MESIS :: Volume #2

#109: Exposure ( 2 )

6 : 30 pm, old gentleman drives home, finished today's curriculum. Although finished also one week from the summer, but read the student of research to teach a course, old gentleman was professor, under the hand has certainly the reading research that led to live. 下午 6 点半,老爷子驱车回家,结束了今天的课程。虽然距离暑期结束还有一个星期,但读研的学生早就已经开课,老爷子教授,手底下当然有带领的读研生。 old gentleman always has the sense of responsibility, to teach student, he created a group, then under the reading research oneself lives drags into the group. In the past time, old gentleman did not use the chat tool, is not, but was not familiar with, his person of this age, the habits and customs has determined the nature, even can use various types of chat software agily, did not like having the matter to be all right like the young people to play WeChat or the penguin. 老爷子向来是有责任心的,为了教导好学生,他创了一个群,然后把自己麾下的读研生都拉入群里。往常的时候,老爷子是不用聊天工具的,不是不会,而是不习惯,他这个年纪的人,生活习惯都已经定性,就算能利索的使用各种聊天软件,也不喜欢像年轻人一样有事没事位玩微信或者企鹅。 Goes home, the worker who cultivates the wide band exactly at home, Mother Qin stands in the one side looks. old gentleman took off the shoes, first to oneself one cup of water, stands in the study room entrance: mentor, my family wide band very well, the bewilderment did not have the net, does not know what's the matter.” 回到家,恰好修宽带的工人在家里,秦妈站在一旁看着。老爷子脱了鞋子,先给自己倒一杯水,站在书房门口:“师傅,我家这宽带本来好好的,莫名其妙就没网了,也不知道怎么回事。” The troubleshooters raise hand half network cable, does not know whether to laugh or cry: Naturally did not have the net, network cable gave the scissors.” 检修员扬了扬手中半截网线,哭笑不得:“当然没网了,网线都给剪了。” old gentleman and Mother Qin look at each other in blank dismay, Mother Qin said: In family/home has not come the child, felt strange how to be cut, is the mouse gnaws.” 老爷子秦妈面面相觑,秦妈说:“家里没来小孩啊,奇了怪了,怎么会被剪,是不是老鼠啃的啊。” old gentleman rolls the eyes: „Do you see the mouse to gnaw this?” 老爷子翻白眼:“你见过老鼠啃成这样的?” network cable very simple cuts two to break, the margin is smooth. 网线很干脆的一剪两断,切口平滑。 The staff exchange new network cable, the digit dialing, tried, can access the net.” 工作人员换上新的网线,拨号,试了一下,“可以上网了。” old gentleman and Mother Qin one pack of sounds expressed gratitude, sent out the entrance others. 老爷子秦妈一叠声道谢,把人家送出门口。 Mother Qin also at the strange network cable cut matter, old gentleman busy person, having no interest puzzled minor details, turned on the computer first to look met the bulk lots, forecast that the tomorrow's stock market trend, these skylight look at the plate with the cell phone, the eye thief was tired. 秦妈还在奇怪网线被剪的事儿,老爷子大忙人,无心纠结细枝末节,打开电脑先看了一会大盘,预测明天的股市走向,这几天光用手机看盘,眼睛贼累。 After a half hour, he in the cell phone chat group, sent the tomorrow's curriculum, making the students prepare a lesson. 半个小时后,他在手机聊天群里,发了明天的课程,让学生们自行预习。 The students reply one after another chat that ok hand signal, then talked. 学生们回复一连串的“ok”手势,然后你一言我一语的聊天。 At this time old gentleman usually closes the software, did not participate in the students without topic of nutrition. 这时候老爷子通常是关闭软件,不参与学生们没营养的话题。 At this time, in the group had a female to produce a video, hā hā laughed saying: Yeah, you look have not had, good funny fool good funny fool, the smiled belly hurt.” 这时,群里有个女生发了份视频,哈哈大笑道:“哎,你们看过没有,好逗逼逗逼,笑的肚子疼了。” Immediately some people reply: In the morning has looked, the soybean milk spurted place.” 立刻有人回复:“早上就看过了,豆浆喷了一地。” Although has looked, but I looked, looked that smiles one time one time.” “虽然看过了,但我又看了一遍,看一次笑一次。” old gentleman smiles, this female student is flexible, is average-performing, likes pursuing star especially, wants to warn that several study well reads research what/anything diligently, thinks or considers as finished, is not the school, even white loathful. 老爷子笑了笑,这女生是个性格活泛的,成绩一般,尤其喜欢追星,本想告诫几句好好学习努力读研什么的,想想还是算了,又不是学校,平白惹人厌。 Qin Ze is my male god, is good to like him.” 