MESIS :: Volume #2

#110: The cultural face is thick-skinned

After the dinner, Wang Zijin and Qin Ze sit on the sofa shoulder to shoulder watch the movie, what the movie said was the story of a loyal dog and its master. Tears full, is touching. 晚饭后,王子衿秦泽并肩坐在沙发上看电影,电影讲的是一条忠犬和它主人的故事。泪点满满,非常感人。 After a long period of probing, Qin Ze discovered movie that Wang Zijin likes watching, subject deviation literary arts and literature type, can be the touching love and pitiful society, can be the arid movie of response philosophy and life, she likes looking. She of wuxia class also looked, must look is what theme, the pure fierce combat, she does not like looking. The movie of science fiction, will not like looking in the future. The movie of bloody selling point, does not like looking. The making sense movie, does not like looking. Humorous movie, occasionally look. 经过长期摸索,秦泽发现王子衿喜欢看的电影,主题偏向文艺、文学类型的,可以是感人的爱情、悲惨的社会、也可以是反应哲学与人生的枯燥电影,她都喜欢看。武侠类的她也看,要看是什么题材,纯粹刀光剑影的,她不爱看。还有未来科幻的电影,不爱看。血腥卖点的电影,不爱看。无厘头电影,不爱看。幽默电影,偶尔看一看。 The movie that Qin Ze selects, feels emotion touching story between person and dog that harbor the connotation, really Wang Zijin touching, the little darling sat by Qin Ze, watches the movie shoulder to shoulder. 秦泽挑的这篇电影,正是有情怀有内涵的人与狗之间的感人故事,果然把王子衿给打动了,乖乖挨着秦泽坐,并肩看电影。 Brushing bowl that in the kitchen elder sister stuffy did not speak, besides preparing food, all housework she wrapped, one week later the end of sentence liberated. 厨房里姐姐闷不吭声的刷碗,除了做饭之外,所有家务都她包了,一个星期后刑满解放。 Qin Ze raises the thermo to enter the kitchen to put the water, elder sister the star comes immediately shortly, hides delicately with acting like a spoiled brat, wants to gang up with younger brother, quite makes him help itself wash dishes. 秦泽提着热水壶进厨房装水,姐姐立刻星星眼看过来,藏着柔弱与撒娇,想勾搭弟弟,好让他帮自己洗碗。 Yo, washing.” Qin Ze is fond of: Is tired?” “呦,洗着呢。”秦泽疼惜道:“累不累?” The nod of Qin Baobao chicken pecking meter/rice, throws to a younger brother supple look again. 秦宝宝小鸡啄米似的点头,再抛给弟弟一个柔柔的眼神。 Tired washes a bit faster, did not finish up.” Qin Ze hā hā laughs. “累就洗快点,不就完事了。”秦泽哈哈大笑。 Qin Ze you are not cute.” Qin Baobao air/Qi pursues Qin Ze to hit. 秦泽你一点都不可爱了。”秦宝宝气的追着秦泽打。 Is making, the Qin Baobao cell phone bell sound, Qin Ze fixed the eyes on looks, was mother.” 正闹着,秦宝宝手机铃声响了,秦泽定睛一看,“是妈的。” Qin Baobao catches the younger brother clothes to scratch in the clean hand water stain, connects the call: Mother, anything.” 秦宝宝逮着弟弟的衣服擦干净手上水渍,接通电话:“妈,什么事儿。” In the voice of mother is passing serious and anger: You come back.” 老妈的声音里透着严肃和怒气:“你回来一趟。” Qin Baobao turned head to look at younger brother, now? Did this several points, have the matter?” 秦宝宝扭头看了看弟弟,“现在?这都几点了,有事儿么?” „The matter that you handle don't you know?” Expression that the mother expect too much: Baobao (darling), mother thousand ding ten thousand Zhu the words, you all worked as the neglected advice.” “你自己做的事情你不知道?”老妈恨铁不成钢的语气:“宝宝,妈千叮万嘱的话,你全当耳边风了。” Qin Baobao was blurrier, mother, anything.” 