MESIS :: Volume #2

#112: Tonight waits on the bedroom

Doesn't hurt sorely? This devil, starts tactless.” Mother Qin loves dearly the son. “疼不疼?这死鬼,下手没轻没重。”秦妈心疼儿子。 Had not seen you to ask favor a moment ago.” Qin Ze lies on the bed, having mind filled with resentment. “刚才也没见您求情来着。”秦泽趴在床上,满腹怨气。 Mother Qin is angry saying: This chapter of mother does not stand you, A'Ze, you are not do not know that your father's reverse scale, must touch, gets what one deserves.” 秦妈嗔道:“这回妈可不站在你们这边儿,阿泽,你又不是不知道你爸的逆鳞,非要去触,活该。” Qin Ze remains silent not to speak. 秦泽闷声不说话。 Mother Qin also complained several, walked. 秦妈又埋怨几句,走了。 In the room remains Wang Zijin and Qin Ze two people, Wang Zijin just changed the pajamas, when design still little bear pajamas, the pretty black length is straight, solemn attractive oval face, flesh tender powder, what most loses face/shows off is a pair of eyes graceful peach blossom pupil, symmetrical graceful figure. 房间里就剩王子衿秦泽两人,王子衿刚刚换上睡衣,款式仍旧时小熊睡衣,靓丽的黑长直,端庄漂亮的鹅蛋脸,肌肤嫩粉,最出彩的是一双秋波盈盈的桃花眸子,还有匀称曼妙的身段。 „The Zijin elder sister is really pretty.” Qin Ze flatters. 子矜姐真漂亮。”秦泽拍马屁。 I and your older sister who is attractive?” Wang Zijin blinks, somewhat is mischievous. “我和你姐谁漂亮?”王子衿眨眨眼,有几分促狭。 Is this wife and mother falls in the water first saves whom the reprint? 这是“媳妇和老妈掉水里先救谁”的翻版么? Qin Ze takes network old driver, the story is rich, deals with creates obstacles for the issue the method to understand clearly in chest/heart similarly, said: Naturally the Zijin elder sister is pretty, Qin Baobao is a maidservant.” 秦泽作为网络老司机,阅历丰厚,应付类似刁难问题的方法了然于胸,就说:“当然子矜姐漂亮,秦宝宝是丫鬟。” Traded elder sister to ask, so long as inverted the answer. 换了姐姐问,只要把答案颠倒一下。 Wang Zijin hē hē said with a smile: Baobao (darling) came back me to tell her.” 王子衿呵呵笑道:“宝宝回来我就跟她说。” This...... the life everywhere is routine, is not you wraps me is I wraps you. 这......人生到处是套路,不是你套我就是我套你。 Qin Ze only has the hollow laugh. 秦泽唯有干笑。 Made you look at the joke, really lost face.” Qin Ze awkward say/way. “让你看笑话了,真丢人。”秦泽尴尬道。 Wang Zijin approaches to examine carefully the Qin Ze's back silt mark, inexplicable loving dearly a little, puts out a hand to touch his scar, shrinks in the midair, said gently: Truly makes me broaden the outlook, hits the son.” 王子衿走近细看秦泽的背部淤痕,莫名的有点心疼,伸手触摸他的伤痕,又在半空中缩回来,轻轻道:“确实让我大开眼界,还有这么打儿子的。” In the tone has not indignation, said: Looked coming out, you and Baobao (darling) very respectable Qin Uncle, otherwise, such big person, really did not want, did this hit must suffer? elder sister also calculates to see the world in Capital City, the people of all forms have contacted, in this world many person dynasty results in the riches and honor, the person who let alone the friend, the one's own parents do not recognize were too many. But, you are also good, Baobao (darling) is also good, being glad makes Qin Uncle manage, lets hit hits, really good.” 语气中颇有不忿,又道:“看的出来,你和宝宝都很尊敬秦叔叔,不然,这么大的人了,真不愿意,这顿打还非挨不可?姐姐京城也算见过世面,形形色色的人都接触过,这世上很多人一朝得富贵,别说朋友,亲生爹妈都不认的人太多了。可是,你也好,宝宝也好,都乐意让秦叔叔管着,让打就打,真好。” Qin Ze scoffs smiles: I am so, but Qin Baobao may not have courage, she really instigated.” 