MIG :: Volume #5

#420: Only has a child's happy orphanage

„The Elder Brother of security sought for the white shoes in the night, Acheng Boss of telephone mentioned white shoes, before summer Yi died in the middle of the last picture also to present the white shoes, this thing like that scabs face child who the security said that so long as saw him, it seemed everywhere.” “保安的哥哥在深夜寻找白鞋子,阿城老板的电话里提到了白鞋子,夏依死亡前的最后一张照片当中也出现了白鞋子,这东西就像保安说的那个伤疤脸孩子一样,只要看见了他,它就仿佛无处不在了。” In the middle of the corridor temperature is still dropping, these seal's footprints in ground as if lived, so long as if Han Fei turns away, they will run crazily. 走廊当中的温度还在下降,那些印在地面上的脚印仿佛都活了过来,似乎只要韩非移开视线,它们就会疯狂跑来。 How I felt that...... that white shoes did leave us probably near a point?” white prominent grabs the arm of Han Fei stubbornly: „The police have told you, how to deal with this situation?” “我怎么感觉……那双白鞋子好像离我们更近了一点?”白显死死抓着韩非的手臂:“警方有没有告诉过你,如何来应对这种情况?” If only then I alone, I should run, but we currently have four people.” The Han Fei expression has not had anything to change, but if carefully looked that will discover, his whole body muscle has tightened, had entered the high alert condition. “如果只有我一个人的话,我应该会跑,但我们现在有四个人。”韩非的表情没有发生什么变化,但如果仔细看就会发现,他全身肌肉已经绷紧,早已进入了高度戒备状态。 In this case, can not calculate me.” white prominent wants to leave, but Han Fei is actually dragging half-dead killer walks toward the corridor. “这种情况下,可以不把我算进去的。”白显想要离开,但韩非却拖着半死不活的“杀人魔”朝长廊里走去。 Sees Han Fei to proceed, white prominent who does not dare the go it alone also has with the past. 韩非往前走,不敢单独行动的白显也只好跟了过去。 The road that they take now is the road that in the monitoring video that white shoes take, more is proceeds, the temperature is lower, the cold wind sneaks in the clothes following the sleeves and neckband, probably the hand of child climbed up the atrium. 他们现在走的这条路就是监控视频里那白鞋子走的路,越是往前走,温度就越低,冷风顺着衣袖和领口钻进衣服,好像小孩的手攀上了心房。 Killer the video of cell phone no one closes, after finishing one, broadcasts next automatically, in that hidden folder is to all maltreat child's video, photography as if there is very fearful fondness. “杀人魔”手机的视频没有人去关,播完一个之后就自动去播下一个,在那隐藏文件夹里全都是虐待孩子的视频,拍摄者似乎有非常可怕的癖好。 However the light from the video, matter is also not probably simple, compared with suffering, photography is more like performing some experiment, he is selecting the different methods to stimulate that child innermost feelings the fear and pain, finally the goal seems like to thoroughly destroy that child's own personality, molds the appearance that it oneself want. 但是光从视频来看,事情好像又没有那么简单,比起折磨,拍摄者更像是在做某种试验,他在采用不同的方式激发那孩子内心的恐惧和痛苦,最终目的似乎是为了彻底摧毁那孩子自身的人格,将其塑造成自己想要的样子。 The monitoring video is still broadcasting unceasingly, Han Fei also grabs „the meat shield little close to the white shoes. 监控视频还在不断播放,韩非也抓着“肉盾”一点点靠近白鞋子。 He has had the experience that and butterfly fights, knows that the hatred in -depth world does not have the means to appear in the reality at will: „The monster in -depth world can affect the reality even, must adopt certain special methods to be good, what situation are this white shoes?” 