MESIS :: Volume #1

#84: killing move( second)

Qin Baobao and Qin Ze look at each other, frowns saying: Had an accident, was which rich person I accompanied?” 秦宝宝秦泽相视一眼,蹙眉道:“出什么事了,是不是我又伴了哪位大款?” Qin Ze fishes out the cell phone, the unlocking screen, the internet inquires. 秦泽摸出手机,解锁屏幕,上网查询。 Li Yanhong anxious hǒu hǒu said: „It is not this, you, your new song......” 李艳红吼吼道:“不是这个,你,你的新歌......” My new song how?” Qin Baobao one cold. “我的新歌怎么了?”秦宝宝一凛。 You rehearse the new song in the television station, was recorded to pass to online.” “你在电视台排练新歌,被人录音传到网上了。” Qin Baobao dumbfounded, the top of the head as if there is startling thunderclap to pound down. 秦宝宝呆住了,头顶仿佛有惊雷砸下。 Finger of Qin Ze glide screen, the complexion changed, solemnly said: Asked her what's the matter.” 秦泽滑动屏幕的手指一顿,脸色变了,沉声道:“问她怎么回事。” Qin Baobao recovers, the elegant face turns white slightly, is supporting not by oneself flurriedly, how you know that in which online?” 秦宝宝回过神来,俏脸略微发白,强撑着不让自己慌乱,“你怎么知道的,在哪个网上?” Video that Weibo, a trumpet sends. I handle arrival and departure on the chain your cell phone.” Li Yanhong said, made the telephone call. 微博,一个小号发的视频。我把链接发你手机上。”李艳红说完,挂了电话。 Li Yanhong shared one to link Qin Baobao Weibo. 李艳红分享了一个链接到秦宝宝微博 Weibo that not a well-known trumpet sends, supplementary video. Title: The Qin Baobao new song flows out, do not ask that who I am, my name was Lei Feng! 一个不知名的小号发的微博,附带视频。标题:秦宝宝新歌流出,别问我是谁,我的名字叫雷锋 This Weibo sends before two hours, attention increases successively. Has the 100,000 click, the 2,000 many commentaries. 这条微博在两个小时前发的,关注度节节攀升。已经有十万点击,两千多条评论。 Qin Baobao deeply inspires, selects the video, in video only then a cell phone, cell phone broadcast sound recording, although the sound distorts slightly, and static are many, but Qin Baobao listens immediately is own sound, the song and melody are impossible to make a mistake, Qin Ze to the song that she writes, no one will sing. 秦宝宝深吸一口气,点开视频,视频里只有一部手机,手机播放录音,尽管声音略微失真,且杂音很多,但秦宝宝立刻就听出是自己的声音,歌曲和旋律不可能出错,秦泽给她写的歌,没人会唱。 This song is good, listens to have the feeling very much.” “这首歌不错,听着很有感觉。” Sound is a little strange , Qin Baobao's sound? Was she before lip-sync.” “声音有点奇怪,诶,秦宝宝的声音?她以前是不是假唱啊。” Location recording, the static are many, the sound does not raise, the melody of this song, is good. But before feeling was not of pleasant to hear.” “现场录音,杂音多,声音不提,这首歌的旋律,还是不错的。但感觉没有以前的好听了。” Is before really inferior, has not listened to this song of pleasant to hear.” “真的不如以前,没听出这首歌有多好听。” Uh, represented Qin Baobao to start to go down hill.” ,是不是代表着秦宝宝开始走下坡路了。” Is unavoidable, who can depend on the original high-quality goods to walk , the high-quality song is so easy to create.” “在所难免,谁能一直靠原创精品走下去,哦,精品歌这么容易创作啊。” Means that the Qin Baobao's scenery, did believe again the next issue quickly to the end, she must sing others' song.” “意味着秦宝宝的风光快到头了,信不信再下一期,她就得唱别人的歌了。” Just made the reputation crisis, explodes the rehearsal song? hē hē, whom Qin Baobao offended.” “刚闹出名声危机,又爆排练歌曲?