MESIS :: Volume #1

#90: exaggerate

! What does big-breasted sister do today?” “噗!大奶妹今天搞什么?” Offended the stylist, this dressed up...... cannot discover the word to describe.” “得罪造型师了吧,这装扮......找不出词来形容。” Big cape? Smoking makeup? What the head wears is what? Pearl phoenix coronet?” “大斗篷?烟熏妆?头上戴的是什么?珍珠凤冠啊?” „Is this is making a movie? The words saying that you can take off the cape? I must look at the big long leg.” “这是在拍戏吗?话说你能把斗篷脱下来吗?我要看大长腿。” Is because does not have the song, therefore with dressing up the attraction vision, plans crooked line of national salvation?” “是因为没有好歌,所以用装扮吸引目光,打算曲线救国么?” This style is not right.” “这画风不对啊。” wèi wèi, big-breasted sister your going astray square.” 喂喂,大奶妹你走错片场了。” Qin Baobao comes, audience in abundance tsukkomi. 秦宝宝一现身,观众纷纷吐槽 Her style is too strange, changed to reveal the appearance of stature in those days simply. Wears a dark-red cape, is drawing the beautiful smoking makeup, wears the pearl crown, likely winning favor by ostentation clown. 她的画风太诡异,一改往日朴素显身材的打扮。穿一件暗红色斗篷,画着妖艳烟熏妆,头戴珍珠冠,像个哗众取宠的小丑。 Wang Zijin gawked staring, before remembering the admission, Qin Ze thousand ding ten thousand Zhu the words, said startled: You design?” 王子衿愣了愣,想起入场前秦泽千叮万嘱的话,愕然道:“你设计的啊?” Qin Ze slightly feels ashamed, shakes the head saying: Is, I said that makes her dress up strangely, how to capture the attention how to come.” 秦泽略感羞耻,摇头道:“算是吧,我就说让她打扮古怪一点,怎么吸引目光怎么来。” Why!” Wang Zijin feels puzzled. “为什么呀!”王子衿感到不解。 Creates the atmosphere.” “营造气氛。” Atmosphere?” “气氛?” Qin Ze keeps guessing: Met you to know.” 秦泽卖了个关子:“等会你就知道了。” Wang Zijin pinched his gently, is angry saying: Now says.” 王子衿轻轻掐了他一下,嗔道:“现在就说。” Somewhat flavor that the girlfriend acts like a spoiled brat, Qin Ze at heart one happy, the attitude that Wang Zijin reveals, indicates oneself in her eyes, is really not the ordinary friend is so simple. 有几分女友撒娇的味道了,秦泽心里一喜,王子衿不知不觉间流露的态度,预示着自己在她眼里,果然不是普通朋友那么简单。 Above the friendship, the love has not filled. 友谊之上,恋爱未满。 Hopes me, when younger brother. 希望不要把我当弟弟 Qin Ze is just about to reply, the music sound gets up. He referred to the roll titles, look.” 秦泽正要回答,音乐声响起来。他指了指滚动字幕,“自己看呗。” Wang Zijin narrows the eyes to focus, her slight nearsightedness, exaggerate?” 王子衿眯着眼,她轻微近视,“浮夸?” exaggerate?” 浮夸?” „Doesn't Uh, listen to the sea?” ,不是听海吗?” Appearance and lyrics are very actually appropriate.” “打扮和歌词倒是很贴切。” Traded the new song?” “又换新歌了啊?” Is a little fierce.” “有点厉害。” Cracking a joke, who also does not have a look at her younger brother is.” “开玩笑,也不看看她弟弟是谁。” The audience also saw. 观众也看见了。 Qin Baobao unemotional looks to the audience, in these people, had some people online attacked her? Scolded her by the body high-rank, the art or technique of singing disappointing by not being concerned about face woman who accompanying the rich person obtained the resources. Should have, and many. Singing is part that I vainly hope, I want to make celebrity, I want to stand in being a focus of public attention stage, why so difficult? Why wants smearing ink I? You cannot sane, others fabricated a rumor, following does not distinguish between right and wrong, oneself expressed the crispness that the feelings scolded by all means that had not actually considered completely, by your undeserved me, what kind of mood was also. 