MIG :: Volume #4

#306: Red skirt that cannot deliver

Went? Is when the security does take away the red skirt?” “外卖到了?偏偏是在保安把红裙子拿走的时候?” Han Fei is staring at the door in darkness, is away from the thick shutter he to imagine this time outside scene, a whole body is going of blood, at the back of the giant corpse box, lies on the burglar-proof door. 韩非盯着黑暗中的房门,隔着厚厚的门板他都能想象出来此时外面的场景,一个浑身是血的外卖员,背着巨大的尸体盒子,趴在防盗门上。 „The lamp in room goes out suddenly, explained that in the room should have other things besides the red skirt , do I want to open the door to put going to come in?” “屋里的灯突然熄灭,说明屋内除了红裙子外应该还有其他的东西在,我要不要开门放外卖员进来?” In the dead building plays Han Fei to run into going, but the deep layer world and game different places are, Han Fei is not that lacking the strength to truss up a chicken game character, he already 12 levels. 在死楼游戏里韩非遇到过外卖员,但深层世界和游戏不同的地方在于,韩非不是那个手无缚鸡之力的游戏人物,他已经十二级了。 Ok, do not make the noise is quite good prematurely, I am only a courage am minimum, the rookie security of fear ghost story.” “算了,还是不要过早闹出动静比较好,我只是一个胆子极小、害怕鬼故事的新人保安。” Going while the red skirt was taken away knocks on a door specially, this had explained a lot, in Room 1044 most terrifying should be the red skirt, he also only dares to knock on a door while this time. 外卖员专门趁着红裙子被拿走的时候来敲门,这已经说明了很多事情,1044房间里最恐怖的应该就是红裙子,他也只敢趁着这时候来敲门。 Some people at home? Some people at home? Some people at home!” “有人在家吗?有人在家吗?有人在家吗!” The voice of to terrify person resounds unceasingly, the door knob of Room 1044 swayed from side to side, outside the room transmits the nail to scratch the sound of door. 瘆人的声音不断响起,1044房间的门把手被扭动,屋外传来指甲抓挠房门的声音。 Withdraws quietly, Han Fei hid behind the cabinet, no matter he were also useful, first wore the puncture-proof vest of security room, then forced in the pocket the glare flashlight, he had arranged the equipment to himself. 悄悄后撤,韩非躲在了柜子后面,他也不管有没有用,先穿上了保安室的防刺背心,然后把强光手电塞进口袋,他已经给自己配齐了装备。 The door lock shivers is getting more and more fierce, after crossing probably for more than ten seconds, outside the room all sounds vanished suddenly completely. 门锁颤抖的越来越剧烈,大概过了十几秒后,屋外所有的声音突然全部消失了。 Walked?” “走了?” Is hanging the heart puts down slowly, Han Fei just prepared to come out from the cabinet, he saw the living room burglar-proof door to be shoved open a seam. 悬着的心慢慢放下,韩非刚准备从柜子后面出来,他就看见客厅防盗门被推开了一条缝。 No one...... that I placed in the thing at home your family!” “没有人在家……那我就把东西放在你家里了!” The strong corpse stink greets the nostrils to come, a bloody arm puts in the room, pastes on the pale wallpaper. 浓重的尸臭味扑鼻而来,一条血淋淋的手臂伸进屋内,贴在惨白的壁纸上。 It grabs an opens the mouth spatial cake box, seems like wants to enter in the room, but resounded the fluent sound in this time bathroom, seems like showers suddenly is opened. 它抓着一个开口的空蛋糕盒子,似乎是想要进入屋内,但就在这时候卫生间里响起了水流声,似乎是淋浴突然被打开。 Hears this sound, that bloody arm twists slowly. 听到这个声音,那条血淋淋的手臂慢慢扭曲。 The ray was too dark, the Han Fei vision is very even good a little not to see clearly. 光线太暗了,韩非就算视力很好也有点看不清楚。 The burglar-proof door was shoved open gradually, out of the door actually no one, can only see one greatly is infiltrating the box of blood. 防盗门渐渐被推开,门外却没有人,只能看见一个巨大的渗着血的箱子。 „Is that box going?” “那箱子就是外卖员?” Indistinct, has probably anything to crawl from the box, fast creeps along the ground like a poisonous snake, finally it ran in the middle of the bedroom. 