MESIS :: Volume #1

#91: Making a tearful scene

The scene exploded. 现场炸了。 This song is not the rock and roll, actually compared with the rock and roll surging will of the people. 这首歌不是摇滚,却比摇滚更加激荡人心。 Everyone thought that this song is singing itself, oneself are protagonist in song, substituting the feeling is full, therefore one by one imagines that unimportant person same hissing to cry out, by exaggerate, by way abundant eyeball of winning favor by ostentation. Only is that dismal attention. 每个人都觉得这首歌是在唱自己,自己就是歌曲里的主角,代入感十足,于是一个个都想像那个小人物一样嘶声呐喊,以浮夸,以哗众取宠的方式博眼球。只为那悲凉的的关注。 Many audience shall be gratefuls as a personal favor, remembered had experienced, feeling sad that or is experiencing. 很多观众感同身受,想起了经历过的,或正在经历的心酸。 Qin Baobao.” 秦宝宝。” Qin Baobao.” 秦宝宝。” Qin Baobao.” 秦宝宝。” Qin Baobao.” 秦宝宝。” . 一个。 100. 一百个。 500. 五百个。 More shouted is more uneven, more shouted that was bigger. 越喊越齐,越喊越大。 The backstage, Li Rongxing plays the flavor: Wells, you said that you have not lost. If, I meant if, is you and her PK, you thought that you have the odds of success.” 后台,李荣兴玩味道:“威尔斯,你说你没输过。如果,我是说如果,是你和她pk,你觉得自己有胜算吗。” Wells is silent, through television screen that in reception desk switches over, he saw to fall into the crazy audience. When compared with he sings, more fiery several times of scenes. Really changed him to go to PK, he has not grasped. 威尔斯沉默,通过前台转接的电视屏幕中,他看见了陷入疯狂的观众。比他演唱时,更加火热几倍的场面。真换了他去pk,他没把握。 Today's stage, the highlight is not he. 今天的舞台,亮点不是他。 This program records, after Qin Baobao cried out 《Exaggerate》, reached to the high tide, later ebb tide. Wells this mixed blood handsome fellow from foreign country cannot such as expected having a run-away success, mix a face to be ripe with the audience at most. 这场节目录制,在秦宝宝呐喊出《浮夸》后,臻至高潮,随后潮落。威尔斯这位来自异国他乡的混血帅哥没能如预期的一炮而红,顶多与观众混了个脸熟。 Is worth mentioning, Qin Baobao and Xu Lu's voting link, ticket compared with pitiful. Qin Baobao to lead about the advantage of 200 vote, being relentless steamroll A-list celebrity again. 值得一提的,秦宝宝徐璐的投票环节,票比可谓凄惨。秦宝宝以领先将近两百票的优势,毫不留情的再一次碾压一线明星 On road that drives home, Wang Zijin and Qin Ze sit the back row, what driving is Qin Baobao. 驱车回家的路上,王子衿秦泽坐后排,开车的是秦宝宝 Wang Zijin with mouth she, throws to a Qin Ze look, generally meaning: Haven't you become reconciled? 王子衿用嘴努努她,抛给秦泽一个眼神,大抵意思:你们还没和好呢? Qin Ze curls the lip, the look responded: Do not manage her, will be several days later good. 秦泽撇撇嘴,眼神回应:别理她,过几天就好了。 Qin Baobao is mad such big, is very rare matter, previous time matter that touches her butt, three days do not arrive forgive Qin Ze. 秦宝宝生这么大的气,是很罕见的事,上次摸她屁股的事儿,三天不到就原谅秦泽 Now elder sister and he fought several days of cold war. Is good is constantly together 20 for many years because of two people, experience is rich, similar situation has. High school that little while, elder sister, because thinks, when celebrity, was almost hung to hit by the parents. Qin Ze stemming from the curiosity, looked on a parental every feather duster delighted, the male and female doubles entire process. Without shouting be not hitting my elder sister, must hit hits me the slogan, and throws the body positively but on keeps off the spear/gun for elder sister. 