MESIS :: Volume #2

#113: Picture

Pushes Mother Qin that the gate enters, sees with own eyes one in room, was shocked. 推门而入的秦妈,眼见房间里的一幕,愣住了。 On the bed is lying down her pair of children, each other snuggles, rests is just fragrant. Mother Qin was the temper moderate Ikea good woman, the brow still to jump jumping ruthlessly. 床上躺着她的一双儿女,彼此依偎,睡的正香。秦妈是个性子温和的宜家好女人,眉头仍是狠狠跳了跳。 Qin Baobao mindless sound asleep, is awaking liver that Qin Ze frightens trembles, inexplicable afraid. He ships out the appearance that just awoke intentionally, sits sets out, said blurry: How I know that which Qin Baobao went to...... āi yōu, originally she here. The mother, Qin Baobao is really annoying, yesterday declined to leave.” 秦宝宝没心没肺的呼呼大睡,醒着的秦泽吓的肝儿一颤,莫名的心虚。他故意装出一副刚醒的样子,坐起身,迷糊道:“我怎么知道秦宝宝去哪了......哎呦,原来她在我这里。妈,秦宝宝真烦人,昨天赖着不走。” Quick-witted Qin Ze flings the pot to elder sister. 机智的秦泽把锅甩给姐姐 Mother Qin solemnly said: Baobao (darling)!” 秦妈沉声道:“宝宝!” Mother Qin sees the daughter and son clothing is complete, relaxes at heart slightly. 秦妈见女儿和儿子衣衫完整,心里稍稍松口气。 Qin Baobao was pushed several by younger brother, wakes, narrows the eyes to focus to sit sets out, a face blurry tender gruff appearance. When seeing stands after mother in bedside, the tender body quickly grasps the meaning of something, sleepiness disappears, murmured: āi yā, mother, blames Qin Ze, last night did not draw me to chat.” 秦宝宝弟弟推了几下,醒过来,眯着眼坐起身,一脸迷糊的娇憨模样。待看见站在床边的母亲后,娇躯一个激灵,困意顿消,囔囔道:“哎呀,妈,都怪秦泽,昨晚非拉着我聊天。” Quick-witted Qin Baobao flings the pot to younger brother. 机智的秦宝宝把锅甩给弟弟 The Mother Qin corners of the mouth pull out, resemble to refer, really own elder sister and younger brother, can you proper, the big person, but also rests the same place. Nonsense!” 秦妈嘴角一抽,似有所指,“真是亲姐弟,你们能不能正经点,多大的人了,还睡一起。胡闹!” Gets out of bed a bit faster washing, you had the breakfast on.” “快点起床洗漱,就等你俩吃早饭。” Mother Qin reproved several, is frowning to leave. 秦妈训斥几声,皱着眉头离开。 Qin Baobao puts out a hand to carry the ear of younger brother, angrily said: How you do not lock a door, how not to lock a door.” 秦宝宝伸手去拎弟弟的耳朵,气道:“你怎么不锁门,怎么不锁门。” Qin Ze refuted: Is you enters my room, how you do not remember that turns around to lock a door?” 秦泽反驳道:“是你进我屋的,你怎么不记得转身锁门?” Qin Baobao angrily said: elder sister slept with you, how you locked a gate.” 秦宝宝怒道:“姐姐都陪你睡觉了,你锁个门怎么了。” Qin Ze frightens the urine: your mother, low voice, was heard by the father, do we also want to live.” 秦泽吓尿:“尼玛,小声点啊,被老爹听见,我们还想不想活了。” Luckily the one who pushes the door to come is the mother, traded old gentleman, his scheduled German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act) bed. 幸好推门进来的是老妈,换了老爷子,他就该预定德国骨科床位。 After washing, they go to the living room, old gentleman sit are symbolizing the head of the family seat of honor, about respectively is Mother Qin and Wang Zijin. old gentleman took a look at the children of long in coming, knits the brows to reprove: Several points, but also wants your mothers to shout the bed, goes to work on this attitude?” 