MESIS :: Volume #2

#111: first hundred 11 chapters

How did I warn your? Do you have to perceive? How long then to graduate, you dare to comply in public but oppose in private. Resigns at the back of me and your mother, now is good to work is difficult to ask you not to know? Surnamed Qin? I look at you am surnamed Wang!” The saliva that old gentleman scolded flew horizontally, Qin Baobao lowered the head, does not dare to talk back. “我怎么告诫你的?你有听进去吗?这才毕业多久啊,你就敢阳奉阴违。背着我和你妈辞职,现在好工作多难找你不知道?姓秦?我看你是姓王!”老爷子骂的唾沫横飞,秦宝宝低着头,不敢顶嘴。 Wang Zijin surnamed Wang stares, turns head to look at Qin Ze. 姓王的王子衿一愣,扭头看秦泽 The so-called knowledge father is better the child, the Qin Ze second understood the old gentleman cruel scolding cavity, maintains composure to move to her side, lowers the sound: pimp passes first month after childbirth to play( end) egg.” 所谓知父莫若子,秦泽秒懂了老爷子阴损的骂腔,不动声色挪到她身边,压低声音:“王八坐月子玩(完)蛋。” The Wang Zijin corners of the mouth pull out, the heart said, you scolded the daughter to scold the daughter, my move of you surnamed Wang annoyed you, really lay down is also being hit. 王子衿嘴角一抽,心说,您骂女儿就骂女儿,我姓王的招您惹您了,真是躺着也中枪。 Do not look that my father teaches the science subjects, the literary horizontal least bit is unambiguous, cursing at people very slides.” Qin Ze also said that but to the Mother Qin light squint, keeps silent immediately. “别看我爸是教理科的,文学水平半点不含糊,骂人贼溜。”秦泽又说,但给秦妈轻飘飘斜眼,立刻噤声。 You mix the material of entertainment world? Is that you can the popular place?” old gentleman drinks tea sleek/moist throat , to continue to scold: Two months ago resignation not making a sound, entered Star Skills Entertainment not making a sound, really worthily is my daughter, but also really taught you to mix a positive result to come. Knows how online to say you?” “你是混娱乐圈的料吗?那是你能吃得开的地方?”老爷子喝茶润嗓子,继续骂:“两个月前不声不响的辞职,不声不响的进了星艺娱乐,真不愧是我的女儿,还真教你混出点名堂来了。知道网上都怎么说你吗?” big-breasted sister? 大奶妹 Does the big long leg play for ten years? 大长腿玩十年? To grass ten points? 给草十分 old gentleman remembers the online commentary, on a lot of evil fires braves, to wish one could to beat to death the daughter upward. 老爷子想起网上的评论,就一肚子邪火往上冒,恨不得揍死女儿。 Scolded for ten minutes, the glib lips satisfied a craving, then old gentleman extracts the age after the back cushion not Qin Ze is smaller than many feather duster. 足足骂了十来分钟,嘴皮子过瘾了,然后老爷子从靠枕后抽出年纪不比秦泽小多少的鸡毛掸子。 Qin Baobao complexion one white, frightened in the future will shrink several steps. 秦宝宝脸色一白,吓的往后缩了几步。 Similarly complexion big change also has Qin Ze, this was the past years specially for lethal weapon that” he prepared. 同样脸色大变的还有秦泽,这可是当年专门为他准备的“凶器”。 old gentleman shouted: Stands, coming under attack to stand at attention, I have not taught you.” 老爷子喝道:“站过来,挨打要立正,我没教过你吗。” Nearby Qin Ze ridicule in heart: You teach me. 旁边的秦泽心里吐槽:您是教我的吧。 Qin Baobao throws the pitiful look toward Mother Qin, Mother Qin seems sits in contemplation, casting down one's eyes nose view heart. 秦宝宝秦妈投去可怜兮兮的眼神,秦妈好似老僧入定,眼观鼻鼻观心。 Hand extends.” old gentleman another drinks. “手伸出来。”老爷子又一喝。 Qin Baobao eye socket with tears, unwilling extends the white and tender right hand. 秦宝宝眼眶含泪,不情不愿的伸出白嫩右手。 