MESIS :: Volume #2

#107: Qin Ze's photo album

In that morning, the Qin Ze morning exercise ended, after showering, make a move from the washroom, at the end of August, was humid, under him wore big underpants, stripped, in the family/home two elder sister, Wang Zijin related above friendly understanding with him in any case, does not need deliberately to evade these. 这天早上,秦泽晨练结束,淋浴后从洗手间出手,八月底了,天气闷热,他下身穿一条大裤衩,光着膀子,反正家里两个姐姐,王子衿与他关系友达以上,不需要刻意避讳这些。 Near the table, Qin Baobao is nipping the steamed stuffed bun, by single 25 year hand fast, pulls out the cell phone kā cā photograph. 餐桌边,秦宝宝咬着包子,以单身二十五年的手速,掏出手机咔擦拍照。 „Do you do?” Qin Ze stares. “你干嘛?”秦泽一愣。 Is all right, old bro your stature is so good, the elder sister heart movement is not good. The photograph accepts as a memento, later you became are pregnant lolicon old men, was good to cherish the memory of the past.” The Qin Baobao vision dodges, seems afraid. “没事没事,老弟你身材这么棒,姐姐心动不行啊。拍照留念,以后你成大肚子蜀黍了,也好缅怀昔日。”秦宝宝目光闪躲,似有心虚。 Photographs what/anything actually indifferent, instead always mouth stubborn elder sister acknowledged unexpectedly own stature is good, Qin Ze happy shows the postures of several healthy gentlemen: What kind of, 8-pack abs remarkable man, heart movement?” 拍照什么的倒是无所谓,反而向来嘴犟的姐姐居然承认自己身材好,秦泽高兴的摆出几个健美先生的姿势:“怎么样,八块腹肌的奇男子,心动了没?” kā cā! kā cā! 咔擦咔擦 Excited heart movement, comes several again.” Qin Baobao series racket. “心动心动,再来几个。”秦宝宝连环拍。 Therefore Qin Ze suspended several, including very show package thinker, Qin Baobao pupil bright as crystals, well satisfied. 于是秦泽又摆了几个,包括很骚包的“思想者”,秦宝宝眸子亮晶晶,心满意足。 Wang Zijin looked in the one side with a smile, the vision appreciation is staring at the Qin Ze's stature, once for a while helps Qin Baobao offer the stupid idea, making Qin Ze assume various ashamed postures. 王子衿笑着在一旁看,目光欣赏盯着秦泽的身材,时不时帮秦宝宝出馊主意,让秦泽摆各种羞耻姿势。 So crossed for several days, this thinks that elder sister emerges for a while, finally every morning she defends in the living room early, and other Qin Ze stripped have the bath, she quite photographs. Qin Ze is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, wonders saying: Qin Baobao you have the problem, every day photograph photograph, when oneself is a photographer, when I am a model?” 如此过了数天,本以为姐姐一时兴起,结果每天早上她都早早守在客厅,就等秦泽光膀子出浴,她好拍照。秦泽忍无可忍,纳闷道:“秦宝宝你有毛病吧,每天拍照拍照,当自己是摄影师,还是当我是模特?” the Qin Baobao vision drifts away, glances to the left he: Today breakfast also good......” 秦宝宝目光游离,左顾而言他:“今天早饭还不错......” Qin Ze breaks: Every day is the same, the same shop buys.” 秦泽打断:“每天都一样,同一家铺子买的。” āi yā so should not be mean-spirited, the photograph does not spend.” Qin Baobao tries to tear younger brother to keep off the short sleeve of body. 哎呀别这么小气嘛,拍照又不花钱。”秦宝宝试图扯开弟弟挡身体的短袖。 You also played the hooligan.” “你还耍流氓了。” Does not pat does not pat.” Qin Baobao thinks, eyes shined: We pat a small video.” “不拍就不拍。”秦宝宝想了想,眼睛一亮:“我们拍段小视频吧。” Any small video.” Qin Ze is vacant. “什么小视频。”秦泽茫然。 