MESIS :: Volume #1

#89: mixed blood singer

After taking a seat, Qin Ze sits respectfully, expression earnest visual stage, even if above what/anything does not have. 入座后,秦泽正襟危坐,表情认真的目视舞台,哪怕上面什么都没有。 Wang Zijin curls the lip, said ill-humoredly: Hasn't dropped? I will not always tumble on the seat.” 王子衿撇撇嘴,没好气道:“还不放手?我在座位上总不会跌倒了吧。” Qin Ze grins: Does not rule out this possibility.” 秦泽咧嘴:“不排除这个可能。” The Wang Zijin air/Qi smiles, extremely charming white his eyes. Unexpected compromise, whatever he is grasping oneself small hand. Was happily bad Qin Ze. He really likes Wang Zijin, he was devastated the aesthetic standard of maltreating by Qin Baobao, very difficult to have had the interest in the beauty ordinary woman, helpless is in itself also ordinary, therefore had not found the girlfriend. 王子衿气笑,极妩媚的白了他一眼。出人意料的妥协,任由他握着自己的小手。把秦泽高兴坏了。他是真喜欢王子衿,他被秦宝宝摧残虐待出来的审美观,已经很难对姿色普通的女人起兴趣,无奈本身又普通,故而始终没有找到女朋友。 Not the pretty woman he cannot have a liking , the pretty woman cannot have a liking for him. 不漂亮的女人他看不上,漂亮的女人又看不上他。 Generally is such an uncomfortable place. 大抵就是这样一个尴尬的境地。 Wang Zijin is can rare with the beautiful woman who Qin Baobao compares favorably with, the oval face peach blossom pupil, does not beguile the face red phoenix eye difference compared with elder sister's. The figure is less than elder sister to be hot, but symmetrical slender, the makings are gentle, opened the joke, acts with constraint simultaneously very much solemnly. This aspect is explodes Qin Baobao without doubt, in the Qin Ze eye, the elder sister superficial appearance good lawlessness, the character was too bad. 王子衿是少有能与秦宝宝媲美的美人,鹅蛋脸桃花眸,不比姐姐的狐媚脸丹凤眼差。身段不及姐姐火辣,但匀称窈窕,气质温婉大方,开的起玩笑,同时又很矜持端庄。这方面无疑是完爆秦宝宝,在秦泽眼里,姐姐皮相好的无法无天,性格就太糟糕了。 elder sister is mindless, elder sister is delicious, the elder sister brazen arbitrary...... he can shortcomings of several wicker baskets. 姐姐没心没肺,姐姐好吃懒惰,姐姐赖皮蛮横......他能数出一箩筐的缺点。 The program starts, the large screen after stage, presents the Yin Jia form, faces up to the lens, welcome everyone to watch by «Bright Muscle» cosmetics event sponsor broadcasts I am a Singer, I am your Host Yin Jia. Honored guest teacher, hello.” 节目开始,舞台后的大屏幕,出现尹佳的身影,正视镜头,“欢迎大家收看由《亮肌》化妆品冠名播出我是歌星,我是你们的主持人尹佳。各位嘉宾老师,你们好。” The lens gave in the hall a singer, the people: Yin Jia is good.” 镜头给了大厅里一众歌手,众人:“尹佳好。” Yin Jia after several singers chatted several, finally is one's turn Qin Baobao: Teacher Qin, on these sky nets is passing on your scandal everywhere, what view do you have?” 尹佳与几位歌手聊了几句后,终于轮到秦宝宝:“秦老师,这几天网上到处在传你的绯闻,请问你对此有什么看法?” Until now, cannot regard Qin Baobao with the vision of rookie again, therefore the name changes to: Teacher Qin. 时至今日,不能再用新人的目光看待秦宝宝,因此称呼改为:秦老师 Qin Baobao smile: clear purified oneself, muddy from muddy.” 秦宝宝微笑:“清者自清,浊者自浊。” Xu Lu curls the lip quietly, you have conceited younger brother, today so will not be relaxed. 徐璐悄然撇嘴,要不是你有个牛气的弟弟,今日就不会如此轻松。 Yin Jia is difficult to cover the curious color: „The video on your Weibo I looked, was too shocking, facilitated to disclose your younger brother status?” 