MGIAZ :: Volume #11

#1063: The devil in burrow

You are observe carefully......” spider man to clench teeth secretly, the nail deeply pinched in the hand. “你到底是观察得有多仔细啊……”蜘蛛男暗自咬了咬牙,指甲则深深地掐进了手里。 Indeed, his each finger, the skin color is pale...... 的确,他的每一根手指,肤色都是惨白的…… Town only living person, actually does not move out these tobacco and liquor that...... 如此说来,全镇唯一的一个活人,却并不是搬走那些烟酒的那个…… Suddenly, the people cannot bear some chills. 一时间,众人都忍不住有些恶寒。 Brother-in-law, your meaning is......” Yuwen Xuan goes forward one, asked that here, could it be that also others?” “妹夫,你的意思是……”宇文轩上前一步,问道,“这里,难道还有别人?” Zhang Xincheng knit the brows to look to spider man, said: He just said, to let us after massacring him relaxes vigilantly, thus gives his companion to leave behind the opportunity not to be missed?”. 张新成则皱眉看向了蜘蛛男,说道:“那他刚刚那么说,是为了让我们在杀掉他后放松警惕,从而给他的同伴留下可趁之机吗?”。 Also is not only this......” Ling Mo not anxiously the reply, but squatted in front of spider man, ridiculed said, feared the murder reason that you said on own initiative, actually was also deceives people? Many characters I think...... Since we have fought, you should to my ability also some concepts. In front of Spiritual System Ability User, do not attempt to scatter such obvious lying. Will be looked......” “还不光是这样……”凌默没急着回答,而是蹲到了蜘蛛男面前,略带讥讽地说道,“恐怕你主动说出的杀人理由,其实也是骗人的吧?不少字我想……既然我们交过手,你应该对我的能力也有一些概念了。在精神系异能者面前,就不要尝试撒这么明显的谎了。会被看出来的……” Concept?” spider man opened mouth, then has smiled bitterly. “概念?”蜘蛛男张了张嘴,然后苦笑了起来。 He to the present did not determine what oneself bumps into is what person group, the concept of which coming? 他到现在都不确定自己碰上的是群什么人,哪来的这种概念? Also owes this young man to display such shameless...... Obviously put nearby Zombie and mutated beast him, now can also mention calmly oneself were Spiritual System Ability User...... 也亏这个年轻男人能表现得这么无耻……明明都把丧尸变异兽放到他跟前了,现在还能若无其事地提到自己是精神系异能者…… Before saying others lie, your actually first has a look at itself! 说别人撒谎之前,你倒是先看看自己啊! However in Ling Mo that has under the gaze of oppression strength, spider man has actually chosen silent. 不过在凌默那极具压迫力的注视下,蜘蛛男却还是选择了沉默。 Why does not know, one looks at each other with Ling Mo. He felt that the innermost feelings sense of fear is losing control...... 不知为何,一跟凌默对视。他就感觉内心的恐惧感在失控…… Such situation. Really not too wonderful...... 这样的情况。实在不太妙…… Returns refuse to say? It seems like. Your right and wrong must to suffer a hardship...... Right, do not blame me not to remind you, in our hands, you want to ask, that is not possible. For example was planning that make a move, he specially was engaged in this line before, specialized......” Ling Mo unemotionally said that simultaneously toward side gently one side head. Has revealed behind toward Ye Kai that he walks. “还不肯说吗?看来。你是非得要吃点苦头了……对了,别怪我没提醒你,在我们手里,你想求死,那都是没可能的。比如正打算出手的这位,他以前可是专门从事这一行的,专业着呢……”凌默面无表情地说道,同时往旁边轻轻一侧头。露出了身后正朝他走来的叶开 Is keeping extremely short flat head, and look rogue unusual Ye Kai is pulling out the knife, while silently perspiration...... This Captain lies, is really without turning a hair! What specially is engaged in this line? Is this also a trade? If really this expert in aspect, that is really the important matter is not wonderful...... 留着极短的平头,且眼神凶恶异常的叶开一边抽着刀子,一边默默地汗了一把……这位队长撒起谎来,才是真的面不改色啊!什么叫专门从事这一行啊?这原来也算是一门行当吗?真要是这方面的专家的话,那才真的是大事不妙了啊…… „...... Do not think so me! I before was a programmer!” After Mu Chen and Yuwen Xuan side, Ye Kai cannot withstand the pressure finally, has roared in a low voice. “靠……别这么看我!我以前是个程序员啊!”经过木晨宇文轩身边时,叶开终于还是顶不住压力,低声吼了一句。 What?!” “什么?!” I want to ask your anything meaning...... Why instead was scared to death?” Ye Kai angrily said. “我才想问你们什么意思啊……为什么反而被吓死了?”叶开怒道 After all only then my such talent was the proper white-collar...... Yuwen Xuan has pulled the neckband likely, laughed said. “毕竟只有我这样的才像是正经的白领啊……”宇文轩扯了扯领口,嘿嘿一笑道。 