MESIS :: Volume #2

#101: bride's price

The community entrance is stopping Maserati, the Pei Nanman private car, drives is not she, is Li Donglai. After Qin Ze sees the back row Pei Ziqi, knows why finally he can touch to oneself main house gate. 小区门口停着一辆玛莎拉蒂,裴南曼的座驾,不过开车的不是她,是李东来。当秦泽看到后排的裴子淇后,总算知道他为什么能摸到自己家门口。 On the day of Pei Nanman delivers Qin Ze to come back, Pei Ziqi also in car(riage). 裴南曼秦泽回来那天,裴子淇也在车里。 Li Donglai lowers the glass, makes an effort to beckon toward him. Pei Ziqi wears the hot-pants T-shirt, is curling upwards the white and tender leg, raised the head to take a look at his one eyes, continued to lower the head to play the cell phone. 李东来降下车窗,使劲朝他招手。裴子淇穿着热裤t恤,翘着白嫩嫩的腿,抬头瞅了他一眼,继续低头玩手机。 Qin Ze opens the vehicle door, sits in the back seat. Lowers the head to play Pei Ziqi of cell phone to raise the head fiercely, throws the look that shuts out: Sits the copilot to go, do not sit near me.” 秦泽拉开车门,坐在后座。低头玩手机的裴子淇猛地抬头,抛来嫌弃的眼神:“坐副驾驶去,别坐我边上。” I am teacher, should sit the back seat, you are a his sister, you sit vice- harness.” Qin Ze closes the vehicle door, in the car(riage) is turning on the air conditioning, cool. “我是老师,应该坐后座,你是他妹,你坐副驾。”秦泽关上车门,车内开着空调,凉爽的很。 „A month of 4,000 block teacher.” Pei Ziqi disdains to say. “一个月四千块的老师。”裴子淇不屑道。 Since the Qin Ze righteousness expression refused to teach her on that day piano, and taunted her after freely spoken, Pei Ziqi hated Qin Ze. No matter the woman or the girl, bearing thing, is not big. 自从那天秦泽义正言辞拒绝教她钢琴,并顺口嘲讽她之后,裴子淇就把秦泽恨上了。不管女人还是女孩,气量这东西,都不大。 What's wrong, the 4,000 block is not money.” Qin Ze rolls the eyes, made up a blade in her chest: 400,000 does not teach you to shoot piano.” “怎么,四千块不是钱啊。”秦泽翻白眼,在她心口补了一刀:“四十万都不教你弹钢琴。” The Pei Ziqi small chest fluctuates fiercely, said lightly: Did not talk nonsense with you.” 裴子淇小胸脯剧烈起伏,淡淡道:“不跟你扯淡。” „Do you have the egg?” Qin Ze makes the color of shock. “你有蛋?”秦泽做出震惊之色。 Li Donglai pū chī smiles. 李东来噗嗤一笑。 Pei Ziqi leaves its has not gotten angry, first stares elder brother one, subsequently sneers saying: I not like shitheaded female lead in novel, often been mad going wild, then like protagonist at heart silently.” 裴子淇出其的没发怒,先瞪哥哥一眼,继而冷笑道:“我才不会像小说里的脑残女主一样,动不动被气的抓狂,然后心里默默喜欢主角。” The Qin Ze attack said: Wants, you at most to be a maidservant.” 秦泽打击道:“想多了吧,你顶多是个丫鬟。” The Pei Ziqi small fist grasped grasping, the cell phone held in the pocket, sat in repose with eyes closed simply. 裴子淇小拳头握了握,手机揣兜里,索性闭目养神。 The less seen the better. 眼不见为净。 This mouth artillery...... Qin Baobao always and younger brother honorable person PK, has the truth. 这嘴炮......秦宝宝总是和弟弟真人pk,不是没道理的。 Li Donglai grins, loves. 李东来咧嘴,喜闻乐见。 Clever and eloquent death girl, can govern her on Brother Qin. 伶牙俐齿的死丫头,也就秦哥能治她。 KTV address in the pt area, close to west station, white Corinth-style marble column haunched the roof of pyramid, on the broad white stone stair is also spreading the scarlet rug, constructed resembles with Roman ten thousand Shengong. ktv地址在pt区,靠近西站,白色的“科林斯式”大理石柱撑起了金字塔形的屋顶,宽阔的白石台阶上还铺着猩红的地毯,建的跟罗马万神宫似的。 The square before front door is full of all kinds of luxury car, often has an uncle generation of character to thrust out the belly, in the entrance short skirt wishes one could wishes one could to lower delightfully to the chest following girl welcome to visit to the waist hip low chest short, pushes directly into. 大门前的广场停满各种各样的豪车,不时有大叔辈人物腆着肚子,在门口短裙恨不得短到腰胯低胸恨不得低到胸以下的女孩甜美的“欢迎光临”中,长驱直入。 Queen Pei Maserati runs on the street can bluff and bluster, but does not lack the well-matched opponent here absolutely. 