MESIS :: Volume #1

#100: Friend circle

Qin Baobao angrily said: Do not crack a joke, said the proper business to you.” 秦宝宝生气道:“你别开玩笑,跟你说正事。” Qin Ze said: I have not cracked a joke.” 秦泽道:“我没开玩笑。” Xu Yunhan is surprised: Has the little guy?” 徐韵寒惊疑不定:“有小样么?” Qin Baobao rephrased in own words. 秦宝宝转述。 Little guy does not have, my sonorous singing listens to you, you felt can the words, wait to go home, writes the collection of music scores again to you.” Qin Ze is saying, opens points mall conveniently, exchanges a love song that last night listened, although points is precious, but if can that late „the elder sister event erases, he wants. “小样没有,我清唱给你听吧,你觉得可以的话,等回家,再写曲谱给你。”秦泽说着,顺手打开积分商城,兑换了昨晚听的一首情歌,积分虽然珍贵,但如果能把那晚的“姐”事件抹掉,他是愿意的。 Qin Baobao pressed exempted raises, placed on the cell phone the table: You sang.” 秦宝宝按了免提,把手机放在桌上:“你唱。” Telephone that silent several seconds, the singing sound came, the outstanding letting people are caught off guard. 电话那头沉默几秒,歌声来了,优秀的让众人措手不及。 Heart, if tired the tears also did.” “心若倦了泪也干了。” This affection difficult shed to be difficult.” “这份深情难舍难了。” Once had in ancient times.” “曾经拥有天荒地老。” Does not see your evening evening and towards towards.” “已不见你暮暮与朝朝。” This sentiment was difficult forever.” “这一份情永远难了。” Wish also to hug next life again.” “愿来生还能再度拥抱。” How likes a person accompanying together old.” “爱一个人如何厮守到老。” How not to know facing all me.” “怎样面对一切我不知道。” Recalled the painful lovesickness unable to forget in the past.” “回忆过去痛苦的相思忘不了。” Why you also move my heartbeat.” “为何你还来拨动我心跳。” How liked you being able tonight you to understand.” “爱你怎么能了今夜的你应该明了。” Reason difficult the sentiment to be difficult.” “缘难了情难了。” ............ ............ Sang. 歌唱完。 The look of people changed, shocking, shocks, at a loss, inconceivable...... 众人的眼神都变了,惊艳、震撼、茫然、不可思议...... How to have such person? The high-quality song does not ask for money to resemble one after another, has words at fingertips and writes with facility. How composer poor its life, on several high-quality goods. 怎么会有这样的人?精品歌不要钱似的一首接一首,信手拈来。多么作曲人穷其一生,也就几首精品。 Xu Yunhan throws before the cell phone directly, exciting and exciting tone: What did this song call?” 徐韵寒直接扑到手机前,兴奋又激动的语气:“这首歌叫什么?” Xu Yunhan can judge the quality of goods, the song that Qin Ze sang approved, can the irritable temporary high quality goods, not be worse than Fairy Tale absolutely. 徐韵寒是识货的,秦泽唱的歌太赞了,绝对是能火爆一时的佳品,不比童话差。 You are......” Qin Ze of that head stare. “你是......”那头的秦泽一愣。 Hello, I am Xu Yunhan, knows you very much happily, Mr. Qin.” Xu Yunhan introduced oneself. “你好,我是徐韵寒,很高兴认识你,秦先生。”徐韵寒自我介绍。 „Have you, you been auditing?” “你,你一直在旁听啊?” „...... “......是的。” your mother, is quite awkward.” Telephone that head, mumbled one. 尼玛,好尴尬。”电话那头,嘟囔了一句。 《New Endless Love》, this song.” Fellow hā hā in telephone, this place no silver 300 two: Superstar Xu, I most liked listening to your song.” 《新不了情》,这首歌可以吧。”电话里的家伙哈哈一下,此地无银三百两:“徐大明星,我最喜欢听你的歌了。” Qin Baobao rolls the eyes. 秦宝宝翻白眼。 