MESIS :: Volume #1

#92: Never expected that you are such master

Villa backyard. 别墅后院。 Arm raises, the way of catching up is not right, attack time, the wrist/skill must stretch, what otherwise injured is own joint.” Qin Ze both hands wear the gauntlet/glove, resists the Li Donglai fierce attack, while points out his style, the place that catches up to make a mistake. “手臂抬高点,发力的方式也不对,攻击的时候,手腕要绷住,不然受伤的是自己的关节。”秦泽双手戴着拳套,一边抵御李东来凶猛的进攻,一边指出他招式、发力失误的地方。 Over half a month, the Li Donglai result has the remarkable promotion, but entered the thousand li (500 km) compared with the day in fight aspect, saw trivial. Qin Ze sees this boy initially time, except for one share unyielding brute strength, acts without the methodicalness, typical bludger skill. 大半个月来,李东来成绩有显著提升,不过比起打架方面的日进千里,就显得微不足道。秦泽初见这小子的时候,除了一股子的狠劲蛮劲,出手毫无章法,典型的混混身手。 After training of this time, Li Donglai became bludger who meets several hard skilled people. With the xianxia class/flow glossary: odd jobs disciple. 这段时间的苦练后,李东来成了会几手硬把式的混混。用仙侠流的词汇:杂役弟子 Fighting is also the gate art, can regard with the scientific vision. Our commonly mentioned „ the world martial arts only quickly broken and „a strength to fall ten meetings to analyze the elaboration with the mechanics. But the so-called martial arts rare book, was simpler. I am divided into three steps it: train the body, practice moves, Return To The Natural State. ” Qin Ze earnestly instructs his recording a name disciple. “打架也是门艺术,可以用科学的眼光看待。咱们通常说的“天下武功唯快不破”、“一力降十会”是可以用力学来分析阐述的。而所谓的武功秘籍,更简单了。我把它分为三步骤:练体,练招,返璞归真。”秦泽淳淳教诲他的记名弟子。 How you did not say that the Golden Dan Nascent Origin god crosses the tribulation to fly upwards.” On the stair several meters away, the Pei Ziqi cucumber bites crisp, shows the whites of the eyes ruthlessly, various fine fair elegant face disdaining, various despising. “你怎么不说金丹元婴化神渡劫飞升。”几米外的台阶上,裴子淇黄瓜咬的咯嘣脆,狠狠翻了个白眼,精致白皙的俏脸各种不屑,各种鄙夷。 Does not need Qin Ze this mentor to start talking, Li Donglai reproved: Practices martial arts most to abstain from the bystander to look on, cannot understand the custom, piss off goes.” 不需要秦泽这个师傅开口说话,李东来训斥道:“练武最忌讳外人旁观,懂不懂规矩,滚犊子去。” Pei Ziqi turns a supercilious look again, whispered: Mental illness, overstated.” 裴子淇再翻一个白眼,嘀咕道:“神经病,走火入魔。” Turns around, turns small butt to turn back the living room. 一转身,扭着小屁股走回客厅。 The younger sister walks, smiling face that Li Donglai flatters immediately: Master, you continued.” 妹子一走,李东来立刻谄媚的笑容:“师父,你继续说。” Qin Ze satisfaction nods , to continue to tease: simply said, train the body is the hardship body, does not have the powerful body support, routine practices again many is also the fake skilled person. Our great leaders have said that the body is the revolutionary qualification.” 秦泽满意点头,继续调侃:“简化的说,练体就是打熬身体,没有强大的身体支撑,套路练的再多也是假把式。咱们伟大的领袖说过,身体是革命的本钱嘛。” Li Donglai nods again and again: Making sense is reasonable, I felt for these days the physical condition has its good, dantian has strength of the great antiquity.” 李东来连连点头:“有道理有道理,我这几天感觉身体状况出其的好,丹田有股洪荒之力。” Does not burn the lonesome malignant influences fortunately, otherwise must consume the skill for the master for your sparse leader.” Qin Ze continues to talk nonsense: practice moves, as the name suggests, practices routine. On the mathematics courses like you, teacher will first give you formula, the formula is routine, so long as grasps this routine, practices industriously, you can become expert.” “还好不是焚寂煞气,不然为师要耗费功力为你疏经导脉。”