秦宝宝面无表情的看向台下观众,这些人里面,是不是有人曾经在网上抨击过她?骂她是靠身体上位的,唱功差劲靠伴大款获得资源的不要脸女人。应该是有的,而且不少。唱歌是我梦想的一部分,我想做明星,我想站在万众瞩目的舞台上,为什么这么难?为什么要抹黑我?你们就不能理智一点嘛,别人造谣,就不分青红皂白的跟风,只管自己直抒胸臆骂的爽,却完全不曾考虑,被你们冤枉的我,又是怎样的心情。 piano sound running water falling in torrents. 钢琴声流水般的倾泻。 Sincere, spirited. 厚重,激昂。 Qin Baobao grips tightly the microphone: 秦宝宝紧握话筒: If anyone asked, I would tell them,” 有人问我我就会讲,” But nobody came.” 但是无人来。” The audience gawked. 观众愣了。 The singer of backstage gawked. 后台的歌手愣了。 Wang Zijin gawked staring. 王子衿都愣了愣。 Cantonese? 粤语 Did Qin Baobao sing the Cantonese song? 秦宝宝粤语歌? Can she Cantonese? 她会粤语 Qin Baobao will certainly not say Cantonese, but sang the Cantonese song is not always difficult. Listening repeatedly, practice repeatedly. Practices from the daytime in the evening, did not know hoarse several throats. 秦宝宝当然不会说粤语,但唱粤语歌总不难。一遍遍的听,一遍遍的练习。从白天练到晚上,不知道嘶哑了几次嗓子。 Three days of time, she used three days of time. 三天时间,她用了三天时间 Qin Baobao closes one's eyes, holds own chest, as if heartfelt feeling anger: 秦宝宝闭上眼,抓住自己的胸口,似乎真切感受到了愤怒: I anticipate reluctantly.” “我期待到无奈。” Having the words must speak But nobody listened.” “有话要讲得不到装载。” I'm still waiting to be opened up like a bottle.” 我的心情犹像樽盖等被揭开。” Mouth is actually raising the moss.” “嘴巴却在养青苔。” The auditorium is quiet, they look at the lines, looks at Qin Baobao, is listening to her singing sound. Arises spontaneously an unusual feeling: The helplessness of unimportant person. 观众席静悄悄,他们看着台词,看着秦宝宝,听着她的歌声。油然而生一股异样的感受:小人物的无奈。 In tide of people is gentler.” “人潮内愈文静。” Becomes is paid attention.” “愈变得不受理睬。” Oneself must stir accidentally/surprisingly.” “自己要搅出意外。” Like sang loudly suddenly.” “像突然地高歌。” „Four sides any place also resembles operates the stage.” “任何地方也像开四面台。” „The garment that most is flashing plays the role of the ten points feeling.” “着最闪的衫扮十分感慨。” Some people photograph to remember inserts the bag.” “有人来拍照要记住插袋。” Wasn't paid attention to? 不受理睬? Can oneself stir accidentally/surprisingly? 自己要搅出意外? Like sang loudly suddenly? 像突然地高歌? Hears this lyrics, many people were silent, without reason felt that one share is bitter. Everyone has such time, who does not think sudden singing loudly. In the work place, in the realm of love, was not paid attention, unpopular, feels exhausted physically and mentally. Only thinks that sudden singing loudly, making more people see me, making people pay attention to me. Makes one pitifully laughable, clown of winning favor by ostentation. 听到这段歌词,很多人沉默了,没来由的感到一股子辛酸。谁都有这样的时候,谁不想突然的高歌。在职场,在情场,不受关注,不受待见,身心俱疲。只想突然的高歌,让更多人看见我,让人们关注我。做一个可悲可笑的,哗众取宠的小丑。 Huang Yuteng opens mouth, quite a while could not speak. He remembers himself to walk, by various setbacks, the song of laborious creation had not been paid attention, broker company nearly gives up him. 黄宇腾张了张嘴,半天说不出话来。他想起自己一路走来,受过各种挫折,辛苦创作的歌曲没有理会,经纪公司险些将他放弃。 