MESIS :: Volume #2

#104: Incident ( 2 )

The spacious passenger compartment, is in chaos, the fruit tray scatters, the beverage bottle dances in the air, the situation is almost lopsided. Bi Guowei truly has real skill, puts in an appearance to put forth high kick, tramples a person of chin, an instantaneous ok person, but Taekwondo, too tasteful gaudy, the movement dazzles very much cool, the lethality also has, but only suits the arena, really bumps into the experience rich bludger, even if hard by your foot, by move of ok, cannot near body, then brandish the experience and skill to punch randomly. Let alone is ten adults. 宽敞包间,陷入一片混乱,果盘散落,酒瓶飞舞,形势几乎是一面倒。毕国伟确实有两下子,一照面使出高踢腿,踹中一人下巴,瞬间ok一人,只不过跆拳道,太讲究花哨,动作是很炫酷,杀伤力也有,但只适合擂台,真碰到经验丰富的混混,哪怕硬挨你一脚,不被一招ok,就能近身,然后挥舞老拳乱揍。何况是十来号的成年人。 Bi Guowei is trampling flies a person, was fallen down, then several people close, beat. Others cannot withstand, symbolic resistance, was then forked turns in the place. 毕国伟在一脚踹飞一人,就被人扑倒,接着几人一拥而上,拳打脚踢。其他人更不堪,象征性的抵抗一下,便被叉翻在地。 Is good because of this crowd of person a little bottom lines, toward the female student opponent, four girls has not shrunk in the corner, trembles. 好在这群人有点底线,没朝女生对手,四个丫头缩在角落,瑟瑟发抖。 Bohemian dress Ge Qing fishes out the cell phone secretly, the call, being sharp-eyed Chief Liu to snatch to evade, throws down and breaks ruthlessly in the place, the convenient fan a small girl slap in the face, hitting to cry. 波西米亚长裙葛庆偷偷摸出手机,正要拨打电话,眼尖的刘总劈手躲过,狠狠摔碎在地,顺手扇了小丫头一个耳光,把人给打哭了。 Chief Liu stops the subordinate, said with a smile ferociously: Searches to move the cell phone.” 刘总制止手下喽啰们,狞笑道:“把手机搜出来砸掉。” pā pā pā......” 啪啪啪......” The 7~8 only cell phone falls on the ground, turns into the scrap. 七八只手机摔在地上,变成废品。 Chief Liu bold and uninhibited sits on the sofa, is looking at the black and blue youngster, false smile: Young fellows, we should chat well.” 刘总大马金刀坐在沙发上,望着鼻青脸肿的少年们,皮笑肉不笑:“小伙子们,咱们该好好聊聊了。” Some people are defending, was not worried that some people surround and report to the police. the bottom line that KTV boss gives do not make in a big way, taught one on the line. 门外有人守着,不担心有人围观、报警。ktv老板给的底线是别闹大,教训一顿就行了。 Chatted your mother to compel!” Bi Guowei shouted abuse, man slap on his face. “聊你妈了个逼!”毕国伟破口大骂,身边的汉子一巴掌扇在他脸上。 Wool does not have long simultaneous/uniform, studies the Sir to come to here to while away the time.” Chief Liu sneers to say. “毛都没长齐,学大人来这里消遣。”刘总冷笑道。 Chief Liu does the capital construction, calculates half property developer, hand/subordinate No. a lot of labor. Although following real estate big shot eats a soup behind, but nowadays, establishes the relations with the real estate, business that makes money greatly. 刘总是搞基建的,算半个房地产开发商,手下千百号民工。虽然只是跟着房地产大佬身后喝口汤,但这年头,和房地产搭上关系,都是大赚钱的买卖。 Chief Liu following the sofa, starts from Li Donglai, person of slap in the past, rudely, hit several youngster corners of the mouth hemorrhages. Finally to four juicy cabbages in front. 刘总顺着沙发,从李东来开始,一人一个巴掌扇过去,势大力沉,打的几个少年嘴角出血。终于到了四颗水灵白菜面前。 Although several juicy cabbages the family background is good, after all is the high-school student little miss, has not seen great storms, has the elder to shelter, not by what setback. This moment one by one is scared. 