MESIS :: Volume #2

#106: The front door of new world

On Saturday, new issue of «I am a Singer» well-respected beside, recently the new special edition of Xu Yunhan issue greatly was greatly well-respected, special edition name 《New Endless Love》, simultaneously is the name of song. 周六,新一期的《我是歌星》大受好评之外,还有近日徐韵寒发布的新专辑大受好评,专辑名《新不了情》,同时是主打歌的名字。 It is said the Xu Yunhan new special edition broke the new record of figure special edition, this song online becomes a hit, the heat degree is not weak in wrests away the music top list for a long time the song of «I am a Singer» program. For several days, rushed to Weekly Listings third, day list first, the fire spread north big Jiangnan. popular for a long time is stagnating Xu Yunhan, hidden has the successful trend. Various programs, interviews and news can see her shadow. 据说徐韵寒新专辑破了数字专辑的新纪录,这首歌在网上爆红,热度不弱于长期霸占音乐风云榜的《我是歌星》节目的歌。短短几天,就冲上了周榜第三,日榜第一,火遍大江南北。连带着人气久滞不前的徐韵寒,隐有大红大紫的趋势。各种节目、采访、新闻都能见到她的影子。 Qin Ze knows this matter, elder sister told him, he to the entertainment world really deficient interest, little paid attention to " I am a Singer » outside artist outside program and elder sister extremely. 秦泽知道这件事,还是姐姐告诉他的,他对娱乐圈实在缺乏兴趣,极少关注《我是歌星》外的节目和姐姐之外的艺人。 Qin Ze looked elder sister not only envies and type of envy, pats the thigh, is pointing at the Qin Baobao opening the mouth artillery: Has a look, others used Snort, been able to help up Qin Baobao.” 秦泽姐姐既羡慕又嫉妒的样儿,一拍大腿,指着秦宝宝开嘴炮:“看看,人家就用了我一首歌,差点从二线晋升一线,你呢,我费心费力的捧你,写歌又弹琴,你还在三线徘徊。哼,扶不起的秦宝宝。” elder sister visits him, is first nipping the lip, subsequently in the pupil has the mist to be dense. elder sister pays great attention to itself the image very much in younger brother mind, the least bit slight defect cannot have, otherwise must go all out with Qin Ze, otherwise, Qin Ze, no matter how flattering of exaggerate, elder sister feeling pleased taking seriously. Therefore Qin Ze thought that elder sister is very good to coax. 姐姐愣愣看着他,先是咬着唇,继而眸中有雾气氤氲。姐姐很注重自己在弟弟心目中的形象,半点瑕疵都不能有,否则就要跟秦泽拼命,反之,秦泽不管多么浮夸的吹捧,姐姐都喜孜孜的当真。所以秦泽觉得姐姐很好哄。 elder sister that therefore then and Qin Ze honorable person PK, the military force value declines not only has not taught Qin Ze, instead was pressed in alike strip salted fish that on the sofa struggles, but also was hit several palm of the hand butt by damned animal younger brother conveniently, the outstanding buttocks ripple soul-stirringly ripple. 于是便和秦泽真人pk一番,武力值江河日下的姐姐非但没教训秦泽,反而被按在沙发上挣扎的像条咸鱼,还顺手被鬼畜弟弟打了几巴掌屁股,翘臀荡漾惊心动魄的“波纹”。 The 《New Endless Love》 reputation is extremely good, the online commentary is good. The special Xu Yunhan post, forum and Weibo's fans, is praising. 《新不了情》口碑极佳,网上评论不错。特别的徐韵寒的贴吧、论坛、微博的粉丝,都在夸赞。 Male, my family Yunhan promotes A-list, is just round the corner.” “雄起,我家韵寒晋升一线,指日可待。” Was fierce, the new special edition first round on the same day, the point defeated million, the payment downloads broken 100,000. Three days of time, broken number special edition record. The song is very of pleasant to hear.” “厉害了,新专辑首发当日,点击破百万,付费下载破十万。三天时间,破数字专辑记录。主打歌真的很好听。” Of pleasant to hear, pleasant to hear.” “好听,好听。” To Xu Yunhan give a like, the person who she makes the music truly attentively.” “给徐韵寒点赞,她是真正用心做音乐的人。” Weekly Listings second, successfully pushed 《Blue and White Porcelain》, first 《Exaggerate》 is unable to shake.” 周榜第二了,成功把《青花瓷》挤下去了,不过第一《浮夸》还是无法撼动。” Blue and White Porcelain came out is so long, pushing is not strange, Monthly Listings can push to be fierce,” 青花瓷出来这么久了,挤下去不奇怪,月榜能挤下去才厉害呢,” Monthly Listings seventh, the Wells' English Language song was also pushed, fierce, worthily is my Goddess.” 