MESIS :: Volume #2

#103: Incident

Lacking musical sense Li Zongwei murmured: Ziqi, I must sing to give to you.” 五音不全的李宗卫囔囔道:“子淇,我要唱首歌送给你。” Sound in the effect of microphone, deafening. 声音在麦克风的效果中,震耳欲聋。 Pei Ziqi scolded: Go away, your broken voice.” 裴子淇骂道:“滚,就你这破嗓音。” No matter Li Zongwei, selfish selected a song, unexpectedly is Qin Baobao's 《Fairy Tale》. 李宗卫不管,自顾自的点了一首歌,居然是秦宝宝的《童话》 Qin Baobao's these songs are KTV must select, are divided or buy out, Qin Ze does not know, many of but gaining. 秦宝宝的这几首歌是ktv必点,分成还是买断,秦泽不知道,但赚的不少。 From Qin Baobao new two LV hold/container hold/container, the new woman wrist watch, and Wang Zijin that office lady suit and his 2,000 many sneakers can look, 秦宝宝新增的两只lv包包,新款女士腕表,以及王子衿那身ol套装和他自己脚下这双两千多的运动鞋就能看出来, 《Fairy Tale》 sang the ballad to this fellow, the grandmother bridge that the footstep walked. Does not endure to look straight ahead simply. The person who sang could not realize own footstep. 一首《童话》给这家伙唱成了民谣,走音走的外婆桥。简直不忍直视。偏偏唱歌的人意识不到自己走音。 Bohemian dress said: Qin Baobao's song really good, each I like.” 波西米亚长裙说道:“秦宝宝的歌是真的好,每一首我都喜欢。” The beautiful younger sister said: I most like «Departure Song», is a song that Qin Baobao most burns. Other good are good, but not to my appetite.” 妖艳妹子说道:“我最喜欢《离歌》,是秦宝宝最燃的一首歌。其他的好是好,但不对我胃口。” The jeans younger sister of most local tyrant refuted: „The song that most burns should not be 《Exaggerate》, Weekly Listings and Monthly Listings first, no one shakes until now.” 最土豪的牛仔裤妹子反驳:“最燃的歌不应该是《浮夸》么,周榜月榜第一,至今无人撼动。” The beautiful younger sister said: I am get do not arrive at this song in any case G-spot. Really does not know that why so hot.” 妖艳妹子道:“反正我是get不到这首歌的g点。真不知道为什么那么火。” Pei Ziqi taunted: eldest miss that four limbs not industrious grain does not divide, naturally get.” 裴子淇嘲讽道:“四肢不勤五谷不分的大小姐,当然get不到啦。” Said seems like you are not eldest miss.” “说的好像你不是大小姐似的。” Pei Ziqi drinks up to remain not much liquor water, sets out to arrive in front of Li Zongwei, snatches to seize the microphone, do not sing, changes me. Helps me request a song: 《Blue and White Porcelain》.” 裴子淇一口喝干所剩不多的酒水,起身走到李宗卫面前,劈手夺过麦克风,“别唱了,换我来。帮我去点歌:《青花瓷》。” She most likes 《Blue and White Porcelain》. On the same day heard this song at the scene, was moved inexplicably, burst into tears inexplicably. 她最喜欢《青花瓷》。当日在现场听到这首歌,莫名感动,莫名流泪。 A Li Zongwei face was snatched wife's hidden bitterness, actually feels indignant but not daring to speak out, requests a song dingily. 李宗卫一脸被抢了老婆的幽怨,却敢怒不敢言,灰溜溜去点歌。 The Bohemian dress younger sister runs to sing in a chorus, two girls are holding hands, the Pei Ziqi voice is elusive, Ge Qing voice soft immerse, has various flavors respectively. 波西米亚长裙妹子跑来合唱,两姑娘牵着手,裴子淇嗓音空灵,葛庆嗓音软濡,各有各的味道。 At this time, beautiful younger sister Chen Qingyuan set out the passenger compartment, wanted the buffet to move the snack, and drew in the Li Donglai help. Right now Qin Ze puts in disfavor thoroughly, sits there alone. Feels is no interesting, goes out the squatting restroom, smokes while convenient, planned that and other Li Donglai came back to say one with him, first leaves. 