几颗水灵白菜虽然家世不俗,毕竟是高中生小姑娘,没见过大风大浪,有长辈庇护,没受过什么挫折。此刻一个个慌了神。 Chief Liu a hair that catches Chen Qingyuan, ignores the small girl pain to shout, the face belt/bring grins fiendishly, wicked image that terrorizes men and take their women fully. 刘总一把拽住陈清袁的头发,不顾小丫头痛呼,脸带狞笑,十足欺男霸女的奸恶形象。 Smelly whore, fan father palm of the hand. Your motherf**ker is owes the man to do.” He is nouveau riche right, the grass roots is too heavy, drink up on the present primary form, looks today this girl dresses up the attraction that a proper respectable family, small butt does not curl upwards likely, touched conveniently. Unexpectedly unexpectedly is a small high-spirited horse. “臭婊子,扇老子巴掌。你tm就是欠男人干。”他是暴发户这个没错,草莽气息太重,一喝酒就现原形,今天看这丫头打扮的不像个正经良家,小屁股翘的诱人,就顺手摸了一把。不料竟是匹小烈马。 His waving fan Chen Qingyuan several slaps in the face. 他挥手扇了陈清袁几个耳光。 Li Donglai several small young vitalities upwell, launches a fierce combat, was suppressed again, one by one hangs out colored streamers, is very miserable. To these high-school student several years of time, the social story is deeper, understood that pulls the fierce appearance to enlarge the flag, uses family's power and influence on frighten the person, but experiences the matter now, was hurried. Even if plays Huang Tingxi that the clever trick is famous, still a face panic-stricken fear look. 李东来几个小年轻气血上涌,又展开一番激战,再次被镇压,一个个挂彩,别提有多惨。再给这些高中生几年时间,社会阅历更深,就懂得扯虎皮拉大旗,利用家里的威势吓唬人,可现在遇到事儿,都慌了。即便是耍诡计著称的黄廷梓,也一脸惊恐害怕神色。 Meets charlatan such panic-stricken look like the common people. 就像良民遇到混子那样的惊恐神色。 Chief Liu licks to lick lips, the pā pā two palms of the hand, the hit Chen Qingyuan cheeks are inflamed, in thin of crying crash-bang. 刘总舔舔嘴,啪啪两巴掌,打的陈清袁脸颊红肿,哭的稀里哗啦。 Three small girl including Pei Ziqi, lose color. 包括裴子淇在内的三个小丫头,面无血色。 This perhaps is in their life the most desperate time, usually makes threatening gestures in the school, writing freely, the space is underground. That is they have not contacted the darkness of society. Especially this nightclub place, all sorts of people, the good bird is not many, the bad bird are many. Several years later, they will taste are picked the corpse, to prescribe medicine wait/etc., the matter of Sir. 这或许是她们人生中最绝望的时刻,平时在学校张牙舞爪,嬉笑怒骂,天上地下唯我独尊。那是她们没接触社会的黑暗。尤其是这种夜店这种地方,三教九流,好鸟不多,坏鸟不少。再过几年,她们就会尝到被人捡尸、下药等等,大人的事。 At this time, out of the door resounded drinks the sound: Here cannot enter.” 这时,门外响起喝声:“这里不能进。” Several dull thumping sounds, the gate shoves open later, the black T-shirt, Qin Ze of jeans stands in the entrance, shot a look at pitiful condition in the passenger compartment, the brow tight wrinkle. The under foot is lying down four securities. 几声闷响,随后门推开,黑色t恤,牛仔裤的秦泽站在门口,瞥了眼包间里的凄惨境况,眉头紧皱。脚下躺着四个保安。 He heard the weeping sound. 他听见哭声了。 Everyone looks to the entrance, the vision falls on the unexpected visitor. 所有人都看向门口,目光落在不速之客身上。 The Li Donglai gloomy look blows out the ray suddenly. 李东来晦暗的眼神骤然间爆出光芒。 Pei Ziqi weeping beauty, sees Qin Ze's instantaneous, just like seeing the A-list dawn. 裴子淇梨花带雨,看见秦泽的瞬间,宛如看见一线曙光。 Squats a restroom, instead lived such many matters?” The fellow mumbled. “蹲个厕所而已,反生了这么多事?”