秦泽嗤一笑:“我是如此,但秦宝宝可没这个胆儿,她是真怂。” You should not be disappointing, she who Baobao (darling) thinks compares to whine before you, in the school may the tiger.” Wang Zijin bent/tune finger/refer a ball on his head, said in a soft voice: Must say that discontented also has, Qin Uncle is too stodgy, why.” “你别把宝宝想的那么差劲,她就是在你面前比较嗲,在学校可虎了。”王子衿曲指在他脑瓜上一弹,柔声道:“要说不满也有,秦叔叔太迂腐,何必呢。” Nowadays, when superstar isn't good? Casual salary, on value he in education diligent several years. This year many people hope when juicy unmarried young woman of own family/home superstar, means glowing red Grandpa Mao running water floods into the main house gate. 这年头,当大明星不好?随便一场片酬,就值他在教育事业勤勤恳恳好几年。这年头多少人希望自己家的水灵闺女大明星,意味着红彤彤的毛爷爷流水似的涌入家门啊。 Although Qin Ze suffered in a big way, but maintains father very much, refuted: My father he is not stodgy, first two months also told me: Man 30 stands, worries to ask the wife to make anything, when 30, looked for 18. Taking a look, is enlightened. Entertainment world place water is too deep, performs to have some black 7~8 bad matters, our family/home, was satisfied just to get by, cannot shelter her. Qin Baobao from small attractive, telling fortunes said her: A dynasty is in charge of Zhaixinglou, the nabobism comes rolling.” 秦泽虽然挨了顿大,但很维护自己老子,反驳道:“我爸他可不迂腐,前两月还跟我说:男人三十而立,着急找媳妇做啥子,等三十了,找个十八的。瞧瞧,多开明。只是娱乐圈这地方水太深,尽出些乌七八糟的事,我们家呢,小富即安,庇护不了她的。秦宝宝从小漂亮,算命的说她:一朝入主摘星楼,荣华富贵滚滚来。” What do you mean.” Wang Zijin has not understood. “什么意思。”王子衿没明白。 Qin Ze curls the lip: This poem described one generation of monster imperial concubine Daji, saying Qin Baobao was the source of trouble appearance, real motherf**ker. At that time is she is only ten years old good, your mother lived Celestial. She entered the entertainment world, that is who wants to nip a sweetie pie. You said that my father can feel relieved, in which day of newspaper if exposes, today Qin Baobao and such and such difference hotels, tomorrow Qin Baobao with such and some difference hotels. Is vexed.” 秦泽撇嘴:“这诗形容一代妖妃妲己的,说秦宝宝是祸水面相呗,真tm准。当时她才十岁好不好,尼玛神仙啊。她进了娱乐圈,那就是谁都想咬一口的香饽饽。你说我爸能放心嘛,万一哪天报纸上曝光,今天秦宝宝和某某出入酒店,明天秦宝宝又和某某某出入酒店。多糟心。” Wang Zijin comfort: Perhaps You must believe own elder sister, Baobao (darling) avoids getting contaminated growing from mud, she said that she will defend the bottom line.” 王子衿安慰:“你要相信自己的姐姐,宝宝没准出淤泥而不染呢,她说自己会守住底线的。” Qin Ze rolls the eyes: She also felt oneself are Little Immortal Fairy.” 秦泽翻白眼:“她还觉得自己是小仙女呢。” Wang Zijin strikes into the soul: You also support her.” 王子衿一击入魂:“那你还支持她。” Qin Ze had nothing to say in reply. 秦泽无言以对。 Pushes elder sister to enter the entertainment world, half are system quest have no recourse, half are the ear are soft, cannot withstand Qin Baobao to act like a spoiled brat. Felt again own system in hand, the world I have, having the confidence is elder sister escorts, he also truly tries hard toward the goal. Why otherwise pulls out guidance Li Donglai of lung from the heart, why Li Donglai invited, even if he did not love the k song, still. He must expand oneself personal connection, daily in the dwelling family/home speculates in the stock market, how to operate the human relations. Present Li Donglai is too immature, only works as the long-line investment, makes the short line truly, is Pei Nanman. 