MESIS :: Volume #1

#94: piano office

After serving food the table, Qin Ze went to the lying down washroom, after coming back, looked, Li Donglai Pei Ziqi older brother and younger sister two put in the rice bowl to wolf down. Sister-in-law/Little aunt gentle and dignified warning: Attention table manners.” 端菜上桌后,秦泽去了躺洗手间,回来后一看,李东来裴子淇兄妹俩扑在饭碗里狼吞虎咽。小姨轻柔又威严的告诫:“注意吃相。” Li Donglai gives the thumbs-up toward Qin Ze, swallows the vegetable/dish of mouth difficultly: Brother Qin, I really took you. How what/anything can you.” 李东来秦泽挑起大拇指,艰难咽下嘴里的菜:“秦哥,我是真服你了。怎么什么都会啊你。” Pei Ziqi did not speak, but considered only to eat the vegetable/dish earnestly the action, silent gave the affirmative attitude. „The meal that this small girl a little tsundere, you make is really delicious this class words she to say. 裴子淇不说话,但埋头只顾吃菜的举动,无声中给出肯定的态度。这小丫头有点傲娇,“你做的菜真好吃”此类的话她是说不出口的。 Li Donglai said: Brother Qin, or you, when the chefs of our family/home, I make the sister-in-law/little aunt open the pay of Chef five-star.” 李东来说:“秦哥,要不你当我们家的厨师吧,我让小姨开五星级主厨的薪酬。” Pei Ziqi is rousing the cheek help/gang, the unclear sound said: Will not treat unjustly your.” 裴子淇鼓着腮帮,含糊不清的声音道:“不会亏待你的。” Pei Nanman puts down the chopsticks, said in a soft voice: „Isn't the meal that sister-in-law/little aunt makes delicious?” 裴南曼搁下筷子,柔声道:“小姨做的菜不好吃吗?” older brother and younger sister two complexion big changes: no no no, the sister-in-law/little aunt does is delicious, but our not being cruel enough sister-in-law/little aunt you works hard for us.” 兄妹俩脸色大变:“不不不,小姨做的才好吃,但我们不忍心小姨你为我们操劳。” Most likes the food that eats the sister-in-law/little aunt to make, the cook of Qin Ze this fellow cannot with the sister-in-law/little aunt compare, we are feared that the sister-in-law/little aunt is too tired.” “最喜欢吃小姨做的菜,秦泽这家伙的厨艺根本不能和小姨比,我们就是怕小姨太累。” Pei Nanman satisfaction smiles, said: Little Qin is a busy person, has no free time.” 裴南曼满意一笑,道:“小秦是大忙人,没空的。” Qin Ze asked: Sister Pei, the vegetable/dish is delicious.” 秦泽问道:“裴姐,菜好吃吗。” Pei Nanman nods: Ok!” 裴南曼点头:“还可以!” Also Ok...... 还可以...... Ding, the quest failure, deducts 120 points, Host only remains 60 points, please make quest diligently.” “叮,任务失败,扣除120点积分,宿主只剩60点积分,请努力做任务。” Qin Ze this time innermost feelings are the collapse. 秦泽此时的内心是崩溃的。 Why like this, why can like this! 为什么会这样,为什么会这样! Qin Ze almost cannot control within the body the strength of great antiquity, raises emphatically. Doesn't Pei Nanman cherish the Hunan cuisine? Doesn't like eating spicily? 秦泽差点控制不住体内的洪荒之力,掀着重。裴南曼不是钟爱湘菜吗?不是喜欢吃辣吗? Cracks a joke, I exchange Hunan cuisine advanced proficient. You do not give me a perfect score, you feel all right, feels all right! 开什么玩笑,我可是兑换湘菜高级精通的。你不给我一个满分,你好意思吗,好意思吗! Since has obtained system, finally is defeated near first quest, moreover at the points short critical moment. 得到系统以来,终于临来第一任务失败,而且是在积分短缺的关键时刻。 Pei Nanman detected suddenly the Qin Ze bitter hatred vision, gawked staring, what's wrong.” 裴南曼忽然察觉到秦泽深仇大恨般的目光,愣了愣,“怎么了。” All right!” Qin Ze clenches jaws. “没事!”秦泽咬牙切齿。 This woman society story is rich, the chest has the static air/Qi, making her shock was difficult, main, she is self-confident about oneself cook syrup, Qin Ze felt oneself prepare food to make one to spend, she perhaps also thinks that her cook is no1. 这女人社会阅历丰厚,胸有静气,让她震惊本就艰难,最主要的,她对自己厨艺蜜汁自信,秦泽觉得自己做菜做出一朵花来,她没准也认为她的厨艺才是no1. Pei Nanman clamped the quick fish neck position most to have the meat that chewed the vigor, chewed carefully, swallows, says with a smile: Qin Ze, I listened to Ziqi saying that you practicing martial arts to divide three steps: train the body, practice moves and Return To The Natural State!” 裴南曼夹了快鱼颈位置最有嚼劲的肉,细细嘴嚼,咽下,笑道:“秦泽,我听子淇说你把练武划分三步骤:练体练招返璞归真!” Uh...... Qin Ze loses says with a smile: Talked nonsense, Sister Pei do not take seriously.” ......