呵呵,秦宝宝得罪谁了。” „If such song, next issue of elimination was Qin Baobao right.” “如果是这样的歌,下一期淘汰者是秦宝宝没错了。” Qin Baobao flustered thoroughly, the subconsciousness catches the Qin Ze's arm, brings the weeping voice: A'Ze, what to do.” 秦宝宝彻底慌了,下意识拽住秦泽的胳膊,带着哭腔:“阿泽,怎么办。” She in most no use the most startled time, the thought person, the person who wants to rely on, is younger brother. 她在最无助最惊慌的时刻,想到的人,想依赖的人,是身边的弟弟 The recording exposure of rehearsal song in online, without doubt is to the Qin Baobao's huge blow, what the original song is fastidious about? Mystery! Also it can be said that laughs uproariously, one of the Qin Baobao dependence sharp weapons. 排练歌曲的录音曝光在网上,无疑是对秦宝宝的巨大打击,原创歌曲讲究什么?神秘感!也可以说是噱头,秦宝宝依赖的利器之一。 Now this song exposes, means that the audience will lose the curiosity. 现在这首歌给人曝出来,意味着观众将失去新鲜感。 Everyone has listened to this song, the key is, the audition effect is very bad. The sound distorts, the static are many, is not very clear. Netizens experience is very bad. Later, even if Qin Baobao sang this, the audience will still feel , this. 大家都听过这首歌,关键是,试听效果还很糟糕。声音失真,杂音多,不够清晰。网友的“体验”很差。以后,就算秦宝宝把这首歌唱好了,观众也会觉得,哦,也就这样。 Qin Ze and Qin Baobao are the entertainment world rookie, experience of processing similar issue are insufficient, where time thinks countermeasure. 秦泽秦宝宝都是娱乐圈新人,处理类似问题的经验不够,一时间哪里想的出应对之策。 Misfortune never come singly, shortly, Xu Lu sent a video in Weibo. 一波未平一波又起,没多久,徐璐微博发了一个视频。 In the video, a Xu Lu leisure dresses up, because must take a good photo, drew the makeup to accommodate. 视频里,徐璐一身休闲打扮,但因为要上镜,画了妆容。 Today online sees that the company rookie Qin Baobao rehearsal song was exposed, first I must denounce severely this behavior. I and Qin Baobao relate in secret well, she sang is very good, moreover really very diligently. Online these said that she sang general, not the good person, your commentaries were too subjective. With this song, the rare high-quality goods, I thought that needs to help Qin Baobao rectify names!” “今天在网上看到公司的新人秦宝宝排练歌曲被人曝光,首先我要痛斥这种行为。我和秦宝宝私底下关系不错,她唱歌很好,而且真的很努力。网上那些说她唱歌一般、不好的人,你们的评论太主观。就拿这首歌来说吧,难得的精品,我觉得需要帮秦宝宝正名!” The picture switching, presenting the equipment is neat, light gentle recording room. 画面切换,出现设备齐整,灯光柔和的录音室。 Xu Lu has the monitor headphone, the singing sound hikes up: 徐璐戴着监听耳机,歌声飘起: Writes a letter to tell me today, the sea is what color.” “写信告诉我今天,海是什么颜色。” Every night accompanies your sea, how the mood has.” “夜夜陪着你的海,心情有如何。” Grey does not want to say that the blue color is melancholy.” “灰色是不想说,蓝色是忧郁。” However you who drift, the heart of high sea, where stops.” “而漂泊的你,狂浪的心,停在哪里。” Writes a letter to tell me tonight, you want dream what/anything.” “写信告诉我今夜,你想要梦什么。” Inside and outside dream I whether, keeps you from choosing.” “梦里外的我是否,都让你无从选择。” I am clutching a heart, all night being able to close one's eyes eyeball.” “我揪着一颗心,整夜都闭不了眼睛。” Why you are moved obviously, actually does not approach.” “为何你明明动了情,却又不靠近。” Listens, the sound that the sea cries, was beweeping who was been sad “听,海哭的声音,叹惜着谁又被伤了心” Actually also not sober ....... “却还不清醒.......” Video fire. 