MESIS :: Volume #1

#86: piano piece

After dozen minutes, Qin Ze goes out of the washroom refreshing, the facial features are auspicious, calm like well. Recalled the inexplicable impulsion, heaved a deep sigh, the small desire could not dominate, real motherf**ker waste. 十几分钟后,秦泽神清气爽走出洗手间,面容祥和,心静如井。回忆起刚才的莫名冲动,摇头叹息,小小欲望把持不住,真tm废物。 Sage Time! 贤者时间 After the brain calms down, the thing that Qin Ze thinks were many, system, why had not triggered quest a moment ago.” 脑子冷静下来后,秦泽想的东西就多了,“系统,刚才为什么没有触发任务。” The desire of Host innermost feelings triggers the quest key, although does not want to acknowledge, but his indeed sperm went to the head a moment ago. Now thinks that may regret, the impulsion is a devil. 宿主内心的欲求是触发任务的关键,虽然不想承认,但刚才他的确精虫上脑。现在想想可后悔了,冲动是魔鬼。 The system second returns: „The quest condition is insufficient.” 系统秒回:“任务条件不充足。” The Qin Ze heart said how can not be insufficient? My desire simply explosive table, max. 秦泽心说,怎么会不充足?我的欲求简直爆表,max。 He really fears system quest: pā pā pā...... 他真怕系统任务:啪啪啪…… system gives the explanation: „The Host desire triggers the quest key, this right, but is not the only condition. When various conditions are insufficient, in situation that quest is unable to complete, the Host innermost feelings desire is no matter what exuberant, will not trigger quest.” 系统给出解释:“宿主欲求是触发任务的关键,这个没错,但不是唯一条件。当各项条件不充足,任务无法完成的情况下,宿主内心欲求不管怎样旺盛,都不会触发任务。” Meant, if I must force Qin Baobao, finally is doomed to be defeated...... is not right, I will perhaps not force elder sister. In the Qin Ze heart clearly becomes aware several points, after oneself is defeated, has it at heart disappointedly, has it guilty, what are more is the fear! 意思是说,如果我要强行秦宝宝,结果注定失败......不对,我也许不会强行姐姐秦泽心中明悟几分,自己失败后,心里失望有之,愧疚有之,但更多的是后怕! In other words, to the shooting the spear went forth like a dragon final moment, I will rein at the brink of the precipice. Qin Baobao fierce resistance, as the saying goes: The heroic difficult day to tumble......, but I will definitely not use the violence. Therefore system judged that the quest condition is insufficient, in other words, this is not quest that is possible to complete. 也就是说,到了临门一脚枪出如龙的最后关头,我会悬崖勒马。或者秦宝宝会激烈反抗,俗话说:英雄难日翻滚......而我又肯定不会使用暴力。所以系统判断任务条件不足,换而言之,这是不可能完成的任务 quest that Qin Ze some recent discoveries, are also impossible to complete, system will not trigger. 秦泽又有新发现,不可能完成的任务,系统是不会触发的。 Un, I felt relieved. 嗯,那我就放心了。 To knock the elder sister's door, considering two people is awkward, is first respective calm meeting. The camera on the sofa, he connects the computer, passes to the desktop the video, lands Weibo, sent long Weibo. Enclosed video, and five pictures. 本想去敲姐姐的房门,考虑到两人都尴尬,还是先各自冷静一会。摄像机在沙发上,他连接电脑,把视频传到桌面,登陆微博,发了一条长微博。附上视频,以及五张照片。 Online, scolded the sound as before, internet merc endless stirring up trouble, seeing a play of netizen happy hē hē, the fate scolded several occasionally. 网上,骂声依旧,水军无止无休的挑事,网友乐呵呵的看戏,偶尔下场骂几句。 Qin Baobao tumbles out the entertainment world.” 