MESIS :: Volume #2

#108: Is exposed( for hegemon „forever small milk” in addition)

My half naked photo...... Weibo...... popular irritable...... lives the monkey...... 我的半裸照人气火爆......生猴子...... Many sensitive glossaries passed over gently and swiftly in the Qin Ze mind, is not good, I must manage a principle mentality. 诸多敏感词汇在秦泽脑海中掠过,不行不行,我要理一理思路。 the next moment, he leaps up from the sofa, but also motherf**ker manages the mentality, Qin Ze bellows: Qin Baobao, I must extinguish you.” 下一刻,他从沙发上蹿起来,还tm理个屁思路,秦泽大吼一声:“秦宝宝,我要灭了你。” He charges into Room Qin Baobao's with stride, this time innermost feelings are the collapse, remembers various ashamed postures that for these days showed that Dammit, does not want to live. 他大步冲向秦宝宝的,此时的内心是崩溃的,想起这几天摆出的各种羞耻姿势,妈蛋,不想活了。 In the room noisy is chaotic, some as if people jump down the bed, running hurriedly to door. 房间里一阵嘈乱,似乎有人跳下床,急匆匆的跑向房门。 Qin Ze first step opens the door, happen to bumps into elder sister that throws to lock a door, puts out a hand to catch her, elder sister cries out strangely, frightened fawn, turns around to run, hides Wang Zijin behind. 秦泽抢先一步推开门,正好撞见扑过来锁门的姐姐,伸手就去抓她,姐姐怪叫一声,受惊小鹿似的,转身就跑,躲到王子衿身后。 How how,” Wang Zijin played the fool, Qin Ze do not make, first goes out, I must change the clothes.” “怎么了怎么了,”王子衿装傻,“秦泽你别闹,先出去,我要换衣服。” Qin Ze sneers: Then your door gave the lock again.” 秦泽冷笑一声:“回头你再把门给锁了。” Must say that Wang Zijin does not know, he does not believe. 要说王子衿不知道,他是不信的。 Saying, on the face the anger is full, grasps works as Qin Baobao of turtle. Wang Zijin stretches out the arms, with thrust Qin Ze, does not make him approach, the scene like playing the eagle seizes the game of chicken. 说着,脸上怒气满满,去抓当缩头乌龟的秦宝宝王子衿张开双臂,用力推秦泽,不让他靠近,场面就像玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏。 Some words saying well, had the words to say well.” Urging of Wang Zijin one pack of sounds, she cannot block anger value full Cao Qin Ze quickly. “有话好好说,有话好好说。”王子衿一叠声的劝,她快挡不住怒气值满槽的秦泽 Said, I do not hang to hit her today, kills that type while still alive.” Qin Ze angrily said. “说个屁,我今天非把她吊起来打,活活打死那种。”秦泽气道 Qin Baobao finds out the head from bosom friend behind, emboldens to oneself: I am your elder sister, you cannot hit me.” 秦宝宝闺蜜身后探出脑袋,给自己壮胆:“我是你姐姐,你不能打我。” Qin Ze angrily said: Has your such pit younger brother. I said how you always make the picture, unexpectedly passing on online went, Qin Baobao, you ate the great ambition leopard guts.” 秦泽怒道:“有你这么坑弟弟的么。我说你怎么老拍照片,居然给传网上去了,秦宝宝,你吃了雄心豹子胆。” These postures think to feel ashamed, but also passed to online? He must cultivate the behavior. Actually these pictures have no issue, similar celebrity photo album, is not the thing that 18 bans. The Qin Ze vitality/angry, mainly felt oneself were deceived. Has not been mentally prepared again, when is just like a person lives alone meets thinking aloud of mental illness, or is doing to do the strange expression to the mirror, then discovered that the top of the head has a monitor...... 