秦宝宝更迷糊了,“妈,到底什么事儿。” Mother Qin said loudly: Your father knows that you run, when celebrity, making you come back now, immediately.” 秦妈大声说:“你爸知道你跑去当明星了,让你现在就回来,马上。” Qin Baobao felt that the forehead was thrown a series of thunderclap, the cell phone almost cannot assert with confidence, has the vibrato: I do not come back, does not come back.” 秦宝宝感觉脑门被扔一连串霹雳,手机都差点拿不稳,带着颤音:“我不回来,不回来。” Does not come back.” Telephone that broadcasts the old gentleman's sound, concealed thunder anger, Mother Qin sound: āi yā, your let alone words, making me come...... “不回来是吧。”电话那头传来老爷子的声音,隐含雷霆怒火,还有秦妈的声音:哎呀,你别说话,让我来...... Does not come back, I now on the past.” old gentleman clenches jaws to say. “不回来可以,我现在就过去。”老爷子咬牙切齿道。 Then was one's turn Qin Ze to frighten the urine, āi yā left, the father, the elder sister she came back immediately, do not come.” 这下轮到秦泽吓尿了,“哎呀别啊,爸,姐她马上回来,您别过来了。” elder sister smartly brazenly changes, snatches the cell phone at risk of life, Qin Ze protects at risk of life. 姐姐俏脸大变,拼死抢手机,秦泽拼死护住。 Qin Ze covers the microphone: Does, can evade 1 st does not evade 5 th.” 秦泽一捂话筒:“干什么呢,躲得过初一躲不过初五。” elder sister stamps the feet: I do not go back.” 姐姐跺脚:“那我也不回去。” Qin Ze stares: You also really want to make him come.” 秦泽瞪眼:“你还真想让他过来啊。” Qin Baobao is holding the hand of younger brother, Chuchu (lovely) is pitiful: What to do, what to do, the father will kill my, A'Ze, you may probably rescue elder sister. You go back with me together, elder sister waits you is not thin.” 秦宝宝拽着弟弟的手,楚楚可怜:“怎么办,怎么办,爸会打死我的吧,阿泽,你可一定要救姐姐啊。你跟我一起回去,姐姐待你不薄。” Also is thick not. 也厚不到哪儿去。 Qin Ze said: I do not go, you go home to take a beating on the line, why to implicate me. Dies a total ratio dead pair.” 秦泽道:“我才不去嘞,你自己回家挨揍就行啦,何必连累我呢。死一个总比死一双强。” elder sister such as was struck by lightning, unbelievable visits him. 姐姐如遭雷击,难以置信的看着他。 Qin Ze exchanges to flatter the smiling face: Father, you are waiting, the elder sister goes out now, I deliver the car(riage) her personally.” 秦泽换上谄媚笑脸:“爸,您等着啊,姐现在出门了,我亲自把她送上车。” old gentleman coldly snorted: You also come back together.” 老爷子冷哼一声:“你也一起回来。” Qin Ze such as was struck by lightning. 秦泽如遭雷击。 Just wants to say what/anything, old gentleman makes the telephone call decisively. 正想说点什么,老爷子断然挂电话。 ballsack, you listened to me to say...... 球都麻袋,您听我说...... Qin Ze puts down the telephone, scared, suddenly sends this present life not to have the love, the elder sister attractive cheek did not have the attraction. 秦泽把电话放下,失魂落魄,忽然发现生无可恋,姐姐漂亮的脸蛋也没了吸引力。 elder sister and younger brother two silent looking at each other, felt that the life will come to the end, time is not much left. 姐弟俩默然对视,都感觉人生将走到尽头,时间所剩无几。 Wang Zijin looked that their look has different, stands up, said at a loss: What's wrong.” 王子衿看他们神色有异,站起身,茫然道:“怎么了。” Qin Baobao opens mouth, looks distressed. 秦宝宝张了张嘴,愁眉苦脸。 Qin Ze dejectedly said: Qin Baobao, when the celebrity matter, was known by my father.” 