MESIS :: Volume #1

#85: Five girls( third)

Elder sister, I thought of the means.” Qin Ze shouted suddenly. “姐,我想到办法了。”秦泽忽然大喊。 The body that Qin Baobao frightens shakes, the eye is red, tear-stained, looks up him timidly. 秦宝宝吓的身子一抖,眼睛通红,泪痕斑斑,怯生生抬头看他。 I thought of the means.” Qin Ze repeats. “我想到办法了。”秦泽重复一遍。 Any means that frighten others to jump.” Qin Baobao is shrivelled the mouth, without many happy appearance , is clearly insecure to younger brother. “什么办法嘛,吓人家一跳。”秦宝宝瘪着嘴,没多少高兴的神采,很明显,对弟弟缺乏信心。 Qin Ze had to plan, the so-called whoever started the trouble should end it, the incident cause, Qin Baobao was photographed surreptitiously with his intimate action, compiles the rumor to pass to online. After a series of fermentation, the Internet users mold Qin Baobao by accompanying the rich person must come the resources, original song what/anything, at all is not her younger brother writes. Then through agitation of internet merc, the malicious guidance, causing the Qin Baobao reputation to ruin, a lie or story repeated often enough will begin to accepted as true, now online speaking of Qin Baobao, everyone first response definitely spits one: By body high-rank woman. 秦泽有计划了,所谓解铃还须系铃人,事件起因,秦宝宝与他亲密举动被人偷拍,编造谣言传到网上。经过一系列发酵,网民塑造起秦宝宝靠伴大款得来资源,原创歌曲什么的,根本不是她弟弟写的。然后通过水军的煽风点火,恶意引导,致使秦宝宝名誉败坏,三人成虎,现在网上说到秦宝宝,大家第一反应肯定是啐一声:靠身体上位的女人而已。 How to collapse? Is clarified this matter by him. But the netizen not necessarily believes him, internet merc will certainly disturb. Stemming from this thought erroneous zone, Qin Ze denied the idea that oneself acted. 如何破局呢?由他出面澄清此事。但网友不一定相信他,水军一定会捣乱。出于这种思维误区,秦泽才否定了自身出面的想法。 But, if the video. If there is an evidence. 但,如果是视频呢。如果有证据呢。 In the living room, Qin Baobao carries the camera, the lens is aiming at Qin Ze before glass tea table. The doubt said: Does this usefully?” 客厅里,秦宝宝端着摄影机,镜头对准玻璃茶几前的秦泽。狐疑道:“这样做有用吗?” Always compares what/anything not to do strongly.” Before Qin Ze body, is suspending two cell phones, respectively is black powder, he and elder sister's lover funds. “总比什么都不做强。”秦泽身前摆着两只手机,分别是一黑一粉,他和姐姐的情侣款。 Can start?” Qin Baobao asked. “可以开始了吗?”秦宝宝问。 Starts.” Qin Ze nods. “开始吧。”秦泽点头。 I am Qin Baobao younger brother, un, is the authors of all her original songs. Considering at the event of online noisy talk of the town, I gave an explanation recently here. On that day what accompanied Qin Baobao to rehearse an item on a program was I, in picture that man. Certain vicious people photograph surreptitiously the picture, and manufacture rumor, hires internet merc, I know that who that person is, without the evidence, does not mention names. I also know the verbal statements are no guarantee, everyone does not believe that my words, good, we use the fact to speak.” “我是秦宝宝弟弟,嗯,也就是她所有原创歌曲的作者。鉴于最近在网上闹的满城风雨的事件,我在这里做一个说明。那天陪着秦宝宝排练节目的是我,照片上那个男人。某些用心险恶的人偷拍照片,并且制造谣言,雇佣水军,我知道那个人是谁,没有证据,就不指名道姓了。我也知道空口无凭,大家不会相信我的话,好,我们用事实说话。” Saying, the Qin Ze unlocking two cell phones, is opening already downloads well piano app. 说着,秦泽解锁两只手机,打开早就下载好的“钢琴”app。 Qin Baobao is winking the pupil of bright as crystals, anticipates is also curious, does not know that younger brother must put in order what make trouble out of nothing. Qin Ze only said that makes her help record. 秦宝宝眨着亮晶晶的眸子,期待又好奇,不知道弟弟要整什么幺蛾子秦泽只说让她帮忙录像。 At this time, a note resounded. Slightly, following note like running water engagement on. 这时,一个音符响起。微微一顿后,后续音符如流水般衔接而上。 Qin Baobao fiercely stares wide-eyed, this is...... piano piece! 