秦泽是我的男神,好喜欢他。” Her view attracts other girls to approve of immediately: Is also graceful, the stature is also good.” 她的说法立刻引来其他女孩赞同:“又帅,身材又好。” Also will write the song, can shoot piano, but can also accompany elder sister to be noisy, since can, when Overbearing President, can, when funny fool husband.” “还会写歌,会弹钢琴,还能陪姐姐闹,既然能当霸道总裁,又能当逗逼老公。” Qin Ze? Like my son name. 秦泽?跟我儿子名字一样。 old gentleman has not thought, withdraws from the instance of chat software, the glance, last information: Qin Baobao was too attractive, stature super to praise, never expected that she can play.” 老爷子没多想,退出聊天软件的瞬间,惊鸿一瞥,最后一条信息:“秦宝宝太漂亮了,身材超级赞的,没想到她这么能玩。” Qin Baobao? 秦宝宝 Qin Ze? 秦泽 This was not always the coincidence. 这总不会也是巧合了吧。 old gentleman gawked for several seconds, the finger fast, turns on the chat software, selects the chat group, the click broadcast video. 老爷子楞了几秒钟,手指飞快,重新打开聊天软件,点开聊天群,点击播放视频。 The picture jumps, transforms the entire screen automatically, in the video two young men and women stand shoulder to shoulder, are throwing over the nondescript bed sheet, pretty such as flower woman even also entangles the white silk handkerchief. 画面一跳,自动转化全屏,视频里两个年轻男女并肩而立,披着不伦不类的被单,其中貌美如花的女人甚至还头缠白色丝巾。 The young woman pinches the orchid fingers, expression exaggerate, the facial features are charming, the demonic nature sound sang: Who was said in the ear, loves me never changes.” 年轻女子捏兰花指,表情浮夸,眉眼妩媚,魔性的声音唱:“是谁在耳边说,爱我永不变。” ...... ...... The young man complexion is stiff, unwilling, helpless meeting sang: I would rather change to with you make one group of flame.” 年轻男子脸色僵硬,不情不愿,无奈的接唱:“我情愿和你化做一团火焰。” „.........” “啊…啊…啊…” In the video movement exaggerate, unemotional, forms the striking contrast, is joined to the demonic nature singing sound, making one be able not help to smile, but a old gentleman point cannot smile, because these two funny fool are his families/home. 视频里一个动作浮夸,一个面无表情,形成鲜明对比,配上魔性的歌声,让人情不自禁就想笑,但老爷子一点也笑不出来,因为这两个逗逼是他家的。 Looks at the video, the old gentleman corners of the mouth twitches, angrily said: exaggerate, nonsense.” 看完视频,老爷子嘴角直抽搐,怒道:“浮夸,胡闹。” Slow, how their elder sister and younger brother two videos can here. The closure video, can ignore the anger, he enters the information: Where does your video look?” 慢着,他们姐弟俩的视频怎么会在这里。关闭视频,顾不得愤怒,他键入信息:“你们视频哪里找来的?” On Qin Baobao round of Weibo.” Although the strange teacher is also interested unexpectedly, the students still told the facts. 秦宝宝微博上的。”虽然奇怪导师竟也感兴趣,学生们依然实话实说。 old gentleman sinks at heart, the surging ominous premonition, how you know Qin Baobao's Weibo, do you know her?” 老爷子心里一沉,涌起不祥预感,“你们怎么知道秦宝宝的微博,难道你们认识她?” Is because knows that Qin Baobao is 是因为知道秦宝宝是我女儿,所以才关注? But I had not said that I there is a daughter called Qin Baobao. 可我没说我有个女儿叫秦宝宝 In the group a silence, how asking the person to say...... 群里一片寂静,叫人怎么接话...... Teacher Qin is really bad, others are superstar, who does not know. You are very usually serious, likes cracking a joke.” Sends the female student reply of video, was concurrent bared teeth expression. 秦老师真坏,人家是大明星,谁不认识啊。您平时挺严肃的,也喜欢开玩笑。”发视频的女生回复,并发了“呲牙”的表情。 Big...... superstar? 大......大明星 Perhaps I misread, they are not my son and unmarried young woman, un, the boy looks that does not look like, my son where is so graceful, completely not my family's gene. 或许我看错了,他们不是我儿子和闺女,嗯,那小子看着就不太像,我的儿子哪有这么帅,完全不似我家的基因。 old gentleman mood disturbed watches the video, my son is not so no doubt graceful, but my daughter had such attractively...... does not make a mistake. This to teasing compared with is 老爷子心情忐忑的重新观看视频,我儿子固然没这么帅,但我女儿有这么漂亮......错不了。这对逗比就是我家的。 old gentleman said: Calm calm, the impulsion is a devil. 老爷子不停的说:冷静冷静,冲动是魔鬼。 How Qin Baobao...... was celebrity.” 秦宝宝......怎么就是明星了。” Sends these words time, he hears little soul in oneself body to roar. 发这段话的时候,他听见自己身体里的小灵魂在咆哮。 Teacher Qin do not tease us.” 