MGIAZ :: Volume #7

#659: The setting on fire tool must carry along

At this time the Mu Chen sound also conveyed from outside the door, listened to the sound had found supplies likely. 这时木晨的声音也从门外传来,听动静像是已经找到了物资 After seeing Ye Lian they help, Ling Mo lowered the head, starts from the beginning to look earnestly. 叶恋她们去帮忙后,凌默又低下头来,开始认真地从头看起。 Looked that writes down the saying time of labelling, earliest impressively was six months ago. 看笔记上标注的曰期,最早的赫然是在半年之前。 That little while Ling Mo had to spiritual force also only had understood, but on writing down to the description of spiritual force, actually already systematic theory. 那会儿凌默精神力也不过只是有了一些了解,但笔记上对精神力的描述,却已经有系统的理论了。 However most makes Ling Mo think what is inconceivable, this handwriting came from the same person unexpectedly...... 不过最让凌默觉得不可思议的是,这字迹竟然都来自于同一个人…… Did not say 0 research and development by one group of people? 不是说0号的研发是靠一群人的吗? But no matter many people participate, Ling Mo more looks more thought, plays the key role in this matter truly, precisely writes the person who writes down. 但不管是多少人参与的,凌默越看越觉得,在这件事中真正起到核心作用的,正是写笔记的这个人。 Besides to spiritual force beyond the research, this person also frequently writes in the marginal notes seems very crazy theory. 除了对精神力的研究外,这人在旁注上还常常写出一些看上去很疯狂的理论。 spiritual force Ability User is the brain territory mutation result, although ordinary person cannot become Ability User, but if fuses spiritual force of numerous person together, could it be that is worse than Ability User on absolutely will? Is worth trying.” 精神力异能者不过是脑域变异的结果,普通人虽然不能成为异能者,但如果将众多人的精神力融合到一起,难道一定会异能者差吗?值得一试。” Ling Mo sees this, knew in the heart that this was the origin that was born on the 0. 凌默看到这一段,心知这就是0号诞生的由来了。 Only one is worth trying, really has launched the research unexpectedly. 只一个“值得一试”,竟然就真的展开了研究。 This person in then Nirvana, should have the not bad status and prestige, which otherwise comes this execution...... 这人在当时的涅槃内部,应该也具备不错的地位和声望,否则哪来这种执行力…… Fuses although together has succeeded, but the thoughts of many people actually on the contrary cannot compare a person, why? If can refine the pure energy spiritual force, the reperfusion to a person brain, can appear compared with 0 a stronger lifeform?” “融合到一起虽然成功了,但许多人的思维却反倒比不上一个人,为什么?如果能把精神力提炼成纯正的能量,再灌注到一个人脑子里,会不会出现比0号更强的生物?” spiritual force also likely is one type reads the strength, but is not illusory. What is different from other Ability User, own body of their control, but what spiritual force Ability User control is own thought. If when promotes spiritual force, simultaneously exercises own thought? Can this promote quickly? Method of promotion......” 精神力也像是一种念力,但没有那么虚无缥缈。和其他异能者不同的是,他们控制的自己的身体,而精神力异能者控制的是自己的思维。那如果在提升精神力的时候,同时锻炼自己的思维呢?这样会不会提升得更快?提升的方法……” Saw the illegible handwriting to write about the bottommost, Ling Mo then turned one page. 见潦草的字迹写到了最下面,凌默便翻了一页。 What may make his depressed is, the second page of upper half of were completely sallow, let alone looked to write in the above character, touched with the hand, will turn into the disintegrating slag immediately. 可让他郁闷的是,第二页的上半部分完全焦黄了,别说看写在上面的字了,就是用手摸一下,都会立马变成碎渣。 