MESIS :: Volume #1

#93: The kitchen of local tyrant

„Does Sister Pei, cook?” Qin Ze stands in the kitchen entrance, on the face stacks the sincere smiling face. 裴姐,烧饭呐?”秦泽站在厨房门口,脸上堆起诚挚笑容。 This kitchen may be called luxurious, has custom-made the cabinet upscale, the complete set stainless steel kitchenware, is only the cutting tool has six, entire simultaneously is placed on the tool rest. The hardware fitting that in the inlaying type oven, the commercial coffeemaker, the common family could not have seen, the floor may reflect luminously. 这间厨房堪称豪华,高档定制橱柜,全套不锈钢厨具,光是刀具就有六把,整整齐齐摆在刀架上。内镶式烤炉,商用咖啡机,还有一般家庭见不到的五金配件,地板都光亮可鉴。 The real your mother local tyrant, this must spend how much money. 尼玛土豪啊,这得花多少钱。 Pei Nanman turns head, perhaps is Qin Ze has not encroached upon the territory rashly, squeezes a slightly gentle smiling face: „Outside you go just wait, immediately wants.” 裴南曼扭头,也许是秦泽没有贸然侵犯领地,挤出一个略显柔和的笑容:“你去外面等着吧,马上就要。” Lowers the head , to continue to cut the vegetable/dish. 低头,继续切菜。 Qin Ze over and over, the choice intrudes the queen restricted area hesitant. Before coming to the kitchen, he has weighed the quest difficulty. The quest request is to shock four, considering population, actually he, so long as handles three people good. 秦泽犹豫再三,选择闯入女王禁地。来厨房之前,他衡量过任务的难度。任务要求是震惊四座,考虑到人数,其实他只要搞定三个人就好。 How difficult difficult to shock four, the Dame Queen sale price not poor, Chef five-star do not spare a glance, is not the taste has the issue, is the request is too high. Considered again the self-confidence of her fan, the former possibility is bigger. 难就难在如何震惊四座,女王大人身价不菲,五星级主厨都不屑一顾,不是口味有问题,就是要求太高。再考虑到她的迷之自信,前者可能性更大。 queen is slicing meat, Qin Ze approaches not making a sound, collects the head to look, bladework is ordinary, non-uniformity that the flesh lump cuts, is not thorough, an average two old feelings remain after a severed relationship. 女王正在切肉,秦泽不声不响靠近,凑脑袋一看,刀工一般,肉块切的不均匀,还不彻底,平均两块一个藕断丝连。 Has a heart that deeply loves the cook, actually lost to the talent. 拥有一颗热爱厨艺的心,却输给了天赋。 The heaven is really fair, I later do not blame god and man. 老天果然是公平的,我以后再也不怨天尤人了。 Pei Nanman hears behind sound of footsteps, side looks like, the pressed space between eyebrows, Qin Ze detected leniently queen that this happy anger does not show, had the dissatisfaction. 裴南曼听到身后的脚步声,侧头看来,从轻蹙的眉间,秦泽察觉到这位喜怒不形于色的女王,有了不满的情绪。 What vegetable/dish does Sister Pei like eating?” Qin Ze also asked. 裴姐喜欢吃什么菜?”秦泽又问。 The Pei Nanman hesitation moment, said lightly: Hunan cuisine.” 裴南曼沉吟片刻,淡淡道:“湘菜。” Why a really curious your northeasterner likes eating the Hunan cuisine. 真好奇你一个东北人为什么喜欢吃湘菜。 Qin Ze ridicule in heart at the same time, communicates system, exchanges Hunan cuisine advanced proficient. Heard that after Pei Nanman five-star cook hold lives, Qin Ze and system conduct one to talk over thoroughly, advanced cook proficient indeed cannot achieve to despise the boundary of Chef five-star. But inside has the trick, advanced cook proficient is a broad concept, dominates above advanced cook proficient, named eight big cuisines thing. 秦泽心里吐槽的同时,沟通系统,兑换湘菜高级精通。听说裴南曼五星级厨艺都hold住之后,秦泽系统进行一番深谈,高级厨艺精通的确达不到蔑视五星级主厨的境界。但里面有猫腻,高级厨艺精通是个宽泛概念,凌驾在高级厨艺精通之上,还有一个叫做“八大菜系”的东西。 Insists to give an example, probably is the difference of worthless person and revolutions duty. 硬要举个例子,大概是散人和转职的区别。 