MESIS :: Volume #1

#95: piano master

The piano office occupies entire three, the log floor, gentle crystal chandelier, decor of Ou-school. Although is called the piano office, actually a piano musical instrument, in the market has the musical instrument of selling incessantly, here basically can find, is only how much the quantity, piano is most. Next guitar. 钢琴会所占据整个三层,原木地板,柔和的水晶吊灯,欧派的装修风格。虽然叫做钢琴会所,其实不止钢琴一种乐器,市面上有卖的乐器,在这里基本都能找到,只是数量多寡而已,钢琴是最多的。其次吉他。 piano and guitar are known as musical instrument two Brother old boss, a rise end route, deeply by aristocrat and bourgeoise affection. Takes the civilian route, the vagrant singer necessary divine tool. 钢琴和吉他号称乐器界两位老大哥,一个走高端路线,深受贵族、小资喜爱。一个走平民路线,流浪歌手必备神器。 In the hall the person are many, ten, do not calculate that treats the person in silence cabinet. 大厅里人还蛮多的,十来个,不算待在隔音室的人。 Pei Nanman pulls out the membership card, making Miss reception desk swipe the card, then asked: In office has free time pianist? I want to invite tutor.” 裴南曼掏出会员卡,让前台小姐刷卡,然后问道:“会所里有空闲的钢琴师吗?我想聘请一位家教。” Miss reception desk the appearance is attractive, dresses up the fashion, several years of social stories refine a pair of fierce look, sweeps Pei Nanman fast, stops in her wrists/skills slightly, this attractive to the surprising young married woman, the clothes is general, but whatever happens do not can judge intrinsic of person with the simple semblance. The true local tyrant hidden in not the obvious detail, for example her right wrist that watch, Cartier SA Ms. rose gold the wrist watch, this model of watch was too famous, the girl who so long as deeply loves the luxury goods, has almost looked in the magazine. Because is the reason of limited edition, present selling price, probably 600,000 US dollars, equivalent to Renminbi more than 4 million. 前台小姐长相漂亮,打扮时尚,几年的社会阅历炼出一双火眼金睛,快速扫一眼裴南曼,在她手腕间稍稍停顿,这位漂亮到让人惊讶的少妇,穿着打扮都属一般,但千万不能用简单的外表来判断一个人的内在。真正的土豪隐藏在不明显的细节里,比如她右手腕那块表,卡地亚玫瑰金女士腕表,这款手表太出名了,只要热爱奢侈品的女孩,几乎都在杂志上看过。因为是限量版的缘故,如今的售价,大概60万美元,折合人民币四百多万 This is a super big local tyrant. 这是位超级大土豪。 Please wait a bit, I inform manager.” “您请稍等,我通知一下经理。” Under money charm, Miss reception desk the smiling face is sincere. 在金钱魅力下,前台小姐笑容真诚甜美。 While idle time, Qin Ze pulls out the cell phone to read the novel, Pei Ziqi collects to look, disdains saying: This book I have looked, the logic does not have the issue actually, is routine is too old, the plot too water, the author has no brain. Every day urges also to pay no attention to you.” 趁着空闲时间,秦泽掏出手机看小说,裴子淇凑过来一看,不屑道:“这本书我看过,逻辑倒是没问题,就是套路太老,情节太水,作者没什么脑子。每天催更还不理你。” Qin Ze takes a look at her one eyes: come come come, the pen gives you.” 秦泽瞅她一眼:“来来来,笔给你。” Pei Ziqi does not speak. 裴子淇不说话了。 After the moment, Miss reception desk follows a suit straight middle-aged person to come out, moon-face big stomach intestinal fat, very standard middle-aged man image. The wrist watch of professionalism smiling face on face after glimpsing Pei Nanman, were many several points of earnest. 