MESIS :: Volume #2

#102: Does not know him

This holds 20 to come to the luxurious passenger compartment of person sufficiently, only ten people of restlessness, really a little waste. Because the location is big, everyone sits is quite scattered. The fellow of lacking musical sense is the wheat tyrant, one after another, he did not sing tired, others did not have the opportunity to sing. Several people were used to it, three male students played dice drink up. Pei Ziqi and several female students chatted, drink up. 这间足以容纳二十来号人的豪华包间,只有区区十人闹腾,委实有点浪费。因为场地大,大家坐的比较分散。五音不全的家伙是个麦霸,一首接一首,他不唱累,别人没机会唱。几人都习惯了,三个男生玩骰子喝酒裴子淇和几个女生聊天、喝酒 In the corner sits the alone master and disciple. 角落里坐着孤零零的师徒俩。 mentor put in disfavor, is the apprentice not the good amusement, Li Donglai to accompany side Qin Ze speaks: Brother Qin, do not care, this group of sons-of-a-bitch on this welldoing, under pull out.” 师傅被打入冷宫,做徒弟的也不好自己玩乐,李东来就陪在秦泽身边说话:“秦哥,你别在意啊,这帮狗崽子就这德行,欠抽。” Others to him are polite, but must say the multi- warm feelings, that is talks nonsense. 人家对他是客客气气,但要说多热络,那是扯淡。 After all first time meets.” Qin Ze drinks beer. “毕竟第一次见面嘛。”秦泽喝一口啤酒。 Except that wheat tyrant is originally the ripe character, several other people are not warm with him, occasionally raises glass toward here expresses best wishes , indicating that they have not forgotten Qin Ze this person. That type meets seems intergenerational activity, wishes one could to pull out the lung with you from the heart, is shrewdness and skill of Sir. 除了那个麦霸是自来熟的性格,其他几个人都不和他太热情,偶尔举杯朝这边致意,表示他们没忘记秦泽这号人。那种一见面就好似忘年交,恨不得跟你掏心掏肺的,是大人的城府和本事。 In the world of Sir, shrewdness is the most basic accomplishment, even if repugnant person, will not reveal on the face. The high-school students have not been in contact with the society, makes a great show of one's talents, the edges and corners not lived bitter polish is clear. Did not say that often plays in the nightclub, plays several prostitute. You have seen the society, you realized from experience the life. The standard of contact society: Mixes the work place. 在大人的世界,城府是最基本的素养,哪怕讨厌一个人,也不会表露在脸上。高中生没接触社会,锋芒毕露,棱角不曾被生活的辛酸打磨圆润。不是说常在夜店耍,玩几次大宝剑。你就见过社会了,你就体悟人生了。接触社会的标准:混职场。 You started to worry for the livelihood, started the worldly wisdom, started to contact with the person of all forms, started, even if the repugnant person can also greet with a smile, started to forecast will consider the life in the future. 你开始为生计发愁了,开始懂人情世故了,开始与形形色色的人接触了,开始哪怕讨厌一个人也能笑脸相迎了,开始展望未来考虑人生了。 You are in contact with the society. 你才算接触社会了。 Does not spend parents' money to make merry, appreciates the princess to show off the coquettish physique, in woman pā pā pā with society ....... felt to grow up, had understood this society. 不是花着父母的钱吃喝玩乐,欣赏公主卖弄风骚的身姿,和社会上的女人啪啪啪.......就觉得长大了,已经懂这个社会了。 Compares them, university student looks like a miniature society exactly. The teacher will not say with you, the study is well upward daily such words. Will only tell you, you later want to be farther, walked good that walks in the work place, enriches itself with a sense of urgency. teacher can also discuss the life with the student, the discussion house price, the discussion macroeconomic. Occasionally also complained the growing inflation. Spurts the flaw of national social security and health insurance. Slowly, university student values and view of life transformation. 