MESIS :: Volume #2

#105: little elder sister( thanks „S I slightly moe” hitting enjoys)

Qin Ze looked that to was scared girl, her whole face tear stains, the tears mishandled flowers the makeup to accommodate, like only small tabby cat. Discovered that Qin Ze is looking at itself, the eye socket gathers the full tears immediately, wū wū wū cries. 秦泽看向被吓坏了的女孩,她满脸泪痕,眼泪弄花了妆容,像只小花猫儿。发现秦泽在看自己,眼眶立刻蓄满泪水,呜呜呜哭起来。 Also is together the beauties bring forth disasters event, therefore Qin Ze most repugnant nightclub place, no, he loathes all indulges the self- place, under the stimulation of alcohol, many people will unable to suppress evil thought at heart, makes matter that usually does not dare to do. Strong( harmony) deceitful, fights...... has the nightclub to fight the deceased person incident. 又是一起红颜祸水事件,所以说秦泽最讨厌夜店这种地方,不,他厌恶所有放纵自我的场所,在酒精的刺激下,很多人会压制不住心里的邪念,做出平时不敢做的事。强(和谐)奸、打架……不是没有夜店斗殴死人事件。 At this matter, Qin Baobao does not dare to touch his reverse scale, during the daytime is indifferent, in the evening went to KTV also to solicit the agreement of younger brother, younger brother says, had the younger brother same place. younger brother said that cannot go, her little darling goes home. 这件事上,秦宝宝都不敢触他逆鳞,白天无所谓,晚上去ktv也要征求弟弟的同意,弟弟说去,就带弟弟一起。弟弟说不能去,她就乖乖回家。 Qin Ze coldly casts a sidelong glance to spit acid water Chief Liu. 秦泽冷冷瞟了一眼吐着酸水的刘总 The middle-aged people detected that his vision, the hatred is mean: Little bastard, you wait to be hacked to death, today no one want to walk.” 中年人察觉到他的目光,怨毒阴狠:“小杂种,你等着被砍死吧,今天谁都别想走。” This weaponry lost, is good because of here is the home game, some quick people will come. 这场仗打输了,好在这儿是主场,很快就会有人过来。 Qin Ze a few words did not say, carries the beverage bottle to pound toward the middle-aged person head on, pounded his groaned, faint in the past, blood long class/flow. 秦泽一句话不说,拎起酒瓶就往中年人脑袋上砸,砸的他闷哼一声,昏厥过去,鲜血长流。 Vicious arrogance let alone several girls, even if bragged that unruly Bi Guowei is still dumbfounded. 凶狠的气焰别说几个女孩,就算自诩桀骜不驯的毕国伟也目瞪口呆。 Really did not fear that kills. 真不怕把人打死啊。 This is insufficient, he raises the beverage bottle to slide in the passenger compartment, without the expert style making up blade, is catching the head of person very much on below cruel methods. 这还不够,他提着酒瓶在包间溜一圈,很没高手风范的补刀,逮着人的脑袋就下狠手。 Bi Guowei knelt to this great hero. 毕国伟给这位大侠跪了。 Qin Ze is not great hero, does not have the expert style, does not believe to pursue responsibility member that wrap/sets. 秦泽不是大侠,更没有高手风范,不信奉追责一把手那套。 Taking the lead big bro is hateful, hits the little brother of person is not hateful? The thought beauty, does not let off. 带头大哥可恶,打人的小弟就不可恶了?想的美,一个都不放过。 The truth said, this crowd of second generation ancestor were hung to hit him to conceal the truth to love, the geomancy transfers in turn, they have not necessarily bullied others like this. 实话说,这群二世祖被人吊打他瞒喜闻乐见的,风水轮流转,他们未必没有这样欺负过别人。 I am angered youth, being disinclined manage your social clothes eating insects. 我是个愤青,懒得管你们这些社会蛀虫。 But he very likes crude person apprentice Li Donglai, this is his shitheaded fan, how many shitheaded fan can your whole life have? The apprentices made into this appearance, mentor stand by, again was the emotional investment, Queen Pei was mystical, knew this long time, still thought that she was in the mirror in the flowered water the moon/month, did not see clearly dimly. 