秦宝宝滚出娱乐圈。” Really disappointing, deceived us to say song that what younger brother wrote.” “真差劲,骗我们说什么弟弟写的歌。” Swindler.” “骗子。” Art or technique of singing really general, looks at her the sound recording of exposure, your mother, what gadget that sang.” “唱功真的一般,看她那份曝光的录音,尼玛,唱的什么玩意儿。” In program does not have a singer steamroll you, some people hold in behind, your what/anything is not.” “节目里没一个歌手都碾压你,要不是有人在后面捧着,你什么都不是。” Is blind, unexpectedly likes you so much.” “瞎了眼,居然这么喜欢你。” Lacking self-respect, wasting I love you is so long.” “不自爱,枉费我喜欢你这么久。” Qin Ze's Weibo, brings disaster to the mackerel shad. 秦泽的微博,殃及池鱼。 Obviously is the trumpet, sent Weibo not over ten, I am really blind, believe Qin Baobao.” “明显是小号,发的微博都不超过十条,我真是瞎了眼,会相信秦宝宝。” Tumbles out the entertainment world.” “滚出娱乐圈。” Swindler.” “骗子。” Nausea.” “恶心。” Quick, some people found that Qin Ze renewed Weibo. 很快,有人发现秦泽更新了微博 Well, the trumpet sent Weibo.” “咦,小号发微博了。” zé zé, does she have a face round of Weibo?” 啧啧,她还有脸发微博?” Said that what we do not believe that does hē hē, want to wash white?” “说什么我们都不相信,呵呵,想洗白?” fuck me ....... 卧槽.......” This, this ....... “这,这这.......” Heavens ....... 天呐.......” Static, Qin Ze below Weibo, a silence. 静了,秦泽下方的微博,一片寂静。 After several minutes, Qin Baobao retransmits this Weibo. 几分钟后,秦宝宝转发这条微博 Star Skills Entertainment, gym! 星艺娱乐,健身房! Xu Lu wears the gym suit, sweat profusely, sits has the function drink in the rest position, on the neck is hanging the towel. 徐璐穿着运动服,大汗淋漓,坐在休息位上喝功能饮料,脖子上挂着毛巾。 30 years old young married woman, attractive charming, although the woman of this age, is the graceful bearing fullest time, but after eventually is 30, plays the slide, cannot stop. The skin gradually will be rough, the corner of the eye presents the wrinkles, the figure puts on weight to lose shape wait/etc., is the 30 later woman natural enemy. 三十岁的少妇,漂亮妩媚,虽说这个年纪的女人,是风韵最足的时刻,但终究是三十之后玩滑板,刹不住的。皮肤会渐渐粗糙,眼角出现鱼尾纹,身段发福走形等等,都是三十之后的女人天敌。 To preserve the flesh and figure of young girl, except for careful care, diet regulation, but also needs to exercise frequently. 想保住少女的肌肤、身段,除了精心护理,饮食调控,还需要经常锻炼。 Naturally, the mentality is also very important, Xu Lu felt own these days mentality was very good, the imperturbable air/Qi was simply crisp. Qin Baobao was finished, her reputation has ruined thoroughly, at this moment, it is estimated that flies into a rage at home, or yīng yīng sob. And the taste, Xu Lu has attempted, is too bitter. 当然,心态也很重要,徐璐觉得自己这几天的心态就很好,简直心清气爽。秦宝宝完蛋了,她的名声已经彻底败坏,此时此刻,估计在家里暴跳如雷,或者嘤嘤哭泣。其中滋味,徐璐尝试过,太苦。 Her jealousy is very strong, Qin Baobao snatched her quota not saying that but also was younger than her, was more attractive than her, had the potential compared with her. Moreover, is the singer, 她嫉妒心挺强的,秦宝宝抢了她的名额不说,还比她年轻,比她漂亮,比她有潜力。而且,都是歌手, All are she and Kang Shi'an control in the back. As the price, she was almost fumbled and broken up the show for these days. 一切都是她和康世安在背后操控。做为代价,她这几天差点被玩坏了。 Remembers various patterns of last night experiencing, Xu Lu hit a cicada, traces butt, scolded in a low voice: damned pervert.” 想起昨晚经历的各种花样,徐璐打了个寒蝉,摸了摸屁股,低声骂道:“死变态。” She pulled out the cell phone to look at time, plans to take a bath, ended today's exercise. 她掏出手机看了看时间,打算洗个澡,结束今天的锻炼。 Ding!” “叮!” The information reminded, Kang Shi'an: Comes my office, remembers to take a bath 信息提醒,康世安:“来我办公室一趟,记得洗澡” Remembers various patterns of last night experiencing, Xu Lu hit a cicada, traces butt, scolded in a low voice: damned pervert.” 