Qin Ze looks own father's look, knew him to move the real anger, such as past Qin Baobao signed with the talent scout arbitrarily, entered the duty table fortunately at that time, did not have legal effect that type. The bonus is so, old gentleman also carries the feather duster one to beat violently, Mother Qin grasps the rolling pin. 秦泽看自个儿老子的神色,知他动了真怒,就如当年秦宝宝擅自跟星探签约一事,还好当时只是入职表,不具法律效应那种。饶是如此,老爷子也是拎着鸡毛掸子一顿狠揍,秦妈则手持擀面杖。 This is more ruthless, direct signing makes a debut, on program. 这回更狠,直接签约出道,上了节目。 I make you cut network cable.” old gentleman wields the feather duster, guesses that can guess correctly, family's network cable is the unmarried young woman shear. “我让你剪网线。”老爷子挥起鸡毛掸子,猜都能猜到,家里的网线闺女剪断的。 !” !” The feather duster pulls out ruthlessly in the Qin Baobao palm, the elder sister sore pain calls one, the tears to flow, frightened fawn rebounds one step. 鸡毛掸子狠抽在秦宝宝手掌,姐姐疼的痛叫一声,眼泪唰流下来,受惊小鹿似的跳开一步。 Stands.” old gentleman drinks greatly. “站过来。”老爷子大喝。 Also is one pulls out ruthlessly. 又是一记狠抽。 Qin Baobao sore breaks into sweat, many years had not been punched. 秦宝宝疼的冒冷汗,很多年没被这么揍了。 ......” ......” The feather duster pulls out on Qin Ze, old gentleman doubts looks at to go crazy to throw the son, Wang Zijin and Mother Qin also stares, elder sister tearful eyes dim is looking at younger brother, that look, like seeing supports the man who to oneself takes responsibility. 鸡毛掸子抽在秦泽手上,老爷子疑惑的看着发神经扑来的儿子,王子衿秦妈也是一愣,姐姐泪眼朦胧的望着弟弟,那眼神,就像看到给自己撑腰做主的男人。 Qin Ze also dumbfounded, āi yōu I went, my not awfully? Is my is doing? 秦泽自己也懵逼了,哎呦我去,我这是不要命了吗?我这是在作死吗? Qin Ze sees elder sister to come under attack, the uncontrolled making a move stop, is almost the instinct, subconscious. Mentioned strangely, he looks at elder sister to take a beating in the past, nearby happy hē hē saw a play, but now, he discovered that oneself must not exposed to elder sister come under attack. 秦泽就是见姐姐挨打,不受控制的出手阻拦,几乎是本能的,下意识的。说来奇怪,他当年看着姐姐挨揍,乐呵呵一旁看戏,而现在,他发现自己见不得姐姐挨打了。 Said you possibly not to believe that was hand moves. 说出来你可能不信,是手自己动的。 Can I withdraw? 请问我能撤回吗? old gentleman is staring at him, in the eye seems the storm to condense, is getting more and more fierce. 老爷子盯着他,眼中似有暴风雨凝聚,越来越烈。 Now regretted is also late. Therefore he straightened one's neck saying: Father, you do not hit her, is I have not supervised.” 现在后悔也迟了。于是他梗着脖子说:“爸,你别打她,是我没监督好。” old gentleman sneers: „Did you supervise?” 老爷子冷笑一声:“你监督了吗?” Qin Ze said afraid: Supervised......?” 秦泽心虚道:“监督了......吧?” old gentleman sneers again: You are also my good son, how I had not discovered that you have the talent, writes the song to shoot piano, I teach you time, you with carving of extremely block rotten wood, some day was free, salted fish turns over called the great ability. Is my is the father does not have the ability to teach the son, is I misleads the youth, is this meaning. Really my good son.” 老爷子再一冷笑:“你也是我的好儿子,我怎么没发现你这么有才呢,又写歌又弹钢琴,我教你的时候,你跟块朽木似的不堪雕琢,有朝一日自由了,咸鱼翻身称大才。是我这个做爹的没能力教儿子,是我误人子弟,是这个意思吧。真是我的好儿子。” Qin Ze said subconsciously: Father said to......” 秦泽下意识道:“爸说的都对......” Latter half a word I made a mistake three character cards in the throat. 后半句“我错了”三个字卡在喉咙里。 