秦老师你别逗我们了。” Teacher Qin too does not pay attention to the entertainment world, understood, because Qin Baobao on a grade was called " I am a Singer » variety show, successful, became famous overnight.” 秦老师不太关注娱乐圈吧,理解理解,秦宝宝因为上了一档叫《我是歌星》的综艺节目,大红大紫,一举成名。” old gentleman rubbish, withdraws from the software, turns on the computer, searches «I am a Singer». 老爷子没废话,退出软件,打开电脑,搜索《我是歌星》。 This is one day that old gentleman most collapses, he warned in every possible way, finally the daughter went to the entertainment world, enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that but also your mother mixes. The old gentleman least bit is not gratified, he believes that the entertainment world is the big dye vat, will pollute green foxtail that own Little Immortal Fairy no one wants. 这是老爷子最崩溃的一天,他百般告诫,结果女儿还是去了娱乐圈,还尼玛混的风生水起。老爷子半点都不欣慰,他坚信娱乐圈是大染缸,会把自己家的小仙女污染成没人要的狗尾巴草 At this time, on the screen is broadcasting " I am a Singer » program, is Qin Baobao debuts exactly the picture, because is online watches, the barrage is thick falling, once let the barrage that Qin Baobao goes wild, reappears again: 此时,屏幕上播放着《我是歌星》节目,恰好是秦宝宝首次亮相画面,由于是网上观看,弹幕纷纷扬扬,曾经让秦宝宝抓狂的弹幕,再次重现: fuck me, this younger sister I protected.” 卧槽,这妹子我护了。” Civilization watches a ball game.” “文明观球。” nicely done 666 This leg my can play with for ten years.” “这腿我可以玩十年。” ...... ...... The old gentleman corners of the mouth twitch, the forehead blue vein anger explodes, wishes one could to pound the computer. 老爷子嘴角抽搐,额头青筋怒爆,恨不得砸电脑。 I said that I said that the entertainment world what/anything, the darkest confusion, cannot make the daughter mix the entertainment world absolutely. 我就说吧,我就说吧,娱乐圈什么的,最黑暗混乱,绝对不能让女儿混娱乐圈。 old gentleman makes the deep breath, suppresses to burn the lonesome malignant influences with great difficulty. 老爷子做深呼吸,好不容易压制住焚寂煞气。 Qin Baobao? hā hā, compels the parental having a grudge series certainly.” 秦宝宝哈哈,绝逼父母有仇系列。” Has searched, without this rookie.” “已搜索,没有这个新人。” Goes through the motions, appraises.” “走后门的,鉴定完毕。” Is one by the relations.” “又是一个靠关系的。” Does not need to guess that also knows is the small honey of some television station leader.” “不用猜也知道是电视台某个领导的小蜜。” The whole body of old gentleman air/Qi trembles, this chapter is the strength of great antiquity. 老爷子气的浑身发抖,这回是洪荒之力。 Also, the name, Baobao (darling) was how of pleasant to hear, what is the parents has a grudge, this crowd compels the child. 还有,名字怎么了,宝宝多好听,什么叫父母有仇,这群逼孩子。 He bears the temper to continue to look, looked at three issues not to look again, was really feared angrily cannot. Now can draw the conclusion, betrayal was unmarried young woman, the son also surrenders to the enemy incessantly. 他耐着性子继续看下去,看了三期就没再看了,委实是怕愤怒的不能自己。现在可以得出结论,背叛的不止是闺女,儿子也投敌了。 The going out study room that old gentleman does not utter a word, in rummages through chests and cupboards in storage. Perhaps sound noisy is a little big, makes the dinner Mother Qin to walk to ask: „Are you doing?” 老爷子一声不吭的走出书房,在储物间里翻箱倒柜。许是动静闹的有点大,做晚饭的秦妈走过来问:“你在干嘛呢?” old gentleman asked: Which my feather duster put.” 老爷子问道:“我那根鸡毛掸子放哪儿了。” Feather duster?” Mother Qin stares: Looks for that to do, this does not know that many years had not bumped, perhaps threw.” “鸡毛掸子?”秦妈一愣:“找那个干什么,这都不知道多少年没碰了,或许扔了吧。” old gentleman clenches jaws: I buy one again.” 老爷子咬牙切齿:“那我就再买一个。” Mother Qin is staring at him: You were, did the school have problems? But can you spend to look for the feather duster?” 秦妈盯着他:“你这是怎么了,学校出问题了?可你费得着找鸡毛掸子?” Found.” old gentleman extracts to fully occupy the dust from the corner the feather duster, some years, the chicken feather fell out or off entirely quickly, one bare thin stick, held to several bunches of luster gloomy chicken feathers. “找到了。”老爷子从角落里抽出占满灰尘的鸡毛掸子,有些年头了,鸡毛都快掉光,就一根光秃秃细棍,粘着几簇色泽暗淡鸡毛。 old gentleman faintly said: I when has not had this pair of children.” 老爷子幽幽道:“我就当没生过这一对儿女。”
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