可他挺喜欢半吊子徒弟李东来,这是他的脑残粉,你这辈子能有几个脑残粉?徒弟被打成这副模样,师傅袖手旁观,再就是感情投资了,裴女王神神秘秘,认识了这久,仍然觉得她是镜中花水中月,朦朦胧胧看不清楚。 Qin Ze has planned develops own personal connection Queen Pei, rather than nephew home teacher and ordinary friend this kind of label. 秦泽一直打算把裴女王发展成自己的人脉,而不是“侄儿家教老师”、“普通朋友”这类标签。 Puts a person under obligation to Dame Queen, is not realistic, backs off, invests from her nephew niece here. 卖人情给女王大人,不现实,退而求其次,从她侄儿侄女这里投资。 After venting one ruthlessly, Qin Ze dialed the cell phone, the video ringtone just resounded, the Queen Pei magnetic delightful sound conveyed from dozens kilometers through the speaker: Qin Ze?” 狠狠发泄一通后,秦泽拨通手机,彩铃刚响起,裴女王磁性悦耳的声音通过扬声器从几十公里外传来:“秦泽?” Your nephew my apprentice was hit, can't come?” Qin Ze said half jokingly. “你侄儿我徒弟被人打了,来不来?”秦泽半开玩笑道。 The Pei Nanman silent several seconds, the sound is still calm: „Don't you handle?” 裴南曼沉默几秒,声音依旧淡定:“你搞不定?” Person I hitting to fall face down, but here is others domains, wants Sister Pei to level, is Li Donglai is very again miserable, it is estimated that must be hospitalized, a miss suffers a loss, I was deliberately considering this matter is impossible to calculate like this, therefore helps them telephone to seek help.” “人我给打趴下了,不过这里是人家的地盘,要裴姐来摆平,再就是李东来挺惨的,估计得住院,还有个姑娘吃了点亏,我寻思着这件事不可能就这样算,所以帮她们打电话求助。” I knew, where.” Pei Nanman then shows several points of seriousness. “我知道了,在哪里。”裴南曼这才透出几分郑重。 Qin Ze reported an address, hangs up the telephone. 秦泽报了个地址,挂断电话。 Several male students is a little pitiful, body innumerable footprints, black and blue, does not know that by fan many slaps in the face, what the injury is most serious is Li Donglai. As for several female students, rows of sitting idle and eating fruits on sofa, from beginning to end yīng yīng yīng...... 几个男生有点凄惨,身上无数脚印,鼻青脸肿,不知道被扇了多少个耳光,伤势最重的是李东来。至于几个女生,在沙发上排排坐吃果果,从头到尾嘤嘤嘤...... Qin Ze pulls out the cell phone immediately, loses in several male student directions, scolds: doesn't the home have some great background, oneself telephone to move the reinforcement to go. The mother, one crowd of wools do not have the long simultaneous/uniform kid, studies the Sir to stroll the nightclub, encounters a difficulty each one waste.” 秦泽当即掏出手机,往几个男生方向一丢,骂道:“不是家里很有背景么,自己打电话搬救兵去。妈的,一群毛都没长齐的小屁孩,学大人逛夜店,遇事个个废物。” second generation ancestor ashamed lowering the head, grasps the cell phone, telephones in turn, in the elder to the family/home notifies the information and requesting reinforcements honestly, later, this nightclub will be doomed to draw on various group of monsters and freaks. 二世祖们羞愧的低下头,抓起手机,轮流打电话,老老实实给家里长辈通报情报、求援,待会,这家夜店注定会招来各路牛鬼蛇神。 Qin Ze treats the male and female double standards, the young female students keep crying, he arrives in front of Pei Ziqi, finds the clue make: Had this matter, first time gave your sister-in-law/little aunt to telephone, or called me.” 秦泽对待男女双重标准,小女生们哭个不停,他就走到裴子淇面前,摸摸头:“出了这种事,第一时间给你小姨打电话,或者给我打电话。” Pei Ziqi attracted the nose, good to stop the tears reluctantly, the eye socket slightly red, the grievance said: Cell phone was fallen.” 