Li Rongxing gasps in admiration: This song is fierce.” 李荣兴叹服:“这歌厉害。” Liu Xuegang is silent. He and Qin Baobao relate not well, does not want to praise her. 刘学刚沉默不语。他和秦宝宝关系不好,不想夸她。 Wells cannot understand cannot understand Chinese Language, said toward singer with a smile: Also good.” 威尔斯听不懂也看不懂中文,笑着朝身边的歌手说:“还不错。” No one responds him. 没人搭理他。 Not only good, this song broadcast, must go against heaven's will, gets a light from another light certainly the nation. 岂止不错,这首歌播出后要逆天,绝对火遍全国。 Qin Baobao opens the eye fiercely, sang loudly: 秦宝宝猛地睁开眼睛,高声唱: You can say I'm exaggerated.” 你当我是浮夸吧。” I only do it because I'm scared.” 夸张只因我很怕。” Resembles the wood/blockhead stone the words.” “似木头似石头的话。” Has paid attention.” “得到注意吗。” Actually feared that forgot.” “其实怕被忘记。” Develops to the enlargement.” “至放大来演吧。” How can I be graceful when I'm so anxious.” 很不安怎去优雅。” Does the world still listen to silence.” 世上还赞颂沉默吗。” Insufficient explosion.” “不够爆炸。” How to have the topic to make me praise.” “怎么有话题让我夸。” How can I entertain you?.” 做大娱乐家。” A Qin Baobao person loudly sang loudly, audience seat actually static extraordinary, formed the striking contrast. Probably this is a stage of Qin Baobao person, a person is entertaining, a person is loudly singing loudly, a person...... 秦宝宝一个人放声高唱,观众席位却静的出奇,形成鲜明对比。好像这是秦宝宝一个人的舞台,一个人在自娱自乐,一个人在放声高唱,一个人...... Can you see my effort? Can accumulate a propriety of speech? I practiced this song to practice for three days, even in the evening had a dream is singing this song, because I did not have the means that I did not have the escape route, my song was exposed in online. Some person of smearing ink I, am cloudy I, but I obtain does not comfort and encourages, is the attack, railed. I want is not this, I want to attach great importance, was liked. 你们能不能看到我的努力?能不能积点口德?我练这首歌练了三天,连晚上做梦都在唱这首歌,因为我没办法,我没退路了,我的歌被人曝光在网上。有人抹黑我,阴我,可我得到的不是安慰和鼓励,是攻击,是谩骂。我想要的不是这个,我想被重视,被喜欢。 There's too many ordinary paths in this world 在世间平凡又普通的路太多 Which block do you live in again.” 屋村你住哪一座。” In love works.” “情爱中工作中。” Received negligence too.” “受过的忽视太多。” I have no dignity left.” 自尊已饱经跌堕。” Yes, I crave attention.” 重视能治肚饿。” Why has not obtained apparent me.” “未曾获得过便知我为何。” Big movement violates wrong these “大动作很多犯下这些错” Wrestles people to have a look at me to calculate the morbid state.” “搏人们看看我算病态么。” Sang here, many people cried, is covering mouth, the tears fell. The extraordinary person is a few, most people are one of the numerous people, everyone has experienced the ordinary pain. 一首歌唱到这里,很多人哭了,捂着嘴,泪水滑落。不平凡的人是少数,大部分人都属于芸芸众人之一,大家都经历过平凡的痛苦。 An unimportant person unsuccessful helplessness. 一个小人物不得志的无奈。 Qin Baobao is excited, shouting oneself hoarse that bending the waist, sang: 秦宝宝激动起来,不停的弯腰,唱的声嘶力竭: You can say I'm exaggerated.” 你当我是浮夸吧。” I only do it because I'm scared.” 夸张只因我很怕。” Resembles the wood/blockhead stone the words.” “似木头似石头的话。” Has paid attention.” “得到注意吗。” Actually feared that forgot.” “其实怕被忘记。” Develops to the enlargement.” “至放大来演吧。” How can I be graceful when I'm so anxious.” 很不安怎去优雅。” Does the world still listen to silence.” 