How to promote?” Ling Mo frowns to say. “到底是怎么提升的?”凌默皱着眉头想道。 Indeed, he has paid only great attention to the promotion of spiritual force intensity, never has actually thought works hard from thought. 的确,他一直只注重精神力强度的提升,却从未想过从思维方面下工夫。 When displays spiritual force, is mainly dependence high power of concentration and fast mind/energetic responds ability to Spiritual Energy control, this inside response ability, has included actually also the thought. 在施展精神力的时候,对精神能量控制主要是依靠高度的集中力和快速的精神反应能力,这里面的反应能力,其实也包括了思维。 But actually should how exercise the thought that Ling Mo does not have any clue. 但究竟该怎么锻炼思维,凌默却没什么头绪。 The general these universal methods are not definitely suitable, labelling that but writes down here, was actually cut off. 一般的那些通用方法肯定不适用,但笔记上的标注到这里,却又断掉了。 Ling Mo unwilling to give up and turned several pages, actually the discovery writes the person who writes down as if to this matter and not caring, has not raised again. 凌默不死心地又翻了几页,却发现写笔记的人似乎对这件事并不在意,没有再提过。 However casually proposes an idea to make 0 to him, Ling Mo becomes to this person of interest very thick. 不过就冲着他随便提个想法就能制造出0号,凌默对这人的兴趣就变得十分浓厚。 The theoretical knowledge is rich, simultaneously this person of also ability realizes the ideas of these terrifying, can say that this is the dangerous member in Nirvana. 理论知识丰富,同时这人还有能力实现那些恐怖的想法,可以说这才是涅槃内的危险成员。 Moreover this way, this person in the Nirvana Headquarters experimental group member, should also be very much has character of component...... 而且这样看来,这人在涅槃总部的实验组成员内,应该也是个很有分量的人物…… What a pity after turning, has not actually seen the signature, Ling Mo to have helpless to close the note. 可惜翻了一遍后,却没有看见署名,凌默只好无奈地合上了笔记。 Captain.” 队长。” The Mu Chen shout transmits from outside, Ling Mo accordingly, while has forced in backpack this note carefully. 木晨的喊声从外面传来,凌默一边应声,一边小心地将这笔记塞进了背包 I looked for many canned food and bottled water, some also bullets, took to your family that.” Mu Chen opens the door, said. “我找了许多罐头和瓶装水,还有一些子弹,都拿给你们家那位了。”木晨打开门,说道。 He cannot help but casts a sidelong glance in the direction of insulation can, has revealed color/look of the fear, then had doubts looked at Ling Mo one. 他不由自主地朝保温箱的方向瞟了一眼,又露出了一丝后怕之色,然后又疑惑地看了凌默一眼。 I have a look at these jars.” Ling Mo puts out a hand to grasp a medicine bottle immediately calmly, said. “我看看这些瓶子。”凌默立刻不动声色地伸手抓出了一个药瓶,说道。 „, In that some are the beforehand experiment personnel stay behind.” Mu Chen spoke thoughtlessly to reply. “哦,那里面有些是以前的实验人员留下的。”木晨随口答道。 Ling Mo revealed a being astonished color/look immediately, Suo turned on the jar to smell. 凌默顿时露出了一丝讶色,索姓打开瓶子闻了闻。 These jars are sending out the strange taste, but two bottles made Ling Mo smell a familiar flavor/smell. 这些瓶子都散发着怪异的药味,不过其中两瓶却让凌默闻到了一股熟悉的味道。 Virus! 病毒 Moreover, came from the High Level Zombie Virus solution...... 而且,还是来自于高级丧尸病毒溶液…… It seems like Nirvana also has this type to dilute Virus, strengthens the idea of human body by this, but places here, mostly is actually used to give the 0 vessel to carry on the injection. 看来涅槃也有这种稀释病毒,以此来增强人体的想法,不过放在这儿,却多半是用来给0号的容器进行注射的。 An energy of young baby is limited, although can create the limit to 0, but has also imprisoned 0 strength. 