想起昨晚经历的各种花样,徐璐打了个寒蝉,摸了摸屁股,低声骂道:“死变态。” Kang Shi'an recently very Zhong Yi her...... 康世安最近很钟意她的...... Outside the fitness door, assistant Xu Lu's slightly is running, looks all around, immediately discovers her form, flees immediately: Sister Xu, is not good, is not good.” 健身房门外,徐璐的助理小跑着进来,四下环顾,立刻发现她的身影,顿时窜过来:“徐姐,不好了,不好了。” Xu Lu Old God, is gaining ground to take a look at her, knits the brows: Flustered, anything.” 徐璐老神在在,抬头瞅她,皱眉道:“慌慌张张,什么事。” Qin Baobao round of Weibo.” The assistant gasps for breath slightly. 秦宝宝微博了。”助理微微喘气。 Xu Lu laughs at one: Makes her send, cannot raise the storm.” 徐璐嗤笑一声:“让她发呗,掀不起风浪。” The assistant beckons with the hand again and again: This difference, different.” 助理连连摆手:“这次不一样,不一样。” Xu Lu slightly sincere, opens cell phone Weibo, searches Qin Baobao, she not with that little wench mutually powder. 徐璐稍稍正色起来,打开手机微博,搜索秦宝宝,她没和那小蹄子互粉。 Before Qin Baobao two hours, sent Weibo, exactly said, retransmits Weibo, brief and to the point a few words: My younger brother! 秦宝宝两个小时前发了一条微博,确切的说,转发一条微博,言简意赅一句话:我弟弟 Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood: @站在远处看童年: Online news I looked , indicating had a dumbfounded expression, what on that day accompanied Qin Baobao to go to the television station to rehearse was I, did not have what rich second generation, what Lamborghini. Excuse me, you paste a Lamborghini picture, did I become rich second generation? Really thank you these not good media. If you send opensShanghai Tower the picture, I divide minute to become the national richest family. I know that you are also receive money the management, although I am not the person of entertainment world, but similar method saw too. Buys the news, hires internet merc, on this method. The idle talk are not many, everyone please look. ” “网上的新闻我看了,表示一脸懵逼,那天陪秦宝宝去电视台排练的是我,并不存在什么富二代,什么兰博基尼。拜托,你贴一张兰博基尼的照片,我就成富二代了?真谢谢你们这些无良媒体。你们要是发张“sh中心大厦”的照片,那我分分钟成全国首富。我知道你们也是收钱办事,我虽然不是娱乐圈的人,但类似手段见太多了。买新闻,雇水军,也就这点手段。废话不多了,大家请看。” The photo is five electronic pictures of song copyrights. Qin Ze online registers the certificate after copyright, signed he to hit the mosaic, Ze matrix dextrinize. 配图是五张歌曲版权的电子图片。秦泽在网上注册版权后的凭证,署名他打了马赛克,把“泽”字模糊化。 The Xu Lu point opened the picture, the brow jumped jumping. Sneers saying: You contact the media, said, the Qin Baobao Photoshop picture, is more exposed.” 徐璐点开图片,眉头跳了跳。冷笑道:“你去联络媒体,就说,秦宝宝ps照片,欲盖弥彰。” The Internet users did not speak the evidence with you, was not the court, a lie or story repeated often enough will begin to accepted as true, ten people can talk into the fact that was settled the rumor. 网民才不和你讲证据,又不是法庭,三人成虎,十人就能把谣言说成板上钉钉的事实。 too young, too simple. 图样图森破 The assistant complexion is not quite attractive, speaks haltingly saying: Sister Xu, you look at next.” 助理脸色不太好看,嗫嚅道:“徐姐,你看下一条。” The Xu Lu glide screen, saw Qin Baobao's latter Weibo. Has a scare, commentary quantity: 26588 ; give a like: 12209 徐璐滑动屏幕,看见了秦宝宝的后一条微博。吓了一跳,评论数量:26588;点赞:12209 This data is a little scary, the fame that Qin Baobao C-list does not arrive, sends the Weibo two hours, really has so big attention. 这个数据有点吓人,秦宝宝三线不到的名气,发微博两个小时,竟然有如此大的关注量。 Still yes: My younger brother! 仍旧是:我弟弟 With a video. 配一份视频。 