相比起他们,大学生活更像一个微型社会。导师不会和你们说,好好学习天天向上这样的话。只会告诉你,你们以后想在职场走的更远,走的好,就抓紧充实自己吧。老师还会和学生讨论人生,讨论房价,讨论宏观经济。偶尔还抱怨一下日益增长的通胀。喷一喷国家社保、医保的缺陷。慢慢的,大学生们的价值观和生活观转变。 The middle-school students are unable to contact these things, the parents and teacher can only say with you: The study, gives an attractive answer paper well. 中学生根本无法接触到这些东西,父母和老师只会和你说:好好学习,给出一份漂亮的答卷。 In the middle-school students eyes, the world's worst thing is the examination paper, in addition, the life is happy, worry-free. 中学生们眼中,世界最邪恶的东西就是试卷,除此之外,生活是美好的,无忧无虑的。 Brother Qin, that singing fellow called Li Zongwei, the father was in the municipal party committee, father's father background was bigger, but drew back many years. In our one group of people, is his most arrogance, is a snob, all day entrains with King Piece. Initially just knew time, I pursued him to hit for quite a while. Originally is the death enmity of not being able to untie, but this fellow likes my younger sister, coming in front of me mian the face to be affected, must become reconciled. Afterward I thought that he was loyal, was the friend with him.” 秦哥,那个唱歌的家伙叫李宗卫,老子是市委里的,老子的老子来头更大,不过退下来很多年了。我们一群人里,就属他最傲气,狗眼看人低,整天拽的跟二五八万似的。当初刚认识的时候,我追着他打了半天。本来是解不开的死仇,不过这家伙喜欢我妹,来我面前腼着脸装孙子,要握手言和。后来我觉得他为人讲义气,就和他做朋友了。” Must with the fellow of your gives a hand, the northerner, the grandfather be public security system's big shot, works no brain, the temperament is unruly, holds the military arrogant matter to do a lot, frequently makes in the family/home scratch butt to him. His father adjusts the Shanghai public security system work, is my father's subordinate, but the family background background is not worse than me many. Un, is martial idiot, put in the ancient times, by the thorn head that the military violated a prohibition, being doomed to issue a warrant for arrest to wander around ranger by the government authorities. Therefore the reincarnation is the gate technology work, does not hit the dead beating to be remnant, in the family/home can give him to capture. Right, his name was Bi Guowei.” “要和你搭手的家伙,北方人,爷爷是公安系统的大佬,做事没什么脑子,脾气桀骜,持武凌人的事没少做,经常让家里给他擦屁股。他爸调到沪市公安系统工作,属于我爸的下属,不过家世背景不比我差多少。嗯,是个武痴,搁在古代,就是以武犯禁的刺头,注定要被官府通缉四处流浪的游侠。所以说投胎是门技术活儿,不打死打残的,家里都能给他兜着。对了,他名字叫毕国伟。” That pretty boy, Huang Tingxi, you pay attention, sinister villain. A lot of dirty tricks, the attention of disaster person basically is he leaves. Last year had a liking for a miss, others and boyfriend matchmake fell in love, was not avaricious, sweat profusely that the hoe wielded has not dug up the corner, what to do did you know this fellow finally? He goes to be on intimate terms with the boyfriends, pulls out the lung from the heart, is willing to be the fool, plays the nightclub for that fellow, dallies with the woman. While still alive a good child to belt/bring crooked road, finally proposed that bids good-bye with the girlfriend.” Li Donglai scoffs to say with a smile: But this, the girls still did not respond him even, therefore, love type of thing, does not like not liking. Your thinking of every means belt/bring is crooked the boyfriends, isn't useful?” “还有那个小白脸,黄廷梓,你注意一下,阴险小人。一肚子坏水,祸害人的注意基本都是他出的。去年看上一个姑娘,人家和男朋友相亲相爱,也不爱财,锄头挥的大汗淋漓也没挖通墙角,你知道这家伙最后怎么办的?