视频火了。 Is lucky rapidly. 迅速走红。 Hit rate explosive table. 点击量爆表。 The netizens startled are the Celestials: 网友们惊为天人: „, This song was so of pleasant to hear.” “哇,原来这首歌这么好听。” Approved, listened repeatedly.” “太赞了,听了一遍又一遍。” To a Xu Lu to praise, really upholds justice. Takes care of the company rookie.” “给徐璐点个赞,真仗义。照顾公司新人。” Fierce my Xu Lu.” “厉害了我的徐璐。” Goddess sang really of pleasant to hear, you take this song sing in «Singer», swept away all obstacles absolutely.” 女神唱歌真好听,你拿着这首歌在《歌星》里唱,绝对所向披靡。” Do not tease, this song is the Qin Baobao's song, the copyright not Xu Lu here.” “别逗,这歌是秦宝宝的歌,版权不在徐璐这里。” After all is the singer makes a debut, the art or technique of singing cannot dispute, reviews Qin Baobao's that excerpt, what sang was what/anything, cannot compare completely!” “毕竟是歌手出道的,唱功没的说,反观秦宝宝的那段录音,唱的是什么啊,完全不能比吗!” I calculated to understand, Qin Baobao depended entirely on the original song, actually the art or technique of singing was not good. Listens to my family Xu Lu to sing, without the contrast , there would be no injury.” “我算明白了,秦宝宝全靠原创歌曲,其实唱功不行。听听我家徐璐唱的,没有对比就没有伤害。” hē hē, Xu Lu this sang, did Qin Baobao have a face in program sings this song?” 呵呵,徐璐这一唱,秦宝宝还有脸在节目里唱这首歌?” Has saying that the Xu Lu's sound is more vigorous, truly suits compared with Qin Baobao sings this song. 不得不说,徐璐的声音更浑厚,确实比秦宝宝适合唱这首歌。 Qin Ze scolded one grass. 秦泽骂了一声“草”。 Rectifies names for Qin Baobao? 秦宝宝正名? Rectifies names for this song? 为这首歌正名? Believes you, my too young, too simple. 信你,我就图样图森破 Who if before also indefinite were in back smearing ink Qin Baobao, then can definitely speculate Xu Lu now! 如果之前还不确定是谁在背后抹黑秦宝宝,那么现在完全可以推测出来徐璐 Xu Lu has wanted to recapture " Singer » honored guest position from the Qin Baobao hand, in the program PK link by Qin Baobao by ancient customs song hit the face, the enmity of hit the face was been maliciously absolutely irreconcilable. Said with the technical expression: She has the motive. 徐璐一直想从秦宝宝手中夺回《歌星》的嘉宾位置,在节目pk环节被秦宝宝以古风歌曲狠狠打脸,打脸之仇不共戴天。用专业术语说:她有作案动机。 Buys news smearing ink Qin Baobao, is only the first step. 买新闻抹黑秦宝宝,只是第一步。 The exposure program location recording, is the second step. 曝光节目现场录音,是第二步。 Finally by rectifying names famous charitable auction video, is final killing move. 最后以“正名”的名义拍这一段视频,则是最后的杀招 Moreover, she sang on oneself Weibo, has not gained by it, the legal perspective, Xu Lu has not infringed upon the right. 而且,她只是在自己微博上唱歌,并没有靠它盈利,法律角度上来说,徐璐并没有侵权。 Looked that the online commentary knows, without the contrast , there would be no injury. This video, the audience is clear to feel disparity between Xu Lu and Qin Baobao, nonsense, one is to confuse the sound recording of static, one is the video of specialized recording room. 看网上的评论就知道,没有对比就没有伤害。这段视频一出,观众明确感受到徐璐秦宝宝之间的差距,废话,一个是混淆杂音的录音,一个是专业录音室的视频。 Heavenly King Heavenly Queen hold continuously. 天王天后都hold不住。 The caused result is, the netizen supports her lopsided. Not only suppressed Qin Baobao, and gains the reputation, but also affects her program. It may be said that killing several birds with one stone. 