裴子淇吸了吸鼻子,好勉强才止住泪,眼圈微红,委屈道:“手机被摔了。” Qin Ze stares: Should inform me...... to consider as finished in the restaurant a moment ago, did not say these, later do not come to this place, knows that does not have.” 秦泽瞪眼:“刚才在餐厅就应该通知我了......算了,不说这些,以后别来这种地方,知道没有。” Pei Ziqi catches the eye, looks at his one eyes cautiously, low head, gentle and charming tone: oh. 裴子淇抬眼,小心翼翼看他一眼,又低下脑袋,娇柔语气:“哦。 Speech at the same time, with no trace is peeping the Qin Ze terse upper part, the muscle curve is distinct, the abdominal muscles highlight, blushes quietly. 说话的同时,不著痕迹的偷看着秦泽精悍的上半身,肌肉曲线分明,腹肌凸显,悄悄红了脸。 Looks again to crying most ominous girl Chen Qingyuan, this girl facial features are very actually fine, the thin oval face, the big eye, is a Beautiful woman. Is this appearance makes one would not venture to give positive comments on. Qin Baobao has said that who likes giving the person, when the panda surrounds. Therefore she never noticeable that oneself dress up. Chen Qingyuan actually does things the other way round. 再看向哭的最凶的丫头陈清袁,这丫头其实眉眼很精致,瘦削瓜子脸,大眼睛,是个小美人。就是这身打扮让人不敢恭维。秦宝宝说过,谁喜欢给人当大熊猫围观。所以她从不把自己打扮的惹人注目。陈清袁却反其道而行。 Qin Ze picks to fall on the napkin paper carton of ground, hands in front of Chen Qingyuan, as far as possible said in a soft voice: Do not cry, to take as the abstention.” 秦泽捡起落在地上的餐巾纸盒,递到陈清袁面前,尽量柔声道:“别哭了,以引为戒。” Thinks, overstepping authority and getting involved in another's affairs added: Girl wants the self-respect, this appearance has the issue very much.” 想了想,越俎代庖的补充道:“女孩子要自尊自爱,这身打扮就很有问题。” Short to thigh root shorts, exposed shoulders camisole, in matching the smoking makeup of not respectable family, no wonder will make one misunderstand. 短到大腿根的短裤,裸露双肩吊带衫,搭配上不良家的烟熏妆,难怪会让人误会。 Chen Qingyuan looks at Qin Ze crazily, suddenly the blushing egg, lowers the head, good long while, thin sound that if the mosquito recited: Thanks.” 陈清袁痴痴看着秦泽,忽然红了脸蛋,低头,好半天,细若蚊吟的声音:“谢谢。” Qin Ze has almost not heard. 秦泽差点没听到。 The 15 minute, one group of policemen break in the passenger compartment probably, is about the middle-aged police of head looks in all directions, sees black and blue pitiful incomparable Bi Guowei, the tall and strong body trembles ruthlessly, almost frightened the urine, threw to inquire after the well being, commanded that hurried to dial 120 to call the ambulance hand/subordinate. 大概十五分钟,一队警察冲入包间,为首的中年警察左右四顾,看见鼻青脸肿凄惨无比的毕国伟,魁梧身躯狠狠一颤,差点吓尿了,扑过来嘘寒问暖,喝令手下赶紧拨120叫救护车。 As the police come in also has KTV executive, finds this, wiping sweating. This matter he knows, the passenger compartment number is he tells Chief Liu. Nowadays the rich man were too many, coming to here to play the kid who to be many, he has not cared about several high-school students. Did not only urge excessively, taught one on the line. 随着警察进来的还有ktv老总,瞧见这一幕,一个劲儿的抹虚汗。这件事他是知道的,包间号都是他告诉刘总的。这年头有钱人太多了,来这里玩的小屁孩不少,他没在意几个高中生。只叮嘱别过分,教训一顿就行。 Looks at the Yang Team look, the kids as if a little background. 杨队的神色,小屁孩们似乎有点背景。 While this executive was pondering how to use the relational damage control, pretends non-involvement the responsibility, another group of policemen clash, the successor and former is not a bureau. Then third group of fourth group of policemen rush, in short a half hour, this KTV altogether came the 30 police. 