elder sister actually does not return to him, gives Wang Zijin the cell phone, from attending to running back the room, long time, wears the bed sheet to run, but also gives a Qin Ze bed sheet conveniently. Qin Ze takes the bed sheet, the look is confused, does not know that elder sister puts in order any make trouble out of nothing. 姐姐却不回他,把手机交给王子衿,自顾跑回房间,半晌,身披被单跑出来,还顺手给秦泽一张床单。秦泽拿着床单,神色迷茫,不知姐姐整啥幺蛾子 A'Ze, I must sing that song that you write.” Qin Baobao hands over toward younger brother on the bed sheet , after running the door, discovers the broom, Thousand Year Wait For One Return.” 阿泽,我要重新翻唱你写的那首歌。”秦宝宝把床单往弟弟手上一递,又跑去房门后找出扫帚,“千年等一回。” «Thousand Year Wait For One Return» is Qin Ze from song to the song that elder sister looks, said accurately, is his some time ago in the good song that the song storehouse washes, thought that has the flavor very much, exchanges to deal with Qin Baobao's every week to create quest him. 千年等一回》是秦泽从歌曲库里给姐姐找的歌,准确的说,是他前段时间在歌曲库淘到的好歌,觉得很有韵味,就把他兑换出来应付秦宝宝的每周创作一首的任务 This song echo is from the beginning ordinary, popular rises suddenly on Qin Baobao now, so long as she did not sing pounds, was very difficult to eliminate. Therefore Qin Ze next day sent strip long Weibo, elaborated that the inspiration of this song came from folklore «Legend of the White Snake», the story scene is the rainstorm pouring afternoon, goes by boat to cross Xu Xian of lake to meet by chance Lady White and small azure snake fine elder and younger sister flower, lends Lady White the umbrella, and invited them to go by boat together. 这首歌一开始反响平常,也就秦宝宝现在人气暴涨,只要她不唱砸,很难淘汰。于是秦泽第二天发了条长微博,阐述这首歌的创作灵感来自于民间传说《白蛇传》,故事场景是暴雨倾盆的午后,乘船渡湖的许仙偶遇白娘子与小青蛇精姐妹花,把伞借给白娘子,并邀请她们一同乘船。 Afterward this song becomes a hit. 随后此歌爆红。 Mentioned funny, since his piano solo video online spread, paid attention to the Qin Ze's person to increase day by day, there is the Xu Yunhan new song and this «Thousand Year Wait For One Return» awards marks, the Weibo commentary was sometimes more irritable than Qin Baobao. elder sister is often brushing Weibo, sour complaint several. 说来搞笑,自从他的钢琴独奏视频在网上流传,关注秦泽的人与日俱增,又有徐韵寒新歌以及这首《千年等一回》加分,有时候微博评论比秦宝宝还要火爆。姐姐时常刷着微博,酸溜溜的抱怨几句。 You want to make me play the role of Xu Xian, do you play the role of Lady White?” Qin Ze understood. “你是想让我扮许仙,你扮白娘子?”秦泽懂了。 Who knows elder sister to shake the head, I play the role of Lady White, you play the role of the boatman!” 谁知姐姐摇头,“我扮白娘子,你扮船夫!” Qin Ze has not the good premonition immediately. 秦泽顿时有不好的预感。 Qin Baobao full of enthusiasm said own idea and creativity, after Wang Zijin hear, pupil immediately bright as crystals. A Qin Ze face ate the expression of dead mouse, at the scene rejection: Not thinks about it.” 秦宝宝兴致勃勃将自己的想法和创意说出来,王子衿听后,眸子顿时亮晶晶秦泽一脸吃了死老鼠的表情,当场拒绝:“想都别想。” Qin Baobao is throwing over the long bed sheet, holds the arm of younger brother to turn butt to act like a spoiled brat. 秦宝宝披着长长的被单,抱着弟弟的胳膊扭屁股撒娇。 Wang Zijin is suppressing smiling, this can have.” 