导致的结果是,网友一面倒的支持她。既打压了秦宝宝,又赚到名声,还影响她的节目。可谓一石数鸟。 The matter that Qin Ze can think, Qin Baobao was praised intelligent clever IQ at a young age, naturally can also get. 秦泽能想到的事,秦宝宝自小被夸赞聪明伶俐的智商,自然也能get到。 The whole body of elder sister air/Qi trembles, wishes one could to look for Xu Lu to breakneck, good IQ online, is forcefully calm, clenching jaws said: Is Xu Lu, on that day we rehearsed, she is also singing. She has the opportunity, there is a reason sound recording. The picture definitely is also she shoots. Online is black my internet merc, is she is up to mischief completely.” 姐姐气的浑身发抖,恨不得找徐璐玩命,还好智商在线,强行冷静,咬牙切齿的说:“是徐璐,那天我们排练,她也在唱。她有机会,也有理由录音。照片肯定也是她拍的。还有网上黑我的水军,全部是她搞鬼。” It is not right, she infringed upon the right. 不对,她侵权了。 Qin Ze brow raised: I remember in the music copyright, broadcast power. She has not undergone my agreement, passes to arbitrarily online, this is the right infringement.” 秦泽眉头一挑:“我记得音乐著作权里,有一条广播权。她没经过我的同意,擅自传到网上,这是侵权。” He has special has paid attention to the relevant law knowledge. 他有专门关注过相关法律知识。 Qin Baobao eyes shined, is dim immediately, even this, cannot recall her reputation loss. 秦宝宝眼睛一亮,随即黯淡,就算这样,也挽回不了她的名誉损失。 At least cannot make her feel better.” Qin Ze said bitterly. “至少不能让她好过。”秦泽恨恨道。 Xu Lu mixed so many year of entertainment world, clear, easily will not definitely fall the person handle, quick, she deleted the video. 徐璐混了这么多年娱乐圈,门儿清,肯定不会这么轻易落人把柄,很快,她删视频了。 The goal has been achieved. 目的已经达到。 Qin Ze sighed. 秦泽叹了口气。 Qin Baobao grasps the cell phone, dials manager, discussed the countermeasure. 秦宝宝抓起手机,拨通经纪人,商量对策。 Qin Ze turn around the living room, took the ash-tray to come back, sits near the desk, lit the cigarette, selfish smoking like a chimney. 秦泽反身到客厅,拿了烟灰缸回来,坐在书桌边,“”点燃香烟,自顾自的吞云吐雾。 elder sister sits on the bed, mumbling telephones, the tone is quite excited. 姐姐坐在床上,叽里咕噜打电话,语气颇为激动。 The Qin Ze finger is clamping the smoke, turned head to visit her, then looked at the ceiling, the brain is revolving high-speed. 秦泽手指夹着烟,扭头看了看她,然后望着天花板,大脑高速运转。 The aspect is bad, elder sister received the honorary crisis, the participating song of careful preparation was exposed, no matter what it gets down, next issue of elimination ready ready is she. Caused biggest consequence, is not the Qin Baobao's artist profession is at a low, but is his Qin Ze points reset, passed the remaining years of life by the condition of vegetable on the hospital bed. He must find the way to collapse. 局面非常糟糕,姐姐受到了名誉危机,精心准备的参赛歌曲又被曝光,任其下去,下一期淘汰者妥妥是她。导致的最大后果,不是秦宝宝的艺人生涯陷入低谷,而是他秦泽积分清零,以植物人的状态在病床上度过余生。他必须想办法破局。 Dammit, metropolis relaxed class/flow of reaching an agreement. 妈蛋,说好的都市轻松流呢。 On the other hand, the quest real pit father who system gives, about damned animal quest 100 points , helping Qin Baobao mount total star quest, actually only reward 500 points. 话说回来,系统给的任务真坑爹,鬼畜任务一百积分左右,助秦宝宝登上总歌王任务,却只奖励五百积分 I might as well touch several elder sister butt, in not only safe and enjoys. 