MESIS :: Volume #1

#99: It is not quite proper

The Xu Yunhan words, making the people on the scene stare, at once each one eyes put none. 徐韵寒的话,让在场众人一愣,旋即个个眼放精光。 manager claps, seems is enlightened, on the face shows the exciting look: Right, looks for the Qin Baobao help, her younger brother is the wizard of music world, cannot with perverted that the common sense estimates. «Departure Song», 《Blue and White Porcelain》 and 《Exaggerate》...... compares classics. Invites words that he acts, what issue is easily solved.” 经纪人一击掌,好似醍醐灌顶,脸上露出激动神色:“对啊,找秦宝宝帮忙,她弟弟是音乐界的鬼才,是不能用常理揣度的变态。《离歌》、《青花瓷》《浮夸》......一首比一首经典呐。请他出手的话,什么问题都迎刃而解。” How not to have thought that but also looks for what composer, but also spends what brain, has Qin Baobao this Great God to poke, Star Skills Entertainment who also lacks the song. 怎么就没想到呢,还找什么作曲人啊,还费什么脑子啊,有秦宝宝这尊大神杵着,星艺娱乐谁还缺好歌。 A little miss face self-satisfied look, felt oneself contributed to the great merit. 小姑娘一脸得意的神色,感觉自己立大功了。 The Marketing Department young leader said suddenly: No way, previous company looks for Qin Baobao to want that several song copyright, his younger brother rejection. It is not good to deal with.” 营销部的小领导忽然道:“没戏,上次公司秦宝宝要那几首歌的版权,他弟弟拒绝了。不是好相与的。” The company face does not give, let alone you. 公司的面子都不给,别说你了。 Another young leader also said: Said again how has the good song to you, Qin Baobao is allying «Singer» now.” 另一个小领导也说:“再说,有好歌怎么会给你,秦宝宝现在正加盟《歌星》。” The people as if were irrigated basin cold water, the pouring extinguishes the fire of hope ignites. 众人仿佛被浇了一盆冷水,浇灭燃起的希望之火。 Thinks carefully, thought is very reasonable. Others have the good song naturally first to think elder sister, gives back to them difficultly inadequately. Moreover, Xu Yunhan and Qin Baobao have no friendship, if not this time prepares the new special edition often to come company to have several reasons, the opportunity that they possibly meet does not have. 仔细想想,觉得挺有道理。人家有好歌当然先想着姐姐,难不成还给她们啊。而且,徐韵寒秦宝宝没什么交情,如果不是这段时间准备新专辑时常来公司有过几面之缘,她俩可能见面的机会都没有。 Xu Yunhan sighed. 徐韵寒叹了口气。 The little misses are sipping the lip, the look is low-spirited. 小姑娘抿着嘴唇,眼神黯然。 manager said: I and Li Yanhong am on very good terms, I ask.” 经纪人道:“我和李艳红交情不错,我去问问。” Xu Yunhan said: Can be good?” 徐韵寒道:“能行吗?” manager helplessly said: Is good, must try.” Thinks, puts out the cell phone: I first sending a letter breath asked.” 经纪人无奈道:“行不行,总要试试。”想了想,拿出手机:“我先发个信息问一下。” She edited a message: Yanhong, asked your matter.” 她编辑了一条短信:“艳红,拜托你件事。” Any matter.” “什么事。” Yunhan must send the new special edition in the near future, you know.” 韵寒近期要发新专辑,你知道的吧。” Un, company this quarter planning chart: In July Xu Lu special edition ; In August Xu Yunhan special edition.” The Li Yanhong second returns to the information: Congratulations.” “嗯,公司这季度的计划表:七月徐璐专辑;八月徐韵寒专辑。”李艳红秒回信息:“恭喜恭喜。” Congratulates what/anything, let me tell you, the composer was snatched by other broker company.” “恭喜什么啊,我跟你说,作曲人被别的经纪公司抢了。” How can like this.” “怎么会这样。” No one has thought that will have this, blames us, at that time the verbal contract, without first time signed the contract.” “谁也没想到会有这一出,也怪我们,当时只是口头约定,没第一时间签合同。” Therefore......” Li Yanhong was a little clear. “所以......”李艳红有点明白了。 This is not thinking asked you to help.” “这不就想着找你帮忙了嘛。” I can help.” “我能帮什么忙。” āi yōu, my elder sister, you are not Qin Baobao manager. Now company affiliated singer, as long as thinks that song, whose not first time thinks of Qin Baobao. Calculates that I asked you.” 