Therefore, Pei Nanman in the vision that Qin Ze eyes covetously, completes one plate of peasant families slightly to stir fry the meat. In this process, Qin Ze is saying the word of offending endlessly. 于是,裴南曼秦泽虎视眈眈的目光中,做完一碟农家小炒肉。在这个过程中,秦泽喋喋不休的说着冒犯之言。 Oil does not have the heat to pass.” “油没热透。” Stir-fried dish was too quick, wants slowly.” “炒菜太快了,要慢点。” „The time of soy sauce cooking wine a little not to......” “酱油料酒的时机有点不对......” Monosodium glutamate put obviously, will occupy the taste.” “味精显然放多了,会占味。” „The insufficient piece that hot pepper cuts, put early, you looked, fried in oil sticks.” “辣椒切的不够片啊,放早了,你看,都被油炸糊了。” The story and strength in meditation that the queen 30 year accumulates are almost insufficient, the violent walks at the scene. Stirs fry a dish with great difficulty, this fellow throws into the mouth with the hand 11 meat unexpectedly bold, chews, on the face feels sad for their misfortunes the expression that the anger does not struggle, said: „The meat fries is too old, mouth monosodium glutamate taste, I said that put too.” 女王三十年来积累的阅历和定力差点不够用,当场暴走。好不容易炒完一盘菜,这家伙竟然胆大包天的用手拾一块肉丢进嘴里,嚼完,脸上还是哀其不幸怒气不争的表情,说:“肉炒的太老,一嘴味精味儿,我就说放太多了吧。” Pei Nanman fine brow tip raised, the fair clear face catches resentful face, big angrily said: Qin Ze, you do not go back the words circle today, I ask people to sink Huangpu River you.” 裴南曼精致的眉梢一挑,白皙圆润的脸庞染上一层愠色,大怒道:“秦泽,你今天不把话圆回去,我找人把你沉黄浦江。” „Does the meat have?” Qin Ze does not meet her words, said: Opens, I cook up one to you.” “肉还有吧?”秦泽不接她的话,自顾自道:“起开起开,我给你炒一盘。” Changed others, particularly the man, dares to act unruly in oneself kitchen, a Pei Nanman pot cover fainted early. But was exploded by the liver of nearly Qin Ze air/Qi a moment ago, she was instead calm, this fellow must unable to cook up one to let her satisfied vegetable/dish, sank Huangpu River even, this year killed outmoded, making this touch the reverse scale boy to set upright, is lying down or does not have the issue. 换了别人,尤其是男人,敢在自己厨房里撒野,裴南曼早一锅盖闷过去了。但刚才被秦泽气的险些肝炸,她反而淡定了,这家伙要炒不出一盘让她满意的菜,沉黄浦江就算了,这年头不兴打打杀杀了,让这触逆鳞的小子竖着进来,躺着出去还是没问题的。 Pei Nanman has bragged is the cook is small. 裴南曼一直自诩是厨艺小圣手。 Be not gawking, lends a hand, the hot pepper washed to me.” Qin Ze pulls out a arc perfect kitchen knife, does not forget to tell that Pei Nanman works. “别愣着啊,搭把手,辣椒给我洗了。”秦泽抽出一柄弧线完美的菜刀,不忘吩咐裴南曼做事。 Pei Nanman nearly suspected own ear has problems, is incredible: „Do you make me help you clean vegetables?” 裴南曼险些怀疑自己耳朵出问题,不可置信:“你让我帮你洗菜?” Also washed the pot while convenient, I slice meat.” “顺便把锅也洗了,我切肉。” Pei Nanman: „......” 裴南曼:“......” Sinks Huangpu River, clean. 还是沉黄浦江吧,一干二净。 duo duo duo......” uniform blade sound thinks, the kitchen knife on Qin Ze, in the sword like ancient warrior hand, in the continuous blade light, the pork disintegrated rapidly, changes to the generous almost consistent sliced meat. “咄咄咄......”整齐划一的刀声想起来,秦泽手上的菜刀,就像古代武士手里的剑,连绵刀光中,猪肉迅速解体,化作宽厚几乎一致的肉片。 Pei Nanman thought, this boy bladework is good, must be slightly stronger than me. But bladework is very good on behalf of the cook, is ordinary like oneself bladework, but the cook is very good...... 裴南曼心想,这小子刀工是不错,比我要稍稍强一些。但刀工好不代表厨艺好呀,就像自己刀工一般,但厨艺很棒...... In line with looked that this boy can cook up plays tricks the thoughts, the Pei Nanman entire life first overcomes the hand, washed the pot and hot pepper. Entire simultaneously puts to him on moistening the board. 