那些姿势想想就觉得羞耻,还传到网上了?他还要不要做人了。其实那些照片本身没什么问题,类似明星写真集,又不是十八禁的东西。秦泽生气,主要是觉得自己被欺骗了。再就是没做好心理准备,好比一个人独处时会神经病似的自言自语,或者对着镜子做搞怪表情,然后发现头顶有台监控器...... This pit younger brother's goods. 这坑弟的货。 Cheapskate, how passed on. You is a man, having what/anything is quite shy.” The Qin Baobao dead duck is obstinate argumentative. “小气鬼,传一下又怎么了嘛。你好歹是男人,有什么好害羞的。”秦宝宝死鸭子嘴硬。 I on man, you am waiting today, looked that I do not beat to death you.” Qin Ze glances right and left, bends the waist to pick up the elder sister's pink color slightly to tow coolly. “我今天就男人一回,你等着,看我不揍死你。”秦泽左顾右盼,弯腰捡起姐姐的粉色小凉拖。 „...... Zijin he must hit me, he must hit me.” Most feared the scream that Qin Baobao that takes a beating frightens, the dead vigor pushes to Qin Ze Wang Zijin, probably like this she had the scapegoat. “啊......子衿他要打我,他要打我。”最怕挨揍的秦宝宝吓的尖叫,死劲把王子衿推向秦泽,好像这样她就有替死鬼了。 Wang Zijin snatches to seize has towed, to stare coolly Qin Ze, „should not be impolite.” Then turns head to be angry saying: Said makes you first seek information his opinion, you do not listen.” 王子衿劈手夺过凉拖,瞪了眼秦泽,“别没大没小。”转而又扭头嗔道:“都说了让你先征询他的意见,你偏不听。” He definitely does not comply.” Qin Baobao purses the lips. “他肯定不答应的。”秦宝宝噘嘴。 Therefore you made a decision without authorization to pass on online.” Qin Ze was angry, blaming him to have no free time for these days Weibo, his Weibo attention was very big, every day had the commentary, had his person, Qin Ze dislikes bothersomely, news reminder function closure. Perhaps if not Zhang Ya a message, he is also kept in the dark today. “所以你就擅作主张传网上了。”秦泽大怒,怪他这几天没空上微博,他的微博关注挺大,每天都有评论,有@他的人,秦泽嫌烦,就把讯息提醒功能关闭。若非张雅今天一条短信,他没准还蒙在鼓里。 elder sister righteousness expression: Was you said that I defer to your instruction management.” 姐姐义正言辞道:“是你自己说的,我是按照你的吩咐办事。” The Qin Ze air/Qi smiled, come come come, continued, I thought you this open mouth to say the flower today.” 秦泽气笑了,“来来来,继续说,我看你今天这张嘴能不能说出花儿。” Of course!” Qin Baobao raises the pure white cheek, plausible: You said that makes me rub the heat degree, rubs the exposure rate/lead. The man real man, said water that the words that sprinkle. But other celebrity I cannot rub, therefore I think, you very do not have popular, often had the netizen to say your looks handsome in my Weibo, must look at you.” “本来就是!”秦宝宝昂起素白脸蛋,振振有词:“你说让我蹭热度,蹭曝光率的。男子汉大丈夫,说出去的话泼出去的水。可别的明星我蹭不上,所以我就想,你不是挺有人气的嘛,经常有网友在我微博里说你长的帅,要看你。” A Qin Baobao face this cannot blame me look. 秦宝宝一脸“这不能怪我”的神色。 I ....... I, no matter, I must kill you today.” Qin Ze angrily said. “我.......我不管,我今天就要打死你。”秦泽气道 I special had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. 我特么竟无言以对。 Qin Baobao has a scare, careless words: You dare to hit me, I said matter of that day.” 秦宝宝吓了一跳,口不择言:“你敢打我,我就把那天的事说出来。” A words exit|to speak, she regretted, covers own mouth hastily. 话一出口,她就后悔了,连忙捂自己的嘴。 Qin Ze scowl one stiff. 秦泽怒容一僵。 Wang Zijin takes a look at bosom friend, takes a look at Qin Ze, „anything.” 