月榜第七了,威尔斯的英文歌也被挤下去了,厉害,不愧是我的女神。” Cannot get used to seeing «I am a Singer» for a long time Tyrant Bang, probably except for them, the musical world no one will sing.” “就看不惯《我是歌星》长期霸榜,好像除了他们,乐坛就没人会唱歌似的。” Being sudden appearance, Yunhan is a big dark horse.” “异军突起,韵寒是一匹大黑马啊。” We trade ip , to continue payment downloading, pushes Qin Baobao's 《Exaggerate》.” “咱们换个ip,继续付费下载,把秦宝宝的《浮夸》挤下去。” Sweat, Qin Baobao's song each capital is popular in the nation, pushing is not a little realistic, even succeeded, perhaps after next issue of program, new song again Tyrant Bang.” “汗,秦宝宝的歌每首都红遍全国,挤下去有点不现实,就算成功了,说不定下一期节目后,新歌又重新霸榜。” Qin Baobao has become top ip, her fans group boasted: The Baobao (darling) product, must be the high-quality goods. Does not refuse to accept good.” 秦宝宝已经成为顶级ip,她的的粉丝团吹嘘:宝宝出品,必属精品。不服不行。” Having younger brother is great, has younger brother in a big way she, our Yunhan did not fear, we cannot fall behind, go against, pay expenses, clicks, pushes the song.” “有弟弟了不起啊,有弟弟她最大啊,我们韵寒就是不怕,咱们也不能落后,顶起来,去付费,去点击,把歌推上去。” Such song of pleasant to hear, did not push not to have the natural justice. The person who will write the song were too many, Qin Baobao younger brother is incessantly good, our Yunhan cannot lose at least in music.” “这么好听的歌,不推没天理了。会写歌的人太多了,不止秦宝宝弟弟一个好不好,我们韵寒至少在音乐这一块不能输。” Snort, Qin Baobao's these fans, all bluff and bluster, probably her domestic first. Also not by younger brother.” “哼,秦宝宝的那些粉丝,个个耀武扬威,好像她国内第一似的。还不是靠弟弟的。” Is we catch up, Qin Baobao Tyrant Banggou was long, Yunhan has given the turning point that we have collapsed.” “是我们发力的时候了,秦宝宝霸榜够久了,韵寒已经给了我们破局的契机。” Qin Baobao helps the Love Song Queen title that she operates besides company, the Jianghu person dominates the list queen nickname. The day list does not raise, Weekly Listings has four songs is her, Monthly Listings first ten have six is her. Various the pressed group of singers rush is not panting. Thus creates certain rebound effect, for example fans very angry Qin Baobao and her younger brother of singers overbearing act. 秦宝宝除了公司帮她运作的情歌女王称号外,还有个江湖人称霸榜女王的诨号。日榜不提,周榜有四首歌是她的,月榜前十有六首是她的。压的各路歌星闯不过气来。从而造成一定的反弹效果,比如歌星们的粉丝很恼怒秦宝宝和她弟弟“霸道”行径。 Well, the writing words person and composer unexpectedly are the same.” “咦,作词人和作曲人竟然是同一个。” Also, before had not cared. Who this is Qin Ze?” “还真是,之前没在意。这秦泽是谁啊?” Has not listened, it is estimated that is the rookie, or did the creator of nameless, have the work of becoming famous finally?” “没听过,估计是新人吧,或者籍籍无名的创作者,终于有了成名之作?” „It is not Qin Baobao's younger brother.” “不会是秦宝宝的弟弟吧。” , do not make laugh, how Qin Baobao will younger brother write the song to Xu Yunhan?” “噗,别搞笑,秦宝宝弟弟怎么会给徐韵寒写歌?” Saw that composer surnamed Qin thinks of Qin Baobao younger brother on the conditioned reflex, hā hā, was brainwashed.” “见到姓秦的作曲人就条件反射想到秦宝宝弟弟,哈哈,被洗脑了。” Words said, who Qin Baobao younger brother is, the video has seen, led does not want, but does not know the name.” “话说,秦宝宝弟弟到底是谁啊,视频见过了,帅的不要不要,但不知道名字。” Others are not the entertainment world, is very low-key.” “人家不是娱乐圈的,很低调。” Uh...... do not forget, Xu Yunhan is also Star Skills, is not has not really related, if is really Qin Baobao younger brother?” ......你们别忘了,徐韵寒也是星艺的旗下的,并不是真的没有关系,万一真是秦宝宝弟弟呢?” The netizens chatted to talk nonsense the half of the day, some people went to under Xu Yunhan Weibo to ask one. Finally, shortly, Xu Yunhan really made the response, she renewed Weibo: 网友们闲聊扯淡半天,有人去徐韵寒微博下问了一句。