洗漱之后,他俩来到客厅,老爷子坐在象征一家之主的主位,左右分别是秦妈王子衿老爷子瞅了眼姗姗来迟的儿女,皱眉训斥:“都几点了,还要你们妈来喊床,上班就这个态度?” Also refers to finger/refers of Wang Zijin, Zijin got out of bed, Baobao (darling) you are also depending.” 又指指王子衿,“子衿都起床了,宝宝你还赖着不出来。” Wang Zijin keeps silent. 王子衿默不作声。 elder sister and Qin Ze look at each other one, first low, takes a seat rapidly, lowers the head to sip gruel. A having a guilty conscience stance. 姐姐秦泽对视一眼,头一低,迅速入座,低头喝粥。一副做贼心虚的姿态。 Mother Qin looks in the eye, anxious look over the face. 秦妈瞧在眼里,愁容满面。 The son and daughter relate from slightly intimate, may grow up eventually. 儿子和女儿关系自小亲密,可终究长大了。 Qin Ze relaxes secretly, it seems like that the mother had not said, thanked on mother the graciousness of Sir not killing. 秦泽暗自松气,看来老妈没说,感谢母上大人不杀之恩。 old gentleman saw the daughter, said: Then you work, looked for the nice point work.” 老爷子看了看女儿,道:“回头你把工作辞了,找份像样点的工作。” Qin Baobao turns head to look at younger brother, sees the stance of his standing and remaining aloof from the thing of no immediate concern to oneself, hates at heart secretly, father, the contract has not expired, the violation must lose money.” 秦宝宝扭头看弟弟,见他事不关己高高挂起的姿态,心里暗恨,“爸,合约没到期呢,违约要赔钱的。” Compensates compensates,” old gentleman racket table: Our family/home does not miss this money Er.” “赔就赔,”老爷子拍拍桌子:“咱们家不差这点钱儿。” Qin Baobao weakly said: Penalty 3 million.” 秦宝宝弱弱道:“违约金三百万。” old gentleman rare poverty stunts ambition. 老爷子罕见的人穷志短 Qin Ze could not bear, pū chī smiles. 秦泽没忍住,噗嗤一笑。 Immediately draws fire to oneself, old gentleman angrily said: What smiles to smile, the skin was itchy, last night hadn't hit enough?” 立刻引火烧身,老爷子怒道:“笑什么笑,皮痒了,昨晚没打够?” Qin Ze lowers the head, did not speak. 秦泽低头,不说话。 He last night and elder sister has discussed the countermeasure, is unruly to sway back and forth when old gentleman invalid, comes across the intractable problem, two means can pass kill all: force oneself upon and you can't unscramble an egg. 他昨晚和姐姐商议过对策,撒泼打滚在老爷子面前行不通,遇到棘手问题之时,两种办法可以通杀一切:霸王硬上弓、生米煮成熟饭。 Qin Baobao has signed Star Skills, has the contract in the body, has the legal effect, old gentleman does not want, must hold one's nose to recognize, only if you can put out the penalty, or being cruel enough daughter is taken to court. 秦宝宝已经签约星艺,有合同在身,具备法律效应,老爷子再不愿意,也得捏着鼻子认下来,除非你能拿出违约金,或者忍心女儿被告上法庭。 old gentleman really grasps blindly. 老爷子果然抓瞎。 Creates these two idioms ancient your mother to be really full of wisdom. 创造这两成语的古人真尼玛有智慧。 This called anything, this called anything.” The vertical position table of old gentleman air/Qi. “这叫什么事儿,这叫什么事儿。”老爷子气的直拍桌子。 Wang Zijin said gently: Uncle, the Baobao (darling) condition is very good, taking this path is very appropriate. I know that the worry of uncle, in my family and Shanghai Radio and TV Bureau a little relate, then I telephone, ventilate. You could rest assured that Baobao (darling) will not be bullied.” 王子衿轻轻道:“叔叔,宝宝条件很好,走这条路子很合适。