Father said right, I made a mistake am the official standard language that the fathers and sons replied to an inquiry from the emperor, punched Qin Ze on old gentleman, when or Qin Ze must take a beating, being probable have must say one. “爸说的都对,我错了”是父子奏对的官方标准语,每逢老爷子揍完秦泽,或者秦泽要挨揍时,少不得要说一句。 Qin Ze fostered the conditioned reflex, but words saying half, the fierce discovery, the grammar was right, but used was not the time...... 秦泽都养成条件反射了,但话说一半,猛的发现,语法是对了,但用的不是时候...... Saw with own eyes that the old gentleman frontal eminence blue vein anger jumps, the thunder anger is fermenting, it is expected that after several seconds, exploded. 眼见老爷子额角青筋怒跳,雷霆怒火正在酝酿,预计几秒后就炸了。 At this time, he received system's quest to prompt, while the crevice of strength of old gentleman fermentation great antiquity, the Qin Ze convenient point opened quest to look: Helped Qin Baobao go through the difficulty, success reward 160 points, the failure deducts corresponding points.” 这时,他收到系统的一条任务提示,趁着老爷子酝酿洪荒之力的空隙,秦泽顺手点开任务看了看:“帮秦宝宝度过难关,成功奖励160点积分,失败扣除相应积分。” Meant that must be a scapegoat for Qin Baobao, must take a beating for her. 意思是说要替秦宝宝背锅吧,要替她挨揍吧。 Do I really have desire at heart such perverted? 我竟然有这么变态的心里欲求? Father, is actually I instigates her to go, when celebrity.” Qin Ze said loudly: Thousand faults are my mistake, must hit me,” “爸,其实是我怂恿她去当明星的。”秦泽大声说:“千错万错都是我的错,要打打我把,” Qin Baobao by younger brother was moved heroically, happy retreat one step. 秦宝宝弟弟的英勇感动了,开心的后退一步。 old gentleman selected with the finger selected Qin Ze, the appearance of clenching jaws. 老爷子用指头点了点秦泽,咬牙切齿的模样。 The Qin Ze little darling puts out a hand. 秦泽乖乖伸出手。 old gentleman sneers two: Which said that can hit your hand?” 老爷子冷笑两声:“哪个说要打你手了?” Uh...... ...... The Qin Ze surging unclear premonition, the ear resounds the old gentleman's angry roaring sound at heart: Kneels down!” 秦泽心里涌起不详预感,耳边响起老爷子的怒吼声:“跪下!” In childhood Qin Ze did the wrong thing, old gentleman carries son's ear to enter the study room, making Qin Ze kneel, he brandished the feather duster, like brandishing bayonet to devil...... 小时候秦泽做错事,老爷子拎着儿子的耳朵进书房,让秦泽跪着,他挥舞鸡毛掸子,就像挥舞刺刀向鬼子...... Applies mechanically some well-known anime lines: At this moment, Qin Ze recalled finally once by the fear of old gentleman control, and closed/pass the shame in the study room punishing by forcing to stand. 套用某知名动漫的台词:这一刻,秦泽终于回想起曾一度被老爷子支配的恐惧,以及关在书房罚站的耻辱。 Father, I made a mistake, a moment ago I said is false, you continue to punch Qin Baobao.” Qin Ze said loudly. “爸,我错了,我刚才说的都是假的,你还是继续揍秦宝宝吧。”秦泽大声说。 elder sister retrocedes speedily, the hidden distance, and visits him vigilantly. 姐姐一溜烟后退,躲的远远,并警惕的看着他。 The way that old gentleman educates the son, can begin certainly not bì bì. Circles to Qin Ze behind, raising the feather duster is ruthlessly. 老爷子教育儿子的方式,能动手就绝不哔哔。绕到秦泽身后,扬起鸡毛掸子就是狠狠一下。 A dull thumping sound, did not hit the clearness of palm a moment ago. 一声闷响,不似刚才打手掌的清脆。 Qin Ze sore looking fierce, old gentleman punched elder sister obviously keeps the hand, Qin Ze clearly became aware immediately, this hit him unable to escape, fires off elder sister to hit him, otherwise, how to make him come back together. 秦泽疼的龇牙咧嘴,老爷子姐姐明显是留手了,秦泽顿时明悟,这顿打他怎么也逃不开,打完姐姐就打他,要不然,何以让他一起回来。 