MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1062: Looks at the world of face

cough cough...... Haven't I died?” 咳咳……我还没死?” spider man just difficultly opened eyes, a huge impulse fiercely pounded on his abdomen. He immediately „” one, the body also likely was the sun-dried shelled shrimp bends/bow. 蜘蛛男刚刚艰难地睁开眼睛,一股巨大的冲击力就猛地砸到了他的腹部上。他顿时“哇”的一声,身体也像是虾米般地弓了起来。 „To die? The mother, does not have is so easy! Must die, must wait for us to play you slowly!” “想死?妈的,没那么容易!要死,也得等着我们慢慢玩死你!” Imprecations of man transmit from top of the head, afterward, was a foot trampled ruthlessly. 一个男人的咒骂声从头顶传来,随后,又是一脚狠狠地踹了过来。 In the severe pain, spider man saw clearly the present situation reluctantly. 剧痛中,蜘蛛男勉强地看清了自己现在的处境。 Here seems like a workshop, surroundings completely is some large-scale instruments...... A large-scale flashlight places not far away, the shining light has illuminated a translucence this region. Ten come individual or sits in or station, is away from not the too far distance to surround him...... these people also respectively has the difference to line of sight that he throws, has resenting, there are callously. 这里看起来像是一处厂房,周围尽是一些大型器械……一只大型手电筒就放在不远处,明晃晃灯光将这片区域照了个透亮。十来个人或坐或站,正隔着不算太远的距离围观着他……这些人向他投去的视线也各有不同,有愤恨的,也有冷酷的。 The one who most lets his accidental/surprised is a little girl, that looks like just should get up the tiny tot in kindergarten at most, at this time is taking a long dagger, sees him to look, she also stretched out the fresh-faced small tongue to lick blade, then to he has been revealing one sweet, but is actually very the terrifying smiling face. 最让他意外的是一个小女孩,那个看起来顶多正该上幼儿园的小不点,此时却拿着一把长长的匕首,见他望来,她还伸出粉嫩的小舌头舔了舔刀刃,然后对着他露出了一个甜甜的、但却很是恐怖的笑容。 Then, he saw Ling Mo in the rear area of crowd finally...... 接着,他终于在人群的后方看到了凌默…… However, here actually disappears these Zombie, as well as that only appalling huge mutated beast. 然而,这里却不见了那些丧尸,以及那只让人毛骨悚然的巨大变异兽 Also after having suffered a foot, one about 30 -year-old man walked finally, held on has also prepared the flat head male who continued to trample: Good Ye Kai, calm, now is also not the time.” 又挨了一脚后,一名30岁左右的男子终于走了过来,一把拉住了还准备继续踹下去的平头男:“好了叶开,冷静点,现在还不是时候。” Ye Kai flings the arm, breathes heavily to stop, he looked at spider man mean, scolded: Pēi! again keeps your this dog bastard a while!” 叶开一甩胳膊,喘着粗气停了下来,他阴狠地看了一眼蜘蛛男,骂道:“呸!就再留你这狗杂种一会儿!” Captain, he awoke.” After Mu Chen sees Ye Kai has arrived at the one side, this turns the head to Ling Mo to shout. 队长,他醒了。”木晨叶开走到了一旁后,这才转头冲着凌默喊道。 Captain? The bosses of this survivor team......” 队长?这支幸存者队伍的头儿吗……” spider man is hurting keeps twitching. After hearing the Mu Chen shout, he struggled to lift. 蜘蛛男正疼得不停抽搐。听到木晨的喊声后,他又挣扎着抬起了头来。 However this looked, his one-eyed immediately stared in a big way...... 然而这一看,他的独眼就顿时瞪大了…… Is called Captain, unexpectedly is that Ling Mo...... 被称为队长的,居然就是那个凌默…… Saw with own eyes that Ling Mo the cross rod that from sits jumps down dexterously, walked toward him directly...... Innermost feelings frightened spider man almost exuded one to call out in alarm subconsciously: „......” 眼见凌默轻巧地从所坐的横杆上跳下,又径直地朝他走了过来……内心恐惧的蜘蛛男几乎是下意识地发出了一声惊叫:“啊……” Breathes out......” “嘘……” Ling Mo actually already three gaits to him in front , the flashlight that and will take up on the way conveniently, direct alignment his face. 凌默却已经三两步走到了他面前,并将在途中顺手拿起的手电筒,直接对准了他的脸。 The dazzling light, hides with Ling Mo that in the shadow, the faint smile expression, immediately lets spider man closed the mouth. 刺眼的灯光,和凌默那隐藏在阴影中、似笑非笑的表情,顿时就让蜘蛛男闭上了嘴巴 spider man is staring at him, actually frightens does not dare to speak. 蜘蛛男盯着他,却吓得不敢说话。 The angle that since he falls to the ground looks upwardly, some Ling Mo's eyes as if also faint redden...... 从他倒地的这个角度向上望去,凌默的眼睛似乎还隐隐有些泛红…… This person...... Is he a person? 