现在姐姐和他打好几天冷战了。好在两人朝夕相处二十多年,经验丰富,类似的情况不是没有。高中那会儿,姐姐因为想当明星,差点被爸妈吊起来打。秦泽出于新鲜感,乐滋滋旁观了父母人手一根鸡毛掸子,男女双打全过程。没有喊着“别打我姐,要打就打我”的口号,并且积极扑身而上替姐姐挡枪。 Qin Baobao passed sadly, felt oneself were abandoned by entire family, does not dare to bear a grudge with the parents, therefore fought the entire half a month cold war with Qin Ze. 秦宝宝伤心透了,感觉自己被全家抛弃,又不敢和父母怄气,于是和秦泽打了整整半个月的冷战。 Almost broke off the elder sister and younger brother relations the crisis to cross, at present this matter, is completely not the matter. 差点断绝姐弟关系的危机都渡过来了,眼前这点事儿,完全不是事嘛。 Old strategy: Falling in love over time, is not right, making time heal the scars. 老策略:日久生情,不对,让时间抚平创伤。 Friday. 周五。 In the evening. 晚上。 «I am a Singer» fifth issue of broadcasting. 我是歌星》第五期播出。 This issue of program heat degree is relatively low, like the third period, Qin Baobao Weibo anger resentment Liu Xuegang, the selling point is not full. The fourth issue, A-list celebrity Xu Lu allies «Singer». Non- strove to excel to say a heat degree, probably was the public opinion disturbance that Qin Baobao had, do not read the plot to reverse, but scolded the Qin Baobao's person to be many. Does Keyboard Hero curse at people, needs the reason? 这一期的节目热度相对较低,不像第三期,秦宝宝微博怒怼刘学刚,卖点满满。第四期,一线明星徐璐加盟《歌星》。非要强说一个热度,大概是秦宝宝闹出的舆论风波了,别看剧情反转,但骂秦宝宝的人还不少。键盘侠骂人,需要理由吗? Others celebrity makes a charity, can black, was scolded falsely. 人家明星做个慈善,都能遭黑,被骂虚伪。 This issue of seam protector singer does not know that is.” “这一期补位歌手不知道是谁。” On an issue of painted eggshell has the prompt, only said the mysterious honored guest, without exposed status. Hung fully the appetite.” “上一期的彩蛋有提示,只说神秘嘉宾,没暴露身份。吊足了胃口。” Xu Lu this period is also the highlight, I very anticipated that she will sing.” 徐璐这一期也是亮点,我挺期待她会唱什么歌。” Qin Baobao's «Listens to Sea» is also good, I like.” 秦宝宝的《听海》也蛮不错,我喜欢。” Hi, was tired, I for these days, continuously single circulation, what listens is the Xu Lu edition, she sang was of pleasant to hear, what thing that Qin Baobao that sang.” “嗨,都听腻了,我这几天啊,一直单曲循环,不过听的是徐璐版本,她唱的才好听,秦宝宝那都唱的什么玩意。” Qin Baobao also depended on her younger brother, words saying, her younger brother what/anything appearance, good to have a look. Absolutely is handsome fellow.” 秦宝宝也就靠她弟弟,话说,她弟弟什么模样,好想看看。绝对是一枚帅哥。” Not necessarily, one's own elder sister and younger brother also has to miss vast distance.” “未必,亲生姐弟也有差十万八千里的。” Let alone the words, the honored guest came out.” “别说话,嘉宾出来了。” ............ ............ „, good handsome.” “哇,好帅。” Leads blindly my eye. oppa.” “帅瞎我的眼啊。欧巴。” Purebred graceful mixed blood.” “纯种的帅不过混血的。” Who is this? Domestic musical world not this character. Foreign country?” “这是谁啊?国内乐坛没这号人物。外国的?” Yin Jia introduced simply Wells' personal history and origin, encircles the audience in front of computer is in an uproar. 尹佳简单的介绍了威尔斯的履历以及来历,围在电脑前的观众们又是一阵哗然。 Real false? Such fierce?” “真的假的啊?这么厉害?” Person led even, must have the talent, had a look at my am 26 years old again, the wholesale market, without the room did not have the car(riage) not to have the younger sister. The people compare the popular deceased person.” “人帅就算了,要不要这么有才,再看看我26岁,啤酒肚,没房没车没妹子。