隐隐约约,好像有什么东西从箱子里爬出,如同一条毒蛇般快速在地上爬动,最后它跑进了卧室当中。 After that thing delivers, after the gate , the bloody arm will empty the cake box to throw on the ground, then closes slowly. 将那东西送到之后,门后血淋淋的手臂将空蛋糕盒子扔在了地上,然后慢慢关上了门。 The door closure, all probably nothing happened are the same. 房门关闭,一切都好像什么都没发生过一样。 „Didn't homeowner person at home, what thing go the ghost to give toward the family/home in? That thing hid in the bedroom probably.” “屋主人不在家的时候,外卖鬼往家里送了什么东西?那东西好像藏在了卧室里面。” The fluent sound of bathroom has not stopped, in the bedroom ran in the new thing, if the red skirt comes back in the evening again, Han Fei felt oneself possibly cannot boil the first night. 卫生间的水流声还未停止,卧室里又跑进了新的东西,如果晚上红裙子再回来,韩非感觉自己可能连第一天晚上都熬不过去。 His brain revolves rapidly, pondered that by place that oneself neglect, but when his high degree of concentration attention, the air as if suddenly became moist, light fishy smell stink floated the nasal cavity, touched the finger feeling of cabinet to be wet. 他大脑飞速运转,思考被自己忽略的地方,可就在他高度集中注意力的时候,空气似乎突然变得潮湿了,一股淡淡的腥臭味飘进鼻腔,触碰柜子的手指感觉湿湿的。 Looks up, the pale wall is seeping out anything outward, looks like a pale face to burst into tears. 抬头看去,惨白的墙壁正在往外渗出什么东西,就像是一张苍白的脸正在流泪。 The room is the original room, the furniture places has not had any change, but suddenly was different to the feeling of Han Fei. 房间还是原本的房间,家具摆放没有出现任何变化,但是给韩非的感觉却突然不同了。 All goods were covered probably by anything, on the sofa has a furry hair to wriggle, in the dirty water of teacup seems the eyeball to open slowly, the meal in lunch box in fast rotten, is pasting the seal, was only on the television of ornaments presented the portrait obviously indistinctly. 一切物品好像都被什么东西覆盖住,沙发上有毛茸茸的一层头发在蠕动,茶杯的剩水里好像有一颗眼珠慢慢睁开,饭盒中的饭菜在快速腐烂,贴着封条,明明只是摆设的电视机上隐隐约约出现了人像。 Similar change also has, room and in the middle of room in darkness that the light illuminates, simply is two different places. 类似的变化还有很多,灯光照亮的房间和处于黑暗当中的房间,简直就是两个不同的地方。 In the floor makes rustle the sound, as if have several the root finger to touch off anything to drill. Han Fei has not misunderstood, is not downstairs neighbor in the buckle, but is in the middle of the floor is sealing anything. 地板里面发出沙沙的声音,仿佛有数根手指在扣动着什么东西想要钻出来。韩非没有听错,不是楼下的邻居在扣,而是地板当中封存着什么。 Both hands protect before the body, Han Fei can feel in the darkness to have the thing to wake up, all these strange is only the omens that it regains consciousness. 双手护在身前,韩非能感觉到黑暗中有东西正在醒来,这一切的诡异都只是它苏醒的前兆。 „!” “啪!” drawing the window of window curtains was being blown suddenly, the window curtains flutters, in the night edge, presented a person's shadow indistinctly. 拉着窗帘的窗户突然被吹开,窗帘飘动,在黑夜的边缘,隐约出现了一个人影。 Her both hands make to seize the appearance of Han Fei nape of the neck, the eyeball almost must stare the eye socket, the mouth in the silent scream, her vocal cord cut off probably, in the middle of the throat all brings the blood of some type of sediment. 她双手做出掐住韩非脖颈的样子,眼珠子几乎要瞪出眼眶,嘴里在无声的尖叫,她的声带好像被割断了,喉咙当中全都是带着某种渣子的血液。 The window curtains falls, the person's shadow also vanishes does not see, but in the room on all the things of reflection, including the window glass, the television screen, mirror and drinking glass, on these things all appeared a face that was similar. 