MESIS :: Volume #1

#98: Harvests the innumerable brothers-in-law

Qin Ze's video fire, simultaneously hot also has 《For Qin Baobao》, raises again plays the upsurge. A while ago video, is piano that cell phone app plays plans the sound after all, turns over to shockingly shockingly, must say that sense of hearing grand feast what/anything, talked nonsense purely. For this reason, after the piano version video that some online people shoot spreads, many people thought that is of pleasant to hear than the original. 秦泽的视频火了,同时火的还有《致秦宝宝》,再一次掀起弹奏热潮。前阵子的视频,毕竟是手机app弹奏的钢琴拟音,惊艳归惊艳,要说听觉盛宴什么的,纯粹扯淡。正因如此,网上有人弹的钢琴版视频流传后,很多人都觉得比原创要好听。 But when Qin Ze personally after piano plays 《For Qin Baobao》, the netizen discovered, these that before listened to singing, level all not online. 可当秦泽亲自以钢琴演奏《致秦宝宝》之后,网友才发现,以前听的那些“翻唱”,水平全都没在线。 Worthily is original master, radically having no way ratio. 不愧是原创大师,根本没法比啊。 Listens to the Qin Ze's piano version, is the true sense of hearing grand feast. 秦泽的钢琴版,才是真正的听觉盛宴啊。 Of pleasant to hear does not want. 好听的不要不要的。 The key is, Qin Ze face value also motherf**ker extraordinary high. 关键是,秦泽颜值tm出奇的高。 His Weibo fast, recently Weibo, commented several hundred, the present is hundreds of thousands. 他的微博都快爆了,最近一条微博,原本评论就几百,现在是十几万。 Qin Baobao's younger brother, real real, was cool.” 秦宝宝的弟弟,真的吗真的吗,帅呆了。” Finally saw younger brother in legend, un, really has not disappointed me. First to rub is completely.” “终于见到传说中的弟弟了,嗯,果然没让我失望。先撸为尽。” Captures alive wild younger brother one, the take home warm bed, no one snatch with me.” “活捉野生弟弟一枚,抱回家暖床,谁都别跟我抢。” Is good the makings, good handsome, especially shoots piano time, poked to me simply.” “好有气质,好帅啊,特别是弹钢琴的时候,简直戳到我心里去了。” Had the talent, was this true 《For Qin Baobao》? The sound of sounds of nature.” “太有才华了,这才是真正的《致秦宝宝》吗?天籁之音。” Some online also people said, he shoots piano to be the same, same of god motherf**ker, on your group of you, is this ordinary?” “网上还有人说,他弹钢琴一般般,神tm的一般般,你行你上啊,这都一般?” Said that Qin Baobao is so attractive, how her younger brother can miss. Dammit, face value this thing, is really inherits.” “就说嘛,秦宝宝这么漂亮,她弟弟怎么会差。妈蛋,颜值这东西,果然是遗传的。” This is “这是我老公,这是我老公,这是我老公......重要的事情说三遍。” Qin Baobao in program said that he is otaku, I think that is that chubby, wears a black frame eye, both eyes soulless that dwelling fatty. Does not want to say that unexpectedly is so graceful, my Heavens. Licks the screen!” 秦宝宝在节目里说他是宅男,我以为是那种胖乎乎,戴一副黑框眼睛,双目无神的那种宅胖子。可没想道居然这么帅,我的天呐。舔屏!” This was also School Grass Grade left in our school, moreover shot the piano appearance, was very appealing. āi yōu, my young girl heart......” “这在我们学校也是校草级别了,而且弹钢琴的样子,真的特别吸引人。哎呦,我的少女心......” Will write the song, can shoot piano, your mother, long is so graceful, making our these single dogs feel sad.” “会写歌,会弹钢琴,尼玛,长的还这么帅,让我们这些单身狗情何以堪。” wife's younger brother, your is atypical, long is so graceful, the brothers-in-law pursued your older sister embarrassed.” 小舅子,你这就不地道了,长这么帅,姐夫都不好意思追求你姐了。” Brother-in-law + 1” “姐夫” Brother-in-law + 2” “姐夫” Brother-in-law + 10086” “姐夫” Qin Ze brushes the commentary, the corners of the mouth smiling face cannot be controlling, the flattered taste...... is very crisp. 秦泽刷着评论,嘴角笑容控制不住,被人吹捧的滋味......还挺爽的。 He was net celeb. 他算是网红了。 At this time, his cell phone made a sound, coming the electricity to demonstrate: Liu Ziqiang! 