The point opens the video, the background is an ordinary living room, the arrangement is simple, neat. A man sits on the sofa, the face hit the mosaic. 点开视频,背景是一个普普通通的客厅,陈设简单,整洁。一个男人坐在沙发上,脸部打了马赛克。 The man in video said: I am Qin Baobao younger brother, un, is the authors of all her original songs. Considering at the event of online noisy talk of the town, I gave an explanation recently here. On that day what accompanied Qin Baobao to rehearse an item on a program was I, in picture that man. Certain vicious people photograph surreptitiously the picture, and manufacture rumor, hires internet merc, I know that who that person is, without the evidence, does not mention names. I also know the verbal statements are no guarantee, everyone does not believe that my words, good, we use the fact to speak.” 视频里的男人道:“我是秦宝宝弟弟,嗯,也就是她所有原创歌曲的作者。鉴于最近在网上闹的满城风雨的事件,我在这里做一个说明。那天陪着秦宝宝排练节目的是我,照片上那个男人。某些用心险恶的人偷拍照片,并且制造谣言,雇佣水军,我知道那个人是谁,没有证据,就不指名道姓了。我也知道空口无凭,大家不会相信我的话,好,我们用事实说话。” Xu Lu sneers, sending the chart is unsafe, comes a video again? The video also how, you said that you are Qin Baobao younger brother, you and that's the end? Even if you are, I can still you be black. Public opinion thing, does not need the evidence and authenticity, whose the right to speak grasps in hand, who is a victor. 徐璐冷笑一声,发图不保险,再来一份视频?视频又怎么样,你说你是秦宝宝弟弟,你就是了?就算你是,我也能把你黑了。舆论这东西,根本不需要证据和真实性,发言权掌握在谁手上,谁就是胜利者。 But at this moment, the lens pull closer, the man point in video turns on two cell phones, the screen jumps out of virtual piano. 可就在这时,镜头拉近,视频里的男人点开两只手机,屏幕跳出虚拟钢琴 Does he want to do? Plays a stringed musical instrument? By this playing a stringed musical instrument? 他想干什么?弹琴?靠这个弹琴? As if in confirming Xu Lu's suspected, the man in video hesitates slightly, both hands place on the virtual keys of two cell phones gently, the next moment, the running water note resounds. 似乎在验证徐璐的猜想,视频里的男人略微沉吟,双手轻轻放在两只手机的虚拟琴键上,下一刻,流水般的音符响起。 «Radiant Goddess»? 光明女神》? Xu Lu stares, this song she has certainly also listened, her age, the school on noon meals and snacks, the campus loudspeaker broadcasts this piano. 徐璐一愣,这支曲子她当然也听过,她那个年代,学校每逢中午饭点,校园喇叭就播这支钢琴 Played also very 6, two cell phones can spring the genuine feeling unexpectedly, making Xu Lu a little fondly remember the middle school years suddenly. 玩的还挺六,两只手机居然能弹出原汁原味的感觉,让徐璐忽然有点怀念中学岁月。 Qin Baobao's younger brother she has seen, heard how many original songs he was the authors of that Xu Lu just started not to believe that young, long was very graceful, seems like university not to graduate, can have such high music attainments? 秦宝宝的弟弟她是见过的,听说他是那几首原创歌曲的作者,徐璐刚开始还不信,年纪轻轻,长的挺帅,看起来似乎大学没毕业,能有这么高的音乐造诣? Now she a little believes. 现在她有点相信了。 Depending on this piano piece, his level decision apex. 凭这首钢琴曲,他的水平决定顶尖。 You relate the media and network internet merc company, making them intensify the effort, I do not believe Qin Baobao also to overturn, ball piano piece, is not what/anything.” Some Xu Lu very static air/Qi, ponder the countermeasure rapidly. “你去联系媒体、网络水军公司,让他们加大力度,我不信秦宝宝还能翻盘,弹个钢琴曲而已,不算什么。”徐璐很有些静气,迅速思考出对策。 Assistant hesitant, said in a low voice: You first look at the video, then considered that hires internet merc to be useful.” 助理犹豫一下,小声道:“您先看完视频,再考虑雇佣水军还有没有用。” Xu Lu strange looks at her one eyes, did not speak, continued to look. 徐璐奇怪的看她一眼,不说话了,继续看着。 