MGIAZ :: Volume #7

#658: Is all right to rush to the empty gate

Dongming the fire has burnt an evening fully, when the pub that until next morning, Ling Mo entire group from abandoning drills, can see the thick black smoke from afar. 东明市的这场大火整整烧了一晚,直到第二天一早,凌默一行人从一家废弃的小旅馆里钻出来时,都还能远远望见浓密的黑烟。 Not only the sky seemed like blacked thoroughly same, indistinctly, but can also smell the flavor/smell that irritated the nose extremely. 不仅天空就像是彻底被染黑了一样,隐隐约约地,还能闻到一股极为刺鼻的味道。 Sees this landscape by the bleak building, regardless of anybody saw, perhaps will have the world in the little corroded feeling. 透过荒凉的建筑物看见这一幕景观,无论任何人看见了,恐怕都会有种世界正在一点点被侵蚀的感觉。 This fever fiercely, nearby Zombie was attracted to pass.” “这烧得厉害,附近的丧尸都被吸引过去了。” Mu Chen raised one's head cautiously, looked at one toward the street two sides about, then shows the look that has felt relieved, said. 木晨小心翼翼地伸出头去,朝街道两边左右望了一眼,然后露出了一丝放心的神色,说道。 Ling Mo carried the package, both hands inserts in the pocket walked, looked like as if has not awaked, but a pair of eyes was actually very bright appearance. He stands on the entrance stair, reminded lightly: Do not forget, our side has a half-finished product. If you want to look at Zombie, turns head becomes.” 凌默则背着包,双手插在衣兜里就走了出来,看起来似乎还没怎么睡醒,但一双眼睛却还是很亮的样子。他站在门口的台阶上,淡淡地提醒道:“别忘了,我们身边就有只半成品呢。你要想看丧尸,回头就成啊。” „?” “啊?” Mu Chen turns head subconsciously, finally just turned around, with one pair flood blood-color eyes to. 木晨下意识回头,结果刚一转身,就和一双泛着血色的眼睛对上了。 A Xu Shuhan arm is proceeded to extend by Xia Na is entraining diligently, eyes stares in a big way, contorts one's face in agony to Ling Mo and Mu Chen. However after she has whooshed two, in the look has flashed through color/look of the at a loss, then gradually became peaceful. 正被夏娜拽着的许舒涵一只胳膊努力往前伸着,双眼瞪大,正对着凌默木晨呲牙咧嘴。不过她嘶吼了两声后,眼神中又闪过了一丝茫然之色,然后便渐渐变得安静了些。 However this is frightens Mu Chen to be unbearable, the scalp tingles with numbness intermittently. 不过这还是吓得木晨够呛,头皮更是阵阵发麻。 If general Zombie also has no problem, at present this was actually the familiar person, feeling terrifying. 如果是一般的丧尸也就算了,眼前这个却是熟悉的人,感觉就更加恐怖了。 Sees Xu Shuhan this, Mu Chen cannot bear think that she hope that was unlikely to resume. But thinks that Ling Mo has not given up, how he can such easily under judge...... 看到许舒涵这样,木晨忍不住觉得她不太可能有恢复的希望了。但想想凌默都没放弃,他又怎么能这么轻易就下判断呢…… Thinks of here, he does not balance suddenly: Said why she only does have the hostility to our two?!” 想到这儿,他突然不平衡起来:“说起来,为什么她只对我们两个有敌意?!” Saying, he also looks at Ye Lian three female one. 说着,他还看着叶恋三女一眼。 These three girls continuously forthrightly and Xu Shuhan stands, Xia Na is also even responsible for restraining her behavior, but Xu Shuhan actually to nearly looks but not see in these three same surname of late ruler, only displayed the attack to them on the contrary **. 这三个女孩一直毫不避讳地和许舒涵站在一起,夏娜甚至还负责约束她的行为,可许舒涵却对近在迟尺的这三名同姓视而不见,反倒只对他们两人表现出了攻击**。 This is not right! 这不对啊! Ling Mo carefully thinks, said: Mutual attraction of a different surname......” 凌默认真地想了想,说道:“异姓相吸吧……” Other flickering person!” Mu Chen anger. “别忽悠人啊!”木晨怒。 Was good, guides, the branch the just right nobody left, we immediately must go to Nirvana Headquarters now, supplemented that supplies is also good.” Ling Mo said. “好了,带路吧,分部现在正好空无一人,我们马上要去涅槃总部,去补充一下物资也好。”凌默说道。 Mu Chen is also at present one bright: Right! Doesn't this happen to rush to the empty gate?” 木晨也是眼前一亮:“对啊!这不正好闯空门吗?” „The branch also divides two, one is residence, another is...... Is the office.” Mu Chen said. “不过分部也分两个,一个是住处,另一个是……算是办公处吧。”木晨说道。 Has not waited for Ling Mo to speak, he also then said: Goes to the office, supplies also basically stores up there.” 没等凌默说话,他又接着说道:“去办公处吧,物资也基本都囤积在那儿。” This time does not need to detour again deliberately, merely after one hour, Mu Chen brought Ling Mo entire group to arrive at an entrance of hospital. 这次不用再处心积虑地绕路,仅仅一个小时后,木晨就带着凌默一行人到达了一座医院的门口。 „Is this?” Ling Mo is somewhat surprised. “这就是?”