裴女王玛莎拉蒂跑在街上可以耀武扬威,但在这里绝对不缺旗鼓相当的对手。 This was you and I says sings purely?” Qin Ze horizontal apprentice eyes. “这就是你和我说的单纯唱唱歌?”秦泽横了徒弟一眼。 The Li Donglai surprise looked at his one eyes, explained: Right, is sings. Although here does not calculate the proper place, but the body business does not dare to do frankly and uprightly. Generally is the princess who and is picked by the guest discusses the price, discussed that gathers together to bring the room. These have not related with us, we sang, the princesses did not need to call.” 李东来诧异看了他一眼,解释道:“没错啊,就是来唱歌的。虽说这里不算正经地方,不过皮肉生意是不敢光明正大做的。一般是由客人和相中的公主谈价格,谈拢就带出去开房。这些与咱们都没关系,咱们就唱歌,公主都不用叫。” Hesitant, Li Donglai had not borne the curiosity, the tone is strange: Brother Qin, you will not would not coming at the same night.” 犹豫了一下,李东来没忍住好奇心,语气怪异:“秦哥,你不会连夜总会都没来过吧。” Qin Ze felt oneself were despised, coldly snorted: „The person of practicing martial art, is fastidious solidly this saves the essence, can the vitality be exuberant, I come to this place to make what/anything. Excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will, you later also do a bit less, knows that does not have.” 秦泽感觉自己被鄙视了,冷哼一声:“习武之人,讲究固本存精,方能气血旺盛,我来这种地方做什么。玩物丧志,你以后也少来,知道没。” Dammit, I am Keyboard Hero, is theory grandmaster, passing of action rookies, cannot expose absolutely. 妈蛋,我是键盘侠,是理论宗师,行动菜鸟的过往,绝对不能暴露。 Li Donglai lowers the head to admit defeat, said that 李东来低头服软,说是是是,以后再也不来了。 Listens to the master and disciple to insert funny dialog, the board Pei Ziqi of small face is revealing the faint smile unknowingly. 听着师徒俩插科打诨,板着小脸的裴子淇不经意露出浅笑。 The Qin Ze vision has swept the trim parking space, according to Li Donglai, the friends has opened the luxurious passenger compartment, he detours to meet Qin Ze specially, has not met in the entrance. Otherwise Qin Ze can act according to the private car of chuuni youngster young girl, appraises these rich second generation or the officer second generation net worth mastery. 秦泽目光扫过整片停车位,据李东来说,朋友们已经开好豪华包间,他特意绕路来接秦泽,没在门口碰头。不然秦泽可以根据中二少年少女的座驾,评估出这些富二代或者官二代的身家底蕴。 Three people move toward the front door, usherette simultaneously bend the waist, the gully is deep, sweet sound said: Welcome visits.” 三人走向大门,迎宾小姐齐齐弯腰,沟壑深深,甜声道:“欢迎光临。” This nightclub is very high-end, the faced customer segment non- rich is expensive , expensive/noble even, being an official does not dare to come to this place, comes here is the rich people and rich and powerful people. Liking of being an official plays the wife, raises the secondary wife. If the motherland has in the marriage the offtracking crime, zé zé...... 这家夜店很高端,面向的消费群体非富即贵,哦,贵就算了,当官的可不敢来这种地方,来这里的都是款爷、富豪。当官的喜欢玩人妻,养姨太太。祖国要是有婚内出轨罪,啧啧...... The outward appearance is very luxurious, the intrinsic decoration reveals the mastery, resplendent in gold and jade green decor. The scarlet rug, is drawing the wallpaper of gorgeous pattern. The giant crystal carves in a big way. 外观已经很豪华,内在的装饰更显底蕴,金碧辉煌的装修风格。猩红地毯,绘着华美花纹的壁纸。巨大的水晶雕大。 The hall light is bright, the staff of several wear uniforms/subdue stand guard, directs reception desk three people. 大厅灯光亮堂,几个穿着制服的工作人员站岗,将三人引到前台 The nightclub is one of the nightclub, the nightclub making a general reference nightlife recreation area. Including entertaining KTV, bar, auditorium, dance hall, disco, nightclub. 夜总会是夜店的一种,夜店泛指夜生活娱乐场所。包括娱乐性ktv、酒吧、迪吧、演艺厅、歌舞厅、disco、夜总会等。 This nightclub is entertaining KTV, has the difference from ordinary KTV. It not only sang, inside had named princess role. You understand. 