正当这位老总思考着如何利用关系善后,撇清责任,又一队警察冲进来,后来者与前者不是一个局的。接着第三批第四批警察赶到,短短半小时内,这家ktv共来了三十号警察。 KTV executive feels acutely disappointed at this time, scared. ktv老总此时已万念俱灰,失魂落魄。 Ended the calf. 完犊子了。 second generation ancestor were delivered to nearby Sanjia Hospital, each person independent hospital ward, quite placement this group of young masters. Makes a fuss over a trifling matter, sewed three except for the Li Donglai head, others are not affected much, but looks at them to walk appearance lamely, that vice-director scaring. Arranges them to be hospitalized forcefully. 二世祖们被送到附近一家三甲医院,每人一间独立病房,好生安置这群少爷们。小题大做,除了李东来脑袋缝了三针,其他人并无大碍,只是看他们走路一瘸一拐的样子,把那位副所长给吓坏了。硬生生安排他们住院。 The Pei Nanman long in coming, she rushes to the hospital time, Li Donglai is lying down on the hospital bed mumbles. 裴南曼姗姗来迟,她赶到医院的时候,李东来正躺在病床上哼哼唧唧。 Queen Pei swept a gauze to wrap the nephew of head, said lightly: Fought?” 裴女王扫了一眼纱布包裹脑袋的侄儿,淡淡道:“又打架了?” older brother and younger sister two keep silent, a few words do not dare to say. 兄妹俩噤若寒蝉,一句话都不敢说。 Pei Ziqi looks subconsciously to Qin Ze, probably he is oneself backbone. 裴子淇下意识看向秦泽,好像他是自己的顶梁柱。 The Dame Queen power and influenced acquired over a long period is grave. 女王大人积威深重。 Sister Pei, this matter not strange Donglai Qin Ze for the disciple plea. 裴姐,这事不怪东来秦泽替徒儿求情。 Pei Nanman nods, apology: You have not been injured.” 裴南曼点点头,歉意道:“你没受伤吧。” Qin Ze shakes the head. 秦泽摇摇头。 Li Donglai said immediately: „A Brother Qin person selects to turn more than ten people, he may be fierce.” 李东来当即道:“秦哥一个人挑翻十几人,他可厉害了。” Pei Nanman horizontal, said gently: Talked too much.” 裴南曼横了一眼,轻轻道:“多嘴。” Li Donglai really shuts up. 李东来果然闭嘴。 How plans to process?” Qin Ze also talked too much, asked one. “打算怎么处理?”秦泽也多嘴,问了一句。 Pei Nanman hesitant, according to my temperament, must squat for several years in the firmness, that KTV naturally do not take easy, has in Shanghai this ability Sister Pei. Changes into the elder of that several brat families/home, can do ruthlessly certainly.” 裴南曼犹豫一下,“依照我的脾气,得在牢里蹲几年,那家ktv自然别想开了,在沪市这点能耐裴姐还是有的。换成那几个兔崽子家的长辈,会做的更狠更绝。” Qin Ze „”, did not express the opinion. 秦泽“哦”了一声,不发表意见。 The children made into this, which parents do not have a fit of bad temper. 子女被打成这样,哪个父母不炸毛。 Today's matter thank you, I delivered you to go home.” The Pei Nanman smiling face is solemn. “今天的事谢谢你了,我送你回家吧。”裴南曼笑容端庄。 Sister Pei, looks at you to look on as an outsider, our what/anything relates.” Qin Ze tries to pull closer two people relations. 裴姐,看你见外的,咱们什么关系。”秦泽试图拉近两人的关系。 Pei Nanman smile: Sister Pei owes you a favor.” 裴南曼微笑:“裴姐欠你个人情。” After the sister-in-law/little aunt brings Qin Ze is leaving, Li Donglai is delighted, my master is fierce, said is Martial World expert, you have not believed. Takes a look, ten people, cutting the melon cut the vegetable/dish to be the same.” 小姨带着秦泽离开后,李东来眉飞色舞,“我师父厉害吧,都说了是武林高手,你还不信。瞧瞧,十来号人,砍瓜切菜一样。” Pei Ziqi extraordinary has not refuted, turns head to look to out of the window, does not respond him. 裴子淇出奇的没有反驳,扭头看向窗外,不搭理他。 The gate of hospital ward shoved open, Chen Qingyuan looks around, on the face smokes the makeup to wipe out only, delicate Beautiful woman, glances brightly, the looking around moment, seeing the hospital ward is old on Pei Ziqi older brother and younger sister, seems somewhat disappointed. 