MGIAZ :: Volume #7

#660: Said that behind malicious remarks matter puts does!

According to the Shen Le guidance record, after leaving Dongming, Ling Mo and the others underwent some time walk, entered a quite covert line. 根据沈乐的导航记录,离开东明市后,凌默等人又经过了一段时间的步行,就进入了一条较为隐蔽的线路。 Before this road, had been substituted by the highway, although does not have to be abandoned truly, but the traffic flow magnitude relatively are few, the Zombie quantity were also less. 这条公路以前已被高速公路所取代,尽管没有真正被废弃,但车流量却相对较少,丧尸的数量也就更少了。 Let Ling Mo feel what is pleasantly surprised, this road also had been cleaned unexpectedly up. 凌默感觉惊喜的是,这条路竟然还被清理过。 Many scrap vehicles were advanced one side, has revealed one, although curving, road that but actually opens access. 本就不多的废弃车辆都被推到了一边,露出了一条虽然弯弯曲曲,但却畅通无阻的公路。 This work load is not really small, if makes survivor do, even if Ability User, perhaps will also think strenuous. 这工作量实在是不小,要是让幸存者来做,哪怕是异能者,恐怕也会觉得吃力。 However thinks that they are bringing No. 1 test piece, this kind of coolie, was undertaken by a that monster strength mostly. 不过想想他们带着一号实验品,这类苦力,多半都被那怪物一力承担了。 In addition from the trace of ground, here also strike to kill some Zombie. 此外从地上的痕迹来看,这里也击杀过一些丧尸 But these Zombie corpse, actually attracted a number of new Zombie. 而这些丧尸尸体,却又吸引来了一批新的丧尸 These Zombie slowly are moving on the road, a pair of eyes toward the front, looks around once for a while in all directions, seeks prey that can possibly present. 这些丧尸就在公路上缓缓移动着,一双眼睛朝着前方,时不时四处张望一番,寻找着可能会出现的猎物。 Only is the path cleans up, the significances is not also big to Ling Mo and the others. 光是道路清理出来,对凌默等人的意义也并不算大。 May such shake in the roadside, Ling Mo also found one to top up the oil unexpectedly, even is also loading some food off-road vehicle. 可在路边这么一晃悠,凌默居然还找到了一辆已经加满了油,甚至还装载着一些食物的越野车 Does not need to think, this is Nirvana Headquarters these members stops certainly here, in the off-road vehicle narrow and small space, but can also see a rectangular the iron cage, wants to come detains the 1st place mostly. 不用想,这一定是涅槃总部那些成员停在这里的,在越野车后面的狭小空间里,还能看见一个长方形的铁笼,想来多半是关押一号的地方了。 On railing of iron cage residual had also been rapped the trace, tries to struggle probably on the 1st, has not been short is struck. 铁笼的栏杆上还残留着许多被敲击过的痕迹,大概一号试图挣扎的时候,没有少受敲打。 Ling Mo stared at this basket to look at a while, at present actually cannot help but appears Xu Shuhan to squat in inside situation. 凌默盯着这笼子看了一会儿,眼前竟然不由自主地浮现出了许舒涵蹲在里面的情形。 By iron cage eyes of redden, the disorderly hair, the neckband that opens wide slightly...... 透过铁笼的泛红眼睛,凌乱的头发,略微敞开的领口…… Wait/Etc., why I think this......” “等等,我想这个干吗……” Ling Mo hurried to shake the head, when he looked to Xu Shuhan, she unexpectedly likely was if had feeling, suddenly was entraining the Xia Na's arm, hid her behind. 凌默赶紧晃了晃脑袋,当他看向许舒涵的时候,她竟然像是若有所感似的,突然拽着夏娜的胳膊,躲到了她身后 „......” Ling Mo immediately an awkwardness. “呃……”凌默顿时一阵尴尬。 Before boarding, he turned head to look at behind. 