王子衿憋着笑,“这个可以有。” Resists intensely fruitless, Qin Ze reluctantly agrees with the elder sister's creativity, she must make accompanies her to make, plays in any case in secret, will not pass on. 激烈抗争无果,秦泽勉强同意姐姐的创意,她要闹就陪她闹吧,反正私底下玩耍,也不会传出去。 Therefore elder sister and younger brother two, throws over the bed sheet and one to throw over the bed sheet, disguises oneself are going by boat. 于是姐弟俩,一个披床单、一个披被单,假装自己在乘船。 Qin Baobao toward a oneself upper hood a white scarf, was also pinching the orchid fingers, does to look into the shape, sang: Who was said in the ear, loves me never changes.” 秦宝宝还往自己头上罩了一块白色围巾,捏着兰花指,做眺望状,唱道:“是谁在耳边说,爱我永不变。” But also let alone, really somewhat Lady White flavor, if this face long again solemnly, performing skill not that exaggerate point. 别说,还真有几分白娘子的韵味,如果这张脸长的再端庄点,演技不那么浮夸点。 Is this aha broken heart also is not only resentful “只为这一句啊哈断肠也无怨” Rain is brokenhearted, the wind bursts into tears yeah.” “雨心碎,风流泪哎。” Dream is tangled up, the sentiment is distant yeah.” “梦缠绵,情悠远哎。” „............” “啦…啦…啦…啦…” According to his request, Qin Ze is grasping the broom, when the oar, makes stroke of navicular, Qin Ze is stiff the face, singing that does not prefer: 按照他的要求,秦泽握着扫帚当船桨,做划船状,秦泽僵硬着脸,不情愿的唱: Water of Xihu, my tears.” “西湖的水,我的泪。” I would rather change to with you make one group of flame.” “我情愿和你化做一团火焰。” „.........” “啊…啊…啊…” Quite ashamed, I am really silly, is accompanying this insane woman uprise unexpectedly. 好羞耻,我真傻,竟然陪着这疯娘们一起浪。 Qin Baobao meets to sing: Thousand Year Wait For One Return, waits for one.” 秦宝宝接唱:“千年等一回,等一回啊。” Thousand Year Wait For One Return, I have no regret 千年等一回,我无悔啊” Rain is brokenhearted, the wind bursts into tears yeah.” “雨心碎,风流泪哎。” Dream is tangled up, the sentiment is distant yeah.” “梦缠绵,情悠远哎。” „............” “啦…啦…啦…啦…” Qin Ze glanced eye elder sister, really 6, is joined to the limbs movement that the orchid fingers play, like performing. He shows the whites of the eyes, meets to sing: 秦泽瞟了眼身边的姐姐,兰花指耍的真六,配上肢体动作,就像唱戏似的。他翻了个白眼,接唱: Water of Xihu, my tears.” “西湖的水,我的泪。” I would rather change to with you make one group of flame.” “我情愿和你化做一团火焰。” „.........” “啊…啊…啊…” The elder sister expression is rich, younger brother bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, the contrast is sharp, holds is very laborious, lens shaking that Wang Zijin of cell phone is suppressing to smile to suppress. 姐姐表情丰富,弟弟苦大仇深,对比鲜明,捧着手机的王子衿憋笑憋的很辛苦,镜头一个劲儿的抖。 Probably five minutes, the video record is completed. 大概五分钟,视频录制完成。 Wang Zijin threw the cell phone, bends down in dying that almost on the table smiled, the shoulder rustle shivers. 王子衿把手机一丢,伏在桌上笑的差点断气,肩膀簌簌颤抖。 Qin Baobao pays no attention to her, picks up the cell phone, reads the video, end, showed a well satisfied smiling face. 秦宝宝不理她,捡起手机,翻看视频,末了,露出一个心满意足的笑容。 After Qin Ze the broom returns the gate, folds, snatches the cell phone: Deleted.” 秦泽把扫帚放回门后,折回来,去抢手机:“删了吧。” Who would imagine likely the pullets that elder sister only protects the bastard, insert in the cell phone the pocket, holds down single-handedly, pushes Qin Ze. Murmured: Remaining, remains is working as the commemoration.” 