秦宝宝猛地瞪大眼睛,这是......钢琴曲 Qin Baobao has listened to this piano piece, because is too famous, one of the world Ten Great Piano Pieces, «Radiant Goddess», the creation and 1946 France, the author was the French romantic poet, and musician. At that time the second war just ended. French all neglected tasks being undertaken, the livelihood of the people are bleak. Although ended the war, but lives as before poverty-stricken desperate. This song is then born under such background. 秦宝宝听过这支钢琴曲,因为太出名,世界十大钢琴曲之一,《光明女神》,创作与1946年的法国,作者是法国浪漫主义诗人,兼音乐家。那时候二战刚刚结束。法国百废俱兴,民生萧条。虽然结束了战争,但生活依旧困苦的让人绝望。这首歌便是在这样的背景下诞生。 piano piece first half, low sorrowful, as if weeping and complaining, each note makes one have depressed, lives touchingly hopelessly. Just like then France. May arrive at the latter half, the song in vain changes, is transferred low resoundingly, is transferred sorrowfully excitedly. The syllable increased successively, was full of the fervor and future hope of struggle. 钢琴曲的前半段,低靡哀婉,如泣如诉,每个音符都让人心生郁结,感人生无望。正如当时的法国社会。可到了后半段,曲子徒然一变,由低靡转为高亢,由哀婉转为激动。音节节节攀升,充满了奋斗的激情和未来的期盼。 «Radiant Goddess» this piano piece, is representing composer's yearning to future life, the hope to country, rebuilds one's homeland in the ruins, seeks for the truth in the misery. Believes that dark is short, the French people welcomed the light eventually. 光明女神》这支钢琴曲,代表着作曲人对未来生活的向往,对国家的期盼,在废墟中重建家园,在苦难中寻找真理。坚信黑暗是短暂的,法国人民终究迎来光明。 Qin Baobao looks and listening, the surging emotions turn well up, seemed knew Qin Ze. She has never thought younger brother has such a acting cool masterstroke/divine skill. 秦宝宝愣愣看着、听着,心潮翻涌,好似重新认识了秦泽。她从未想过自己弟弟有这么一手装逼神技。 On the sofa, the close man, he walks tall, the finger dances in the air, handsome like butterfly. cheek is handsome, the look concentrates on. Such younger brother is really charming, any woman looked, will palpitate with excitement. 沙发上,近在咫尺的这个男人,他挺直腰杆,手指飞舞,翩翩如蝴蝶。侧脸俊朗,眼神专注。这样的弟弟真迷人啊,任何女人看了,都会怦然心动。 Last note dissipates slowly, piano piece finished. 最后一个音符缓缓消散,钢琴曲结束。 Qin Baobao said subconsciously: Was OK?” 秦宝宝下意识道:“可以了吗?” Qin Ze made breathing out the hand signal, said lightly: I do not play a song, believes that will play " Radiant Goddess » person is the case everywhere, person but who writes six high-quality songs, are not many. Listens song that I then play, everyone believe me. I truly am the song original man, Qin Baobao do not have the possibility that leeches on moneybags, because all songs are I write.” 秦泽做了个“嘘”的手势,淡淡道:“我不是要弹一首曲子而已,相信会弹奏《光明女神》的人比比皆是,但写出六首精品歌曲的人,却不多。听完我接下来弹奏的曲子,大家就会相信我了。我的确是歌曲原创者,秦宝宝也不存在傍大款的可能性,因为所有的歌都是我写的。” Qin Baobao was shocked, at this moment has the words of mirror, she thinks that oneself expression affirmed hold continuously. 秦宝宝惊呆了,此刻有镜子的话,她想自己的表情肯定hold不住。 Fierce my younger brother, how you do not ascend the sky. 厉害了我的弟,你怎么不上天啊。 invisibly acting cool is most fatal. 无形装逼最为致命。 Qin Baobao makes an effort to give Qin Ze to hit the meaningful glance, making him not patronize acting cool, the boast is saying, very easily by hit the face. But Qin Ze ignores her, the vision concentrates on, the facial expression is meaningful, seeming oneself is really big pianist. 秦宝宝使劲给秦泽打眼色,让他别光顾着装逼,大话说出口,很容易被打脸。但秦泽不睬她,目光专注,神情隽永,好似自己真的是位大钢琴师 Slightly a fermentation, the finger dances in the air on the virtual key again. 略一酝酿,手指重新在虚拟琴键上飞舞。 Qin Baobao has never listened to piano piece reveals itself, this is very gentle piano piece, does not have sorrowful of chilly fan , without the indignant world to be jealous the vulgar spirit, has not yearned for bright endeavor. 