姐姐入娱乐圈,一半是系统任务迫不得已,一半是耳根子软,经不起秦宝宝撒娇。再就是觉得自己系统在手,天下我有,有信心为姐姐保驾护航,他也确实朝目标努力。要不然为何掏心掏肺的教导李东来,为何李东来邀请,即便他不爱k歌,依然去了。他得扩展自己的人脉,天天宅家里炒股,怎么经营人脉关系。现在的李东来太稚嫩,只当长线投资,真正做短线的,还是裴南曼 This reveres Guanyin — Bodhisattva of Compassion. 这是尊观音菩萨 system's appeared, is equivalent to his peerless almighty troops, on the way forward, rising to challenges he. 系统的出现,相当于给了他一柄绝世神兵,前进的道路上,披荆斩棘的还是他自己。 Soon, Qin Baobao bought one bottle of yn white medicinal powder sprays to come out, by the community had a 24 hours of pharmacy. 不多时,秦宝宝买了一瓶yn白药喷剂出来,小区旁就有一家24小时药店。 Wang Zijin said, I first took a bath. Leaves behind elder sister and younger brother two to live alone. 王子衿就说,我先去洗澡了。留下姐弟俩独处。 Qin Baobao makes Qin Ze lie on the bed, oneself take off the cotton to tow, on the straddles on younger brother waist, applies medicine to him conveniently. Sees younger brother to bear the shocking scar, the Qin Baobao tears flows on pā dā pā dā, scolded: Dead old man, tactless, he may on your son, make the problem, looked that does not regret dead he.” 秦宝宝秦泽趴在床上,自己脱掉棉拖,跨坐在弟弟腰上,方便给他上药。见弟弟背上触目惊心的伤痕,秦宝宝眼泪就啪嗒啪嗒流下来,骂道:“死老头子,没轻没重,他可就你一个儿子,打出毛病来,看不后悔死他。” elder sister conducts the back the spraying medicinal preparation toward him, Qin Ze only thinks cool, later burning hurting. 姐姐往他背上喷药剂,秦泽只觉一阵清凉,随后火辣辣的疼。 The Qin Baobao fingertip is icy cold, has stroked the younger brother vigorous and healthy back gently, bursts into tears, while resentment grave cursing: One age, but also so the violent temper, mother will really not select the man.” 秦宝宝指尖冰凉,轻轻拂过弟弟健壮的背脊,一边流泪,一边怨念深重的咒骂:“都一把年纪了,还这般暴脾气,妈真不会挑男人。” Qin Ze helplessly said: You also flaunt the advantage of argument afterward, a moment ago those who frightened to be ignorant is who?” 秦泽无奈道:“你也就事后逞一逞口舌之利,刚才吓懵的是谁?” Qin Baobao refuses to accept angrily said: He hits me to hit me, but hits A'Ze is not good.” 秦宝宝不服气道:“他打我就打我,但打阿泽就不行。” Qin Ze rolls the eyes, a moment ago what yielded and withdrew is who is coming? 秦泽翻白眼,刚才退避三舍的是谁来着? Qin Baobao cries saying: You is a man, you do not protect elder sister, who protects? elder sister only had A'Ze to rely on. After all elder sister......” 秦宝宝哭道:“你是男子汉嘛,你不保护姐姐,谁保护?姐姐就只有阿泽可以依赖了。毕竟姐姐......” Excrement tears pull you to grow up.” Qin Ze is showing the whites of the eyes. “一把屎一把泪拉扯你长大。”秦泽翻着白眼。 Knows well.” The Qin Baobao frequency puts belated action: elder sister feared you are difficult to do, must go all out with the dead old man is not possible. For A'Ze, honorable person PK elder sister is a willing worker.” “知道就好。”秦宝宝频放马后炮:“姐姐要不是怕你难做,非得跟死老头子拼命不可。为了阿泽,真人pk姐姐都肯做的。” Qin Ze rolls the eyes again, the heart said that you become obstinate and argumentative the King quickly. 秦泽再翻白眼,心说你都快成嘴强王者。 But sees the sadness that elder sister cries, he does not see through an affair. 但见姐姐哭的伤心,他就不拆穿了。 