这人……他到底是人吗? This was right. Listened. Then I must ask that your some issues, you replied honestly on the spot, I will make you die happily.” Ling Mo continues to say. “这就对了。听好了。接下来我要问你一些问题,你老老实实地回答,我就会让你死得痛快点。”凌默继续说道。 Hears dying character, was in panic-stricken spider man actually instantaneously to awake with a start. He trembled first, Hehe has smiled then one, finally unexpectedly slowly calm. 听到“死”字,正处于惊恐中的蜘蛛男却瞬间被吓醒了。他先是哆嗦了一下,然后便“嘿嘿”地笑了一声,最后竟慢慢地冷静了下来。 The corner of the eye of spider man is twitching slightly. Said in a low voice: What do you also want to ask my? In any case...... No matter you want to ask anything. My result must die right...... Since this, why I also do want to tell you?” 蜘蛛男的眼角微微抽搐着。低声说道:“你还想问我什么?反正……不管你想问什么。我的结局都是要死对吧……既然这样,我干嘛还要告诉你?” „...... Said right. But how to die. Before dying, how long must endure, this has the difference.” Ling Mo does not have to conceal the meaning of killing intent slightly. Said lightly, said again, your age is not small. This truth, you should be able to understand......” “呵……说得没错。但怎么死。死之前要忍受多久,这还是有区别的。”凌默也没有丝毫要掩饰杀意的意思。平淡地说道,“再说,你年纪也不小了。这点道理,你应该能想明白的……” Who you told that I old......” spider man enhanced some volumes suddenly, „, I was just also full 30...... What's wrong, sees my face, thinks that I quickly over fifty-year-old?”... “谁跟你说我年纪不小了……”蜘蛛男突然提高了一些音量,“算起来,我也就刚满30吧……怎么,看到我的脸,就以为我快年过半百了?”… Ling Mo has gawked first, has revealed afterward a color/look suddenly: Is the reasons of these spiders? No wonder...... I said that their impossible any request, has not stayed in your body...... Happen to......” 凌默先是愣了一下,随后就露出了一丝恍然之色:“是那些蜘蛛的原因吧?怪不得……我就说它们不可能没有任何要求,就呆在了你身上……正好……” He put out a hand to fish out a glass jar to come from the pocket, to attain spider man to shake shaking at present, asked: Said, is this What is going on!??” 他伸手从兜里摸出了一个玻璃瓶来,拿到蜘蛛男眼前晃了晃,问道:“说说吧,这是怎么回事?” spider man fixes the eyes on looked, immediately has been startled. He as to put out a hand to touch oneself eyes, what a pity both hands were actually tying their hands behind the back. 蜘蛛男定睛一看,顿时惊了一下。他似乎想伸手去摸自己的眼睛,可惜双手却被反绑着。 In the jar thinks, impressively is that large size spider...... 瓶子里装着的,赫然就是那只大号蜘蛛…… But it lost at this time has moved ability, only remaining occasional one time vibrated. 只不过它此时已经丧失了活动能力,只剩下偶尔的一次抖动了。 spider man stares with big eyes is staring at it stubbornly, the Adam's apple high and low is rolling. 蜘蛛男瞪大眼睛死死地盯着它,喉结则上下地滚动着。 After silent a while, he was discouraged fiercely, asks: What What is going on!?? You asked.” 沉默了一会儿后,他猛地泄了气,问道:“什么怎么回事?你问吧。” „Is this spider What is going on!?? also, does it parasite your within the body? The question that actually I must ask which has, you should be very clear.” Ling Mo presses on step by step asks. “这蜘蛛是怎么回事还有,它是怎么寄生到你体内的?其实我要问的问题有哪些,你应该很明白吧。”凌默步步紧逼地问道。 Cannot think, this spider can also make people senile unexpectedly...... The Ling Mo heart during battle round cares. 想不到,这种蜘蛛居然还能够使人衰老……凌默中越发在意起来。 What's wrong, are you also interested in these ancestors? Also no wonder, my this kind of ordinary person can close right up against them, kills people under the noses of your monsters......” “怎么,你也对这些祖宗感兴趣?也难怪,我这样一个普通人都能靠着它们,在你们这些怪物的眼皮底下杀人……” „Does Fuck! want to make me punch your again?!” Ye Kai got angry immediately. 草!是不是想让我再揍你一顿?!”叶开顿时就怒了。 Ling Mo not silently is staring at him, spider man after smiling two, then expression at a loss said: They...... Actually I do not know how they come. That however in your hand takes, actually should be head of one flock of spiders...... Thinks that you also knew, it lives in my head, is usually connected with my thought. However that said that in fact was mainly its feedback information gives me. For example told me some information, or to me proposed request that the spider group needs to eat food. That exchange...... I do not know how should say, in brief does not adopt any specific language, but is similar signal thing.” 