上车之前,他又回头看了一眼身后 Although the naked eye cannot see, but Ling Mo is very clear, Yu Shiran and Little White are following in behind. 虽然肉眼看不见,但凌默很清楚,于诗然小白正跟在身后 Had previous lesson, this Loli Zombie actually no longer ran around. 有了上一次的教训,这次丧尸萝莉倒是不再到处乱跑了。 However this little while she and Little White same place, follows on the heels by far. 不过这会儿她又得和小白一起,远远地跟在后面。 single view foot regulation, Little White the speed or the endurance, absolutely are not bad. 单论脚程,小白无论是速度还是耐力,都绝对不算差。 But it was infected this matter, as if ticking time bomb, when perhaps will actually bring some situations. 但它被感染这件事,却仿佛一颗不定时炸弹,说不定什么时候就会带来一些突发情况。 But the load returns the thoughts the worry, by the current situation , can only continue to observe. 可担心归担心,以目前的情形来看,也就只能继续观察下去了。 actually Yu Shiran that only Loli Zombie, mostly can be the expression that a face is not feeling well...... 倒是于诗然那只丧尸萝莉,多半又会是一脸不爽的表情吧…… Thinks of here, in Ling Mo heart also somewhat helpless. 想到这儿,凌默心中也有些无奈 Situation demands immediate action...... 形势逼人啊…… Captain, boards.” Mu Chen urged. 队长,上车啊。”木晨催促道。 He is unable to put down to this off-road vehicle, urged the Ling Mo's time, both hands have not forgotten to cover in the engine are stroking gently, the mouth was tch tch has the sound. 他对这辆越野车爱不释手,催促凌默的时候,双手还不忘在引擎盖上摩挲着,嘴里更是啧啧有声。 But on this little while free time one in the past, when he turns head, actually stunned discovered on the driver seat to sit a person unexpectedly. 但就这会儿工夫一过去,等他一回头,却错愕地发现驾驶座上居然已经坐了一个人。 Wait/Etc., can you open?” Mu Chen stared in a big way eyes, asked. “等等,你能开?”木晨瞪大了眼睛,问道。 Xia Na coldly snorted, has moved one next ten fingers, be ready to fight said: That naturally.” 夏娜冷哼了一声,活动了一下十指,摩拳擦掌地说道:“那当然。” Was so self-confident......” Mu Chen just to reveal a half believing and half doubting color/look, suddenly noted the Ling Mo's expression. “这么自信啊……”木晨刚露出一丝将信将疑之色,就突然注意到了凌默的表情。 Danger lapel of this Captain this little while in the copilot place is sitting, a face bitter color/look...... 这位队长这会儿正在副驾驶座上危襟正坐,一脸苦色…… Mu Chen at heart immediately thump, but opening mouth, he anything had not said finally, boarded dingily. 木晨心里顿时“咯噔”一声,但张了张嘴后,他却最终什么都没说,灰溜溜地上了车。 Matter that Ling Mo can only endure, he also can only such endure...... 凌默都只能忍的事情,他也只能这么忍过去了…… Opens again rottenly, most is leans this way and that or slow......” Mu Chen consoles oneself to say. “开得再烂,也最多不过就是东倒西歪或者慢得要死吧……”木晨自我安慰道。 However after several minutes, he deeply realized, oneself wrong must be too odd! 然而几分钟后,他才深刻地意识到,自己错得太离谱了! Xia Na drives, batters simply, the speed is much faster! 夏娜开车,简直是横冲直撞,速度快得惊人! On the road presents Zombie, she always directly welcomes Zombie to overrun, quickly pasted until the face of Zombie when the glass, that fierce expression was clearly discernible, Xia Na was sudden one dozen of steering wheels, pasted the body of this Zombie to scratch. 路上出现丧尸,她总是直接迎着丧尸冲过去,直到丧尸的脸都快贴在了玻璃上,那狰狞的表情都清晰可见时,夏娜才突然一打方向盘,贴着这丧尸的身体就擦了过去。 This has not calculated, in brushing, but the instance, Xia Na also meets a blade to hold unexpectedly, in following blood stream of wind splash, a face counts earnestly: „...... Two......” 