Qin Baobao rejoices saying: Your bum is fortunately hard, otherwise the elder sister must send you to German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act) to you.” 秦宝宝庆幸道:“还好你人贱骨头硬,不然姐还得给你送你去德国骨科。” German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act)......” Qin Ze complexion strange looks at elder sister, forgetting to investigate that the person bum is hard. 德国骨科......”秦泽脸色怪异的看着姐姐,忘了追究人贱骨头硬。 What's wrong?” Qin Baobao is vacant. “怎么了?”秦宝宝茫然。 Word that you, where you study.” “你,你哪儿学来的词。” In Weibo the old many people said that senseless saidGerman Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act) four characters. ” Qin Baobao shows the self-satisfied small expression, is pleased with oneself. 微博里老多人说了,没头没脑的就说“德国骨科”四个字。”秦宝宝露出得意的小表情,沾沾自喜。 I will also use the network stem. 我也是会用网络梗的。 Qin Ze: „Do you know this word the meaning?” 秦泽:“你知道这个词儿的意思吗?” Did not look that anime does not mix elder sister of forum to be crooked the head: Does not know. Online one pile of stems, what ricefield eel and shrimp everything in disorder. Although saw frequently, but I do not know what meaning.” 不看动漫不混论坛的姐姐歪着脑袋:“不知道。网上一堆儿的梗,什么皮皮鳝、皮皮虾乱七八糟的。虽然经常看到,但我就是不知道什么意思。” Qin Ze relaxes, serious: Promises me, do not go to search for German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act).” 秦泽松了口气,一本正经:“答应我,别去搜德国骨科。” Why?” “为什么?” Because poisonous.” “因为有毒。” At this time, Qin Ze felt that bore pā dā, had anything to drip down. 这时,秦泽感觉背上啪嗒一下,有什么东西滴下来。 What...... what thing, Qin Baobao did your nasal mucus fall on me?!” Qin Ze complexion big change. “什么......什么东西,秦宝宝你鼻涕掉我身上了?!”秦泽脸色大变。 Where has, is the tears.” elder sister quibbled, and grasped the Qin Ze's short sleeve rapidly, wiped, hurries to destroy the corpse and leave no trace. “哪有,是眼泪。”姐姐狡辩,并迅速抓起秦泽的短袖,擦去,赶紧毁尸灭迹。 „Are your family tears lumps of?” A Qin Ze butt arch turns elder sister, the startled anger sits up, a face ate exclusion of dead mouse: āi yōu I go, you also take my clothes to wipe the nasal mucus.” “你家眼泪是一坨坨的?”秦泽屁股拱翻姐姐,惊怒坐起,一脸吃了死老鼠的嫌弃:“哎呦我去,你还拿我衣服擦鼻涕。” How to speak with elder sister.” Qin Baobao stares: Will say is the tears, elder sister will not flow the nasal mucus.” “怎么跟姐姐说话的。”秦宝宝瞪眼儿:“就说是眼泪,姐姐才不会流鼻涕。” You are Little Immortal Fairy.” Qin Ze taunted, threw on the short sleeve the Qin Baobao head. “你是小仙女嘛。”秦泽嘲讽,把短袖扔到秦宝宝脑袋上。 elder sister beautiful face changing colors, throws the short sleeve rapidly by far, exhibits to climb mountains to catch a tiger to go to sea to stress the stance of turtle: Qin Ze, you do.” 姐姐花容失色,迅速把短袖丢远远的,摆出上山打虎下海抓鳖的姿态:“秦泽,你作死。” elder sister and younger brother launches honorable person PK on the bed, the Qin Baobao resistance is about ten moves, was overpowered easily, was instead turned both hands by younger brother, according to disorderly bedding. 姐弟在床上展开真人pk,秦宝宝抵抗不过十招,轻而易举被制服,被弟弟反扭双手,按在凌乱的被褥里。 The Qin Baobao cheek flushed, hair is disorderly, panting with rage is staring younger brother, is tearful, does not admit defeat. 秦宝宝脸蛋潮红,发丝凌乱,气呼呼的瞪着弟弟,泪眼汪汪,就是不服软。 elder sister rare unyielding, does not beg for mercy does not act like a spoiled brat, since perhaps had felt these days, without was more and more dignified in front of younger brother, although she before would have no. 