凌默则一言不发地盯着他,蜘蛛男在笑了两声后,便表情茫然地说道:“它们……其实我也不知道它们是怎么来的。不过你手上拿的这只,其实应该算是一群蜘蛛的头……想必你也知道了,它就住在我的脑袋里,平时和我的思维是相连的。不过话是这么说,实际上主要都是它反馈信息给我。比如告诉我一些情报,或者向我提出蜘蛛群需要进食的要求。那种交流……我也不知道该怎么说,总之不是通过什么具体的语言,而是一种类似信号的东西吧。” This leader himself does not eat these thing, it eats, only then my blood. However do not look that its is not big, the capacity for food is not small...... For this reason, therefore my life will overdraw, finally will have such early aging phenomenon.” spider man said very calmly, he spoke of here, lifted the eyelid to look to Ling Mo, also...... I want to kill your reasons, only, because you have stayed here...... So long as you always stay here, sooner or later will discover my. I look like hide, but once in fact face-to-face, inferior actually I. What I was worried, sees my such monster, your absolutely will has killed me, with its this, is inferior to who strikes the first blow has the advantage......” “这只头头本身是不吃那些东西的,它所吃的,只有我的血液罢了。但是别看它个头不大,饭量却是一点儿都不小……因为这个原因,所以我的寿命才会透支,最后才会出现这样的早衰现象。”蜘蛛男说得很平静,他说到这里,就抬起眼皮看向了凌默,“还有……我想杀你们的原因,只是因为你们一直留在这里罢了……只要你们始终呆在这里,就早晚会发现我的。我一个人看起来好藏,但实际上一旦面对面,处于劣势的却还是我。我原本担心的是,看到我这样的怪物,你们就一定会杀了我,与其这样,不如先下手为强……” cough cough......” he painfully has coughed two, then pulls the corners of the mouth to say with a smile, you must ask isn't these? Good, I told you, you must begin, hurried!” 咳咳……”他又痛苦地咳嗽了两声,然后扯动着嘴角笑道,“你要问的不就是这些吗?好了,我都告诉你了,你们要动手,就赶紧吧!” After saying, he has closed eyes. 说完之后,他就闭上了眼睛 However shivers from him unceasingly lip that he is afraid actually very much...... 不过从他不断颤抖的嘴唇来看,他其实很害怕…… However waited for several seconds, he has not waited to expect the death. 然而等了好几秒,他也没等来预想中的死亡。 In the doubts, he has opened eyes slowly, finally sees, is actually the direct belt sneers, a face is staring at his Ling Mo ridiculing...... 在疑惑中,他慢慢睁开了眼睛,结果看见的,却是正面带冷笑,一脸戏谑地盯着他的凌默…… How haven't you begun?” He gets angry suddenly exclaims. “你怎么还不动手?”他突然怒吼道。 Ling Mo placed in the hand to throw throwing the glass jar, said: „Are you such sharply dying?...... No wonder from a moment ago started, had thought that your manner had the issue......” he to lower the sound suddenly, asked that you also thought to be cloudy our, right?” 凌默将玻璃瓶放在手里抛了抛,说道:“你这么急着去死吗?呵……怪不得从刚才开始,就一直觉得你的态度有问题……”他突然压低了声音,问道,“你还想阴我们一把,对吧?” spider man has revealed a filament for look with amazement immediately, but is quick, he reluctantly has sneered: Your also must ask that hurries to ask! Such tosses about me again...... My anything will not say.” 蜘蛛男顿时露出了一丝极为骇然的神色,不过很快,他就勉强地冷笑了一声:“你还有要问的,就赶紧问!再这么折腾我……我真的什么都不会说了。” Good.” The jar that Ling Mo will throw fished in the hand, sternly asked, „was this spider, a male spider?” “那好。”凌默将抛出去的瓶子一把捞在了手中,厉声问道,“这只蜘蛛,是一只雄蛛吧?” You asked its male and female what are you doing!” spider man has gotten angry instantaneously, „does mother, you want to play me really?” “你问它的公母干什么!”蜘蛛男瞬间怒了,“妈的,你真想耍我是吧?” Who has free time to play you...... If this is the female spider, spider community that then it reproduces , was too rather small a point? Can a little spider, eat to eat all one's food the entire town? What is most important was......” Ling Mo closely has observed closely spider man suddenly, you alone, can smoke that the smoke, drank that many liquor? I in your body, but half cigarette had not found...... On your finger, does not have the trace that any smokes to leave for a long time......” “谁有空耍你……如果这是雌蛛,那么它所繁殖的蜘蛛群体,也未免太小了一点吧?这么一点蜘蛛,能吃光整个镇子吗?最重要的是……”凌默忽然紧紧地盯住了蜘蛛男,“你一个人,能抽那么烟,喝那么多酒吗?我在你身上,可是半根烟都没找到啊……就连你的手指上,都没有任何长期抽烟留下的痕迹……”
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