那家伙嘟囔。 Who you are!” The Chief Liu look is bad. “你是谁!”刘总神色不善。 Li Donglai that Qin Ze refers to punching his sister-in-law/little aunt who does not recognize quickly, said: This person is my student.” 秦泽指了指揍的他小姨都快认不出的李东来,道:“这个人是我学生。” Chief Liu sneers: Originally also fish slip through, you want to him over.” 刘总冷笑一声:“原来还有一条漏网之鱼,你是想给他出头。” His anger ignites, cannot determine Cheng Yaojin that this halfway kills does have warning secretly. 他心里怒火燃起,不能确定这半路杀出的程咬金有没有偷偷报警。 The Chief Liu big hand wields: Calls me.” 刘总大手一挥:“给我打。” Three guys plunge Qin Ze. 三个大汉扑向秦泽 Qin Ze does not draw back, instead adopts the stance of momentarily resisting. 秦泽丝毫不退,反而摆出随时招架的姿态。 Calls to report to the police.” “打电话报警啊。” Stupidly stares is making what/anything, runs a bit faster.” “傻愣着做什么,快点跑。” Saw with own eyes that this fellow does not hide does not evade, Li Zongwei several people flustered immediately. The best choice is calls to report to the police, shouts loudly to bring in surrounds. Flaunting the hero without doubt is the stupidest approach. 眼见这家伙不躲不避,李宗卫几人顿时慌了。最好的选择是打电话报警,大喊大叫引来围观。逞英雄无疑是最愚蠢的做法。 Anxious, disappointed and angry...... in many mood following the crowd person hearts floats off. the next moment, everyone opens the eye, inconceivable. 焦虑、失望、恼怒......诸多情绪从众人心中浮起。下一刻,所有人都睁大眼睛,不可思议。 Flaunt Qin Ze of hero facing throwing three men, in everyone hand are entraining the empty wine bottles, does not dodge does not evade, a foot pedal in man lower abdomen of bearing the brunt. Fellow only with enough time groaned, whole person after flies horizontally, pounds layer on layer/heavily in the marble top, bends/bow to become Xiazhuang, painful trembling. 逞英雄的秦泽面对扑来的三名汉子,每人手里都拽着空酒瓶,不闪不避,一脚蹬在首当其冲的汉子小腹。那家伙只来得及闷哼一声,整个人朝后横飞,重重砸在大理石桌面,弓成虾状,痛苦的颤栗。 The enemy friend side shocked, has the 100 50~60 body weight badly, the inertia that a grown man, runs in addition, was still flown the 5~6 meter by a foot pedal, too motherf**ker strange strength. 敌方友方都震惊了,最不济也有一百五六十的体重,一个成年汉子,加上奔跑的惯性,仍是被一脚蹬飞五六米,太tm怪力了。 The remaining two men, the corner of the eye split vision glimpse the scene that the companion flies horizontally, at heart one cold, but what is done cannot be undone, they are away from Qin Ze to only have three remote. At heart hesitant, hits does not hit? 剩下两位汉子,眼角余光瞥见同伴横飞的场景,心里一凛,但开弓没有回头箭,他们距离秦泽只有三步之遥。心里犹豫了一下,打还是不打? This thought side gets up, makes the decision without enough time, Qin Ze toward left steps forward one step, the fist in pounds slantingly, hits the left man rib region, looked that did not look passes kneels down he, spins the body, the right elbow sweeps away, another dull thumping sound, the right man spouts two front teeth, covering mouth of complexion pain. 这个念头方起,来不及做出决策,秦泽朝左跨出一步,拳头斜地里捣出,击中左边汉子肋部,看也不看“噗通”跪倒在地的他,旋身,右肘横扫,又一声闷响,右边汉子喷出两颗门牙,脸色痛苦的捂着嘴。 A Qin Ze person makes up a foot, their KO. 秦泽一人补一脚,把他们ko。 The entire process over five seconds, do not take, if the fast fast fierce potential hits to lie three men, Qin Ze takes off the T-shirt, entangle in the right fist. Looks at the stance, clearly wants duel one group of people. 整个过程不超过五秒,以动若脱兔的迅捷凶猛之势打趴三个汉子,秦泽脱下t恤,一圈圈缠在右拳。看架势,分明要单挑一群人。 