MESIS :: Volume #1

#97: Lives the monkey

Before a Crowd Shows One's Sagacity ( 7 / 15 ) please play «Fur Elise (For Elise)», quest request: Achieves the effect of taking all the audience by surprise. Success reward 120 points, the failure deducts corresponding points.” 人前显圣请弹奏一曲《致爱丽丝》,任务要求:达到技惊四座的效果。成功奖励120点积分,失败扣除相应积分。” Although Qin Ze declared to the outside 《For Qin Baobao》 is he gives the elder sister's song, but system knows that what's the matter, therefore the song name is «Fur Elise (For Elise)», is not 《For Qin Baobao》. 虽然秦泽对外宣称《致秦宝宝》是他送给姐姐的曲子,但系统知道是怎么回事,所以曲子名是《致爱丽丝》,不是《致秦宝宝》 The Qin Ze first response is frightened looks at Pei Nanman, has this woman, taking all the audience by surprise is a little probably difficult. 秦泽第一反应是惊悚的看着裴南曼,有这女人在,技惊四座好像有点困难。 Is my life near here the end point? 难道我的人生在这里临来终点? Do I defeat in this woman hand unexpectedly? 我居然败在这个女人手上? Now the tool rest on the neck, the necking in blade, raising one's head is also a blade. 现在刀架在脖子上,缩头一刀,伸头也是一刀。 Li Guowei sees him not to respond, scoffs to say with a smile: Doesn't shoot? Also yes, this song is not the general level can shoot.” 李国伟见他迟迟没反应,嗤笑道:“不弹啊?也是,这首曲子不是一般水平能弹好的。” Eating the melon people was disappointed. 吃瓜群众失望了。 Qin Ze does not utter a word to sit before piano, communicates system in the heart: Exchanges «Fur Elise (For Elise)» advanced proficient.” 秦泽一声不吭坐在钢琴前,在心中沟通系统:“兑换《致爱丽丝高级精通。” Exchanges the successful, surplus points point: 10.” “兑换成功,剩余积分点:十。” This time really must stake everything on a single throw of the dice, will otherwise possibly present such reportage tomorrow: Some Shanghai piano office appears two zither | Jean embarrassed qins, zither | Jean sinks to be in shock at the scene the vegetable by the attack. 这次真的要孤注一掷了,不然明天可能会出现这样的新闻报道:沪市钢琴会所惊现两名琴手尬琴,其中一名琴手沉受不住打击当场休克成植物人。 After exchanging is successful, the brain presents several seconds of absent-minded, Qin Ze closes eyes, discards in the heart the disturbed frightened many distracting thoughts. 兑换成功后,大脑出现几秒的恍惚,秦泽闭目,摈除心中忐忑惊悚诸多杂念。 The hall, ten people, the vision focuses on this young people. 大厅,十来号人,目光聚焦在这个年轻人身上。 The piano sound, such as the running water flutters. 钢琴声,如流水般飘荡而出。 Pei Ziqi is startled, the feeling is completely different, with the difference of Li Guowei ball. 裴子淇一怔,感觉完全不一样,和李国伟弹的不一样。 The similar feeling floats off in everyone heart, but is quick, they immerse in the leisurely melodious music. 同样的感受在每个人心底浮起,但很快,他们就沉浸在轻缓悠扬的音乐中。 True piano, is not the electronic onomatopoeia can compare favorably, acoustic fidelity not in a level. 真正的钢琴,不是电子拟声可以媲美,音质不在一个层次。 In hall silent, only then the tweedle flutters, neither too fast nor too slow, leisurely delightful, heard that mind wash, the mood is calm. 大厅里寂静,只有琴声飘荡,不疾不徐,轻缓悦耳,闻之心灵洗涤,情绪平静。 Some people close the eye, immerses in the piano knitting world, near the ear as if there is sound that the sea water fluctuates, a sunny afternoon, the ocean waves fluctuate, in the sand beach is standing a miss, such as the water gentle miss, has elusively, tranquil makings ....... 