这还不算,在擦身而过的瞬间,夏娜居然还会一刀捅出去,在顺着风飞溅的血流中,一脸认真地数到:“一个……两个……” Few under was shaken Mu Chen that is completely muddled, in the brain only has left behind a few words: I guessed the opening, has not actually guessed the process!” 没几下就被晃得晕头转向的木晨,脑子里只留下了一句话:“我猜中了开头,却没猜中过程啊!” When Ling Mo and the others drove toward the Nirvana Headquarters speedy approach, in the Falcon second camp, a helicopter is also landing on the airport. 凌默等人开着车朝涅槃总部迅速接近的时候,猎鹰第二营地内,一辆直升机也正降落在机场上。 When the helicopter cabin door opens, several person's shadows from gate but one after another time, after a window in not far away building, a person is looking at them from afar. 当直升机舱门打开,十几个人影从门内鱼贯而出的时候,在不远处楼内的一扇窗户后,一个人正在远远望着他们。 After looking under those persons the airplane, immediately catches up toward the building that he is, this person could not bear reveal one to sneer: Greeting does not hit, said that came.” 看着那些人下飞机后,就立刻朝着他所在的楼房赶过来,这人忍不住露出了一丝冷笑:“招呼也不打,说过来就过来了。” Message good......” the following sound unable to bear say. “留过言的好吧……”后面一个声音忍不住说道。 „...... That thing, I am disinclined to look.” Near a window person natural tone. “哦……那种东西,我才懒得看。”窗边的人一副理所当然的口吻。 Said was also......” behind that person unexpectedly agreed that looking pensive said with a nod, you now are here head, the genuine boss, their this only left a message, did not discuss that such came, even mounted us to deliver the supplies helicopter strongly......” “说的也是……”后面那人竟然同意了,若有所思地点头道,“你现在是这里的负责人,真正的老板,他们这样只留个言,都不商量一下就这么过来,甚至强硬地登上了我们去送物资的直升机……” Near window person has turned the head suddenly, said: Later told to me, without my order, Falcon Headquarters person, no matter who wants to board craft, rejected to me. Un...... also Ling Mo's order.” 窗边的人突然转过头去,说道:“以后给我吩咐下去,没有我的命令,猎鹰总部的人,不管是谁想登机,都给我拒绝。嗯……还有凌默的命令。” Where your brothers-in-law do not know......” Zhang Yu crazy roll one's eyes. “你妹夫都不知道在哪儿……”张宇翻白眼 Although said with ease, but Zhang Yu cannot help but has actually revealed worried look. 虽然说得轻松,但张宇却不由得露出了一丝忧色。 In fact, because of Yuwen Xuan the manner, will be bringing in that group of people. 事实上,正因为宇文轩的这种态度,才会引来那批人。 Now also issues so strong order, perhaps, some day they really only listened to Yuwen Xuan and Ling Mo's...... 现在还颁发如此强硬的命令,说不定,有一天他们真的只听宇文轩凌默的了…… Can to that time, Falcon Camp give up really? 可真到了那种时候,猎鹰营地会善罢甘休吗? Has not waited for him to ponder, outside the door has suddenly resounded a sound. 没等他细想,门外就突然响起了一个声音。 I notify first...... You cannot such go in!” “我先通报……你们不能就这么进去!” Notifies anything! Here which is not the old person in headquarters, gives back to his Yuwen Xuan notification, this was must overturn the heavens really!” “通报什么!这里哪个不是总部的老人,还给他宇文轩通报,这是真要翻了天了啊!” What with them rubbish? You, get out of my sight! Is any thing, dares to block us, blind dog eye!” “跟他们废话什么?你们,给我滚开!算什么东西,也敢拦我们,瞎了狗眼了!” As a noise resounds, door also bang bang rocks. 随着一阵吵闹声响起,房门也“砰砰”地晃动起来。 