MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1060: Was surrounded, is you...

Companion? It seems like...... I guessed right.” Saw that were surrounded once again, the Ling Mo's performance as before is very calm. “同伴?看来……我猜得没错了。”眼看自己再度被包围,凌默的表现却依旧很镇定。 The men are sneering, sees Ling Mo such response, immediately is not feeling well frowned, cannot bear ask: Guesses? What are you guessing?” 男人正在冷笑着,看到凌默这样的反应,顿时就不爽地皱起了眉头,忍不住问道:“猜?你在猜什么?” Question at the same time, he also faintly somewhat dreaded...... How the opposite party just almost killed his, this little while is also having a lingering fear...... In brief, although just contacted with Ling Mo was less than ten seconds, but man of from the beginning is absolutely self-confident and rampant, was nothing left. But at this time, he just sought a point to come back superiority, the opposite party actually with such one does not know that the so-called words, made him produce a slight bad feeling again. 问话的同时,他心里也隐隐有些忌惮……对方刚刚是如何差点弄死他的,他这会儿还心有余悸着呢……总之,尽管刚跟凌默接触了不到十秒钟,但男人一开始的那种绝对自信与嚣张,就已经荡然无存了。而此时,他刚刚将优势找了一点回来,对方却又用这样一句不知所谓的话,再次让他产生了一丝不妙的预感 Mother...... Calm! This boy only blustered, now grasps the overall situation person is being I! No matter what, so long as does not give him the make a move opportunity, that today dies certainly was he......” man has pinched cold sweat in palm, discussed in the heart secretly. “妈的……淡定一点!这小子只是虚张声势罢了,现在掌握着全局的人可是我啊!不管怎么样,只要不给他出手的机会,那今天死的就一定是他了……”男人捏了一把手心里的冷汗,暗暗在心中念道。 Ok, I do not have interest to know, you go......” “算了,我也没兴趣知道,你去……” The men just an opens the mouth, listened to Ling Mo saying: Just saw your time I am thinking, since you are not Spiritual System Ability User, you are control these spiders, how also to know the outside situation through them? However now I understood, the people of true control these spiders are not you, but is these big spider? They can live in your inside the body, naturally has with the method that you exchange. Just...... Closes right up against these spiders to rephrase in own words news that twice must come, will be often inaccurate...... Why will choose me as for you. I also think that before because of my status, knows now, originally was I thinks too complex. Your only had determined I am one of the stupor people. Therefore chases after and never gives up to me.” 男人刚一开口,就听凌默说道:“刚刚看到你的时候我就在想,既然你并不是精神系异能者,那你是怎么控制这些蜘蛛,又是如何通过它们来得知外界情况的?不过现在我明白了,真正控制那些蜘蛛的人不是你,而是这些大蜘蛛吧?它们能生活在你的身体内,自然就有和你交流的方法。只不过……靠着这些蜘蛛两次转述才得来的消息,往往是不会太准确的……至于你为什么会选择我。我之前还以为是因为我的身份,现在才知道,原来是我想得太复杂了。你只是确定了我就是昏迷的人之一。所以才对我穷追不舍的吧。” Therefore , the premise is...... The people......” Ling Mo has shown unexpectedly also a look of taunt, and shakes the head to say. “所以说,前提是……人啊……”凌默居然也露出了一丝嘲讽的神色,并摇头说道。 The men frowned once more tightly. Some ignitions said: You were speaking any nonsense......” 男人再次紧皱起了眉头。有些发火地说道:“你到底在说什么鬼话……” The voice has not fallen, he fiercely has lifted the arm, several big spider rise with a spring from his arm immediately, threw toward Ling Mo directly. 话音未落,他就猛地抬起了胳膊,十几只大蜘蛛顿时从他胳膊上一跃而起,直接朝着凌默扑了过去。 These spiders have the adult thumb size, and looks is passing stock extremely dangerous aura. Once were bumped into by them, let alone was eaten, perhaps the light was nipped, sufficiently fatal. Moreover under their attacks, surroundings these small spiders one after another has also welled up. Suddenly advanced a very awful region Ling Mo. 这些蜘蛛的个头都有成人拇指大小,且一看就透着股极危险的气息。一旦被它们碰到,别说是被吃了,恐怕光是被咬一下,都足以致命。而且在它们的率先攻击下,周围的那些小蜘蛛们也纷纷涌了上来。眨眼间就将凌默推到了一个十分糟糕的境地。 Three seconds...... Two seconds......” Ling Mo standing in place, the expression invariably in a low voice discussed. “三秒……两秒……”凌默站在原地,表情不变地低声念道。 