The Xu Yunhan corners of the mouth turn upwards, said in a soft voice: Yes, but I sang am very common, without own style.” 徐韵寒嘴角翘起,柔声道:“是嘛,但我唱歌很一般的,都没有自己的风格。” „......” “......” Mr. Qin, thank you. The convenient words told me your bank account, this song I bought.” Xu Yunhan said. 秦先生,谢谢你。方便的话把你的银行账户告诉我,这首歌我买了。”徐韵寒道。 What money is you asked that my elder sister was good.” Qin Ze said. “钱的是你问我姐好了。”秦泽说。 Qin Baobao said: 5,000 was good.” 秦宝宝道:“五千好了。” She did not have to say directly delivers, like this did somebody a favor in order to ingratiate oneself was too obvious, Xu Yunhan will not agree, the matter that can spend money to solve, why can owe debt of thanks? Moreover asked Qin Baobao to help, owed a favor. 她没直接说送,这样送人情就太明显了,徐韵寒也不会同意,能用钱解决的事,为什么要欠人情?而且请秦宝宝帮忙,本就欠了一份人情。 5,000? 五千 Xu Yunhan helplessly said: 5,000 could not buy the lyrics.” 徐韵寒无奈道:“五千连歌词都买不了。” Sister Xu, if feels sorry, asked me to eat meal.” Qin Baobao narrows the eye, a smiled resembles cunning small fox. 徐姐要是过意不去,就请我吃顿饭呗。”秦宝宝眯眼,笑的像一只狡黠的小狐狸。 Xu Yunhan purses the lips, good, I complied.” 徐韵寒抿了抿嘴,“好吧,那我就答应了。” She looked at Qin Baobao one, this miss will come the matter very much. 她不禁看了秦宝宝一眼,这姑娘很会来事。 Qin Baobao is also smiling, meaning that many a little forces oneself to look cheerful. 秦宝宝也在笑,多少有点强颜欢笑的意味。 Dammit, this song was too of pleasant to hear, my heart good pain. 妈蛋,这首歌太好听了,我的心好痛。 I can regret! 请问我能后悔吗! 7 : 00 pm, Qin Ze makes the dinner, raises the head to hope that two elder sister go home to eat meal. What first comes back is Wang Zijin, near that her company leaves. 晚上 7 点,秦泽做好晚饭,翘首期盼两位姐姐回家吃饭。最先回来的是王子衿,她公司离的近。 Wang Zijin puts on office lady suit, in the crook of the elbow is conducting the arm light brown hold/container hold/container, supports the wall single-handedly, the tread falls the high-heeled shoes, bends the waist to exchange drags coolly. The graceful back curve, plentiful buttocks, performs in the Qin Ze eyeground. 王子衿穿一身ol套装,臂弯里挎着浅棕色包包,一手撑墙,蹬掉高跟鞋,弯腰换上凉拖。曼妙的背部曲线,丰满的臀型,尽在秦泽眼底。 Office did for day, is really tired.” Wang Zijin butt falls on the sofa, lazy extension waist. “办公室做了一天,真累。”王子衿屁股摔在沙发上,慵懒的伸展腰肢。 Qin Ze collects to do everything to please: „Do I help you pinch the waist?” 秦泽凑上去献殷勤:“我帮你捏捏腰?” The look of Wang Zijin faint smile looks like, is crooked the head, good, Baobao (darling) said that your technology is good.” 王子衿似笑非笑的眼神看来,歪着脑袋,“好吧,宝宝说你技术不错。” She is holding pillow bent over the sofa, reviews: Cannot paw.” 她抱着枕头趴在沙发,回眸:“不许乱摸。” Qin Ze licks lips, the double palm pastes in her waist side, the thumb rubs according to the vertebra by gently. 秦泽舔嘴,双掌贴在她腰侧,大拇指轻轻揉按脊椎两侧。 Quite soft, is quite comfortable. 好软,好舒服。 Qin Ze, the happy expression fluctuates at heart, by heaven and earth and my conscience, except for Qin Baobao, he has not had too intimate limbs contact with other women. Zhang Ya that even if once coveted very much, still hugs the arm. 秦泽心里一荡,喜色浮动,天地良心,除了秦宝宝,他没和其他女人有过太亲密的肢体接触。就算曾经一度很觊觎的张雅,也只是搂胳膊而已。 This means that among them the relations have the unprecedented progress. 这是不是意味着,他们之间的关系有突破性的进展。 