MESIS :: Volume #1

#96: Good that original I have not shot

The Li Guowei surprise looks to Qin Ze, piano master is no one can call. The home can call master piano, few, even he, from piano master title, but also misses very long distance. Cites a quite easy to understand example, like magnificent and expensive platinum and disparity of strongest King. 李国伟诧异看向秦泽,钢琴大师可不是谁都能叫的。国内能称“大师”的钢琴家,屈指可数,就算是他,距离“钢琴大师”称号,还差很长的距离。举个比较通俗易懂的例子,就像华贵铂金和最强王者的差距。 „Are you sound association person?” Li Guowei faces up. “你是音协的人?”李国伟正视起来。 Qin Ze shakes the head. 秦泽摇摇头。 How to call?” Li Guowei also said. “怎么称呼?”李国伟又道。 Qin Ze.” Qin Ze said. 秦泽。”秦泽说。 Strangeness that the Li Guowei ponder moment, the tone changes: You are not the person in circle, I have not heard.” 李国伟沉思片刻,语气变的怪异:“你不是圈子里的人吧,我没听说过。” Qin Ze is speechless, study several years later piano.” 秦泽无语,“学过几年钢琴而已。” Talked here, Li Guowei does not have the interest and Qin Ze continues to chat, looked to Pei Ziqi: What song wants to listen to?” 谈话到这里,李国伟已经没兴趣和秦泽继续聊下去,看向裴子淇:“想听什么曲子?” Pei Ziqi without hesitation: Blue and White Porcelain.” 裴子淇毫不犹豫:“青花瓷。” Li Guowei stares, he will not shoot what Blue and White Porcelain, piano disdains the popular music very much, moreover is the new song. 李国伟一愣,他可不会弹什么青花瓷,钢琴家是很不屑流行音乐的,而且又是新歌。 In «I am a Singer» program a very famous popular music.” Manager Zhang answered. “《我是歌星》节目里很出名的一首流行音乐。”张经理解释道。 Li Guowei is disgruntled: Popular music is not in the range that I practice, naturally, you , if there is collection of music scores, I can also play.” 李国伟不悦道:“流行音乐并不在我练习的范围内,当然,你如果有曲谱,我也可以弹奏。” Pei Ziqi naturally does not have the collection of music scores. 裴子淇当然没有曲谱。 She curls the lip. 她撇撇嘴。 Manager Zhang said at the right moment: Shoots piano piece, Teacher Li, I remember that you that piano piece of ball was very couple days ago of pleasant to hear, sends that in Weibo, gives you give a like person to be many.” 张经理适时道:“就弹钢琴曲吧,李老师,我记得你前几天弹的那首钢琴曲很好听,就是发在微博里的那首,给你点赞的人很多。” You say 《For Qin Baobao》?” “你是说《致秦宝宝》?” Manager Zhang claps: Right, you have recorded the video, our Weibo does not pay attention mutually. Yeah, I listened repeatedly many, is really of pleasant to hear. Absolute master level level.” 张经理击掌:“没错,你录过视频的,我们微博不是互相关注么。哎,我反复听了好多遍,真好听啊。绝对大师级水平。” This song I have listened, it is said sound association planned that allows that original author to participate in International Piano Competition.” Pei Nanman speech time, the vision glances to Qin Ze, the faint smile. “这首曲子我听过,据说音协打算让那位原创作者参加国际钢琴比赛。”裴南曼说话的时候,目光瞟向秦泽,似笑非笑。 That is the unstelled matter, did not discuss this, you first listened, first listened to Teacher Li hear. Absolute pupil surpasses the teacher.” Manager Zhang deliberately suppresses the mysterious former author, thus raises Li Guowei. “那都是八字没一撇的事儿,不谈这个,您先听好吧,先听李老师听一遍。绝对的青出于蓝而胜于蓝。”张经理刻意打压神秘原作者,从而抬高李国伟 The southwest corner of hall, piano, the staff are playing the affable melodious music, is responsible for adjusting the atmosphere of office. The style is truly high, like the general private club, the music does not broadcast from the sound. 大厅的西南角落,有一架钢琴,工作人员弹奏着舒缓悠扬的音乐,负责调节会所的氛围。格调确实高,不像一般的私人会所,音乐都是从音响里播出来的。 This is the honorable person scene plays. 这是真人现场弹奏。 