人比人气死人。” Program group was fierce, the talent singers foreign country gives to invite, spent the initial capital.” “节目组厉害了,把外国的天才歌手都给请来,花了血本的。” Does not have the natural justice, is so young outstanding. Does our home have such singer? It is not these only depends on face value little fresh meat, others not only have the face, but also has the talent.” “没天理啊,年纪轻轻这么优秀。咱们国内有这样的歌手吗?不是那些只靠颜值小鲜肉,人家不但有颜,而且有才。” Qin Baobao her younger brother precisely, that is not true Music Genius, compares, Wells does not have the qualifications to place on a par with others.” 秦宝宝弟弟不就是嘛,那才是真正的音乐鬼才,相比起来,威尔斯都没资格与人家相提并论。” That is not, does not have to reveal including the surface. „ Legend person, what moreover I said is sings, is not the creation. ” “那不是,连面都没露过。“传说”中的人而已,况且我说的是唱歌,不是创作。” Some advertisement company. 某广告公司 This Wells image is good, it is said that he prepares to develop time in China, is the news reliable?” “这个威尔斯形象不错,据说他准备在中国发展一段时间,消息可靠吗?” We and his team ditch pass .” “我们与他的团队沟通过,是真的。” Is trying and him signs, while the present also not red, the advertising expenditure is not high.” “试着和他签约,趁现在还没红,广告费不高。” You believe firmly that he will be red.” “您就这么确信他会红啊。” Un.” “嗯。” That Qin Baobao?” “那秦宝宝呢?” She first puts, " after Singer » program ended considered, her background is too shallow, not due to element. Wells is different, he was very externally hot , some of their teams, various aspects can the cooperation be smooth. Qin Baobao, when she stood firm in Star Skills says again.” “她先搁一搁,《歌星》节目结束后考虑,她底子太浅,还有很多不确因素。威尔斯不一样,他在国外就很火了,又有自己的团队,各方面都能合作顺畅。秦宝宝嘛,等她在星艺站稳脚跟再说吧。” Group first singer PK match starts. 第一歌手pk赛开始。 I go, entire journey wind treble? Any singing voice, was too terrifying.” “我去,全程飙高音啊?什么歌喉,太恐怖了吧。” Shock.” “震惊了。” Is the sense of hearing enjoys simply, can sing the opera.” “简直是听觉享受,都可以唱歌剧去了。” Although cannot understand the English Language song, but depends on this treble, six arrive does not have the friend.” “虽然听不懂英文歌,但就凭这手高音,六到没朋友。” „The Soul Singer title, this ages, this art or technique of singing, can worthily the looking disdainfully home.” “不愧灵魂歌手的称号,这个年龄段,这份唱功,可以睥睨国内。” blessing in disguise, foreign little handsome guy, decisive powder.” 意外之喜啊,外国小帅哥,果断粉了。” Huang Yuteng loses is not injust, but he can return in Resurrection Match, might as well.” 黄宇腾输的不冤,不过他能在复活赛回归,无妨。” Import compared with domestic-made skirt.” “进口的就是比国产的屌。” Then, Group second PK. 然后,第二pk。 Xu Lu first sang, a bold type ballad, increased the popular music element. Sang is the unknown ballad female singer. The music variety show likes taking these not famous song to sing, first is easy to exceed, if the fire, that gained sends greatly. The classical song is too difficult to exceed, instead no one is willing to sing. 徐璐先唱,一首奔放类型的民谣,添加了流行音乐元素。原唱是个名不经传的民谣女歌手。音乐综艺节目都喜欢拿这些不出名的歌曲翻唱,一来是容易超越,万一火了,那就赚大发了。经典歌曲太难超越,反而没人愿意唱。 Goddess art or technique of singing online, good.” 女神唱功在线,不错。” Very has the flavor, compared with sang, sang me to listen, is completely not a level.” “挺有味道的,比原唱好,原唱我听过,完全不是一个层次。” „Is Xu Lu is the specialized singer family background good, previous time loses to Qin Baobao, is completely the accident/surprise.” 