我知道叔叔的顾虑,我家里和沪市广电局有点关系,回头我打个电话,通通气。您放心,宝宝绝不会受欺负。” old gentleman one hear, clamps together the brined vegetable to Wang Zijin hastily. 老爷子一听,连忙给王子衿夹一块咸菜。 The old gentleman anger turns over to the anger, pair of children grew up eventually, cannot like the school days, take responsibility for daughter's future forcefully. Do not look that the children are very respectable he, but complies in public but opposes in private you not to have the means. 老爷子怒归怒,一双儿女终究长大了,不能像学生时代,强行为女儿的未来做主了。别看子女还是很尊敬他,但阳奉阴违起来你也没办法。 Qin Ze knows that Wang Zijin is talking nonsense, she broke off with the family/home in noisily, credit card freeze, economic blockade. Also pulls the fierce appearance to enlarge the flag. 秦泽知道王子衿在扯淡,她都跟家里闹掰了,信用卡冻结,经济封锁。也就扯虎皮拉大旗而已。 Looks at her face calm self-confident appearance, gives to flicker magical skill deep old gentleman, this elder sister is not the stupid, white, and sweet pure woman. 看她一脸淡定自信的样子,把道行深厚的老爷子都给忽悠住,这位姐姐也不是傻白甜的单纯女人。 The breakfast finished, old gentleman carries the briefcase to go to the school. Mother Qin is the full-time wife, does not work. 早餐结束,老爷子拎着公文包去学校。秦妈是专职太太,不工作。 Qin Baobao returns to room/house Liange, Qin Ze goes to the room to invest his stock market deep water. 秦宝宝回房练歌,秦泽回房间投入他的股市深水。 In the living room, Wang Zijin and Mother Qin chatted. 客厅里,王子衿秦妈聊天。 Qin Ze asked how Wang Zijin does not go to work, Wang Zijin said that is sad, asks for leave for day. 秦泽王子衿怎么不上班,王子衿说心情不好,请假一天。 Good, you happily good. 好吧,你开心就好。 The television is starting, some optional broadcast ancient costume drama. Nowadays, the quality of soap opera declines, the special effects five hair and plot mechanical damages, the selling point on celebrity, did not have the performing skill especially, light/only by a face. 电视机开着,随意播放某古装爱情剧。这年头,电视剧的质量江河日下,特效五毛、情节硬伤,卖点全在明星身上,偏偏还特么没演技,光靠一张脸。 Zijin, listening to Baobao (darling) to say your family in Capital City?” Mother Qin truncates an apple, gives Wang Zijin. 子衿,听宝宝说你家在京城?”秦妈削好一个苹果,递给王子衿 Thanks the aunt.” Wang Zijin received the apple, gnawed one, „.” “谢谢阿姨。”王子衿接过苹果,啃了一口,“是的。” What father makes?” Mother Qin also asked. “爸爸是做什么的?”秦妈又问。 Wang Zijin is watertight: My father is an official, first two years of external assignment Shanghai assignment, my high school on the Fudan attached middle school, Baobao (darling) and I shares a table.” 王子衿滴水不漏:“我爸是公务员,前两年外派沪市任职,我高中就是在复旦附中上的,宝宝和我还是同桌呢。” Mother Qin confident, is officer second generation. Since returned to Capital City, explained that won a promotion, it seems like that this miss said that in the family/home and Shanghai Radio and TV Bureau have the relations, is not aimless. 秦妈心里有底了,原来是个官二代。既然回了京城,说明又升官了,看来这姑娘说家里和沪市广电局有关系,不是无的放矢。 Had the boyfriend?” Mother Qin also asked. “有男朋友了么?”秦妈又问。 The Wang Zijin inexplicable awkwardness, always listened to Qin Baobao to pull the calf for serveral days, tries to bring two ill-matched sides together, must reconcile her and Qin Ze, turns head, listens to Mother Qin to ask this saying, her sensitive feeling. Thought, your next is to ask: How do your I see the son? 