片刻后,前台小姐跟着一位西装笔挺的中年人出来,圆脸大肚腩,很标准的中年男人形象。脸上的职业化笑容在瞥见裴南曼的腕表后,多了几分热切。 Ms. Pei, this is Manager Zhang of our office.” Miss reception desk briefed two people status: Manager Zhang, this is Ms. Pei, the member in our office.” 裴女士,这位是我们会所的张经理。”前台小姐介绍两人身份:“张经理,这位是裴女士,咱们会所的会员。” Although Pei Nanman is here member, but Manager Zhang has no impression to her obviously. Obviously Pei Nanman often does not come to the piano office. 裴南曼虽然是这儿的会员,不过张经理显然对她没什么印象。可见裴南曼不常来钢琴会所。 „Does Miss Pei want please music teacher?” Manager Zhang leads the Pei Nanman three people to sit down in the genuine leather sofa of hall, asks: What musical instrument is?” “裴小姐是想请个音乐老师?”张经理领着裴南曼三人在大厅的真皮沙发坐下,问道:“请问是什么乐器?” teacher of some music specialized family backgrounds, not only teaches the guitar, and teaches piano, the cello, the violin wait/etc.. Their office cannot certainly be not so tasteful, the teacher strength must guarantee absolutely excellent, the reputation good business to be good. 有些音乐专业出身的老师,既教吉他,又教钢琴,大提琴,小提琴等等。他们会所当然不能这么不讲究,师资力量绝对要保证精良,口碑好生意才好。 piano!” Pei Nanman said with a smile, received the hot tea that Miss reception desk handed over conveniently. 钢琴!”裴南曼笑道,顺手接过前台小姐递来的热茶。 When hears piano, a Manager Zhang brow wrinkle, seems the hard thing to bring up gently. 听到钢琴时,张经理眉头轻轻一皱,似有难言之隐。 Pei Nanman said with a smile: On time does not worry, Manager Zhang can hang our requests, which piano teacher waited to have the intention, contacted with me again. The reward firewood is not the issue.” 裴南曼笑道:“时间上不着急,张经理可以把我们的要求挂出来,等哪位钢琴老师有了意向,再联系我。酬薪也不是问题。” Frankly, in October has International Piano Competition, sound association in the key inspection talent, in the circle has piano to compete at the end of August, level best teacher has no time.” His words have not said definitely, shifting to a new subject, said with a smile: Today practices the room to have several very splendid pianist to practice, I help you ask.” “实不相瞒,十月份有国际钢琴比赛,音协在重点考察人才,八月底圈子里有一场钢琴比赛,水平拔尖的老师都没什么时间。”他话也没说死,话锋一转,笑道:“不过今天练习室有几位很出色的钢琴师在练习,我帮你问问。” Had the work.” Pei Nanman said with a smile. “有劳了。”裴南曼笑道。 Manager Zhang leaves, Pei Nanman turns head to say toward Qin Ze: I said that their words are incredible.” 张经理离开,裴南曼扭头朝秦泽道:“我说他们话不足为信吧。” The Qin Ze ponder moment, has bright becoming aware, Sister Pei this fat, who does not want to eat one.” 秦泽沉思片刻,心生明悟,“裴姐这块肥肉,谁不想吃一口。” Pei Nanman was angry his eyes, unexpectedly is especially charming. 裴南曼嗔了他一眼,竟是格外妩媚。 The Manager Zhang performance may be called impregnable, when hears invited piano teacher, just right reveals awkward look, was not obvious, but made Qin Ze several people see sufficiently. Is following close on International Piano Competition that mentioned in October/ten months, and August's domestic piano competition, only to disclose a signal: The piano teacher is short-handed. 张经理表现堪称无懈可击,听到聘请钢琴老师时,恰到好处流露出为难的神色,不明显,但足以让秦泽几人看见。