尹佳难掩好奇之色:“你微博上的视频我看了,太震惊了啊,方便透露一下你弟弟的身份吗?” All singers looked, they do not have no way curiously, Qin Baobao this younger brother, was too shocking. 所有歌手都看了过来,他们没法不好奇,秦宝宝这个弟弟,太惊艳了。 Online may the god who Qin Baobao younger brother passed on, except for that several original songs, most mainly that piano piece, had the experts of music world to appraise this piano piece for these days unceasingly, was known as: Chinese modern times most outstanding piano piece. 网上把秦宝宝弟弟传的可神了,除了那几首原创歌曲,最主要还是那支钢琴曲,这几天不断有音乐界的大拿评价这支钢琴曲,号称:中国近代最优秀钢琴曲 Some experts pat the video, plays 《For Qin Baobao》, on then passes to online. 还有一些牛人拍视频,弹奏《致秦宝宝》,然后上传到网上。 time raised 《For Qin Baobao》 to be hot. 时间掀起了《致秦宝宝》热。 In the auditorium, many audience came the interest immediately, the time of information explosion, their news does not have the possibility of lag, the Qin Baobao public opinion disturbance, they mostly know, even if not know, after 《For Qin Baobao》 this piano piece is published, still knew. 观众席上,许多观众顿时来了兴趣,信息爆炸的时代,他们消息不存在滞后的可能,秦宝宝舆论风波,他们大多知道,就算不知道的,《致秦宝宝》这支钢琴曲问世后,也都知道了。 Was known as that Chinese modern times piano piece most, receives the domestic music master unanimous good marks piano piece, that original musician, is Qin Baobao's younger brother. 号称中国近代钢琴曲之最,受到国内音乐大师一致好评的钢琴曲,那位原创音乐家,就是秦宝宝的弟弟啊。 Qin Baobao blinks, asked back: My younger brother status, is not my younger brother!” 秦宝宝眨眨眼,反问道:“我弟弟的身份,不就是我弟弟吗!” Yin Jia opens mouth, Dammit, actually had nothing to say in reply. 尹佳张了张嘴,妈蛋,竟然无言以对。 Several people of disappointed shaking the head, Qin Baobao's replied that is unimpeached, my younger brother status, is younger brother. 几人失望的摇头,秦宝宝的回答无可指摘,我弟弟的身份,就是弟弟 Without the problem! 没毛病! Qin Baobao thinks, added: He is otaku, does not like exposing under the public vision.” 秦宝宝想了想,补充道:“他是个宅男,不爱曝光在公众目光下。” reception desk, Qin Ze complexion one black, who is otaku, excuse me, otaku is not a good word. Do not take the opportunity smearing ink I to be good. 前台,秦泽脸色一黑,谁是宅男啊,拜托,宅男不是个好词。你别借机抹黑我好么。 Yin Jia said with a smile: As can be appreciated.” 尹佳强笑道:“可以理解。” Who knows Qin Baobao thread of conversation one revolution, „, but, he also comes today, at the scene.” 谁知秦宝宝话锋一转,“不过,他今天也来了,就在现场。” Yin Jia is startled, at once the spirit inspires greatly, real real, is good to anticipate reception desk, good to see younger brother.” 尹佳吃了一惊,旋即精神大振,“真的吗真的吗,好期待去前台,好想见一见弟弟。” Good, younger brother became the Qin Ze's officer to call quickly. 好吧,“弟弟”快成秦泽的官称了。 The auditorium, resounds a sound in an uproar, everyone glances right and left, seeks for Qin Baobao's younger brother. Some people are stand up the search, sees suspicion of looks handsome. Because only then this clue, Qin Baobao is too after all attractive, her younger brother definitely is also handsome fellow. 观众席,响起一阵哗然声,大家左顾右盼,寻找秦宝宝的弟弟。有的人更是站起身来搜寻,看见长的帅的就怀疑。因为只有这一条“线索”,毕竟秦宝宝太漂亮,她的弟弟肯定也是枚帅哥 The shrinking head of Qin Ze instinct, such as went to school that to meet teacher saying: I select schoolmate to answer the issue! Students neat shrinking head. Does not make itself noticeable as far as possible. 