这时,他手机响了,来电显示:刘自强 The Qin Ze connection telephone, the opposite is the Liu Ziqiang exciting big cry: Qin Ze Qin Ze Qin Ze......” 秦泽接通电话,对面是刘自强激动的大叫声:“秦泽秦泽秦泽......” Mental illness, I also the non- deafness, something said the matter.” Qin Ze moves out of the way from the ear the cell phone. “神经病么,我又不耳聋,有事说事。”秦泽把手机从耳边挪开。 In video is you, is you.” Liu Ziqiang is agitated. “视频里是不是你,是不是你。”刘自强语气激动。 Any video, does not know that you are saying what/anything.” Qin Ze asked something already known. “什么视频,不知道你在说什么。”秦泽明知故问。 Is short with the father...... the brother-in-law pulls the calf, even if you turn into grey me still to recognize, words saying how you got led so many, summer vacation plastic surgery?” Liu Ziqiang said. “少跟老子......姐夫扯犊子,你就算化成灰我也认得,话说你怎么变帅了这么多,暑假整容去了?”刘自强说。 Qin Ze sighs woefully, Liu Ziqiang is not parents, is the cell phone does not leave the young people of hand, then pays attention to Qin Baobao, must know matter that he exposes. 秦泽哀叹一声,刘自强可不是父母,是手机不离手的年轻人,又那么关注秦宝宝,不可能不知道他暴露的事。 Is I.” Qin Ze pledged. “是我。”秦泽承诺了。 I force to go, real motherf**ker is you.” Even if still recognized at heart, was answered the affirmation, Liu Ziqiang still covered in the heart to shock with difficultly excitedly. “我勒个去啊,真tm是你啊。”即便心里依然认定,得到肯定答复,刘自强仍然难掩心中震撼和激动。 Your is elder sister Qin Baobao? How your elder sister can be Qin Baobao, āi yōu wèi, my Goddess, unexpectedly is elder sister of my buddy. My these years did anything, made a mistake the opportunity of getting ther first, the heart that wants dead had me.” This child was demented. “你姐姐秦宝宝?你姐姐怎么能是秦宝宝,哎呦喂,我的女神啊,居然是我哥们的姐姐。我这些年都干了些什么,错了近水楼台先得月的机会,想死的心都有了我。”这孩子癫狂了。 You idiot!. mdzz Qin Ze helplessly said: I said my elder sister is very pretty, you do not believe.” 秦泽无奈道:“我说了我姐很漂亮的,你们不信。” Mainly is your long is too ordinary, is not parents lives simply.” Liu Ziqiang tsukkomi. “主要是你长的太一般,简直不是一个爹妈生的。”刘自强吐槽 This saying touched Qin Ze reverse scale, scolded: piss off, your father I am busy, has no free time to talk nonsense with you, hung.” 这话触到秦泽逆鳞了,骂道:“滚犊子,你老子我忙着呢,没空跟你瞎扯淡,挂了。” Hangs what/anything to hang, in the evening comes out to eat meal, shouted your older sister, I treated. I treat.” Liu Ziqiang stimulated say/way. “挂什么挂啊,晚上出来吃饭,把你姐喊上,我请客。我请客。”刘自强亢奋道。 forget it, she is busy, has no free time.” A Qin Ze veto, elder sister with my fight a cold war, be please motionless. Also, this beginning was unopenable, cannot to make the breach from oneself here, thus was close to Qin Baobao. 算了吧,她忙着呢,没空的。”秦泽一口否决,姐姐正和我打冷战,请不动。再说,这个先河不能开,坚决不能让人从自己这里做突破口,从而接近秦宝宝 Is relentless to hang up the Liu Ziqiang telephone, few seconds, sound. 毫不留情挂断刘自强电话,没几秒,又响了。 This can be Zhao Baliang, the big voice of Comrade Zhao Baliang is deafening: Qin Ze, I am your brother-in-law.” 这会是赵八两,赵八两同志的大嗓门震耳欲聋:“秦泽,我做你姐夫吧。” Excuse me, I do not have elder sister.” “不好意思,我没姐姐。” You roll, in the video obviously is you, I had asked Liu Ziqiang, he also said that is you.” Zhao Baliang is deep and gruff voice, does not give the opportunity of Qin Ze reply completely, talked endlessly: „The āi yōu mother, Qin Baobao unexpectedly is your elder sister, how you did not say earlier, touched somebody's sore spot, Old Iron.” “你滚,视频里明明就是你,我问过刘自强了,他也说是你。”