哎呦,我的姐姐,你不是秦宝宝经纪人嘛。现在公司旗下的歌手,但凡想约歌的,谁不第一时间想到秦宝宝。算我求你了。” Li Yanhong enjoys flattering of friend very much, she holds a title without any obligations of office so many years, finally an exuberant feeling, after the bitter comes the sweet. Immediately replies: I help you ask that becomes inadequate did not guarantee.” 李艳红很享受朋友的吹捧,她坐冷板凳这么多年,总算扬眉吐气,苦尽甘来了。当即回复:“我帮你问问啊,成不成可不保证。” Thanks!” “谢啦!” manager puts down the cell phone, puts out the one breath, everyone visits her. 经纪人放下手机,吐出一口气,所有人都看着她。 Xu Yunhan disturbed say/way: What kind of!” 徐韵寒忐忑道:“怎么样!” Complied to help us ask, did not guarantee that certainly became.” manager said. “答应帮我们去问了,不保证一定成。”经纪人道。 Small leader negative say/way: Li Yanhong cannot control Qin Baobao, she is not domineering manager. Asked her to be useless.” 小领导消极道:“李艳红驾驭不住秦宝宝,她就不是个强势的经纪人。求她没用。” Everyone heart is heavy. 大家心头沉甸甸的。 About five minutes, the gate of Room meeting knocked two, then Li Yanhong pushed the door to come. With tender and beautiful charming young woman, by the company male staff evaluates x Star Skills first beautiful woman in secret Qin Baobao. 五分钟左右,会议的门敲了两下,然后李艳红推门进来了。身后跟着娇艳妩媚的年轻女人,正是被公司男员工私底下评为“x星艺第一美人”的秦宝宝 Yanhong!” Xu Yunhan manager moved forward to meet somebody warmly, looked at Qin Baobao, āi yōu, Superstar Qin also came.” 艳红!”徐韵寒经纪人热情迎上去,看了眼秦宝宝,“哎呦,秦大明星也来了。” Greeted two people to sit down, orders the female assistant: Stupidly stares is doing, hurries to pour water.” 招呼二人坐下,命令女助理:“傻愣着干嘛呢,赶紧倒水去啊。” The female assistant curls the lip, sets out to pour water. 女助理撇撇嘴,起身倒水。 „It is not you make me help,” Li Yanhong with a smile: I said to Baobao (darling), she said that does not have the issue, this came up.” “不是你让我帮忙嘛,”李艳红笑吟吟:“我就跟宝宝说了下,她说没问题啊,这就上来了呗。” How many people look neatly to Marketing Department that small leadership, said a moment ago what is coming, can't Li Yanhong control Qin Baobao? Isn't good to deal with? 几个人齐刷刷看向营销部那个小领导,刚才说什么来着,李艳红驾驭不住秦宝宝?不好相与? Believed your evil. 信了你的邪。 On the Xu Yunhan face has the smiling face: Baobao (darling), are you really willing to help me?” 徐韵寒脸上绽开笑容:“宝宝,你真的愿意帮我吗?” The Qin Baobao bright eyes smiled faintly, said: Sister Xu, our company, the mutual help should not.” 秦宝宝明眸浅笑,道:“徐姐,咱们一个公司的,相互帮助不是应该嘛。” Xu Yunhan smiled, Qin Baobao a few words pull closer the relations of two worlds imperceptibly. Is brighter profoundly to the Qin Baobao's impression, miss who emotional quotient high, not boast commisserate was not arrogant, remembers heard in company couple days ago about the Qin Baobao's rumor...... 徐韵寒笑了,秦宝宝一句话无形中拉近两人间的关系。对秦宝宝的印象更加鲜明深刻,一个高情商的姑娘,不矜不傲,想起前几天听见公司里关于秦宝宝的传言...... Passed on a message. 只是传言罢了。 Thanked.” Xu Yunhan feels grateful: Sister Xu receives your sentiment, later has anything, although looks for Sister Xu.” “谢谢了。”徐韵寒感激道:“徐姐承你这个情,以后有什么事,尽管找徐姐。” She compared with Qin Baobao greatly three years old , is old seniors, says one Sister Xu, is fair. 她比秦宝宝大三岁,又是老前辈,自称一声“徐姐”,合情合理。 Qin Baobao beckons with the hand, „a matter of telephone, Sister Xu asked me to eat meal in the evening is good.” 