王子衿瞅瞅闺蜜,又瞅瞅秦泽,“什么事。” All right.” elder sister and younger brother two with one voice. “没事。”姐弟俩异口同声。 Wang Zijin was doubtful: Definitely has the matter, said quickly.” 王子衿深表怀疑:“肯定有事,快说。” Said your younger sister, wants me to confess me and elder sister French kiss to you? 说你妹啊,难道要我向你坦白我和姐姐湿吻 The Qin Baobao vision dodges, lowers the head slightly. 秦宝宝目光闪躲,微微低头。 Qin Ze thought that does not pester well in this topic, the finger selected bitterly selected elder sister, then tidied up you again ..... 秦泽觉得不好在这个话题上纠缠下去,指头恨恨点了点姐姐,“回头再收拾你.....” Turning around to go out, gets to the entrance, suddenly footsteps: Video that you record today......” 转身想出去,走到门口,忽然脚步一顿:“你今天录的视频......” Voice side drop, is just now static, if Qin Baobao of virgin, moves at this time if fast, swoops to hit directly, hits from the entrance younger brother, gate closes, then bolt clear sound, door lock. 话音方落,方才静若处子的秦宝宝,此时动若脱兔,飞扑过来迎头一撞,把弟弟从门口撞出去,“”门关上,接着锁舌清脆一响,门锁了。 This response .... 这反应.... Crazy knocking on a door of Qin Ze air/Qi, opens the door, opens the door, you have the accident video, you have the skill to open the door......” 秦泽气的狂敲门,“开门啊,开门啊,你有本事发视频,你有本事开门啊......” Online, Weibo. 网上,微博 Well, how Qin Baobao has no way today her younger brother picture.” “咦,秦宝宝今天怎么没法她弟弟的照片。” Sends quickly, watched the picture I quite to go to work.” “快发啊,看了照片我好上班去。” I must look at the abdominal muscles of younger brother, āi yōu wèi, was really attractive.” “我要看弟弟的腹肌,哎呦喂,真是太诱人了。” Right, every morning licks the screen, the stature is good to approve.” “对对,每天早上都舔屏,身材好赞。” Person looks handsome, the stature is so also good, āi yā, moves the good intention to move with good intention.” “人长的帅,身材又这么棒,哎呀,好心动好心动。” Said, I must have such boyfriend, every day made him remove completely to me looks.” “讲真,我要有这样的男朋友,每天都让他脱光给我看。” „The Qin Baobao stature also approves, is good to envy their family/home, is not good, I must snatch her younger brother, improves the gene of our family/home.” 秦宝宝身材也这么赞,好羡慕他们家,不行,我要把她弟弟抢过来,改善我们家的基因。” After the moment, Qin Baobao sent an selfie video. 片刻后,秦宝宝发了一段自拍视频。 Yeah, how today isn't the picture?” “哎,今天怎么不是图片?” Video? Is and Qin Ze related?” “视频?是和秦泽有关的么?” No fruit photo, does not give the high praise.” “没有果照,不给好评。” Every morning waits for the netizen good singular point that renews to open the video, the picture launches, sees only Qin Ze and Qin Baobao elder sister and younger brother two stands shoulder to shoulder, all wears the marvel appearance of bed sheet, Qin Baobao is a head upper hood white silk handkerchief. A netizens face is ignorant, thought that their appearance are particularly funny. 每天早上等待更新的网友好奇点开视频,画面展开,只见秦泽秦宝宝姐弟俩并肩而立,俱是身披床单的奇葩打扮,秦宝宝更是脑袋上罩一块白色丝巾。网友们一脸懵懂,又觉得他俩的打扮分外搞笑。 Then, the Qin Baobao's voice opens sings: Who was said in the ear, loves me never changes.” 然后,秦宝宝的嗓音开唱:“是谁在耳边说,爱我永不变。” Is this aha broken heart also is not only resentful “只为这一句啊哈断肠也无怨” Rain is brokenhearted, the wind bursts into tears yeah.” “雨心碎,风流泪哎。” Dream is tangled up, the sentiment is distant yeah.” “梦缠绵,情悠远哎。” „............” “啦…啦…啦…啦…” Qin Ze meets to sing: Water of Xihu, my tears.” 