他有过和蝴蝶交手的经验,知道深层世界的恨意没办法随意出现在现实当中:“深层世界的怪物就算能够影响到现实,也必须要通过某些特殊的手段才行,这白鞋子到底是什么情况?” After Han Fei entry dead building, his self-confidence also established, thought that the tidying up hospital should still be inferior to the dead building even again dangerously, as the investigation is thorough, he discovered that at all is not this. 韩非通关死楼后,他的自信心也建立了起来,觉得整容医院就算再危险应该也不如死楼,可随着调查深入,他发现根本不是这样的。 This and Yongsheng Pharmaceuticals has some relation the orthopaedic hospital, the water is very deep, related to the thing are also many. 这家和永生制药存在某种联系的整形医院,水很深,涉及到的东西也非常多。 Han Fei, you discover our foot wear impressions also with us, as soon as starts, a moment ago around us was these foot wear impressions, the position that now probably they, even/including Xiejian faces has not changed.” white prominent a little does not dare to proceed to look, however in this place, only if closes one's eyes, otherwise looked where is very terrifying. 韩非,你有没有发现我们脚下的鞋印也在跟着我们一起动,刚才我们四周就是这些鞋印,现在好像还是它们,连鞋尖朝向的位置都没变。”白显有点不敢往前看,但是在这地方除非闭眼,不然看哪里都很恐怖。 Do not be extremely anxious, during the construction besides us, another person, that white shoes may also be him place there.” Han Fei said that this saying wants to comfort white prominent purely, deceived the child to give an injection saying that with the Sir was not sore is the same. “不要太过紧张,建筑当中除了我们之外,还有另外一个人,那双白鞋子也有可能是他放在那里的。”韩非说这话纯粹只是想要安慰一下白显,就跟大人骗小孩打针说一点都不疼一样。 Several meters corridor, they walked for three minutes, when three people after white shoes, white prominent and security are relax, in the imagination the fearful scene has not appeared, the shoes stay in honestly same place, certain things of seeing probably were only the illusions. 十几米的长廊,他们足足走了三分钟,当三人靠近白鞋子后,白显和保安算是松了口气,想象中可怕的场景并没有出现,鞋子老老实实呆在原地,刚才的看到的某些东西好像只是幻觉。 Person in is extremely of tense and in the situation fear, is truly easy to present the illusion.” white prominent and security comfort mutually, under the threat of evil spirit, they are smiles to vanish the love and hate, becomes each other bridging mutually. “人在极度紧张和害怕的情况下,确实容易出现幻觉。”白显和保安互相安慰,在厉鬼的威胁下,他俩倒算是一笑泯恩仇,相互成为了彼此的支住。 Takes off killer single-handed the coat, Han Fei binds it on own arm. 单手脱下“杀人魔”的外衣,韩非将其裹在自己手臂上。 He is away from the clothes cotton material to pick up the white shoes of ground, the careful observation, this probably is very ordinary shoes, fell completely the dust, does not have any special place. 他隔着衣服布料将地上的白鞋子捡起,仔细观察,这好像就是很普通的鞋子,落满了灰尘,没有任何特殊的地方。 Is the ghost is wearing the shoes to run? Some people while the crevice that I acted a moment ago, placed the shoes in the corridor end?” Han Fei looked to another shoes of ground, he discovered the position that the shoes faced sharp had the issue, this double white shoes happen to aimed at a corridor end caging room, felt that seemed it to prepare to enter in that room to result. “是鬼在穿着鞋子跑?还是有人趁着我刚才出手的空隙,将鞋子摆放在了走廊尽头?”韩非又看向了地上的另一只鞋子,他发现鞋尖朝向的位置有问题,这双白鞋子正好对准了走廊尽头一个上锁的房间,感觉就好像它准备进入那房间里似得。 Han Fei forces in killer the white shoes clothes pocket, raises in the hand, he turned head to look to nearby room. 韩非将白鞋子塞进“杀人魔”衣服口袋,提在手中,他扭头看向了旁边的房间。 