秦泽本能的缩脑袋,就如上学那会老师说:我点个同学回答问题!学生们齐刷刷的缩脑袋。尽量不让自己引人瞩目。 Wang Zijin sees his appearance, is good to say with a smile: You are not graceful, will not expose......” sees a Qin Ze face injured appearance, she is overjoyed, changes a statement: „Very worth looking.” 王子衿见他这番模样,好笑道:“你又不帅,不会暴露的......”见秦泽一脸受伤的模样,她乐不可支,改口道:“还是很耐看的。” The following link, please have the seam protector singer, what on an issue eliminating is Chen Xiaotong, once is the red singer: Hong Jingyao and Chen Xiaotong. Until now, said goodbye to the stage. 接下来的环节,是请出补位歌手,上一期淘汰的是陈小彤,曾经的当红歌手:洪敬尧陈小彤。到如今,都告别了舞台。 Yin Jia knocks the seam protector singer gate instantly, in the auditorium resounds sound in an uproar. 尹佳敲开补位歌手门的刹那,观众席上响起哗然声。 good handsome!” 好帅!” Is mixed blood?” “是混血儿吗?” ahhh, look good attractive.” 啊啊,眼神好有魅力。” Who is he? The musical world does not have this person, but good handsome.” “他是谁?乐坛没这个人吧,不过好帅。” Qin Baobao younger brother?” 秦宝宝弟弟吗?” ! Do not tease, Qin Baobao is not mixed blood.” “噗!别逗,秦宝宝不是混血。” What opening the door is mixed blood handsome fellow, bridge of the nose tall very/straight, the eye socket is profound, the face edges and corners are distinct, confuse this East firm of gentle West, is quite delicate and pretty. By Qin Ze after face value that system beautifies, must acknowledge, oneself wants to plan inferior. However this mixed blood handsome fellow is very strange, absolutely is not the person of musical world, at least is not the Chinese musical world character. 开门的是个混血帅哥,鼻梁高挺,眼眶深邃,脸庞棱角分明,混淆这东方的柔和西方的阳刚,极为俊美。以秦泽系统美化的颜值,也得承认,自己要逊色一筹。不过这位混血帅哥很陌生,绝对不是乐坛的人,至少不是中国乐坛人物。 Hello, Wells.” Yin Jia puts out a hand. “你好,威尔斯。”尹佳伸出手。 mixed blood handsome fellow shakes hand with her, blooms a charming smile, inferior Chinese Language: Hello.” 混血帅哥与她握手,绽放出一个魅力十足的微笑,蹩脚的中文:“你好。” good handsome, by electricity.” The Yin Jia love-struck idiot young girl, did not forget to say toward the lens likely: Believes that the audience are very strange to Wells, here gives everyone to introduce, he is the male singer from Britain, was in our «Singer» stage a youngest singer, university just graduated. But his personal history is absolutely rich, he has attended the British many music competitions, but also went to the US, has won prize, are more than our healthy, studious, and helpful student certificate. Is honored as British youngest Soul Singer. The program group can welcome to him, be really honored very much.” 好帅,被电到了。”尹佳像个花痴少女,不忘朝镜头说:“相信观众们对威尔斯很陌生,这里给大家介绍一下,他是来自英国的男歌手,是我们《歌星》舞台上年龄最小的一位歌手,大学刚毕业。但他的履历绝对丰厚,他参加过英国很多音乐比赛,还去过美国,拿过的奖,比我们的三好学生奖状还多。誉为英国最年轻的灵魂歌手。节目组能请到他,真的很荣幸。” The auditorium, the first eye called out in alarm by the female student of his face value capture: „, Is so fierce?” 观众席,第一眼就被他颜值俘获的女生惊呼:“哇,这么厉害?” „The well-known singers in foreign country? The program group is powerful.” “外国的知名歌手吗?节目组给力。” Good to listen to him to sing, was too graceful.” “好想听他唱歌,太帅了啊。” Music world big success, the age is so small, places us domestic, few ratios.” “还是音乐界大咖啊,年纪这么小,放在咱们国内,没几个比的过了吧。” hē hē, did you forget Qin Baobao younger brother?” 