窗帘落下,人影也消失不见,但是屋内所有反光的东西上,包括窗户玻璃、电视屏幕、镜子、玻璃杯,那些东西上面全都浮现出了一张类似于人的脸。 Han Fei presses down the switch of glare flashlight, but the flashlight had the breakdown at this time, is unable to use. 韩非按下强光手电的开关,但是手电却在这时候出现了故障,根本无法使用。 He has to grasp the rubber stick, tries to arrive by the window. 他只好抓紧橡胶棒,试着走到窗户旁边。 On the glass window full is the fissure, the face of woman disappears. 玻璃窗户上满是裂痕,那女人的脸又不见了。 Approaches cautiously, when he prepares to close the window, the back was pushed fiercely! 小心翼翼靠近,在他准备关上窗户的时候,后背猛地被人推了一下! The five fingers hold the window stubbornly, Han Fei turn head toward to wield the rubber stick behind. 五指死死抓住窗台,韩非扭头朝身后挥动橡胶棒。 His anything has not pounded, but he felt a moment ago clearly some people pushed him, some people want to push from the building him! 他什么都没有砸到,但是他刚才清楚感觉到有人推了他,有人想要把他从楼上推下去! Hurried to be far away from the window, Han Fei returns by the cabinet, when he considered that must go to the bedroom with that went the ghost to deal with the difficulty together, on the corridor outside room heard the running sound. 赶紧远离窗户,韩非重新回到了柜子旁边,在他考虑要不要去卧室跟那个外卖鬼一起应对困难的时候,屋外的走廊上传来了奔跑声。 The key forces in the door lock, the burglar-proof door is opened again, in crashing in room that Brother Hua and little side pant. 钥匙塞进门锁,防盗门再次被打开,华哥和小方气喘吁吁的冲进屋内。 In instance that two people open the door, the lamp that went out shone suddenly, in room all exceptionally also vanishes to disappear completely. 在两人开门的瞬间,原本熄灭的灯突然亮了起来,屋内所有的异常也全部消失不见了。 Stood in the living room, Han Fei just dressed the good wound to start the oozing of blood, his appearance was pitiful, looks deathly pale, just awakened from the nightmare probably. 站立在客厅,韩非刚包扎好的伤口又开始渗血,他模样凄惨,脸色惨白,就好像刚刚从噩梦中惊醒。 Restored normally?” “恢复正常了?” Attention that this strange caused Han Fei, but he has not said anything. 这奇怪的一幕引起了韩非的注意,不过他并没有多说什么。 What thing did you meet? How to be frightened this?” The little side big mouth is gasping for breath, he sees the Han Fei condition is not very right, speaks thoughtlessly to ask. “你这是遇到了什么东西吗?怎么被吓成这样了?”小方大口喘着气,他见韩非状态很不对劲,随口问道。 „After you walk, that knocked on a door, it that delivered to go had not opened the door with the key directly, ground that spatial cake box was it delivers.” Han Fei depends on the sofa slantingly, seemed like frightened miserably. “你们走之后,那个送外卖的来敲门了,它没有用钥匙就直接打开了门,地上那个空蛋糕盒子就是它送过来的。”韩非斜靠着沙发,看起来被吓惨了。 Then? Did it only give this thing?” Brother Hua responded little side is fiercer, his pupil unceasing beat. “然后呢?它只送了这个东西吗?”华哥比小方反应要剧烈,他瞳孔都在不断的跳动。 I have not seen clearly, when going opening the door, the black shadow climbed in the bedroom together.” “我没看清楚,不过在外卖员开门的时候,还有一道黑色的影子爬进了卧室里。” „Did you determine?” Brother Hua turns on the glare flashlight directly, entrains little side to enter the bedroom, they inspected had not discovered for a long time exceptionally: „Did you misread? Do not say carelessly! Tonight we may also probably sleep here.” “你确定?”华哥直接打开强光手电,拽着小方进入卧室,他们检查了好久也没有发现异常:“你是不是看错了?别胡乱说啊!今晚我们可还要在这里睡觉。” „.” Han Fei has not continued to pester this issue again: Your that side situation how? Also smooth?” “是真的。”韩非没有再继续纠缠这个问题:“你们那边情况怎么样?