凌默有些惊讶。 Also no wonder he sends out the interrogative sentence, this hospital looks that was too ancient. 也难怪他发出问句,这医院看着实在太古旧了。 Entire was last century product, now looked like obviously is bleaker. 整个儿就是上世纪的产物似的,现在看来就更显荒凉了。 Breaks looks like cloth strip common window curtains from opening wide in the window to blow, in the red brick outer wall crawled completely the plant of turning yellow. These vine and beforehand boston ivy are somewhat different, not only the contour looks like fiercer, but also sends out a strange flavor/smell. 破得像布条一般的窗帘从敞开的窗户中吹出来,红砖外墙上爬满了发黄的植物。这些藤蔓和以前的爬山虎有些不同,不仅外形看起来更狰狞,还散发出一股怪异的味道。 thing that after this is also receives viral infection, is long, for the first time does not look at anything, but when it crawls full Zhengzhuang the building, looks like looks like the innumerable double manpower is extending from the wall. 这也是受到病毒感染后长出来的东西,乍一看没什么,但当它爬满整幢建筑物的时候,看起来就像是无数双人手正从墙内伸出来。 The black entrance is also one piece in confusion, making people be hard to visit, more difficult with the Nirvana branch to link. 黑黢黢的大门口也是一片狼藉,让人难以踏足,更难和涅槃分部联系在一起。 Ling Mo split second thought before Mu Chen, simply has not needed that he is detouring, shakes in the, he does not think that here can be Nirvana Dongming Branch unexpectedly. 凌默一瞬间觉得木晨之前根本没有带着他绕路的必要,就算在附近晃悠,他都不会想到这里居然会是涅槃的东明市分部。 Is here.” Mu Chen definitely said, do not look in the ground, true spot in underground. This old style building basement cultivated greatly, is used very much.” “就是这儿啊。”木晨肯定地说道,“你别看地面上,真正的部位在地下呢。这种老式建筑物地下层修得很大,正好被利用了起来。” Also is, covert surname.” Ling Mo said with a nod. “也是,隐蔽姓强啊。”凌默点头道 Although some are not quite same as the imagination, but entire group wormed one's way into with Mu Chen. 虽说跟想象中有些不大相同,不过一行人还是跟着木晨钻了进去。 Was stepping into split second of front door, Ling Mo the sensible temperature as if dropped several degrees immediately. 在踏入大门的一瞬间,凌默顿时感觉温度似乎下降了好几度。 After the gate, is a dim corridor, the half wall was whitewashed the green, the bloodstain of big piece splashes above, instead looks like more conspicuous. 门后是一条昏暗的走廊,半截墙壁被粉刷成了绿色,大片的血迹溅在上面,反而看起来更加显眼。 By the corridor yellow wooden door is all opening wide, the wind blows from one, drills from another side, in the entire corridor is creak light sound with wū wū sound of the wind, this sound interwines, is listening to instead to terrify people. 走廊两边的黄色木门全都敞开着,风从一头吹进来,又从另一边钻出去,整个走廊内全是“嘎吱”的轻响和“呜呜”的风声,这声音交织在一起,听着反而各位瘆人 Also thinks that your dull places will be better.” Ling Mo follows on the heels, cannot bear say. “还以为你们呆的地方会更好一点。”凌默跟在后面,忍不住说道。 Since here is the Nirvana branch, naturally will not have Zombie, but this environment makes the person have to raise to be vigilant the heart. 这里既然是涅槃的分部,当然不会有丧尸了,不过这个环境却让人不得不升起警惕之心。 Safe first,” Mu Chen led them to pass through the corridor directly, turned a downward staircase, „, let alone here condition, did not know many times compared with general survivor. However here with the headquarters, that has no way to compare, although I have not gone to the headquarters, but you looked that last night knew with the headquarters member. Must know, the resources of headquarters compile from our these branches.” “安全还是第一位的,”木晨带着他们径直穿过了走廊,拐进了一条向下的楼梯,“何况这里的条件,也比一般的幸存者不知好了多少倍。不过这里跟总部,那又是没法比的,虽然我没去过总部,但你看昨晚拿个总部成员就知道了。要知道,总部的资源都是从我们这几个分部汇总过去的。” Un, actually you are working oneself to death for the headquarters.” Ling Mo said pertinently. “嗯,其实你们都是在为总部卖命。”凌默一针见血地说道。 Mu Chen opened mouth, helpless said: Also is willing to hit to hope by the matter...... However now thinks, is very indeed tired.” 木晨张了张嘴,无奈地说道:“也是愿打愿挨的事儿……不过现在想想,的确很累。” He shows this look rarely, actually somewhat looks at Ling Mo to be astonished however. 他难得露出这种神色,倒是看得凌默有些讶然。 However he also very said sincerity, has rested the midnight, his mood was also thoroughly steady. 不过他说得也挺真心,休息了半夜,他心情也算是彻底平稳了下来。 