姐姐难得硬气一回,不求饶不撒娇,许是觉得这些日子以来,在弟弟面前越来越没有威严了,尽管她以前就没有。 Qin Ze is with good intention gives under the elder sister stair: Ok, does not haggle over with you.” 秦泽善解人意的给姐姐台阶下:“算了,不和你计较。” Then the elder sister and younger brother two vanishing past animosities, Qin Baobao continues to give the younger brother spraying medicinal preparation, suddenly faintly said: elder sister kissed reward unable to repay you fragrant.” 然后姐弟俩冰释前嫌,秦宝宝继续给弟弟喷药剂,忽然幽幽道:“姐姐香吻奖励都报答不了你。” Qin Ze never imagined, blurted out: That waits on the bedroom.” 秦泽想都没想,脱口而出:“那就侍寝吧。” Said the water that the words that sprinkle, has no way to withdraw, this was awkward. 说出去的话泼出去的水,没法撤回,这就尴尬了。 Who knows, Qin Baobao said gently: Un!” 谁知,秦宝宝轻轻道:“嗯!” Un?” Qin Ze shock. “嗯?”秦泽震惊了。 Knows that you are incorrigibly wicked.” Qin Baobao wields 12 chain blows of knife hand on the younger brother head, takes the opportunity to retaliate, smelly is not concerned about face.” “就知道你贼心不死。”秦宝宝手刀弟弟脑瓜上十二连击,借机报复,“臭不要脸。” Two people toss about to the 11 point, Qin Baobao go to the room to sleep. 两人折腾到十一点,秦宝宝回房间睡觉。 Qin Ze takes a shower, goes to the room to lie down, when sleepiness raids gradually, hears door knob kā cā one, then Qin Baobao stealthy infiltration, is conducting the underground work covertly probably. 秦泽冲了个澡,回房间躺下,困意渐渐袭来之际,听见门把手咔擦一声,然后秦宝宝鬼鬼祟祟的钻进来,偷偷摸摸像是在搞地下工作。 How you came back.” Qin Ze stares. “你怎么又回来了。”秦泽一愣。 Qin Baobao breathing out, parents had not rested, whispering is saying what/anything in room, do not let them discover.” 秦宝宝“嘘”了一声,“爸妈还没睡,嘀嘀咕咕在房间里说着什么,别让他们发现了。” elder sister lifts the quilt to drill toward. 姐姐掀开被子就往里钻。 Qin Ze felt that a pleasantly warm body abuts itself, the delicate fragrance faint trace enters the nose. 秦泽感觉一具温软的身躯紧靠自己,幽香丝丝入鼻。 I said casually, you also really come.” Qin Ze somewhat feels helpless. “我就随便说说,你还真过来啊。”秦泽有些不知所措。 Thinks what/anything, for a long time without chatting, the elder sister wants...... to have a lengthy conversation with you knee-to-knee, un, had a lengthy conversation knee-to-knee.” Qin Baobao enters in face conceals the bedding, does not make younger brother see blushing on face. “想什么呢,好久没聊天了,姐就是想和你......促膝长谈,嗯,促膝长谈。”秦宝宝把脸藏进被褥里,不让弟弟看见自己脸上的红晕。 Qin Ze is very artificial: Seven -year-old non- fellow guest, you were big.” 秦泽很矫情:“七岁不同席,你都多大了。” Qin Baobao also does very much: Blames you to harbor intentions to take my advantage, the elder sister is compels to have no other choice.” 秦宝宝也很作:“都怪你心心念念想占我的便宜,姐是逼不得已。” elder sister is typical good the scabs to forget hurting, neglects the some time ago French kiss event automatically, the cause was also she first kissed Qin Ze. However Qin Ze in Sage Time, is very sane, at this time usually was Qin Baobao makes the monster to do the matter, once Qin Ze entered the condition, Qin Baobao only then shouted share that the flax fell. 姐姐是典型的好了伤疤忘了疼,自动忽略前段时间湿吻事件,起因也是她先吻了秦泽。不过秦泽贤者时间,很理智,这种时候通常是秦宝宝作妖搞事情,一旦秦泽进入状态,秦宝宝就只有喊亚麻跌的份儿。 I let the song that you practice, what kind of?” Qin Ze asked. “我让你练的歌,怎么样了?”