piano piece finished. 钢琴曲结束。 She thinks that ended the video to this, may look at a progress bar, progress bar Monarch was away from died in battle also has a section of road. 她原以为视频到此结束,可看了一眼进度条,进度条君距离阵亡还有一段路。 I do not play a song, believes that will play " Radiant Goddess » person is the case everywhere, person but who writes six high-quality songs, are not many. Listens song that I then play, everyone believe me. I truly am the song original man, Qin Baobao do not have the possibility that leeches on moneybags, because all songs are I write.” “我不是要弹一首曲子而已,相信会弹奏《光明女神》的人比比皆是,但写出六首精品歌曲的人,却不多。听完我接下来弹奏的曲子,大家就会相信我了。我的确是歌曲原创者,秦宝宝也不存在傍大款的可能性,因为所有的歌都是我写的。” Sees here, the Xu Lu surging ominous premonition, she felt finally must have an accident. 看到这里,徐璐终于涌起不祥预感,她感觉要出事。 This thought just got up, the lively note makes a sound, in the video, a pair of slender finger beat, the benevolence is good-looking. 这个念头刚起,轻快的音符响起来,视频里,一双修长的手指跳动,善心悦目。 Hearing something never heard of before piano piece. 一首闻所未闻的钢琴曲 The piano sound flutters in the gym, the lively rhythm and interesting to listen. Has to let the charm that the person immerses. 钢琴声飘荡在健身房,节奏明快、动听。有着让人沉醉的魅力。 Some people turned off the treadmill, turns head looks like. 有人关了跑步机,扭头看来。 Some people put down the dumb bells, being able not help collects, wants with careful listening respectfully piano piece. 有人放下哑铃,情不自禁的的凑过来,想跟仔细的聆听钢琴曲 Two...... 一个,两个...... Soon, the Xu Lu side gathered more than ten people, the Star Skills Entertainment staff, without connection small celebrity, trainer wait/etc.. 不多时,徐璐身边聚拢了十几人,星艺娱乐的员工,没有接通告的小明星,健身教练等等。 This song is really of pleasant to hear.” “这支曲子真好听。” Yes, has not listened, overseas which master work?” “是啊,从来没听过,国外哪位大师的作品?” Should be the new work, I study several years later piano, has not seen. Listens to the style, seems like Hull.” “应该是新作品吧,我学过几年钢琴,从没见过。听风格,似乎是赫尔查的。” This young fellow is also good, the cell phone software can spring such exquisite piano piece.” “这小伙子也不错,手机软件都能弹出这么优美的钢琴曲。” Video that Sister Xu, where looks, I also listen.” 徐姐,哪里找来的视频,我也去听听。” Sister Xu, what did this song call?” 徐姐,这曲子叫什么?” The nearby person whispers, Xu Lu suddenly unconsciously, in head chaotic. She wants to continue smearing ink Qin Baobao, seemed somewhat difficult...... 边上的人交头接耳,徐璐恍然不觉,脑袋里乱糟糟的。她想继续抹黑秦宝宝,似乎有些难了...... How smearing ink? 怎么抹黑 Others have the chart to have the truth, forcefully smearing ink is not good, but this video goes against heaven's will, homemade piano piece, but also is so of pleasant to hear. 人家有图有真相也就罢了,强行抹黑不是不行,可这段视频太逆天啊,自创钢琴曲,还这么好听。 She did not suspect that piano piece authenticity, the online expert are too many, if you embezzle some master piano piece, divides minute revealing. 她不怀疑钢琴曲的真实性,网上牛人太多,你要是盗用某位大师钢琴曲,分分钟给揭穿。 How possibly! 怎么可能! How possibly!! 怎么可能!! He how old, really has such attainments. 他才多大年纪,竟然有此等造诣。 Even if Qin Ze writes ten golden tunes again, Xu Lu is not surprised, homemade piano piece was fierce, in the world can shoot the piano person is too many, how many creates piano piece has? 哪怕秦泽再写出十首金曲,徐璐都不惊讶,自创钢琴曲就厉害了,世界上会弹钢琴的人太多,创作钢琴曲的有几个? With the popular song is completely not a level. 与流行歌曲完全不是一个层次。
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