corner, their bile spat, looked deathly pale. “白哥,身体好点了吗?”韩非在墙角找到了白显和保安,俩人胆汁都吐出来了,脸色惨白。 How aren't you uncomfortable?” white prominent looks at Han Fei, suitable did not understand. “你怎么一点都不难受?”白显看着韩非,相当的不理解。 I act in a play frequently sees blood plasma anything, be used.” “我演戏的时候经常见到血浆什么的,习惯了。” But you before developing the twin flower do not perform in the comedy?” white prominent were also the actor, the item blood plasma and genuine corpse differs is too far. “可你在演双生花之前不是演喜剧的吗?”白显自己也是演员,道具血浆和真正的尸体相差太远了。 „, To, your cell phone, the screen broke to pieces a point fortunately probably.” “还好吧,给,你的手机,屏幕好像碎了一点。” All right, even if it is perfect, I estimated, does not dare to use it again.” white Xianfu the wall, is looking very weak: That inside video did you erase? You helped me delete directly, I may not turn on any photography software in a short time.” “没事,就算它完好无损,我估计以后也不敢再用它了。”白显扶着墙壁,看起来十分虚弱:“那个里面的视频你删掉了吗?你帮我直接删了吧,我可能短时间内都不会打开任何拍摄软件了。”
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