这家夜店就是“娱乐性ktv”,与普通ktv是有区别的。它不仅仅只是唱歌而已,里面有一种叫做“公主”的角色。你们懂的。 A few years ago this kind of KTV was exceptionally rampant, the body business was like a raging fire, sings the interest, can hit an artillery momentarily. Afterward the government struck hard, does not dare is so rampant. Naturally, if with the princesses reaching an agreement price, draws to the restroom comes one round also yes, brings the room again. 前些年这类ktv异常猖獗,皮肉生意如火如荼,唱歌来了兴致,随时可以打一炮。后来政府严打,就不敢那么嚣张了。当然,如果和公主们谈好价,拉到厕所来一发也是可以的,再就是带出去开房。 Does not suppose the dance floor, orchestra or the dj nightclub fortunately, otherwise Qin Ze turns the head to leave. 还好不是设舞池、乐队或dj的夜店,否则秦泽转头走人。 His most repugnant that noise crazy scene, no reason, feels too noisy purely. 他最讨厌那种喧嚣疯狂的场面,没什么理由,纯粹觉得太吵。 The passenger compartment in three buildings, walking is dark in the light, in the air is floating the corridor of smoke, the perfume and decontaminating solution taste, a both sides closed passenger compartment, the house number plate is turning on a light, showed that the passenger compartment has the person, actually only hears the indistinct singing sound. The sound-insulated effect is very good. 包间在三楼,走在灯光幽暗,空气中漂浮着烟味、香水味、消毒水味的长廊,两侧一间间紧闭的包间,门牌亮着灯,显示包间有人,却只听见隐隐约约的歌声。隔音效果很好。 Pushes the door to enter the passenger compartment, fluctuates the uncertain light, has a fellow to grasp the microphone to shout to loudly sing, the art or technique of singing woulds not venture to give positive comments on, belongs to destroy lacking musical sense of worldview, oneself whole face is self-intoxicated. 推门进入包间,变幻不定的灯光,有个家伙握着话筒扯嗓子高唱,唱功不敢恭维,属于毁三观的五音不全,偏偏本人还满脸自我陶醉。 Finds Li Family older brother and younger sister to come , the passenger compartment people beckon, especially that shrieking and howling wildly fellow, warm and a Li Donglai bear hugs, then greeted with Pei Ziqi, this fellow looked at Beautiful woman time, the vision was especially blazing. 瞧见李家兄妹进来,包间众人纷纷招手,尤其那个鬼哭狼嚎的家伙,热情的和李东来一个熊抱,然后与裴子淇打招呼,这家伙看小美人的时候,目光格外炽烈。 Finally is Qin Ze, said with a smile: Yo, this is mentor that you said that Brother Qin is good.” 最后才是秦泽,笑道:“呦,这就是你说的师傅啊,秦哥好。” Very originally ripe shakes hand with Qin Ze. 很自来熟的与秦泽握手。 In the passenger compartment the combination of three female and four male, the age in the 17~18 year, slightly is probably immature. Except for lacking musical sense fellow a little small handsome, other two youngster are the capital of person. Three girls have the characteristics respectively, puts on Bohemian dress, the facial features are ordinary, are fair-skinned, the eye is big. An ordinary wear of T-shirt jeans, the makings and look are quite desolate. Last strapless garment matching hot-pants, draw the smoking makeup that Qin Ze is abhorring, the young somewhat loose flavor, carves me on the difference on the forehead unexpectedly is not respectable family five characters. 包间里三女四男的组合,年纪大概都在十七八岁左右,略显稚嫩。除了五音不全的家伙有点小帅,其他两个少年属于中人之资。三个女孩各有特色,一个穿波西米亚长裙,五官普通,皮肤白皙,眼睛大。一个t恤牛仔裤的普通穿着,气质和眼神都比较冷淡。最后一个露肩衫搭配热裤,画着秦泽最深恶痛绝的烟熏妆,年纪轻轻竟有几分风流韵味,就差在脑门上刻“我不是良家”五个字。 On seven people, without princess, without young master. 就七个人,没有公主,没有少爷。 Li Donglai said loudly: He is my master, you called Brother Qin to be good.” 李东来大声说:“他是我师父,你们叫秦哥就好。” Several youngster are very polite, no arrogance and tendency to domineer of being insufferably arrogant, after all was also about to grow up, understood that wrote the superficial piece of writing. Three young girls, perhaps are the superficial appearance are actually outstanding, the slender reason, takes a look at him interestingly. The charming young girl of smoking makeup, is bold throws charming eyes toward him. 