Sways from side to side the hand, the door has not caged, was shoved open by Han Fei directly. 扭动把手,房门没有上锁,直接被韩非推开。 Light paint taste scatters, this place seems like one specially for the amusement room that the child constructs, but inside decorates and toy is very strange, mostly is dozens years ago that inferior toy, the present child no longer played these things early. 一股淡淡的油漆味飘散出来,这地方似乎是一个专门为小孩修建的娱乐室,但是里面装饰和玩具却很奇怪,大都是几十年前的那种劣质玩具,现在的孩子早都不再玩那些东西了。 „It is not quite right.” “不太对劲啊。” Looks at the children's amusement room, the back of the head of Han Fei pains, he remembers that the deep place heard the grating laughing wildly sound, some fuzzy memory fragments appear slowly. 看着儿童娱乐室,韩非的后脑隐隐作痛,他记忆深处又传来了刺耳的狂笑声,一些模糊的记忆碎片缓缓浮现。 „!” “啪!” Han Fei that stupor killer threw on the ground, he walked into the room directly, vision has swept these worn-out toys and various types of bright pictures, finally stopped in the children's amusement rooms. 韩非将那个昏迷的“杀人魔”扔在了地上,他径直步入屋内,目光怔怔的扫过那些破旧的玩具和各种鲜艳的图片,最后停在了儿童娱乐室中间。 Han Fei? Are you all right?” white Xianzhan in door, seems helpless, since Han Fei the white shoes receive the time, he started to fluster, in he has watched in horror movie, generally such person could the first lead(er) box lunch. 韩非?你没事吧?”白显站在房门口,显得手足无措,从韩非将白鞋子收起的时候,他就开始慌了,在他看过的恐怖电影里,一般这样的人都会第一个领盒饭。 First do not come in!” Han Fei covered own back of the head, his squatting down body, the finger is stroking these worn-out inferior toys slowly, the movement is also gently strange, as if returned to the childhood: These toys I have seen! I had seen before!” “你先别进来!”韩非捂住了自己的后脑,他缓缓蹲下身体,手指抚摸着那些破旧的劣质玩具,动作轻柔却又古怪,就仿佛是回到了童年:“这些玩具我见过!我以前见过!” And You do not frighten me! Or we and other did the police come to say again?” white prominent discovered that the Han Fei condition is not a little right, he collapsed thoroughly, in this gloomy dense old building, the only teammate as if also came under a spell, he does not dare to continue to think downward. “你、你别吓我啊!要不我们等警察来了再说?”白显发现韩非状态有点不对,他是彻底崩溃了,在这种阴气森森的老楼里,唯一的队友似乎还中邪了,他都已经不敢继续往下想了。 Han Fei has not responded white prominent, his hand grasps toys, then flings it in side. 韩非没有搭理白显,他的手抓起一个个玩具,然后又将其甩在旁边。 He has arrived at children's amusement room most deep place, he when seeing the wall is drawing the window design, in the mind also appeared by chance a similar picture. 他一直走到了儿童娱乐室最深处,他在看到墙壁上画着的窗户图案时,脑海中也恰巧浮现出了一个类似的画面。 The gray cement wall appears, no vitality stodgily, one group of children to see outside world, they drew windows on the cement wall, window inside drew the spring flowers and summer greenery, one crowd to run to play the noisy children in out of the window. 灰色的水泥墙壁显得死板、毫无生机,一群孩子为了看到外面的世界,他们在水泥墙壁上画了一扇扇窗户,窗户里面画着春天的花朵、夏天的绿树、还有一群在窗外奔跑玩闹的孩子们。 The memory in reality and mind overlaps, Han Fei and laughing wildly of mind deep place opened the eye simultaneously, they remembered the same place. 现实和脑海中的记忆重叠,韩非和脑海深处的狂笑同时睁开了眼睛,他们想起了同一个地方。 Happy orphanage?” “幸福孤儿院?” Han Fei discovers now, the arrangement of this children's amusement room and he had stayed in childhood the happy orphanage looks like very much! 