Li Guowei makes the staff set out, oneself sat. The hesitation moment, opens eyes slightly, spits the breath, double handles gently puts the key. the next moment, the running water note flutters. 李国伟让工作人员起身,自己坐了上去。微微沉吟片刻,睁眼,吐息,双手轻放琴键。下一刻,流水般的音符飘出。 The exquisite melody sound gets up, the lively rhythm is comfortable, probably in the summer the clear spring flows. 优美的旋律声响起,节奏明快舒坦,像是夏季清泉汩汩流淌而过。 In a flash, attracts everyone in hall, some people look startled, some people can not help approach. Some people listen respectfully with single-hearted devotion. 一瞬间,把大厅里的所有人都吸引过来,有人愕然望来,有人情不自禁靠近。有人专心聆听。 The Li Guowei physique is straight, the shoulders are motionless, the wrist/skill is flexible, ten fingers jump on the key, play the sounds of nature music. 李国伟身姿笔挺,双肩不动,手腕灵活,十指在琴键上跳跃,弹奏出天籁般的音乐。 Has saying that he is passes through one to train hard, adept seems like him is the creator of song. 不得不说,他是经过一番苦练的,娴熟的好像他才是曲子的创作者。 Is listening to this song, everyone is carefree relaxed, simultaneously in that wisp of light sad attraction by piano. 听着这首曲子,每个人都轻松畅快,同时又被钢琴中那一缕淡淡的哀伤吸引。 Worthily is the king of musical instrument, straight jab to the soul. 不愧是乐器之王,直击灵魂 Pei Ziqi, this song she has listened surprisedly, at that time felt very good, after all appreciates the level to be limited, moreover piano in video, through the electronic simulation, how possibly and true piano sound compares favorably. 裴子淇惊讶不已,这首曲子她听过,当时只是觉得很不错,毕竟鉴赏水平有限,而且视频里的钢琴,是通过电子模拟的,怎么可能和真正的钢琴声相媲美。 Until today's hard of hearing 《For Qin Baobao》, she realizes this piano piece charm clearly. 直到今天重听《致秦宝宝》,她才清晰体会到这首钢琴曲的魅力。 The Li Guowei ball ends this song, the hall breaks out the warm applause. 李国伟弹完这首曲子,大厅响起热烈掌声。 Manager Zhang applauds loudly, goes all out to applaud. 张经理更是大声叫好,拼命鼓掌。 This goods attend a piano concert probably, sets out, four sides bows. 这货像是参加一场钢琴演奏会,起身,四面鞠躬。 Ms. Pei, good.” Manager Zhang smiles: „The Teacher Li level, in sound association is also first-class, his ages, are fiercer than him, are not many.” 裴女士,不错吧。”张经理满脸笑容:“李老师的水平,在音协也是一流,他这个年龄段,比他更厉害的,不多了。” The Pei Nanman smiling face is indifferent to fame or gain, hearing this, blinks: I thought that the original works are of pleasant to hear.” 裴南曼笑容恬淡,闻言,眨眨眼:“我觉得还是原著好听。” Li Guowei brow raised: Sister Pei, the composer is talented, this is unimpeached, but, in the case of shooting piano, I self-confidently plan compared with him. With my specialized vision, in that video, he has the insufficient thin, high bass that many places process transforms is imperfect. Reason that was hounded, is completely shock that the recent work reveals itself. This time heat degree dropped, some online also many professionals play his song, the video has, some are even of pleasant to hear than his original. The sound association decision is invites him to meet, tries his level on the spot, participates in international piano match what/anything, is not really settled. As far as I know, this composer are not related sound association...... hē hē!” 李国伟眉头一挑:“裴姐,作曲人才华横溢,这点无可指摘,不过,论到弹钢琴,我自信要比他更甚一筹。以我专业的眼光来看,那段视频里,他有许多地方处理的不够细,高低音转换也不完美。之所以受到追捧,完全是新作出世的震撼。这段时间热度下降了,网上也有许多专业人士弹他的曲子,视频都有,有些甚至比他原创还要好听。音协决定是邀请他见面,现场试试他的水平,参加国际钢琴赛什么的,真不是板上钉钉。据我所知,这位作曲人始终没有联系音协......呵呵!” Meaning that last hē hē, somewhat disdains. 最后一声呵呵,有几分不屑的意思。 Surrounded eating melon people one hear, discusses spiritedly immediately. 围观的吃瓜群众一听,顿时议论纷纷。 