一个小婴儿的精力毕竟有限,虽然能对0号造成限制,但也禁锢了0号的实力 But had this medicament, that was different...... 但有了这种药剂,那就不同了…… Through the continuous stimulation, can the maximum degree stimulate this small body the potential, and may change the physique gradually. 通过持续不断的刺激,能最大程度地激发这具小身躯的潜能,并且也可能会渐渐改变体质。 However now has become corpse, actually to have the change, if any changed any degree, Ling Mo was unable to know. 不过现在已经成了尸体,究竟有没有改变,如果有的话又改变到了什么程度,凌默也就无从知晓了。 This medicament did not have use now, but is just appropriate to Xu Shuhan, therefore had also forced in the package by him. 这药剂现在已经没了用处,但对许舒涵来说却正合适,于是也被他塞进了包里。 This was seen by Mu Chen, in the heart also unavoidably one whispered: This thing can Ling Mo come to do? 这一幕被木晨看见,心中又免不了一顿嘀咕:这东西凌默要来干嘛? Saw in the laboratory not to have other thing to take, Ling Mo then waved to indicate that can leave. 见实验室内没有其他东西可拿了,凌默便挥手表示可以离开了。 Before going out, Ling Mo has turned out a small bottle from package, then on a pouring toward several leaves of wooden doors, then throws the matches that the root ignited to go. 临出门前,凌默从包里翻出了一个一小瓶,然后往几扇木门上一浇,接着又丢了根点着的火柴进去。 Whiz! 嗖! Flame leapt up immediately, quick has fired firewall this leaf of dry wooden door. 一股火苗立刻蹿了起来,很快就将这扇干燥的木门烧成了一堵火墙 The flame jumps shines on the face, the Mu Chen expression also somewhat is suddenly complex. 火光一跳一跳地映照在脸上,木晨的表情一时间也有些复杂。 This fever, was his did not have to the fever in the past...... 这一烧,也算是将他的过去给烧没了…… But, you are carrying the setting on fire tool unexpectedly along......” Mu Chen immediately some chills. “不过,你竟然随身携带着放火工具……”木晨顿时有些恶寒。 Ye Lian they are also staring at that flame, but actually does not know that they are thinking anything. 叶恋她们也都盯着那火光,但却不知她们在想些什么。 However what at least can affirm, the thought in their heads at this time drilling, definitely with Mu Chen is completely different. 不过至少可以肯定的是,她们脑袋里此时钻出来的念头,肯定跟木晨是完全不同的。 Ye Lian's look especially at a loss, indistinct, she thought that she has flashed at present as if through some both familiar and strange picture. 叶恋的眼神尤其茫然,隐隐约约中,她觉得自己眼前仿佛闪过了一些既熟悉又陌生的画面。 Similarly is the flame, the place that but she places is actually in a narrow and small room, in the hand is also taking a soup ladle, is mixing the cooking liquor in pot slowly. 同样是火苗,但她所身处的地方却是一个狭小的房间内,手上还拿着一个汤勺,正慢慢搅动着锅里的汤汁。 girl, I was starving.” A familiar sound conveys from outside. 丫头,我快饿死了。”一个熟悉的声音从外面传来。 Was good, endures again. You looked, who makes you not remember to prepare food, you this way really will starve to death......” “就好了,再忍忍吧。你看,谁让你不记得做饭的,你这样下去真的会饿死……” Sound of blame getting smaller, is getting more and more dim. 责备的声音越来越小,也越来越朦胧。 girl?” 丫头?” A clearer sound makes a sound suddenly near the ear, the Ye Lian's pupil shrinks immediately, the vision changed Ling Mo immediately. 一个更为清晰的声音突然响在耳边,叶恋的瞳孔顿时一缩,目光随即转向了凌默 Ling Mo somewhat uncertain looked at Ye Lian one, asked: How?” 凌默有些疑惑地看了叶恋一眼,问道:“怎么了?” Ye Lian opens big eyes to look at Ling Mo, then shook the head slowly, has not spoken. 叶恋睁着大眼睛看着凌默,然后缓缓摇了摇头,却没说话。 Good not to look, hurries. Before going to the headquarters, but must go to a Cui Lake first.” Ling Mo said. “好了别看了,赶紧走吧。