秦宝宝摆摆手,“一个电话的事,徐姐晚上请我吃饭就好了。” The Qin Baobao character not boast commisserate is not arrogant real, but must say warmheartedly, that is definitely false. Xu Yunhan lacks the song not to lack the song, closes her trifling thing. How otherwise Qin Ze said that elder sister is mindless. However, Li Yanhong said, wants to grip the steady heel in company, trains own interpersonal relationship to. With the person of who non- warm feelings, no doubt omits many troublesome, but really experiences the matter, some people will not stand you. 秦宝宝性格不矜不傲是真的,但要说古道热肠,那肯定是假的。徐韵寒缺歌不缺歌,关她屁事。要不然秦泽怎么说姐姐没心没肺。但是,李艳红说,想在公司扎稳脚跟,培养自己的人际关系是必须的。一个和谁都不热络的人,固然省去很多麻烦,但真遇到事,也不会有人站在你这边。 Qin Baobao also has mixed for two years in the work place, approves her truth, complies. Xu Lu in like a fish in water that Star Skills mixes, is not her seniority, the personal connection is broad. Which day of elder sister also trains oneself personal connection and secondary roles, expands the influence. Her Xu Lu must dare to snatch own resources again, looks at the old lady not big slap in the face fan she. 秦宝宝也在职场混过两年,认同她的道理,就答应下来。徐璐星艺混的如鱼得水,不就是她资历深,人脉广么。哪天姐也培养自己的人脉、班底,壮大势力。她徐璐要再敢抢自己的资源,看老娘不大耳刮子扇她。 Qin Baobao said: I give my younger brother to telephone.” 秦宝宝说:“我给我弟打个电话。” Room meeting people straight setting out of cannot help but, adopts the stance of listening attentively. Especially that little miss, pair of eyes bright as crystals, dies to stare at Qin Baobao's cell phone. 会议众人不由自主的直起身,摆出倾听的姿态。尤其那个小姑娘,双眼亮晶晶,死盯秦宝宝的手机 In a minute, the telephone dials. 片刻,电话拨通。 Elder sister, anything.” “姐,什么事。” Sound that telephone that transmits the young man. 电话那头传来年轻男人的声音。 Qin Baobao has the elder sister dignified stance very much, my friend must send the new special edition, lacks the song, you handle to me.” 秦宝宝很有姐姐威严的姿态,“我朋友要发新专辑,缺歌,你给我搞定。” I have the matter on hand, without the time writes the song.” Qin Ze shirks to say. “我手头还有事,没工夫写歌啊。”秦泽推脱道。 points are not many, is economical in everyday spending elder sister. 积分不多了,要省吃俭用啊姐姐 manager complexion one dark. 经纪人脸色一暗。 Xu Yunhan is difficult to cover the disappointed color. 徐韵寒难掩失望之色。 The assistant little miss is shrivelled the mouth, probably is wronged. 助理小姑娘瘪着嘴,好像受了委屈。 So many people look, on the Qin Baobao face cannot hang, the elegant face sinks: „It is not willing.” 这么多人看着,秦宝宝脸上挂不住,俏脸一沉:“不愿意是吧。” Qin Ze one hear of elder sister's expressions are not right, one pack of sounds said with a smile: Wants, naturally wants. The elder sister wants the song, I write. Even wants the star of space, I still pick to you.” 秦泽一听姐姐的语气不对,一叠声笑道:“愿意,当然愿意。姐要歌,我就写。就算要天上的星星,我也给你摘下来。” Qin Ze familiar Qin Baobao, like being familiar with own small younger brother...... analogies is not a little proper., Qin Baobao often thought about on several th and is roared the French kiss matter by younger brother, felt the face to feel terribly hot, felt own elder sister's role was derailed little, must find the way to draw the disadvantage. From time to time then frightens younger brother to want him to move back to live. Qin Ze is coaxing her, she then thinks that acts bashful the younger brother handle. 秦泽熟悉秦宝宝,就像熟悉自己的小弟弟......这么比喻有点不正经。近几日,秦宝宝每每思及被弟弟哄了湿吻的事儿,就觉得脸庞火烧火燎,感觉自己姐姐的角色正一点点脱轨,必须要想办法扳回劣势。便时而吓唬弟弟要他搬回家住。秦泽哄着她,她便自以为拿捏住弟弟的把柄。 Felt oneself change one proper elder sister. 觉得自己重新变回一个“正经”的姐姐 The volume...... Room meeting people are listening, the complexion is strange. In the impression, pianist should not be graceful like the gentleman, and individuality is strong, to Qin Baobao younger brother here, the style is not quite how right. 额......会议众人听着,脸色古怪。