本着“看这小子能炒出什么花样来”的心思,裴南曼生平头一回给人打下手,洗了锅、辣椒。整整齐齐的给他摆在沾板上。 In the living room, two days one slightly quarrelled, three days big noisy older brother and younger sister, raised up the ear, paid close attention to the kitchen sound. 客厅里,两天一小吵,三天一大吵的兄妹,竖起耳朵,密切关注厨房动静。 Has not seen the master to take Li Donglai that the kitchen knife chases down to relax to the sister-in-law/little aunt, expressed disappointment with Pei Ziqi of similar hope different idea. 没见师父给小姨拿菜刀追杀出来的李东来松了口气,怀着同样期盼不同想法的裴子淇则表示失望。 The older brother and younger sister two attention on some Anti-Japan Drama, Li Donglai did not say curiously: Sister-in-law/Little aunt actually has not gotten angry, my master has real skill.” 兄妹俩注意力不在某抗日神剧上,李东来好奇道:“小姨竟然没发怒,我师父有两下子。” Pei Ziqi disdains: Definitely is the flattering sister-in-law/little aunt, the vegetable/dish burns delicious delicious.” 裴子淇对此不屑:“肯定是阿谀奉承小姨,菜烧的多好吃多好吃呗。” Sister-in-law/Little aunt of being watertight, only Achilles'heel in cook. Pei Ziqi saw the elites of various trades and occupations, has flickered the investment looked wildly, has the prospectus and market report enters sister-in-law's/little aunt's study room, then dirty going out. Actually so long as praised one: Your cook is really the space does not have the ground only to have! Can draw to several hundred million investments with ease. 滴水不漏的小姨,唯一命门就在厨艺上。裴子淇见多了各行各业的精英们,怀揣着忽悠投资的野望,带着计划书和市场报告走进小姨的书房,然后灰头土脸的出去。其实只要夸赞一句:您的厨艺真是天上没有地上仅有!就能轻松拉到几个亿的投资。 Li Donglai happily said: Brother Qin said that working to think, cannot light/only depend on the brute force. He definitely gives the sister-in-law/little aunt to overcome the hand, otherwise the sister-in-law/little aunt will not keep him in the kitchen.” 李东来得意道:“秦哥说了,做事要动脑子,不能光靠蛮力。他肯定给小姨打下手,不然小姨不会留他在厨房。” Pei Ziqi also with the tone that feeling sad for their misfortunes the anger does not struggle: All day Brother Qin Brother Qin, your Li Donglai became the lackeys quickly.” 裴子淇也用哀其不幸怒气不争的语气:“整天秦哥秦哥,你李东来快成人家狗腿子了。” Li Donglai laughs: I am glad, what's wrong. Brother Qin multi- freaking awesome, the do well at school, fighting is also fierce, mixes with him, always mixes with one crowd of second generation ancestor compared with me.” 李东来嗤笑:“我乐意,怎么了。秦哥牛叉,学习成绩好,打架又厉害,跟着他混,总比我跟一群二世祖混好吧。” Pei Ziqi signboard supercilious look: Said seems like his omnipotent as, he has the skill, conquered the sister-in-law/little aunt with the cook.” 裴子淇招牌式白眼:“说得好像他无所不能似的,他有本事,用厨艺把小姨征服了呀。” „, The man wants what cook, your is not forces someone to do something against his will.” “靠,男人要什么厨艺,你这不是强人所难么。” Is saying, Li Donglai suddenly twitched wing of the nose: Any taste!” 正说着,李东来忽然抽了抽鼻翼:“什么味儿!” The attractive vegetable/dish passes to the hall fragrant indistinctly, this is powerful fan the strength of effect, otherwise, the entire living room is the vegetable/dish fragrance. 诱人菜香隐隐约约传到大厅,这还是强力油烟机的效果之力,否则,整个客厅都是菜香。 Pei Ziqi felt that the gastric juice secretes crazily, swallows the saliva quietly: Quite fragrant, did sister-in-law's/little aunt's cook progress?” 裴子淇感觉胃液疯狂分泌,悄悄咽口水:“好香,小姨的厨艺长进了?” older brother and younger sister two charged into the kitchen shoulder to shoulder, Li Donglai called out: Sister-in-law/Little aunt my belly is quite hungry.” 