赵八两粗声粗气的,完全不给秦泽回答的机会,喋喋不休:“哎呦妈呀,秦宝宝居然是你姐姐,你怎么不早点说,扎心了,老铁。” Urges to go faster, attention that two hit my elder sister, I told you, gate did not have.” Qin Ze is crazy. “去去去,一个两个打我姐的注意,我告诉你们啊,门儿都没有。”秦泽狂汗。 Qin Ze, you are not too loyal, our so many annual revolutionary friendship, might as well only Goddess? yīng yīng yīng.” 秦泽,你太不讲义气了,咱们这么多年的革命友谊,难道还不如区区一个女神么?嘤嘤嘤。” Really cannot bear a 1.8 m coarse man study girl to send to whine, Qin Ze angrily said: Rolls rolling, not thinks about it.” 实在受不了一个一米八的糙汉子学女孩子发嗲,秦泽怒道:“滚滚滚,想都别想。” Simple and crude ended the telephone conversation, has not breathed heavily several tones, the telephone comes. 简单粗暴的结束通话,还没喘几口气,电话又来了。 Li Liang! 李良 These fellows about being on fire to bomb in waves him. 这几个家伙是合起火来轮番轰炸他吧。 Connects the call, Qin Ze is straightforward: Excuse me, Qin Baobao is not my elder sister, shoots piano was not I, your admitting mistakes person.” 接通电话,秦泽直截了当:“不好意思,秦宝宝不是我姐,弹钢琴的也不是我,你认错人了。” Li Liang said at a loss: You said what/anything.” 李良茫然道:“你说什么呢。” Qin Ze stares: Is all right, when my what/anything had not said.” 秦泽一愣:“没事没事,当我什么都没说。” Li Liang said: „Does Qin Ze, lead you to go to the Eastern Rome to play in the evening? I treat.” 李良道:“秦泽,晚上带你去东方罗马耍耍?我请客。” Qin Ze eyes shined: Good older and younger brothers.” 秦泽眼睛一亮:“好兄弟啊。” Li Liang hehe said with a smile: Since is good older and younger brothers, comes one round taking advantage of your chrysanthemum whether.” 李良嘿嘿笑道:“既然是好兄弟,借你菊花来一发可否。” Qin Ze ridicules saying: I thought that Baliang is interested in your chrysanthemum.” 秦泽笑骂道:“我觉得八两对你菊花更感兴趣。” Li Liang finally the plot revealed: wife's younger brother, the brother-in-law loves you also without enough time, how possiblyheavy hand destroys flower, yes, does your older sister have free time tonight? The brother-in-law wants to invite her to spend together the candlelight dinner. ” 李良终于图穷匕见:“小舅子啊,姐夫疼你还来不及,怎么可能“辣手摧花”,对了,你姐今晚有空吗?姐夫想邀请她共度烛光晚餐。” Qin Ze sighed faintly: Understands finally what is beauties bring forth disasters.” 秦泽幽幽叹了口气:“总算明白什么叫红颜祸水。” His heart said, sought your not to mention brother-in-law these two characters, I do not know that today harvested a brother-in-law of vehicle. 他心说,求你别提姐夫这两字,我今天不知收获了一车子的姐夫。 Li Liang: Looked at you saying that then the attractive source of trouble, damaged me heartily.” 李良:“瞧你说的,那么漂亮的祸水,尽情祸害我吧。” You look for your 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 cohabitant. My elder sister you do not keep thinking, not thinks about it.” Qin Ze cancels the crooked thought of roommate unfeelingly. “你还是找你的一二三四五六七姘头吧。我姐你就别惦记了,想都别想。”秦泽冷酷无情的打消室友的歪念头。 older and younger brothers turns over to older and younger brothers, which day of older and younger brothers really became the brother-in-law, matter that cannot accept. 兄弟兄弟,哪天兄弟真成姐夫了,是万万不能接受的事情。 Li Liang smiles must dreadfully dreadful, embezzled, changed me, such attractive elder sister is constantly together, unavoidably must slightly one hard.” 李良笑的要多猥琐有多猥琐,“是不是监守自盗了,换了我,这么漂亮的姐姐朝夕相处,难免要微微一硬。” Your motherf**ker rolls to me.” Qin Ze hangs up the telephone. “你tm给我滚。”秦泽挂断电话。 Same time, Star Skills Entertainment. 