这时,妖艳妹子陈清袁起身出包间,要去自助餐厅搬小吃,并拉上李东来帮忙。这下子秦泽彻底打入冷宫,孤零零坐在那里。觉得没什么意思,就出门蹲厕所,顺便抽烟,打算等李东来回来跟他说一声,先走人。 Soon, the passenger compartment gate shoves open, moves food Chen Qingyuan to be penniless, the pretty face has the startled anxious color, pulls the voice to shout: Li Donglai was hit, you save him quickly.” 不多时,包间门推开,搬食物的陈清袁两手空空回来,漂亮脸蛋带着惊慌焦急之色,扯嗓音大喊:“李东来被人打了,你们快去救他。” The noisy musical sound switches off, passenger compartment for it one static, people simultaneously stands up, where!” 吵闹的音乐声关掉,包间为之一静,众人齐齐站起身,“在哪里!” Pei Ziqi without delay, holds the beer bottle on table to clash outward. On the mouth is also cursing angrily: Li Donglai this final word, performs to stir up trouble.” 裴子淇二话不说,操起桌上的啤酒瓶就往外冲。嘴上还怒骂着:“李东来这煞笔,尽惹事。” older brother and younger sister two, although caret-shaped does not gather, usually does not have few internal disputes, but cannot tolerate others to hit her elder brother on behalf of Pei Ziqi. 兄妹俩虽然八字不合,平时没少窝里斗,但不代表裴子淇能容忍别人打她哥哥 Ziqi, wait/etc..” The Li Zongwei complexion changes, the microphone throws, follows. 子淇,等等。”李宗卫脸色一变,麦克风一抛,紧随其后。 Chen Qingyuan guides, the gang runs out of the passenger compartment. 陈清袁带路,一伙人冲出包间。 In the restaurant, by the cup board, Li Donglai was in confusion held to roll up in the place, three men gather round him to beat, a tall and strong middle-aged person who puts on casual suit, is entrains the dinner plate to pound fiercely, starts cunningly. 餐厅里,被杯盘狼藉,李东来抱着头蜷缩在地,三个汉子围着他拳打脚踢,其中一个穿休闲西装的魁梧中年人,更是拽起餐盘猛砸,下手刁钻。 Not far away, several guests direct, are watching the fun. KTV meets fight, is too normal. 不远处,几个客人指指点点,看着热闹。ktv碰见打架事件,太正常。 On Li Donglai also has various types of grease stains and food. He is also unyielding, does not utter a word, once for a while kicks several foot resistances, but these pitiful resistances, draw on vicious beating. 李东来身上还有各种油渍、食物。他也是硬气,一声不吭,时不时踢几脚反抗,但这些可怜的抵抗,招来更凶狠的殴打。 Chief Liu, do not hit, do not hit. Hit to have an accident again.” manager that wears the uniform/subdue mediates a quarrel in side, but is useless, because drew the clothes of several middle-aged people, instead was hit a slap. 刘总,别打了,别打了。再打要出事了。”一个穿制服的经理在旁边劝架,但没用,因为拉了几把中年人的衣服,反而被打了一巴掌 Middle-aged person surnamed Liu knows KTV executive, is here patron, in those days with was the same in own in KTV, is the character of walking sideways, small manager also can only urge, even does not dare to report to the police. Only can in pay silent tribute for this unlucky strange boy at heart. The young people temperament to/clashes, does not know to bear patiently, played at home even, where did not have a look at this is. All is your cannot afford to offend person. How the girlfriends were traced butt, is not real ooxx, trampled a Chief Liu somersault at the scene. Now was good, does not suffer the hardship, it is estimated that cannot go out of KTV. 姓刘的中年人认识ktv老总,也是这里的常客,往日在ktv就跟在自己家一样,属于横着走的人物,小经理也只能劝,甚至都不敢报警。只能在心里为这个倒霉陌生小子默哀。年轻人脾气冲,不知道隐忍,在家里耍耍就算了,也不看看这是什么地方。全是你惹不起的人。女朋友被摸一下屁股怎么了,又不是真的ooxx,当场就踹了刘总一个跟头。