兄妹俩并肩冲向厨房,李东来叫道:“小姨我肚子好饿。” Pei Ziqi flattered: Sister-in-law/Little aunt, I said that you have the talent in cook very much.” 裴子淇吹捧道:“小姨,我就说你在厨艺方面很有天赋吧。” Then, they saw such a: The solemn graceful sister-in-law/little aunt sits near coffee stage, before the body, suspends one pack of peasant families slightly to stir fry the meat, clamps one, clamps one...... to boast shamelessly to again save the sister-in-law/little aunt worldview fellow, stands stir-fries before the pot adeptly, occasionally throws the vegetable/dish, the show one operates. 然后,他们看见了这样一幕:端庄优雅的小姨坐在咖啡台边,身前摆着一叠农家小炒肉,夹一口,再夹一口......而大言不惭要拯救小姨三观的家伙,站在锅前娴熟翻炒,偶尔把菜抛起,秀一下操作。 What situation? 什么情况? That Pei Ziqi small mouth slightly, sees at present goes beyond her understanding category. Always regards as the sister-in-law/little aunt of something for one's own exclusive use the kitchen, whatever unexpectedly a man does the wind to do the rain in the restricted area, looks at her appearance, is not only not angry, eaten also very enjoys? 裴子淇小嘴微张,眼前看到的一幕超出她的理解范畴。向来把厨房视为禁脔的小姨,居然任凭一个男人在禁地搞风搞雨,看她的样子,非但不生气,吃的还挺享受? fuck, this Qin Ze what/anything person, was too all-resourceful. 我靠,这秦泽什么人啊,太神通广大了吧。 After Li Donglai is first startled happy, subsequently worships. mentor is really mentor, deep conceals is leakproof. In chuuni youngster heart, a Qin Ze wrapped in a shroud of obscurity person of high skill image even more. 李东来先惊后喜,继而崇拜。师傅果然是师傅,深藏不漏。在中二少年心底,秦泽愈发的一副神秘莫测的高人形象。 Pei Nanman chews carefully, does not lift: Goes out to wait, a while.” 裴南曼细嚼慢咽,头也不抬:“出去等着,还有一会儿呢。” Pei Nanman kept promises at home, dignified grave, older brother and younger sister two do not dare to have any objection. 裴南曼在家里说一不二,威严深重,兄妹俩都不敢有任何异议。 When Pei Ziqi turns around whispered: The powerful can do what they want , while the weak are not allowed to do anything.” 裴子淇转身时嘀咕道:“只许州官放火不许百姓点灯。” Qin Ze teased: Was too loud.” 秦泽调侃:“太大声了。” Pei Ziqi then hacked this fellow one eyes fiercely wickedly. Turns around to return to the living room, charming and sultry that small butt turns. 裴子淇猛地回头恶狠狠剐了这家伙一眼。转身回客厅,小屁股扭的风情万种。 Qin Ze cooked four dishes: The double pepper fish head and peasant family slightly fry the meat, the bean curd with crab roe and fish fragrant eggplant. A person cleans vegetables and cuts the vegetable/dish, busy being sweating profusely. Last after also most troublesome double pepper fish head has the pot, he shoots a look at the woman who under some chopsticks such as flew ill-humoredly, hmph hmph saying: Ate again ate to eat all one's food, child who outside also two cried for food.” 秦泽烧了四盘菜:双椒鱼头、农家小炒肉、蟹黄豆腐、鱼香茄子。一个人又洗菜又切菜,忙的满头大汗。最后一盘也最麻烦的双椒鱼头出锅后,他没好气的瞥了某个下筷如飞的女人,哼哼道:“再吃就吃光了,外面还有俩嗷嗷待哺的小孩。” Pei Nanman said gently: Talked too much!” 裴南曼轻轻道:“多嘴!” Her style is simply agile and overbearing. Changes into Qin Baobao, can act like a spoiled brat hmph hmph two: Must eat must eat. Wang Zijin praised one: Is the A'Ze craftsmanship stick. 她的风格干脆利索又霸道。换成秦宝宝,会撒娇的哼哼两声:就要吃就要吃。王子衿则夸赞一句:都是阿泽手艺棒。 This is very good, each women should have own spiritual energy. 这很好,每个女人都该有属于自己的灵气。 Why the net celeb face by tsukkomi, ten net celeb nine pointed chin big eyes, a mold seal will be carved. This woman was actually most flashy but lacking substance, lost the intelligence. Very easy aesthetic weary. 网红脸为什么会被吐槽,十个网红九个尖下巴大眼睛,一个模子印刻出来。这种女人其实最华而不实,失去了灵性。很容易审美疲劳。
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