徐璐是专业歌手出身好不好,上次输给秦宝宝,完全是意外。” Is reasonable, 《Blue and White Porcelain》 went against heaven's will, dominated music ranking first several days, Xu Lu lost was not injust. Originally Qin Baobao's «Listens to Sea», shines the ray hopefully again, but the netizens have listened, a some also two circulation, the feeling has no anticipation. Qin Baobao this danger.” “有道理,《青花瓷》太逆天了,雄霸音乐排行榜第一好几天了,徐璐输的不冤。本来秦宝宝的《听海》,有希望再放光芒,可网友都听过了,有些还一次两次的不停循环,感觉已经没什么好期待的了。秦宝宝这次危险了。” „The Qin Baobao's words, I only want to say: Looks at the divine intervention.” 秦宝宝的话,我只想说:看天意吧。” hā hā, is quite funny.” 哈哈,好逗。” After several minutes, did not favor the Qin Baobao's person by hit the face. 几分钟后,不看好秦宝宝的人被打脸了。 , Qin Baobao this appearance, interesting.” “噗,秦宝宝这身打扮,有意思。” Clown exploded, although the Goddess picture smoking makeup is very beautiful the not respectable family, but why wants wears ugly to exploding pearl crown, this skirt cape what's the matter, big chest big long leg of reaching an agreement?” “丑爆了,虽然女神画烟熏妆很妖艳很不良家,但为什么要戴丑到爆的珍珠冠,还有这裙子似的斗篷是怎么回事,说好的大胸大长腿呢?” exaggerate?” 浮夸?” Song interest.” “歌名有意思。” Well, Cantonese song? Will she also sing the Cantonese song?” “咦,粤语歌?她还会唱粤语歌啊?” Lyrics are good.” “歌词不错。” Barrage stops, listens to this song......” “弹幕消停点,听这歌......” The barrage stopped for 2-3 minutes, until the picture, Qin Baobao makes an effort to entrain the pearl crown, pearl everywhere spurts, fly broken jade dispersing. 弹幕停了2-3分钟,直到画面里,秦宝宝用力拽下珍珠冠,珍珠漫天飞洒,飞花碎玉般的散开。 Shocked countless people. 震撼了无数人。 High energy has crossed, fast homing.” “高能已过,速速归位。” fuck me, this song sang me cried, was not Blue and White Porcelain that moved, but with the helplessness and misery of my circumstances fitting.” 卧槽,这首歌把我唱哭了,不是青花瓷那种伤感,而是与我本身境遇贴合的无奈与凄凉。” exaggerate? She sang my aspiration.” 浮夸?她唱出了我的心声啊。” your mother, Paper Towel (zhijin) wet...... mother, my useless Paper Towel (zhijin) does the strange matter, this is really the tears.” 尼玛,纸巾湿了......妈妈,我没用纸巾做奇怪的事啊,这真的是眼泪。” Mother asked why I kneel am playing the computer.” “妈妈问我为什么跪着玩电脑。” exaggerate, an unimportant person's call, this is true Soul Singer.” “一首浮夸,一个小人物的呐喊,这才是真正的灵魂歌手啊。” Qin Baobao gave me to shock the mind a song, liked her. Later who is black she, my resentment dies anyone.” 秦宝宝又给了我震撼心灵的一首歌,太喜欢她了。以后谁黑她,我怼死谁。” I fell in love with this song, the whole body blood is turning wells up.” “我爱上这首歌了,浑身血液在翻涌。” I goosebumps.” “我一身的鸡皮疙瘩。” This song was too flamboyant, Qin Baobao younger brother was too flamboyant, anyone this is, how can write such straight jab to the soul song.” “这歌太牛逼了,秦宝宝弟弟太牛逼了,什么人啊这是,怎么能写出这么直击灵魂的歌。” This is not Qin Baobao's cried out, is countless person's calls.” “这不是秦宝宝的呐喊,是无数人的呐喊。” Next day! 次日! The «I am a Singer» program viewing ratio sets new high again, Wells fire, what is hottest is Qin Baobao, and her exaggerate. 我是歌星》节目收视率再创新高,威尔斯火了,但最火的是秦宝宝,以及她的那首浮夸 Internet writes: «straight jab to the soul Song» 网络媒体撰文:《直击灵魂的歌曲》 «Qin Baobao Again Has divine song» 秦宝宝再出神曲 «exaggerate Replaced Blue and White Porcelain To become Day List first» 浮夸取代青花瓷成为日榜第一 «exaggerate Search Rate Explosive table» 浮夸搜索率爆表》 «Some Heavenly King Forecasts exaggerate Or Winning» 《某天王预测浮夸或将得奖》 «Qin Baobao Mysterious younger brother Status Exposure» 秦宝宝神秘弟弟身份曝光》 «Qin Baobao Back Man» 秦宝宝背后的男人》 After continuing 《For Qin Baobao》 piano piece, Qin Ze the flame, all -resourceful netizen gave the flesh Qin Ze. Qin Ze's junior middle school graduation photo. 