This also too......” Zhang Yu frowned, said. “这也太……”张宇皱起了眉头,说道。 But he just an opens the mouth, Yuwen Xuan had bought the clothes, then has arrived at the door before fast, ka pulled open: Oh, infrequent visitor.” 可他刚一开口,宇文轩就扯了一下衣服,然后快速走到了房门前,“咔”一声拉开了:“唷,稀客啊。” A personnel face that outside the door, two are responsible for guarding anxious blocks with make things difficult in, but before their bodies, is standing a troop person. 门外,两名负责守卫的人员正一脸焦急和为难地拦在跟前,而在他们身前,则站着一大群人。 Is one person of head is lifting up high the arm, the palm of the hand is raising, stares eyes to look angrily at front security guard. 为首的一人正高举着胳膊,巴掌扬起,瞪着眼睛怒视着面前的警卫。 The gate such opens, his movement also stiff in original position. 门这么一开,他的动作也僵在了原处。 Is so warm, haven't I come out you to prepare to beckon? Ahahaha, does not use too politely, you also understood the politeness, that...... Was right, what thing you are, called?” “这么热情啊,我还没出来你都准备好招手了?啊哈哈哈,不用太客气嘛,你也太懂礼貌了,那个……呃,对了,你是什么东西,怎么称呼?” Yuwen Xuan is narrowing eyes, be all smile said. 宇文轩眯着眼睛,满脸堆笑地说道。 Listens to the front time, that is lifting person also of arm some awkwardly, when hears last, his complexion immediately on gloomy. 听前面的时候,那举着胳膊的人还有些尴尬,但听到最后一句时,他的脸色顿时就阴沉了下去。 The satire, the insult, this Yuwen Xuan opens the mouth, the smell of gunpowder condensated...... 讽刺,侮辱,这宇文轩一开口,火药味就变浓了…… He points at moves, but does not have the fan to get down finally, but has put down the arm bitterly, is cold the face saying: I am Vice-Captain of headquarters fact-finding team, Gao Wei, this is Captain.” 他手指动了动,但最终也没扇下去,而是恨恨地放下了手臂,冷着脸说道:“我是总部调查团的副团长,高威,这位是团长。” Saying, this person was changing a skinny old man vision. 说着,这人将目光转向了身边的一个干瘦老头。 This old man skin color is very black, expression looks like very serious, the eyelid of stay builds on tiny eyes, purses the lips, a stranger not near appearance. 这老头肤色很黑,表情看起来很严肃,下塌的眼皮搭在细小的眼睛上,抿着嘴,一副生人勿近的模样。 I am Captain, Mi Tan.” “我是团长,米潭。” Should call the facial paralysis......” Yuwen Xuan to curl the lip, turns the head saying that top digit facial paralysis...... Really good to team up.” “应该叫面瘫……”宇文轩撇了撇嘴,转头说道,“高位面瘫……真是好搭档。” That Vice-Captain face was cloudy can drop the water leakage, the following these member complexions were either ugly, either was suppressing to smile with every effort. 副团长脸都阴得能滴出水了,后面的那些团员要么脸色难看,要么在尽力地憋笑。 Already heard that Boss of this second camp is Lunatic, now said that saw really lives up to reputation...... 早就听说这位第二营地的老大是个疯子,今曰一见果然名不虚传…… Had such is in front of person to speak the malicious remarks? Has not reduced including the volume! 有这么当着人的面说坏话的吗?连音量都没减轻啊! But was treated as Zhang Yu of Yuwen Xuan speech object, then very natural maintained a face proper appearance, after having disregarded Yuwen Xuan these words, said to Mi Tan: Surface...... Rice Captain, waited there for some time, here invited.”( To be continued.) 而被当做宇文轩说话对象的张宇,则很自然地保持了一脸正经的模样,无视了宇文轩的这句话后,冲着米潭说道:“面……米团长,恭候多时,这边请。”(未完待续。)
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