同一时间,星艺娱乐 Xu Yunhan is the Star Skills Entertainment affiliated B-list singer, this year 28, long is very attractive, the 20 year attended a grade of music competition program, became famous overnight, was signed by Star Skills Entertainment. Used all might for eight years in entertainment world big dye vat, can mix B-list, is not easy. Different with Xu Lu that the same singer makes a debut, the latter sang several years of song, the revolutions is the movie star, Xu Yunhan never meets the movie soap opera, except for necessary business develops and represents, sends the special edition, holds the concert. Has the biased deep love to the music. 徐韵寒星艺娱乐旗下二线歌星,今年二十八,长的很漂亮,二十岁参加一档音乐选秀节目,一举成名,然后被星艺娱乐签下来。在娱乐圈这个大染缸里摸爬滚打了八年,能混到二线,不容易。和同样歌星出道的徐璐不同,后者唱了几年歌,转当影星,徐韵寒从来不接电影电视剧,除了必要的商演、代言,就是发专辑,开演唱会。对音乐有偏执的热爱。 Many people thought that along with the time changes, the path of singer is getting more and more narrow, crossed the recording, magnetic tape and cd age early. Actually is not right, the recording magnetic tape was few, cd this type of thing, will actually not be eliminated by the market thoroughly. Always some places cannot leave cd, for example vehicle. 很多人觉得随时代变化,歌星的路子越来越窄,早过了唱片、磁带和cd的年代。其实不对,唱片磁带是很少了,cd这种东西,却不会彻底被市场淘汰。总有些地方是离不开cd的,比如车子。 The marketing approach changed, opened sings makes money? Sells the song copyright to make money? in KTV 0.1 songs, must collect the copyright royalty. The variety show sings the song, must collect the copyright royalty. The music website includes the song, must collect the copyright royalty. 只是营销模式变了而已,开演唱赚不赚钱?卖歌曲版权赚不赚钱?ktv里点一次歌,都是要收版权费的。综艺节目翻唱歌曲,要收版权费。音乐网站收录歌曲,要收版权费。 The singers can still make money, but does not have film and television celebrity to gain many. 歌星仍然能赚大钱,只是没有影视明星赚的多而已。 In small Room meeting, Xu Yunhan is smoking, listening to person to discuss endlessly. 会议里,徐韵寒抽着烟,听着身边的人喋喋不休的讨论。 Smoking is not the patent of man, particularly mixes the woman of entertainment world, will smoke, why, because the pressure is big. Smokes, because some celebrity the intensity of pressure is too big, the substance abuse taking drugs reduced pressure, has plenty of such people. 抽烟不是男人的专利,尤其是混娱乐圈的女人,很多都会抽烟,为什么,因为压力大。抽烟还算好的,有的明星因为压强太大,嗑药吸毒减压的,大有人在。 Several people of Room meeting, two boosts, manager, small leadership of two Marketing Department. Everyone gathers together, discusses the matter of Xu Yunhan new special edition. Two composers who originally reach an agreement, must sign the contract on the difference, finally by some broker company cut off. Without the means that the price that others pay is higher. 会议的几个人,两个助力,一个经纪人,两个营销部的小领导。大家聚在一起,是讨论徐韵寒新专辑的事儿。本来说好的两个作曲人,就差要签合同了,结果被某个经纪公司截胡了去。没办法,人家出的价更高。 Star Skills Entertainment has own composer, but some time ago, the good composers first ration Xu Lu, others is a company elder sister, the resources naturally must incline toward her. 星艺娱乐不是没有自己的作曲人,可前段时间,好的作曲人都优先配给徐璐,人家是公司一姐,资源当然要往她倾斜。 Next week is to send the day of special edition, this little while will look for the new partner again, without enough time. 下礼拜就是发专辑的日子,这会儿再找新的合作伙伴,也来不及了。 The Marketing Department young leader takes a look at Xu Yunhan, proposed: Otherwise the special edition issued that the date is postpone?” 营销部的小领导瞅了瞅徐韵寒,提议道:“要不然把专辑发布日期推迟?” Xu Yunhan has not spoken, her manager talked on endlessly: How to postpone? On Weibo publicized, how you make our family/home Yunhan confess to fans. Affecting many is not good.” 徐韵寒还没说话,她的经纪人叨叨起来:“怎么推迟?微博上都公开了,你让我们家韵寒怎么向粉丝交代。影响多不好。” Another slightly leads helplessly said: That side composer, signed the contract with others, only if we are willing to pay the indemnity.” 