秦泽失笑道:“瞎说的,裴姐别当真。” Indeed talked nonsense.” Pei Nanman serious appearance: Actually without is so complex, two steps: refining essence into qi, refining qi into spirit.” “的确是瞎说。”裴南曼一本正经的模样:“其实没那么复杂,就两个步骤:炼精化气,炼气化神。” Qin Ze the feeling does not know how immediately should say, Dame Queen or xianxia fan? I must add: Behind also has to refine the god also empty, refining up empty about saying. 秦泽顿时感觉不知该如何接话,女王大人还是仙侠迷?我是不是要补充说:后面还有炼神还虚,炼虚合道。 system told him, the cultivation became an immortal this matter not to exist, energy cultivation, expanded everyone to have qi that prolonged the life, separated controls thing what/anything spatially talked nonsense. He guessed refining qi into spirit that Pei Nanman said that after should be the strong body and spirit, returns nurturing to parents the spirit. For example we often said that beams with health, is in high spirits, 系统告诉他,修炼成仙这种事不存在,能量修炼,也只是壮大所有人都有的炁,延年益寿可以,隔空控物什么的就扯淡了。他猜测裴南曼说的炼气化神,应该是强壮体魄后,反哺精神。比如我们常说的,满面红光,精神矍铄, Pei Nanman also said: „Has Qin Ze, had free time in the afternoon?” 裴南曼又道:“秦泽,下午有没有空?” Her topic jumps is too quick, Qin Ze said: „, My idling tax at home, has big time.” 她话题跳的太快,秦泽愣愣道:“有空啊,我闲赋在家,有大把时间。” Thought lives alone probably with Qin Ze too awkwardly, elder sister this week, went to work finally pretty good at home every day on time on time. The Qin Ze daily work also has a look at the bulk lots, studies the stock market trend, these work can also be completed on the cell phone. Therefore his time is very idle. 大概是觉得跟秦泽独处太尴尬,姐姐这星期终于不赖在家里了,每天准时准点上班。秦泽每天的工作也就看看大盘,研究研究股市走向,这些工作也可以在手机上完成。所以他的时间是很空闲的。 Ziqi piano teacher, because must arrange the wedding, resigned. I plan again please good point piano teacher, you accompany us to walk in the afternoon.” Pei Nanman said. 子淇钢琴老师因为要筹备婚礼,辞职了。我打算再请一个好点的钢琴老师,你下午陪我们走一趟。”裴南曼说道。 I cannot help.” Qin Ze said. “我又帮不上什么忙。”秦泽说。 You are an expert.” Pei Nanman said. “你是行家嘛。”裴南曼说。 Idles in any case is also idling, Qin Ze said: Good.” 反正闲着也是闲着,秦泽说:“好。” He on the expert,” Pei Ziqi was how speechless: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, this fellow understands what piano, he can play the guqin actually real, do not listen my previous time good that said his zither | Jean Dan, thinks that he understood piano. The guqin and piano are not a matter.” “他怎么就行家了,”裴子淇无语:“小姨,这家伙懂什么钢琴啊,他会弹古琴倒是真的,你别听我上次说他琴弹的好,就认为他懂钢琴了。古琴和钢琴不是一回事。” What do you understand are piano? You know that the treble has several, the bass has several. Knows how many sounds C does have? Knows that what is one finger/refers of two fingers?” “你懂什么是钢琴吗?你知道高音有几个,低音有几个。知道c有几个音?知道什么是一指二指?” All the way, various Pei Ziqi disdaining suspicions. But facing big loli despises to disdain, Qin Ze never responded, looked at out of the window to be indifferent to personal gains and losses. Pei Ziqi usually is not words many people, why does not know, sees his appearance, air/Qi at heart inexplicably, perhaps was hounded, bumps into one to disregard own person suddenly, is not at heart balanced. Therefore finds fault everywhere. 一路上,裴子淇各种不屑各种怀疑。而面对大萝莉的鄙夷不屑,秦泽始终不予回应,望着窗外宠辱不惊。裴子淇平时不是话多的人,不知为何,见到他这副模样,心里就莫名来气,或许是受人追捧惯了,冷不丁碰到一个无视自己的人,心里不平衡。故而处处找茬。 Finally, Pei Nanman reproved: Ziqi, do not have the politeness.” 最后,裴南曼训斥道:“子淇,别没礼貌。” Pei Ziqi is like Li Donglai, holds in awe and veneration to this sister-in-law/little aunt, immediately curls the lip, was finally quiet. 裴子淇李东来一样,对这个小姨又敬又畏,当即撇嘴,总算消停了。 Pei Nanman apology sound said: Qin Ze, do not care.” 裴南曼歉声道:“秦泽,你别在意。” Qin Ze nods with a smile, similarly is tsundere, elder sister's tsundere is partial in acting like a spoiled brat, making people feel lovable and smart-alecky. Pei Ziqi is restricted in the age and qualifications, is chuuni tsundere. 