秦泽沮丧道:“秦宝宝明星的事,被我爸知道了。” Good matter,” Wang Zijin is crooked the head: Daughter becomes superstar, is not may celebrate encouraging.” “挺好的事儿啊,”王子衿歪着脑袋:“女儿成大明星,不是可喜可贺吗。” My father has opposed she makes a debut to be the artist.” Qin Ze said: My father that person, believes under the club the loyal son and talented person. Although this set of theory failed half on me.” “我爸一直反对她出道当艺人。”秦泽说:“我爸那个人,信奉棍棒底下出孝子和才子。尽管这套理论在我身上失败了一半。” That communicates well, looks at you to fear.” “那就好好沟通嘛,瞧你们怕的。” Qin Ze is sad: How you have not seen the parents initially the mixed doubles, punches Qin Baobao's.” 秦泽悲伤道:“你是没见过爸妈当初怎么混合双打,揍秦宝宝的。” Therefore you also result, when the time comes helps Baobao (darling) ask for leniency.” “所以你也得回去,到时候帮宝宝说情。” Qin Ze was sad, how you have not seen them to hang to hit me in the past.” 秦泽更悲伤了,“你是没见过当年他们怎么把我吊起来打的。” Who said that the cultural worker teaches the child, is never violent? Was completely mistaken, was reasonable? The children were reasonable, can he understand? Therefore the club serves forever is effectively most direct, the pain, will remember. old gentleman is an educationalist, is also different from the guardian who these only meet the violence, understands the say/way of tamper force with mercy, after Qin Ze usually takes a beating, but must enter the study room to punish by forcing to stand for one hour, listens to old gentleman mumbling a big string major principle. 谁说文化人教孩子,从来不暴力的?大错特错了,讲道理?小孩子怎么讲道理,他能听懂?所以棍棒伺候永远是最有效最直接的,痛了,才会记住。老爷子是教育家,和那些只会暴力的家长又是不一样的,深谙刚柔并济之道,秦泽通常挨揍之后,还得进书房罚站一个小时,听老爷子叽里咕噜一大串大道理。 Wang Zijin hesitant, does not know that is loves dearly Qin Ze to be hit, loves dearly bosom friend to be hit, „, do I accompany you to go?” 王子衿犹豫一番,不知是心疼秦泽会被打,还是心疼闺蜜被打,“要不,我陪你们去?” Qin Baobao eyes shined: Right, Zijin goes together, has the bystander , the father will not hit me.” 秦宝宝眼睛一亮:“对对对,子衿一起去,有外人在,老爸就不会打我了。” elder sister really frightened confused, IQ plummeted. 姐姐真是吓晕头了,智商直线下降。 Qin Ze is speechless, in the past the friends and relatives, old gentleman was not a word has not started at home at earliest convenience. 秦泽无语,当年亲戚朋友在家时,老爷子还不是一言不合就开打。 Qin Ze driving brings two elder sister to drive out of the community, goes toward the family/home more than ten kilometers away. At present elder sister has no way to drive, looked at her uneasy appearance, insisted to start off becomes the street killer certainly. Wang Zijin does not know the road , during is the big maternal aunt, is a little uncomfortable. 秦泽开车带着两位姐姐驶出小区,往十几公里外的家而去。眼下姐姐是没法开车了,看她惴惴不安的模样,硬要上路准成马路杀手。王子衿不认识路,又是大姨妈期间,有点不舒服。 Rare, Qin Ze is a driver, his high school tested the driver's license, elder sister is drawing he together on driving school hardly, although was insufficient to lock in the drawer, when commemorated, the number of times of but driving was few. 难得的,秦泽当一回司机,他高中就考出驾照了,姐姐硬拉着他一起上的驾校,虽不至于锁在抽屉里当纪念,但开车的次数屈指可数。 