《致秦宝宝》钢琴曲之后,秦泽又小火了一把,神通广大的网友更是把秦泽给人肉了出来。还是秦泽的初中毕业照。 From the beginning Qin Ze is startled, but later, another small child surnamed Qin by the flesh, second third, online was then presented one pile of Qin Baobao younger brother. one by one adulteration younger brother online spreads, his name brand younger brother instead forgot, because of Qin Ze while at junior high school, appearance ordinary like Passersby A. 一开始秦泽大吃一惊,不过随后,又一个姓秦的小青年被人肉,接着第二第三个,网上出现一堆秦宝宝弟弟一个个冒牌弟弟在网上传开,他这位正牌弟弟反而被人遗忘,因为初中时的秦泽,外貌普通的就像一个路人甲 Previous day, Qin Baobao had the breakfast time talked about the song copyright issue. 隔天,秦宝宝吃早饭的时候谈及歌曲版权问题。 „Did the exaggerate copyright sell?” 浮夸的版权卖了没?” Sold.” “卖了。” Therefore you did throw the stock market?” “所以你又投股市去了?” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Baobao hacked younger brother ruthlessly, clenches jaws: You bottom that if owes in the stock market falls, I fought you.” 秦宝宝狠狠剐了眼弟弟,咬牙切齿:“你要是在股市亏的底儿掉,我就跟你拼了。” I did not tell you me to gain tens of thousands. 我才不告诉你我赚了好几万呢。 Qin Ze lowers the head to eat the steamed stuffed bun. 秦泽低头吃包子。 elder sister has no finance ability, likes being a cashier, especially when craves managed the younger brother money, Qin Ze on just university, Qin Baobao every other day is entangling old gentleman, requesting the younger brother spending money to hit in her card, came to control by her reasonably. The reason is to fear Qin Ze fools around in the school. old gentleman pickles radish spicy heart worthily, seized the chance the Qin Ze's living expenses, said that since you liked managing the younger brother money so much, that might as well pay for his living expenses by you. 姐姐没什么理财能力,偏偏喜欢管钱,尤其热衷管理弟弟的钱,秦泽刚上大学时,秦宝宝三天两头缠着老爷子,要求弟弟的零花钱打她卡上,由她来合理支配。理由是怕秦泽在学校鬼混。老爷子不愧腌萝卜辣心儿,趁机把秦泽的生活费断了,说,既然你这么喜欢管弟弟的钱,那不如由你来支付他的生活费。 elder sister goes for wool and comes back shorn, therefore raised the Qin Ze two years. Qin Baobao always said that elder sister excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate you raises has this reason. 姐姐偷鸡不成蚀把米,于是养了秦泽两年。秦宝宝总说“姐姐一把屎一把尿把你拉扯大”是有这层原因的。 Star Skills Marketing Department manager asked me to talk, wants to buy that several song copyright.” Qin Baobao kicked a younger brother foot under the table. 星艺营销部经理又找我谈话了,想买那几首歌的版权。”秦宝宝在桌下踢了弟弟一脚。 „If the net copyright, that did not have.” Qin Ze retaliates her foot. “如果是网络版权,那没有了。”秦泽回敬她一脚。 Today very early in the morning, the music top list official platform telephoned, both sides have had the cooperation experience, was quite happy, Qin Ze sold exaggerate. The money of making invests the stock market again. 今儿一早,音乐风云榜官方平台就打电话来了,双方有过合作经历,比较愉快,秦泽浮夸卖了。赚的钱再次投入股市。 A Foshan no shadow foot that Qin Baobao is without turning a hair, said lightly: Other copyrights, for example KTV, for example cd wait/etc.. The price that Star Skills gives is also very reasonable, has to buy out to be divided. elder sister after all is the Star Skills artist......!” 秦宝宝面不改色的一顿佛山无影脚,淡淡道:“其他版权,比如ktv,比如cd等等。星艺给的价格也很合理,有买断有分成。姐姐毕竟是星艺的艺人......