现在好了,不吃顿苦头,估计走不出ktv。 Pei Ziqi rushes to the scene, sees the Li Donglai pitiful appearance, loudly calls out sad and shrill, brandishes the beer bottle to clash upward. 裴子淇赶到现场,看见李东来凄惨模样,凄厉大叫一声,挥舞着啤酒瓶就往上冲。 The small girl will not fight, the made sound was a little big, traded bludger who knew thoroughly routine, definitely uttering a word slid, got down the staggering blow sneak attack, first knocked down one to say again. 小丫头不会打架,闹出的动静有点大,换了熟谙套路的混混,肯定是一声不吭的溜过去,下闷棍偷袭,先撂倒一个再说。 And middle-aged person turning around tramples, center the Pei Ziqi belly, tramples the 16 little miss instantaneously turns in the place, is covering the belly, the whole face pain. 其中一个中年人转身一脚踹过去,正中裴子淇肚子,瞬间把十六小姑娘踹翻在地,捂着肚子,满脸痛苦。 Several people that catches up with see this, item of zi wants to crack, Li Zongwei scolded a grass, entrains a chair to join the regiment. 身后赶来的几人看见这一幕,目眦欲裂,李宗卫骂了一声草,拽起一把椅子加入战团。 Afterward is military crazy Bi Guowei, gloomy Zhang Wangyun, sinister pretty boy Huang Tingxi. 随后是武痴毕国伟,性格阴沉的张望云,阴险小白脸黄廷梓 The situation becomes a hopeless mess instantaneously randomly. 局势瞬间乱成一锅粥。 Three female students help up Pei Ziqi, waves the flag and shouts in side. In this period, Chen Qingyuan and Pei Ziqi pounded the tray, pounded the beverage bottle. However accurate aim a little water, several times by mistake allied forces. 三个女生扶起裴子淇,在旁边摇旗呐喊。期间,陈清袁裴子淇砸盘子,砸酒瓶。不过准头有点水,几次误中友军。 Three people of men are overwhelmed by sheer numbers, once for a while under evil behind-the-scenes manipulator by cheering squad, retreating fighting, the elevator has no way to sit, when they ran away to the security corridor, on everyone hung out colored streamers, the most miserable that corner of the eye gave dozen of cracks, looked at the state, must go to the hospital to sew several. 三人男人寡不敌众,又时不时被拉拉队下黑手,且战且退,电梯是没法坐了,等他们逃向安全楼道时,每个人身上都挂彩,最惨的那个眼角都给打裂,看伤情,得去医院缝几针。 Li Zongwei puts out a bloody foam, has the spirited imposing manner of several points of big successful battle, was foul-mouthed: One crowd damn, divides minute to destroy completely you. older and younger brothers several, calls person?” 李宗卫吐出一口血沫子,带着几分大胜仗的昂扬气势,骂骂咧咧道:“一群狗日的,分分钟灭掉你们。兄弟几个,叫不叫人?” He wants not to walk, uses family's relations, coming one to beat severely don't hit a person when he's down, bides one's time for punishment. 他想趁人没走,动用家里的关系,来一个痛打落水狗,秋后算账。 No matter several fellows in the family/home have the big ability, that is meets, who who the matter uses will play a nightclub to murmur loudly: My father is such and such! 几个家伙甭管家里有多大能耐,那都是遇上事儿才用的到,谁玩个夜店会大声囔囔:我爸是某某! That is a fool. 那是傻逼。 Pei Ziqi scolded: Called your mother, called to call the ambulance quickly. Li Donglai is dying.” 裴子淇骂道:“叫你麻痹啊,快打电话叫救护车。李东来要死了。” Others were the small wound, Li Donglai were miserable, this calf did not say to black and blue that the person punched, also broke, the blood remained following the forehead, at first sight, particularly frightened scary. But is actually the skin flesh wound, even does not need to stitch, what truly awfully cannot see the wound that three bastard children start sinister and ruthless, rib sore seemed like must break, the lower back muscle large surface area dampened, the knee joint was trampled repeatedly again, almost being able to come to a stop body. 