Originally the playing level of 《For Qin Baobao》 original man is ordinary.” “原来《致秦宝宝》原创者的弹奏水平一般啊。” Is impossible.” “不可能吧。” Not to be how impossible, will write the song, will not necessarily sing. The creation talent and sings the talent is not a matter. On piano is also the same.” “怎么不可能,会写歌,不一定就会唱歌。创作天赋和演唱天赋不是一回事。钢琴上也一样。” Let alone, but also is really this. This young fellow bullet was too of pleasant to hear, the original video I have listened, without him shoots well. Feeling very powerful a scale.” “别说,还真是这样。这小伙子弹的太好听了,原创视频我听过,没他弹得好。感觉好强了一个档次。” Pair of father and daughter in not far away, the daughter swing father's arm: Father, I must ask him to make my piano teacher.” 一对父女就在不远处,女儿摇摇父亲的胳膊:“爸,我要请他做我的钢琴老师。” A father face favors the smiling face of drowning: Okay good, I ask later.” 父亲一脸宠溺的笑容:“好好好,我待会问问。” Li Guowei was even more self-satisfied, looked at Pei Nanman, seemed saying, the good thing never to be short of manpower to want. However psychologically, he is certainly willing to make piano teacher to Pei Ziqi. The big or small beautiful woman, is beautiful. Is the men knows how should elect. 李国伟愈发得意,看了眼裴南曼,似乎在说,好东西永远不缺人要。不过从心理上,他当然更愿意给裴子淇钢琴老师啦。大小美人,多养眼。是男人都知道该怎么选。 In the piano circle, many handsome bright piano teacher, were admired to like by the princess student, then the lover becomes the story of family member finally. 钢琴圈子里,不乏英俊有才华的钢琴老师,被千金小姐学生仰慕喜欢,然后有情人终成眷属的故事。 Pei Nanman does not make the statement, but turns head to ask Qin Ze: How you see!” 裴南曼不作表态,而是扭头问秦泽:“你怎么看!” The appraisal that Qin Ze gives is exceptionally valiant, said: Takes the form of is not an excellent likeness, the layman listens is very truly comfortable.” 秦泽给出的评价异常彪悍,道:“形似神不似,外行人听着确实挺舒服。” A Li Guowei face looked that the looks of hundred idiots look at him. 李国伟一脸看百白痴的眼神看他。 A Manager Zhang brow wrinkle, the heart said that this boy what's the matter, cannot understand piano, disturbs blindly. 张经理眉头一皱,心说这小子怎么回事,懂不懂钢琴,瞎捣乱。 The Pei Ziqi hear this song, became faithful fans, refuted: How to take the form of is not an excellent likeness, I felt very of pleasant to hear. The sister-in-law/little aunt, I invited him.” 裴子淇听完这首曲子,就成了忠实的粉丝,反驳道:“怎么形似神不似了,我觉得很好听啊。小姨,我就请他了。” Manager Zhang beams from ear to ear, neglects Qin Ze automatically, that line, we sign a contract to be good. This makes one prepare.” 张经理笑逐颜开,自动忽略秦泽,“那行,我们签个合同就好。这就让人准备。” Li Guowei also smiled, will speak, actually sees Pei Nanman to beckon with the hand, said: Qin Ze, you said.” 李国伟也笑了,正要说话,却见裴南曼摆摆手,道:“秦泽,你说说。” Qin Ze opening mouth artillery pattern: Music is a- B- A- C- A maneuver musical form, rhythm 3 / 8 pats in the .a section the basic subject to establish in a folk song fresh simple the melody, the first section is quite simple, the no issue of ball. The issue leaves in the second section: B have color first to insert the section very much, it established in a new mode F major from the beginning, the mood was cheerful, color was bright. Made the music from just start a folk song gentle tender feeling in the mood to leap forward in the F major bright cheerful atmosphere, played singing nature ten points to be strong in the F major. You said that the former author has not processed in several treble places, after should be said the F major, has not continued to promote the treble, but is the racing, returned to A basses, this does not exist in universal piano piece, is out of sorts, therefore you made the improvement slightly, increased several treble after the F major.” 