他去和人家男朋友称兄道弟,掏心掏肺的,甘愿做冤大头,供那家伙玩夜店,玩女人。活活把一个好孩子给带歪了路,最后主动提出和女朋友分手。”李东来嗤笑道:“可就算这样,人家姑娘仍旧不搭理他,所以说啊,爱情这种东西,不喜欢就是不喜欢。你费尽心思带歪人家男朋友,有个屁用?” That quite gloomy fellow, called Zhang Wangyun, the father was lives by pimping, the mother was very flamboyant, the Shanghai very famous businesswoman, the sale price counted billion. 40 woman, but also the especially enchanting special show, you understand. Outside cohabitant is intimate innumerably, because of the property division issue, the parents has not divorced, but various, the private life especially is chaotic, everything in disorder home environment, this child's entire psychology perverted a little. By he has rested little girl...... zé zé.” “那个比较阴沉的家伙,叫张望云,老子是个吃软饭的,老妈很牛逼,沪市很有名的女企业家,身价数十亿四十女人了,还特妖娆特骚,你懂的。外面姘头相好无数,因为财产分割问题,父母没离婚,但各过各的,私生活都特混乱,乱七八糟的家庭环境,把这孩子整的有点心理变态。被他睡过的妞儿......啧啧。” How your friend encircles is only some fishy people. 你的朋友圈怎么净是些乌烟瘴气的人。 Qin Ze ridicule in heart, without the reason remembered Pei Nanman to say the older brother and younger sister two family affairs , this to older brother and younger sister home environment estimate also everything in disorder. 秦泽心里吐槽,没来由想起裴南曼说过兄妹俩的家事,得,这对兄妹家庭环境估计也乱七八糟 Really is the birds of a feather flock together, the like attracts like. 果然是物以类聚,人以群分。 Li Donglai tells, emphatically to the background of Qin Ze lecture of three cabbage, the Bohemian dress younger sister is the bureaucrat family, the fathers and both uncles in the system, mixed good. The travel fatigue air/Qi strong younger sister, in the family/home is the semi official half business, has money and is authorized, does not know that is what reason, the personality rebel, dresses up itself station street female intentionally. But the semblance is delicate, dresses up the ordinary white T-shirt jeans younger sister, actually most local tyrant. A few words explanation: The father is one of the Shanghai maximum real estate developers. 李东来娓娓道来,着重给秦泽讲三个白菜的背景,波西米亚长裙的妹子是官僚家庭,父亲和两个叔叔都在体制里,混的不错。风尘气浓重的妹子,家里属于半官半商,又有钱又有权,不知道是什么原因,性格叛逆,故意把自己打扮成“站街女”。而外表清秀,打扮普通的白t恤牛仔裤妹子,其实最土豪。一句话解释:老子是沪市最大房地产商之一。 Life, three younger sisters respectable families, have made the boyfriend, but does not indiscriminate in making friends and finding sexual partners. After all the family background is good, should have tutor that to have. 生活方面,三个妹子都挺良家,交过男朋友,但不滥交。毕竟家庭背景不俗,该有的家教都有。 Another side, Pei Ziqi and elder and younger sister drink up chatted, content only several types that the female student chatted: Clothes and hold/container hold/container, cosmetics and little fresh meat celebrity. 另一边,裴子淇姐妹喝酒聊天,女生聊天的内容不外乎几种:衣服、包包、化妆品、小鲜肉明星 For example recently very hot mixed blood little fresh meat Wells, Wells in female person heart, like Qin Baobao in otaku. 比如最近很火的混血小鲜肉威尔斯,威尔斯在女人心中,就像秦宝宝之于宅男 Allies «I am a Singer» from him to the present, three issues, the harvest has confused the younger sister large bundle, mixed blood as if there is natural advantage, purebred indigenous is more charming. Singing is also of pleasant to hear, stirring of treble wind, making the younger sisters like does not want. 从他加盟《我是歌星》到现在,已经有三期,收获大把大把迷妹,混血儿似乎有天然优势,远比纯种土著要帅气。唱歌又好听,高音飙的震撼人心,让妹子们喜欢的不要不要。 I most like Wells, how can be so graceful, moreover sang also of pleasant to hear.” What speech is appearance beautiful Chen Qingyuan, personality very rebel that. “我最喜欢威尔斯,怎么能这么帅,而且唱歌还好听。”