MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1061: One-eyed not representative personality

plop 噗通 A Xia Na foot stepped the man of this falling to the ground, somewhat detests asks: Elder Brother Ling, why this person is? Does this, does could it be that want to act Spider-Man?” 夏娜一脚踩住了这名倒地的男人,有些嫌恶地问道:“凌哥,这人是干嘛的啊?搞成这样,难道是想扮演蜘蛛侠吗?” Which world will have such disgusting Spider-Man? The audiences in the movie theater spat......” Ling Mo and Ye Lian their quickly fell the remaining spiders together clear, after the man dropped down, these roguest big spider suddenly turns into the headless fly that on the spot has spun, was only patted with ease by one. The small spiders turned into the berserk mutation insect of non- difference attack, but in Little White this turns over to however under the motionless biggest bait attraction, Ling Mo their clean-up became simple many. “哪个世界会存在这么恶心的蜘蛛侠啊?观众会在电影院吐出来的吧……”凌默叶恋她们一起迅速地清掉了剩下的蜘蛛,男人倒下后,那些最为凶恶的大蜘蛛就突然变成了在原地打转的无头苍蝇,轻松地就被一只只拍死了。小蜘蛛们则变成了无差别攻击的狂暴变异昆虫,但在小白这个归然不动的最大诱饵吸引下,凌默他们的清理工作还是变得简单了不少。 Baa gu......” 咩咕……” Toward the fence is dislodged big hole by Little White that the spider covers angrily, thus had ended this fight. 被蜘蛛覆盖的小白愤怒地往围墙上撞出了一个大洞,从而结束了这场战斗。 It sway from brick bat of collapse, then the whole body has shaken, has thrown off spider body corpse. Some are also living, by its claw according to dying. However it as if the air leakage starts to reduce, finally returned to the original build. 它摇摇晃晃地从倒塌的砖块中走了出来,然后浑身一抖,甩掉了身上的蜘蛛尸体。一些还活着的,也被它一爪子按死了。然而它才仿佛漏气般开始缩小,最终回到了原来的体型。 This had not been nipped, is very fierce......” sees Little White to throw to take undeserved credit, Ling Mo hurried to inspect for it while convenient. Finally let alone was bleeds injured, the red point had not found. „The hair of Little White may the not in vain evolution, the hair-follicle be in the impregnable situation...... The skin also becomes careful close, particularly......” Xia Na in the situation after berserk answered. “这样都没被咬到,也是挺厉害的啊……”见小白扑过来邀功,凌默赶紧顺便为它检查了一下。结果别说是流血受伤了,就连一点红点都没找到。“小白的毛发可不是白进化的,就连毛囊都到了固若金汤的地步……就连皮肤也变得细致紧密,尤其是在狂暴后的情况下……”夏娜解释道。 Impregnable hair-follicle is any ghost...... also that huge is the berserk condition? Also had not looked that its how rampage......” Ling Mo somewhat speechless asked. “固若金汤的毛囊到底是什么鬼啊……还有那种巨大化原来是狂暴状态吗?也没看它怎么暴走啊……”凌默有些无语地问道。 Li Yalin then said: Because has not promoted completely, now at most is the half-finished product......” 李雅琳接着说道:“因为还没有完全提升啦,现在顶多算是半成品……” Moreover spoke of the hair-follicle issue...... If pulls out the research the blood of Little White within the body, will become many middle-aged uncle's gospel.” Xia Na said. “而且说到毛囊问题……如果把小白体内的血液抽出来研究的话,会成为很多中年大叔的福音吧。”夏娜道。 This world where also many middle age uncles...... However close to middle age the words of spider person, under your foot actually has one.” “这世界哪里还有很多中年大叔啊……不过临近中年的蜘蛛人的话,你脚底下倒是有一个。” Ling Mo walks up, the squatting lower part of the body carefully looked at both eyes. 凌默走上前去,蹲下身仔细看了两眼 Nearly under looks. On the face of this man had many wrinkles, only in the pale skin color and cut-throat eyes, the bulge blood vessel, as well as he spoke under cover of way, was very difficult to note his real age. 近看之下。这男人的脸上已经有了不少的皱纹,只是在惨白的肤色、凶狠的眼睛,凸起的血管,以及他说话方式的掩盖下,很难让人注意到他的真实年龄罢了。 In addition. Not is only on that arm. On his neck, actually also has many holes...... 此外。不光是那条胳膊上。就连他的脖子上,其实也存在着不少的孔洞…… Thinks that these spiders climb to crawl in his inside the body through these holes, Ling Mo cannot help but felt a cool feeling. Can live the present not to be easy. Why must plan us......” he unable to bear read one. 一想到那些蜘蛛就是通过这些洞在他身体内爬进爬出,凌默就不由得感到了一阵凉意。“能活到现在也不容易。为什么非要算计我们呢……”他忍不住念了一句。 Heard Ling Mo to say like this, with Ye Lian then extend the hand came, to pat his shoulder. 