其他人都是小伤,李东来就惨了,这犊子给人揍的鼻青脸肿不说,头还破了,血顺着额头留下来,乍一看,分外惊悚吓人。但其实是皮外伤,甚至不用缝针,真正要命的是看不见的伤,那三个龟孙子下手阴毒,肋骨疼的像是要断裂了,腰背肌肉大面积挫伤,膝盖关节遭多次重踹,几乎站不稳身体。 First, first holds me to rest.” Li Donglai looks fierce, looks drearily, the air/Qi is actually full. “先,先扶我去休息一下。”李东来龇牙咧嘴,看着惨淡,倒是中气十足。 The group of people support by the arm Li Donglai to return to the luxurious passenger compartment, in this period, why did not know, the KTV aspect had no statement, as if planned to look but not see. Had this matter, without the thoughts sang, the package packages of several girls in the luxurious passenger compartment, the preparation took the thing to leave. Bides one's time for punishment what/anything, another day will say again. First delivers Li Donglai to go to the hospital to be most critical. 一伙人搀着李东来返回豪华包间,期间,不知出于什么原因,ktv方面没任何表态,似乎打算视而不见。出了这档子事,也没心思唱歌了,几个姑娘的包包都在豪华包间里,准备拿了东西就走人。秋后算账什么的,改天再说。先送李东来去医院最紧要。 Li Donglai by the sofa, Chen Qingyuan pulls out the wet turban half-dead, cleaned the bloodstain cautiously, the corner of the eye also contained one package of tears. On the contrary is Pei Ziqi this biological younger sister, is pinching the waist, the complaint of talking endlessly. 李东来半死不活靠在沙发上,陈清袁掏出湿巾,小心翼翼擦拭血迹,眼角还含了一包泪。反倒是裴子淇这亲妹子,掐着腰,喋喋不休的埋怨。 On the beautiful younger sister Chen Qingyuan violent temper, was said to talk on endlessly by her, shouts: Shut up, this matter not strange Li Donglai, blames me.” 妖艳妹子陈清袁暴脾气上头,受不住她叨叨叨,喝道:“闭嘴,这事不怪李东来,怪我。” Was told by her, the people side knows the beginning to end, the cause of matter can use four characters to be broad: beauties bring forth disasters. 经她诉说,众人方知始末,事情的起因可以用四个字概括:红颜祸水 When the Chen Qingyuan youth is hot, bends the waist selects food, small butt especially very curls upwards, two slender white and tender thighs, the slender small waist, the back is attractive enough. Also blames her, put on profligate beautiful, draws the smoking makeup, how is not a respectable family to dress up. 陈清袁青春火辣,弯腰挑食物时,小屁股格外挺翘,两条修长白嫩的大腿,纤细小腰肢,背影足够诱人。也怪她自己,穿的放荡妖艳,画烟熏妆,怎么都不是个良家打扮。 Has to drink the exciting excessive middle-aged uncle to sneak attack, pinched ruthlessly little perky butt, a face strange lolicon old men smiling face, but also asked her much money evenings. Accepts to support. 就有喝了点酒兴奋过头的中年大叔在后偷袭,狠狠捏了把小翘臀,一脸怪蜀黍的笑容,还问她多少钱一晚。接不接受包养。 Where family circumstances liberal Chen Qingyuan receives this grievance, exploded at the scene, cat that open/stretch Yawu grasps hit his a slap, said supports your mother, your dog bastard. 家境优渥的陈清袁哪受过这种委屈,当场就炸了,张牙舞抓的猫儿似的打了他一巴掌,说包养你麻痹,你个狗杂种。 The middle-aged man is angry, must wield the palm of the hand to ask this small girl to taste fiercely, is flown by a foot pedal that nearby Li Donglai was foul-mouthed. 中年男人大怒,就要挥巴掌叫这小丫头尝尝厉害,被边上的李东来骂骂咧咧的一脚蹬飞。 