啊!” The Qin Baobao pain was called one, the eye socket was moist. She was kicked the foot bare joint by Qin Ze. 秦宝宝痛叫一声,眼眶湿润。她被秦泽踢到脚裸关节了。 Wang Zijin lowers the head to take a look at a table bottom, curls the lip , her words all spoke in vain. 王子衿低头瞅一眼桌底,撇撇嘴,得,她那番话全白说了。 At this time, suffering a loss elder sister angry plunging Qin Ze, the oath must recapture the elder sister's dignity. 此时,吃大亏的姐姐恼怒的扑向秦泽,誓要夺回姐姐的尊严。 Qin Ze was in the wrong couple days ago in first, only resists does not revolt, both you attack me to keep off, war more than ten meeting, Qin Baobao peeps certainly the opportunity, the cross body sits on the Qin Ze thigh, refers to the front sharp stamp to the Qin Ze nostril. 秦泽前几天理亏在先,只招架不反抗,双方你攻我挡,大战十余会合,秦宝宝窥准机会,跨身坐在秦泽大腿上,指锋犀利戳向秦泽鼻孔。 Qin Ze side avoids, thought that cannot let elder sister again, this woman opens the dye house to the color. He sends the big move, and refers to like the sword, the long jab elder sister waist side. The Qin Baobao Achilles'heel was attacked, the tender body trembles, the imposing manner releases, is startled is setting out from the younger brother thigh, wants to run away. 秦泽侧头避开,觉得不能再让着姐姐,这娘们给点颜色就开染坊。他发大招,并指如剑,直击姐姐腰侧。秦宝宝命门被攻击,娇躯一颤,气势顿泄,惊慌着从弟弟大腿上起身,想逃走。 Qin Ze presses to go back elder sister, shoots first with one hand and then the other, pokes left to poke the right. 秦泽姐姐按回去,左右开弓,戳完左边戳右边。 Qin Baobao was screaming pushes and shoves younger brother, doing to strength him is not big, the whole body is weak, Qin Ze pokes, she called one, resembled to cry to resemble to smile: Zi, Zi, Zijin ....... saves me.” 秦宝宝尖叫着推搡弟弟,奈何力气没他大,浑身瘫软,秦泽戳一下,她就叫一声,似哭似笑:“子子子衿.......救我。” Qin Ze knows that the elder sister's problem in the waist side, pokes her, she loses the battle efficiency. 秦泽知道姐姐的罩门在腰侧,一戳她,她就失去战斗力。 I ate to the full.” “我吃饱了。” Wang Zijin the less seen the better, goes out at the back of the package package goes to work. 王子衿眼不见为净,背着包包出门上班。 The delight that Qin Ze plays, elder sister turns on his leg turns, cannot run away. 秦泽玩的不亦乐乎,姐姐在他腿上扭啊扭,就是逃不走。 Qin Baobao cries and smiles, the cheek flushed, in the younger brother bosom, sob to cry weak. 秦宝宝又哭又笑,脸蛋潮红,瘫软在弟弟怀里,抽抽噎噎哭起来。 Elder sister?” Qin Ze gives up immediately, pushed her. “姐?”秦泽立刻罢手,推了推她。 Qin Baobao pats his hand, cries saying: You know to bully me, you go, I continuously with you.” 秦宝宝拍开他的手,哭道:“你就知道欺负我,你快滚回去,我不要和你住了。” Is you first begins.” Qin Ze said in a low voice. “是你先动手的。”秦泽小声道 You kicked to love me.” “你踢疼我了。” You first kick my.” “你先踢我的。” I......” Qin Baobao stumped, said bitterly: Believes me to file the report with the father.” “我……”秦宝宝词穷,恨恨道:“信不信我跟老爹打报告。” Qin Ze curls the lip. 秦泽撇嘴。 Qin Baobao wipes tears: Said quickly you were wrong.” 秦宝宝抹眼泪:“快说你错了。” I was wrong.” “我错了。” The Qin Baobao ticking nose, leaves from the younger brother leg, thought, this is really the retribution, in childhood bullied younger brother to be used, has not operated the elder sister's dignified image well. Now the geomancy transfers in turn, changes itself to be bullied by him, occasionally was also taken advantage, 秦宝宝抽抽鼻子,从弟弟腿上离开,心想,这真是报应,小时候欺负弟弟惯了,没好好经营姐姐的威严形象。如今风水轮流转,换自己被他欺负,偶尔还被占小便宜,
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