秦泽问。 Is good to be difficult to sing, basic whirlwind does not come up.” Qin Baobao painstakingly expression. “好难唱,根本飚不上去。”秦宝宝苦兮兮的表情。 The Qin Baobao's singing voice, the general song can control, the treble is not the issue, except for «Ascends the sky likely Borrows 500 Year this kind of song Again», she has no issue. Qin Ze makes that song that she practices, Qin Baobao be somewhat hard to resist, was too difficult. Often sang half of voices broken. 秦宝宝的歌喉,一般的歌都能驾驭,高音也不是问题,除了像《上天再借五百年》这类歌,她都没什么问题。秦泽让她练的那首歌,秦宝宝有些难以招架,太难了。经常唱到一半嗓音破了。 You practiced half a month, isn't good?” Qin Ze puts out a hand to pinch her white and tender cheek. “你都练了半个月,还不行?”秦泽伸手去掐她白嫩的脸蛋。 That sound is too difficult to sing,” Qin Baobao pinches his nose, returns the favor: You trade a song to me.” “那种音太难唱,”秦宝宝捏他鼻子,还以颜色:“你给我换首歌吧。” Your acoustic ray, can whirlwind come up absolutely, I thought that you are loaf.” Qin Ze is discontented. “你的声线,绝对能飚上去,我看你就是偷懒。”秦泽不满。 whirlwind does not come up, whirlwind does not come up.” Qin Baobao makes an effort to turn the body in the bedding. “飚不上去,飚不上去。”秦宝宝在被窝里使劲扭身体。 You leave turn...... the Qin Ze complexion randomly change. “你别乱扭……”秦泽脸色一变。 What's wrong?” elder sister asked. “怎么了?”姐姐问。 Qin Ze did not answer, shrinks the reduction abdomen, Qin Baobao understood, shamed angrily said: Should make the father kill you.” 秦泽不答,缩了缩小腹,秦宝宝明白了,羞怒道:“就该让爸打死你。” even/including Shouge did not sing well, had what/anything to distinguish with salted fish, Qin Baobao you must become the superstar woman.” Qin Ze changes the topic. “连首歌都唱不好,和咸鱼有什么区别,秦宝宝你是要成为大明星的女人。”秦泽岔开话题。 The elder sister's sound is not that type clear elusive, in the female voice calculates on heavy/thick, has the sense of reality very much. 姐姐的声音不是那种清脆空灵,在女声中算的上厚重,很有质感。 They chatted midnight, heavy went off. 他们聊到半夜,沉沉睡去。 next morning, Qin Ze seven remind, the sunlight projects to enter from the window curtains slit, the dust broom corn millet fluctuates in the light beam. The side falls asleep Qin Baobao, a pair of slender thigh cross on the younger brother waist, the face buries in the Qin Ze's nape of the neck position, in hair sends out the light shampoo fragrance. Under pajamas, 36 D outline so clear. 第二天早上,秦泽七点醒来,阳光从窗帘缝隙投射而入,尘糜在光束中浮动。身边睡着秦宝宝,一双修长大腿跨在弟弟腰上,脸埋在秦泽的脖颈位置,发丝中散发淡淡的洗发水香味。睡衣下,36d的轮廓如此的清晰。 After Qin Ze wakes up first to respond, touches own lifeblood, looked that it does have the interest spiritedly...... not to have fortunately. Otherwise refers to erratically must shut out by Qin Baobao. Well, this does not seem like what/anything to be worth the happy matter, 秦泽醒来后的第一反应,摸自己的命根子,看它有没有兴致昂扬......还好没有。否则指不定又要被秦宝宝嫌弃。咦,这好像不是什么值得高兴的事, He hugs the elder sister's waist to prepare to narrow a while again. 他搂着姐姐的腰准备再眯一会儿。 At this time, the gate opened, broadcast the voice of mother: A'Ze, has not seen Baobao (darling) very early in the morning, she is not in the room, went to work. You also got out of bed well.” 这时,门开了,传来老妈的声音:“阿泽,一大早没看见宝宝,她也不在房里,是不是上班去了。你也好起床了。”
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