MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1059: Eats the person spider

In the lane, in being away from the place Ling Mo less than ten meters away, person's shadow both hands inserts the pocket, lowers the head by the wall. 巷内,在距离凌默不到十米外的地方,一个人影正双手插兜,低着头靠在墙上。 Hears sound that Ling Mo falls to the ground, this person has not revealed any surprised response. On the contrary, his coldly snorted, turns the head slowly, under the long uncombed hair reveals gloomy eyes: Cannot think, you escape, instead was really not finding here to come anxiously......” 听到凌默落地的声音,这人也没露出什么惊讶的反应。相反,他冷哼了一声,慢慢地转过头来,长长的乱发下露出来一只阴森的眼睛:“想不到,你不急着逃命,反而真的找到这里来了……” He put out a hand to spread out slowly, has revealed one shadow that is spinning in: What's wrong? Is because realized that in this Dawn Town, couldn't you escape? However your this track small skill, actually pretty good. What a pity, this will only make you lose one's life......” 他拿出一只手缓缓摊开,露出了一只正在里面打转的黑影:“怎么?是因为意识到在这个黎明镇内,你已经逃不掉了吗?不过你这点跟踪的小本事,倒是挺不错的。可惜,这只会让你送命罢了……” However the voice has not fallen, that shadow on his palm fiercely blasted out. 然而话音未落,他手心上的那只黑影就猛地炸开了。 Has not waited for this person to respond from the mutation of Mutated Creature sudden death, his body seemed not been common by control, has planted suddenly forward, then heavily fell on the ground. 没等这人从变异生物突然死亡的异变中反应过来,他的身体就仿佛不受控制一般,骤然向前栽了过去,然后重重地跌在了地上。 This is...... This What is going on!?......” “这是……这怎么回事……” The men somewhat were immediately ignorant...... Actual in the situation that he cannot see, huge, seems burning phantom was standing in his behind, the silk thread in hand twines on his body these luminous spots...... Naturally, he could not feel this. His only thought, own hands and feet becomes does not coordinate suddenly...... 男人顿时有些懵了……实际在他看不见的情况下,一个巨大的、仿佛正在燃烧着的虚影正站在他的身后,手中的丝线则缠绕到了他身上的那些光点上……当然了,他是感觉不到这个的。他只是觉得,自己的手脚突然都变得不配合了…… But at this time, Ling Mo proceeded two steps, stood exhaltedly nearby him. Then his facial color gloomy, patiently did not ask: Zhang She is he lives dies?” 而此时,凌默已经往前走了两步,居高临下地站到了他跟前。接着他面色阴沉,毫无耐心地问道:“张舍他是生是死?” Opens...... Zhang She?” “张……张舍?” With the activity of phantom that both hands. This person of head cannot help but was entrained similarly. 伴随着虚影那双手的活动。这人的脑袋同样不由自主地被拽了起来。 gloomy and cold and danger that he displayed a moment ago, this little while have not existed, the tone that spoke did not have the taunt feeling of that keeping aloof. Clearly, Ling Mo this decisive and strange attack method, making him sober suddenly...... Ling Mo dares to appear here directly. That has self-confidently! 他刚才所表现出的阴冷和危险,这会儿已经不复存在了,就连说话的语气也没有了那种高高在上的嘲讽感。很明显,凌默这果断且诡异的打击手段,让他忽然清醒了……凌默敢直接出现在这里。那是有自信的啊! Although he has been sneak attacking Ling Mo. May in fact, Ling Mo also early put side him ticking time bomb! only in the definite situation, he has not given up the beneficial occupancy...... Thinks. Even if he does not have the many words, the opposite party also can definitely see his split second, according to model takes him. On the sinister degree, this looks like him is neater than at present hundred times of youth...... In this aspect actually is also not inferior! 虽说他一直都在偷袭凌默。可实际上,凌默也早已经将不定时炸弹放到他身边了!只是在未曾确定的情况下,他舍不得提前使用罢了……这么一想。就算他没有多话,对方也完全可以在看到他的一瞬间,就依样将他拿下。论阴险程度,眼前这个看起来比他清爽百倍的青年……在这方面却也是毫不逊色啊! No...... Don't......” “别……别……” This person also wants to move, but he just supported the ground the hand, a great strength suddenly has pressed. 这人还想动弹,可他刚将手撑到地面,一股巨力就突然压了下来。 With finger suddenly under presses, he could not bear send out a pitiful yell immediately: „!” 伴随着手指的突然下压,他顿时忍不住发出了一声惨叫:“啊!” But in the severe pain, he also with amazement discovered. This young man is lowering the head unemotionally as before visits him...... The opposite party has not begun! 而在剧痛之中,他还骇然地发现。这个年轻男人依旧在低头面无表情地看着他……对方根本就没动手! „......” Wails, he replied off and on, this......” “啊……”哀嚎中,他断断续续地答道,“这个……” From the Ling Mo's look, he saw...... The answer of this issue, is representing his life and death...... 凌默的眼神中,他已经看出……这个问题的答案,就代表着他的生死…… But answer...... 可答案…… About this. You listened to me saying that......” he was stuttering, suddenly „”, single-handed fiercely has haunched the body. “关于这个。你听我说……”他正在结巴着,突然又“啊”了一声,单手猛地撑起了身体。 In instance that the Ling Mo's foot top/withstood, he fiercely tumbled, then has stood fast. 