Means, has the favorable impression in Wang Zijin to me at heart. 是不是意味着,在王子衿心里对我有好感。 Qin Ze is indulging in flights of fancy, but Wang Zijin has not thought so many, her cheek pastes is holding the pillow, comfortable narrows the attractive pupil. 秦泽胡思乱想着,而王子衿就没想这么多,她脸蛋贴着抱枕,舒服的眯起漂亮的眸子。 Quite comfortable, what to do, to feel must become addicted. 好舒服,怎么办,感觉要上瘾了。 The gate hole transmitted twists the sound of key, Qin Baobao opens the door to go home, finds living room, the brow jumped ruthlessly two. 门孔传来拧钥匙的声音,秦宝宝开门回家,瞧见客厅这一幕,眉头狠狠跳了两下。 Qin Ze is almost subconscious, retracted the hand. The man who that stance, has an affair probably was caught by his married young woman. 秦泽几乎是下意识的,缩回了手。那姿态,好像偷香窃玉的男人被自家婆娘逮了个正着。 Wang Zijin is comfortable, holding up the head of lagging behind, said with a smile: Comes back, dinner A'Ze completed, on you.” 王子衿正舒坦着,后知后觉的昂起头,笑道:“回来啦,晚饭阿泽做好了,就等你。” A'Ze the name, lets the Qin Baobao pursing the lips lip, deeply looks at her one eyes, said lightly: „, That eats meal.” 阿泽”的称呼,让秦宝宝抿了抿嘴唇,深深看她一眼,平淡道:“哦,那就吃饭吧。” She has not had the dinner with Xu Yunhan, what is about noon tomorrow. 她没和徐韵寒吃晚饭,约的是明天中午。 On the dining table, Qin Baobao unusual chewing carefully, the food did not say the affection that the bedroom did not speak. Wang Zijin said the matters in some company occasionally, without getting the response of bosom friend, again and again, also would have no interest that and she talked, then chatted bustling with Qin Ze. 饭桌上,秦宝宝反常的细嚼慢咽,食不言寝不语的作态。王子衿偶尔说些公司里的事儿,没得到闺蜜的回应,几次三番后,也就没了和她搭话的兴趣,转而和秦泽热火朝天聊起来。 The food ate half, the Qin Ze telephone sound. Pulls out to look, Li Donglai hits. 饭吃到一半,秦泽电话响了。掏出来一看,李东来打过来的。 The telephone connection, Li Donglai said: Brother Qin, the k song cannot go in the evening.” 电话接通,李东来道:“秦哥,晚上k歌去不去。” Qin Ze never imagined, flatly refuses: Has no free time, in the evening has the matter.” 秦泽想都没想,一口拒绝:“没空,晚上有事。” Li Donglai on hehehe smiling: Apprentice I understands, but Master, the family/home flower ate for a long time also greasily, tasting the wild flower was very good.” 李东来就嘿嘿嘿的笑:“徒弟我懂的,不过师父啊,家花吃久了也腻,尝尝野花就很不错。” Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin almost look simultaneously, raises up the ear. 秦宝宝王子衿几乎同时看过来,竖起耳朵。 Really does not know that their ears are so how miraculous. 真不知道她们耳朵怎么如此灵光。 Wild flower is not hygienic, who knows that in has the parasite.” Qin Ze rejects again. “野花不卫生,谁知道里面有没有寄生虫。”秦泽再次拒绝。 no no no, the wild flower is only relatively speaking, is actually the respectable family, the life experience pure that type. However by Qin Ze your skill, gangs up with the respectable family little flower, how could it not be to have words at fingertips and write with facility.” Li Donglai instigates again. 不不不,野花只是相对而言,其实都是良家,身世清白那种。但是以秦泽你的本事,勾搭良家小花,岂不信手拈来。”李东来再次怂恿。 Performing is some packs of scoundrels.” elder sister sneers. “尽是些狐朋狗友。”姐姐冷笑。 „, Do not go out late. Staying up late is not good to the body.” Wang Zijin with me for your own good the good wife and loving mother stance makes the decision for Qin Ze. “这么晚了,别出去了。