有人闭上眼睛,沉浸在钢琴编织的世界里,耳边仿佛有海水起伏的声音,一个阳光灿烂的午后,海浪起伏,沙滩上站着一位姑娘,如水般温柔的姑娘,有着空灵的,恬静的气质....... Qin Ze gets on soundings, his back very straight, cheek such as the blade truncates, the slender finger dances in the air. Touches piano him, the overall makings changed, has noble of aristocrat, the gracefulness of literary young fellow. 秦泽渐入佳境,他腰杆挺的笔直,侧脸如刀削,修长的手指飞舞。触摸到钢琴的他,整体气质都变了,有着贵族的高贵,文艺男青年的优雅。 If on the spot has the literary young woman, refers to erratically must fall in love non- not to marry. 现场要是有文艺女青年,指不定就要一见钟情非君不嫁了。 Pei Ziqi startled and diverges surprisedly, the complexion is gentle, stares crazily, only remains infatuated and admiration. 裴子淇愕然与惊讶散去,脸色柔和,痴痴凝望,只剩痴迷和敬佩。 Unlike facial expression that everyone is infatuated with, Li Guowei as if receives a 10,000 violent to strike, unbelievable, the vision is staring at Qin Ze ruthlessly. 与所有人陶醉的神情不同,李国伟仿佛受到一万点暴击,难以置信,目光狠狠盯着秦泽 How possibly? 怎么可能? How he can shoot is so good. 他怎么能弹的这么好。 His piano level absolutely is the master level, his deduction to this song, may be called perfect, perfect that cannot be nitpicked. 他的钢琴水平绝对是大师级,他对这支曲子的演绎,堪称完美,不可挑剔的完美。 But how does he achieve this? This song comes out time is not long, many people have not even listened, although the online these videos are splendid, but mostly takes the form of is not an excellent likeness. time that because practices was too short, even day and night relapse practice, still one week. But other famous piano piece, which piano does not practice several hundred over a thousand. On Li Guowei, practices piano since childhood, practiced for more than ten years, these world-famous world classics, he practiced innumerable. 可他是怎么做到这一步的?这支曲子问世时间不长,很多人甚至没听过,网上那些视频虽然出色,但大多形似神不似。因为练的时间太短了,就算日日夜夜的反复练习,也才一个多星期。而其他著名钢琴曲,哪个钢琴手不练个几百上千遍。就李国伟自己而言,从小练习钢琴,练了十几年,那些享誉中外的世界名曲,他练了无数遍。 Qin Ze plays the level, plays these classics like him, is crystallization that several hundred over a thousand practice. 秦泽弹奏水平,就像他弹奏那些名曲,是几百上千遍练习的结晶。 But, this is how possible! 可是,这怎么可能! Ended, eats the melon people also to immerse in the music, the mood has not pulled back temporarily. 一曲结束,吃瓜群众还沉浸在音乐中,情绪暂时没拉回来。 After several seconds of type, the applause came, huā lā la is earnest. 几秒种后,掌声来了,哗啦啦热切无比。 Then to the father and daughter, daughter small hand pā pā makes an effort to applaud, at once acts like a spoiled brat saying: Father, I want him, when my piano teacher.” 那对父女,女儿小手啪啪使劲鼓掌,旋即撒娇道:“爸,我要他当我的钢琴老师。” Her father is: Young fellow does not seem like the person in piano office.” 她爸为难道:“小伙子好像不是钢琴会所的人啊。” I, no matter I no matter, you helped me say.” The daughter makes an effort to sway father's arm, the vision falls on Qin Ze throughout, extraordinary splendor flow of tears. Also can shoot piano, long is so also graceful. Little miss heart movement, besides this piano level, face value. “我不管我不管,你去帮我说嘛。”女儿用力摇晃父亲的胳膊,目光始终落在秦泽身上,异彩涟涟。又会弹钢琴,长的又这么帅。