几个少年都挺客气,没什么不可一世的气焰和跋扈,毕竟也快成年了,懂得做表面文章。倒是三个少女,兴许是皮相优秀,身材颀长的缘故,饶有兴趣打量他。烟熏妆的妩媚少女,更是胆大包天朝他抛来一个媚眼 Some look is ordinary, the robust fellow murmured: Brother Qin, Donglai said that your skill, meets several wrestling arts. I practice several years later Taekwondo, several moves?” 某个相貌普通,身材粗壮的家伙囔囔道:“秦哥,东来说你身手了得,会几手格斗术。我练过几年跆拳道,有空过几招?” Several Little Cabbage immediately pair of eyes bright as crystals, anticipation looks at Qin Ze. 几颗小白菜顿时双眼亮晶晶,期待的看着秦泽 Is some egg sore people. 都是些蛋疼的主儿。 Qin Ze said with a smile: Good, you make time by all means.” 秦泽笑道:“好,你只管约时间。” The fellow was happy, raised glass hobnobs with Qin Ze. 那家伙开心极了,举杯和秦泽共饮。 Three Little Cabbage are interested in Qin Ze very much, comes in abundance drink up, teased to chat with him. The smoking makeup younger sister to Qin Ze full one cup, oneself also filled to the brim, tosses down, however looks to Qin Ze: Brother Qin, I always felt that you a little look familiar.” 三颗小白菜秦泽很感兴趣,纷纷过来喝酒,与他打趣说笑。烟熏妆妹子给秦泽倒了满满一杯,自己也倒满,一饮而尽,然而看向秦泽:“秦哥,我总感觉你有点眼熟。” Immediately has Little Cabbage to undermine: You looked that handsome fellow looks familiar.” 当即就有小白菜拆台:“你看帅哥都眼熟。” Qin Ze stares, suddenly, he played the video to be passed to the piano office some time ago online, but, that video dissemination was not broad, he has not bought the news, heat degree next day removed. 秦泽一愣,恍然,他在钢琴会所弹奏视频不久前被传到网上,不过,那份视频传播的并不广,他又没买新闻,热度第二天就褪去了。 A Little Cabbage your mouth Said three years old a generation gap, Qin Ze a little cannot adapt to their noise. Always feels a little chuuni, the thought jumps is too big, will then be bewildered will laugh. The topic of discussion is quite weak, but during the spoken languages passes me is being Sir does intentionally the mature feeling. 小白菜们你一嘴我一嘴的扯了几句,有着这个年纪的女孩独有的活泼,爱闹。都说三岁一代沟,秦泽就有点不能适应他们的吵吵闹闹。总觉得有点中二,思维跳跃太大,然后莫名其妙就会发笑。谈论的话题比较幼稚,但言语间又透着“我是大人”的故作成熟感。 He looked before online has described the chuunibyou symptom: I and others are different.” Wrong is not I, is the world.” This is the true wisdom.” 他以前看过网上形容中二病的症状:“我与别人是不同的。”“错的不是我,是世界。”“这才是真正的智慧。” This group of youngster young girls are slight, Qin Ze had 16 male younger cousin, that motherf**ker is called chuuni, saw each time wants to hit him especially. 这群少年少女算是轻微的了,秦泽有个十六表弟,那tm才叫做中二,每次看到都特想打他。 Little Cabbage also quite have the veiled criticism to Qin Ze, thought that this Brother Qin is too stuffy, is quite dull, they said intentionally several very funny stems, finally he has not comprehended. 小白菜们同样对秦泽颇有微词,觉得这位秦哥太闷,好没趣,她们故意说了几个很好笑的梗,结果他一点都没有领会。 Pei Ziqi shouts toward the voice not entire fellow: Li Zongwei , helping my 0.1 《Blue and White Porcelain》, Qin Baobao's Blue and White Porcelain.” 裴子淇朝嗓音不全的家伙喊道:“李宗卫,帮我点一首《青花瓷》,秦宝宝的青花瓷。” The net copyright had sold out by Qin Ze, but a song copyright not be only the net copyright, other one should the right of use, give elder sister to handle. money enters who gains in Qin Baobao pouch, the Qin Baobao righteousness expression said, must accumulate bride's price for younger brother. 网络版权已经被秦泽卖掉,但一首歌的版权并不只有网络版权,其他一应使用权,都交给姐姐打理了。赚的钱入了秦宝宝囊中,秦宝宝义正言辞说,要为弟弟老婆本 Qin Ze said, accumulating bride's price is also parents' matter, closes your trifling thing. 秦泽说,攒老婆本也是爸妈的事,关你屁事。 Qin Baobao said that no matter no matter, your bride's price wants the elder sister to manage. 秦宝宝就说,不管不管,你的老婆本就要姐来管。
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