王子衿莫名的尴尬,这些天总听秦宝宝扯犊子,乱点鸳鸯谱,要撮合她和秦泽,一扭头,又听秦妈问这话,她就特敏感。心想,您下一句是不是要问:你我看儿子怎么样? No.” Wang Zijin smile. “没呢。”王子衿微笑。 Mother Qin sighed, present this society, the man takes a wife is not anxious, the woman was different, while the youth still, should find the object, later a tenth unmarried woman, no one wanted!” 秦妈叹了口气,“现在这社会,男人娶媳妇是不急,女人就不一样喽,趁着青春还在,就该找好对象,以后成老姑娘,岂不是没人要!” No wonder bosom friend always does not want matchmake, originally some side people are accompanying, birds of a feather flock together. 难怪闺蜜总不愿意相亲,原来身边有人“陪着”,物以类聚啊。 Baobao (darling) does not make people relieved, mindless, the marital important matter did not care, my is mother, worries.” 宝宝是个不让人放心的,没心没肺,婚姻大事也不关心,我这做母亲的,愁啊。” Aunt felt relieved, I know many youth people of extraordinary ability, another day will introduce to Baobao (darling).” “阿姨放心,我认识好多青年俊彦呢,改天给宝宝介绍。” Wang Zijin will chat very much, can always walk following the Mother Qin mentality, beaming with joy that she coaxes. 王子衿很会聊天,总能顺着秦妈的思路走,把她哄的眉开眼笑。 Chatted is less than a half hour, Mother Qin wants to recognize the daughter. 聊不到半小时,秦妈都想认干女儿了。 Mother Qin draws Wang Zijin's hand to walk into Room master bedroom, turned out the daughter and son's childhood photo album looks to her. 秦妈拉着王子衿的手走入主卧,翻出女儿和儿子小时候的相册给她看。 In the morning sunlight, the Wang Zijin thigh is putting the photo album, lowers the head to read. 早晨的阳光中,王子衿大腿放着相册,低头翻看。 The first page is Qin Baobao and Qin Ze of babyhood, lies down in the cradle, same, wrinkled small face. Qin Ze sleeps peacefully, Qin Baobao wails. 第一页是婴儿时期的秦宝宝秦泽,躺在摇篮里,都是同样的,皱巴巴的小脸。秦泽安静睡觉,秦宝宝则嚎啕大哭。 Two picture lusters are different, was not the photography at the same time, Qin Baobao was bigger than three years old Qin Ze. 两张照片色泽不同,不是同一时期拍摄,秦宝宝秦泽大了三岁。 The second page, Qin Ze is still the young baby in cradle, the baby bedside, puts on Qin Baobao of white princess skirt, 2-3 years old, is bending down the small physique, lowers the head to kiss the younger brother forehead. 第二页,秦泽依然是摇篮里的小婴儿,婴儿床边,穿着白色公主裙的秦宝宝,2-3岁大,俯着小身板,低头亲吻弟弟的额头。 The third page, was just weaned soon Qin Ze to sit in the bathtub, Qin Baobao squats in the one side, puts out a hand to pinch younger brother small younger brother, Qin Ze wā wā cries. 第三页,刚断奶不久的秦泽坐在澡盆里,秦宝宝蹲在一旁,伸手去捏弟弟的小弟弟,秦泽哇哇大哭。 P. 4, on Qin Ze of kindergarten and gets up the Qin Baobao shoulder to shoulder group photo of elementary school, at the back of small cloth wrapper. elder sister knife hand chops on the younger brother head. Childhood Qin Baobao had a powder dū dū big moon-face, but Qin Ze was thin and small. 第四页,上幼稚园的秦泽和上小学的秦宝宝并肩合照,都背着小布包。姐姐一记手刀劈在弟弟脑瓜上。小时候的秦宝宝有一张粉嘟嘟的大圆脸,而秦泽偏瘦小。 