The men even more think something is not right, but to this time. Under he also can only repress uneasy of innermost feelings, said with a smile: You are carrying out the countdown for your poor life...... Relax, you will not die very painfully, only after dying, your bone will not remain. These little ancestors' digesting fluids, intensity endures compared with the concentrated acid......” 男人越发觉得不对劲,但都到这个时候了。他也只能按捺下内心的不安感,笑道:“你这是在为自己的小命搞倒计时啊……放心,你不会死得很痛苦的,只是在死之后,你连一块骨头都不会留下来。这些小祖宗的消化液,强度可是堪比浓酸啊……” His body draws back suddenly backward, but the man immediately yells: Useless! Even if you can throw off these small spiders. But the big spider speed is actually you absolutely cannot catch up!” 他身体突然向后一退,而男人则立刻大叫道:“没用的!就算你能甩掉那些小蜘蛛。可大蜘蛛的速度却是你绝对赶不上的!” With this person of cry, these one after another of concealed big spider in spider group jumps immediately, simultaneously has projected spider's silks to the front. 伴随着这人的叫声,那些藏在蛛群中的大蜘蛛顿时纷纷跃起,同时向前方射出了一根根蛛丝。 Under the dragging of spider's silk, they approached instantaneously have closed right up against tentacles retreat Ling Mo, and threw toward his face on directly. 在蛛丝的拖动下,它们瞬间又接近了靠着触手后退凌默,并径直朝他脸上扑了上去。 Saw that big spider will soon go well, man has felt instantaneously at ease much: I had not wanted to kill your, who makes you unable to live here...... This matter, cannot blame me......” 眼看大蜘蛛们即将得手,男人瞬间又安心了不少:“本来我也没想要杀你们的,但谁让你们在这里住着不走呢……这种事,也不能怪我……” Probably is because several moods fluctuate, at this time sees the aspect to be steady, this person of words were immediately many. 大概是因为几次心情起伏,此时见局面已稳,这人的话顿时就多了起来。 But explained like him, meaning that Ling Mo simply did not have listening, he fixed the eyes on the spider that these were coming, exclaimed in a low voice: One!” 只不过像他这样的“解释”,凌默却根本没有在听的意思,他紧盯着那些迎面而来的蜘蛛,低声吼道:“一!” Also in number......” “还在数……” The men just want to say sentence anything, suddenly felt that gust of wind has swept across from nearby alley fiercely. 男人刚想说句什么,就骤然感觉到一阵疾风从旁边的小巷内猛地席卷了过来。 When this gust of wind passed over gently and swiftly after him and Ling Mo, he a face at a loss discovery...... Then stops in not far away, almost hit to fly Ling Mo front spider, impressively was one huge...... White shade! 待这阵疾风从他和凌默之间掠过之后,他才一脸茫然地发现……那在不远处停下的,几乎将凌默面前的蜘蛛都撞飞了的,赫然是一只巨大的……白影! Baa gu!” 咩咕!” Mutated Panda that the body inflates has turned around slowly, the look seems the ominous offense. Its from head to toe has hung all over spider at this time, seems especially to terrify people. 身体膨胀的变异熊猫慢慢地转过身来,眼神看上去十分地凶戾。它浑身上下此时都挂满了蜘蛛,看上去格外地瘆人 But regarding that man, most to terrify people, is actually this panda itself...... 但对于那男人来说,最瘆人的,却是这只熊猫本身…… Changes...... mutated beast......” man muttered dumbfoundedly said. “变……变异兽……”男人目瞪口呆地喃喃说道。 Very obviously, he has to see mutated beast...... But the build is so huge, but can also in still stand erect by the situation of numerous spider attack in not but actually the ominous beast, he actually is really first time sees! 很显然,他不是没有见过变异兽……但体型如此巨大,还能在被众多蜘蛛攻击的情况下仍旧屹立不倒的凶兽,他却真是第一次见啊! Moreover looks at the appearance of this panda, to hurry along obviously with a sense of urgency, thus has disregarded the attacks of all spiders...... The rapidness of its speed, even these spiders with enough time have not notified to him continually. 而且看这熊猫的样子,明显是为了抓紧赶路,从而无视了所有蜘蛛的攻击……它的速度之快,甚至连那些蜘蛛都没来得及给他报信。 Why...... Will have......” “为什么……会有……” Has not waited for the man astonished that presents from Mutated Panda to respond that side Ling Mo had the mutation. 没等男人从变异熊猫出现的惊愕中反应过来,凌默那边又出现了异变。 He by luck was thinking still, from situation, even if Mutated Panda hit many spiders, may still have few spiders to throw to Ling Mo body. But such one, he was also dies...... 他原本还在侥幸地想着,从刚才的情形来看,就算变异熊猫撞走了许多蜘蛛,可仍旧会有少量的蜘蛛扑到凌默身上。而那样一来,他也就算是死定了…… But when at this time he transferred past tense the line of sight, actually instantaneously frightened the thought shutdown...... 