世上还赞颂沉默吗。” Insufficient explosion.” “不够爆炸。” How to have the topic to make me praise.” “怎么有话题让我夸。” How can I entertain you?.” 做大娱乐家。” Huang Yuteng being able to bear stands, said excitedly: „It was good.” 黄宇腾忍不住站起来,激动道:“太棒了。” The Li Rongxing surging emotions fluctuate: Listened my fine hair straight vertical stroke, the mood was driven completely.” 李荣兴心潮起伏:“听的我汗毛直竖,情绪完全被带动。” Liu Xuegang sighed: Person who writes this song, is the music talent, no, is a wizard.” 刘学刚叹道:“写出这首歌的人,是音乐天才,不,是鬼才。” Huang Yuteng is good to say with a smile: That is natural, her younger brother can create piano piece, if this fellow mixes the entertainment world, dominates the musical world absolutely.” 黄宇腾好笑道:“那是当然,她弟弟钢琴曲都能创作,这家伙要是混娱乐圈,绝对称霸乐坛啊。” The Xu Lu face was black. Applies mechanically the lines of Xianglinsao: I am really silly, really...... 徐璐脸都黑了。套用祥林嫂的台词:我真傻,真的...... Why does she have the original? Then three or two day time, how will write the original song with enough time, she mixed so many year of entertainment world, has not seen such person. 她为什么还有原创?这才三两时间啊,怎么会来得及写出原创歌曲,她混了这么多年娱乐圈,从来没见过这样的人。 I am really silly, really...... 我真傻,真的...... Sang, suddenly reached to the high tide. 唱上,忽然间臻至高潮。 The Qin Baobao sound has sung hoarse, the mood sang demented. 秦宝宝声音已经唱到嘶哑,情绪唱到癫狂。 These smearing ink my people, railed my person, attacked my comes, come came, I was a clown, I was...... 那些抹黑我的人,谩骂我的人,攻击我的来,来吧来吧,我就是小丑,我就是...... You were happy. 你们高兴了吧。 She holds the pearl crown suddenly, makes an effort to entrain, huā lā la, a crown disperses, the innumerable pearl splashes, Qin Baobao has hair dishevelled, just like lunatic. The hoarse voice exclaimed: 她忽然抓住珍珠冠,用力一拽,“哗啦啦”,头冠散开,无数珍珠飞溅,秦宝宝披头散发,宛如疯子。嘶哑的嗓音吼道: Suffices to be hysteric “够歇斯底里吗” I can water flowers with my tears 以眼泪淋花吧 All I wanted was to surprise you 一心只想你惊讶 Did you not know I existed before 我旧时似未存在吗 So I give it my all, till my veins were showing 加重注码青筋也现形 Tell me, do I exist now 话我知现在存在吗 Stirring! 震撼人心! Qin Baobao holds the chest with the hand again, the facial expression changes, has the confusedness, has the indignation, had...... her to practice sadly at home. Just started to develop was too false, was ridiculed by Qin Ze, afterward got on soundings, can control the mood finally, changed to the call that shouted oneself hoarse entirely: 秦宝宝再次用手抓住胸口,神情变化,有迷茫,有气愤,有悲伤......她在家里早就练好了。刚开始演的太假,被秦泽嘲笑,后来渐入佳境,总算能驾驭住情绪,统统化作声嘶力竭的呐喊: Look at me, stop staring at the ceiling.” 凝视我别再只看天花。” I may not be your cup of tea but drink all you want.” 我非你杯茶也可尽情地喝吧。” Don't forget there is someone for your screaming.” 别遗忘有人在为你声沙。” At this moment, audience ebullition. 这一刻,全场沸腾。 Several hundred audience also stand up, call that the fee/spent goes all-out, seems does not shout the voice hoarse, is not willing to give up. 几百观众同时站起,费尽全力的呐喊,好似不把嗓音喊到嘶哑,不肯罢休。 This is the straight jab to the soul music. 这才是直击灵魂的音乐。 This is the straight jab to the soul song. 这才是直击灵魂的歌曲。 exaggerate! 浮夸 Cried out the aspirations of countless person. 呐喊出了无数人的心声。
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