I make you instigate her, I make you write the song to her.” “我让你怂恿她,我让你给她写歌。” I make you conceal for her, the courage was fat.” “我让你替她隐瞒,胆子肥了。” old gentleman hits son's time, has not forgotten the indirect insult warning daughter, Qin Baobao is timid, the father drops a stick every time, she shakes, does not seem like pulls out on Qin Ze, but is on her. 老爷子打儿子的功夫,还不忘指桑骂槐警告女儿,秦宝宝怯生生,老爹每落下一棍子,她就抖一抖,好像不是抽在秦泽身上,而是她身上。 Wang Zijin sees with own eyes Qin Ze to subject to a penalty, opens mouth, cannot find out the reasonable reason to advise eventually, father hits the son, to be perfectly justified. Her bystander, how prevents, the speech absolutely does not have the component. 王子衿眼见秦泽受罚,张了张嘴,终究想不出合理的理由劝阻,老子打儿子,岂不是天经地义。她一外人,怎么阻止,说话完全没份量啊。 old gentleman pulls out is just cheerful, suddenly kā chā, this age not short feather duster was unable to withstand the load finally, breaks. 老爷子抽的正欢快,忽然咔嚓一声,这根年岁不短的鸡毛掸子终于不堪重负,断了。 Qin Ze relaxes, really insisted that is the victory, finally boiled this extremely evil feather duster. 秦泽松了口气,果然坚持就是胜利,终于熬死这根万恶的鸡毛掸子了。 Qin Baobao also relaxes, the feather duster went bad, later the father fires off younger brother is not venting, did not have the thing to punch her again. 秦宝宝也松了口气,鸡毛掸子坏了,待会老爹打完弟弟不解气,也没东西可以再揍她了。 Wang Zijin also relaxes, looks at Qin Ze to come under attack, her faint trace loves dearly unexpectedly. 王子衿也松了口气,看着秦泽挨打,她居然有一丝丝心疼。 old gentleman sneers: I have the leather belt!” 老爷子冷笑一声:“我还有皮带!” Qin Ze: „......” 秦泽:“......” Qin Baobao: „......” 秦宝宝:“......” Wang Zijin: „......” 王子衿:“......” The old radish of this spicy heart. 这辣心的老萝卜。 Ok, the air/Qi also disappeared.” Mother Qin acts at the right moment, is the peacemaker, she plays this role regularly, old gentleman sings the black face, she sang the red painted-face. old gentleman gives the big stick, Mother Qin gives the sweet jujube again, is holding small Qin Ze: The precious son does not cry, mother. “好了,气也消了吧。”秦妈适时出面,做和事佬,她惯常扮演这个角色,老爷子唱黑脸,她唱红脸。老爷子给完大棒,秦妈再给甜枣,抱着小秦泽:宝贝儿子不哭,妈妈亲亲。 Qin Baobao's kisses reward fragrant, is all connected from mother here mostly. 秦宝宝的香吻奖励,多半从老妈这里一脉相承的。 Naturally also has the mixed doubles time, for example Qin Baobao is changing name, signs with the talent scout. For example Qin Ze was instigated by elder sister again, steals family's money to buy the icicle to lick. 当然也有混合双打的时候,比如秦宝宝改名字、与星探签约。再比如秦泽姐姐怂恿,偷家里的钱买冰棍舔。 This around 10 : 00, first rested, another day will reconsider.” Mother Qin light a few words, elder sister and younger brother two look big changes. “这都十点多了,先休息,改天再议。”秦妈轻飘飘的一句话,姐弟俩神色大变。 āi yōu I go, the dog that really bites did not call...... 哎呦我去,果然咬人的狗不叫...... The feather duster in old gentleman hand loses, scolds: Tomorrow is teaching you.” When angry turning around walked toward master bedroom, passed by Qin Baobao, stared: You.” 老爷子手中的鸡毛掸子一丢,骂道:“明天在教训你。”气匆匆的转身往主卧走,路过秦宝宝时,又瞪眼:“还有你。” old gentleman slams a door. 老爷子摔门。 Mother Qin remains to end, takes a look at the son, takes a look at the daughter again, the finger makes an effort to poke daughter's forehead: Makes you do, implicates younger brother to take a beating.” 