凌默的脚被顶开的瞬间,他就猛地翻滚了出去,然后快速地站了起来。 Has not waited for him to come to a stop, spiritual tentacles has shot toward him. 可没等他站稳,一根精神触手就朝他射了过去。 Slightly what only makes Ling Mo knit the brows, this person blocked with own arm unexpectedly...... Moreover after block, he not only has not called out pitifully, instead has sneered again and again. 只是凌默微微皱眉的是,这人居然用自己的胳膊挡住了……而且挡住之后,他不仅没有惨叫,反而连连冷笑了起来。 Haha...... Really that was close, almost planted in your hand. Really is too long does not see person, therefore started becomes is not careful...... However this must blame that person who called Zhang She, who made him be killed easily, therefore made me feel that your this group of people were some idiots......” 哈哈……真是好险,差点就栽到了你手上了。果然是太久不见人,所以开始变得没那么小心了啊……不过这也要怪那个叫张舍的人,谁让他那么容易就被弄死了,所以才让我觉得你们这批人都是些蠢货……” He was saying, while raised the head looked once more to Ling Mo. However can see from the sweat of his whole face, at heart his did not have on his mouth to say was so relaxed. Truly at this time he feels is actually what kind, perhaps only then he was clear. 他一边说着,一边再次抬头看向了凌默。不过从他满脸的汗水中就能看出,他的心里也没有他嘴上说的那么轻松。此时他真正的感受究竟是怎么样的,恐怕只有他自己才清楚了。 Mother...... Unexpectedly compelled me to use this...... He is not continuously the stupor! Even if awoke today suddenly, should not be so difficult to do!” “妈的……居然逼我用出了这个……他不是一直都昏迷着吗!就算今天突然醒了,也不应该这么难搞吧!” His arm hangs before the body, is keeping shivering slightly. On the sleeve is also keeping one by the hole that Ling Mo makes, what is strange, there does not have the blood to gush out. 他那只胳膊垂在身前,正在不停地微微颤抖着。袖子上还留着一个被凌默打出的孔洞,但奇怪的是,那里却并没有鲜血涌出。 Right...... He died......” “是吗……他已经死了啊……” Those who make this person of dark sleep not wonderful is, Ling Mo after hearing these words, had not actually been enraged...... only in his look, reveals one lightly, the complex look. 让这人暗觉不妙的是,凌默在听到这番话后,却并没有被激怒……只是在他的眼神中,流露出了一丝淡淡的、复杂的神色。 Right, he died! You must die!” That person frowned, sneers to say. “没错,他死了!你也要死!”那人皱起了眉头,冷笑道。 He has pulled up the sleeve fiercely, has revealed that tattered and torn arm: Thinks that you are best to solve, has not thought you so are unexpectedly thorny...... Also good, as the matter stands, after massacring you, that group of people were better to solve......” 他猛地拉起了袖子,露出了那条千疮百孔的胳膊:“本来以为你是最好解决的一个,没想到你居然这么棘手……也好,这样一来,杀掉你之后,那群人就更好解决了……” Saying, on his arm suddenly has blown up a packet, and moved under his skin...... Afterward under the Ling Mo's gaze, a shadow the wound of that newly making has then braved...... Following close on, over a hundred shadows is swarming from these holes, quick has blacked the entire arm of man. 说着,他的胳膊上就突然鼓起了一个小包,且在他的皮肤下方移动了起来……随后在凌默的注视下,一只黑影便从那新打出的伤口中冒了出来……紧跟着,上百只黑影从那些孔洞中蜂拥而出,很快就染黑了男子的一整条胳膊。 However the man not only does not have the look that therefore reveals the least bit pain, instead some excitedly shivered. 然而男人不仅没有因此露出半点痛苦的神色,反而有些兴奋地打了个寒噤。 Has not thought must use these little ancestors in your body...... However is also good, first made them eat to the full, later moved time will go all out.” “本来没想过要在你身上用到这些小祖宗的……不过也好,先让它们吃饱了,之后行动的时候才会更卖力。” These shadows look like also and common shadow are somewhat different, is not only bigger, and outer covering blushes...... But at this time, Ling Mo also finally saw clearly their true colors...... 那些黑影看起来也和一般的黑影有些不同,不仅个头更大,且外壳发红……而此时,凌默也终于看清了它们的真面目…… That is black...... Spider...... 那是一只只黑色的……蜘蛛…… No wonder Zhang She dies has not made any sound...... These spiders, are the belt are obviously poisonous. 怪不得张舍死的时候没发出任何声响……这些蜘蛛,明显是带毒的。 Their carrying on the back have dark-red traces, only after their rapid traverse, turns into the shadow that the one by one naked eye was unable to see clearly...... 它们的背上都有着一条条暗红色的痕迹,只是在它们快速移动起来后,就变成了一个个肉眼无法看清的黑影…… It is difficult to imagine, how these poisonous spiders parasite in this person of inside the body...... 很难想象,这些毒蜘蛛是怎么寄生在这人的身体内的…… What kind of? I also make you make to understand that......” that person has smiled cleverly two. “怎么样?我也算让你做个明白鬼了……”那人又笑了两声。 But at this time in this crossroad surroundings, emerged the massive shadows...... 而此时在这个路口的周围,又涌现出了大量的黑影…… Relax, your companion, I will make them catch up without enough time......” “放心,你的同伴,我会让他们来不及赶过来的……”
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