熬夜对身子不好。”王子衿用“我都是为你好”的贤妻良母姿态替秦泽做决定。 Now around 7 : 00, the reason is not too distracted Sister Zijin...... 现在才七点多,理由太不走心了子衿姐...... Qin Ze did not plan, if not Qin Baobao loves the k song, he estimated that this whole life will not go to KTV these places, not loves inborn. 秦泽本来也不打算去,如果不是秦宝宝爱k歌,他估计这辈子都不会去ktv这些地方,天生无爱。 Hung!” “挂了!” don't don't don't, Brother Qin, I boasted extravagantly, said that certainly shouted you. You do not come, I do not have the face before the friend, later cannot gain ground to cultivate the behavior.” Li Donglai plea. 别别别,秦哥,我都夸海口了,说一定把你喊去。你不来,我在朋友面前多没面子,以后都抬不起头做人。”李东来恳求。 Any everything in disorder, what friend.” Qin Ze stares. “什么乱七八糟的,什么朋友。”秦泽一愣。 Is some friends in my circle, there are both men and women, male did not say, it is estimated that you have no interest. Female each one is the juicy cabbages, how you want to arch tonight how arch, wants to arch that to arch that.” “都是我圈子里的一些朋友呗,有男有女,男的不说,估计你也没兴趣。女的个个都是水灵白菜,你今晚想怎么拱就怎么拱,想拱那个就拱那个。” Suddenly in the feeling living room has the inexplicable killing intent fluctuation. 忽然感觉客厅里有莫名的杀意波动。 Qin Ze said ill-humoredly: Rolls your egg.” 秦泽没好气道:“滚你蛋去。” Hangs up the telephone. 挂断电话。 The cell phone ring tone resounds again, Li Donglai said: Brother Qin, but sang k. We are the good children, without these everything in disorder, cracked a joke a moment ago. My younger sister also goes.” 手机铃声再次响起,李东来道:“秦哥,只是唱k而已。我们都是好孩子,没那些乱七八糟的,刚才就是开个玩笑。我妹也去。” „Does your younger sister also go?” Qin Ze surprised this has the mutual friend circle to older brother and younger sister that repels one another caret-shaped unexpectedly. “你妹也去?”秦泽惊讶这对八字相克的兄妹居然有共同的朋友圈。 Un, is the friends of circle, in the family/home many a little background. Wants while this opportunity you to introduce that knew to everyone. My sister-in-law/little aunt also knows, she had not opposed.” Li Donglai said seriously. “嗯,是我们那个圈子的朋友,家里多少有点背景。想趁这个机会把你介绍给大家认识。我小姨也知道,她没反对。”李东来一本正经的说。 Does Qin Ze smell itself an unusual flavor, Li Donglai wants to drag into his friend circle? This society comprised of the innumerable small groups, the status of correspondence quite, status quite, wealth quite ....... the beggar has the circle of beggar, the farmer has the circle of farmer, the rich and powerful people have the circle of rich and powerful people, this circle is called the friend circle. 秦泽嗅到一丝不同寻常的味道,李东来是想把自己拉入他的朋友圈?这个社会是由无数个小圈子组成的,对应的身份相当、地位相当、财富相当.......乞丐有乞丐的圈子,农民有农民的圈子,富豪有富豪的圈子,这个圈子叫做朋友圈。 No matter the rich and powerful people must join the beggar circle, the beggar must mix in the rich and powerful people circle, is extremely difficult. 不管是富豪要加入乞丐圈,还是乞丐要混入富豪圈,都极其困难。 What appearance is the Li Donglai's friend circle? If solely is his friend circle, perhaps is one group of ignoring a proper occupation chuuni youngster composes. 李东来的朋友圈是什么样子的?如果单单是他的朋友圈,或许是一群不务正业的中二少年组成。 If the Pei Ziqi friend circle, probably is one group of mindless young female juvenile delinquents, or chuuni Little Cabbage composition. 如果裴子淇的朋友圈,大概是一群没心没肺的小太妹,或者中二小白菜组成。 