病房的门推开了,陈清袁探头探脑进来,脸上烟熏妆已经洗干净,清清秀秀的小美人儿,眼波明亮,张望片刻,见病房就裴子淇兄妹老,似乎有些失望。 How you came.” Li Donglai stares. “你怎么来了。”李东来一愣。 The Chen Qingyuan supercilious look said: Does not come to see you in any case, your master.” 陈清袁白眼道:“反正不是来看你,你师父呢。” My sister-in-law/little aunt delivered him to go back, did.” “我小姨送他回去了,干嘛。” „To say face to face the sound thanks.” Chen Qingyuan said in a low voice. “想当面说声谢谢。”陈清袁小声道 You're welcome, my Brother Qin often said, lends a hand in emergency indignant.” Beckoning with the hand of Li Donglai heroic spirit. “不用谢,我秦哥常说,路见不平拔刀相助。”李东来豪气的摆摆手。 Chen Qingyuan said coyly: That, do you have his cell phone number?” 陈清袁扭捏道:“那,那你有他的手机号码么?” A Pei Ziqi face strange look. 裴子淇一脸古怪神色。 This girl was in heat. 这妮子发情了吧。 The Li Donglai meaningful glance on the difference, the youth said generally: Said does not need to thank.” 李东来眼色就差了,愣头青一般道:“都说了不用谢。” Chen Qingyuan was anxious, you rubbish to be many, I thanked him also not to thank you, the cell phone number brought.” 陈清袁急了,“你丫废话多,我谢他又不谢你,手机号码拿来。” Li Donglai: „......” 李东来:“......” What Pei Nanman opens was that day driver meets Qin Ze to go to Audi A8 of villa, but the driver, her has not driven. 裴南曼开的是那天司机接秦泽去别墅的奥迪a8,不过司机没在,她自己开车。 Qin Ze follows she to leave the hospital building, the front surface sees a thin man of tight-fitting black T-shirt to walk, with two. 秦泽跟着她离开医院大楼,迎面就看见一个紧身黑t恤的精瘦男子走来,身后跟俩喽啰。 Familiar appearance, familiar makings. 熟悉的打扮,熟悉的气质。 Sister Pei, your subordinate?” Qin Ze said. 裴姐,你手下?”秦泽说。 „It is not,” Pei Nanman shakes the head: „A dog that my ex-husband raises.” “不是,”裴南曼摇摇头:“我前夫养的一条狗。” Ex-husband? 前夫? Qin Ze by heavy that two characters shake, really has little aunt's husband this lifeform to exist, Pei Nanman just like thoroughly ripe juicy peach, with elder sister that type among Jinyu defeat cotton wool young is different. She has the husband is not strange, but has the mentality stemming from the men, Qin Ze feels a sourness. 秦泽被两字震的不轻,果然还是有小姨夫这种生物存在,裴南曼宛如熟透了的蜜桃,和姐姐那种“金玉其内败絮其中”的雏儿不一样。她有丈夫不奇怪,但出于男人都有心态,秦泽感觉一阵酸溜溜。 The thin man approaches, servile conduct: Sister-in-law, Brother Cao makes me come to see what/anything to help.” 精瘦男人走近,卑躬屈膝做派:“嫂子,曹哥让我来看看有什么要帮忙。” Pei Nanman beckons with the hand. 裴南曼摆摆手。 That walks,” thin male back is straight, meticulous, Brother Cao also waits for the sister-in-law to go back to eat meal.” “那就走吧,”精瘦男子腰杆笔挺,一丝不苟,“曹哥还等嫂子回去吃饭。” Does not worry, I first deliver a friend to go home.” “不着急,我先送个朋友回家。” He then looked at Qin Ze one, said: Where little brother lives, I replace the sister-in-law to send back.” 他这才看了秦泽一眼,说:“小兄弟住哪里,我代替嫂子送回去。” Pei Nanman uses up only patiently, ignores, leading Qin Ze to walk toward Audi A. 裴南曼仅有的一点耐心用完,置若罔闻,领着秦泽奥迪a走。 The thin man toward the front bumper one step, sister-in-law, making Brother Cao and other long not be good.” 精瘦男人往前挡了一步,“嫂子,让曹哥等久了不好。” Isn't good? I sink Huangpu River to be able you good.” Pei Nanman narrows the eye. “不好?我把你沉黄浦江会不会好一点。”裴南曼眯眼。 Qin Ze hear of this saying want to smile, sinks Huangpu River you is her pet phrase. 秦泽听这话就想笑,“把你沉黄浦江”是她的口头禅。 Unexpectedly the thin male complexion changes, such as evades the viper to withdraw, does not dare to speak again. 