一支秦宝宝从未听过的钢琴曲出世,这是一支很平缓的钢琴曲,没有凄迷的哀婉,没有愤世妒俗的激昂,没有向往光明的奋进。 It is leisurely, the rhythm is exquisite, affectionate, happy, happy and happy. 它轻缓悠扬,节奏优美,深情、美好、幸福、愉快舒畅。 Qin Baobao can not help, closes the eye, listens respectfully to the song, in the mind is outlining a gentle and beautiful female image. She is talking with the boyfriend, exudes the euphonious clear laughter, the active melody, seems the young girl bright and cheerful intonation. The song advances layer upon layer, not restrainable warm resembles flame combustion. When the music gradually becomes gentle, as if pair of a lover who holds the palm reading to look, frames in the music of dissemination gradually...... 秦宝宝情不自禁,闭上眼睛,聆听着曲子,脑海中勾勒出一位温柔、美丽的女子形象。她在和情郎交谈,发出银铃般清脆的笑声,活跃的旋律,仿佛是少女明朗而欢快的语调。曲子层层推进,不可抑制的热情像火焰般地燃烧起来。当音乐逐渐变得轻柔时,仿佛一对执手相看的恋人,在渐渐弥散的音乐中定格...... Deluded that she listens, when the song finished does not know. 她听的如痴如醉,什么时候曲子结束都不知道。 This song, is my beginning of the year time creates, the name was 《For Qin Baobao》.” The Qin Ze's sound pulls back the reality her. “这支曲子,是我年初的时候创作,名字叫《致秦宝宝》。”秦泽的声音把她拉回现实。 «Fur Elise (For Elise)», he piano piece that exchanges from the music base, is different unifies the selling price from other popular songs is 30 points, it 60 points can exchange, enough one time. Parallel world also has Ten Great Piano Pieces, Qin Ze looked that this name is pleasing to the eyes, exchanged, is convenient is exchanging intermediate piano proficient. In addition «Radiant Goddess» spends 160 points( Radiant Goddess is the piano proficient handout). 致爱丽丝》,他从音乐库兑换出来的钢琴曲,不同于其他流行歌曲统一售价为30点积分,它得60点积分才能兑换,足足一倍。平行世界也有十大钢琴曲,秦泽看这支名字顺眼,就兑换了,顺手在兑换中级钢琴精通。加上《光明女神》共花费160积分(光明女神钢琴精通赠送品)。 Touched elder sister butt couple days ago, his points continuously on hold. 要不是前几天摸了姐姐屁股,他的积分就hold不住了。 Spending easy money-making to be difficult. 花钱容易赚钱难。 Qin Baobao preserved the video, puts the videocorder gently on the sofa. 秦宝宝保存了视频,把录像机轻轻搁在沙发上。 „Does A'Ze, write for my?” Qin Baobao phoenix eye blooming radiant ray. 阿泽,写给我的?”秦宝宝凤眼绽放璀璨光芒。 Un.” Qin Ze nods. “嗯。”秦泽点头。 Then, he discovered the elder sister's look is not a little right. Immediately awakens, what this piano piece lecture is the love, how elder sister and younger brother can have the love. This thought just emerged, he by the Qin Baobao strong kiss. 说完,他发现姐姐的眼神有点不对。立刻醒悟,这支钢琴曲讲的是爱情,姐弟怎么能有爱情。这个念头刚刚涌现,他就被秦宝宝强吻了。 elder sister swoops to his arms, the strength is aggressive, overthrows him directly on the sofa , the soft moist fragrant lip pasted. 姐姐飞扑到他怀里,力道生猛,直接把他推倒在沙发上,紧接着,柔软湿润的香唇贴了上来。 Qin Ze was shocked, long time does not dare to move, lies does not dare to move in her Qin Baobao, the lip is pasting the lip, in thorough does not dare. Is away from 36 D to feel her hysterical/frenzy the heartbeat. 秦泽惊呆了,半晌不敢动,趴在她身上的秦宝宝也不敢动,唇贴着唇,在深入就不敢了。隔着36d都能感受到她狂乱的心跳。 He remembers that famous Overbearing President lines: The women you are playing with fire. 他想起那句著名的霸道总裁台词:女人你这是在玩火。 Qin Baobao is straight the body, the elegant face faints red, charming eyes like the silk, supported was saying: elder sister kisses reward fragrant, the pleasant surprise is not pleasantly surprised, accident/surprise not accidental/surprised......” 秦宝宝直起身子,俏脸晕红,媚眼如丝,强撑着说:“姐姐香吻奖励,惊喜不惊喜,意外不意外......” Good wants to look for a crack to worm one's way into. 好想找个地缝钻进去。 