秦妈留下来收场,瞅瞅儿子,再瞅瞅女儿,指头用力戳女儿的额头:“让你作死,连累弟弟挨揍。” Qin Baobao is pursing the lips, the small appearance of scapegoat, she cannot act like a spoiled brat toward mother as in the past, at this matter, mother and father same camp. 秦宝宝噘着嘴,受气包的小模样,她不能如往常般朝母亲撒娇,因为这件事上,老妈和老爸时同一阵营。 „, Kept in the family/home to rest late.” “这么晚了,留家里睡吧。” Qin Baobao unwilling: oh. 秦宝宝不情不愿:“哦。 She could not escape. 她是逃不掉了。 Zijin, you rest with Baobao (darling) together, tomorrow aunt will cook food to eat to you.” Mother Qin said benignly. 子矜,你跟宝宝一起睡,明天阿姨给你烧菜吃。”秦妈和颜悦色说。 Good, thanks the aunt.” Wang Zijin is also the woman who can act in a play, the smiling face is impregnable. “好的,谢谢阿姨。”王子衿也是个会演戏的女人,笑容无懈可击。 Mother I must go to work tomorrow, rests one to walk late.” Qin Baobao immediately says. “妈我明天还要上班呢,睡一晚就走。”秦宝宝立刻说。 Walks?” Mother Qin hē hē smiles: This matter does not solve, cannot get away.” “走?”秦妈呵呵一笑:“这件事不解决,走不了。” Room Qin Ze is neighboring Room elder sister's, he held the waist to return to the room, Qin Baobao with. 秦泽紧邻着姐姐的,他扶着腰回自己房,秦宝宝跟了进来。 Returns to the room, is not glad to see you.” Qin Ze scolded, I said sooner or later must be a scapegoat for you, the real his mother's god sentenced in advance.” “回自己房去,不乐意看见你。”秦泽骂道,“我就说迟早要替你背锅,真他娘的神预判。” Qin Baobao in the resembles only small white rabbit that in front of the father instigates, in front of younger brother is the big tiger of making threatening gestures, said righteously: You are younger brother, is not to give the elder sister to be a scapegoat.” 秦宝宝在老爹面前怂的像只小白兔,在弟弟面前就是张牙舞爪的大老虎,理直气壮道:“你是弟弟,可不就是要给姐背锅嘛。” Is disinclined to reason with the woman. 懒得和女人讲理。 Qin Ze thought that back burning hurting, took off the coat. 秦泽觉得后背火辣辣的疼,就脱了外衣。 Qin Baobao unprecedented cheek one red, spat one, scolded: Knows that your stature is good, daily show, snort/hum.” 秦宝宝破天荒的脸蛋一红,啐一口,骂道:“知道你身材好,天天秀,哼。” Mental illness.” Qin Ze rolls the eyes, turns around: My back good pain, you to help me have a look.” “神经病啊。”秦泽翻白眼,转身:“我后背好痛,你帮我看看。” Qin Baobao dumbfounded, Qin Ze conducts the back the silt mark that more than ten depths vary, most serious turned purple, is looking shocking. Stayed for several seconds, elder sister „” cried, wiped tears, ran the room: Mother, mother, the father destroyed A'Ze, wū wū wū......” 秦宝宝呆住了,秦泽背上有十几道深浅不一的淤痕,最严重的都发紫了,瞧着触目惊心。呆了几秒,姐姐“哇”一声哭出来,边抹眼泪,边跑出房间:“妈,妈,爸把阿泽打坏了,呜呜呜......” Mother Qin in washroom washing, is having a scare, really thinks that the son has what good and evil, runs in room/house to come with the daughter, Wang Zijin in the next door, hears the sound, came. 秦妈正在洗手间洗漱,吓了一跳,真以为儿子有个什么好歹,跟着女儿跑进房来,王子衿就在隔壁,听见动静,也过来了。 Is all right, the silt is blue.” Mother Qin relaxes. “没事没事,淤青而已。”秦妈松了口气。 In childhood Qin Ze frequently punched butt silt was blue, but silt azure on butt was not scary, who is blossomed by butt that the parents punched in childhood. Silt azure of back a maltreated misconception. 小时候秦泽经常被揍的一屁股淤青,不过屁股上的淤青不吓人,谁小时候没被父母揍的屁股开花。脊背的淤青给人一种被虐待的错觉。 Stupidly be not gawking, gives you younger brother to buy the bottle of yn white medicinal powder.” Mother Qin directs the daughter. “别傻愣着呀,给你弟弟买瓶yn白药。”秦妈指挥女儿。 Qin Baobao wipes tears, goes out. 秦宝宝抹一把泪,出门去。
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