秦泽接唱:“西湖的水,我的泪。” I would rather change to with you make one group of flame.” “我情愿和你化做一团火焰。” „.........” “啊…啊…啊…” Before computer and cell phone, does not know that many people look at the video to be in a daze, then one by one smiled to spurt. The Weibo commentary in short a half hour, were many commentaries of five 60,000. And is increasing unceasingly. 电脑、手机前,不知多少人看着视频发愣,接着一个个笑喷了。微博评论在短短半小时内,多了五六万的评论。并在不断增加。 hā hā hā, I am drinking the soybean milk, spurted a cell phone instantaneously.” 哈哈哈,我在喝豆浆,瞬间喷了一手机。” „It is not good is not good, making me first laugh for three minutes.” “不行了不行了,让我先大笑三分钟。” Good demonic nature song, I in company, the people in entire office visit me, but I cannot stop.” “好魔性的歌,我在公司呢,全办公室的人都看着我,但我就是停不下来。” My Goddess teases the ratio.” “我的女神是逗比。” My male god also teases the ratio.” “我的男神也是逗比。” āi yōu wèi, could not bear this to elder sister and younger brother, must be so funny.” 哎呦喂,受不了这对姐弟了,要不要这么滑稽啊。” This wave of nicely done “这波666 This appearance...... Goddess, where your image went, cried.” “这打扮......女神,你的形象哪里去了,哭了。” Originally you are such Qin Baobao.” “原来你是这样的秦宝宝。” Fifth, could not have stopped.” “已经第五遍了,根本停不下来。” I can smile for a year, hā hā hā.” “我能笑一年,哈哈哈。” You look at Qin Ze, you look at his expression, hā hā hā hā, I quite like looking that his face shuts out the expression that has no alternative.” “你们看秦泽,你们看他表情,哈哈哈哈,我好喜欢看他一脸嫌弃却无可奈何的表情。” Sought the trauma area of my male god.” “求我男神的心理阴影面积。” Should I who coordinate you to perform develop to look but not see...... hā hā hā.” “该配合你演出的我演视而不见......哈哈哈。” Qin Ze: You idiot!, oneself go crazy must draw in me.” 秦泽:mdzz,自己发神经还要拉上我。” „The male god this time innermost feelings are the collapse.” “男神此时的内心是崩溃的。” Is good to like such younger brother, even if loses completely the face countenance also to accompany elder sister, āi yā, how I do not have such younger brother.” “好喜欢这样的弟弟,哪怕丢尽颜面也要陪姐姐到底,哎呀,我怎么没有这样的弟弟。” I do not want such younger brother, so long as I had such husband to be good.” “我就不想要这样的弟弟,我只要有这样的老公就好了。” This what/anything marvel elder sister and younger brother, too funny ratio, but also wanted the idol image, your mother, smiled the urine. 这什么奇葩姐弟啊,太逗比了吧,还要不要偶像形象了,尼玛,笑尿了。 How has words to mention, will never be awkward from the black person, teases is more popular than the funny person forever. This time has not walked to tease compared with celebrity of route, no matter little fresh meat or old preserved meat, incomparably pay great attention to own screen image. But cannot deny, this video fire, the Qin Ze's expression and Qin Baobao exaggerate expression, was made the expression package, dynamic chart. 有句话怎么说来着,自黑的人永远不尴尬,逗比搞笑的人永远最受欢迎。这个时代还没有走逗比路线的明星,不管小鲜肉还是老腊肉,都无比注重自己的荧幕形象。但不能否认,这段视频火了,秦泽的表情、秦宝宝浮夸的表情,都被做成表情包,还有动态图。 The same day heat searched for: Qin Baobao teases compared with the video. 