不料精瘦男子脸色一变,如避蛇蝎退后,不敢再说话。 Pei Nanman sits into the driving position, acts as the driver personally. 裴南曼坐入驾驶位,亲自充当司机。 Qin Ze opens the vehicle door to worm one's way into. 秦泽打开车门钻进去。 The vehicle starts, drills into the curtain of night rapidly. 车子发动,迅速钻入夜幕。 The thin man looks at the vehicle to drive far, in the front intersection turn left, vanishes in the line of sight thoroughly. 精瘦男子望着车子驶远,在前方十字路口左转,彻底消失在视线里。 Putting out one breath that he feels relieved. 他如释重负的吐出一口气。 Ate meal with the old friend a moment ago, receives your call to come.” Unprecedented, Pei Nanman explained one. “刚才和故人吃饭,接到你电话就过来了。”破天荒的,裴南曼解释一句。 Ex-husband?” Qin Ze probe. “前夫?”秦泽试探。 Pei Nanman indifferently, nod: Yes.” 裴南曼漠然,点头:“是的。” Has not really thought that Sister Pei also got married.” He is the sincerity admires, which big shot married this capable woman. “真没想到裴姐也嫁人了。”他是真心佩服,哪位大佬娶了这个女强人。 Pei Nanman killing qi overflows to shoot a look at somebody in a rear view mirror. 裴南曼杀气四溢瞥一眼后视镜里的某人。 Feels nothing oneself speaking incorrectly words Qin Ze complexion to be accidentally usual, sobs. 浑然不觉自己无意中说错话的秦泽脸色如常,唏嘘不已。 Still cannot control.” Qin Ze whispered. “依然驾驭不住。”秦泽嘀咕一声。 Pei Nanman understood, clenches teeth: Should sink Huangpu River you,” 裴南曼听懂了,咬牙:“就该把你沉黄浦江,” Qin Ze ate the great ambition leopard guts: „ The woman like Sister Pei, 秦泽吃了雄心豹子胆:“像裴姐这样的弱女子,我一只手打十个。” My hand can Qin Baobao according to salted fish that the sofa strip is unable to turn over/to stand up likely. 我一只手就能把秦宝宝按在沙发像条无法翻身的咸鱼 If these words saying to Qin Baobao, elder sister with his PK that wants is not convinced, said to Pei Ziqi, girl angry cursing at people. Said to Wang Zijin, when Wang Family elder sister is happy will slightly act like a spoiled brat: Are you willing to begin to such attractive elder sister? 这句话如果对秦宝宝说,姐姐就要不服气的和他pk,对裴子淇说,那丫头会恼怒的骂人。对王子衿说,王家姐姐心情好时会小小撒娇一下:你舍得对这么漂亮的姐姐动手? The Pei Nanman character, the choice disregards the Qin Ze's words, feels probably too weak, is disinclined to answer. 裴南曼的性格,选择无视秦泽的话,大概是觉得太幼稚,懒得搭腔。 Qin Ze said goodbye in the community entrance and Pei Nanman, pulled out the key to open the door, the hall was dark, quiet. Two elder sister have rested. 秦泽在小区门口与裴南曼告别,掏出钥匙开门,大厅黑暗,静悄悄的。两位姐姐早就睡了。 next morning, Qin Ze gets out of bed washing, after ten minutes, Wang Zijin wears the pajamas to go out of the room, Qin Ze sits in the living room is waiting, whom they foster first to get out of bed who and other tacit understanding of opposite party. 第二天早上,秦泽起床洗漱,十分钟后,王子衿穿睡衣走出房间,秦泽就坐在客厅里等着,他们养成谁先起床谁等对方的默契。 7 : 30 morning exercise return, Qin Ze has not given full expression, plans to continue to temper the body in the evening, the movement will also become addicted. 七点半晨练返回,秦泽意犹未尽,打算晚上继续锤炼身体,运动也会上瘾的。 Eight points, Wang Zijin goes out goes to work. 八点,王子衿出门上班。 Gets out of bed the Qin Baobao lazy bed to nine points, wears little bear pajamas, has the yawn to go out of the room, beautiful hair chaotic. 秦宝宝懒床到九点才起床,穿小熊睡衣,打着哈欠走出房间,秀发乱糟糟的。 Breakfast was cool, you help me put microwave to transfer the revolutions.” Qin Baobao turns head to tell that on the sofa studies the stock younger brother. “早饭都凉了,你帮我放微波炉转转。”