去总部之前,还得先去一趟翠湖呢。”凌默说道。 Originally you have not forgotten Cui Lake......” Mu Chen to say very much disappointedly. “原来你还没忘了翠湖啊……”木晨很失望地说道。 However his opinion again had been disregarded obviously, simply has not gotten any response...... 不过他的意见显然又被再次无视了,根本没有得到任何回应…… As Ling Mo entire group turns around to leave, this obsolete hospital will quickly also submerge in the middle of the sea of fire, but this Dongming also will thoroughly become a ruins city...... 随着凌默一行人转身离开,这幢老旧的医院也将很快淹没在火海当中,而这座东明市也将彻底成为一座废墟城市…… Ling Mo and the others front leg just left Dongming, back leg off-road vehicle arrives. 凌默等人前脚刚离开东明市,后脚一辆越野车就开到了。 Sudden extreme turn of this car(riage) when arriving at toll station, then had the violent fricative will to stop in these worn out car side. 这辆车在开到收费站附近时突然一个急转弯,然后带着猛烈的摩擦声堪堪停在了那些废旧汽车的旁边。 The vehicle door opens, a foot of pair of wear white color plate shoes has trod from the vehicle, afterward what appears is one seems the somewhat emaciated person's shadow. 车门打开,一双穿着白色板鞋的脚从车上踏了下来,随后出现的是一个看上去有些瘦弱的人影。 She lifted the brim of duckbill cap, then arrived at a beach also to calculate that nearby fresh bloodstain, squatted to put out a hand to trace. 她抬了抬鸭舌帽的帽沿,然后走到了一滩还算新鲜的血迹跟前,蹲下去伸手摸了摸。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” In the car(riage) finds out a person to come, to ask. 车内又探出一个人来,问道。 Flavor/Smell hears, should just cross not to have two days.” She replied. “味道闻上去,应该是刚过没两天。”她答道。 Can continue to induce?” The person in car(riage) asked. “能继续感应吗?”车内的人问道。 At this time Zombie suddenly appeared after car, leapt fiercely, plunged that girl from the top of the head. 这时一只丧尸突然出现在了一辆汽车后,猛地一跃,就从头顶扑向了那女孩。 But the girl is actually without turning a hair, silhouette in a flash, actually welcomed this only Zombie, in the hand cold light in a flash, that Zombie was in the midair, the abdominal cavity left a large share blood on whirlwind. 但女孩却面不改色,身影一晃,竟然就迎上了这只丧尸,手中寒光一晃,那丧尸身在半空中,腹腔就飚出了一大股鲜血。 plop!” 噗通!” Zombie heavily falls to the ground, but the arm still had actually grasped toward girl's leg. 丧尸重重落地,但手臂却仍旧朝着女孩的腿抓了过去。 But the girl early has preparation likely, not only jumps high, but also fell carrying on the back of this Zombie directly, the hand had the blade to fall, dug in the scruff of Zombie ruthlessly. 而女孩却像是早有准备似的,不仅高高跳起,还直接落到了这丧尸的背上,手起刀落,狠狠扎入了丧尸的后颈。 The person in car(riage) put out a hand to pat the racket: This little while skill was getting better and better.” 车内的人伸手拍了拍:“这会儿身手越来越好了。” The girl actually unemotionally, the backhand the shining knife will insert toward the waist, walked toward off-road vehicle: Walks, then looks.” 女孩却面无表情,反手将明晃晃的刀子往腰间一插,又朝着越野车走了过去:“走吧,接着去找。” Yeah, is really troublesome......” man said. “哎,真是麻烦……”男子道。 Was little wordy, walks.” The girl did not say patiently. “少罗嗦了,走吧。”女孩不耐烦地说道。 As off-road vehicle starts once more, that pair of eyes under girl hat brim was actually staring at that beach bloodstain. 随着越野车再次启动,女孩帽檐下的那双眼睛却盯着刚才的那滩血迹。 Ling Mo, once appeared there......( To be continued.) 凌默,就曾出现在那儿……(未完待续。)
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