另一个小领导无奈道:“作曲人那边,也跟别人签合同了,除非我们愿意支付赔偿金。” Xu Yunhan sneers: „Is company willing to compensate? To owe sends greatly.” 徐韵寒冷笑:“公司愿意赔偿?岂不是亏大发了。” manager said: You are responsible for this, always knew that many composers, have to relate.” 经纪人道:“你们就是负责这一块的,总认识不少作曲人吧,有联系到的吗。” „Has, does not ask a price too high, will be the near future does not have the song. The key was the song cut off, the same song, could not meet the requirements.” “有是有,不是要价太高,就是近期没好歌。关键是主打歌给人截胡了,一般般的歌,达不到要求。” Asks a price to take a higher position high, cannot refuse to compromise like this.” “要价高就高呗,总不能这样僵持着吧。” Essential funds are limited, company spent many investments in the Xu Lu's new special edition, that special edition subscription is dreary, from the start has not taken back the itself. This company made the funds limit, the attention cost.” “关键经费有限,公司徐璐的新专辑上花了不少投资,偏偏那张专辑订阅惨淡,压根没收回本。这次公司就做了经费限制,注意成本。” Money that Xu Lu she loses money, calculates on us.” “哦,徐璐她亏损的钱,算到我们头上啊。” At this time let alone angry words, without meaning.” “这时候就别说气话了,没意思的。” Initially on this gave to take the contract, yeah.” “当初就该把合同给带上,哎。” Said, now the outstanding composer is also short, sang this line, without the beforehand sudden and huge profits. Many senior song and poem writers, gradually reduce the creation. Otherwise we so will not be awkward.” “说起来,现在优秀作曲人也少了,唱歌这一行,没以前暴利了。很多资深词曲作家,都逐年减少创作。不然咱们也不会这么尴尬。” manager looks all around Room meeting people, discovered that some assistant little miss brushes the cell phone full of enthusiasm, the climate does not hit one, pats table angrily said: Plays the cell phone to play the cell phone, all day knows to play the cell phone, this meets, walks the dessert, the little miss is mindless all day long.” 经纪人环顾会议众人,发现某助理小姑娘兴致勃勃刷手机,顿时气不打一处来,拍桌子怒道:“玩手机玩手机,整天就知道玩手机,这都开会呢,走点心可以吗,小姑娘成天没心没肺。” The little miss is Xu Yunhan university schoolmate female younger cousin, walked relations, in her side work. Xu Yunhan usually looks after very much, said with a smile: Plays mobile game.” 那小姑娘是徐韵寒大学同学表妹,走的关系,在她身边工作。徐韵寒平时很照顾,就笑道:“又玩手游啊。” The little misses disregard manager automatically, the smiling face is cheerful: „It is not, the rhyme elder sister, is Qin Baobao younger brother, I very curious that he has revealed the true colors. The scene piano performance, that 《For Qin Baobao》, the god, was too too of pleasant to hear. Moreover, long good handsome, Qin Baobao is so attractive, said that his younger brother will not miss.” 小姑娘自动无视经纪人,笑容欢快:“不是,韵姐,是秦宝宝弟弟,我一直很好奇的那个,他露真面目了。现场钢琴表演,那首《致秦宝宝》,太神了,太好听了。而且,长的好帅,秦宝宝这么漂亮,就说他弟弟也不会差嘛。” Xu Yunhan said with a smile lightly: I have a look.” Received the cell phone, the broadcast video. 徐韵寒轻笑道:“我看看。”接过手机,播放视频。 Exquisite piano sound reverberation. 优美的钢琴声回荡。 Until piano piece finished, several people of Room meeting also immerse in the music, is somewhat inescapably involved. 直到钢琴曲结束,会议的几个人还沉浸在音乐中,有些不能自拔。 The Xu Yunhan admiration, sighed: Really was too fierce, Qin Baobao was really lucky, has such younger brother.” 徐韵寒敬佩不已,叹道:“真是太厉害了,秦宝宝真幸运,有这样的弟弟。” If I have such younger brother, but also worries what new song ....... 如果我也有这样的一个弟弟,还愁什么新歌啊....... The Xu Yunhan eye sends out the ray suddenly, said excitedly: Looks for Qin Baobao, looks for the Qin Baobao help.” 徐韵寒眼睛骤然发出光芒,兴奋道:“找秦宝宝,找秦宝宝帮忙啊。”
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