还顺利吗?” Our past times, the gate of Room 1004 is happen to opening, I threw the red skirt directly, then closes.” little side is covering own chest: Really must make me cut that skirt, my also a little being able to get down hand.” “我们过去的时候,1004房间的门正好开着,我就直接把红裙子扔了进去,然后给它关上了门。”小方捂着自己的心口:“真要让我去剪那个裙子,我还有点下不去手。” Hopes that skirt cannot come back again.” Brother Hua looked at a watch: „The present is 1 : 00 am, rests slightly a meeting, three points also does an inspection one time.” “希望那个裙子不会再回来吧。”华哥看了一眼手表:“现在是凌晨 1 点,稍微休息一会吧,三点还有一次巡查。” 3 : 00 am can you also go out?” Han Fei was startled, does also to have a limit. “凌晨 3 点你们还要出去?”韩非都惊了,作死也要有个限度。 In building besides us, but also is occupied by other neighbors, if our security were even afraid, they what to do?” “楼内除了我们之外,还住有其他邻居,如果连我们保安都害怕了,那他们怎么办?” „Are they afraid hurry to move out?” The Han Fei decisive opens the mouth, he must urge Brother Hua well, if oneself do not go on patrol with them together, that keeps this ominous dwelling to play certainly, goes on patrol with them together, oneself are also more unfortunate than fortunate. “他们害怕就赶紧搬走啊?”韩非果断开口,他必须要好好劝劝华哥,如果自己不跟他们一起去巡逻,那留在这凶宅里自己铁定要玩完,跟他们一起去巡逻,那自己也是凶多吉少。 Your this does not have the empathy, I look at you am an rookie, this time even.” Brother Hua is very tired: Tonight I stand night watch, you and little side first go to the room to rest the meeting, otherwise to cannot withstand late at night.” “你这就是没有同理心,我看你是新人,这次就算了。”华哥已经很累了:“今晚我守夜,你和小方先去屋里睡会吧,不然到后半夜顶不住的。” Big brother, I possibly rest? Perhaps the red skirt came back in the evening, I thought that our three are stays together is quite good.” Han Fei closed the bedroom door lamely: We are staying in the living room.” “大哥,我怎么可能睡的着?红裙子说不定晚上就回来了,我觉得咱们三个还是都呆在一起比较好。”韩非一瘸一拐的关上了卧室门:“我们还是都在客厅里呆着吧。” Also good.” Brother Hua brings the bedding from the bedroom, the direct shop on the living room ground, he greeted little side to sit above together: On you have the wound, should rest rests, has the matter we to call your.” “也好。”华哥从卧室取来被褥,直接铺在了客厅地上,他招呼小方一起坐在上面:“你身上有伤,该睡就睡,有事我们会叫你的。” A Brother Hua I very reliable appearance, but Han Fei definitely is actually not able to trust him. 华哥一副我很可靠的样子,但韩非却完全无法信任他。 Even if lay down on the sofa, Han Fei does not dare to sleep, he has not completed a task to the present, cannot withdraw from the game, perhaps died really died. 就算是躺在了沙发上,韩非也根本不敢睡觉,他到现在还没有完成一件任务,不能退出游戏,死了或许就真的死了。 In the mind was crowded by the issue, Han Fei has not thought how good next to do, he crossed all and dead building related information, all around also slowly became peaceful. 脑海里被问题塞满,韩非也没有想好下一步该怎么做,他把所有和死楼有关的信息过了一遍,四周也慢慢变得安静了。 Like tidal has inundated the body exhaustedly, the head dizzy heavy, the wound is also passing the vigor of body unceasingly, Han Fei was feeling that the eyelid is getting more and more heavy. 疲惫如同潮水般漫过身体,脑袋晕晕沉沉,伤口也在不断透着身体的活力,韩非感觉眼皮越来越沉重。 He bit a tip of tongue ruthlessly, wants to keep sober with the ache. 他狠狠咬了一下舌尖,想要用疼痛来保持清醒。 Like this passed for a half hour, Han Fei felt in suddenly the room the temperature reduced again, his subconscious wish looked for a thing to cover the body, but turned head actually to see in the bathroom to hang a whole body in the person of bleeding. 就这样过去了半个小时,韩非忽然感觉屋内温度再次降低,他下意识的想要找个东西盖住身体,可是一扭头却看见卫生间里挂着一个浑身在流血的人。 Red and red skirt?” “红、红裙子?”
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