no, no, no...... You are not like.” 不不不……你才是最不像的。” Do not insult the white-collar, you in the mental disorder institute fantasized obviously oneself are of white-collar......” “不要侮辱白领了,你明明是在精神病院幻想自己是白领的那种……” They were whispering, the look actually as if by prior agreement looked to spider man. 他们三人嘀咕着,眼神却都不约而同地看向了蜘蛛男 Saw that these three people are ready to fight. In addition before Ling Mo, that words that spoke, spider man trembled immediately. 眼看这三人都在摩拳擦掌。再加上凌默之前所说的那番话,蜘蛛男顿时哆嗦了一下。 He has measured in the heart fast. Said: I said...... I said!” 他快速在心中权衡了一番。说道:“我说……我都说!” I...... It is not right, is we. We want to kill your reasons, actually mainly has two points...... First, to feed spider...... Do not look that these spider quantities are many, but in fact each eating are not many. If there is been at the static condition after the feed, they can support actually for over one month! Reason that this town had been emptied, because mainly their most greatly female spiders...... That only female spider when evolves and reproduces the descendant, the appetite will become extremely terrifying. In addition...... Many corpse, moved out by us actually, stores up......” spider man to pinch palm, thinks while said. “我……不对,是我们。我们想杀你们的原因,其实主要是有两点……一是为了喂养蜘蛛……别看这些蜘蛛数量很多,但实际上每一只吃的并不多。如果在进食后一直处于静止状态的话,它们其实是可以撑一个月以上的!这镇子之所以已经被清空了,主要还是因为它们的最大母蛛……那只母蛛在进化和繁殖后代的时候,食量会变得极为恐怖。此外……很多尸体,其实也都被我们搬走,储存起来了……”蜘蛛男掐着手心,边想边说道。 Female spider?” Ling Mo asked. “母蛛?”凌默问道。 Yes. We called it Broodmother Spider...... Different with my body this male spider, it may probably be fiercer. My this male spider...... Actually came from these slightly small big spider evolution, quantity actually not many...... However the male spider goes after its mating each time, will be eaten by Broodmother Spider. Then it will give birth to some eggs, one type has eaten to big spider, can evolve the new male spider, gives us to continue to cultivate......” spider man actually again to explain very exhaustively. “是的。我们叫它育母蜘蛛……和我身上这种雄蛛不同,它可要厉害多了。我这种雄蛛……其实是从那些稍小一些的大蜘蛛进化而来的,数量其实也不多……但是每次雄蛛去跟它交配后,都会被育母蜘蛛吃掉。然后它会产下一些卵,其中一种给大蜘蛛们吃了,就能进化出新的雄蛛,再交给我们继续培育……”蜘蛛男倒是解释得很详尽。 If so...... Has become you by Broodmother Spider control? Does the grass, whom your damn tease?” Ye Kai strikes an attitude to chop. “如果是这样的话……岂不是成了你们被育母蜘蛛控制了?草,你TM逗谁呢?”叶开作势欲砍。 spider man said hastily: Works as...... Naturally is not...... Broodmother Spider...... Actually by our Boss control. Therefore specifically, we actually by Boss control. Between the male spider and Broodmother Spider have very intense relation, although I am not very clear, but can indeed accept the Boss's order through the male spider......” 蜘蛛男连忙说道:“当……当然不是……育母蜘蛛……其实是被我们老大控制着的。所以准确地说,我们其实是被老大控制的。雄蛛和育母蜘蛛间有很强烈的联系,虽然我不是很清楚,但的确是可以通过雄蛛来接受老大的命令……” Said, your Boss was biggest spider person? Since is he does this you, you are also helping his what are you doing? However...... You to raise these spiders, have killed our human life, your this also gets what one deserves!” Gu Shuangshuang furious stands to say very much. However looked the appearance that she is not willing to approach, knows her contour to the spider man very much resists...... “这么说,你们老大才是最大的蜘蛛人了?既然是他把你搞成这样的,那你还帮着他干什么?不过……你为了养那些蜘蛛,就害死了我们一条人命,你这样也活该!”古霜霜气愤地站起来说道。不过看她不愿靠近的样子,就知道她对蜘蛛男的外形还是很抗拒的…… Hehe...... Scolded, but you spoke incorrectly, I did not hate Boss. You also looked, I was ordinary person, can live this, is the appearance that not easy......” spider man to look at very much opens. 嘿嘿……骂吧,不过你说错了,我不恨老大。你们也看出来了,我就是个普通人,能活成这样,已经是不容易了……”蜘蛛男一副看得很开的样子。 Ye Kai one hear must get angry, actually by Mu Chen blocking. 叶开一听又要冒火,却被木晨给拦住了。 