可此时当他将视线转过去时,却瞬间就吓得思维停摆了…… The Ling Mo's left and right, presented pretty silhouette respectively. And is taking short blade, another, is using a as if crescent moon weapon...... In their under the foot, is scattering many spider corpse...... 凌默的左右两边,分别出现了一道靓丽的身影。其中一个拿着短刀,另一个则使用着一把仿佛弯月般的武器……在她们的脚下,则散落着不少的蜘蛛尸体…… When he looks to them, silhouette is putting down short blade together slowly...... They simultaneously looked to him, but on the face of that two extremely beautiful, unexpectedly is two pairs of blood-red eyes that appeared! 当他望向他们时,其中一道身影正缓缓放下短刀……她们俩同时看向了他,而在那两张极为漂亮的脸上,出现的竟然是两双血红色眼睛 Mourning...... Zombie!” “丧……丧尸!” The men felt that oneself body stiffened in this time...... Why here will present Zombie! 男人感觉自己的身体都在此时僵住了……为什么这里会出现丧尸啊! Zombie this living thing, already vanished in Dawn Town...... 丧尸这种生物,早就在黎明镇绝迹了啊…… Moreover careful looked, these two Zombie eyes also respectively have the difference, in Zombie with his impression has very big difference...... 而且仔细一看,这两只丧尸眼睛还各有不同,也和他印象中的丧尸有着很大差异…… In addition the most important question is, why these Zombie...... also that mutated beast, will only clarify with this youth together! 此外最重要的疑问是,为什么这些丧尸……还有那只变异兽,会摆明了是跟这个青年一起的啊! could it be that...... 难道…… You are also...... Zombie......” “你也是……丧尸……” The men said fearful and apprehensive. His little while thoroughly understood the meaning of Ling Mo those words...... These spiders can block the person, but the premise is, the object who he blocks is the talented person line! 男人胆战心惊地说道。他这会儿已经彻底明白了凌默那句话的意思……这些蜘蛛能拦住人,可前提是,他拦的对象得是人才行啊! Originally before him, uses large quantities of spiders to pursue Ling Mo, has given these Zombie and mutated beast casts off the opportunities of remaining spiders...... When he acts according to the conditioning strategy time, in fact these Zombie have been away from him not to be far...... May as a result of the information flaw, he actually optimistically believe, they definitely could not catch up...... But Ling Mo, will certainly become the second person who he kills. 原本他之前利用大批蜘蛛去追击凌默,就已经给了这些丧尸变异兽甩开剩下蜘蛛的机会……等他根据情况调整策略的时候,实际上这些丧尸已经距离他不远了……可由于情报的缺失,他竟然乐观地认为,她们肯定赶不上了……而凌默,也必将成为他杀死的第二个人。 But now...... The present is the damn anything situation! 可现在……现在是tm什么情况啊! Was right!” In a confusion, the man stared in a big way eyes suddenly, has remembered a very important matter, also............” “对了!”一片混乱中,男人突然瞪大了眼睛,想起了一件很重要的事情,“还有……一个呢……” He truly remembers, goal altogether...... Should be five is right...... 他确实记得,目标总共……应该是五个才对吧…… Two Female Zombie, this unidentified youth, as well as that unceasingly is only rocking the body, attempts Mutated Panda that spider body throws off. Then...... there is still one? 两只女丧尸,这名身份不明的青年,以及那只正在不断晃动着身躯,试图将身上的蜘蛛都甩掉的变异熊猫。那么……还有一个呢? The men felt instantaneously the cold sweat of whole body has braved, he is shivering gently, glanced with peripheral vision little to behind. 男人瞬间就感觉全身的冷汗都冒了出来,他轻轻地颤抖着,一点点地用余光瞟向了身后 A long hair young girl calmly is standing in his behind, this girl wears the standard student uniform, in the hand is actually proposing one compared with her oneself also high scythe...... On reflecting cold light blade, he saw her eyes, also that faint smile...... Not only anger, and has been full of the taunt expression...... 一个长发少女正静静地站在他身后,这女孩穿着标准的学生装,手里却提着一把比她本人还高的镰刀……在反射着冷光的刀刃上,他看见了她的眼睛,还有那似笑非笑的……既愤怒,又充满了嘲讽的表情…… „Are you looking for me?” Young girls crooked tilting the head, winked winking red eyes, asked in a soft voice. “你在找我吗?”少女歪了歪头,眨了眨红色的眼睛,轻声问道。 „!!!!!!” “啊!!!!!!” ps: Recommends two new books: «I Domestic Only Machine Cat», «Bright Heavenly Dao», the friend of being interested can have a look. ps:推荐两本新书:《我家养了只机器猫》,《光明天道》,感兴趣的朋友可以去看看。
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