听到凌默这样说,跟过来的叶恋便伸出手来,拍了拍他的肩膀。 She did not understand how to comfort...... But from the Ling Mo's tone, she truly listened to moved. 她不懂得怎么安慰……但从凌默的语气中,她确实听出了一丝伤感。 Perhaps, he is the Zhang She refusing stubbornly sweet...... 也许,他是在为张舍的死不甘吧…… No one has thought that Zhang She such will die. Also dies such miserably. 谁也没想到张舍会就这么死了。还死得这么惨。 His against Zombie, has not actually defended the person...... 他防过了丧尸,却还是没有防住人…… Who knows how he thinks...... However Elder Brother Ling, person to live, will be handling the matter that many others are unable to understand? Why he must kill us, this matter does not need excessively to investigate. Now he failed, that took the loser dead is good. Mutually massacres like our Zombie, reason also only to live is the same. The victors have better survival opportunity. The losers become the gravel of pad foot. The reality is such brutal...... Therefore Elder Brother Ling, why you must make me knock down him......” Xia Na to knit the brows to say. “谁知道他怎么想的……不过凌哥,人为了活着,本来就会做很多别人无法理解的事情吧?他为什么要杀我们,这种事也没必要过多追究了。现在他失败了,那就作为失败者去死就好了。就像我们丧尸互相残杀,理由也只是为了活着一样。胜利者得到更好的存活机会。失败者就成为垫脚的石子。现实就是这么残酷的……所以凌哥,你干嘛还要让我打晕他……”夏娜皱着眉说道。 Because of some also matters...... I have not done to understand.” “因为还有一些事……我还没有搞明白。” Ling Mo was saying, then suddenly put out a hand toward spider man. 凌默说着,便突然朝蜘蛛男伸出了手去。 However approaches the spider man head in his hand the instance, a shadow then sudden lasing. 然而就在他的手靠近蜘蛛男头部的瞬间,一道黑影便突然激射了出来。 This shadow quickly like lightning, even nearest Xia Na only saw afterimage continually. 这黑影快如闪电,甚至连距离最近的夏娜都只看到了一道残影 Ye Lian's eyes just responded. Opened Kaleidoscope, may want her to hide easily, drags Ling Mo with the hand, was actually without enough time...... 叶恋的眼睛则刚刚反应过来。开启了万花筒,可要她自己躲过去容易,用手去拖开凌默,却还是来不及了…… Pū! 噗! The pupils of three Female Zombie just shrank, saw that shadow to keep off in front of Ling Mo. 三名女丧尸的瞳孔刚刚一缩,就看见那只黑影被挡在了凌默面前。 Although its impact power enormous...... But must pierce entire spiritual puppet, actually missed a little...... 尽管它的冲击力量极大……可要洞穿整个精神人偶,却还是差了那么一点…… And split second that stops in it, the person palm occasionally directly has clapped, entire pressed the ground it. 且在它停顿下来的一瞬间,人偶的手掌就直接拍了过去,将它整个按到了地面。 This is the application method that Ling Mo found newly...... Some person occasionally substantializing. 这是凌默新找到的使用方法……将人偶部分实质化。 Because composition person Spiritual Energy of occasionally is too big, therefore by Ling Mo current ability, very difficult its entire to substantialize...... Even if he has done reluctantly such, half-finished product that around that person of occasionally also only leaks out. It has not formed thoroughly...... 由于组成人偶的精神能量太大,因此以凌默目前的能力,也很难将其整个都实质化……即使他勉强这么做了,那人偶也只是个四面漏风的半成品罢了。它还没有彻底成形呢…… Although this split second is thrilling, but is actually written in water...... After recovering, three Female Zombie attention then centralized to ground. 一瞬间虽然惊险,但却是转瞬即逝……等回过神来后,三只女丧尸的注意力便集中到了地面上。 This is......” “这是……” Big spider......” “好大的蜘蛛啊……” Was occasionally pressed on the ground, impressively is a red spider of fist size...... This spider light from, has appeared enough rogue. 被人偶按在地上的,赫然是一只拳头大小的红色蜘蛛……这蜘蛛光是从个头上,就已经显得足够凶恶了。 What is most fearful is the opportunity of its attack judgment...... If not Ling Mo early is prepared, he affirmed that now died. 最可怕的是它选择攻击的时机……如果不是凌默早有准备的话,他现在肯定已经死了。 In addition under striking of person occasionally so violent force, it unexpectedly had not died...... 此外在人偶如此猛力的拍击下,它居然还没有死亡…… Under the invisible palm, this big spider unceasingly is only struggling. 在无形的手掌下,这只大蜘蛛正在不断地挣扎着。 It just...... conceals where?” Xia Na has thought of anything suddenly, turned the head to look hastily to that spider man. “它刚刚……藏在哪儿了?”