秦泽继续扯淡:“练招,顾名思义,就是练习套路。像你上数学课,老师会先把公式交给你,公式就是套路,只要掌握这个套路,勤加练习,你就能成为高手。” mentor is mentor, the ease mixes martial study and math the penetration, the disciple is well below.” Li Donglai said. 师傅就是师傅,轻而易举就把武学和数学糅合贯通,弟子远远不及。”李东来说。 Even but if the students grasped the mathematical formula, the result ginseng/partake that tests eats as before not neat, Study Tyrant scores the perfect score, Study Dreg does not pass an examination. Why?” “可即便学生们掌握了数学公式,考出来的成绩依旧参吃不齐,学霸得满分,学渣不及格。为什么?” Why?” Li Donglai follows the mentor mentality to walk completely. “为什么?”李东来完全跟着师傅的思路走。 Stupid, because Study Tyrant joins in the magnanimous custom question bank. In other words, Study Tyrant is fighting with all kinds of enemies, accumulates experience, finally achieves the boundary that not incurs to win to incur.” “蠢,因为学霸投身在海量的习题库里。换而言之,学霸在和各种各样的敌人交手,累积经验,最后做到无招胜有招的境界。” Understood, therefore practices the true facts, our generation chivalrous person, should walk randomly the world, fights with various group of troops.” “懂了,所以实践出真章,我辈侠士,就应该游走天下,和各路人马交手。” You can have this realizing from experience, is delighted for the master.” “你能有这个体悟,为师深感欣慰。” Li Donglai opens mouth, the hesitation said: Brother Qin, we spoke the way to trade routine not, the feeling was quite ashamed.” 李东来张了张嘴,踌躇道:“秦哥,咱们说话方式能换个套路不,感觉好羞耻。” Qin Ze teacher addiction, felt to satisfy, trampled to Li Donglai butt: Rolls to make the exercise, father teaches you is so long, you improve three ten points result to five ten points, what I want is passes an examination, passes an examination!” 秦泽过了一把“师尊”瘾,也感觉满足了,一脚踹向李东来屁股:“滚去做习题,老子教你这么久,你只是把三十分的成绩提高到五十分,我要的是及格,及格!” Pei Ziqi sits on the genuine leather sofa, takes the cucumber single-handedly, takes the remote control single-handedly, the vision actually shoots a look at to the backyard, the corners of the mouth turns upwards: Two mental illness.” 裴子淇坐在真皮沙发上,一手拿黄瓜,一手拿遥控器,目光却瞥向后院,嘴角翘起:“两个神经病。” 11 : 00 am, Qin Ze looked at a cell phone, sets out saying: time was similar, today stops, I first walked.” 上午11点,秦泽看了眼手机,起身道:“时间差不多了,今天到此为止,我先走了。” Side does not wait for apprentice Li Donglai of god to detain, carries to get out of bed the package, rushes out through the door. 不等愣神的徒弟李东来挽留,拎起床边的包,夺门而出。 In the living room, carries two bags of fresh fruits and vegetables to come back on Pei Nanman, had the lunch to walk again.” 客厅里,恰逢裴南曼拎着两袋生鲜果蔬回来,“吃了午饭再走吧。” When Milf Pei at home, is the virtuous young woman is very very gentle. 裴熟女在家里时,还是很淑女很温婉的。 The Qin Ze complexion changes, stacks the warm smiling face: Disturbed, I go out to eat well.” 秦泽脸色微变,堆起热情的笑容:“太打扰了,我自己出去吃就好。” The Pei Nanman smiling face is light: Does not disturb, I also boil your quantity together. Right, Little Qin, eaten is used to spicily? Your native tastes are sweet.” 裴南曼笑容淡淡:“不打扰,我把你的量也一起煮。对了,小秦,吃的惯辣嘛?你们本地人口味偏甜。” Completely disregarded my words...... Qin Ze to say with a smile reluctantly: Likes the sweet taste mostly is the older generation, moreover is not all Shanghai people likes eating sweetly, I do not like.” 完全无视了我的话......