That side spider man continued: But decides to attack you, also another very important reason...... You have the helicopter, perhaps also has the weapon. Rushes to such a bleak place, moreover stays does not walk, very difficult not to make us have some ideas...... Especially the helicopter, this average person can find, can't start? Many characters therefore...... I suspected that in you have the person of beforehand military, this time comes to......” 那边蜘蛛男已经继续说了起来:“但是决定攻击你们,还有另外一个很重要的原因……你们有直升机,说不定也有武器。跑到这么一个荒凉的地方来,而且住下就不走了,很难不让我们产生一些想法……尤其是直升机,这个就算一般人能找到,也开不动吧?不少字所以……我怀疑你们中有以前军方的人,这次来是冲着……” To what?” Zhang Xincheng asked. “冲着什么?”张新成问道。 In the Ling Mo heart jumps, asked hastily: You said...... Grain storage?” 凌默则心中一跳,连忙问道:“你是说……粮库?” Reason that the nearby has two warehouses, Ling Mo will ask the grain storage directly, that also has the reason. If the weapon cache, how this person will be also unarmed...... 附近有两座仓库,凌默之所以会直接问到粮库,那也是有原因的。如果是武器库的话,这人又怎么会赤手空拳呢…… But the grain storage had been discovered unexpectedly, this makes Ling Mo frown immediately. 但粮库居然已经被人发现了,这让凌默顿时就皱起了眉头。 However changes mind thinks, this kind of crowd of spider person, the whole body will bring to eat the spider of person, thinks that the member will not be many. 不过转念一想,这样一群蜘蛛人,浑身都带着会吃人的蜘蛛,想必成员也不会太多。 But the crowd that a grain storage can provide, actually by 1 million calculates...... 而一座粮库能供养的人群,却是以1000000来计算的…… On the other hand, reserve grain storage not like weapon cache covert...... Although many person not clear positions, but if lives in the, that is somewhat has understood. Even if knows the item body position, is not strange. 另一方面,储备粮库也不像武器库那样隐蔽……虽然许多人都不清楚位置,但如果是住在附近的话,那还是多多少少有所了解的。哪怕是知道具体位置,也并不稀奇。 Thinks of here, Ling Mo was also calm. 想到这里,凌默又冷静了下来。 But spider man immediately has pulled under the corners of the mouth: You really come to grain storage......” 蜘蛛男则立刻扯了下嘴角:“你们果然就是冲着粮库来的……” Instruction of attack, is your Boss issues? Many characters Ling Mo asked that „, since knows that our strength was not weak, that depended on you, perhaps does not dare to act rashly.” “攻击的指令,是你的老大下达的吧?不少字”凌默问道,“既然知道我们实力不弱,那凭你个人,恐怕是不敢轻举妄动的。” Snort...... Right, I was responsible for guarding Dawn Town, although here had been almost evacuated by us, but after is a town, some also vestiges. After discovering you, I have defended your one day, has clarified your situations, reported Boss. Boss said...... Everything who strikes the first blow has the advantage, even if you to the grain storage, do not live here are also a hidden danger. Food that also delivered, do not want......” spider man to say white/in vain. “哼……没错,我本来就是负责看守黎明镇的,这边虽然差不多都被我们搬空了,但总归是个镇子,还有一些残余的。发现你们后,我就守了你们一天,把你们的情况都摸清楚了,就报告了老大老大说……凡事先下手为强,就算你们不是冲着粮库来的,住在这里也是个隐患。再说送上门来的食物,不要白不要……”蜘蛛男道。 Shut up! Your Boss where?” Ling Mo coldly asked. “闭嘴!你老大在哪儿?”凌默冷冷地问道。 spider man actually looked to the jar in Ling Mo hand, said with a smile: Actually wants the male spider, Broodmother Spider can find it...... Your actually is intelligent, has not killed it immediately. What a pity you now knew, that also late. I have not gone back tonight, Boss knows that had an accident...... Only if, you run away at the same night......” 蜘蛛男却看向了凌默手中的瓶子,笑道:“其实只要雄蛛在,育母蜘蛛就能找到它的……你倒是聪明,没立马杀了它。可惜你现在知道了,那也晚了。我今晚没回去,老大就知道出事了……除非,你们连夜就逃……” Runs away?” Ling Mo stands up, tone chill said, you possibly misunderstood...... I asked this, was because...... I must kill him.” “逃?”凌默站起身来,语气阴寒地说道,“你可能误会了……我问这个,是因为……我要杀了他。” Bang! 嘭! As muffled sound transmits, but also wants saying that anything's spider man, was actually opening that one-eyed, collapsed on the ground...... 随着一声闷响传来,还想说些什么的蜘蛛男,却已经睁着那只独眼,瘫倒在了地上…… A wisp of blood, dripped from his forehead...... 一缕鲜血,从他的眉心淌了下来…… . ., 。,
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