小姑娘心动了,除了这手钢琴水平,还有颜值 Really of pleasant to hear, this is 《For Qin Baobao》, was good.” “真好听啊,这才是《致秦宝宝》,太棒了。” I must practice this song, was too of pleasant to hear.” “我要去练这首曲子,太好听了。” Original video is less than him, the online video is also less than him, is I have listened absolutely most of pleasant to hear, does not have one.” “原创视频不及他,网上流传的视频也不及他,绝对是我听过最好听的,没有之一。” Such piano piece, is enjoyment, no wonder the piano concert was hounded, is not the popular music and variety show can compare.” “这样的钢琴曲,是一种享受,难怪钢琴演奏会那么受追捧,不是什么流行音乐、综艺节目能比拟的。” expert in folk, original author, if hears this song, but is ashamed?” 高手在民间啊,原创作者要是听到这曲子,可要羞愧吧?” hā hā, I recorded the video, immediately uploads the network.” 哈哈,我录视频了,立刻上传网络。” How do you play?” Li Guowei supports was asking, in the chivalrous person like the wuxia novel was hit a palm, spitting blood to ask that you are what time. “你怎么弹奏出来的?”李国伟强撑着问,就像武侠小说中侠士被人打了一掌,吐着血问你这是什么功夫。 Qin Ze has not responded him, turns head to ask Pei Nanman: Of pleasant to hear?” 秦泽没搭理他,扭头问裴南曼:“好听吗?” Does not eat fireworks jade Guanyin facing this, he lacks self-confidence. 面对这尊不食烟火的玉观音,他心里没底。 Pei Nanman applauds, is difficult to cover in the eye the shocking color: Of pleasant to hear.” 裴南曼鼓掌,难掩眼中惊艳之色:“好听。” Ding! Congratulates Host to complete quest, the reward points 120 points.” The system prompt resounds instantly, Qin Ze feels relieved. “叮!恭喜宿主完成任务,奖励积分120点。”系统提示响起的刹那,秦泽如释重负。 Fortunately, this woman syrup is only restricted in the cook self-confidently. 还好,这女人蜜汁自信只限于厨艺。 Why you will have the collection of music scores.” Li Guowei is staring at Qin Ze stubbornly, his is dies must know routine of opponent. “你为什么会有曲谱。”李国伟死死盯着秦泽,他这是死也要知道对手的套路 This person quite bothersome, Qin Ze looked at his one eyes ill-humoredly, quest completed, the mood was just right, blurted out: Nonsense, this song is I creates. You said that I do have the collection of music scores!” 这人好烦,秦泽没好气的看了他一眼,任务完成,心情正好,脱口而出:“废话,这首曲子是我创作的。你说我有没有曲谱!” Qin Ze spoke these words, suddenly discovery atmosphere strange one static. 秦泽说完这句话,忽然发现现场气氛诡异一静。 The Li Guowei both eyes circle stares. 李国伟双目圆瞪。 Pei Ziqi ruddy small mouth slightly. 裴子淇红润小嘴微张。 Manager Zhang is dumbfounded. 张经理目瞪口呆。 Eats melon people had a dumbfounded expression! 吃瓜群众们一脸懵逼 What did they hear? 他们听到了什么? Is this song I creates? 这首曲子是我创作的? After digesting the shock stunned and other mood, the hall seethed with excitement. 消化了震惊错愕等情绪后,大厅沸腾了。 Several people put out the cell phone, kā cā kā cā, one is striking with force to Qin Ze. 十几人拿出手机,咔擦咔擦,对着秦泽一顿猛拍。 „Can you photograph with me?” The young girls loosen father's hand, slightly runs up to front of Qin Ze, vision several points of earnest, several points of excitement, several points of coyness. “你能跟我拍张照吗?”少女松开父亲的手,小跑到秦泽面前,目光几分热切,几分激动,几分扭捏。 Her father takes the cell phone to photograph to two people, in the picture, the daughter is holding the hand of young people. 她父亲拿着手机给两人拍照,照片上,女儿抱着年轻人的手。 