秦宝宝扭头吩咐沙发上研究股票的弟弟 Qin Ze runs in the kitchen speedily. 秦泽一溜烟跑进厨房。 Qin Baobao in a hurry finish breakfast, after washing, goes to the room to rest to doze off again after waking up early. By noon, Qin Ze asked her to eat meal, getting out of bed of her unwilling, sits in the sofa is in a daze, a listless appearance. 秦宝宝匆匆吃完早饭,洗漱之后,就回房间睡回笼觉。到了中午,秦泽叫她吃饭,她不情不愿的起床,坐在沙发发呆,一副无精打采的模样。 Stupidly stares is making anything, ate meal.” Qin Ze beckons in the table. “傻愣着做啥,吃饭了。”秦泽在餐桌边招手。 elder sister glances the glance, curls the lip saying: Does not have the appetite, does not want to eat.” 姐姐眼波一瞥,撇嘴道:“没胃口,不想吃。” Has the chicken to cook mushroom oh. “有小鸡炖蘑哦。 Doesn't eat.” elder sister agitated turning body. “不吃不吃。”姐姐烦躁的扭扭身子。 Your Inedia?” Qin Ze wonders, „the big maternal aunt came.” “你辟谷了?”秦泽纳闷,“还是大姨妈来了。” It is not right, the elder sister's big maternal aunt is not today. 不对,姐姐的大姨妈不是今天。 Wants you to manage,” Qin Baobao stares. “要你管,”秦宝宝瞪眼。 What temper Qin Ze touches does not permit her to lose, oneself eat silently. 秦泽摸不准她发哪门子神经,自己默默吃起来。 Since the fame is prosperous gradually, elder sister goes to work almost fishes three days and dries the nets two days, the bright Star Skills person does not need to punch the clock to go to work in any case, she also does not have the circular, free. Before economic crisis, persisted in punching the clock every day, at the end of the month with the full attendance, was supposing was several songs copyrights was colored enough, she restored sluggish cat the life histrionics. 自从名气渐旺,姐姐上班几乎三天打鱼两天晒网,反正明星艺人不需要打卡上班,她又没有通告,自由的很。以前经济危机时,坚持每天打卡,月底拿全勤,估摸着是几首歌的版权够花了,她又恢复懒散猫儿的生活作派。 Eats meal, Qin Ze looks at the Shanghai Composite Index bulk lots in the living room, elder sister sits in sofa another head, lowers the head to play the cell phone. 吃了饭,秦泽在客厅看沪指大盘,姐姐坐在沙发另一头,低头玩手机。 In this period, elder sister looked at Qin Ze several times, he always stared at the computer, the look is concentrating on, probably the cheek might as well his computer screen of not far away this acme of beauty and deportment was appealing, Qin Baobao was angry fell toward the sofa the cell phone, murmured: My backache, Qin Ze you rub to me.” 期间,姐姐看了秦泽好几次,他始终盯着电脑,眼神专注,好像不远处自己这张千娇百媚的脸蛋还不如他的电脑屏幕吸引人,秦宝宝生气的把手机往沙发一摔,囔囔道:“我腰酸,秦泽你给我揉揉。” Your backache what/anything, you had not rehearsed the dance recently.” Qin Ze is stunned. “你腰酸什么啊,你最近又没练舞。”秦泽愕然。 Is the backache, is the backache.” Qin Baobao is rousing the cheek, bets angrily said: Why can Sister Zijin rub to you, can't rub to me?” “就是腰酸,就是腰酸。”秦宝宝鼓着腮,赌气道:“凭什么能给你子衿姐揉,就不能给我揉?” Qin Ze gawked staring, he raises the strange feeling, is she jealous? Looks that I and Wang Zijin are intimate, is she uncomfortable? Inexplicable, surges for several points to like at heart excitedly, immediately thinks on that day the resounding slap in the face, he flung the head the disorderly train of thought that should be only the elder sister perverted acquisitive instinct. 秦泽愣了愣,他心里升起怪异的感觉,她是在吃醋么?看着我和王子衿亲密,她心里不舒服?莫名的,心里涌起几分欢喜和激动,随即想到那天响亮的耳光,他把杂乱的思绪甩出脑袋,应该只是姐姐变态占有欲。 elder sister's requests me to comply totally.” Qin Ze changes the sweet-talking, will coax the elder sister happy good child. 姐姐的要求我一概答应。”秦泽又变回嘴甜的,会哄姐姐开心的好孩子。 