Then the strange lolicon old men companion to rub sleeve led a cheer, Li Donglai by an enemy three, was overwhelmed by sheer numbers, quickly hitting to lie in the place. 然后怪蜀黍的同伴撸袖子助阵,李东来以一敌三,寡不敌众,很快给打趴在地。 Chen Qingyuan smells there is something wrong, takes to one's heels to run, comes back to move the reinforcement. 陈清袁见势不妙,撒丫子就跑,回来搬救兵。 Pei Ziqi said coyly: Snort, but also calculates that made human affairs.” 裴子淇扭捏道:“哼,还算做了件人事。” Ok, your boy also very upholds justice.” Bi Guowei racket Li Donglai shoulder. “可以啊,你小子还挺仗义么。”毕国伟拍拍李东来肩膀。 The little friends praised. 小伙伴们纷纷夸赞。 Li Donglai is delighted immediately, said proudly: This is nothing, my mentor has said that the person skilled in martial arts, encounters a difficulty cannot instigate, must have the courage of indignant roar, can went fearlessly ahead on martial dao...... be right, my mentor.” 李东来立刻眉飞色舞,傲然道:“这算什么,我师傅说过,练家子的,遇事不能怂,要有路见不平一声吼的胆魄,才能在武道上勇猛精进......对了,我师傅呢。” Pei Ziqi looks all around, suddenly discovered that Qin Ze disappears. 裴子淇环顾四周,忽然发现秦泽不见了。 The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人面面相觑。 Right, person? 对啊,人呢? When does not see. 什么时候不见的。 Li Zongwei curls the lip: In here, one had not paid attention a moment ago, without person's shadow.” 李宗卫撇撇嘴:“刚才还在这儿的,一不注意,没人影了。” Sinister Huang Tingxi sneers saying: „It is not will hear to have an accident, while ran away randomly.” 性格阴险的黄廷梓冷笑道:“不会是听见出事,趁乱逃走了吧。” Several female student faces originally he is such person expression. 几个女生一脸“原来他是这样的人”的表情。 āi yā, this person really does not have the loyalty.” 哎呀,这人真没义气。” Snort, long is so in vain graceful.” “哼,白白长这么帅。” Donglai's mentor, running away of uttering a word, disliked.” “还是东来的师傅呢,一声不吭的逃走,讨厌死了。” Pei Ziqi frowns. 裴子淇蹙眉。 Li Donglai is Qin Ze's shitheaded fan, angrily said: Bullshit, Brother Qin definitely has the matter to walk. He on the scene, divides minute to knock down ten eight.” 李东来秦泽的脑残粉,怒道:“屁话,秦哥肯定是有事才走的。他要在场,分分钟撂倒十个八个。” Chen Qingyuan shows the whites of the eyes, is angry saying: Let alone the words, helping you wipe the face. Your what mentor, I look at such, makes to become friends, pulled out the lung too to be silly from the heart.” 陈清袁翻了个白眼,嗔道:“别说话,帮你擦脸呢。你那个什么师傅啊,我看就那样,交交朋友可以,掏心掏肺就太傻了。” I did not want you to wipe the face.” Li Donglai angrily said. “我不要你擦脸了。”李东来怒道 Chen Qingyuan rolls the eyes ruthlessly, Ziqi you come, I am disinclined to serve him......” 陈清袁狠狠翻白眼,“子淇你来,我才懒得伺候他......” Voice side drop, the gate of passenger compartment was trampled, the gang wells up, probably 7~8, what lead is that middle-aged person Chief Liu. 话音方落,包间的门被人踹开,一伙人涌进来,大概七八个,领头的是那个中年人刘总 On this quality of goods fully occupies the grease stains, the hair is chaotic, on the face also some bloodstains, lead the person to return to revenge obviously in a hurry, has not tidied up with enough time. 这货身上占满油渍,头发乱糟糟,脸上还有些许血迹,显然匆匆带人杀回来报仇,没来得及收拾。 The youngster young girls complexion big change, is critical situation. 少年少女们脸色大变,如临大敌。 The Chief Liu look is fierce, is pointing at the people: Calls me.” 刘总神色狰狞,指着众人:“给我打。”
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