结果,不久后,徐韵寒真的做出了回应,她更新了一条微博: Thank Baobao's to uphold justice the aid, younger brother was really fierce. Lacking song looks for Qin Baobao song oh. @QinBaobao “感谢宝宝的仗义援手,弟弟真厉害。缺歌的都去找秦宝宝约歌哦。@秦宝宝 The commentary increases sharply instantaneously, almost without renovating one time, dozens even more than hundred new replies. 评论瞬间激增,几乎没刷新一次,就有数十条甚至百余条新增回复。 I go, is really Qin Baobao younger brother writes?” “我去,真是秦宝宝弟弟写的啊?” My family Yunhan and did Qin Baobao gang up? Ok, nicely done.” “我家韵寒秦宝宝勾搭上了?可以的,666。” wèi wèi, we online wave the flag and shout to you, you in secret with Qin Baobao love deceitful lust? This this...... I can only say nicely done, holds the thigh of Qin Baobao younger brother quickly, then kills do not loosen.” 喂喂,我们在网上给你摇旗呐喊,你私底下跟秦宝宝恋奸情热?这这这......我只能说666,快去抱秦宝宝弟弟的大腿,然后打死都别松开。” Face good pain, by hit the face, Qin Baobao younger brother how with his elder sister welldoing.” “脸好痛,又被打脸了,秦宝宝弟弟怎么跟他姐一个德行。” Qin Ze: You idiot!, closes my what/anything matter.” 秦泽:mdzz,关我什么事。” I said that so long as is composer surnamed Qin, the song is of pleasant to hear, definitely was Qin Baobao younger brother, did not blame me to think, was such perverted.” “我就说嘛,只要是姓秦的作曲人,歌还好听的,肯定是秦宝宝弟弟了,不怪我多想,就是这么变态。” hā hā hā, these said that turns the Qin Baobao's person dry/does, isn't the face pain painful? This song is good that her younger brother writes.” 哈哈哈,那些说干翻秦宝宝的人,脸痛不痛啊?这首歌就是她弟弟写的好不好。” You should pay attention isn'tQin Ze this name? Qin Baobao younger brother, called Qin Ze. ” “你们更应该关注的难道不是“秦泽”这个名字么?秦宝宝弟弟耶,原来叫秦泽。” Well, Qin Baobao shouldn't younger brother, call Qin Beibei?” “咦,秦宝宝弟弟,不应该叫秦贝贝么?” ....... “噗.......” hā hā hā, finally was a normal name, heard the Qin Baobao's name each time, always inexplicable happy feeling.” 哈哈哈,总算是个正常名字了,每次听到秦宝宝的名字,总是莫名喜感。” The heat degree spreads, under Qin Baobao Weibo the commentary quantity grows. 热度扩散,秦宝宝微博下方评论数量增长。 „The Xu Yunhan fans group reports.” 徐韵寒粉丝团前来报到。” Puts together the younger brother I to take you.” “拼弟我就服你。” Qin Baobao, makes your younger brother give us family/home Yunhan to write a song quickly again.” 秦宝宝,快让你弟弟再给我们家韵寒写首歌吧。” Qin Baobao is brushing Weibo with joy, her Weibo attention had near million, the Weibo commentary quantity average in 50,000, not like these A-list big success, sent smile the expression, had the commentaries of hundreds of thousands even several 100,000. 秦宝宝喜孜孜刷着微博,她微博关注有近百万了,微博评论数量平均在五万之内,不像那些一线大咖,发个“微笑”的表情,都有十几万甚至几十万的评论。 But now, her Weibo commentary, in short time approaches 100,000. 但现在,她的微博评论,短时间内逼近十万 elder sister lies down on the sofa, the smiled pupil becomes the crescent moon curved, suddenly wrinkles the nose, ahem said: Did not write to her, loves dearly dead Baobao (darling).” 姐姐躺在沙发上,笑的眸子弯成月牙儿,忽然皱鼻子,哼唧道:“才不给她写,心疼死宝宝了。” How or to say her to do, 要不怎么说她作, „The celebrity interaction is always the matter that fans most loves.” Qin Ze gives the appraisal with the vision of theory emperor: You, if wants the means to rub the heat degree, the exposure rate/lead is the celebrity livelihood method.” 明星互动向来是粉丝最喜闻乐见的事。”秦泽以理论帝的眼光给出评价:“你要想办法蹭热度,曝光率是明星赖以生存的手段。” The Qin Ze's words have delimited the Qin Baobao's mind like a lightning, opened the new world front door to her, several days later, he deeply feels the regret for this reason. 秦泽的话就像一道闪电划过秦宝宝的脑海,给她推开了新世界大门,以至于几天之后,他为此深感后悔。
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