呵呵,你忘记秦宝宝弟弟了?” Hi, that is a composer, is not sings, but this mixed blood handsome fellow the strength will sing.” “嗨,那是作曲人,不是唱歌的,这个混血帅哥可是实力唱将。” The hall, Yin Jia is getting Wells and singers meets, gave regards mutually. Wells arrives in front of Qin Baobao suddenly, the look is shocking, said with English: Beautiful young lady, I can kiss your hand!” 大厅,尹佳领着威尔斯与众歌手见面,相互问好。威尔斯忽然走到秦宝宝面前,眼神惊艳,用英语说:“美丽的小姐,我能亲吻你的手吗!” Of course.” Qin Baobao complied. ofcourse。”秦宝宝答应了。 In the foreign country, the gentleman kisses the woman back of the hand, is the politeness. 在外国,男士亲吻女士手背,是礼貌。 The auditorium, Qin Ze scolded the sound: Your younger sister! 观众席,秦泽骂了声:你妹! Wang Zijin takes a look at him, without speech. 王子衿瞅瞅他,没说话。 Enters the ballot link, the result is as follows: 进入抽签环节,结果如下: Huang Yuteng vs Wells 黄宇腾vs威尔斯 Xu Lu vs Qin Baobao 徐璐vs秦宝宝 Liu Xuegang vs Li Rongxing 刘学刚vs李荣兴 Yin Jia asked Wells: Wells, you are a second entering the stage player, the opponent are one of the we popular highest singers, you confident?” 尹佳威尔斯:“威尔斯,你是第二个出场的选手,对手则是我们人气最高的歌手之一,请问你有信心吗?” The Wells smiling face does not reduce, the surface toward the lens, pronounced nonstandard Chinese Language: I have not lost.” 威尔斯笑容不减,面朝镜头,发音不标准的中文:“我从来没输过。” Quite crazy! 好狂! Huang Yuteng selects the eyebrow. 黄宇腾挑眉。 Auditorium: 观众席: hā hā, Qin Baobao and Xu Lu PK.” 哈哈,秦宝宝又和徐璐pk。” „Are they mutual love, mutual death?” “她俩是相爱相杀吗?” Xu Lu previous time lost to Qin Baobao, this time I looked to hang.” 徐璐上次输给秦宝宝了,这次我看悬。” That is uncertain, the Qin Baobao's original song online exposed, everyone knew, does not have the curiosity. Not necessarily buys her account.” “那不一定,秦宝宝的原创歌曲都在网上曝光了,大家都知道了,没新鲜感。不见得就买她账。” Supports Xu Lu, returns one game.” “支持徐璐,杀回一局。” Huang Yuteng and Wells PK, wū wū, my mixed blood handsome fellow, is so how hapless. Pulling out was steady to Qin Baobao.” 黄宇腾威尔斯pk耶,呜呜,我的混血帅哥,怎么这么倒霉啊。抽到秦宝宝就稳了。” The program formally starts, the first position sings singer Huang Yuteng, his today's condition is good, sings the old song as before, sang the different flavors. Pupil surpasses the teacher. Obtains the audience unanimous good marks. 节目正式开始,第一位演唱歌手黄宇腾,他今天状态不错,依旧翻唱老歌,唱出不一样的味道。青出于蓝而胜于蓝。得到观众一致好评。 Then Wells goes on stage, this fellow opens the throat, shocked the innumerable audience. 接着威尔斯上场,这家伙一开喉,惊呆了无数观众。 A English Language song, the audience whirlwind treble, the lethality was too big. 一首英文歌,全场飚高音,杀伤力太大了。 The treble is sings forever the core issue, to a certain extent represents a singer to be competent. So long as the scientific practice voice skill, everyone can sing the ability of treble. 高音永远是唱歌中的核心问题,一定程度上代表一个演唱者有没有实力。只要科学的练习发声技巧,人人都可以具备唱高音的能力。 But, from beginning to end whirlwind treble like Wells, domestic few. 可是,像威尔斯这样从头到尾飚高音的,国内屈指可数。 Although the audience cannot understand the English Language song, but listens to the treble that is shocking vigorously, the impregnable treble , indicating that was shocked. 观众虽然听不懂英文歌,不过听着浑厚震撼的高音,无懈可击的高音,纷纷表示惊呆了。 Let alone the audience, backstage several professional singers are dumbfounded. 别说观众,后台几个职业歌手都目瞪口呆。 