我还不如多摸几次姐姐屁股,在既安全又享受。 How to collapse? 如何破局? The outgoing message clarifies, on that day the one who said hugged the Qin Baobao shoulder was oneself, rather than rich second generation. It is not good, this matter more traces is blacker, picture Qin Ze of that day has not beamed with joy, this is very difficult to talk clearly, the sane netizen will awaken, but if Xu Lu then buys the news, said Qin Baobao to quibble, pushes younger brother to come out to withstand/top the vat, most netizens are extremely also irrational, the consequence can let event worse. After all, the public opinion grasps in the opposite party hand, one's own side does not have money to buy the news, that side Star Skills Entertainment is also unreliable. 发文澄清,说那天搂秦宝宝肩膀的是自己,而不是富二代。不行,这种事越描越黑,那天的照片秦泽没露脸,这个很难说清楚,理智的网友会醒悟,但如果徐璐回头又买新闻,说秦宝宝狡辩,推弟弟出来顶缸,大部分网友又极其不理性,后果可以让事件更加恶劣化。毕竟,舆论掌握在对方手上,己方没钱买新闻,星艺娱乐那边又靠不住。 Trades a song! 换首歌! This does not have the issue, he has the song storehouse of capacity for alcohol, but doesn't the root of issue have the song, but is the Qin Baobao's reputation is seriously battered, the audience is not necessarily convinced. 这个没问题,他有海量的歌曲库,但问题的根源不是有没有歌,而是秦宝宝的名誉遭受重创,观众未必买账。 Online does not know that has how much powders to transfer black. 网上不知道有多少粉转黑。 Qin Ze is smoking, the brain revolves high-speed. 秦泽抽着烟,大脑高速运转。 First must solve the reputation problem...... 首先要解决名声问题...... The song must certainly trade, trading what song is quite appropriate...... 歌是肯定要换的,换什么歌比较合适...... Suddenly, careful weeping sound interrupts his mentality. 忽然,一阵细细的哭声打断他的思路。 When Qin Baobao does not know, hung up the telephone, the duck of very evident chest sits, the left hand entrains the cell phone, the right hand is wiping the tears, sad helpless likely little girl. Obviously, manager Li Yanhong is also helpless. 秦宝宝不知何时,挂断了电话,很凸显胸部的鸭子坐,左手拽手机,右手抹着泪,伤心无助像个小女孩。显然,经纪人李艳红也无能为力。 In the room the smog winds around. 房间里烟雾缭绕。 Qin Ze sets out to open a window, the loose smoke, looks at eye socket pink elder sister, at heart inexplicable stabbing pain. 秦泽起身开窗,散散烟味,看着眼圈桃红的姐姐,心里莫名刺痛。 Do not cry, I try to find the solution.” Qin Ze comforts elder sister. “别哭,我来想办法。”秦泽安慰姐姐 Qin Baobao cries suddenly: You can have what means that you do not understand the way of entertainment world, you will write the song, but Sister Li said that even if trades a song, the audience will not be convinced, they disliked me, wū wū wū......” 秦宝宝忽然大哭:“你能有什么办法,你又不懂娱乐圈的门道,你就会写歌,可李姐说了,就算换首歌,观众也不会买账了,他们都讨厌我了,呜呜呜......” The elder sister's glass heart broke to pieces, sobs, nasal mucus tears. 姐姐的玻璃心又碎了,抽抽噎噎,一把鼻涕一把泪。 She makes me be mentally prepared, next issue of I must certainly eliminate.” “她让我做好心理准备,下一期我肯定要淘汰了。” Eliminates? 淘汰? points reset? 积分清零? Qin Ze hit to tremble, arises spontaneously the powerful sense of fear. 秦泽打了个哆嗦,油然而生强大恐惧感。 Under the tremendous pressure, in the mind the lightning has delimited, miraculous glow one presently. 巨大压力之下,脑海里闪电划过,灵光一现。
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