紧跟着提及十月的国际钢琴比赛,以及八月的国内钢琴比赛,只为透露一个信号:钢琴教师人手不足。 Why must do this, naturally prepares the ground for the later price. piano teacher is not the cabbage of honest price tag displayed, the fame is different, the level is different, price of teaching naturally different. Therefore this discussed that price is very important, good that discussed that suppressed gains one. 为什么要这样做呢,当然是为了待会的价格做铺垫。钢琴老师不是明码标价的大白菜,名气不同,水平不同,授课的价格自然就不同。所以这个“谈价”很重要,谈的好,就狠赚一笔。 Qin Ze estimated that this Manager Zhang to each member who invited piano tutor, was this set of excuse. The only careless mistake is, he is too simple, in Pei Nanman proposed „when enrolling request, a Manager Zhang thread of conversation revolution, expresses person immediately, although are few, but the office has splendid pianist today meaning. Feeling nothing is the probe in queen words, worthily is Dame Queen, exceeds. 秦泽估计这个张经理对每个聘请钢琴家教的会员,都是这套说辞。唯一的纰漏在于,他太干脆,在裴南曼提出“挂名”要求时,张经理话锋一转,立刻表达出“人虽然少,但是会所今天恰好有出色的钢琴师”的意思。浑然不觉是女王话里的试探,不愧是女王大人,技高一筹。 Pei Ziqi hear, drum cheek of being angry. 裴子淇听的云里雾里,生气的鼓腮。 Soon, Manager Zhang came out, is leading a man who puts on casual suit, is very young, 30 years old. 不多时,张经理出来了,身后领着一个穿休闲西装的男人,很年轻,三十岁不到。 Manager Zhang shows the tremendous enthusiasm, allows me to introduce, this is domestic best pianist.” Also said toward young pianist: Teacher Li, this Ms. Pei wants to invite tutor.” 张经理表现出极大的热情,“容我介绍,这位是国内拔尖的钢琴师。”又朝年轻钢琴师道:“李老师,这位裴女士想聘请家教。” The Li Guowei first eye was been shocking by Pei Nanman, the appearance beautiful woman, the facial features fine female are many, but her flesh fair passes the health corona to be red, does not see the black head, does not see smallpox seal, this is the woman of true ice myo- beautiful white skin. However in Pei Nanman foreheads partly visible dignified makings, making Li Guowei not dare to reveal too the color of saliva. 李国伟第一眼就被裴南曼惊艳了,容貌倾城,五官精致的女子很多,但她肌肤白皙中透着健康的晕红,不见黑头,不见痘印,这是真正冰肌玉肤的女人啊。不过裴南曼眉宇间若隐若现的威严气质,让李国伟不敢表露太多垂涎之色。 What second eye visible is Pei Ziqi, the fresh-faced cheek that the pretty attractive high-school student, the young girl is in sole possession, extracts the shoot willow branch figure. Can let absolutely certain uncles who like eating the tender grass slightly one hard. 第二眼看见的是裴子淇,娇俏漂亮的高中生,少女独有的粉嫩脸蛋,还有“抽出嫩芽的柳枝”般的身段。绝对能让某些喜欢吃嫩草的大叔微微一硬。 The third eye is Qin Ze, but he has not cared, glances. 第三眼才是秦泽,不过他没在意,一瞟而过。 Manager Zhang as intermediate, very positive sales promotion product, he said: Ms. Pei, the Teacher Li piano circle is very internally famous, since childhood starts to practice piano, to this age, the taken prize can chock up a room, these are not the flickering people, if you need, we can show the proof.” 张经理作为“中间人”,很积极的推销“产品”,他说:“裴女士,李老师在国内钢琴圈子很出名,从小开始练钢琴,到这个年纪,拿的奖都能摆满一屋子,这些可不是忽悠人的,您如果需要,我们可以出示证明。” Pei Nanman nods with a smile. 裴南曼笑着点头。 Manager Zhang continued: Moreover, International Piano Competition of October/ten months you know that he is one of the candidates.” 