Driver trembling with fear that newbie starts off, careful anxious, elder sister could not help even, but also held back, from the back seat drawing Qin Ze arm, A'Ze, what to do, elder sister was a method not to have unceasingly, you were in our home the only adult male, you must support to elder sister.” 新手上路的司机战战兢兢,小心紧张,姐姐帮不上忙就算了,还拖后腿,不断从后座拉秦泽胳膊,“阿泽,怎么办呀,姐姐是一点法子都没有,你是咱家屋里唯一的男丁,你要给姐姐撑腰的。” Qin Ze almost fronts hit to flutter several times, fearful and apprehensive, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance: „One side Qin Baobao you roll go cool, is tired of me again, we perish together.” 秦泽几次差点车头打飘,胆颤心惊,忍无可忍:“秦宝宝你丫滚一边凉快去,再烦我,我们同归于尽。” Qin Baobao is pursing the lips. 秦宝宝噘着嘴。 twenty minutes, little red BMW drives into some community underground parking storehouse, travels by the elevator from the garage, elder sister and younger brother two stands in main house gate, good one to intertwine. 二十分钟,小红马驶入某小区地下停车库,从停车库搭乘电梯,姐弟俩站在家门口,好一番纠结。 Finally Qin Ze pulls out the key to open the door, the threshold to buddhism connection long aisle, the aisle passes through the whole house, since the entrance goes , in descending order , are the living room and kitchen, and two bathroom, three bedroom and a study room, the end is a cloak room. 最后秦泽掏出钥匙开门,玄关连接长长的走道,走道贯穿整套房子,从门口进去,依次是客厅、厨房,以及两间卫生间、三间卧房、一间书房,尽头是衣帽间。 This house total area 170 square meters, are almost elder sister and younger brother two present housing one time, this is also normal, how the dowry room can with the marriage room and theory, this is must leave the son. 这套房子总面积170平米,差不多是姐弟俩现住房子的一倍,这也正常,嫁妆房怎能和婚房并论,这是要留给儿子的。 In the average person eyes estimated the house that the struggle cannot buy for a lifetime, in the value whatever happens|10 million, this house condensed old gentleman and painstaking care of old gentleman's father half a lifetime. Qin Ze of the family must be well-offer in childhood, under the parents name altogether has four suites, after two sets sell off, changed into the present house, one set of elder sister and younger brother two live, realization of last set when economic crisis. 在普通人眼里估计奋斗一辈子也买不到的房子,价值上千万,这套房子凝聚了老爷子老爷子的老子半辈子的心血。秦泽小时候家境要更优渥一些,爸妈名下共有四套房,两套变卖后换成了如今的房子,还有一套姐弟俩住着,最后一套在“经济危机”时变现。 The past economic crisis was the taboo of this small family, never mentioned. 当年的经济危机是这个小家庭的禁忌,从不提及。 In the hall, the crystal chandelier sending out bright ray, the liquid crystal television is starting, unfortunately, is broadcasting " I am a Singer » program, the Qin Baobao tall gorgeous form, appears in the screen. 大厅里,水晶吊灯散发明亮光芒,液晶电视开着,好死不死,正播放《我是歌星》节目,秦宝宝高挑艳丽的身影,出现在屏幕中。 Really is listless radish spicy heart, old gentleman obviously intentionally. 果然是蔫萝卜辣心儿,老爷子明显故意的。 Qin Baobao is holding the hand of younger brother, three stops walks, sees bold and uninhibited to sit well old gentleman of sofa, first breathes out three points, then watches the program that in the video on demand broadcasts, then breathes out three points. 