Afterward, this father disclosed that invited Qin Ze to work as the meaning of daughter piano teacher, the Qin Ze rejection. The middle-aged person who 40 raises one's head smiles, does not demand, the stopper to a Qin Ze name card, is drawing the daughter who purses the lips unwilling leaves. 随后,这位父亲透露聘请秦泽当女儿钢琴老师的意思,秦泽拒绝了。四十出头的中年人笑了笑,也不强求,塞给秦泽一张名片,拉着撅嘴不情不愿的女儿离开。 Good long while, the heat degree of hall dispersed finally, Manager Zhang disturbed say/way: Ms. Pei, you look, this contract......” 好半天,大厅的热度终于散了,张经理忐忑道:“裴女士,你看,这个合同......” Pei Nanman has not spoken, but looks at Li Guowei. 裴南曼没说话,而是看着李国伟 Li Guowei felt that the blood welled up the facial skin, felt terribly hot, said awkwardly: Ms. Pei, my time must prepare the end of August's piano competition, should not have time.” 李国伟感觉血都涌上脸皮了,火烧火燎,尴尬道:“裴女士,我这段时间要准备八月底的钢琴比赛,应该是没时间了。” Manager Zhang stares. 张经理一愣。 Pei Nanman said with a smile: „Very regrettable, then on forget it.” 裴南曼笑道:“很遗憾,那就算了吧。” Li Guowei this time innermost feelings are the collapse, the heart of shouting 'motherfucker' had. 李国伟此时的内心是崩溃的,骂娘的心都有了。 You have such fierce expert in the side, looks for what piano teacher, the sincere disgusting person, ate to the full was supporting. 你有这么厉害的高手在身边,找什么钢琴老师,诚心恶心人是吧,吃饱了撑着啊。 In elevator, Qin Ze apology sound said: Embarrassed Sister Pei, making you run a fruitless errand.” 电梯里,秦泽歉声道:“不好意思裴姐,让你白跑一趟。” Pei Nanman chuckle: All right, is very interesting. Asked teacher to be the same with the shopping, compares goods, slowly selected, without the plan must today welcome to teacher.” 裴南曼轻笑:“没事,挺有趣的。请老师就和购物一样,货比三家,慢慢挑,没打算今天就一定要请到老师。” She also said: Rich cannot, when the fool butchers.” 她又道:“有钱也不能让人当冤大头宰。” Qin Ze stares, becomes aware instantaneously suddenly. 秦泽一愣,瞬间恍悟。 This astute woman saw early manager raised prices to cheat, therefore proposed the scene to play, hit others faces. 这个精明的女人早看出经理抬价坑人了,所以提出现场弹奏,打人家的脸。 Also very black belly. 还挺腹黑的。 Pei Ziqi takes a look at Qin Ze, coldly said: Qin Ze, you teach me piano.” 裴子淇瞅瞅秦泽,冷声道:“秦泽,你教我钢琴。” Qin Ze stares: forget it, I do not have time.” 秦泽一愣:“算了吧,我没时间。” Pei Ziqi stubborn say/way: No matter, you must be responsible.” 裴子淇倔强道:“不管,你得负责。” I also do not have you, I am responsible. 我又没你,我负什么责。 Qin Ze helplessly said: Does not have time.” 秦泽无奈道:“没时间。” Sister-in-law/Little aunt, you looks at him, blamed him to go bad the matter, but he acted shamelessly does not manage.” Pei Ziqi honk the mouth, is swaying the Pei Nanman arm. “小姨,你看他,都怪他坏了事儿,可他耍赖不管。”裴子淇嘟着嘴,摇晃裴南曼胳膊。 „Did Qin Ze, consider?” Pei Nanman said. 秦泽,考虑考虑?”裴南曼道。 forget it.” Qin Ze beckons with the hand again and again. He does not want endlessly, when tutor. 算了吧。”秦泽连连摆手。他可不要没完没了当家教 Cracking a joke, when I tutor is part-time job, you also when really my time big. Has this free time, how many wave of short lines I might as well operate, doesn't compare this tutor wages to be many? I also mixed a face to be ripe with you in any case. 开什么玩笑,我当家教兼职,你还真当我时间大把啊。有这闲工夫,我不如多操作几波短线,不比这点家教工资多?反正我也跟你们混了个脸熟。 Pei Nanman is the light temper, smiles, does not demand. 