P. 5, Qin Baobao hugs the Qin Ze's shoulder, the elder sister and younger brother two heads by the same place, Qin Baobao on picture has been growing into tall Beautiful woman, the cheek removes clearly, the outline is thin, the facial features are simple and beautiful, the eye pupil is beautiful. Qin Ze is an appearance of child, seems like the 12~13 year, was shorter than a head Qin Baobao. 第五页,秦宝宝搂着秦泽的肩膀,姐弟俩脑袋靠在一起,照片上的秦宝宝已经长成高挑的小美人,脸蛋褪去圆润,轮廓瘦削,五官清丽,眼眸明媚。秦泽还是一副小孩子的模样,看起来十二三岁,比秦宝宝矮了一个脑袋。 P. 6, the picture and previous Zhang Ying should be the rackets at the same time, two people change not in a big way, Qin Baobao wears the ballet dance skirt, like an attractive noble whistling swan, the side is setting off an ugly duckling smart-alecky, the girl pulls the face of younger brother, the squint that a younger brother face shuts out looks at elder sister, the picture frames. 第六页,照片和前一张应该是同一时期拍的,两人变化不大,秦宝宝穿着芭蕾舞裙,像一只漂亮高贵的小天鹅,身边陪衬着一只丑小鸭,女孩俏皮的去扯弟弟的脸,弟弟一脸嫌弃的斜眼看姐姐,画面定格。 P. 6, p. 7 and p. 8...... Wang Zijin peaceful reading, as if saw Qin Baobao and Qin Ze's childhood, hee laughed out loud noisily, the battle was unceasing, mostly was elder sister is bullying younger brother, naturally, had the picture that younger brother turned defeat into victory occasionally. 第六页、第七页、第八页......王子衿安静的翻看,仿佛看到了秦宝宝秦泽的童年,嘻嘻闹闹,争斗不断,大多是姐姐在欺负弟弟,当然,偶尔也有弟弟反败为胜的画面。 By Qin Ze the high school, they rarely have the independent group photo again, either is the family photo, either is the well-mannered station. The time urges the person to grow, simultaneously makes the mutual lack of understanding of not being able to see. 直到秦泽上高中,他俩很少再有单独的合照,要么是全家福,要么是规规矩矩的站好。时光催人成长,同时制造看不见的隔膜。 Each pair of elder sister and younger brother and older brother and younger sister as the growth, becomes estranged gradually, such as the childhood was no longer intimate. 每一对姐弟兄妹都会随着成长,渐渐疏远,不再如儿时亲密。 Wang Zijin watches the picture, suddenly raises light disappointed, cannot think through the reason, is came from the sensitivity and delicate of female hipster probably. 王子衿看着照片,忽然升起淡淡的怅然,想不通原因,大概是来自女文青的敏感和纤弱。 Changes mind thinks, is not right, ordinary older brother and younger sister elder sister and younger brother perhaps this, the feeling of but according to oneself and they being constantly together, the time has not created the barrier among them probably. In picture distance should do to the parents looks. 转念一想,不对,普通兄妹姐弟或许这样,但根据自己与他们朝夕相处的感受,好像时光并没有在他们之间造成隔阂。照片里的“距离”应该是做给父母看的。 At noon. 中午。 After the food, Qin Ze proposed that watches the movie, Wang Zijin agreed joyfully. 饭后,秦泽提议去看电影,王子衿欣然同意。 little elder sister, we ride to share the bicycle, takes taxi?” Qin Ze asked. 小姐姐,我们骑共享单车出发,还是打车?”秦泽问。 Taking taxi, the weather is too hot, does not ride a bicycle happily.” The Wang Zijin facial color is usual, did not respond like Qin Baobao like that exaggeratingly. Qin Ze thought that , this name to the biological elder sister is violently poisonous. “打车,天气太热,不高兴骑车。”王子衿面色如常,不像秦宝宝那般反应夸张。秦泽心想,果然,这个称呼对亲姐来说是剧毒。 