秦宝宝拉着弟弟的手,一步三停顿的走进来,见到大马金刀端坐沙发的老爷子,先嘘三分,再一看网络电视里播放的节目,再嘘三分。 The stammering said: Father......” 期期艾艾道:“爸......” old gentleman pats the tea table, you when also I am your father.” 老爷子一拍茶几,“你还当我是你爸。” elder sister and younger brother two fear old gentleman, a old gentleman roar, she instigates the half. Frightened complexion one white, bringing the weeping voice saying: I, I......” 姐弟俩都怕老爷子,老爷子一声吼,她就怂半边。吓的脸色一白,带哭腔道:“我,我......” old gentleman sneers saying: Really was the wing is long, forgot oneself were surnamed what/anything.” 老爷子冷笑道:“真是翅膀长硬了啊,是不是忘记自己姓什么了。” Qin Baobao said: Surnamed Qin.” 秦宝宝道:“姓秦。” You also dare to talk back.” old gentleman pats the tea table again. “你还敢顶嘴。”老爷子再拍茶几。 Qin Baobao nervous say/way: I do not have......” 秦宝宝慌道:“我没有......” elder sister is so bad, Qin Ze worries secretly, pushes Wang Zijin: Father, mother, this is elder sister's schoolmate.” 姐姐如此不济,秦泽暗捏一把冷汗,把王子衿推出来:“爸,妈,这是姐的同学。” Wang Zijin comprehends the Qin Ze's look, throws gives me the comfortable look to him, the smiling face is quiet and refined, said gracefully: Uncle aunt, I called Wang Zijin. Without you told that was a guest on coming home.” 王子衿领会到秦泽的眼神,也向他投去一个“交给我”的宽慰眼神,笑容娴静,落落大方道:“叔叔阿姨,我叫王子衿。没跟您俩说一声就来家里做客了。” old gentleman squeezes the smiling face: Zijin, I listened to Baobao (darling) to say you, welcome.” 老爷子挤出笑容:“子衿,我听宝宝说过你,欢迎欢迎。” The cultural workers are really concerned about face-saving, Wang Zijin had the confidence. 文化人果然都是爱面子的,王子衿有信心了。 At this time, only listened to Mother Qin to say with a smile: „Does Zijin, drink tea?” 这时,只听秦妈笑道:“子衿,喝茶吗?” Not.” Wang Zijin beckons with the hand. “不了不了。”王子衿摆摆手。 Drinks one cup, in family/home also nothing entertainment.” Mother Qin makes one cup of weak tea to her, said with a smile: Appearance long real handsome, Baobao (darling), if has you is so clever, we were light the province, you first sat a meeting. I and her father have matter processing.” “喝一杯吧,家里也没什么好东西招待。”秦妈自顾自给她泡一杯淡茶,笑吟吟道:“模样长的真俊,宝宝要是有你这么乖巧,我们就轻省了,你先坐一会。我和她爸有事处理。” Then, dries in the sun Wang Zijin in one side. 说完,把王子衿晾在一边。 Wang Zijin blinks, throws a look toward Qin Ze: This script is not right. 王子衿眨眨眼,朝秦泽投去一个眼神:这剧本不对呀。 Qin Ze by look reply: Knows what is Jiang Haishilao was spicy? 秦泽以眼神回复:知道什么叫姜还是老的辣了? Entertainment guest and lesson child, without hampering the other. 招待客人和教训孩子,两不误嘛。 The look that Qin Baobao seeks help inserts, Wang Zijin by look reply: I can also say what/anything, I am also very helpless. 秦宝宝求助的眼神插进来,王子衿又以眼神回复:我还能说什么,我也很无奈。 She cannot say: Do not hit Qin Baobao. This words were not her bystander should say that without the standpoint did not have the qualifications, even white annoyed two always to tire. Only can by have the bystander not to facilitate to hit child this ideological diversion, but the cultural face is thick-skinned, looks but not see. 她不能说:你们别打秦宝宝。这种话不是她一个外人该说的,没立场也没资格,平白惹俩老厌。只能以“有外人在不方便打孩子”这种思想牵制,但文化人脸皮厚,视而不见。
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