秦泽开启嘴炮模式:“乐曲是a-b-a-c-a的回旋曲式,节奏3/8拍.a段中基本主题是建立在a小调上清新朴实的旋律,第一段比较简单,弹的没什么问题。问题出在第二段:b段是很有色彩的第一插部,它一开始就建立在了一个新的调式f大调上,情绪欢快、色彩明朗.使得乐曲从刚开始a小调柔和温情的情绪中跃入f大调明亮欢快的气氛之中,在f大调上奏出了歌唱性十分强。你说原作者在几个高音地方没处理好,应该是说f大调之后并没有继续提升高音,而是急转而下,回到了a段的低音中,这在普遍的钢琴曲中是不存在的,违和的,所以你自己稍稍做了改进,在f大调后增加了几个高音。” Li Guowei said: Has what issue.” 李国伟道:“有什么问题。” Qin Ze shakes the head: Issue was big, I have said that the music is a- B- A- C- A maneuver musical form, listens to two front section only, is truly contrary with the feeling, but from the overall perception, is perfect. However this does not blame you, 《For Qin Baobao》 that online these piano amateurs play, has this problem. After all you do not have the complete collection of music scores.” 秦泽摇头:“问题大了,我说过,乐曲是a-b-a-c-a的回旋曲式,单听两前段,确实有违和感,但从大局观来看,是完美的。不过这不怪你,网上那些钢琴爱好者弹奏的《致秦宝宝》,都有这毛病。毕竟你们没有完整曲谱。” Eats the melon people, by dumbfounded that Qin Ze fools. 吃瓜群众们,被秦泽唬的一愣一愣。 not so clear but still feel it's awesome. 不明觉厉 Li Guowei is not convinced, disdains saying: These that you said that is the excuse of spatial words tooth, I do not have the collection of music scores, but your difficult non- achievement to have?” 李国伟不服气,不屑道:“你说的这些,都是自己空口白牙的说辞,我是没有曲谱,可你难不成就有?” He for study this tune, looks at the video repeatedly, practices repeatedly, one week. 他为了学这支曲,反复看视频,反复练习,一个多星期。 Qin Ze referred to the head, collection of music scores here.” 秦泽指了指脑袋,“曲谱在我这里。” Li Guowei almost smiles to make noise. 李国伟差点笑出声。 āi yōu wèi, did you also install looking cool to become addicted? 哎呦喂,您还装逼装上瘾了? Collection of music scores in your brain? You think that who you are. 曲谱在你脑子里?你以为你是谁啊。 Installs any big tail wolf. 装什么大尾巴狼。 Manager Zhang face one black, is not happy: Young fellow, Teacher Li, but is specialized, the 《For Qin Baobao》 that he shoots, in the circle many old seniors praised. Said he shoots is better than the original, is not I flatters, but was these old seniors says.” 张经理脸一黑,不高兴道:“小伙子,李老师可是专业的,他弹的这首《致秦宝宝》,圈子里很多老前辈都夸赞。说他弹的比原创好,不是我吹捧,而是那些老前辈说的。” Li Guowei looked at Pei Nanman, however is staring at Qin Ze: This, you shoot one, good that this 《For Qin Baobao》, I shoot, has the comparison to have the result.” 李国伟看了眼裴南曼,然而盯着秦泽:“这样吧,你来弹一首,就这首《致秦宝宝》吧,我弹的好不好,有比较才有结果。” With network terminology: youkanyouupnocannobibi. 用网络术语来说:youkanyouupnocannobibi. Eating the melon people was excited, „a ball ball, had not listened to satisfy a craving a moment ago.” 吃瓜群众兴奋了,“弹一弹,刚才还没听过瘾。” Young fellow said for quite a while, comes one.” “小伙子说了半天,来一首。” Words cannot say are too full, we are under the hand see the true facts, I felt this Teacher Li ball is very good, absolutely is online most splendid.” “话不能说太满,咱们还是手底下见真章,我觉得这位李老师弹的已经很好了,绝对是网上最出色的。” Former author came, does not dare saying that shoots compared with him good.” “原作者来了,也不敢说比他弹的好吧。” Qin Ze turns head to look at Pei Nanman, the latter expression ponders. Looks at Pei Ziqi again, the small girl turns signboard supercilious look. 秦泽扭头看裴南曼,后者表情玩味。再看裴子淇,小丫头又翻起招牌式白眼儿。 At this time, in the mind ding, system's quest prompted. 这时,脑海中“叮”一声,系统的任务提示来了。
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