Qin Ze moistens one's lips with the tongue: What does this and usually have to distinguish?” 秦泽舔舔嘴唇:“这和平时有什么区别?” Although shocks the elder sister's action, quick and tranquil, similar kissing has had twice, he is very calm. 虽然震惊姐姐的举动,很快又平静下来,类似的亲嘴有过两次,他已经很淡定了。 Qin Baobao does not know how to think, made a big red painted-face. Rouses the cheek: This is the updated version, how you also want. Snort, beast.” 秦宝宝不知怎么想的,闹了个大红脸。鼓腮:“这是升级版,你还想怎么样。哼,禽兽。” Qin Ze said: Too was a moment ago quick, I have not appreciated carefully.” 秦泽说:“刚才太快了,我还没细细体味。” The Qin Baobao eyebrow is but actually vertical: „Do you also want to appreciate carefully?” 秦宝宝眉毛倒竖:“你还想细细体味?” Qin Ze is lying: That is my first kiss.” 秦泽扯着谎:“那是我初吻。” The Qin Baobao heart said, first kiss of nonsense, do not think I do not know these matters that you do. 秦宝宝心说,狗屁的初吻,别以为我不知道你做的那些事。 She is somewhat flustered, damned animal younger brother depends toward her, link holds in the arms her slender Small Waist. Qin Baobao both hands make an effort to push and shove, said that does not want. 她有些心慌,鬼畜弟弟朝她靠过来,环手搂住她纤细小蛮腰秦宝宝双手使劲推搡,说不要不要。 Tries again one time! Qin Ze is roaring elder sister. 再试一次!秦泽哄着姐姐 Some Qin Baobao resistances. 秦宝宝还是有些抗拒。 Later do not enter the film and television circle? If by some chance there is a kiss play? When previews ahead of time.” Qin Ze said: You looked, gives to the stranger with it, might as well we first try. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field.” “你以后不是要进影视圈吗?万一有吻戏呢?就当提前预演么。”秦泽说:“你看,与其献给陌生人,还不如咱们先试试。肥水不流外人田。” Qin Baobao heartbeat such as crazy, somewhat cannot bear the vision that Qin Ze drools. That difference, the feeling of crisp mama flood opens in the deep place at heart, although thought that don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field this saying to be not right, is blurry un. 秦宝宝心跳如狂,有些受不了秦泽垂涎的目光。那种异样的,酥酥麻麻的感觉在心里深处泛开,虽然觉得“肥水不流外人田”这话不对劲,还是迷迷糊糊的“嗯”了一声。 Has had in any case twice, when kisses play ahead of time to preview. 反正有过两次,就当“吻戏”提前预演。 She actually does not know, actually has had three times. 她却不知道,其实有过三次。 Qin Baobao forgot quite the same as, the so-called kiss play is Qin Ze talks nonsense. 秦宝宝浑然忘了,所谓吻戏是秦泽瞎扯淡。 Qin Ze lowers the head including the elder sister's lip, the pleasantly warm slippery feeling transmits again, she emits such as orchid aura. 秦泽低头含住姐姐的唇,温软湿滑的感觉再次传来,还有她喷吐的如兰气息。 Subconscious, Qin Ze sucked two ruthlessly, in the Qin Baobao throat heard the depressing hum/snort. The head will lean slightly in the future, resembling to avoid. 下意识的,秦泽狠狠吮了两口,秦宝宝喉中传来压抑的哼声。脑袋微微往后倾,似想避开。 The Qin Ze both arms run metal into cracks the elder sister's waist, stretches out the tongue to pry open white/shell tooth, touches inside lilac little tongue, elder sister and younger brother two simultaneously trembles. 秦泽双臂锢住姐姐的腰,伸出舌头撬开贝齿,触碰里面的丁香小舌,姐弟齐齐一颤。 Sufficed, sufficed......” “够,够了……” Qin Baobao thrust aside Qin Ze, the big mouth respite, the cheek lump red such as is drunk, charming eyes like silk. 秦宝宝用力推开秦泽,大口喘息,脸蛋坨红如醉,媚眼如丝。 Qin Ze turns head slightly, does not look at the elder sister attractive appearance. 秦泽微微扭头,不去看姐姐诱人模样。 My my I...... went to the room.” Qin Baobao returns to the room. “我我我……回房间了。”秦宝宝逃回房间。 After elder sister leaves, Qin Ze looks down own anger spiritedly somewhere, relaxes, had not been discovered fortunately. 姐姐离开后,秦泽低头看自己的怒意昂扬的某处,松了口气,还好没被发现。 He looks at oneself right hand again, five girls, are you best. 他再看自己的右手,五姑娘,还是你最好。
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