说话的是打扮妖艳的陈清袁,性格很叛逆那个。 I also like him, Li Rongxing does not have him to lead.” The Bohemian dress younger sister is also excited the say/way. She called Ge Qing. “我也喜欢他,李荣兴都没他帅。”波西米亚长裙的妹子也兴奋道。她叫葛庆 On an issue of program, I went to the scene, felt that Wells is more attractive than the television on, what a pity do not arrive at the signature, his team does not accept the signature request.” When younger sister Ye Rou of appearance respectable family, speech pupil bright as crystals, the smiling face exudes. Forgot quite the same as, in the background depending on their family/home, a telephone can make the Wells anything's little darling obedient, let alone signs, accompanies to eat to accompany to drink does not have the issue. “上一期节目,我去了现场,感觉威尔斯比电视上更有魅力,可惜没要到签名,他的团队不接受签名要求。”打扮良家的妹子叶柔,说话时眸子亮晶晶,笑容泛起。浑然忘了,凭她们家里的背景,一个电话就能让威尔斯什么的乖乖听话,别说签名,陪吃陪喝都没问题。 Actually sang, I thought the Qin Baobao's song was most of pleasant to hear.” Pei Ziqi also expresses the opinion. “其实唱歌吧,我是觉得秦宝宝的歌最好听。”裴子淇也发表意见。 Chen Qingyuan curls the lip: I do not like her, a while ago she was not the noisy scandal, was the rich second generation canary.” 陈清袁撇撇嘴:“我不喜欢她,前阵子她不是闹绯闻了吗,又是个富二代的金丝雀。” Two girls nod, deeply has the same feeling appearance. 两个女孩点点头,深有同感的样子。 Pei Ziqi gawked staring, asked: She, her song is not her younger brother writes, online did not clarify.” 裴子淇愣了愣,问道:“她不是呀,她的歌都是她弟弟写的,网上不是澄清了吗。” Three girl very dumbfounded expressions: Yes?” 三个女孩很懵逼的表情:“是嘛?” „Haven't you paid attention?” Pei Ziqi stares again, toward Qin Ze direction one finger/refers: „Don't you know him?” “你们没关注?”裴子淇再次一愣,朝秦泽方向一指:“你们不认识他?” Ge Qing: Understanding, your elder brother's tutor.” 葛庆:“认识啊,你哥的家教么。” Chen Qingyuan: Long is very graceful, is the person is dull.” 陈清袁:“长的很帅,就是人没趣。” Ye Rou: I feel also well.” 叶柔:“我觉得还不错。” Chen Qingyuan said grinningly: Little Rou, are you interesting about him? Ok, the elder sister helps you act to chat, tonight makes him wait on the bedroom to you.” 陈清袁笑嘻嘻道:“小柔,你对他有意思?行,姐帮你出面谈谈,今晚让他给你侍寝。” Ye Rou cheek one red: Urges to go faster.” 叶柔脸蛋一红:“去去去。” Bohemian dress Ge Qing said with a smile: āi yōu, you were shy. Plays, nothing incorrect. As for working as one of the boundless many boyfriends, is about one profound development, you think over. Listened to Ziqi saying that his family background was the same, differed the too big two families, worldview was different, did not have the common language. Marries what/anything even.” 波西米亚长裙葛庆笑道:“哎呦,你还害羞了。玩玩而已,没什么不行的。至于当茫茫多的男朋友之一,还是近一步深入发展,你自己掂量。听子淇说他家世一般般,相差太大的两个家庭,三观不同,也没有共同语言。结婚什么的就算了。” The Ye Rou face was redder, rolls the eyes saying: You were not very interested before. Qingyuan, you did not say that wants his mobile number. Ge Qing, you also anticipate very much.” 叶柔脸更红了,翻白眼道:“你们之前不是还挺感兴趣的吗。清袁,你不是说要他手机号么。葛庆,你也很期待的。” Two girls beckon with the hand again and again. 两女孩连连摆手。 looks handsome yes right, but felt a little stuffy.” 长的帅是没错,不过感觉有点闷。” The Pei Ziqi heart said, good, you did not know him even. Thinks also normally, Qin Ze after all is not celebrity, is impossible to seize several people to ask, knows him. 裴子淇心说,好吧,你们不认识他就算了。想想也正常,秦泽毕竟不是明星,不可能逮住几个人问,就认识他。
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