韩非现在才发现,这儿童娱乐室的布置和他小时候呆过的幸福孤儿院很像! That orphanage by cement wall surrounding, in the courtyard was being thrown various types of inferior toys. 那个孤儿院被水泥墙壁包围,院子里扔着各种劣质玩具。 The children every day happiest time, is the time that and these toys play together. 孩子们每天最开心的时间,就是和这些玩具一起玩耍的时间。 Orthopaedic hospital that why Yongsheng Pharmaceuticals sets up, must own children's lounge construction is like the happy orphanage? In these toy market conditions could not see, only if goes to the secondary market to look for specially......” to confirm a guess in heart, Han Fei walks back and forth in the middle of the toy, finally overthrew the wooden horse of corner. “为什么永生制药开办的整形医院,要把自己的儿童休息室修建的和幸福孤儿院一样?这些玩具市面上根本见不到,除非专门去二手市场淘换……”为了验证心中的一个猜测,韩非在玩具当中走来走去,最后推倒了墙角的一个木马。 That wooden horse has fallen the paint seriously, at the present of technical rapid growth, almost will not have the child to play this thing. 那个木马已经严重掉漆,在科技高速发展的现在,几乎没有孩子会去玩这东西。 Stares at the wooden horse perfect belly, Han Fei is shaking the head, although these toys in the type with happy orphanage are the same, but was actually not Han Fei had played with initially these toys. 盯着木马完好无损的肚子,韩非摇了摇头,这些玩具虽然和幸福孤儿院里的种类一样,但却不是当初韩非自己玩过的那些玩具了。 I remember very clearly, the wooden horse belly in orphanage was cut by the blade, the sawdust made that is...... thinks of here everywhere, Han Fei was shocked suddenly, in his subconscious remembered the wooden horse of orphanage, but who actually couldn't record is cut open the belly of wooden horse? “我记得很清楚,孤儿院里的木马肚子被刀划开,木屑弄得到处都是……”想到这里,韩非忽然愣住了,他潜意识中想起了孤儿院的木马,但是却记不起来是谁剖开了木马的肚子? The back of the head grips general like the needle, Han Fei is suppressing the ache , to continue to recall. 后脑如同针扎一般,韩非强忍着疼痛,继续去回想。 Is the wooden horse that who spoils? These toys...... above should have the scar to be right!” Han Fei standing body, he little close to the wall of amusement room most deep place, then by the gray wall of picture full window. “是谁弄坏的木马?这些玩具……上面应该都有伤痕才对!”韩非站直身体,他一点点靠近娱乐室最深处的墙壁,然后靠在了画满窗户的灰色墙壁上。 Outside windows is the spring, summer, autumn, winter, is the four seasons transforms, in the room that but Han Fei is at only has a deathly stillness and gloominess. 一扇扇窗户外面是春夏秋冬,是四季变换,但韩非所在的屋子里却只有一片死寂和阴森。 This orthopaedic hospital has ability that changes the child personality, do their abilities experiment step by step? Was the child who first has the perfect personality how discovered?” “这家整形医院拥有改变孩子性格的能力,他们这种能力是如何一步步试验出来的?第一个拥有完美人格的孩子又是怎么被发现的?” Han Fei is pressing own transmits the severe pain head unceasingly, he remembered an immaterial matter suddenly. 韩非按着自己的不断传来剧痛的脑袋,他突然想起了一件无关紧要的事情。 When just obtained the black box, the police once led him to take the citizen information examination, finally the wisdom brain judged that his risk factor is zero, examining him is the extremely rare cure personality. 在刚获得黑盒的时候,警方曾带着他做过公民信息检测,结果智脑判断他的危险度为零,检测他是极为少见的治愈型人格。 Has this personality person, not only can cure others, takes to the surrounding person to hope, can be overturned in the difficult position by oneself, cures itself unceasingly. 拥有这种人格的人,不仅可以治愈别人,带给周围的人希望,也可以让自己在困境中翻盘,不断的治愈自己。
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