your mother, this vital capacity was too terrifying. 尼玛,这肺活量太恐怖了吧。 This treble, you sang the opera to go, participates a variety show? 这高音,你唱歌剧去好了,来参加一个综艺节目? The Huang Yuteng forced smile shakes the head, first time felt a little dangerous. 黄宇腾苦笑摇头,头一次感觉有点悬。 Ended. 一曲结束。 Audience just like boiling water of seething with excitement. 观众宛如沸腾的滚水。 The applause, screamed. 掌声,尖叫。 Graceful!” “帅!” How can whirlwind be so high?” “怎么能飚这么高?” Inconceivable.” “不可思议。” Also real motherf**ker is Soul Singer, my goosebumps that sang got up.” “还真tm灵魂歌手啊,唱的我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。” My God, was too graceful.” “我的天,太帅了。” Foreign singers are different, makes a move to shock.” “外国歌手就是不一样,一出手就是震撼。” Wang Zijin nods: What sang was good.” 王子衿颔首:“唱的是不错。” The Qin Ze smiling face measures not: You just wait, your good elder and younger sister to sing, that called to shock.” 秦泽笑容莫测:“你等着吧,你好姐妹唱的,那才叫震撼。” „?” Wang Zijin is vacant. “啊?”王子衿茫然。 Qin Ze did not explain, takes a broad view to look to the stage, the voting link starts. 秦泽不解释,放眼望向舞台,投票环节开始。 Huang Yuteng lost, unexpected, in reason. He most has the popular singer, this right. But a few words: Had the new joy forgetting old friends love. The audience is most unfaithful/stamen. After four issues of programs, audience many a little aesthetic weary, is inferior to the anticipation and excitement of first period. Moreover Huang Yuteng sang the wind to be well organized, did not make the mistake, rarely can break through itself. 黄宇腾输了,意料之外,情理之中。他是最有人气的歌手,这没错。但还有一句话:有了新欢忘了旧爱。观众是最花心的。经过四期的节目,观众们多少有点审美疲劳,不如第一期的期待与兴奋。而且黄宇腾唱风四平八稳,不出失误,也很少能突破自己。 On the curiosity and impact, is less than Wells. Also without this foreign mixed blood looks handsome. 论新鲜感、震撼力,都不及威尔斯。还没这个外国混血长的帅 Group second, Xu Lu mounts the stage. 第二,徐璐登台。 What Xu Lu sang was a ballad, the singing voice was vigorous, had to pierce the strength very much, she was certainly impossible to sing the original again, was not everyone is Qin Baobao. She does not have that flamboyant younger brother. 徐璐唱的是一首民谣,歌喉浑厚悠远,很有洞穿力,她当然不可能再唱原创,不是每个人都是秦宝宝。她也没那么牛逼的弟弟 However Xu Lu the least bit does not fear Qin Baobao today, «Listened to Sea» this song had uploaded for many days in the net, turned over to of pleasant to hear of pleasant to hear, single circulated for several days, the audience was also tired. Under such background, Qin Baobao has to sing to spend very much. But she is A-list celebrity, supports her person to be definitely more than Qin Baobao. 不过徐璐今天半点不怵秦宝宝,《听海》这首歌已经在网上传了好多天,好听归好听,单曲循环了好几天,观众也听腻了。这样的背景下,秦宝宝很有唱出花来。而她是一线明星,支持她的人肯定比秦宝宝多。 Quick, Qin Baobao went on stage. 很快,秦宝宝上场了。 Although does not anticipate her song, but audience, especially male audience, anticipates the hot figure of Qin Baobao big chest big long leg very much. 虽然不期待她的歌,但观众,尤其男观众,还是很期待秦宝宝大胸大长腿的火辣身段。 However, Qin Baobao is stepping on the brilliant stage lighting, when walks slowly, the innumerable audience are stunned. 然而,秦宝宝踩着绚烂的舞台灯光,缓缓走来时,无数观众愕然。 Qin Baobao this appearance? 秦宝宝这身打扮?
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