岂料姐姐像只护崽子的小母鸡,把手机插进兜里,一手按住,一手去推秦泽。囔囔道:“留着么,留着当纪念。” Commemorating?” Qin Ze gave the thunder, said ill-humoredly: Commemorates your big-headed ghost, what this thing has to be good to commemorate, Qin Baobao do you have the matter?” “纪念?”秦泽给雷了一下,没好气道:“纪念你个大头鬼哦,这东西有什么好纪念,秦宝宝你是不是有事?” elder sister complexion one nervous, very good concealing lives, said righteously: Works as the commemoration, is not good. You have the skill to snatch.” 姐姐脸色一慌,很好的掩饰住,理直气壮道:“就当纪念,不行啊。你有本事来抢啊。” Saying, striking an attitude to the cell phone stopper chest ditch ditch, Qin Ze sees that feared that she comes one: You dare to snatch me to tell that the father you touch my chest. 说着,作势要把手机塞胸沟沟里,秦泽见状,就怕她来一句:你敢抢我就跟老爹说你摸我胸。 She has the criminal record, elder sister's routine. 她是有前科的,姐姐的套路 Therefore is busy at beckoning with the hand: As you like as you like.” 于是忙摆手:“随你随你。” Qin Baobao feeling pleased holds the cell phone to go to the room, Wang Zijin the big maternal aunt, the body is uncomfortable today, asks for leave for day. This elder sister is also goes to work is not distracted, from 9 to 5 routinely, quest of leadership assignment were many, goes home to complain with some bosom friend also Qin Ze. Wishing one could in the harborer pursues the play to be good daily. 秦宝宝喜滋滋的捧着手机回房间,王子衿今天来大姨妈,身子不舒服,就请假一天。这位姐姐也是个上班不走心的,按部就班的朝九晚五,领导分配的任务多了,就回家跟闺蜜还有秦泽抱怨。恨不得天天窝家里追剧才好。 Qin Baobao is also this. 秦宝宝也是这样。 Really birds of a feather flock together like attracts like, jackals from the same lair. 果然物以类聚人以群分,一丘之貉。 Good long while, in Room Qin Baobao does not have the sound, Qin Ze to suppose she rests to doze off again after waking up early. Then oneself turn on the computer, studies the stock. 好半天,秦宝宝里没动静,秦泽估摸着她又睡回笼觉。便自己打开电脑,研究股票。 At this time, cell phone ding, Zhang Ya sent the message. 这时,手机“叮”一声,张雅发了短信。 The message content is this: Well, hasn't your older sister sent your fruit photo today? Quickly, comes several to the elder sister quickly, otherwise elder sister has the breakfast not to have the flavor.” 短信内容是这样的:“咦,你姐今天没发你的果照?快,快给姐来几张,不然姐姐吃早餐都没味道。” Qin Ze reads this message, at heart immediately one thump. 秦泽看着这条短信,心里顿时一咯噔。 Depresses the ominous premonition of exuding, his message reply: What do you mean.” 压下泛起的不祥预感,他短信回复:“什么意思。” Zhang Ya is joined to color narrows the eyes the expression, your half naked photo, Baobao (darling) sending to Weibo, many girls looks that your picture made remarks, was shouting excitedly must live the monkey to you. Baobao (darling) Weibo popular may be hot now. Pats real good, cannot think that you will also take the portrait.” 张雅配上一个“色眯眯”的表情,“你的半裸照啊,宝宝给发到微博了,好多女孩看着你的照片评头论足,兴奋喊着要给你生猴子。宝宝微博现在人气可火了。拍的真好,想不到你还会拍写真。” Qin Ze quite a while a chapter of information, she had not sent an information: „Don't you know the circumstances of the matter?” With thump laughs monkey expression. 秦泽半天没回信息,她又发了条信息:“难道你不知情?”配一个“捶地大笑”的猴子表情。
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