The Chief Liu face climbs up wipes fiercely, said wickedly: Calls me, does not believe him to hit one crowd.” 刘总脸庞爬上一抹狰狞,恶狠狠道:“给我打,就不信他能打一群。” Although gave this unexpected visitor to shock, but one's own side overwhelmed with numerical strength, the men did not believe will lose, at most buckle several people. 11 including Chief Liu holds the spatial beer bottle to threaten to kill. 虽然着实给这位不速之客震慑了一下,但己方人多势众,汉子们仍不相信会输,顶多折损几个人。包括刘总在内的十一号操起空啤酒瓶气势汹汹杀过来。 Qin Ze is quicker than them, puts forth quickly pulls up the Yin leg, solves one, twists the waist to suspend the arm, again ok. At is not attacking the problem one manifestation at a time of television performance, gaudy magnificent. True assaulting, what contest is the strength and speed, often in the 1~2 move solves the opponent. 秦泽比他们更快,以迅雷不及掩耳之势使出撩阴腿,解决一个,拧腰摆臂,再ok一个。根本不是电视上演的见招拆招,花哨华丽。真正搏击,较量的是力量和速度,往往一两招之内解决对手。 The passenger compartment is big, but is insufficient to become more than ten people of battlefields obviously, Qin Ze goes through many places organizes, does utmost to move aside, suffered many staggering blow as before, is good because of his physical quality today we are no longer as we have been, exchanged the advanced wrestle skill. Living of complete hold. 包间不小,但显然不足以成为十几号人的战场,秦泽辗转腾挪,竭尽全力躲闪,依旧挨了不少闷棍,好在他身体素质今非昔比,又兑换了高级格斗技巧。完全hold的住。 Then is time of individual show, a room youngster young girl, looks to fall into the tight encirclement, several enter several fierce people, imposing that a pair of armored hand brandishes. Among 2-3 moves the second an enemy, those was struck down by him, no can crawl again. 接下来就是个人秀的时间,一屋子少年少女,看着身陷重围,几进几出的猛人,一双铁拳挥舞的虎虎生风。2-3招之间秒一个敌人,凡是被他击倒的,没一个能再爬起来。 Finally, Qin Ze puts out blood froth, shot a look at the eye lying this way and that corpse, grins: motherfucker pain dead father, the person had a wool to use.” 最后,秦泽吐出一口血沫,瞥了眼横七竖八的“尸体”,咧嘴道:“麻痹痛死老子了,人多有个毛用。” Said that what's the matter.” He builds the T-shirt on the shoulder, the fine healthy figure exposes in front of the girls without doubt. “说吧,怎么回事。”他把t恤搭在肩膀上,匀称健美的身材在女孩们面前展露无疑。 The still shaken girls chirp said, talked, in the eye is in one package of tears, put in great inconvenience child who probably found the guardian. 惊魂未定的女孩们叽叽喳喳说起来,你一言我一语,眼里含着一包泪,委屈的像是找到家长的孩子。 Qin Ze beckons with the hand, the girls are peaceful immediately, he trampled foot half-dead Li Donglai, squeak if you haven't died yet.” 秦泽摆摆手,女孩们立刻安静,他踹了一脚半死不活的李东来,“没死的话就吱一声。” Li Donglai weakly said: Squeak......” 李东来弱弱道:“吱......” Qin Ze waves to truncate his scalp, seeing full head is the blood, sighed, shrinks reaches behind the back. 秦泽挥手想削他一头皮,见满头是血,叹了口气,缩回手。 Li Donglai is pointing at Chief Liu, hates the sound said: That final word sexually harasses Chen Qingyuan in the restaurant, was punched by me, is unwilling, leading the person to wreck the event.” 李东来指着刘总,恨声道:“那煞笔在餐厅调戏陈清袁,被我揍了一顿,不甘心,带人过来砸场子。” He neglects in the restaurant the violent automatically by the matter that punches. 他自动忽略餐厅里被暴揍的事。 Chen Qingyuan? 陈清袁 That wears the ultra shorts, the smoking makeup girl of strapless garment. 那个穿超短裤,露肩衫的烟熏妆女孩。
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