Is agile on the glib lips.” “就嘴皮子利索。” Qin Baobao on bent over the sofa on, making younger brother be away from little bear pajamas to help itself rub the waist, satisfied narrows the phoenix eye. 秦宝宝趴在沙发上,让弟弟隔着小熊睡衣帮自己揉腰,惬意的眯起凤眼。 Is comfortable, little elder sister.” Qin Ze said. “舒不舒服,小姐姐。”秦泽说。 Small...... little elder sister.” Qin Baobao such as was struck by lightning, fair nape of the neck bulge goosebumps. “小......小姐姐。”秦宝宝如遭雷击,白皙的脖颈凸起一层鸡皮疙瘩。 Really disgusting.” She said. “真恶心。”她说。 „Very disgusting.” “是挺恶心的。” Qin Ze also arrived by oneself disgustingly, this name is not really suitable to use on the biological elder sister. 秦泽也被自己恶心到了,这称呼果然不适合用在亲姐身上。 Qin Baobao said fermentation for a long time words, A'Ze, you were young, looking for the girlfriend was not anxious. Wang Zijin in Capital City, as if had the background, the ancient often does not say „ not properly matched, marriage on tragedy. ” 秦宝宝把酝酿许久的话说出来,“阿泽,你还年轻,找女朋友不急。王子衿家在京城,似乎蛮有背景,古人不常说“门不当户不对”,婚姻就悲剧。” You idiot!. mdzz Qin Ze really does not know how should tsukkomi, Qin Baobao crave for him and Wang Zijin from time to time pulls the bridge to make the contacts, from time to time also said you are inappropriate does not have the result ....... really a woman's thoughts are as deep as the ocean. 秦泽真不知该如何吐槽,秦宝宝时而热衷为他和王子衿牵桥搭线,时而又说你们不合适是没有好结果的.......果然女人心海底针 Yes, having elder sister was good, girlfriend what/anything complete did not need.” The Qin Ze taunt said. “是啊是啊,有姐姐就好了呀,女朋友什么的完全没必要。”秦泽嘲讽道。 Knows well.” Qin Baobao cannot expect younger brother so to know the limitation. “知道就好。”秦宝宝料不到弟弟如此识相。 little elder sister.” Qin Ze intentionally is disgusting she. 小姐姐。”秦泽故意恶心她。 Qin Baobao sends the goosebumps. 秦宝宝又发鸡皮疙瘩。 Rubs the elder sister's small waist, Qin Baobao also said: My belly was hungry.” 揉完姐姐的小腰,秦宝宝又道:“我肚子饿了。” Qin Ze said: You do, calling you to eat, lunch also some remain.” 秦泽道:“你就是作,叫你吃不吃,午饭还有的剩。” elder sister wrinkled the nose, snort/hum expressed the protest, I do not eat meal, I must eat the almond soft bean curd.” 姐姐皱了皱鼻子,哼一声表示抗议,“我不要吃饭,我要吃杏仁豆腐脑。” That called to go.” “那叫外卖。” I must eat East Wind road that shop, their family/home does not distribute to go. You give me to buy.” “我要吃东风路那家店的,他们家不配送外卖。你给我去买。” I have no free time, am busy.” Qin Ze old boss does not want. “我没空,忙着呢。”秦泽老大不愿意。 Buys for me, buys for me.” elder sister big long leg kicks randomly, unceasingly Qin Ze toward sofa extrapolation. “给我买,给我买。”姐姐大长腿一阵乱踢,不断把秦泽往沙发外推。 Qin Ze grips the elder sister white and tender foot, the toe is clear, exquisite soft. The eye gazes at her nimble and resourceful pupil, the elder sister and younger brother two line of sight connection, the Qin Baobao cheek is climbing up quietly wipes bright red. 秦泽握住姐姐白嫩脚丫子,脚趾圆润,细腻柔软。眼睛注视着她灵动眸子,姐弟俩视线交汇,秦宝宝脸蛋悄悄爬上一抹嫣红。 Qin Ze has not noticed, puts aside the elder sister's foot, helplessly said: Waiting.” 秦泽没注意到,丢开姐姐的脚丫子,无奈道:“等着啊。” elder sister can act like a spoiled brat with oneself, explained that matter of that day has uncovered thoroughly, she will not calumniate somebody to superiors with old gentleman. Un, does not need to be worried that Germany looked at the orthopedics. 姐姐能跟自己撒娇,说明那天的事情彻底揭过,她不会和老爷子打小报告了。嗯,再也不用担心去德国看骨科了。
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