印象里,钢琴师不都该如绅士般优雅高贵,且个性浓厚,怎么到了秦宝宝弟弟这里,画风就不太对了。 Smiled flattered unexpectedly. 笑的竟如此谄媚。 What song do you want?” Qin Ze asked. “你要什么歌?”秦泽问。 Of pleasant to hear on line.” Qin Baobao is not quite clear. “好听的就行。”秦宝宝也不太清楚。 Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again.” Qin Ze gets a sudden inspiration. 向天再借五百年吧。”秦泽灵机一动。 „It is not good.” Qin Baobao one hear of this songs, direct pass. This song does not suit the woman to sing. “不行。”秦宝宝一听这歌,直接pass。这首歌不适合女人唱。 Xu Yunhan knows that big singer Xu Yunhan, her song is what style, you write what style.” Qin Baobao said loudly. 徐韵寒知道吧,大歌星徐韵寒,她的歌是什么风格,你就写什么风格。”秦宝宝大声说。 Telephone that was silent. 电话那头沉默了。 You feign death.” Some Qin Baobao vitality/angry, today's younger brother was not clever. “你装死是吧。”秦宝宝有些生气了,今天的弟弟一点都不乖。 Listens to listen again, who I in Baidu Xu Yunhan am.” Qin Ze responded hastily. “再听再听,我在百度徐韵寒是谁。”秦泽连忙回应。 This motherf**ker was awkward. tm就尴尬了。 A Room meeting instant time silence. 会议时间一片寂静。 Xu Yunhan corners of the mouth twitched. 徐韵寒嘴角抽了抽 Others pretend that has not heard. 其他人假装没听见。 Qin Baobao covers the cell phone, forces oneself to look cheerful: I, my younger brother usually do not pay attention to the entertainment world.” 秦宝宝捂住手机,强颜欢笑:“我,我弟弟平时不关注娱乐圈的。” Xu Yunhan also forces oneself to look cheerful: piano master, Artist......” 徐韵寒也强颜欢笑:“钢琴大师嘛,艺术家嘛......” Telephone that head, Qin Ze murmured: This woman long is actually very attractive, but the singing style is not quite proper.” 电话那头,秦泽囔囔道:“这女人长的倒是挺漂亮,但唱歌风格不太正经。” It is not quite proper? 不太正经? A Xu Yunhan almost old blood. 徐韵寒差点一口老血。 Becoming famous song is the love song, afterward took the traditional entertainment involving talking and singing as the principal style, played the rock and roll afterward, I went, she may really play. The style changes back, which type is her style.” Qin Ze complained. “成名歌曲是情歌,后来以说唱为主打风格,再后来又玩摇滚,我了个去,她可真会玩。风格变来变去,哪一种是她风格啊。”秦泽抱怨道。 In Room meeting quiet. 会议里静悄悄的。 This is typical what/anything, what/anything not proficient. Own style is not obvious, elder sister......” “这是典型的什么都会一点,什么都不精通。自身风格不明显,姐......” Qin Baobao that the cheek feels terribly hot breaks Qin Ze, you first let alone words.” 脸蛋火烧火燎的秦宝宝打断秦泽,“你先别说话。” She forces oneself to look cheerful to say again: Excuse me, my younger brother this, ill-speaking but soft-hearted.” 她再强颜欢笑道:“不好意思,我弟弟就这样,刀子嘴豆腐心。” Xu Yunhan forces oneself to look cheerful to say again: Understood.” 徐韵寒再强颜欢笑道:“理解理解。” Others really do not know how should make the expression. 其他人真不知该如何做表情。 The syrup is awkward. 蜜汁尴尬。 The assistant little miss makes an effort to suppress smiling. 助理小姑娘使劲憋着笑。 āi yōu wèi, big pianist was too funny. 哎呦喂,大钢琴师太逗了。 Xu Yunhan weakly said: Best is the love song, the style is partial to Fairy Tale.” 徐韵寒弱弱道:“最好是情歌,风格偏向童话。” Cannot make this continue to elder sister and younger brother, said crosstalk. Too dirty person. 不能让这对姐弟继续说下去,说相声似的。太埋汰人。 Qin Baobao requesting to rephrase in own words to younger brother, said: Best within two days to have the new song, the time comparison catch up.” 秦宝宝把要求转述给弟弟,又道:“最好两天之内能有新歌,时间比较赶。” Qin Ze said: Does not use, I give you now.” 秦泽道:“不用,我现在就给你。” Qin Baobao stares. 秦宝宝一愣。 Xu Yunhan stares. 徐韵寒一愣。 Two manager stare. 两个经纪人一愣。 What meaning is this saying? Was said that now writes the song? 这话是什么意思?是说现在就写出歌来? Is this meaning? 是这个意思吗?
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