秦泽勉强笑道:“喜欢甜味的大多是老一辈,而且也不是所有的沪市人都爱吃甜,我就不喜欢。” The Pei Nanman earnest nod, gives Pei Ziqi the fruit, goes to wash the fruit.” 裴南曼认真点头,把水果交给裴子淇,“去把水果洗一下。” One carried the vegetable/dish to enter the kitchen. 自个拎着菜进了厨房。 Pei Ziqi looks disdainfully the fellow who this does not know the good and evil, hmph hmph saying: Does not know that many people think on my family's dining table, cannot.” 裴子淇睥睨这个不识好歹的家伙,哼哼道:“不知道有多少人想上我家的饭桌,都不能。” Qin Ze heaved a sigh: Finished eating the meal that Sister Pei makes each time, always thought that is not quite right.” 秦泽唉声叹气:“每次吃完裴姐做的菜,总觉得不太对劲。” Also cannot say is unpalatable, was not definitely delicious is right. Mainly, Pei Nanman can a perfect food, make the flavor reluctant entrance vegetable/dish. 也不能说难吃,肯定不好吃就对了。最主要的,裴南曼可以把一份完美的食材,做成味道勉强入口的菜。 This was fierce. 这就厉害了。 For example, the material quality tasty seafood, slides in her pot, can eat the flavor of river fish. For silver cod that the pulp is famous delicately, forcefully the taste of somewhat old dried beancurd. 比如,材质鲜美的海鲜,在她的锅里溜一圈,能吃出河鱼的味道。以肉质细嫩著称的银鳕鱼,硬生生有几分老豆腐干的口感。 Really suspected how she achieves all these. 真怀疑她是如何做到这一切的。 A Pei Ziqi small cheek pain, is not delicious, she also enjoys to go home to breast-feed a baby very much this matter, the work must pull out time to come back again busily to give us to prepare food. Mood good time, smiles to ask: Meal that I make today how! You want to eat me to do to you in the evening again!” 裴子淇小脸蛋一苦,“是不好吃,她还很享受回家奶孩子这件事,工作再忙都要抽时间回来给我们做饭。心情好的时候,就笑眯眯问:我今天做的菜怎么样啊!你们想吃我晚上再给你们做啊!” Qin Ze recalled, probably when first time remains the villa eats meal, he against one's conscience gave 108 to praise. 秦泽回忆了一下,好像第一次留别墅吃饭时,他昧着良心给了108个赞。 No wonder she always keeps me to eat meal warmly. 难怪她总这么热情留我吃饭。 „Her is self-intoxicated, has not clearly recognized itself.” Qin Ze summarized. “她这是自我陶醉,没有认清自己。”秦泽总结道。 The Pei Ziqi corners of the mouth twitch: Had the skill to go to front of the sister-in-law/little aunt to say.” 裴子淇嘴角一抽搐:“有本事去小姨面前说。” hā hā, making me save your sister-in-law's/little aunt's frail worldview, the positive/direct reality is an urgent matter.” Qin Ze slightly feels excitedly, regarding the Pei Nanman small odd, is not only lossless her image, instead is brighter. 哈哈,让我去拯救你们小姨脆弱的三观吧,正面现实是一件刻不容缓的事。”秦泽略感兴奋,对于裴南曼的小怪癖,非但无损她形象,反而更加鲜活起来。 Qin Ze has felt, the too perfect woman is too unreal, forgot which chuuni xuanhuan class/flow novel has such sentence: In day moves, success inevitably is followed by decline. Imperfect good, the imperfect woman makes people relieved. In that on for example the family/home beguiles child elder sister, the figure is also good, the cheek is also good, may be called perfect. But the character was too bad, therefore her mindless lives now. 秦泽一直觉得,太完美的女人太虚幻,忘记哪本中二玄幻流小说有这样的句子:日中则移,月满则亏。不完美好,不完美的女人更让人放心。就比如家里那位狐媚子姐姐,身段也好,脸蛋也好,堪称完美。但性格就太糟糕了,所以她没心没肺的活到现在。 If elder sister the character gentle natural knowledge book reaches the principle again, it is estimated that on day being jealous young person. 姐姐要是性格再温婉大方知书达理,估计就天妒红颜了。 Li Donglai from two downstairs, hears the younger sister and mentor dialogue exactly, has a scare, looks to the cleaning vegetables sound huā lā la kitchen, lowers the sound: Brother Qin, do not impulse, said face to face the sister-in-law/little aunt cook is rotten, she will get angry.” 