裴南曼是淡薄性子,笑了笑,不强求。 Compared with the sister-in-law/little aunt deep cultivating vital energy time, Pei Ziqi was far on the difference, gets angry, does not pay attention while the sister-in-law/little aunt, lifts the foot to trample Qin Ze, who knows this fellow response to be extremely quick, the tip of the toe raises, the Pei Ziqi calf hits exactly in his tip of the toe, sore almost cries. 比起小姨深厚的养气功夫,裴子淇就差远了,嗔怒,趁小姨不注意,抬脚踹秦泽,谁知这家伙反应极快,脚尖一提,裴子淇小腿恰好撞在他脚尖,疼的差点哭出来。 Pei Nanman shakes the head slightly. 裴南曼微微摇头。 2 : 30 pm, Qin Ze rides the Pei Nanman bandwagon to go home, opens the door to get out, toward lowering glass Queen Pei waves goodbye, the latter seat glass falls, Pei Ziqi makes faces to stick out one's tongue toward him, then rises the window rapidly. 下午 2 点半,秦泽裴南曼的顺风车回家,开门下车,朝降下车窗的裴女王挥手告别,后座位车窗降下来,裴子淇朝他扮鬼脸吐舌头,然后迅速升窗。 In goes home, both elder sister are not, Qin Ze lies down by the sofa, on the thigh suspends the notebook, on the mouth is holding in the mouth the root smoke, looks at today's stock market trend. 回到家里,两位姐姐都不在,秦泽躺靠沙发,大腿上摆着笔记本,嘴上叼根烟,看着今天的股市走向。 Except that the Shanghai Composite Index slightly fell couple days ago, about several days are the upward trends, various sectors are lucky, reach the upper trading limit many. 除了前几天沪指小跌,近几日都是向上走势,各版块走红,涨停股不少。 That capital construction stock of Qin Ze heavy warehouse is still tepid, although there is small rising, but compared with other rising trend gratifying stocks, simply is the weak chicken. 秦泽重仓的那支基建股依旧不愠不火,虽有小涨,但较之其他涨势喜人的股,简直就是弱鸡。 Although recognized that it will rise suddenly, but this rises suddenly what/anything to start, Qin Ze actually lacks self-confidence. Long-line is this, must be able to endure lonely. 虽然认定它会暴涨,可这暴涨什么开始,秦泽其实没底。长线就是这样,得耐得住寂寞。 In other six stocks, the stock of undertaking board fell 8% for successive two days, is a little miserable. Remaining five rise suddenly, one month of time, total rose 60%. 其他六支股中,创业板的股连续两天跌了8%,有点惨。剩下五支则是暴涨,一个月的时间,共计涨了60%。 His stock total value, will perform 1 million. If this number is known by elder sister, definitely exciting going crazy. 他股票总价值,将尽一百万。这个数字要是被姐姐知道,肯定兴奋的发疯。 Three points, stock market closing. 三点,股市收盘。 The Qin Ze closure software, is bored to death to brush Weibo and forum, discovered accidentally/surprisingly own Weibo exploded. 秦泽关闭软件,百无聊赖刷微博、论坛,意外的发现自己的微博爆了。 Innumerable commentaries, innumerable. 无数评论,无数@。 Curious , the internet searches. Originally is he in the piano office ball «Fur Elise (For Elise)» song, was patted regards to keep pouring in online. The title is " shock! Qin Baobao younger brother true colors » 好奇之下,上网搜索。原来是他在钢琴会所弹《致爱丽丝》的曲子,被人拍视频传网上。标题是《震惊!秦宝宝弟弟的真面目》 Upload video, has not hit the mosaic to the Qin Ze's face, right now, his appearance gives the exposure in online. No wonder Weibo commented the irritable, many netizen reply must live the monkey to oneself. 上传视频者,没给秦泽的脸打马赛克,这下子,他的样子给曝光在网上。难怪微博评论火爆,很多网友回复要给自己生猴子。
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