秦泽笑着点头,同样是傲娇,姐姐的傲娇偏向于撒娇,让人感觉又可爱又俏皮。裴子淇受限于年龄和资历,是偏中二傲娇 Sister Pei, you also pay attention to the entertainment world!” Qin Ze said without reason, listens in the Pei Ziqi ear, vacant puzzled. But he did not worry that Pei Nanman will unable to understand, emotional quotient by queen IQ and in the story that the society uses all might, must be the second understands. 裴姐,你也关注娱乐圈啊!”秦泽没头没脑的说了一句,听在裴子淇耳中,茫然不解。但他不担心裴南曼会听不懂,以女王智商情商以及在社会摸爬滚打的阅历,应当是秒懂。 Was old, is paying attention to the entertainment world, appears itself to be young.” Pei Nanman sigh. “年纪大了,关注着娱乐圈,就显得自己还年轻。”裴南曼叹息。 „Do the present women repent?” Qin Ze very natural teasing. “现在的女人都这么自怨自艾?”秦泽很自然的调侃。 When the 30 young married woman, the corner of the eye brow tip is hanging the graceful bearing, like only thoroughly ripe, can pinch the water leakage the juicy peach. Is this also old? 正值三十的少妇,眼角眉梢都挂着风韵,像只熟透的,能掐出水的蜜桃。这也算老? Pei Nanman has not cared about Qin Ze's to tease, said: Actually is my affiliated has family/home broker company, the professional ability is ordinary, is the food to hate to discard something tastelessly that type, has been barely managing to maintain a feeble existence.” 裴南曼没在意秦泽的调侃,道:“其实是我旗下有家经纪公司,业务能力一般,属于食之无味弃之可惜那种,就一直苟延残喘着。” Pei Ziqi has to plant to be excluded the dilutedness and going wild feeling, she cannot understand wisdom in two people words. 裴子淇有种自己被排除在外的无力感与抓狂感,她听不懂两人话语中的机锋。 Pei Nanman said that Qin Ze is an expert, showed that online noisy noisy 《For Qin Baobao》 piano piece, she has the attention. Therefore Qin Ze has this one to ask. Queen Pei definitely looked at the video, definitely Qin Ze recognizing, her of being watertight knows that Qin Ze is not willing to expose the status, therefore has not brought to light. This is between two the obvious tacit understanding. 裴南曼秦泽是行家,证明网上闹的沸沸扬扬的《致秦宝宝》钢琴曲,她有关注。所以秦泽才有此一问。裴女王肯定是看了视频的,也肯定把秦泽给认出来了,滴水不漏的她知道秦泽不愿意暴露身份,于是没有挑明。这属于两人之间心照不宣的默契。 The destination is a Xuhui upscale commercial building, the place is located in the cbd area, Maserati stops into the berth. 目的地是徐汇一处高档商用楼,地点设在cbd区,玛莎拉蒂停入车位。 Three buildings have a piano office, one of the Shanghai Music Association footholds. Exchanges the music for the association members, is a club. Meanwhile outside the person to association opens the member, the price is not expensive, but sufficed the ordinary families to save the 1~2 year economically in everyday spending. The side occupation is to sell piano. I have listened to several piano concerts, is very good. The members of piano association also part-time job make tutor occasionally, only in member in view of office.” Pei Nanman gets two people to enter the elevator, according to bright three building key, said: „The sound association person level is irregular, they naturally help the person on one's own side speak, incredible. You help the Sister Pei palm palm eye, please do not go back a crude person.” “三楼有一家钢琴会所,沪市音乐协会的据点之一。供协会成员交流音乐,算是俱乐部吧。同时对协会外的人开放会员,价格不算贵,但够普通人家省吃俭用积攒一两年了。副业是卖钢琴。我来听过几次钢琴演奏会,很不错。钢琴协会的成员偶尔也兼职家教,只针对会所里的会员。”裴南曼领着两人进电梯,按亮三楼键,道:“音协的人水平参差不齐,他们自然是帮着自己人说话,不足为信。你帮裴姐掌掌眼,别请回去一个半吊子。” Qin Ze hesitation moment: Sister Pei, the teacher what/anything level is indifferent, the key is to look at the student what/anything level. The university professor guidance elementary student, will go wild. In the pay is not cost-effective.” 秦泽沉吟片刻:“裴姐,老师什么水平无所谓,关键是看学生什么水平。大学教授教导小学生,会抓狂的。薪酬上也不划算。” Pei Ziqi looks angrily and fiercely: Qin Ze your what/anything meaning.” 裴子淇横眉立目:“秦泽你什么意思。” Pei Nanman nods: Is this principle. However is the guardian, always wants to give the child the best educational resources, all right, Sister Pei leaves money.” 裴南曼点头:“是这个理。不过做家长的,总想给孩子最好的教育资源,没事,裴姐出的起钱。”
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