当天的热搜:秦宝宝逗比视频。 Online noisy hurriedly, in the family/home, Qin Baobao is standing the trial from younger brother. Hid in the room to be all right? Don't you have the living room to pour water to drink? Doesn't go to bathroom? In view of the fact that Qin Ze must punch the elder sister's perseverance firmly, Qin Baobao instigated, pushes the negotiations Wang Zijin, expressed willingness to accept the penalty. After consulted in every way, encroached upon the younger brother Qin Ze right of privacy right of portrait case to make the ruling on Qin Baobao, sentenced Qin Baobao to clean hygienic one week, washed clothes to prepare food for a week, Qin Ze overrules prepared food this penalty, gave the reason to grand justice Wang Zijin: Let her prepare food does not punish her, punishes us. 网上闹的风风火火之时,家里,秦宝宝正接受来自弟弟的审判。躲房间就没事了?你不出客厅倒水喝?不上厕所?鉴于秦泽坚决要揍姐姐的恒心,秦宝宝怂了,把王子衿推出来谈判,表示愿意接受惩罚。经过多方磋商,就秦宝宝侵犯弟弟秦泽隐私权肖像权案件做出判决,判秦宝宝打扫卫生一个星期,洗衣做饭一个星期,秦泽否决了做饭这一惩罚,向大法官王子衿给出理由:让她做饭不是惩罚她,是惩罚我们。 Wang Zijin thinks, rational, then only sentences to do laundry for a week. 王子衿一想,有理,便只判洗衣服一个星期。 At this time, elder sister is sweeping the floor in the living room, Wang Zijin goes to the room to pursue the play. 此时,姐姐正在客厅里扫地,王子衿回房间追剧。 Qin Ze smokes easely, studies the stock, talked with elder sister while convenient: Right, " I am a Singer » program was about to end.” 秦泽悠然抽烟,研究股票,顺带与姐姐对话:“对了,《我是歌星》节目快结束了吧。” The Qin Baobao full belly resentment, do not speak with younger brother, tender snort/hum. 秦宝宝正满肚子怨气,不要和弟弟说话,娇哼一声。 Snort your younger sister, spoke to you.” “哼你妹啊,跟你说话呢。” Snort!” “哼!” Also wanted the song.” “还想不想要歌了。” Snort!” “哼!” Qin Ze rolls the eyes, fortunately oneself access the net to check, «I am a Singer» truly was in the ending stage, one issue, is the chief champion competes for the match at most again. The most favored player , in descending order , are: Huang Yuteng, Li Xuegang, Qin Baobao and Wells. 秦泽翻白眼,所幸自己上网查,《我是歌星》确实进入了落幕阶段,顶多再有一期,就是总冠军争夺赛。呼声最高的选手,依次是:黄宇腾李学刚秦宝宝威尔斯 Wells has the potential of catching up faintly, his domestic popular, it may be said that is one day increasing of stair. It is little fresh meat, singing is also of pleasant to hear, fans and Internet gives his title: The king and Soul Singer treble. 威尔斯隐隐有后来者居上之势,他在国内的人气,可谓是一天一个台阶的攀升。本身是小鲜肉,唱歌又好听,粉丝和网络媒体给他的封号:高音之王、灵魂歌手 Qin Baobao these periods like that were not shocking like the past, win in well organized, now her popular today we are no longer as we have been, even PK Huang Yuteng, still had the odds of success. Under Qin Ze's training, the elder sister's art or technique of singing increases day by day. 秦宝宝这几期不像以往那般惊艳,胜在四平八稳,现在她的人气今非昔比,即便pk黄宇腾,也不是没有胜算。在秦泽的调教下,姐姐的唱功与日俱增。 However, the week before the chief champion competes the match started, Qin Baobao and Qin Ze elder sister and younger brother two, welcomed the big crisis of being able to escape. 然而,就在总冠军争夺赛开始的前一个星期,秦宝宝秦泽姐弟俩,迎来了逃不过的大危机。
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