Then their mutual friend circles? Perhaps is chuuni youngster and chuuni female juvenile delinquent composes. But, has the extraordinary family background background absolutely. 那么他们两个共同的朋友圈呢?也许是中二少年和中二太妹组成。但,绝对拥有不平凡的家世背景。 In the society many color bright pullets are thinking accompanies the rich person to mix in the rich and powerful people circle, such means that they fly the branch to change the phoenix. 社会上多少色彩鲜艳的小母鸡想着伴大款混入富豪圈,那样意味着她们飞上枝头变凤凰。 Pei Nanman had not opposed, is a good sign, explained that she tacitly consented Qin Ze and oneself nephew niece have intimately relations. 裴南曼没反对,是个好兆头,说明她默许秦泽和自己的侄子侄女有更亲密的“关系”。 The Qin Ze hesitation moment, complied: Gives me the address, I take taxi.” 秦泽沉吟片刻,答应了:“把地址给我,我打车过来。” Some people said that the life is a chess, this is the view of hipster. Some people said that life like a play, this is the view of black belly. Qin Ze thought that the life like speculating in the stock market, the everywhere investment, some friends is the short line, some friends are long-line. Pei Nanman is the short line, in the near future then can obtain benefits that type. Pei Ziqi and Li Donglai are long-line, associates with them, does not need to mix with too many interest relations, that will be the future matter. 有人说人生是一盘棋,这是文青的说法。有人说人生就像一场戏,这是腹黑的说法。秦泽觉得人生就像炒股,无处不在投资,有的朋友是短线,有的朋友是长线。裴南曼是短线,近期便能获益那种。裴子淇李东来是长线,与他们交往,不需要夹杂太多利益关系,那是将来的事。 Li Donglai and Pei Ziqi friend circle, is longer long-line, the small investment, on said with did not use again. 李东来裴子淇的朋友圈,则是更长的长线,小投资,用不用的上再说。 Where can make you take taxi, I in your community entrance.” The Li Donglai tone is excited. “哪能让你打车啊,我在你小区门口。”李东来语气兴奋。 Qin Ze made the telephone call, explained to two elder sister: My tutor child, the background is not simple, in the family/home is to mix the system, the position is not low. Probably surnamed Li, Sister Zijin do you have the impression.” 秦泽挂了电话,向两位姐姐解释:“我家教的小孩,身后背景不简单,家里是混体制的,位置不低。好像姓李,子衿姐你有没有印象。” Wang Zijin shakes the head: I never cared.” 王子衿摇摇头:“我从来不关心。” Qin Ze „”, held the elder sister's small waist, Qin Baobao stares: Does.” 秦泽“哦”了一声,捅姐姐的小腰,秦宝宝瞪眼:“干嘛。” I go out, is late.” Qin Ze said in a soft voice: Knows several friends, the path will extend, you mix the entertainment world, without the relations is very difficult. Did not say that permits which day to use on.” “我出去一下,晚点回来。”秦泽柔声道:“多认识几个朋友,路子会宽,你混娱乐圈,没关系真的很难。说不准哪天就用的上。” The Qin Baobao vision flashes, collecting to be desolate and angry, tone tsundere: You like going to go, such big person, can I also manage you?” 秦宝宝目光闪动,敛去冷淡和恼怒,语气傲娇:“你爱去就去,这么大的人了,我还能管你?” Qin Ze wears the shoes in the profound important pass, before opening the door, turns the head saying: I should not be permitted by you, reminded to you...... washes the bowl. hā hā.” 秦泽在玄关口穿鞋子,开门前,转头道:“我也不是要经你允许,就是给你提个醒......把碗洗了。哈哈。” Qin Baobao is angry, stamps the feet: Qin Ze, cannot go out.” 秦宝宝大怒,跺脚:“秦泽,不许出去。” Qin Ze opens the door, flashed fast. 秦泽开门,飞快闪了出去。
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