He owes today 30,000 multi- silver yuan in the stock market, the entire loss in the short line, needs Wang Family little elder sister to comfort. Only if can know in advance the future, otherwise definitely has to owe to harm. system said that the Host rank was too low, please cultivation diligently , helping me promote. 他今天在股市里亏了三万大洋,全亏损在短线上,需要王家小姐姐安抚一下。除非能预知未来,否则肯定有亏有损。系统解释说,宿主等级太低,请努力修炼,助我升级。 Qin Ze asked, what level I do practice full level am? Can put out a hand to fish the bullet, the foot kicks the nuclear warhead? 秦泽问,我修炼到满级是什么水平?能伸手捞子弹,脚踢核弹头吗? system answered, asking Host to face the reality, the goal that you cultivated pure was to provide the energy for this system, do not want is too many. 系统答,请宿主正视现实,你修炼的目的单纯是为本系统提供能量,不要想太多。 And detailed explanation law of conservation of energy, and genome study. 并详细阐释能量守恒定律,以及生物基因学。 Qin Ze has to break the great hero dream of flying up to the eaves and walls. 秦泽只好断了飞檐走壁的大侠梦。 Qin Ze and Wang Zijin just went out, contacts Qin Baobao that finished to go out of the room with manager, turns the head to look in all directions: Mother, my younger brother and Zijin?” 秦泽王子衿刚出门,与经纪人联络结束的秦宝宝走出房间,转头四顾:“妈,我弟和子衿呢?” Went out, probably watched the movie.” Mother Qin is dragging, remembers the incident: Baobao (darling), I helped you look at several young fellows, the person was handsome.” “出门去了,好像看电影了吧。”秦妈正在拖地,想起一事:“宝宝,我又帮你看了几个小伙子,人挺俊的。” Qin Baobao mood inexplicable bad, did not say patiently: matchmake matchmake, can you besides letting my matchmake also do other matter?” 秦宝宝心情莫名的糟糕,不耐烦道:“相亲相亲,您除了让我相亲还能不能做点别的事?” Turned around own room, made an effort to fall visits. 转身回了自己的房间,用力摔上门。 Mother Qin is vacant, this child.” 秦妈茫然,“这孩子。” Room Qin Baobao's in the south side, since out of the window looked, can see the community front door. She stands near the window, outward looks around, is seeing Wang Zijin and Qin Ze exactly moves toward the community front door shoulder to shoulder, two people seem merry, Wang Zijin is very impolite, loses own package package to Qin Ze. 秦宝宝的在南边,从窗外看,能看到小区大门。她站在窗边,朝外张望,恰好见着王子衿秦泽并肩走向小区大门,两人似乎有说有笑,王子衿很不客气,把自己的包包丢给秦泽 Qin Baobao is looking at this, is lost in thought. 秦宝宝望着这一幕,愣愣出神。 She a little regretted, regrets to reconcile Qin Ze and Wang Zijin, have no reason, regretted. 她有点后悔,后悔撮合秦泽王子衿,没理由,就是后悔。 Initially thought Wang Zijin could not have a liking for Qin Ze certainly, but Qin Ze offended to oneself repeatedly, then found out to the wicked scheme of younger brother pictures of cakes. Let him move out of the way from oneself the attention, may look that younger brother and Wang Zijin relations are gradually affectionate, she could not bear. 当初是觉得王子衿铁定看不上秦泽,而秦泽又对自己“屡屡冒犯”,便想出给弟弟画饼的鬼主意。让他把注意力从自己身上挪开,可看着弟弟王子衿关系渐渐亲昵,她就受不了了。 Qin Baobao in takes a wife to forget mother all these conclusions, she is that mother, has the opinion as for Mother Qin, she does not manage. 秦宝宝把这一切归结于“娶了媳妇忘了娘”,她就是那个娘,至于秦妈有没有意见,她不管。 She is looking at the increasingly estranged two backs, is lost in thought. 她望着渐行渐远的两道背影,愣愣出神。
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