夏娜突然想到了什么,连忙转头看向了那名蜘蛛男 Li Yalin asked: Ling Mo, how do you know there is one more?” 李雅琳则问道:“凌默,你怎么知道还有一只的?” Guesses.” Ling Mo's replied accidental/surprised very simply...... “猜的。”凌默的回答意外地很简单…… Because...... Other my also suspicion......” “因为……我心里还有别的怀疑……” Ling Mo crossed that spider, has opened out the spider man long hair decisively, has revealed his another eyes. 凌默越过了那只蜘蛛,果断地拨开了蜘蛛男的长发,露出了他的另一只眼睛 That eyes has only hidden under uncombed hair, for the first time looks is personality...... But since were 40 -year-old middle-aged people, where also needed this personality? 那只眼睛一直隐藏在乱发之下,乍一看是一种个性……但既然都是40来岁的中年人了,哪里还需要这种个性 What is more important, Ling Mo in the biggest danger that this spider man body feels, does not come from that arm...... 更重要的是,凌默在这蜘蛛男身上所感受到的最大的危险,并不是来自那条胳膊…… When his tentacles was blocked by the arm, he feels indistinctly, eyes of that only hideaway, as if stared at his one eyes...... 当他的触手被胳膊挡住时,他隐约感觉到,那只隐藏的眼睛,似乎盯了他一眼…… But that look, with spider man another eyes, is actually completely different. 而那种眼神,和蜘蛛男的另一只眼睛,却是完全不同的。 „......” “啊……” The hair one was lifted, Xia Na exuded one to shout lowly. 头发一被掀开,夏娜就发出了一声低呼。 But does not have human nature Ye Lian and Li Yalin at the same time, then only opened eyes curiously. 而没有人性化一面的叶恋李雅琳,则只是好奇地睁大了眼睛 That originally should think of the place of eyeball...... At this time only remaining scary black hole. And in black hole edge, but also has many spider's silks...... 那个原本应该装着眼球的地方……此时只剩下了一个骇人的黑洞。且在黑洞的边缘处,还存在着不少的蛛丝…… Which this is any eyes, radically is Cave of the Silken Web...... 这哪是什么眼睛,根本就是一个盘丝洞啊…… No wonder this spider can own hide calmly, but also after can so fast launch the attack......” silent several seconds, Ling Mo says with emotion. “难怪这蜘蛛能不动声色地把自己藏起来,还能如此快速地发动攻击……”沉默了几秒钟后,凌默感慨道。 He endured to put edge to investigate tentacles disgustingly, did not determine after other spiders, has put this person of hair. 他忍着恶心将触手放到边缘处探查了一下,确定没有其他的蜘蛛后,才将这人的头发又放了下来。 By black hole staring, feeling really not good...... 被一个黑洞“盯”着,感觉实在是不太好…… I have not guessed that wrong words, this spider truly is responsible for communicating with him?” Ling Mo thinks, said. “我没猜错的话,这只蜘蛛才是真正负责和他沟通的吧?”凌默想了想,说道。 Xia Na also looked to that spider, said: Perhaps, it is reproduces these small spiders the female spider, but these slightly slightly, are the male spider......” 夏娜也看向了那只蜘蛛,说道:“说不定,它就是繁殖出那些小蜘蛛的雌蛛,而那些稍小一点的,就是雄蛛……” No, I do not think that......” Ling Mo actually shook the head. “不,我不这么想……”凌默却摇了摇头。 Oh? why? Generally speaking, will the status of female spider quite be high? The instinct of spider so. Even if has taken in Virus, has caused the habitual change, this point not too possibly completely reversal? Directly has not reversed the sex like Zombie, or simply certain characteristics exchange anything......” the Xia Na analysis said. 嗯?为什么?一般来说,雌蛛的地位会比较高吧?蜘蛛的天性如此嘛。就算是摄入了一点病毒,导致了习性的改变,这一点还是不太可能完全逆转的吧?就像丧尸也没有直接逆转性别,或者干脆某些特征交换什么的……”夏娜分析道。 „It is not, I am not this meaning.” Ling Mo has referred to that spider man, said, hasn't discovered? This person...... Should only ordinary person?” “不是,我不是这个意思。”凌默指了指那名蜘蛛男,说道,“没发现吗?这人……应该只是普通人吧?” Such remarks, three Female Zombie immediately silent...... 此话一出,三名女丧尸顿时都沉默了…… ordinary person? How can...... 普通人?怎么会…… How these spiders change the characteristics again, insect that can also hunt. Moreover their performance also showed...... They may probably be cut-throat than the first edition...... 这些蜘蛛再怎么改变特性,本质上也是会狩猎的昆虫。而且它们的表现也说明了……它们比原版可要凶狠多了…… Establishes this parasitic relations with ordinary person? How wants the impossible nature...... 普通人建立这种寄生关系?怎么想都没有可能性啊…… About this issue, we can only ask him.” Ling Mo coldly said. “关于这个问题,我们只能问他了。”凌默寒声道
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