From the beginning he to helping Ling Mo trains Miracle Squad this matter, the also type the mentality of being regarded as trades to make, but this little while, he actually really came the enthusiasm. 一开始他对帮凌默训练奇迹小队这件事,还有种当做是交易去做的心态,但这会儿,他却是真的来了热情。 At least does not need to be worried behind to be held again the knife, was insufficient to manipulate strategically for these competitions again. 至少不用再担心被人背后捅刀子,也不至于再为这些竞争勾心斗角了。 Although the Ling Mo this person of body secret are many, but a little Mu Chen actually looks very clearly. 凌默这人身上的秘密虽多,但有一点木晨却看得很明白。 So long as does not threaten him, naturally lives in peace with each other. 只要不对他进行威胁,自然就相安无事。 Once when wants to he and his girlfriends are disadvantageous, this person becomes not lenient. 可一旦想要对他和他的女友们不利时,这人就会变得毫不手软。 Anything puts on outwardly, is together not to be instead difficult.” Mu Chen so wants to say. “什么都摆在明面上,相处起来反而不艰难了。”木晨如此想道。 After having gone to the staircase, a leaf of big iron gate appeared in front. 下了楼梯后,一扇大铁门就出现在了面前。 Ling Mo raised the head looked, immediately is speechless. 凌默抬头一看,顿时无语。 Wooden sign hangs in side, writes several large characters: The morgue enters from this. 一个木牌子挂在旁边,写着几个大字:太平间由此入。 Mu Chen looked following the Ling Mo's vision, has gawked instantaneously. 木晨顺着凌默的目光看了过去,瞬间也愣了一下。 Before was keeping this, most people thought very interesting. 之前留着这个时,大部分人都觉得很有趣。 This little while looks like, thought that satirized very much...... 这会儿看来,却不由觉得很是讽刺…… kā kā kā......” Mu Chen made an effort to open the front door. 咔咔咔……”木晨使劲推开了大门。 This office not only stores up the supplies place, is the place that beforehand is on the 0. 这个办公处不光是囤积物资的地点,也是之前0号所在的地方。 However at this time this place everywhere has appeared dim incomparable, the ground can see the dropped out goods once for a while, the majority of doors are also opening wide. Obviously after last night, but also kept here person also to leave. 不过此时这个地方已经处处都显得昏暗无比,地上时不时能看见一些被抛下的物品,大部分房门也都敞开着。显然在昨夜之后,还留在这里的人也都离开了。 This is also very normal, situation that even if these people does not know the branch destruction, witnessed the 0 death. 这也很正常,就算这些人不知道分部覆灭的情况,也目睹了0号的死亡。 After that laboratory time, Ling Mo also went to look at one, then in corpse that in the insulation can has discovered one turn green. 经过那座实验室的时候,凌默也进去看了一眼,然后在保温箱内发现了一具已经发青的尸体 With difference that he suspects, this baby looks like very normal, the proportion of only head was slightly bigger. 和他猜想的不同,这婴儿看起来很正常,只是脑袋的比例稍稍大了一些。 Also does not know where the Nirvana person found this human baby, so long as thinks that they for an experiment, without hesitation sacrificed an innocent life...... 也不知道涅槃的人是从哪儿找到这名人类婴儿的,但只要想想他们为了一个实验,就毫不犹豫地牺牲掉了一个无辜的生命…… Ling Mo frowned, in the heart discussed slightly: Really is damn.” 凌默微微皱了皱眉头,心中念道:“真是该死。” Had sacrificed these many on the 0, the 1st birth definitely also follows the innumerable deaths and pain. 一个0号都牺牲了这么多,一号的诞生肯定也伴随着无数的死亡和痛苦。 Elder Brother Ling, comes to see here.” Xia Na shouts suddenly. 凌哥,来看这边。”夏娜突然喊道。 Ling Mo turns head to look, discovered three Female Zombie are entraining Xu Shuhan to stand before a cabinet, Xia Na is turning the head, is beckoning to him. 凌默回头一看,发现三名女丧尸正拽着许舒涵站在一个柜子前,其中夏娜正转过头来,对着他直招手。 He walks hastily, discovered that several drawers had been pulled open, has revealed many in chaos bottles of cans. 他连忙走过去,发现几个抽屉已经被拉开了,露出了许多乱七八糟的瓶瓶罐罐。 However is most conspicuous, is actually the half book on table. 不过最显眼的,却是桌子上的半截本子。 those persons leaves obviously is to plan to burn down this book, but in fact actually only scorched the most corner/horn, the remaining half also preserve completely. 那些人离开的时候显然是打算烧掉这本子的,但实际上却只是烧焦了大半个角,剩下的一半都还保存完整。 Ling Mo frowns to open looked, has not turned several pages, immediately at present one bright. 凌默皱着眉头翻开一看,没翻几页,就顿时眼前一亮。 The notes of these researchers! 那些研究人员的笔记! Moreover, majority of unexpectedly about the spiritual force research......( To be continued.) 而且,大部分居然还是关于精神力研究的……(未完待续。)
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