李东来恰好从二楼下来,听见妹子和师傅的对话,吓了一跳,瞄向洗菜声哗啦啦的厨房,压低声音:“秦哥,你别冲动,当面说小姨厨艺烂,她会翻脸的。” Pei Ziqi deeply has the same feeling to nod, shakes the head again and again, instigates saying: Can't, my sister-in-law/little aunt be very natural, although goes.” 裴子淇深有同感点头,又连连摇头,怂恿道:“不会不会,我小姨很大方,尽管去。” Li Donglai stares a vicious younger sister ruthlessly. 李东来狠狠瞪一眼用心险恶的妹子。 The Qin Ze heart said, you have not seen me to hold the going against heaven's will cooks of two woman stomachs with ease. But Li Donglai cautious a few words, breaking Qin Ze's were self-confident. Li Donglai said: „The sister-in-law's/little aunt's self-confidence to own cook fan. The chefs in five-star hotel go to the kitchen personally, the appraisal of sister-in-law/little aunt is: „ Also good.” But she appraises to oneself cook, two characters: Perfect! ” 秦泽心说,你们是没见过我轻松抓住两个女人胃的逆天厨艺。可李东来小心翼翼的一句话,打破了秦泽的自信。李东来说:“小姨对自己的厨艺迷之自信。五星级酒店的主厨亲自下厨,小姨的评价是:“还不错。”但她对自己的厨艺评价,两个字:完美!” Qin Ze one hear, instigated immediately. 秦泽一听,顿时怂了。 your mother, at present the family, is not Qin Baobao that not the earth little girl who goes to the five-star hotel to dine, the cook of others Chef five-star has experienced, the cook that Qin Ze is enlightened is good, does not dare saying that wins Chef five-star? 尼玛,眼前这一家子,可不是秦宝宝那个没去过五星级酒店用餐的土妞,人家五星级主厨的厨艺都见识过,秦泽醍醐灌顶的厨艺再好,也不敢说完胜五星级主厨吧? The Pei Ziqi signboard -type small supercilious look turns: Boasted only, was most repugnant your bumptious man. When a moment ago cracked a joke, washed the fruit.” 裴子淇招牌式的小白眼翻起来:“净吹牛,最讨厌你这种大话连篇的男人。刚才就当开玩笑,把水果洗了。” Pei Ziqi read one high, 17-year-old big loli, the small waist thin leg curled upwards butt, long somewhat similar Pei Nanman, in the school should be Goddess of School Flower rank, was the temperament is too poor, said like Pei Nanman: This is too heavy to the older brother and younger sister vicious tendencies. 裴子淇读高一,17岁的大萝莉,小腰细腿翘屁股,长的有几分相似裴南曼,在学校应该是校花级别的女神,就是脾气太劣,就像裴南曼自己说的:这对兄妹戾气太重。 Said that gets angry gets angry, done Qin Ze a little cannot get out. 说翻脸就翻脸,搞的秦泽有点下不来台。 Li Donglai urged: Brother Qin, forget it, my sister-in-law/little aunt is angry, is very ominous.” 李东来则劝道:“秦哥,算了吧,我小姨生气起来,很凶的。” Qin Ze smiled, comes, scolded several again.” 秦泽笑了,“来,再骂几句。” Pei Ziqi stares, the subconsciousness said: Mental illness.” 裴子淇一愣,下意识道:“神经病啊。” Continue!” “继续!” I thought that your brain is really sick.” “我看你脑子真有病。” „Is your vocabulary so completely barren?” “你的词汇量尽如此贫瘠?” Your silly fork idiot shitheaded waste......” “你个傻叉白痴脑残废物......” Very good.” The Qin Ze pressure the hand , indicating that was OK. The system's quest prompt reverberates in the mind: Ding! Please make one to shock four good meals, success reward 120 points, the failure deducts corresponding points. “很好。”秦泽压压手,表示可以了。系统的任务提示在脑海中回荡:叮!请做一顿震惊四座的美味佳肴,成功奖励一百二十积分,失败扣除相应积分 Really, depressing is more ruthless, the rebound is fiercer. Desire at heart, can operate to a certain extent. 果然,压抑的越狠,反弹越凶猛。心里的欲求,可以在一定程度上操纵。 Li Donglai visits him dumbfoundedly, never expected that you are such master. 李东来目瞪口呆看着他,没想到你是这样的师父。 Pei Ziqi looks at his look, really looks at the mental illness again, is mixing with a meaning of such faint trace perverted. 裴子淇看他的眼神,真的再看神经病,夹杂着那么一丝丝变态的意思。
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