张经理继续说:“另外,十月的国际钢琴比赛您知道吧,他是候选人之一。” Li Guowei nods slightly, in the foreheads is completely color proudly. 李国伟微微颔首,眉宇间尽是傲然之色。 „Very fierce.” Pei Nanman also expressed satisfaction. “挺厉害的。”裴南曼也表示满意。 Manager Zhang sees her so, complexion slightly happy, „, one cent one point of goods, price will be quite high, is reason that because good pianist did not have time recently.” 张经理见她如此,脸色微喜,“不过呢,一分钱一分货,价钱方面会比较高,也是因为最近好的钢琴师时间的原因。” Pei Ziqi interrupted: Everyone does not have time, how he has time, isn't the candidate?” 裴子淇插嘴道:“大家都没时间,他怎么有时间,不是什么候选人吗?” Li Guowei said: first: piano comes to me is the entirety of life, I am familiar with its each key, like being familiar with own hands and feet. I am familiar with several hundred piano piece, like being familiar with my handwriting. second, I must spend the time preparation, therefore every week on only three classes, each class most one hour. third, teaching time I decide, if there is a piano activity, I can cancel attend class.” 李国伟道:“第一:钢琴对我来是生命的全部,我熟悉它的每个琴键,就像熟悉自己的手脚。我熟悉几百首钢琴曲,就像熟悉我自己的笔迹。第二,我的确要花时间准备,所以每个星期只上三节课,每节课最多一个小时。第三,授课时间我来定,如果有钢琴活动,我可以取消上课。” Pei Nanman frowns slightly. 裴南曼微微蹙眉。 Manager Zhang reminded: Now good pianist is not really easy to look. Only if crossed in October/ten months.” 张经理提醒道:“现在好的钢琴师真的不好找。除非过了十月。” Mumbling also said for quite a while, various types flattered, saw the Pei Nanman smile to nod, Manager Zhang finally the plot revealed: Ms. Pei, if you feel good, we can discuss the issue in price.” 叽里咕噜又说了半天,各种吹捧,见裴南曼微笑点头,张经理终于图穷匕见:“裴女士,如果你觉得不错,我们可以谈一谈价格方面的问题了。” The Pei Nanman smiling face is still gentle: Please say.” 裴南曼依旧笑容温婉:“请说。” Manager Zhang and Li Guowei look at each other, simultaneously smile, former say/way: „The Teacher Li price, usually is a class 1500. In the near future has an increase, International Piano Competition. 20,001 classes.” 张经理李国伟相视一眼,齐齐一笑,前者道:“李老师的价格,平时是一节课1500。近期有所涨幅,国际钢琴比赛嘛。2000一节课。” Qin Ze is flabbergasted secretly, your mother, a Wednesday festival class, is 6,000 silver yuan. A month of 20,000 four. 秦泽暗暗咋舌,尼玛,一个星期三节课,就是六千大洋。一个月两万四。 oh my god . 天了噜 The king of piano really worthily musical instrument, but Qin Ze remembers, in childhood Qin Baobao study piano, a class 40. Dammit, this inflation may be really fierce. 钢琴真不愧乐器之王啊,可秦泽记得,小时候秦宝宝钢琴,一节课才40块。妈蛋,这通货膨胀可真厉害。 elder sister in childhood was also versatile, will jump ballet, met the cello, but throws the claw hollow country now early. 姐姐小时候也是多才多艺,会跳芭蕾,会大提琴,不过现在早扔爪洼国去了。 Pei Nanman one I am the local tyrant I do not care about money the calm stance, said: Price does not have the issue.” 裴南曼一副“我是土豪我不在乎钱”的淡定姿态,笑着说:“价钱方面没问题。” Manager Zhang and on the Li Guowei face the smiling face just bloomed, only listened to her saying: But I must listen to Teacher Li to play on the spot, my side young people, is piano master.” 张经理李国伟脸上笑容刚刚绽放,只听她说:“但我要现场听一听李老师弹奏,我身边这个年轻人,也是钢琴大师。”
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